My Natural Remedies Shopping List

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How to make natural remedies in bulk- with my personal bulk shopping list
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » My Natural Remedies Shopping List

This is the time of year when I re-organize, reevaluate, and stock up on our needed supplies for the year. Right now, my regular organizational efforts are turbo-charged thanks to nesting and I’m taking advantage of the extra energy to order the items on my natural remedies shopping list and pre-make many remedies/beauty products before the baby comes.

A reader recently asked me what supplies I stock up on and always keep on hand for natural remedies and DIY projects and since I just re-organized my remedies cabinet and restocked, I figured I’d share.

I’ve divided this into sections based on bulk ingredients and supplies I keep on hand, herbs and spices, and other ingredients and linked to the specific ingredients I use:

Ingredients and Supplies

These are the ingredients I use most often for natural remedies and DIY projects and that I order in bulk to save money over the long-term. I’ve listed two sources for each ingredient so you can choose which source is a better deal for you. If you have Amazon Prime Pantry, you can find great deals there.

Please note that I have acquired these ingredients over time and didn’t purchase them all at once, but now that I have them all, they help me save money while using natural products.

My Natural Remedies Shopping List

My Amazon Natural Remedies Shopping List

Other Supplies

Bulk Herbs and Spices

Mountain Rose Herbs offers discounts of up to 25% of bulk orders of herbs and spices so I typically order in bulk once a year to qualify for the discounts. In these cases, MRH is much more budget-friendly, even with shipping. If you prefer, you can often also find these bulk herbs on Amazon. I’ve ordered organic herbs from Frontier and Starwest Botanicals in the past.

Remedies I Make In Bulk

This is also the time of year when I make many of my natural remedies in bulk and re-stock any that I’ve run out of in the past year. As most infused oils, salves and lotions that I make are exclusively oil based, they last for years if kept cool and dry, so I don’t have to re-make all of these each year. The beauty of doing this all at once (besides saving money ordering the ingredients in bulk) is that many can be made in the same pans and containers so it also reduces cleaning quite a bit.

Bulk Remedy Recipes

These are the infused oils, salves, lotions and syrups and remedies I’m making this week with the ingredients I ordered above (click each one for the full recipe):

Tinctures, Vinegars and Liniments

I also pre-make most tinctures in bulk so I have them on hand when needed. Tinctures last years and years if properly made so I often still have some of these left over, but still make new batches as a good tincture takes weeks or months to prepare properly.

These are the tinctures, liniments and infused vinegars I am making this week- note that any of the tinctures below can be made alcohol-free by following these instructions.

Note: Any herb can be made into a tincture with this process, just make sure that you’ve consulted a qualified professional or herbalist before using any herb as a remedy.

Beauty Recipes

In a few hours, I can pre-make our lotions, lip balms, soaps, and beauty ingredients for the year with minimal mess (and save money over the course of the year).

I also typically pre-make big batches of laundry detergent on my bulk-prep days to have it on hand for at least a few months.

When you bring it all home, here’s how to store and organize your natural remedies.

Do you have a natural remedies shopping list so you can pre-make healthy DIY items?


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    36 responses to “My Natural Remedies Shopping List”

    1. Annie Avatar

      THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I’ve been looking for- a giant compiled list for me!! 🙂 I’m a new PA grad and trying to detox my life and start this DIY transition before baby life (hopefully in 1.5 years). Wish our healthcare industry would focus more on wellness and hoping I can promote that through my own life to my patients!

      Thank you for helping us all live a cleaner and healthier life!

    2. Eva Avatar

      Are star west botanical essential oils okay to use for lip balms? Are they food grade?

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