How to Reverse Infertility & Get Pregnant Naturally

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to reverse infertility and get pregnant naturally
Wellness Mama » Blog » Motherhood » How to Reverse Infertility & Get Pregnant Naturally

There’s no doubt that infertility is a rising problem in today’s society. And while this has never been an issue for me, the CDC finds that about 10 percent of women (6.1 million) in the U.S. ages 15-44 struggle to get pregnant or stay pregnant. The reasons are many (and we don’t know all of them yet), but what we do know is that it takes a large personal and financial toll on those it affects.

(In fact, when I tried to find accurate info on how much is spent annually on infertility treatments, I kept getting results for ways to finance treatments for infertility.)

The good news is that, in many cases, the body can reverse infertility naturally if given the correct resources.

Note: It is important to check with a doctor or qualified specialist for problems like infertility and to address any potentially serious underlying health issues. Many women also benefit from working with a naturopathic doctor or specialist to address nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle changes that can help.

How Common Is Infertility, and Why Is It Rising?

According to the CDC, the term “infertile” is usually applied to a woman who is unable to become pregnant after a year of trying (or 6 months for a woman over 35).

Infertility, like any disease, is simply a sign that something is not right inside the body and must be fixed. It isn’t a deficiency in fertility drugs or due to a lack of IVF. Fertility is a natural process in the body, but one that the body can turn off if it doesn’t feel it can safely sustain a pregnancy.

I have many friends who have struggled to conceive and I’ve witnessed how painful it was for them to want to have a child and struggle to get pregnant. Thankfully, in almost every case, my friends were eventually able to conceive by focusing on supporting the body with proper diet, supplements, and lifestyle.

There are so many confounding factors that can cause or contribute to infertility, which is why conventional treatment can vary so much in effectiveness — it simply can’t address all the possible causes.

Fertility drugs and artificial hormones of any kind, including birth control, can make underlying problems better, but can also make them even worse and make future fertility more difficult. Hormonal birth control is often prescribed for various hormonal imbalances and the symptoms … but artificial hormones on top of existing hormone problems doesn’t necessarily make for success.

What Causes Infertility in the First Place?

Infertility can be caused by a huge number of factors: hormone imbalance, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, anovulatory cycles, physical blockage, inadequate hormone production, short luteal phase, lack of luteinizing hormone, high levels of prolactin, and many others.

Poor nutrition often plays a major role, as does exposure to certain chemicals. Age plays less of a role before menopause than was originally thought. While there are many wonderful naturally minded fertility specialists out there, only certain doctors know how to test for and address any of these possible underlying issues. Extreme fertility treatments do work for some, but can be very emotionally and physically exhausting, not to mention very expensive.

Natural Help for Infertility

The great news is that dietary and lifestyle changes can make a tremendous difference in fertility, and often help with other issues like excess weight, lack of energy, blood sugar problems, skin issues, and insomnia in the process. Even those who choose to undergo conventional fertility treatments can help improve their chance of working by supporting their bodies in natural ways as well.

How to Reverse Infertility (and Get Pregnant)

This is the specific system I use when working with women on fertility, but it is also very useful for helping with PMS, cramping, fatigue, heavy periods, and other hormone-related problems. It is designed to address all issues that can contribute to infertility. Short of a physical inability to conceive, it will work.

Step 1: Nutrition

This is by far the most important step. In modern times, many people are undernourished, despite being overweight. The body simply will not allow conception to occur or a pregnancy to continue if it doesn’t have the basic foundation it needs to sustain a pregnancy.

Many women turn to a low-fat, high-fiber diet in an attempt to increase health and lose weight. Weight loss has been shown to increase fertility, but losing weight in this way is rarely effective for increasing fertility because it deprives the body of the necessary proteins and fats necessary for hormone production.

Some nutritional ways to help optimize fertility:

  • Remove processed grains, other processed foods, sugars, and starches from the diet.
  • Obtain more nutrient-dense carbohydrates from vegetables, some fruits, and starchy sources like sweet potatoes and squash.
  • Increase healthy fats in the diet especially from sources like coconuts, coconut oil, olives and olive oil, butter, grass-fed meats, eggs, avocado, and nuts.
  • Get enough protein especially from grass-fed meats, eggs, and nuts. This is also important during pregnancy as adequate protein can help minimize the risk of certain pregnancy complications.
  • Eat a lot of vegetables, especially green leafy varieties like lettuce, spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, collard, chard, cabbage, Brussels sprouts, and similar veggies.
  • Drink enough water. Hydration is important for so many functions within the body, including fertility.
  • Get insulin levels under control. Even if you don’t have Type II diabetes, a high carbohydrate diet often goes hand-in-hand with some level of insulin resistance. Optimizing dietary factors with the above methods will help make your body more sensitive to insulin, which will help production of other hormones and proper function of the body.

For some women, nutrition alone can be enough to support the body for fertility. It is very important to continue these things once pregnant and not stop giving yourself proper nutrition, which is even more vital for the growth of an unborn child.

Step 2: Lifestyle Factors

Any doctor, or even a Google search, should reveal that habits like smoking, drug use, and high caffeine intake can severely impair fertility. There are many other lifestyle factors that contribute as well:

  • lack of sleep
  • exposure to harmful chemicals
  • lack of exercise (or too much exercise)
  • high stress levels
  • certain medications or supplements

Most lifestyle factors are also easy to fix with a little effort. The most common lifestyle factors that can increase fertility are:

Getting enough sleep

Sleep is vital to health and the production of many hormones. Studies have shown that women with low melatonin and serotonin levels have a shorter luteal phase (time between ovulation and menstruation) and consequently have a lower chance of conceiving. Lack of sleep also impairs the body’s ability to properly regulate adrenaline, cortisol, and insulin, making conception very difficult.

Make sleep a priority and get enough to feel rested, not just awake. This may mean taking a nap during the day or going to bed a few hours earlier. A completely dark sleep environment may also help melatonin levels and sleep.

Minimizing exposure to harmful chemicals

This should be a book in itself (hmm, time to get writing), but most women notice improvement from limiting exposure to household chemicals, plastic water bottles, and conventional cosmetic and beauty products.

Getting the right amount of exercise

Getting adequate exercise is important for fertility, but too much can have the opposite effect. Most women do well with several hours of recreational activity a week (walking, fun sports, or swimming) and a few weight training sessions. Too much moderate/intensive exercise will keep the body from ovulation if done regularly. While weight loss can greatly help fertility, having too little body fat (below 15-18%) can make the body go into an anovulatory state (not ovulate).

Limiting stress

Easier said than done, especially for anyone who is going through the emotions of fertility difficulties! You’ve probably been told that if you can relax, you will get pregnant. While this is certainly not true for everyone, reducing stress is a good idea. Often, the ideas above will help with many of the physical causes of stress, leaving you more time to (hopefully) relax.

Checking side effects of medications

Check with your doctor to see if any medications you are taking could impair fertility. Steroids and antidepressants have been known to do so, as well as any other hormone containing or affecting medications.

Step 3: Supplements & Herbs

While diet and lifestyle alone often reverse infertility, some women notice better or faster results with the aid of natural supplements and herbs.

Fish Oil

The single most important supplement that I’ve seen help women increase fertility, is adequate intake of omega-3s, which are also excellent for a developing baby and a healthy pregnancy.


The following herbs are recommended for getting pregnant naturally:

  • Red Raspberry Leaf  A well know fertility herb that is also good during pregnancy. It has a high nutrient profile and is especially high in calcium and is a uterine tonic. It is available in capsule form, but makes an excellent hot or cold tea.
  • Nettle Leaf – Has a very high mineral content. It contains lots of chlorophyll and is nourishing to the adrenals and kidneys. It helps reduce stress and is a powerful uterine tonic. Once pregnant, it is great for getting enough nutrients during pregnancy and has a high vitamin K content to prevent hemorrhage. I add nettle leaf to a tea that I drink before and during pregnancy.
  • Dandelion  Contains vitamins A and C as well as trace minerals. The root is beneficial to the liver and the leaf is mildly diuretic. Can help cleanse the body and remove toxins.
  • Alfalfa  Has vitamins A, D, E and K and eight digestive enzymes. Contains trace minerals and vitamin K and is often added to commercial vitamins because of its high vitamin profile.
  • Red Clover – Has a very high vitamin content and contains almost every trace mineral. It has been known to help balance hormones and restore fertility.
  • Maca – A hormone balancing herb that is known throughout the world for its fertility and vitality promoting properties. Good for both men and women to increase fertility, though women should only take between menses and ovulation and discontinue to make sure it is not taken during pregnancy. It is a very potent herb that often has very noticeable effects on fertility. It comes in powder form or capsule form.
  • Vitex/Chaste Tree Berry – Nourishes the pituitary gland and helps lengthen the luteal phase. It lowers prolactin and raises progesterone. For some women, this alone will increase fertility.

IMPORTANT: Do not take any of these herbs in combination with fertility drugs, hormone treatments, or hormonal birth control! As with any herbs, supplements, or medication, consult a doctor or health care professional about your specific case and do your own research!


You can’t out-supplement a poor diet, but when trying to heal a condition consider taking these:

  • Vitamin D – Vitamin D deficiency is very common in America, especially during the winter, and can be very detrimental to overall health. Recent studies link inadequate vitamin D with infertility and miscarriage. Have your levels checked to find out how much you need.
  • Vitamin C – A potent antioxidant, vitamin C is good for both male and female infertility. Aim for at least 2,000 mg a day pre-conception.
  • Folate – Folate (not folic acid) is well known as a necessary vitamin in early pregnancy to prevent complications, but it is most beneficial when taken for several month before the pregnancy as well as during. It helps cell division and promotes ovulation. Some natural doctors recommend taking up to 5,000 micrograms a day and women hoping to get pregnant should take at least 2,000 micrograms a day. It is important to note that many people have trouble using the synthetic form, folic acid, and do better with folate or methylfolate (this post explains more).
  • Zinc – Very important for cell division including sperm production and ovulation. Best when taken in combination with b-vitamins.
  • Selenium – Helps protect the body from free radicals and protects sperm and egg. Known to help cell division and might prevent miscarriage.
  • B-Vitamins – Deficiency of B-vitamins is common in anyone who consumes large amounts of processed foods, grains or sugars. Optimizing b vitamin levels can increase luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone to improve fertility.

Natural Progesterone Cream

Infertility struggles can often be linked to specific hormone imbalances. Especially for those with short cycles or short second phase of their cycle (ovulation through start of menses), progesterone can be the issue. I’ve seen people add only natural progesterone cream and conceive and carry a healthy pregnancy within a month or two.

When using progesterone cream, it is important to do research, work with a specialist, make sure you have a good brand that is soy-free. Only use for the second half of your cycle (ovulation through menses).

Some sources, including a midwife and a doctor I trust, suggest continuing the progesterone cream through the first three months of pregnancy and then tapering off to make sure the body has adequate progesterone to continue the pregnancy until the placenta takes over production in the second trimester. Again, do research and work with a specialist when using any hormone.

Bottom Line: Can You Get Pregnant If You Are Infertile?

Struggles with infertility can be agonizing for couples, but there is hope. Proper diet and nutrition can greatly aid the body in conceiving and carrying a healthy baby (and also are beneficial in overall health).

While sometimes medical treatment is necessary, couples should at least consider dietary changes first to support the body. The above system is also helpful for women wanting to relief from symptoms of PMS, PCOS, endometriosis, heavy periods, or other hormonal problems.

While some testing can be expensive, one option to test your fertility hormones is called Modern Fertility. They have a team of reproductive specialists who will review your test and can answer any questions you have.

More From Wellness Mama

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Anna Cabeca, a gynecologist and obstetrician and a menopause and sexual health expert. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Have you struggled with infertility, or know someone who does? What helps (or doesn’t help) as you search for answers?

Infertility can be reversed in many cases with simple and careful dietary and supplement changes that help support your body. Find out how.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


564 responses to “How to Reverse Infertility & Get Pregnant Naturally”

  1. Catherine Avatar

    I have a question:. I have been ‘mostly paleo’ for a year and a half now. I do occasionally fall of the bandwagon completely though. This post is inspiring me to REALLY commit! I have been officially trying to conceive since last December. I was charting all my CM, and that all looked good. The problem was that there was no thermal shift. I confirmed with my midwife and she said that probably meant I wasn’t ovulating. 1) will the above supplements help fix that problem? 2) a lady at the natural food store suggested I take this tincture: Quantum: female fertility formula which has in it: false unicorn, wild yam, vitex, wild american ginseng, maca, astragalus, rhodiola rosea, and dong quai. + evening primrose oil

    your thoughts? If the supplements you mentioned help with someone who isn’t ovulating, is my tincture sufficient, or would I be better just taking red raspberry leaf tea and maca.

    I will be switching from my SFH fish oil in favor of the fermented CLO/butter oil soon. I crossfit between 2-5x weekly. I am overweight, but my a1c is 5.3% (non diabetic)

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      The herbs above should help with ovulation, but depending on how long your luteal phase is, I’d also use natural progesterone cream for the second half of each menstrual cycle (when ovulation should occur through start of menses) to help get progesterone levels up. Low progesterone is the most common cause of not ovulating, and the natural cream is usually an easy solution. Personally, I’ve also used the natural cream in early pregnancy too to guard against miscarriage until about three months when he placenta takes over progesterone production.

      1. Catherine Peisher Knight Avatar
        Catherine Peisher Knight

        so is it better to use the herbs individually or is the blended tincture I bought ok? (the FCLO/butter oil and progesterone cream are on their way!)

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          The blend should be fine, but I’d discontinue as soon as you find out you are pregnant.

          1. Catherine Peisher Knight Avatar
            Catherine Peisher Knight

            I’m sorry to have to ask so many questions. I decided to start buying the various components separately as independent reading said that some of the ingredients should be mixed. However, my reading has been giving conflicting advice: some say maca should be taken all month long, you say the first half. some say red raspberry leaf should not be taken when pregnant so its better only have if the first half of the cycle. Same with evening primrose oil. Is there a definitive guide somewhere?

          2. Wellness Mama Avatar
            Wellness Mama

            Unfortunately, most of those fall into the category of not being adequately tested in pregnancy, so while they may be safe, they can’t be recommended. For Maca, it can me taken all month long, it just shouldn’t be taken during pregnancy, which is why if you’re actively TTC, I typically suggest just taking in the first half. Personally, I drink Red Raspberry leaf tea throughout pregnancy, and my midwife has said this is fine, but some people are more comfortable only doing that in the later half of pregnancy or not at all. I personally don’t use EPO while pregnant, but some people do. Unfortunately, I don’t think there is a “definitive” guide anywhere so I’d just suggest doing your own research and finding a solution you are comfortable with… Good luck!

          3. Catherine Peisher Knight Avatar
            Catherine Peisher Knight

            I just thought I would share that after only five weeks of using FCLO/high vitamin butter oil daily, maca (1st half of cycle) Vitex, evening primrose oil (first half of cycle) it looks like I ovulated last week for the first time since I began charting! My temperature dropped today (not below the coverline my app drew) so I may not have actually conceived. But I feel confident in my body’s ability to heal itself and conceive . If I didn’t, that just gives me more time to lean out some more, and further prepare for pregnancy. Thank You!

          4. Wellness Mama Avatar
            Wellness Mama

            That’s wonderful! So happy for you and can’t wait to hear when you have a little on on the way!

          5. sagira Avatar

            hi i had fsh high and iregular period i need to get pregnancy my age 40 which herbal i used i need your help please

  2. Maddie Avatar

    Hello, I am curious what the results of doing this would be ”
    Do not take any of these herbs in combination with fertility drugs, hormone treatments or hormonal birth control! “. Is there a bad reaction? What is the issue of taking these supplements while using the pill or any other hormonal treatment? 

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      These herbs are very powerful in their own right. The can impact hormones, and taking them with other drugs that also impact hormones can lead to dangerous effects. If you are going to attempt to take any of these while on hormone treatment of any kind, I’d definitely suggest talking to your doctor and finding a natural doctor and herbalist in your area to consult too.

      1. Cita Avatar

        I’m 20 years old and my boyfriend is 22 we just got married and it’s hard for us to have a baby we have been trying for the last 5 months?? I just started taking folic acid for a month now. Can you tell me what’s worng and we’re young?.

      2. Chistine Avatar

        Is it ok to take maca and high blood pressure medications, please I need help.

  3. Kristin Avatar

    Have to be careful with what kind of Vitamin C you’re taking. Pills that have rose hips and bioflavinoids will assist with fertility, but if those ingredients are missing the opposite effect might be seen. 

  4. Christy Avatar

    We have had fertility problems over the years.  I had been diagnosed with PCOS and told I would never conceive on my own.  Well I had 2 pregnancies without drugs to get them.  Then I had recurring problems with large cysts on one ovary and ended up having to have that ovary removed and told that it would be near impossible for me to get pregnant on my own now with my past history and now only 1 ovary.  Well, I went on to have 2 more pregnancies.  Now my children are pretty well spaced, and not of  my intentions.  I suffered a late miscarriage last summer and was determined for it not to be another 2 to 4 years before I was pregnant again.  I recently found out I was pregnant and this what I was taking and doing that month…
    Red Raspberry Leaf capsules
    Mega B complex
    Maca capsules (started at 800mg/day on cycle day 5 and increased it gradually up to 3000mg just before ovulation and then gradually decreased) make sure you get certified organic; I found mine on Amazon and through a natural health store.  You would also want to know when you ovulate in your cycle… I happen to ovulate between days 18 and 20 which is why I waited to start the maca until day 5.  If you ovulate on CD 14, you might want to start early.
    Chiropractic care… I had been in a serious accident the month before and started this at the beginning of my cycle as part of my therapy.  This was the one thing that had been different from the previous 3 cycles.

    I hope this might help someone. 

    1. Para Avatar

      That is amazing! It gives me hope! I have been diagnosed with PCOS and have not been able to conceive for eight years. Even after one year of fertility treatment. I am now looking for natural resources in hopes that they work!

  5. Carrie Avatar

    Thank you so much for your wonderful post.  I agree that nutrition and sleep can definitely play a vital role in fertility.  I am wondering if you have ever heard of NaProTECHNOLOGY?  It stands for Natural Reproductive Technology.  It’s a medical application to a fertility charting system called the Creighton Method.  It was through the help of the charting and MD who is trained in NaPro that we were finally able to concieve.  We use all bio-identical hormones and some of the same supplements you mentioned and a few others.  You can find out more at

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I am familiar with them. I’m actually a certified NFP teacher… it’s so good to see things like NaPro gaining traction.

      1. maria Avatar

        NaPro=Great. Probably a lot of NaPro trained doctors=great…but at all costs avoid going to the founder, Dr. Hilgers for treatment. Along with numerous other women who trusted him, I’m still living with the emotional scars from treatment with him…and still no babies. My intention is NOT to give him a bad name, but I definitely want to help other women avoid the pain and suffering he causes.

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          Wow… good to know and I’m so sorry for your suffering… if you want, feel free to email me and I’ll see if I have any resources that can help 🙂

        2. Skye Clark Avatar
          Skye Clark

          Hi Maria, I am curious as to why you don’t suggest Dr. Hilgers. I recently moved to Nebraska and a friend here suggests him as he helped her conceive her two children. My husband and I have been trying for just over 3 years with two miscarriages and a recent diagnosis of “unexplained infertility.” I am pretty close to deciding to take my friend’s advice and making an appointment in Omaha, but it sounds like from what you say that I should probably stay away?

          1. Emily Avatar

            Dear Skye and Maria –
            Maria, I am so very sorry to hear about your experience with Dr. Hilgers in Omaha. Not to dimish your experience, but ours was quite the opposite. We felt that Dr. Hilgers and his associates helped treat the root causes of infertility without making promises about delivering a baby. From our perspective, they treat the whole person/couple (not just the infertility) and respect the dignity of the person in doing so. Again, Maria, I am very sorry you did not have this experience. After over 5 years of infertility, we were able to conceive after I had a laparotomy to remove stage 4 endometriosis. Our son just turned 3 yrs old. So, Skye, I do hope you have checked Pope Paul VI and Dr. Hilgers out for yourself, and I wish you both the very best!

  6. Meri Frazier Avatar
    Meri Frazier

    Really enjoyed this article. My husband and I have been ting to conceive for 2 years. My daughter who’s going on 6 was conceived while on BC, but now that I’m trying to conceive I’ve been having complications. I’ve done the charting, fertility monitors, vitamins, etc. I vowed a few days ago to take care of my self more by having massages and mediate to help relax. I know weigh can be an issue with TTC, my issue is that I’m underweight. I’m 30 going on 31, 5’3, and I weigh under 100lbs. What do you recommend to help increase my weigh or do you feel that my weight is a major factor?

    1. Meri Frazier Avatar
      Meri Frazier

      By the way, I just order the maca, raspberry leaf, and the progesterone cream online. What are your recommendations for using the cream and how to apply it?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        There should be instructions on the package, but you rub on fatty areas of the body (buttocks, legs, stomach) 1-2 times a day, using only a small dime size amount and only for the second half of your cycle (after ovulation until menses).

        1. Laura Bailey Avatar
          Laura Bailey

          My doctor recommended applying progesterone cream to areas of “thin skin” (to maximize absorption) such as the decolletage, breasts, inner wrist area. Are you sure you want to put it where it’s going to get the least amount of absorption (fatty areas)?

          1. Laura Bailey Avatar
            Laura Bailey

            I don’t like to disagree with people on message boards or prove them wrong because it can be embarrassing. I hope you aren’t offended that I’m sharing this link. You seem like an open person! You are providing “simple answers for healthier families” so this is something that you need to know:


            This information is just so everyone knows how to apply progesterone cream properly. Otherwise, you’re not going to get the full benefit of it.

            All the best to you,


  7. Katzchen Avatar

    I’m one of the “got pregnant by washing my clothes with my husband’s.”  We tried for only 1 month, after charting my cycles for 16 months and using FAM with a diaphragm during my fertile week.  I had been worried that between hypothyroidism and previously being overweight would hinder my fertility, but clearly I had gotten my health under control!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      haha… I’m the same way… washing clothes, now I know what’s causing it 🙂

  8. Rig Avatar

    Do you take all those natural herbs at the same time or just certain ones?  Which ones would work best for fertility? 

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      It would depend on how aggressively I was trying to reverse the infertility. They could be taken together but the progesterone cream, red raspberry and Maca together are the most potent.

      1. Meri Frazier Avatar
        Meri Frazier

        Where can you find most of these herbs? Also, the progesterone cream wasn’t mention above, could you please speak more on that? Thanks

  9. Laura Pulliam Avatar
    Laura Pulliam

    What do you suggest for men as far as supplements?  Also, what is your opinion of the over the counter fertility vitamins such as ProCreation or Michael’s Reproductive Factors?  By the way..Your website has changed me and my husband’s life!  I can’t imagaine eating any other way now.   We are desperately trying to get pregnant with no luck and are about to go see specialists.  I am fearful of the process being that I would prefer to get pregnant naturally.  We are at the point that we don’t know what else to do.  I wish we could be your patients! =)  Any advice on the men’s supplements and  OTC vitamins would be great.  Thanks for all you do.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Zinc and selenium are the big ones for the guys… Eating a few brazil nuts a day will be enough selenium, but the zinc is a little tougher to get from food and should often be supplemented. A good quality prenatal is good, but I’d say that magnesium, probiotics, and fermented cod liver oil are more important (the brands I take are in my “store” tab). I’d also make sure you are both getting liver, seafood and high quality fats in your diet. Those would all be higher priorities than a prenatal, but if you’re already doing that, a prenatal would be good too 🙂 Best of luck!

  10. Viola Avatar

    Don’t forget the other half of the equation: the men!  I feel that it really helped us when I started feeding my hubby more red meat, oysters, and liverwurst (and slipping brewer’s yeast into salad dressing)…for Vitamins A, D, and especially ZINC.  On top of a WAPF based diet, seemed to work for us!

  11. Donna Avatar

    I’m sorry, but I COMPLETELY disagree with this post. I changed EVERYTHING in my life: took supplements, gained weight (so that I was a healthy 19-20% body fat), stopped running, changed my diet and did not get pregnant naturally (and, yes, I was having sex when ovulating).  It took 4 rounds of IVF to conceive my 2nd child at the ripe old age of 32 (I started trying for #2 at 31; also had problems conceiving #1 at 28/29).  I was diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve meaning that I had the ovaries of someone 15 years older.  This post is VERY misleading and can cause women that have REAL infertility issues to waste precious time trying to “fix” their fertility problems homeopathically.  Blog posts like this only alienate healthy women like me and make us feel guilty for not being healthier.  Sometimes there are other factors at play that impact our fertility.  Changing our diet and taking supplements does not cure everything.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’m sorry for all your difficulty, and congrats on your two children! I agree with you that diet and supplements are not the only thing that has to change for some people, but they are, at least, a very important start and an aspect that is not always addressed by fertility specialists. Even if women need more fertility help, these steps will help improve their chances with fertility aids. That being said, I have seen a lot of women have drastic improvements from diet and supplements alone. I’m sorry that you felt alienated. Thanks for reading and best of luck in the future!

      1. Christa Avatar

        Thank you for providing a resource that will assist me with managing my health care needs as a woman. Unfortunately IVF treatment specialist do not offer opportunities to all women; the healthcare system as well. I am a woman of color and have been given very poor healthcare since the age of 11-years old from some of the top health care providers. This is why at 36-years old I continue to manage my own health care needs and look for resources that will provide me with some supportive alternatives to helping .myself. Thank you for sharing this blog.

    2. Joann Charman Avatar
      Joann Charman

      I agree with this post, How can you say that you have 100 percent success rate compared to 20 percent with IVF ?

      Where I do agree that a change in life style COULD help some people to conceive

      you CANNOT compare your self to an IVF clinic treating people with medical issues that no matter what vitamin or mineral they take they will not conceive naturally

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I’m just saying that in couples I’ve personally worked with, they have all conceived after addressing issues naturally. I’m certainly not claiming to be able to help with physical issues that actually make conception impossible, but I haven’t worked with any couples with these issues.

    3. Stacy W Avatar
      Stacy W

      I was also diagnosed with diminished oviarian reserve but finally conceived after being on clomid for 8 mos and on the 4th IUI. Life was good until 7 mos after DS was born… then he was dx with a brain tumor. Without getting into the horror that is pediatric cancer…I called my fertility doctor several months after my son passed to ask about taking DHEA (supposedly it’s been found help women with low ovarian reserve and also in increasing success with IVF). I was shocked when my doctor told me that he wanted me to come in to do another US to see if I still had a low ovarian reserve because, according to him, this is something that your body can fix on it’s own. I see that it’s been a year since you posted this comment…I really, really hope you’re reading this with a LO snuggled in your arms or in your belly. ?

      1. Rachel Avatar

        I am so sorry for your loss. It is the worst pain a mother can know. My baby girl is in heaven too.

    4. Lucy Avatar

      I totally disagree with the lady with the problems that states supplements did not help her and the others that back her up . Did you actually consult Wellness Mama for the fertility issues you’d been diagnosed with by the fertility centre, no! Therefore you really do not know if she could have helped you or not. This post is free advice that can guide many couples to having a take home baby. As your issues were/are more serious you’d have been best to consult her as a paid client. I have read many posts where the fertility problem you were/are suffering from was reversed.

      Many Fertility specialists will NOT recognise food (nutrition) as medicine to help fertility because this means you may not even require the procedure of IVF in many cases if you simply eat right (this usually means no sugar), detox, exercise and use supplements etc. Fertility specialists including includes the scientists; who I proved wrong when he said “I don’t care what you did you will only get 30%”, at age 38 I had every single egg make it to day 5 except for 2 which were ambushed (fertilized twice) and this was because of the nutrition I fed my body and my partners as well as the exercise supplements and no sugar or coffee. At 28 I was not eating right I had 23 eggs picked up and only 3 fertilized, so for 10 years I researched and I had achieved brilliant success.

      You have 2 children, but you sound so bitter and angry in the post. Anger is often a problem associate with the liver, and is a sign that the liver needs help to remove toxins, especially after cycles of IVF whilst not carry a baby or after having given birth. All those drugs can be very harmful to the liver resulting in many issues like “anger”, depression, anxiety, etc., etc. and most likely an alternative specialist would advise that this is behind your fertility issues.

      I think this post is brilliant and thank Wellness Mama for the time free detail she has supplied.

      1. Hannah Avatar

        Hmmm…I don’t know if things are different in Canada than in the US, but the first thing doctors tell you here is to be a healthy weight when you’re having trouble conceiving. Lose 5% -10% body weight if you’ve got some pounds to lose, and gain body fat if you have too little. Take Folic Acid when TTC and during pregnancy -thought it was the same every where, but I could be wrong.

        Anyhow, having trouble with fertility due to PCOS myself, I can understand why a woman can get upset about being strung along when the clock’s ticking. I’m huge believer in natural therapies but 2 years of maca, acupuncture (and whatever those black pills they give you are) soy isoflavones, spear mint tea, etc did not help me conceive naturally. I am thankful that the journey has made me more conscious about what I put into my body and that my body stronger and more able to carry a baby to term when and if we conceive. I finally found a store which carries FCLO and had a period within 3 weeks of starting it! Really excited about that since my cycle ranges 41 to 173 days so I’m going to stick to the FCLO for a bit and see where it goes. In the mean time, I’ll continue to eat healthy, exercise and watch my diet while I wait for a Fertility specialist to get back to me. Would love to do this naturally, but after 2 years of trying, I feel that I need to see what else is going on in this body of mine.

        Thanks for all the helpful posts Wellness Mama!

    5. Courtney Avatar

      Why would you dis a post that is naturally trying to help women get pregnant? Wouldn’t you want other women to succeed? Obviously this has helped other women get pregnant. I know it must be tough on you not being able to conceive, but that doesn’t mean you should bash a web site that is geared to natural fertility. Lets try to build each other up, and not live in a world where we bring people down, just because something doesn’t go the way we planned it too. I pray that God will bless you with a healthy baby 🙂

      1. Diana Connor Avatar
        Diana Connor

        I agree with you on this, the woman tha create this site is only trying to help us women who it’s hard on to conceived

    6. Kayla Avatar

      Hi Donna, I’m sorry for your struggle but am glad to hear about your success. I went through about 4 years of infertility and it probably would have been longer if I hadn’t found this article, because soon after I took her advice I conceived our first child. She does say it helps many people (not necessarily all) and I think it’s worth a try for at least a few months.

    7. Keren Avatar

      What you write Donna is my experience too. Except that I have unexplained infertility and my ovarian reserve is very good for my age. I actually read this article while trying to conceive and did EVERYTHING on it to the letter (in fact was doing most of it already anyway as grew up very into natural health). I didn’t feel very well, cutting out grains for example didn’t agree with me and cutting out caffeine wasn’t good for me (I was depressed because of the fertility problems and coffee is a natural antidepressant). Having said that, I don’t think this advice is wrong, I think this is all a great starting point. But there is nothing wrong with also using Western medicine. IVF is expensive but it really works for many women. Unfortunately you need to do it as soon as you can often for best results because age matters in it so much (I’ve understood more than in natural conception because you need many eggs to get enough embryos). I was convinced to wait for 4 years because of advice to just try natural treatments and because I needed to find “the root cause” of my infertility etc. I felt like such a massive failure when none of it worked. I also spent a lot of money on supplements on the way. Thankfully I was still young enough for IVF and now have children thanks to it. I don’t think it is quite ethical to tell women to only use natural means and give the impression that this will work for “most” women. I don’t think the research I’ve looked at shows that at all. It does show diet can make a big difference so it’s not wrong to try that. I just wish you weren’t so overly confident that natural means for sure work. It is not fair on the women who will end up needing IVF and wasting valuable time while they think they shouldn’t do IVF because it’s not “natural”.

  12. Katie Avatar

    Thank you for this post! I am struggling right now with getting a period, and I truly believe it is from  not getting enough healthy fats in my diet!

  13. Bo Avatar

    Well, this is a great site. But, I have to say, you can’t possibly say 100 percent success rate with fertility.  It borders on absurd, respectfully.  There is no possible way that women aged 40-45 will all get pregnant by following these recommendations.  It’s just not possible.  Sorry.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I don’t claim that it would work for every single person who ever tries it, rather just that with the clients I have worked with in the past, it has. And, I’ve had several in that age range who have gotten pregnant.

      1. April Avatar

        I started taking Vit D, folic acid, prenatal vitamins and the sperm friendly lubricant Pre-Seed along w an OPK kit and thankfully got pregnant on our first round. Good luck to everyone.

        1. Jerri Avatar

          Wow! That’s awsome. I have some of the same stuff as you (vitamin D, prenatal, folic and Maca.) Hope i get the same results. Got some unwanted news from my Dr a couple of days ago. Tried to go to a fertility specialist and seems they’re not going to be of any help. So, hoping to be able to go and tell them i didn’t need their help anyway. I’m 37 and having been trying since May 2013. I have no children at all. Praying this works out for me as well!

      2. Dee Avatar

        Greetings Welness MAMA. My name is Deelu from South Africa.

        During the weekend I cam accross this powerful article. I used to take birth control only from Jan to July (7months). I stopped because we decided to start a family. My menstrual cycle from there I skipped mpnth of Aug and they started in Sep. Every two months they are consinstent and change after two months.February 2014 I skipped the whole month and had my periods the 07March, my nurse friend advises I take hormonsl bslsnce pills which I started on the day the 7th. I am concerned because I am 24 and my husband is 32 we have been trying since Aug 2013. I decide to get Maca powder yersteday and also Raspberry leaves, I am getting the Natula Progesterone Cream today. Will you please advise on the dosage of the Maca powder and the Raspbery leaf tea? and also should I stop immediately taking those hormonal/contraceptive balance pills?
        I would appreciate your immediate response.

        1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

          I’m not familiar with the pills you are taking, so I can’t comment on those, but I take up to a teaspoon of Maca a day and drink Red Raspberry tea throughout the day. I use progesterone (when needed) for the second half of my cycle.

          1. Ann Marie Logan Avatar
            Ann Marie Logan

            is progesterone cream any good im 42 cant conceive did 7 months ago had misscarriage

        2. Deidre Avatar

          Lovely Deel, know that your cycle is longer days and not months. I used to think the same until I counted the DAYS between first day of bleeding. I am 35 days regular, every time. A woman’s normal cycle is from 28 days – 42 days. Because of the longer length between bleeding, you’ll have to adjust the calculation for longer days until ovulation. Secondly, track your discharge for an egg-white consistency. That will assist as times of high fertility. Stay persistent. Please try recalculation of days before going to hormone therapy. Wishing you success.

      3. heather Avatar

        What a gift of hope you are giving to so many struggling with “impossible” fertility issues! I’m a first time visitor and am quite impressed with your site’s wealth of information. Keep up the great work!

      4. Anna Avatar

        I would really be intersted to see what u have to say about our situation…we actually started eating as well as what u mentioned 2 years ago..I eat better then hubby…we have gone to naturalpaths and accupunture and followed everything they told us to a T…but still no baby…I have unexplained infertility and hubby has lower to normal sperm numbers…we have had two unsuccessful IVF attempt just in the past couple of months…and we are puzzled as to why we can’t fall pregnant…please help:)

        1. staci morland Avatar
          staci morland

          Anna…your story is similar to mine. We were ttc #1 for 2 1/2 years had to many iui’s to count and 2 failed ivf’s with fertility acupuncture. I went to a homeopathic Dr who put me on a strict diet…specific to my blood test results and began taking the supplements recommended by CCRM…you can easily find the supplements list through a Google search and finally got pregnant after 2 months! So there is still hope!! I am back on the same diet and have been ttc #2 for three months now! Baby dust to all!

          1. yolonda Avatar

            Can you share what helped you hey pregnant? I’m 45, with hormonal issues and ttc. I’m seeing a fertility acupuncturist and will start taking Red Clover Blossoms infusions tonight. We do have children, but yearn to have one more. 🙂

          2. staci morland Avatar
            staci morland

            Hi Yolanda…I stopped eating gluten and dairy and went on some supplements from my homeopathic Dr…I am 4 1/2 mo pregnant with TWINS!

      5. stephanie Avatar

        Hi Katie I’m 41 years old and was told I have a low ovarian reserve. I’m seriously trying to conceive and I have started taking coq10, code liver oil and pregnacare conception. The question is can I add maca, vitex, Raspberry leaf with what I’ve been taking before. Tanx

        1. Hildah Katono Avatar
          Hildah Katono

          I have very irregular periods.Forexamole i have been menstrauting for the last fifty (50) days. Iam finding it hard to conceive having tried for two years. my first results showed that i had PCOS. My tubes are open. My husband is well. Which herbs/suppliments would you recommend me to take. I badly need to have children. Iam 35 years old. Thank you.

          1. Irene Avatar

            Acupuncture has helped me regulate my period and Macca will do that too. PCOS can be helped through a whole 30 type diet. good luck!

      6. Tiffany Avatar

        I need your help…I am 41 years old and my husband is 10 yes younger… I had a myomectomy and also endometriosis. They keep saying I am “too old” for a child. I don’t really exercise but I am not overweight nor is my husband. We want a child so bad… I was pregnant before and had 1 miscarriage. Mt husband and I have only been married 1 year. I know I have scarring but they said this last surgery to clear my tube and some scarring was successful. They said now IVF is our only option…please please help

    2. Laura Bullock Avatar
      Laura Bullock

      you are ignorant, and obviously uninformed or educated improperly on this subject. I just gave birth to a healthy, 8 pound baby boy. I am 53 years old. I am an herbologist as well as a mother of 7 others. What a blessing-and I have more energy and vitality than I did when I was 30! I did not have a cycle for 6 months-took and did what I should, and without any outside help, we conceived 2 months after we were married!!! Great, Huh?

      1. Yazmeena Avatar

        I would like to know how you were able to conceive in 2 months. I have been trying for 9 years with my husband. We have a 11 year old daughter and have not been able to have another baby. I would love to know what you recommend. Thank you.

      2. Maryam Avatar

        Hi Laura, do you provide consultation on your herbal services? A website or contact information would be great. Thanks!

      3. Jackie Avatar

        Hi Laura, I am trying to get pregnant at an older age. Please help.

      4. Tamikia Kelly Avatar
        Tamikia Kelly

        Can you please give me the website of the list of herbs I should try because I’m becoming so discouraged. I’m 41 and time is ticking.Thank you in advance.


      5. ROSE Avatar

        Hello, i just got remarried in 2011, I have been trying to conceive, last year i went through major stress and my periods stopped coming, my husband is younger than me and we want to have a child, i will be 47 in and I am going through depression, I am taking a few vitamins that an herbalist recommended me to take to bring my period back, my doctor wanted to put me on birth control to bring my periods back but i got scared of taking anything unnatural , i have been taking vitamins that the naturalist recommended for 1.5 months already, I love my husband very much and he loves me to, that is why we want a child together.

      6. Titilayo Avatar

        Oh my God congrats , pls I desperately need to get pregnant too . Am 45

      7. Tiffany Avatar

        I need your help…I am 41 years old and my husband is 10 yes younger… I had a myomectomy and also endometriosis. They keep saying I am “too old” for a child. I don’t really exercise but I am not overweight nor is my husband. We want a child so bad… I was pregnant before and had 1 miscarriage. Mt husband and I have only been married 1 year. I know I have scarring but they said this last surgery to clear my tube and some scarring was successful. They said now IVF is our only option…please please help

      8. Patty Avatar

        Would you tell us which herbs you took? Ive been trying for two years, with accupuncture and chiro help and still dont get regular periods and two failed ivf attempts. Please advise.

        1. Valerie Avatar

          I’m 57 haven’t had a pirod in 10 years have had 4 miscarriaged the doctor doesn’t know why my pirods stopped I want a baby so bad my husband left me for a girl he got pregnant because she could have kids please help

      9. wanda Avatar

        Congrats! What herbs did you take? I am 45 and have been trying for 3 years without any luck. I still get my period but ovulation is not consistent. I welcome any advice.

        1. Donna Avatar

          Hello, I have just found out I am in the early stages of pregnancy. We had tried many many things over the last 4.5 years. The last two months I scrapped everything and started on PregPrep (we got the 3 month kit), Juice Plus (vitamin supplements) & seeing a Chinese Medicine Acupuncturist. Only two months into this, we discovered we were expecting. I have just had my 46th birthday and am very excited to welcome this little person into our world in October 2016.

      10. Janet Avatar

        Would you mind explaining what you did/took, etc to have been able to conceive so quickly? I am 44, have a large family but would love to have another child. Can you please give me any advice?

      11. Romina Ross Avatar
        Romina Ross

        Hi Laura. Your story is fantastic. My name is Romina Ross. Can we talk? I’m up in age and want to conceive but never had help from my doctors. At age 35 my gyn doctor whom ive been seeing for years wanted to take out my uterus, but I wouldn’t let her. She said because I kept getting cysts and fibroids that I may as well have a hysterectomy. Other doctors have told me the same thing. And now look at me trying to conceive at 50. Can you help me?

      12. Rezna Avatar

        Thanks for sharing that Laura! A spark of Hope! I am 47 and have never tried to concieve but would like to now.

  14. Kirsten Avatar

    I just discovered your blog today. It’s filled with so much valuable information! My husband and I just recently starting trying for our first baby. I’m 33 and he’s 40, and we are both considerably overweight. On top of that, I have some feminine health related challenges (fibroids, short cycles…). I’ve been on and off the primal lifestyle for a couple months, but your article has really given me the motivation to go at it 100%, for my own health and the health of our future child/children. Thank you!

  15. Katie Avatar

    My husband is a Chiropractor and he seen couples come in that have tried everything and after a few weeks to a few months under care-they all got pregnant.  Your body is amazing and can do amazing things when there is no interference.

      1. Ashley Avatar

        I am not sure about chiro but I swear by acupuncture. 4 years trying nothing. After 2 months of accu I got pregnant. It was a failed pregnancy but at least I now know my body can get pregnant. I am now trying again. Possibly pregnant just waiting to find out. Accu and some natural supplements is all I changed. In the 4 years prior we had nothing not even a failed pregnancy. So I am now a believer of acupuncture and Chinese medicine

        1. Irene Avatar

          Hi- it’s nice to see a recent comment on here. I’m doing acupuncture as well. Have been for a while now but there are other issues that I’ve learned about recently that I need to address first. I know it’s improved my cycle’s regularity. I’m so sorry for your loss but admire your ability to see the silver lining. Sending good energy your way for a healthy happy pregnancy, birth, baby child, etc. 🙂

    1. Rasha Abou ElKheir Avatar
      Rasha Abou ElKheir

      At 45 I was on my last hope. I went to chiropractic and acupuncture religiously, changed my diet dramatically, removing dairy, sugar and gluten, and within 3 months was pregnant! After almost 5 years of trying. My baby’s downs risk was that of a much younger person…1 in 10000 even! I’m 6.5 months pregnant, and never felt better! It can be done and the doctor who said I needed donor eggs, now boasts that I am her oldest spontaneously pregnancy! Ha! One other thing which is important, is knowing your cycle, knowing when you ovulate and timing BD’ing well! Of course also your partner’s health is equally important.

      1. Stacey Kennedy Avatar
        Stacey Kennedy

        Hi, I’m looking for some help on getting pregnant at 43. I’ve read your post and I’m wondering if you could give me any tips on how a chiropractor and acupuncture can help. I had 3 children in my 20’s so I know I can get pregnant, I just think now that my age is 43, i’m going to have a hard time conceiving. I also started taking chasteberry , can you help me at all please?

        1. Kiah Jane Avatar
          Kiah Jane

          Before we are born all of our organs and nerves are little buds or stems off of the spine. So if the spine is in the wrong position it can be pinching, amongst other things, the organs that we need. Hence the reproductive area may be totally blocked off from what it needs and/or in a position where its inflamed and over compensating. The Chiropractor aligns your spine to take the pressure off of your organs and make sure you whole body is working as a whole unit.

        2. Vanessa Avatar

          Have you tried conceiveeasy? Seems like a good option if you are looking to go a more natural route. Supposedly it works for several different causes of infertility within 2 or 3 cycles.

          1. Amanda Avatar

            can you explain more I have never heard of this ?

        3. Ann Marie Logan Avatar
          Ann Marie Logan

          im 42 was pregnant last june miscarried due to be married next oct my fiancee desperately wants childeren not happening i have 2 grown up sons any advice please

        4. kt Avatar

          I also need help getting pregnant. My hormones are not back to normal after my 1st baby. Doc told me i have POF with 1% chance of getting pregnant. Im only 28 yrs old

        5. Emma Avatar

          Am same ive just had cyst drained I just need to get my egg count up I’ve been trying for 6 yrs and never fell now I’m going to see a gyno about ivf

      2. Mitchell Avatar

        I am a year late in this post stream, so not sure how that works. Found this blog and am hoping for…success! Been trying for nearly 8 years. 2 ectopics, 2 rounds of IVF, weight gain due to hormones, lost left fallopian in laparascopy. 3 weeks ago: eliminated ALL grain, eat grass fed/pastured meats and eggs, veggies and therapeutic fruits (squash, bananas, berries), limit grass fed dairy to splash of heavy cream a day and Kerrygold butter on food. I also eat a lot of cocnut oil, stopped drinking wine on the weekends (switched to tea), and am in bed by 8:30-9:00 and wake up at 5am feeling rested. I feel better than I have in ten years, lost 2 pants sizes (in 3 weeks!!!) and am truly hoping for a fertility breakthrough. Any advice is appreciated. I am 37 and want to be a Mama and happily married to my best friend who wishes for the same. Thanks!

        1. Shaw Avatar

          Im 41 with a 2yr old. Certainly we can get pregnant at our allegedly advanced ages 😉

        2. Sally Avatar

          I got pregnant naturally at ages 39 and 41 (this was after having two early miscarriages). After the miscarriages, I started taking maca daily (along with my husband). I believe maca is what helped me get pregnant. It’s purported to improve egg and sperm quality, and I wholeheartedly believe it works in many cases.

          1. Aurora Avatar

            Thank you! after a miscarriage and an ectopic it’s good to hear is possible 🙂

        3. Chawangwa Lebala Avatar
          Chawangwa Lebala

          Hi I am also trying to get pregnant my period comes once a year and have decided to change my diet just like Mitchell and hoping for the best having trouble finding maca capsules in Botswana anyone know where i can get this

          1. Lois Avatar

            You can get the American and European brands of fertility herbs and supplements in South Africa.

      3. Hydie Avatar

        congratulations Rasha. did you use any vitamins to balance hormones?

      4. Kerri Avatar

        Can I ask what type of “strategy” you used? I do ovulation testing. The week I know I will ovulate, We begin having sex every other day. When the test is positive, we have intercourse 3 days in a row. I am 43 years old. Have drastically changed my diet (and have list over 25bs) … Cut out sugars, starched, and have started utilizing a hormone regeneration cream.

    2. Lindsay Avatar

      My husband and I are currently facing infertility obstacles. We have been trying now for 3 years for a baby with zero success, and as of last August started seeing a fertility specialist. I Just finished my second iui in which the results came back negative, about 2 weeks ago. My husband has been diagnosed with extreme low sperm count & motility. His results after wash was 1000 only, so extremely low.
      Both of us are of a healthy weight and for the most part do eat relatively healthy. I don’t eat meat, so I do sometimes struggle with lack of options and do eat my share of grains. My husband does smoke and is trying to quit, however it is a work in progress.
      I want to know if certain vitamins could help drastically improve my husbands count. He does presently take vitamin c, vitamin e, folic acid and selenium.
      We just as well both started doing acupuncture as we are getting desperate. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

      1. HeatherJ Avatar

        My husband has a similar issue and was recently advised to take L-Carnitine to increase his count. He’s only been on it a week so I’m not sure if it works yet but it’s something to try.

      2. Adria Avatar

        Look at fertilaid for men. The reviews by men on doubling and tripling sperm count is overwhelming! They have products for women too. All natural. 🙂

        1. Diana Connor Avatar
          Diana Connor

          I have read all the above and me and my partner have been trying to have a baby over 3 years and Dr’s have giving us both medicine to help but they dont seems to work… They suggest that we do IVF… What do you suggest ???

      3. pooja Avatar

        Hi iam 34 years old try to conceive since from last 4 years nn diagnose with one leftfellopian tube blocked. However endometrio cyst ws removed on last year tgrough laproscopy n still unable to conceive after 2 iui done. Please help me iam vry depress.

  16. Emma Avatar

    I had lots of problems getting pregnant, plenty of treatment that didn’t work and then all of a sudden a natural pregnancy (and I am now blessed with a three year old daughter) – but I haven’t fallen pregnant since. 6 months ago I found out that the low calorie carbs I was eating were pointless for health and well-being but I am now reading more and more that suggests 25 years of being vegetarian (no meat or fish) might have contributed to my sub-fertility. I might miss out on a second baby, as I am radically changing my diet at 42, but it is a comfort to me to understand why we might have had so many problems.

  17. Emily Avatar

    Thanks for posting! I am set to get married in about a year, and we both want children. However, last year I got diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, so now I’m really fearful about getting pregnant, or not being able to. I already follow the nutritional guidelines, and no one on this earth could make me forgo my 8-10 hours of sleep! So I feel a bit better about my chances now, even if the attempts for pregnancy are still a long way off. 

  18. Markita Avatar

    You CAN get pregnant naturally regardless of how long you have been trying without success! There is a safe and natural method.

    1. phoebe Avatar

      Markita? Can you share with us please, which is this safe and natural method? Thanks in advance, Phoebe.

    2. anna Avatar

      Hi my na it’s Anna i m 36 i stopped having my period about a year now my doctor told me I’m in pre menopause .so she tells me i can’t get pregnant anymore. I used deposhort for 3 years after i had my 9year old son. Do you think any of this can help me? Pls help

      1. Elana Avatar

        Hey Anna! I’m 25 about to be 26 in June and I was on the depo shot for 8 years and I stopped this past October and still haven’t seen a period yet. My GYN sent me to a specialist and they said I could either have fragile x or early menopause but it’s still unsure. I’m blaming the depo for this since I’ve heard so many stories about how it causes damage. But all I can do is move forward.. I’m really curious if these method also helps reverse the effects.

        1. Cynthia Avatar

          Hello?, dId you ever get pregnant, just curious because my situation is similar

        2. Monique Avatar

          Hi Ashley I’m sorry you finally get in my reply I have been trying to reply reply back but there’s been an issue I take serrapeptase 40,000 spu’s each pill I take seven of those a day the bromelain gave me chest pains so I stopped taking those and the apple cider vinegar I still take and it’s working wonderfully for me I also found some cyst removal herbs on the website called merchandise of the world and they have herbs for cyst fibroid tumors clogged tubes and everything they are awesome and they work awesome for me also also for me that work the most is prayer don’t forget to pray and have faith I’ll be praying for you also God bless you

    3. Mandy Avatar

      Hi I’m 31yrs old. It’s been 3 or 4 yrs trying for a baby and still no baby. I have a 9yr old daughter. When I went to the doctor they told me that my tubes are blocked…How do I unblock my tubes? What Herbal meds are good for that purpose? Help me out please.

      1. julie edmonds Avatar
        julie edmonds

        I had a son 17yrs Ago without trying, he was via emergency c-section. When he was 4, we tried but no luck, 2yrs later and after numerous tests, I was told both tubes were blocked, one at proximal end and one at distal end. Heard about reflexolog . Had 2 sessions and she said left tube (blocked at proximal) was open again. 1 month later . I was pregnant.

        1. Irene Avatar

          Hi- My right tube is blocked in the proximal location. What type of reflexology did you do? Did you use Serrapeptase? I have my consultation with the fertility dr. tomorrow and I just know he’s going to suggest surgery and IVF. I’d rather conceive naturally. Any natural tips for clearing the blockage would be great!

          1. Tiffany Avatar

            I’ve been seeing a physical therapist. I’ve since had a big improvement from the adhesion pain and bowel dysfunction it caused (from a c-section last Feb). The physical therapist loosens the scar tissue that was causing persistent nausea from intestinal pain, and prevent tubal blockage. The fertility doctor didn’t suggest this but very much agreed with me pursuing this when I mentioned it. I basically had to find out on my own what was wrong and see the specialist (PT) out of pocket. The gastroenterologist none of the other four doctors I saw were taking me seriously that I needed PT, which I find utterly disgusting and despicable. I almost gave up, but I went to the PT and my quality of life has improved A LOT. Honestly it makes me pretty angry that those Dr’s don’t understand simple concepts of scar tissue release improving internal problems and pain. It’s a basic concept. Anyhow, I go to Coury & Buehler Physical Therapy in Orange County, CA. I highly recommend finding a highly rated PT, just beware not all are knowledgeable in the issue you have so be picky. I’ll watch for replies. Please share if you try PT and if it helps you. Best wishes.

          2. Christine Avatar

            I have been trying to conceive for ten years. My tubes were blocked. I took maca capsules, dong quai, and women’s best friend. Two months later, I was pregnant at age 39. Trust me, it works.

      2. Joyce Avatar

        You have to check for infections or STDs Chlamydia, etc. Also a test no doctor really test anyone for is mycoplasma

      3. Anna Avatar

        Red clover leaf infusion is supposed to naturally help unblock tubes!

  19. Ryan Avatar

    Thanks for this post. We’ve started doing lots of these things already, but I didn’t realize that maca was good for hormonal imbalances. Both my husband and I have issues with this (no wonder we can’t get pregnant!) so I’ve been trying to research natural ways to get hormones back in balance. Do you know of a good source for maca?

    1. Zara Avatar

      Hello Katie,

      I will be soon 35 and my husband is 47 years and he smokes.
      I have two kids, one is 14 and second is 10 and a half years old. We have been trying for the third baby since 10 years. Recently, we found that my husband has low sperm count and motility. I have one tube blocked and low ovarian reserve ( no idea what it means). The only solution doctors suggested is IVF.

      We both are taking fertility medicine. But I would like to know what you suggest. I would definitely try herbs and conceive naturally in short period of time. One more thing, my ovulation is very pain full but normal days are fine.
      I want to what you suggest to both of us. We don’t mind stopping fertility medicines. How long do we need to take those herbs and where do you suggest us to buy those herbs

      1. Marsha Marsh Avatar
        Marsha Marsh

        Hey my name is marsha and i ave being trying to get pregnant for a long time and it seems its not working now i ave a new boyfriend and we are planning to start a family soon what if we try and try and i still cant concive what should u do?

      2. Andrea Avatar

        Great article. I have one quick question re: the natural progesterone cream. Is there a particular reason why you are recommending one that is soy-free? The product you linked is hard to find in Canada, and the all-natural ones I’ve found here seem to all contain soy isoflavone. So it’s making me curious as to why you’re avoiding the soy one.


        1. Ashley Avatar

          Soy is genetically modified unless it is organic. I am guessing that is why. Also, soy contains some estrogen naturally which might interfere differently with hormones.

        2. Brandi Avatar

          Soy is a phytoestrogen and can have reverse problems if you are trying to raise your Progesterone levels plus not all soy is non GMO and is linked to cancer.

          1. Katya Avatar

            Phytoestrogens are actually hormone balancing. It’s misinformation that it’s bad for you. It doesn’t function how estrogen would in our body at all.

    2. Julia Avatar

      Hello Katie,

      My name is Julia I’m 45 years old, I have 5 children. Oldest is 24, and my youngest is 8. I’m in a new relationship and we wanted to have a child. I had a miscarriage two years ago. I found your post and I started eating healthy, exercising, was taking maca, rasbberry red leaf, and nettel. I started early this year 2015. I found out I was pregnant on April 16. I went to see my doctor I was so excited with the news of still being able to get pregnant at my age. Unfortunately when he did the ultra sound he did not see a heartbeat. He said it stop growing I did some blood work, and schedule an appointment to see him in a week. I have no symptoms of a miscarriage.
      No pain no bleeding. I was so heartbreaking to go thru this again. The doctor did not give any hope he said I’m too old to have a healthy baby. That even if I do get pregnant again I’ll have a chance of having a baby with down syndrome. I’ll have to wait for my body to recognized the loss. Do you know of any herbs to take to induce a missed miscarriage.
      Again thank you for your post I do believe I got pregnant following your advice.

      1. Karla Avatar

        Hi Julia.
        You need to find another doctor. Your doctor has to believe in your goals or at least not be openly critical of your efforts.
        Find a more supportive doctor.

        1. Joseph Avatar

          I strongly agree with Julia. These doctors are so quick to put you on artificial drugs! Where I’m from women in their forties are having baby easily. This system just sick me. I would find a new doctor myself.

          1. Leonor Avatar

            True!! I am 42 and i’ve been trying to get pregnant for a year and 9 months now, you don’t know how dissapointed I am every months when I see my period is coming my husband and I went to the doctor and went trough all the test possible to see if there was something wrong from any of us, and it seems everything is just ok. On my last draw blood test assessment ovarian reserve for people over 38 the results was that I have low reserve eggs, They says related to my age, and that I have no many chances unless i do and IVF which is extremely expensive for us and we can not afford it, I found out about Coq10 micronized and Ubiquinol it might help to get healthier eggs hopefully that help! You may try too, they are suplements. My husband smoke a lot though however it seems that this didn’t affects his sperms much, but very depply on me I think that’s the cause why we are not being successful at getting pregnant I just hope this year happens no matter what because in octuber I’ll be 43 and I know the older i get the chances are lower too

      2. Michelle Rivera Avatar
        Michelle Rivera

        I’m so sorry you’re dealing with the jaded, insensitive backlash of our modern medical community. Honestly, I’ve never struggled with infertility but I do know what it’s like to want something and feel completely discouraged or betrayed by your body. Diet, exercise and herbs are important but what’s happening in your heart? 2 miscarriages is a huge loss… Have you taken some time to really feel your emotions and give them a voice? The stress of wanting something so bad can sometimes be what causes the stress that prevents us from having it. I truly believe that part of why it’s easy for me to get pregnant regardless of my PCOS diagnosis is because we enjoy our sex life and just let it happens if it does. It’s like my midwife says, you’ve gotta be relaxed and open to let something like that in 😉 YOU matter- your feelings matter. Eat well, take care of yourself and if you’re blessed with a baby or not you’ll feel peace ???? Thinking of you tonight in my prayers

      3. Kat Kavran Avatar
        Kat Kavran

        You are already blessed with five children, be grateful for that. Your doctor could be right. There’s no need to bring life into this world that may suffer greatly due to such a late in life birth. You should care about your children more than your own desires.

        1. Deshawn Keiner Avatar
          Deshawn Keiner

          Wow Kat Kavran that was very rude and insensitive! It doesn’t matter if she has five or ten kids if she wants to have another that’s her God given right. We are here to multiply. And to say she should care more about her kids than her own desires is very disrespectful. I’m sure she does care for her children and she wants another to love. Who are you to tell someone what they should or should not do. I hope you find it in yourself to be a more positive person in the future

          1. chris Avatar

            kids are the gift from God .u right sister its not for us to judge.bealeve in God hi will give you more kids darling

          2. Moni Pandey Avatar
            Moni Pandey

            Thanks Deshawn for encouraging all the women with such lovely words. Children/kids/babies are from God and who are we humans to say what will happen to them in the future. We are here to multiply and trust in God for everything. Julia – dear you must go to another doctor and continue with your researches, but above all trust God for your baby. If Sarah can have a baby at 90…then you know what I mean to say. Take care.

          3. hope Avatar

            No it was not. She already has 5 children. The only reason for why wants another one is to please the boyfriend! He is no even her husband. A husband will make more sense to me, but to get pregnant to give a child to a boyfriend. Life is making her a favor by not allowing her to get pregnant.

        2. Cammie Annster Avatar
          Cammie Annster

          Mind your own, I’m sure s she’s an amazing mother! Why else would she want another child?! Some of you people out there in this world are just so ignorant, so outspoken and ridiculous. Maybe you should concentrate on your own life and your own children if you even have any!

      4. Jennifer Quinones Avatar
        Jennifer Quinones

        Is this old ? But if not , um vitamin c , fried sesame seeds with honey , a lot of chamomile tea , parsley tea , laxatives .

    3. Romina Ross Avatar
      Romina Ross

      My question is wellness mama. How do I pick the right herbs for me. The doctors gave me no hope. They just said my FSH levels were low and that it’s highly unlikely that I’ll conceive and because I’m Peri menopause. ( no period for 3 years now) etc….where do I go from here?

    4. claudia Avatar

      Im ,46,my second husband is 30 i have 3 kids from a former couple and in actually worried about my sudden infertility i got pregnant a year ago but i had a miscarriage at 3 months which was devastating i just cant get pregnant again what can i do pls help.

    5. Ashley Avatar

      I had a pancreatic tumor (benign) removed almost 2 years ago and I was trying to conceive at the age of 19 and couldn’t. Now 23 I am married wanting to start a family and still cant . The doctors said I have polycystic ovary syndrome she put me on metformin and I still don’t seem to have any luck. What all should I do I’ve tryed many vitamins?

      1. Monique Avatar

        Hi Ashley
        Serrapeptase is a good enzyme to take, nattokinase and bromeline they shrink cysts. Apple cider vinegar with the mother can also shrink n dissolve cysts. There are other herbs good for your condition you can research info on polycystic ovary.

      2. Michelle Avatar

        PCOS will often disappear with a diet of no gluten and that evens out blood sugar levels. Mine did. Lots of good fat, good protein and carbs mostly from good veggies.

    6. Veronica Avatar

      Vega maca is very potant. I was told to purchase that one by the herb shop owner. I just start taking it so good so far.

      1. Thandie Avatar

        Hi Ladies, I just joined and saw this thread. I am 43 and have been ttc for 3 moths which is not that long cause some people tell me it took them years. I had a daughter in my 20s ok but have left it too long for the next one. I went to my Doctor and she laughed when I told her I was trying natural over 40(silly cow!) Any way upon my insistence she sent me for some test & it turned out both my tubes are blocked, hence why we couldn’t get pregnant. They suggested I do IVF which costs around £5000, We haven’t got that so that’s out of the question. I have done some research and found some good natural stuff. I don’t know if these would help but am trying them anyway: To open blocked tubes; serrapeptase, wobenzyme, they are enzymes that break down unwanted protein in your body. I have been using these for the last 2 months I feel them working on my ovaries area. I am also doing acupuncture , castor oil packs& fertility massage, I do the massage myself or get hubby to do it but they say don’t do it during your period it makes it heavy & not during ovulation. For fertility
        & to increase egg quality I use: Maca( liquid form ,doesn’t really matter which one u get) Vitex(very good, I used to get clots but now my blood is bright red & a friend got pregnant just using it for 2 months @48 but she didn’t have same problems as I have), Ubiquinol ,Royal jelly(a must), kelp, wheat grass(put in your smoothie), lots of avocados,dim,alpha lipoid acid, evening primrose ,red raspberry leaf( what ever form), pre natal tabs, black cohosh & fish oils not cod liver. Because I am over 40 and running out of time have also ordered DHEA .Although some women swear by all these products, Please do your own research to make sure it’s for you first, I am happy to experiement .

        Hopeful will get my BFP soon

        Baby Dust to us all!!!

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