WellnessMama.com is an online resource for women and moms who want to live a healthier life. Our founder, Katie, along with a team of researchers and medical advisors, analyze a wide variety of health, parenting, and natural living topics and summarize the information in a clear and usable way. Our goal is to present practical tips, real food recipes, DIY beauty instructions, green cleaning tutorials, natural remedies, and other information to make your life better.
Note from Katie:
I’m not a doctor, a lawyer or a “health guru” (that’s why I have medical advisors!), I’m just a mom who is super passionate about creating a healthy life for my family, and I’m guessing you’re a lot like me. In fact, I compiled a checklist of the things I wish I’d known when I first started, the cliff notes of natural living, in a simple guide, and I’d love to give it to you. Just enter your email address here and I’ll send it your way. Don’t worry- I hate spam more than you, so you can unsubscribe at any time.
Are You Just a Mom?
Here’s the thing, I can’t change the health of the world alone, but I’m absolutely convinced that as a group, women and moms can. Here’s why- we, as women and mothers have tremendous power. Not only are we raising the next generation, feeding them, teaching them, etc but we control the majority of food dollars spent around the world. So my goal is to help every mom become a “Wellness Mama” so that together, we can create lasting change.
I often get asked, “Do you work or are you just a mom?” and this question frustrates me, because regardless of where we work or our official job descriptions, every woman, every mother, works incredibly hard. And because being “just a mom” is more than enough! I hope to make being a mom just a little easier for you.
At WellnessMama.com you’ll find all of my best real food recipes, natural living and cleaning tutorials, beauty recipes and health hacks with natural ingredients, natural remedies, and so much more.
Sometimes things get silly or really nerdy, but we’ll always keep things practical and usable. You’ll learn how to make the most effective lotion ever in bar form, how to infuse magnesium into your lotion for better sleep, 101 ways to use coconut oil and so much more.
Most of the time, I stick to real food, natural living, beauty products and natural remedies, but if we become friends on Facebook or Instagram, you’ll also hear occasionally about my life with six kids, my houseplant addiction, what I do in my free time, and my totally normal hobbies like pole vaulting, and reading medical journals.
But enough about me, I want to know about you! Come join the amazing community around here, say hi in the comments of a post that looks interesting to you and tell me about how you ended up here!
Why the Name “Wellness Mama?”
It all started over a decade ago when Katie’s first son was born. Sitting in the doctors office at her follow-up visit, she read in a magazine that was sitting on the side table that:
…For the first time in centuries, the current generation of children will have a shorter life expectancy than their parents…
That was a pivotal moment for her as she was holding her perfect newborn and reading about how his generation would face higher rates of cancer, heart disease, autoimmune disease and other many other health problems.
That day, her life changed and Katie decided to work to change that statistic. It’s been a long journey, through five more pregnancies, learning she had thyroid disease and working to find answers (and reversing it completely), and completely changing her family’s lifestyle from eating pasta and using chemical cleaners to real food and natural homemade products.
Her goal, and the goal of Wellness Mama, is to help make the transition to living naturally easier for you and to share the journey (since we’re all always learning and growing).
The Wellness Mama Team
The team behind Wellness Mama is dedicated to providing up-to-date practical information and resources for moms. These resources are fact-checked by our editorial team and reviewed by our medical advisors for accuracy.
Katie Wells, Founder and Chief Wellness Mama

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, who thinks most bios are pretty boring, wants to live in a world where laundry folds itself, moms get to wear the superhero costumes they’ve already earned, and our kids never have to deal with the health problems our world is currently facing.
A mom of six with a background in journalism, she took health into her own hands and started researching to find answers to her own health struggles. Her research turned into a blog and podcast that turned into an amazing community (starring you!). If Katie was writing this, she wouldn’t tell you that she’s written over 1,500 blog posts, 3 books, and was named one of the 100 most influential people in health and wellness. Or that she’s been called a thought leader for the current generations of moms.
When she’s not reading medical journals, creating new recipes, or recording podcasts, you can find her somewhere outside in the sun, and six kids or undertaking some DIY remodeling project that inevitably takes twice as long as it was supposed to.
Obligatory additional unrelated randomness: LEGO® walking world record holder, doula, speed-reader, scuba-diver, amateur pole-vaulter, INTJ, highly experienced in answering the question, “why.” Loves the oxford comma, irony, and missed opportunities.
Wellness Mama Editorial Team
The Wellness Mama Editorial team fact checks each article before it is published. Our team is like family, and our goal is to make this website a welcoming place for community and support.
Shelly, Chief Operating Officer

Shelly knew from a young age that she loved having order and organization and if she would admit it, she would tell you that she loved playing “office” as a child. This, coupled with her addiction to planners and calendars, has led her to her dream job of keeping all moving pieces in their place, and making sure that not a task is left undone.
Shelly was a part of the first online classes at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2010 and has had a love of nutrition and helping others ever since.
When not working, you’ll most likely find Shelly at a good coffee shop with her husband, watching Grey’s Anatomy or spending weekends camped out at the baseball fields watching her High School aged son play.
Jackie, Social Media Manager

Jackie grew up in the heart of Nashville, TN where she met and married her hubby at the age of 22. Sadly, the one song she requested of the wedding DJ was Party In The USA by Miley Cyrus (cringe). She went to school to be a Dental Assistant and worked in that field until her family moved to North Carolina. While she thought they were moving to the beach, their vacation turned into a mini wannabe homestead, and a long, arduous two hour drive to the closest “Florida like” beach.
You can usually find her by following the noise, either from her five boisterous children or her 40+ chickens. Her little ones are the picture perfect stair steps; rotating boys and girls and almost evenly spaced two years between each kid. She spends most afternoons or evenings at the park at various soccer practices and games, sometimes multiple in one night! When not wrangling children Jackie enjoys sipping, well chugging really, ice lattes while binge watching TV and working on DIY projects at home.
Jackie has been part of the Wellness Mama team for a couple years now and has transitioned into our Social Media Guru. She manages the Wellness Mama pages and groups across all our various platforms. One of her favorite parts of being part of the team is the opportunity to read and respond to reader comments and questions.
Jamie, Managing Editor

Jamie is addicted to writing, herbal tea, and reading way too many medical journals. You’ll often find her barefoot in the garden or convincing her husband not to mow various wild plants in the yard she wants to use.
Jamie’s love of all things plants has been around since her childhood and it’s continued to grow. Over the years she’s studied with herbalists like Jim McDonald, Dr. Aviva Romm, and Dr. Jessie Hawkins. She has a hard time not giving herbal remedy advice to people who didn’t ask her for it.
With a background in journalism and education she has a knack for communicating natural health in an easy to understand way. She’s worked for many natural health websites over the years developing food and DIY recipes as well as doing her favorite thing ever: writing research articles that she spends a ridiculous amount of time researching.
When she’s not writing or brewing something up in the kitchen you’ll often find her running after one of her kids. Their family homeschools and Jamie is the lead mess maker at a local co-op (aka the art teacher). She also founded her area’s first Charlotte Mason co-op.
Jamie has been working with Katie and the Wellness Mama team for over four years and has loved every minute. Recently her role has evolved into being the DIY and Natural Remedies Editor for the team.
Medical Review & Advisory Board
To ensure all of our articles are of the highest quality, referenced and fact-checked, we work with an amazing group of doctors and medical advisors. You’ll see a section indicating that a post has been medically reviewed on many of our health related posts. Click here to view our medical review board and list of advisers.
Wellness Mama Editorial Guidelines
WellnessMama.com adheres to strict editorial guidelines and every post is reviewed for accuracy by our editorial and medical review team as part of our commitment to creating the highest quality information for women and moms online. For over 10 years, WellnessMama.com has established itself as one of the most highly-trusted and evidenced-based health and wellness websites for women and moms. With over 6 million visitors per month, this is also one of the largest online communities for women.