7 Natural Remedies for Eczema

Katie Wells Avatar

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Natural Remedies for Eczema
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I get quite a few questions about skin problems like eczema and psoriasis. I’m not a dermatologist by any means, but I have had some personal experience with eczema (in myself and my family) and have found some natural remedies that have helped us so I wanted to share. As always, ask your own doc and specialists before trying anything!

The Diet Connection With Eczema

I feel it is important to note that all of the topical remedies in the world didn’t help us until we addressed the underlying problem, in our case: diet and lifestyle factors that were causing/contributing to eczema.

Just as you can’t out supplement a bad diet in other areas, topical remedies don’t address the underlying problem.

Certainly, eczema and other skin issues are complex conditions with a potential variety of causes, but there do seem to be some common things that help (both dietary and other).

My Son’s Eczema (& What We Tried)

In our family, our son struggled with eczema off and on for a long time. He was born via c-section (due to placenta previa) and was given antibiotics and steroids as soon as he was born. This led to problems with his gut bacteria, some learning delays, and some skin/digestive problems.

We started the GAPS program (find all the details here) combined with a pretty intensive supplement and lifestyle change for him and finally started to see improvement.

If you haven’t heard of it, GAPS is an intensive diet that focuses on gut-healing foods like bone broth (traditionally prepared and long-simmered so it’s gelatin-rich) and many healthy fats and nutrient sources we typically don’t get enough of in our modern diets. It also includes a fair amount of fermented vegetables, making their nutrients more accessible to those with impaired digestive systems and helping the overall healing process.

How to Try a GAPS Diet

Depending on the severity of the patient, one either begins with or works up to the Introduction Diet, which is the strictest part of the protocol, focused on intensive healing. There are then stages as the person begins to introduce other foods. The most difficult factor of the GAPS diet is that in order to be effective, especially in the beginning, one must be 100% compliant. This means a lot of preparing foods at home, as practically any foods prepared by someone not familiar with the protocol will have things that can aggravate the gut.

For us, it meant consuming more homemade broth and soups (or ones from a quality source) as well as removing certain foods including gluten and casein (wheat and dairy). We also found that it was helpful to avoid food dyes and any processed ingredients, though this was as much from a behavior perspective as a skin one.

If you or a family member struggle with skin problems, allergies or behavior struggles, I’d definitely recommend at least checking out the book Gut and Psychology Syndrome to see if the protocol would be helpful for you.

Natural Remedies for Eczema

Of course, once diet has been addressed, there are some things that can be used topically that may speed healing or limit discomfort during the healing time. For us, these things were helpful:

1. Coconut Oil

Seven Natural Remedies for Eczema

We use coconut oil for skin, hair, teeth, and even soap making at our house! It is also great for eczema (as long as the person isn’t allergic/intolerant… I found this out the hard way when I took this genetic test and found out I don’t tolerate it well as a food.)

I’ve found that a thin layer of coconut oil or a coconut oil lotion bar helps cool eczema itching and pain.

For those sensitive to coconut oil, these hypoallergenic lotion bars work really well too.

2. Sea Salt Magnesium Spray

For eczema that is wet/oozing, I’ve found that drying it works better than trying to moisturize it. I’ve often heard people with skin problems say that they felt better at the beach, and it makes sense between the vitamin D from the sun and the magnesium and the minerals in the salt water.

For those who don’t live near the ocean, this homemade magnesium salt spray can help achieve some of the same benefits at home.

3. Omega-3 Oils (While Limiting Omega-6)

This natural eczema remedy may not provide immediate relief but may help get at the root cause. Certain research as recently as 2016 found that consuming high levels of omega-3 (that is, more than you would get from occasionally eating fish), especially at an early age may reduce the risk and severity of eczema. This is due to the DHA and EPA fatty acids found in fish.

While some studies suggest that more research is needed to pinpoint the degree of effectiveness,  it seems that avoiding inflammatory omega-6 oils (found in many processed foods and vegetable oils) while increasing omega-3 sources from fish oil and consumption of fish had a positive effect on eczema in the studies listed below.

Unfortunately, studies suggest eating fish alone probably isn’t enough to get therapeutic benefits (though we do incorporate low-mercury seafood often). I find I get the most benefit when I take a fish oil supplement. I get the most benefit from these capsules due to the quality and ratio of omega-3 to omega-6. This company makes a chewable supplement for kids as well.

4. Magnesium Baths

For some people with eczema, soaking in water makes it worse. For those who tolerate it, magnesium baths and other types of detox baths can be helpful in skin healing.

I regularly add a cup of Epsom salts or magnesium flakes and a few tablespoons of Himalayan salt to my kids’ baths. When I have the time, I take relaxing baths in this mixture also.

When I can’t take the time for a bath, magnesium oil also helps. Amazingly, I notice the benefits of transdermal magnesium on the skin much more quickly than when I take internal forms of magnesium.

My favorite magnesium bath recipe is:

These three detox bath recipes are also all great if the person can handle warm water.

5. Probiotics

Research on whether probiotics help eczema is mixed. A 2018 review found probiotics had “little to no effect” on eczema symptoms, although no adverse effects were noted either. This article at NationalEczema.org reviews many of the existing studies and concludes that “probiotics are not effective for the treatment of established atopic dermatitis but may be helpful in prevention.” It also points out that the current body of research may not be conclusive since the type of probiotic strain seems to matter greatly.

I know that probiotics seemed to help my son (high quality probiotics are an important part of the GAPS diet). I’m also constantly seeing more research on the many ways that gut bacteria influence our health, and I can’t believe that skin health is any exception. Could there be a link?

Probiotics and probiotic-rich foods are an element that is increasingly missing in the modern diet as we moved away from traditional food preparations like fermentation. (Find out how to bring back those methods here.) We also make an effort to wash our hands and our food (a good thing with the chemicals on them these days) which also wash off the beneficial soil-borne micro-organisms that provide friendly bacteria to the gut.

I’ve also found that the probiotic strains in those foods were not enough for us. We all now take Probiotics and have seen dramatic improvements in skin and digestive health.

6. Gelatin-Rich Foods

I’ve mentioned that bone broth was an important part of a healing diet for us, and this was partially because of its high gelatin content. Gelatin helps soothe the gut and the collagen it contains is also great for hair, skin, and nail health.

To make broth, you basically save the carcass when you roast a chicken, duck, turkey, or goose and follow these steps. Ideally, the animal lived its life outdoors eating its natural food. This means you’re looking for bones from grass-fed cattle or bison, pastured poultry, or wild-caught fish. Since you’ll be extracting the minerals and drinking them in concentrated form, you want to make sure that the animal was as healthy as possible.

There are several places to find good bones for stock or tallow (rendered fat) from healthy animals:

  • From a local butcher, especially one who butchers the whole animal
  • From local farmers who raise grass-fed animals (ask around at your local farmer’s market)
  • Order online from companies like Butcher Box or US Wellness Meats
  • I use grass-fed tallow when cooking or in soaps. I get mine at a discount from Thrive Market.

For those who aren’t ready to jump into having a pot of boiling bones on the stove, there is now a great pre-made shelf-stable bone broth available and I always keep this stocked in my pantry.

I also use gelatin in recipes like:

I also stir powdered collagen into smoothies, since this form of gelatin doesn’t clump in cold water.

7. Homemade Healing Salve

For scars or blisters from eczema that take longer to heal, a homemade healing salve was helpful for us. Our son would get eczema on his face before we were able to heal his gut and we are still working on reversing the scars from that. One thing that is helping is this homemade healing salve.

My homemade healing salve (or “boo-boo lotion”, according to the kids) is helpful on eczema as well as: cuts, bruises, stings, poison ivy, and skin irritations. It also helps diaper rash and baby skin irritations- just don’t use with cloth diapers or line them first!

A Note About Infant Eczema

Eczema isn’t a problem just because it causes pain and itching. In babies, it can be a risk factor for other problems. I didn’t realize this when we were figuring out my son’s issues, but according to newer research babies with eczema have a 1 in 3 chance of developing a food allergy later in life. In fact, they are 11 times more likely to develop a peanut allergy by their first birthday compared to infants without eczema.

It’s also important to note that symptoms of eczema often occur earlier than a food allergy, furthering the importance of food allergy prevention for babies with eczema.

Due to this research and other landmark clinical trials such as the LEAP trial, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) now recommend introducing allergenic foods early and often — specifically for infants with eczema — to reduce their risk of developing a food allergy. (I explain more in this post.)

Helpful Eczema Resources

I vividly remember how terrible it was to watch my son suffer through his eczema and I know the pain of not being able to take away the pain/itching a child experiences. The book The Eczema Cure is a very thorough resource and provides answers when it feels like you’ve tried everything else.

For more, don’t miss this podcast interview with Jennifer Fugo, an expert on all things eczema (both personally and professionally), this one with Dr. Nelli Gluzman, and Getting Rid of Eczema for Good With Dr. Ana-Maria Temple.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Have you ever struggled with eczema or skin problems? What helped you? Share below!

Eczema can be unbearable, especially for children. Diet is important but these natural remedies can help get rid of it once and for all!
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


347 responses to “7 Natural Remedies for Eczema”

  1. rudy Avatar

    wow, this is an epic thread of excema relief recommendations!
    thank you so much everyone for all your creative suggestions.
    it’s just nice to know that others are out there doing their best to stay healthy. excema is such a frustrating phenomenon.

    i have excema on my hands. i find it just takes so much of my mental energy each day to strategize protecting them and also to try to uncover what the culprit is.

    things that have been helpful so far:
    -turmeric mixed in with coconut oil (the turmeric has a really nice soft sandy texture that’s a gentle scrub, mixed with the oil feels really good. Only problem is the yellow dyes in the turmeric.
    -warm water and sea salt soaks
    -cutting out hot beverages has been helpful, especially coffee which i miss terribly. anything hot near my hands is bad.
    -First Aid Beauty brand cream
    -cutting out sugar, most dairy, gluten

    but, excema is still there. the itch is mostly gone though which is something! i started really putting energy into the solution about three weeks ago. it’s better but still dealing with small outbreaks of bubbling and crusting/drying.
    gonna keep trying.

  2. anne Avatar

    I have seriously sensitive skin! Thanks for these remedies, but I’ve found that most don’t even put a dent in my flaky, scratchy skin! I use coconut oil based soaps but I still end up with nasty dry spots all over my hands. I have found Spot Paste to be really helpful though. It’s an oil based paste that heals my skin up after three or four applications! I found mine through a local store but you can look online at their website (spot paste.com). Great stuff! A little messy cause of the oil but I still love it.

  3. Ram R Avatar

    I had eczema on my hands and legs for years. It kept spreading with doctor recommended hydrocortisone creams and moisturizers. The creams would reduce the itching for a while. Then one day the itch would get so bad, even with tablets that are supposed to prevent itchiness, that the only way to relieve it is by scratching at it. Then it would spread further. What finally worked for my legs was vaseline brand petroleum jelly and tablets to keep the itchiness away while the vaseline worked. However the vaseline didn’t work on my hands but made it worse. The skin started to tear all over the affected area because it got so dry between vaseline applications. The eczema started to spread further to other parts of my hand. I noticed that after going swimming in the sea my hands seemed better. So I started soaking my hands daily for 20 mins in sea salt water without applying vaseline and that seems to be slowly healing my hands. In between whenever I feel that the itch would be getting bad I take the anti itch pills.

  4. steven h Avatar
    steven h

    At 44 years old, I would still get excema on face, I have tried everything, and some thing work but somethings do not. For the last 3 months, I have been using the Made From Earth “Pure Aloe Vera Treatment” and yes. unbelievably it helped tremendously! I could not believe it. I threw away all my other creams and lotions. You can do it also – just keep trying things until you find the right product for you.

  5. Michelle Avatar

    I’ve been using Lucas’ papaw ointment (an Australian product containing fermented papaw or papaya) it absolutely helps with the itchy flare ups & creates a great barrier. I get eczema around my eyes from allergies such as hay fever & dust! While this won’t make it disappear it eases the associated pains!
    If anyone has tips for the eyes please let me know!
    Many thanks ?

  6. elora Avatar

    when i used tea tree oil in winter at night next mrng my face was like an eczema patient what to do?? 🙁

  7. Jennifer Roberge Avatar
    Jennifer Roberge

    These are great tips for sure! But they may not work for everyone since everyone’s skin and internal health is so different. We found a combination of homeopathy, laundry alternatives, and natural skin care worked for us. But the biggest game changer was going through a full elimination diet. We tried the GAPS diet and found it harmful for both my son and I, but again, it can be helpful for some, but not everyone.

  8. Rency Avatar

    Am from Africa and this eczema is driving me nuts…a doctor prescribed steroids which seem to add the itchiness.how can i get the soap you suggested.thanks for those tips.already checking my diet…

  9. Clay Avatar


    I recently removed propylene glycol from the list of items I ingest and put on my skin.
    It is an allergen many people search for years to discover and impacts skin and digestive yeasts.
    I used cortisone creams to little lasting impact (even though relief was temporary) and Propylene is a binder in nearly all soaps, shampoo, and moisturizing creams.

    switched to PPG free products and have amazing results in days. Thick white skin patches have thinned. Redness and flaking have also subsided. I have on knuckles, knees, elbows, ankles and I exfoliated daily. Problem was that I did it with soap containing PPG (Propylene Glycol). Once I changed shampoo my dry eyelids corrected in 24 hours.

    People impacted by this are more likely to be affected in moist, sun restricted regions.
    (I’m from Oregon)

  10. Alicia Manning Avatar
    Alicia Manning

    Great article. I also came across a different one with some other thing to try also. I think someone needs to write and article with “30 things you can do to relieve eczema” haha.

  11. tiff Avatar

    I have a slight tendency to eczema, and rubbing the Made From Earth Lavender Lotion on the affected areas calms the inflammation within minutes. The Lavender does work ! Wonderful scent and the lotion itself, although extremely light and non-sticky, is very nourishing.

  12. Tanya Skinner Avatar
    Tanya Skinner

    I want to find the cause of my 21 month olds eczema…you have children that have struggled with it…is trying to pinpoint it a lost cause? Do you have suggestions on how to do so? Document daily foods and weather? Skin prick allergy test? Other?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      My son who was born early struggled with eczema. We did an elimination diet with him and found that dairy and gluten were his culprits (though after doing a gut healing protocol with him he can now handle dairy without a problem).

  13. Lex Avatar

    Hi everyone. I’m Lex, I’m not a spammer and I don’t work for any company that sell any of the above mentioned products.
    I’ve got eczema on my hands and I have tried all above methods hoping that it will help me. None of them worked. After a long time of manipulating and experimenting with all sorts of creams, natural remedies I nearly gave up and was about to go back to steroids cream.
    …then after thinking about it logically, I realised that Aftershave Balm might help. My hands were inflamed, like skin after you just shaved. So I applied Nivea Aftershave Balm overnight and noticed that in the morning my skin was still dry but not itchy. I tried again and it worked even more.
    …then I thought that balms are not cheap, so there must be some other even simpler way to do it. NOW THINK WHAT DO WE USE TO DISINFECT OUR WOUNDS? YES…SPIRITS!!!



    BE careful – some moisturising creams can trigger the eczema.



  14. Ray Avatar

    My daughter, 3 Years of age had eczema in her calf and we tried a lot of things including Doc prescribed Steroid Creams. The eczema got suppressed for some time but appeared on her hands. this continued for about a year. Somebody suggested to use fresh cream and turmeric paste everyday without fail. we tried this remedy and the eczema started disappearing and finally after about two and half months it completely vanished. we continued the treatment for about two more months and stopped. that was about one and half years ago and there is no sign of eczema. Hope this will be useful to others suffering from eczema.

  15. Amanda Avatar

    Hi wellness mama

    My son had eczema so we went on gaps diet ( still on it) and it cleared the eczema within a month :)))!
    Our house had some mold so we are in a hotel at the moment. The second night at the hotel my son broke out in more eczema than he ever had! It’s everywhere pretty much:((. Also, my older son who never had eczema has it too!! What could be the problem?? Is it the chemicals they’re using in the hotel( we don’t use chemicals in our house)? Or could it be their little bodies trying to detox since they are now away from the mold in our house? I’m so stumped with this one. Our Chiropractor told us it’s just their bodies getting rid of something it doesn’t like. I agree, but what could have happened??:( we’re on gaps diet to prevent and get rid of eczema so why is it flaring up so much??
    Just when you think your doing everything right.

  16. Steve Avatar

    I don’t have eczema but I do get really dry scaly skin on my knees & other places, rosacia & dry flaky facial skin. I made a salve w.PINE SAP which seems to really help me, it may help w.eczema.

    1. Theresa Chew Avatar
      Theresa Chew

      Pine sap that is very interesting I will keep that for any future issues that may come up

  17. Jessica Avatar

    I just wanted to say that when I first found your website (almost a year ago now, around August 2014, during my search for an eczema “cure”), I didn’t want to hear what you had to say about DIET and the GUT affecting skin and eczema. I totally dismissed it all and continued to waste time and money on various creams etc, all the while my eczema got worse and worse and WORSE.

    I had never had eczema before (I am 32 yrs old), and it seemed so obvious to me that I needed to put something ON my skin, not IN my body. Yeah, right! What an idiot.
    It turns out the only thing I actually did right was refuse to use cortisone creams (and I only knew to refuse it because of research into something totally unrelated).

    Oh, how I wish I could go back in time and smack myself! Hard!

    My homeopath put me on an anti-inflammatory diet in December 2014 (cutting out all processed foods, wheat, dairy, sugar etc and my trigger foods, which include eggs unfortunately) and I was amazed at the difference it made to my eczema!! The eczema was at an all time worst – I looked like a leper (all over my hands, arms and legs) and my life was a living nightmare, it affected every single part of my life. I wasn’t sleeping, I couldn’t clean my house, I couldn’t even hold a broom or pen properly, it was so bad on my hands.

    But once I cut out all those bad foods, my skin started clearing up within 2 weeks. It was a total miracle.
    So I did more research and came across Chris Kresser, who also talked about the Gut-Skin Connection. And then I found more and more people saying the same thing. Now, it is hard to fathom that I ever believed diet had nothing to do with my eczema getting worse…

    Unfortunately, my hormone imbalance means the eczema keeps flaring up every month around my cycle, which my homeopath is trying to address now, but it is SO much better than it was before I changed my diet and started to try heal my gut. And of course the diet is also assisting in correcting the hormone imbalance, by reducing the amount of estrogen I am consuming in my food and water (seriously, it’s scary how much estrogen we actually eat and drink!).

    I also find it amazing how obvious it is now, to be able to see when I am reacting to a certain food. I just have to think about what ‘new’ food I ate that day, to figure out what I am reacting to. Because my diet is so clean now, it is really easy to identify what I am reacting to. Sadly, SUGAR is the worst thing for eczema. Very very sad….

    On the other hand, the weight loss is nothing to be sneezed at. Almost 20kg in the last 8 months 🙂
    I’m looking and feeling (both inside and out) so much better than I did before.

    So, to conclude, I urge anyone reading this to heed your article about gut health and diet. I truly believe it is the ONLY way to manage your eczema effectively and long-term…

  18. Janet Avatar

    I have been reading all of your comments. I am in my sixties and got eczema about 5 years ago after not having had it for 50 years. I do not know what set me off. I thought it was hair dye but had all kinds of allergy test to no avail.
    It is my face that has it. My ears leak every night and get real itchy. In the morning when I take my shower and can literally feel the dead skin come off of my face when I rub it. I have been using Manuka honey products from Australia which has been doing pretty good, but lately the eczema is going on my chest and shoulders.
    Oils seem to make my face drier. Does anyone else have suggestions for me. I feel like my face is aging right in front of my eyes.

    1. pam Avatar

      Hi, I guess you definitely need to consult a doc firstly so that you don’t do anything that could damage further your condition. But definitely antihistamines for immediate relief, for some time, which I’m sure your doc will prescribe. You also will need to cut immediately at least temporarily, though you will see that it’s going to have to be permanent, sugar from your diet in toto, direct or indirect sugar, fried snacks, baked stuff and meat, fish and eggs and dairy in any form. I’ve said this earlier in this forum, but do try to include cucumber in your diet, plain without dressing, as much as one to two full cucumbers a day or at least one. Couldnt do you any harm at the least, but it ought to provide immediate relief. I hate to say this but for better quality of life you may need to take whatever the doc tells you to and if that includes steroids, don’t fight it. Having said that any other alternative therapy including conventional non steroid medications if it helps you recover and most importantly sustains your recovery, well good for you, go for it!

  19. Jen Avatar

    I have severe contact dermatitis after draining an acne nodules and putting ointment on.
    Its now spreading , oozing, blistering. Does zinc oxide help? Thank you!

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