How to Reverse Infertility & Get Pregnant Naturally

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to reverse infertility and get pregnant naturally
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There’s no doubt that infertility is a rising problem in today’s society. And while this has never been an issue for me, the CDC finds that about 10 percent of women (6.1 million) in the U.S. ages 15-44 struggle to get pregnant or stay pregnant. The reasons are many (and we don’t know all of them yet), but what we do know is that it takes a large personal and financial toll on those it affects.

(In fact, when I tried to find accurate info on how much is spent annually on infertility treatments, I kept getting results for ways to finance treatments for infertility.)

The good news is that, in many cases, the body can reverse infertility naturally if given the correct resources.

Note: It is important to check with a doctor or qualified specialist for problems like infertility and to address any potentially serious underlying health issues. Many women also benefit from working with a naturopathic doctor or specialist to address nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle changes that can help.

How Common Is Infertility, and Why Is It Rising?

According to the CDC, the term “infertile” is usually applied to a woman who is unable to become pregnant after a year of trying (or 6 months for a woman over 35).

Infertility, like any disease, is simply a sign that something is not right inside the body and must be fixed. It isn’t a deficiency in fertility drugs or due to a lack of IVF. Fertility is a natural process in the body, but one that the body can turn off if it doesn’t feel it can safely sustain a pregnancy.

I have many friends who have struggled to conceive and I’ve witnessed how painful it was for them to want to have a child and struggle to get pregnant. Thankfully, in almost every case, my friends were eventually able to conceive by focusing on supporting the body with proper diet, supplements, and lifestyle.

There are so many confounding factors that can cause or contribute to infertility, which is why conventional treatment can vary so much in effectiveness — it simply can’t address all the possible causes.

Fertility drugs and artificial hormones of any kind, including birth control, can make underlying problems better, but can also make them even worse and make future fertility more difficult. Hormonal birth control is often prescribed for various hormonal imbalances and the symptoms … but artificial hormones on top of existing hormone problems doesn’t necessarily make for success.

What Causes Infertility in the First Place?

Infertility can be caused by a huge number of factors: hormone imbalance, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, anovulatory cycles, physical blockage, inadequate hormone production, short luteal phase, lack of luteinizing hormone, high levels of prolactin, and many others.

Poor nutrition often plays a major role, as does exposure to certain chemicals. Age plays less of a role before menopause than was originally thought. While there are many wonderful naturally minded fertility specialists out there, only certain doctors know how to test for and address any of these possible underlying issues. Extreme fertility treatments do work for some, but can be very emotionally and physically exhausting, not to mention very expensive.

Natural Help for Infertility

The great news is that dietary and lifestyle changes can make a tremendous difference in fertility, and often help with other issues like excess weight, lack of energy, blood sugar problems, skin issues, and insomnia in the process. Even those who choose to undergo conventional fertility treatments can help improve their chance of working by supporting their bodies in natural ways as well.

How to Reverse Infertility (and Get Pregnant)

This is the specific system I use when working with women on fertility, but it is also very useful for helping with PMS, cramping, fatigue, heavy periods, and other hormone-related problems. It is designed to address all issues that can contribute to infertility. Short of a physical inability to conceive, it will work.

Step 1: Nutrition

This is by far the most important step. In modern times, many people are undernourished, despite being overweight. The body simply will not allow conception to occur or a pregnancy to continue if it doesn’t have the basic foundation it needs to sustain a pregnancy.

Many women turn to a low-fat, high-fiber diet in an attempt to increase health and lose weight. Weight loss has been shown to increase fertility, but losing weight in this way is rarely effective for increasing fertility because it deprives the body of the necessary proteins and fats necessary for hormone production.

Some nutritional ways to help optimize fertility:

  • Remove processed grains, other processed foods, sugars, and starches from the diet.
  • Obtain more nutrient-dense carbohydrates from vegetables, some fruits, and starchy sources like sweet potatoes and squash.
  • Increase healthy fats in the diet especially from sources like coconuts, coconut oil, olives and olive oil, butter, grass-fed meats, eggs, avocado, and nuts.
  • Get enough protein especially from grass-fed meats, eggs, and nuts. This is also important during pregnancy as adequate protein can help minimize the risk of certain pregnancy complications.
  • Eat a lot of vegetables, especially green leafy varieties like lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard, chard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and similar veggies.
  • Drink enough water. Hydration is important for so many functions within the body, including fertility.
  • Get insulin levels under control. Even if you don’t have Type II diabetes, a high carbohydrate diet often goes hand-in-hand with some level of insulin resistance. Optimizing dietary factors with the above methods will help make your body more sensitive to insulin, which will help production of other hormones and proper function of the body.

For some women, nutrition alone can be enough to support the body for fertility. It is very important to continue these things once pregnant and not stop giving yourself proper nutrition, which is even more vital for the growth of an unborn child.

Step 2: Lifestyle Factors

Any doctor, or even a Google search, should reveal that habits like smoking, drug use, and high caffeine intake can severely impair fertility. There are many other lifestyle factors that contribute as well:

  • lack of sleep
  • exposure to harmful chemicals
  • lack of exercise (or too much exercise)
  • high stress levels
  • certain medications or supplements

Most lifestyle factors are also easy to fix with a little effort. The most common lifestyle factors that can increase fertility are:

Getting enough sleep

Sleep is vital to health and the production of many hormones. Studies have shown that women with low melatonin and serotonin levels have a shorter luteal phase (time between ovulation and menstruation) and consequently have a lower chance of conceiving. Lack of sleep also impairs the body’s ability to properly regulate adrenaline, cortisol, and insulin, making conception very difficult.

Make sleep a priority and get enough to feel rested, not just awake. This may mean taking a nap during the day or going to bed a few hours earlier. A completely dark sleep environment may also help melatonin levels and sleep.

Minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals

This should be a book in itself (hmm, time to get writing), but most women notice improvement from limiting exposure to household chemicals, plastic water bottles, and conventional cosmetic and beauty products.

Getting the right amount of exercise

Getting adequate exercise is important for fertility, but too much can have the opposite effect. Most women do well with several hours of recreational activity a week (walking, fun sports, or swimming) and a few weight training sessions. Too much moderate/intensive exercise will keep the body from ovulation if done regularly. While weight loss can greatly help fertility, having too little body fat (below 15-18%) can make the body go into an anovulatory state (not ovulate).

Limiting stress

Easier said than done, especially for anyone who is going through the emotions of fertility difficulties! You’ve probably been told that if you can relax, you will get pregnant. While this is certainly not true for everyone, reducing stress is a good idea. Often, the ideas above will help with many of the physical causes of stress, leaving you more time to (hopefully) relax.

Checking side effects of medications

Check with your doctor to see if any medications you are taking could impair fertility. Steroids and antidepressants have been known to do so, as well as any other hormone containing or affecting medications.

Step 3: Supplements & Herbs

While diet and lifestyle alone often reverse infertility, some women notice better or faster results with the aid of natural supplements and herbs.

Fish Oil

The single most important supplement that I’ve seen help women increase fertility, is adequate intake of omega-3s, which are also excellent for a developing baby and a healthy pregnancy.


The following herbs are recommended for getting pregnant naturally:

  • Red Raspberry Leaf  A well know fertility herb that is also good during pregnancy. It has a high nutrient profile and is especially high in calcium and is a uterine tonic. It is available in capsule form, but makes an excellent hot or cold tea.
  • Nettle Leaf – Has a very high mineral content. It contains lots of chlorophyll and is nourishing to the adrenals and kidneys. It helps reduce stress and is a powerful uterine tonic. Once pregnant, it is great for getting enough nutrients during pregnancy and has a high vitamin K content to prevent hemorrhage. I add nettle leaf to a tea that I drink before and during pregnancy.
  • Dandelion  Contains vitamins A and C as well as trace minerals. The root is beneficial to the liver and the leaf is mildly diuretic. Can help cleanse the body and remove toxins.
  • Alfalfa  Has vitamins A, D, E and K and eight digestive enzymes. Contains trace minerals and vitamin K and is often added to commercial vitamins because of its high vitamin profile.
  • Red Clover – Has a very high vitamin content and contains almost every trace mineral. It has been known to help balance hormones and restore fertility.
  • Maca – A hormone balancing herb that is known throughout the world for its fertility and vitality promoting properties. Good for both men and women to increase fertility, though women should only take between menses and ovulation and discontinue to make sure it is not taken during pregnancy. It is a very potent herb that often has very noticeable effects on fertility. It comes in powder form or capsule form.
  • Vitex/Chaste Tree Berry – Nourishes the pituitary gland and helps lengthen the luteal phase. It lowers prolactin and raises progesterone. For some women, this alone will increase fertility.

IMPORTANT: Do not take any of these herbs in combination with fertility drugs, hormone treatments, or hormonal birth control! As with any herbs, supplements, or medication, consult a doctor or health care professional about your specific case and do your own research!


You can’t out-supplement a poor diet, but when trying to heal a condition consider taking these:

  • Vitamin D – Vitamin D deficiency is very common in America, especially during the winter, and can be very detrimental to overall health. Recent studies link inadequate vitamin D with infertility and miscarriage. Have your levels checked to find out how much you need.
  • Vitamin C – A potent antioxidant, vitamin C is good for both male and female infertility. Aim for at least 2,000 mg a day pre-conception.
  • Folate – Folate (not folic acid) is well known as a necessary vitamin in early pregnancy to prevent complications, but it is most beneficial when taken for several month before the pregnancy as well as during. It helps cell division and promotes ovulation. Some natural doctors recommend taking up to 5,000 micrograms a day and women hoping to get pregnant should take at least 2,000 micrograms a day. It is important to note that many people have trouble using the synthetic form, folic acid, and do better with folate or methylfolate (this post explains more).
  • Zinc – Very important for cell division including sperm production and ovulation. Best when taken in combination with b-vitamins.
  • Selenium – Helps protect the body from free radicals and protects sperm and egg. Known to help cell division and might prevent miscarriage.
  • B-Vitamins – Deficiency of B-vitamins is common in anyone who consumes large amounts of processed foods, grains or sugars. Optimizing b vitamin levels can increase luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone to improve fertility.

Natural Progesterone Cream

Infertility struggles can often be linked to specific hormone imbalances. Especially for those with short cycles or short second phase of their cycle (ovulation through start of menses), progesterone can be the issue. I’ve seen people add only natural progesterone cream and conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy within a month or two.

When using progesterone cream, it is important to do research, work with a specialist, make sure you have a good brand that is soy-free. Only use for the second half of your cycle (ovulation through menses).

Some sources, including a midwife and a doctor I trust, suggest continuing the progesterone cream through the first three months of pregnancy and then tapering off to make sure the body has adequate progesterone to continue the pregnancy until the placenta takes over production in the second trimester. Again, do research and work with a specialist when using any hormone.

Bottom Line: Can You Get Pregnant If You Are Infertile?

Struggles with infertility can be agonizing for couples, but there is hope. Proper diet and nutrition can greatly aid the body in conceiving and carrying a healthy baby (and also are beneficial in overall health).

While sometimes medical treatment is necessary, couples should at least consider dietary changes first to support the body. The above system is also helpful for women wanting to relief from symptoms of PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, heavy periods, or other hormonal problems.

While some testing can be expensive, one option to test your fertility hormones is called Modern Fertility. They have a team of reproductive specialists who will review your test and can answer any questions you have.

More From Wellness Mama

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Anna Cabeca, a gynecologist and obstetrician and a menopause and sexual health expert. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Have you struggled with infertility, or know someone who does? What helps (or doesn’t help) as you search for answers?

Infertility can be reversed in many cases with simple and careful dietary and supplement changes that help support your body. Find out how.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


564 responses to “How to Reverse Infertility & Get Pregnant Naturally”

  1. Laura Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    I am looking at trying progesterone cream and I’ve taken synthetic progesterone pills in the past and I’d like to switch to something natural when trying to get pregnant. The soy free product you have a link to seems like a good one but do you know of anyone who has used it and had luck with getting pregnant and carrying to full term and the dosage they were taking? Is the 20mg daily an average dose most women take? The drugs I was on was 200mg but these were oral pills and I know the absorbtion rate is much lower. Could you let me know if you have any insight? I would greatly appreciate it.

  2. Courtney Avatar

    Hello I just found your site and LOVE it!! My husband and I have been struggling with getting pregnant… I have not had my period since I’ve been off birth control. It has been a year now and nothing. I have tried different herbs, increasing my good fats and taking herbal drops from Fertilica. What else would you recommend I try? All we want is to conceive so badly. It’s been hard this past year to be happy for close friends and family that are having babies. Thanks for your help!

  3. Katie Avatar

    Hello, I have been ttc going on 9months now. I am married and 21yrs old. I am looking for something natural to help us conceive. What would you recommend? Trying to conceive is becoming very frustrating right now. Thank you for your help!

  4. Brittany Dunn Avatar
    Brittany Dunn

    Hi Wellness Mama!!!
    I am 23 I have never been diagnosed with fertility problems but I suspect possible endometriosis since that is one thing I have not been checked for. I was TTC for 2 yearss with my ex husband and it never worked. I tried taking pre natal vitamins and I also did 3 rounds of Clomid along with a shot that helped ensure I ovulated as long as my eggs in that cycle were big enough. My ex husband had a low sperm count during one test then the next testing of the count was perfectly fine. I am now trying again with my boyfriend but have had no luck. I track my ovulation with a period tracker app on my phone but it is difficult to track as my cycle length varies each month. I also just stopped birth control back in december. Right now my cycle is usually between 31-33 days. I also am on Wellbutrin for depression but its only 100 mg that I take once a day. Will that stop be from becoming pregnant? Also, what supplements do you think would help me the most? I really want to try the Meca and the progesterone cream but which others should I try? And im worried about trying to figure out when to use the progesterone cream since my ovualtion day never seems certain and I have never been told I have low progesterone. Please help!

  5. trisha Avatar

    I have been taking fertility drugs now for 5 months (clomid initially and then letrozole). I know you suggest not adding in any herbs, but is it safe to take fermented cod liver oil or Maca?

  6. Julie Avatar

    What is the difference between fermented cod liver oil and regular cod liver oil. I just started taking regular CLO, but is fermented better? And why? Can you take FCLO while pregnant? I am TTC and this is a great help. Also, if you could do only one, would you do Maca or Vitex? Thank you.

  7. Rachel Avatar

    Hello, I didn’t have time to sift through all of the comments above and see if you already answered this question, so my apologies if you already did. I am wondering if you could tell me the exact progesterone cream that you use (or if you don’t currently use it now, what you used in the past). I am having a tough time deciding what will be my best bet. I am worried about the creams containing parabens, xenoestrogens, preservatives and anything else that might be considered harmful. Thanks.

  8. Diana Avatar

    Hello, I just stumbled on this site and am so interested in all the info. I am 41, and have been trying to get pregnant for 2.5 years. I have been to a fertility clinic to tri IUI bit never got to the procedure because the meds. Did not work on me. Then I got pregnant on naturally but sadly miscarried at 9 weeks. I am not in the process of trying IVF, however the two cycles I tried, again the hormones did not work. My estrogen is low and my fsh was high. I am afraid I have a low egg reserve, and I do have hypothyroidism. I am not overweight and exercise regularly, I eat well and so does my husband. I am starting to lose hope and do not think I want to continue with the IVF. I have been havin accupuncture and am taking some chinese herbs. Of the herbs you suggest which do you think I should try! Any suggestions would be appreciated.

  9. Jessica Avatar

    Okay right now I am taking a prenatal vitamin and fish oil (recently found out that Omega-3 can help and I can’t eat fish because of it’s texture). So I want to give some of the other herbs you mentioned a try, but how much is too much of any of these vitamins? I don’t want to take 2-3 of these at once and be taking in WAY too much of any specific vitamin.

  10. akyna Avatar

    I found this very helpful. I was told I have PCOS and that it would be harder to conceive. I’ve been trying for over a year with diet and lifestyle changes & ultimately was reffered to a fertility Dr. Im 23 an i really want to conceive naturally & soon being I was successful 2 years ago with my 2 yr old. I was wondering if you have any specific suggestions just based off this brief reply.

  11. Christine Avatar

    I am taking Maca, Red Raspberry leaf capsules (400mg), and Fermented Cod Liver Oil ttc. How much of each of these should I be taking every day? And I know to discontinue Maca after ovulation but what about the Red Raspberry?
    Thanks for all the info!!

  12. Charlotte Avatar

    Also if the detox doesn’t work after 3 months and I get my hormone levels checked and am still low in progesterone, I plan to either use a natural progesterone cream or find an OBGYN who can prescribe it to me. Is this a good route of action?

  13. Charlotte Avatar

    I have had multiple m/c’s all in the leutal phase. I know I have a progesterone deficiency from the old birth control I was taking many years ago that did a lot of damage to my hormones. I also have ovarian cysts every now and then. I am going to do the Dandelion Root Tea Liver detox for a week. I have two important questions!

    1. After my next menstrual cycle, when is the best time for me to start the detox?

    2. How long after the detox should I try getting pregnant?

    Thank you so much.

  14. Christina Avatar

    What a great blog. I just went out and bought Maca, Cod liver oil, and red raspberry leaf. Hubbie and I have 2 children, but have been trying for 2 years to get pregnant with another. I have been referred to a fertility dr. who hasn’t found much yet (hubbie found out to have hypothyroidism).. and he thinks I MAY be low on progesterone. I’ve been taking the progesterone for the past 2 months, from day 20 until I get my period.. and so far it hasn’t seemed to help… so I’m hoping these added supplements will.
    Are these supplements safe to take with the prescription progesterone, (or should I definitely look at getting the cream) and can you just let me know how much of each I should be taking? thanks so much for any advice.

    1. Steph Avatar

      Hey Christina,
      just wanted to let you know that I started with a natural Progesteron Cream in October and it took 3 months to show on my cycle – I now have 12-14 days between ovulation and period, before that it was 9-10 days. I´ve also read that depending on how low your progesteron level is, it can take 1-3 months to show, so keep going.

      I´ve now started with Maca and will make sure that I get more animal fats. I´ve been a lacto-vegetarian for years and started to eat poultry and fish about 10 months ago. As an animal lover this one is still a bit tough for me but I try to eat meat or fish 1-2 a week now, plus lots of eggs, grass-fed butter, raw cheese and coconut oil. Fingers crossed!

  15. Katey Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    Thank you for this great article, it really gives me hope. I’m wondering if you could help me decide what supplements to start out with? I don’t want to go overboard.
    I have had 2 miscarriages, one at 7 weeks and one at 13 weeks, 3 years apart. We have now been tryig for 18 months to get pregnant again, with no luck. I have regular periods that come at the exact same time each month. My husband has a child from ahis previous marriage and no sperm issues. I am healthy, exercise twice a week, don’t smoke or drink. I do eat processed foods sometimes. I also have a bicornuate uterus and a blood disorder called Latent Factor Five (it makes my blood clot easily) which increases infertility. What do you suggest? Thank you!

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Especially with medical conditions, I’d ask a doc about anything before trying it. Personally, I would try progesterone cream in the second half of cycle and early pregnancy, along with Maca (stop when pregnant) and the other supplements (folate, FCLO, etc) to prepare your body for healthy pregnancy

  16. Maureen Mulheran Avatar
    Maureen Mulheran

    Hello! I am so overwhelmed with all this fantastic information. I would love some advice for my particular situation. I am 42 and have had one miscarriage. I have been trying to get pregnant for 4 years. We went through 3 IUI with no results. My husband has also slow moving sperm. (I call them lazy!). I will begin seeing a chiropractor but not sure what vitamins/supplements to take for both of us. Do you suggest prenatal vitamins plus extra vitamins? Thank you for your help!

  17. Laura Avatar

    I read your post with hope, though don’t know if I should. I’m an unrelated bone marrow transplant survivor (almost 10 yrs) and part of that process includes high doses of chemo and full body radiation to kill off the bone marrow that’s killing you. I haven’t had a normal cycle since and was very regular prior. I KNOW the chemo and radiation totally messed up my hormones, but I haven’t found any medical person to help me deal with it. Besides not having a (visible) cycle I have other symptoms (feeling of not in right mind, all over body acne, etc.), but no one seems to think it’s a big deal. It’s as if they can dismiss dealing with it because it’s a side effect of chemo and radiation. My only son was stillborn, likely because of the life threatening disease I was developing, and it just kills me not to ever have another baby. Am I doomed? Can any of this stuff not just reverse infertility, but reverse what caused it? My last hormone test showed I had virtually zero progesterone, but that didn’t seem to warrant any concern for my health “professionals”. Ugh. Wondering if any of this could possibly help me…

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I’d try to find a naturopathic doctor if you can. I can’t give medical advice, but I do think the body has an amazing capability to heal itself when given the right tools… you’ll just have to figure out what those tools are for you. Best wishes and I hope you are able to find answers soon 🙂

      1. Laura Avatar

        Thank you so much for responding. I’m sorry if it sounded like I was asking for specific medical advice…I know you can’t do that. Do you have any recommendations for how to go about finding a naturopathic doctor? Are they actual doctors? I’ve been to several doctors and without exception they either so focused on the medical side that they disregard the natural approach, or just the opposite…so focused on the natural approach that they disregard the medical aspect. I need the balance of both “worlds”.

        1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

          It can be tough to find a good one! I finally did (he is traditionally and naturally trained) and was able to run labs and prescribe the hormones I needed but also suggest specific supplements and natural protocols…Best of luck in finding one in your area…

  18. Shannon Avatar

    My husband and I have been trying for 3 years now with some help from our doctors and still nothing. He’s (my husband) has 3 children from his previous marriage and has had his sperm tested .. Everything’s good for him. I had an ovarian cyst they removed surgically and had to remove my left Fallopian tube. My doctor tested my right tube to make sure it’s open and it is, the doctor sees no reason I can’t have children. Although I’m starting loose hope. I know there are lots of women who try for years before they finally have a baby. I have never conceived. I would love to talk more with you to try your recommendation the fertility pills have not helped and at this point I’m will to try anything. We don’t really have the money to continue fertility and I would rather conceive naturally. I really appreciate your post. It has given me hope!

  19. Kristyn W. Avatar
    Kristyn W.

    Thank you so much for all the great advice on this website. I read above that you suggested fermented cod liver oil and currently I am taking omega 3 1000mg so should I take both or switch to the one you mentioned?

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