Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

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Health benefits of fermented foods
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Before I started eating real foods, ferments like sauerkraut and kombucha weren’t even on my radar. These fermented foods tasted and smelled too strong to me, and I had no interest in eating them. I preferred my bland carbohydrates, thank you very much! 

Fast forward a few years, and I noticed I started to enjoy these foods. I even craved them from time to time. I was always afraid to try making them myself. But as I read more about their health benefits I was eventually brave enough to try them. Check out this post about the importance of traditional foods

Now that I have, I’ll never go back. I appreciate all the health benefits of fermented foods. I even eat kimchi regularly!  

What Are Fermented Foods?

Fermented foods go through a process of lacto-fermentation. Natural bacteria feed on the sugar and starch in the food, creating lactic acid. This process preserves the food and creates beneficial enzymes, vitamins, and minerals. It also makes biologically active peptides and various strains of probiotics. The lactic acid bacteria even make vitamin K2, which is important for bone health. 

When we ferment foods it preserves nutrients and makes them easier to digest.  

For example, the fermentation process in sourdough bread makes gluten easier for our digestive system to absorb. It even lowers the FODMAPs in wheat. This makes it easier to digest for those with IBS and other FODMAP issues, like bloating after meals.  

Not only are they easier to digest, but they’re packed with probiotics. This could explain the link between eating fermented foods and better gut health.

Here are several reasons why cultures have traditionally fermented foods:

  1. Helps prevent food spoilage and mold.
  2. Helps stop food from transferring bad bacteria or other pathogens to the person eating it.
  3. Keeps food fresh between harvest and eating (makes food shelf-stable).
  4. It changes or improves the flavor of food (think cucumbers to pickles).
  5. It improves the nutritional value of food by producing vitamins and other nutrients.

One way fermenting improves nutrients in food is by breaking down anti-nutrients. These plant toxins are naturally present in certain foods and block us from absorbing other nutrients.

For example, fermenting soybeans helps lower their phytic acid levels. Olives need fermentation to even be edible. Some ferments reduce the oxalate levels, like in pickled beets.

Common Fermented Foods

Cultures around the world have eaten fermented vegetables, dairy, and other foods for years. From sauerkraut in Germany to kimchi in Korea and everywhere in between. These foods have been an important contributor to human health for generations.

Here are just a few examples of fermented foods. I’ve also included some recipes to make yourself or incorporate into recipes:


When we think of pickles, we usually think of cucumber pickles. But you can pickle many different foods, including green beans, carrots, beets, and more. Here’s how to pickle cucumbers


Germans have been fermenting cabbage for thousands of years to keep it all winter long. Not only is it practical for food storage, but it’s also great for health. You can easily learn how to make sauerkraut at home. 


This Korean side dish is more than fermented cabbage. Traditional family recipes mix things up by adding other vegetables. For example, spring onions, cucumber, celery, bamboo shoots, seaweed, and more. Kimchi also varies in seasonings. Popular options include zingy spices and condiments like Korean chili powder, garlic, ginger, and fish sauce. 


Miso is a fermented soybean paste. The Japanese first made it with salt and koji (a fungus, Aspergillus oryzae). Some add other ingredients, like seaweed, grains (rice or barley), and sesame seeds. Cooks use miso in soups and sauces and as a seasoning. 


This fermented soybean cake hails from Indonesia. They ferment soybeans with a fungus, either Rhizopus oligosporus or Rhizopus oryzae. Many marinate it in brine or spices and then fry it. Tempeh is then eaten alone or used as an ingredient in soups, stir-fries, or sandwiches. It’s really good at absorbing the flavors of whatever you cook it in.


This is another fermented soybean food from Japan. They ferment whole soybeans with Bacillus subtilis var. Natto. It’s an acquired taste with its strong smell, and flavor and has a sticky or slimy texture. They often serve it with rice, and (believe it or not) it’s popular breakfast food in Japan. It’s eaten cold, and some people enjoy it with added onion or kimchi. 


The yogurt most people buy today is nothing like its original form. We used to make yogurt with raw milk and without added sugar, colors, or flavors. The cultures break down the proteins and sugars in the milk to make it more digestible. The live bacteria also benefit the gut microbiota in our digestive system. 


Another form of fermented dairy is cheese. A different type of culture is used to make cheese than yogurt. Even the different kinds of cheeses have different bacteria cultures. Longer fermented or “aged” cheeses break down more of the sugars. This means they tend to be better tolerated by those with lactose intolerance. 

Fermented Drinks 

The health benefits of fermented drinks are similar to those of fermented foods: 


Traditionally made from grapes, wine is also made from many different ingredients. This can include apples, cherries, dandelions, and even pumpkins. You’ve probably heard wine has the antioxidant resveratrol, which comes from grape skins.

When picking out a bottle of wine, there are certain things to watch out for. This includes pesticide levels, GMO exposures, sulfites, and more. A lot of wines add sugar and dye to make them taste and look better.

Learn more about how to choose a healthy wine in this podcast episode


This now popular drink is fermented tea. It was originally made with black tea and sugar and fermented with a starter called a SCOBY. SCOBY is an acronym for Symbiotic Colony Of Bacteria and Yeast. Now, kombucha is made with a variety of teas and flavorings. Some even have fruit juices or coconut water added to them. 

Commercial kombucha can be expensive and has added sugar. But luckily, you can easily make kombucha yourself. Here’s how to make kombucha at home. You can make it in batches, but I like to make continuous brew kombucha to save time and keep it always available. 


Traditional cultures made fermented dairy products, including kefir with milk. However, it doesn’t have to use cow dairy. For those who can’t do dairy, try my Coconut Milk Kefir Recipe. You can also make water kefir with this Water Kefir Soda Recipe.

Studies show the link between probiotic-rich foods and overall health. Sadly, with technological advances and changes in food preparation, these time-honored foods have been largely lost in modern society.

Where Have All the Fermented Foods Gone?

The amount of probiotics and enzymes in the average diet has declined sharply over the last few decades. Pasteurized milk has replaced raw milk. Pasteurized yogurt has replaced homemade. Vinegar-based pickles and sauerkraut have replaced traditional lacto-fermented versions… the list goes on.

Even grains were safer to eat when we prepared them by soaking, sprouting, and fermenting them. These traditions largely reduce the anti-nutrient content and make them less harmful. Phytic acid and lectins are a few examples.

Instead of the nutrient-rich foods full of enzymes and probiotics our grandparents probably ate, today’s average diet is mainly sugar-laden, lab-created dead foods.

So, why are fermented foods so good for you? We’ll cover that next.

Health Benefits of Fermented Foods

Why eat these foods? For starters, they taste amazing (I promise the taste will grow on you!). There are plenty of other reasons to start making and eating fermented foods:

  • Probiotics – Fermented foods and drinks introduce beneficial bacteria to the digestive system. They also help balance the bacteria in the gut. Probiotics have even been shown to help slow or reverse some diseases. Plus they can aid digestion and enhance immunity.
  • Postbiotics –  Fermented foods also help improve your body’s production of POSTbiotics. These are the product of your gut bacteria digesting a prebiotic substance, like fiber. They’re actually a waste product of bacteria. Postbiotics include things you may have heard of. Like short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs), including butyrate, enzymes, lysates, and amino acids. You can learn more about postbiotics here.
  • Absorb Food Better – Having balanced gut bacteria and enough digestive enzymes helps you absorb more nutrients from food. Fermentation also improves the bioavailability of food’s nutrients. For example, fermented oat gruel improves iron absorption. You may not need as many supplements because you’ll be absorbing more of the live nutrients in your foods. All thanks to the microorganisms helping you out.
  • Improve Gut Health – Including lactic acid bacteria from fermented foods can improve digestive health. Fermentation basically activates nutritional compounds in foods (for example, flavonoids). They then benefit the body, improving cardiovascular, immune, and metabolic health. 
  • Promote Weight Loss – Fermented food may also help battle the bulge. Daily consumption of fermented foods leads to decreased body weight over time. The balance of gut microbiome species can make the difference in promoting weight loss or weight gain. For that reason, these foods are important to consider in the fight against obesity.
  • Improve Mental Health – Improving intestinal health with fermented foods may improve your mental state. It feeds microbes that produce feel-good neurotransmitters like serotonin. Common antidepressants called SSRIs help recycle serotonin. Addressing the gut should be a key part of mental health care. 
  • Lower Inflammation – Including more fermented foods in your diet can help lower inflammation. Increasing good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract promotes the production of anti-inflammatory postbiotics.
  • Balance the Immune System – By increasing the diversity of species in the microbiome, fermented foods also help balance the immune system.

Practical Benefits of Fermented Foods

  • Budget-Friendly – Adding healthy foods to your diet can get expensive. Homemade fermented foods are an easy way to pack in nutrition, even on a budget. You can make your own whey at home for a few dollars. A little bit of sea salt is an easy way to inexpensively ferment veggies and other foods. You can make drinks like water kefir and kombucha at home that cost only pennies per serving. Adding these things to your diet could also cut down on the supplements you need, helping the budget further.
  • Preserves Food Easily – Homemade salsa only lasts a few days in the fridge—fermented homemade salsa lasts months! The same goes for sauerkraut, pickles, beets, and other garden foods. Lacto-fermentation allows you to store these foods for longer periods without losing the nutrients. Unlike traditional canning.
  • Save Space – If you can vacuum-seal them, you can store lacto-ferments in your pantry or garage instead of refrigerating them. This is really helpful in the summer when I try to save as much fresh produce as possible. 

Bring on the Bacteria! How to Incorporate Fermented Foods Into Your Diet

Adding fermented foods to your diet can be an easy process. Plus it can save you money on probiotics and digestive enzyme supplements!

On a basic level, you can make foods like sauerkraut with just cabbage, water, and salt on your counter. That recipe can be adjusted down to make one head of cabbage worth in a quart-sized jar.

You can also incorporate fermented drinks like carbonated water kefir and kombucha. These are inexpensive to make and can replace unhealthy drinks like soda. I love the starters from Kombucha Kamp to make my own! To get started, order a SCOBY culture here.

Fermented Food Recipes

Here are some more fermented food recipes for you:

Fermented Drink Recipes

If you have any digestive issues, start slow on fermented foods. You may want to begin with just a tablespoon of sauerkraut a few days a week or a few sips of kefir and work up from there. If you notice any bloating or stomach upset, slow down, stop, or talk to your doctor. You may be struggling with SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth). 

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Jennifer Pfleghaar, D.O., FACEP, ABOIM. Dr. Jennifer is a double board-certified physician, is now working in Emergency Medicine, and has an office in Ohio practicing Integrative Medicine. As always, this is not personal medical advice, and we recommend you talk with your doctor.

Are you a fan of fermented foods or still on the fence? If you already eat fermented foods, please share your favorites!


  1. Sanlier, N., Gökcen, B. B., & Sezgin, A. C. (2019). Health benefits of fermented foods. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition, 59(3), 506–527.
  2. Dimidi, E., et al. (2019). Fermented Foods: Definitions and Characteristics, Impact on the Gut Microbiota and Effects on Gastrointestinal Health and Disease. Nutrients, 11(8), 1806.
  3. Walther, B., et al. (2013). Menaquinones, bacteria, and the food supply: the relevance of dairy and fermented food products to vitamin K requirements. Advances in nutrition (Bethesda, Md.), 4(4), 463–473.
  4. Ross, R. P., Morgan, S., & Hill, C. (2002). Preservation and fermentation: past, present and future. International journal of food microbiology, 79(1-2), 3–16.
  5. Laatikainen, R., et al. (2016). Randomised clinical trial: low-FODMAP rye bread vs. regular rye bread to relieve the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics, 44(5), 460–470.
  6. Rhee, S. J., Lee, J. E., & Lee, C. H. (2011). Importance of lactic acid bacteria in Asian fermented foods. Microbial cell factories, 10 Suppl 1(Suppl 1), S5.
  7. Gupta, V., & Garg, R. (2009). Probiotics. Indian journal of medical microbiology, 27(3), 202–209.
  8. Bering, S., et al. (2006). A lactic acid-fermented oat gruel increases non-haem iron absorption from a phytate-rich meal in healthy women of childbearing age. The British journal of nutrition, 96(1), 80–85.
  9. Kim, E. K., et al. (2011). Fermented kimchi reduces body weight and improves metabolic parameters in overweight and obese patients. Nutrition research (New York, N.Y.), 31(6), 436–443.
  10. Omar, J. M., et al. (2013). Lactobacillus fermentum and Lactobacillus amylovorus as probiotics alter body adiposity and gut microflora in healthy persons. Journal of Functional Foods, 5(1), 116-123.
  11. Kim, B., et al. (2016). A Review of Fermented Foods with Beneficial Effects on Brain and Cognitive Function. Preventive nutrition and food science, 21(4), 297–309.
  12. Wastyk, H. C., et al. (2021). Gut-microbiota-targeted diets modulate human immune status. Cell, 184(16), 4137–4153.e14.

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


94 responses to “Health Benefits of Fermented Foods”

  1. Hazel Avatar

    I have to wait for about week, right? Can I eat it already after a week?

  2. Mary Avatar

    I like store bought “Synergy” Organic Raw Kombucha. I don’t have the confidence or inclination to make my own. Does it have the same health benefits as homemade? I realize it may be more expensive but I like the convenience. I don’t work for the above mentioned company and I like many of the other store bought brands as well. Thank you!

  3. Laura Avatar

    I get a rare type of candida infection on my skin at times, and fermented foods are one of the things that keeps it under control.

    1. Rachel Hopper Avatar
      Rachel Hopper

      Hi, i am experiencing what may be a similar skin infection. Not sure if it’s is candida or fungal. Do you have any advice for ways to address the infection internally or topically? I went on antibiotics and now my skin is a mess! I’ve stayed away from gluten and dairy and I am on strong probiotics both supplements and fermented foods and that has helped the inflammation, but the rash is still there with a couple of new spots. I’m taking echinacea, fish oil, and besides random occasions where I feel rude not to eat meals made at my inlaws, which always contain gluten and dairy, I have stayed relatively clean. Thanks for any info!
      Cheers, Rachel

      1. Cat Avatar

        I can only address the in-laws problem…but if you Know that gluten and dairy are problematic, you Must discuss with them. MIL will want to have food you can eat…or you must eat before coming! It’s no rude to not eat if it’s harmful to your system & she doesn’t make the tiny effort!

  4. David Thomson Avatar
    David Thomson

    I’ve made my own yogurt for years. I’ve known for a long time that I need to expand my range of fermented foods, and I’m looking forward to following the advice here. I’m also interested in the theory of fermentation, as at first it appears to be the opposite of Food Rule Number One, heh heh, which is eat fresh. But I’m kind of thinking that in a way fermentation IS fresh. It’s like we’re gardeners growing the very best and the very freshest bacteria. I spent a long time researching yogurt once and I think it isn’t known if the yogurt is conscious or semi-conscious, so I try to be respectful to the little semi-creatures and get them into the mother ship (me). In this sense, perhaps I’m a yogurt rancher! Hope this comment isn’t too far out. I’ve launched into paleo territory in the last month and healed my shoulder inflammation. Your advice seems well informed and intuitive.

  5. Laura Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    I’m about to start the Gaps diet with my girls who have eczema. They have always had irregular (usually extra loose- 2-3 times a day!) stools and I’ve been slowly adding kefir, ACV and a probiotic vitamin to get them up to a detoxing dose for the diet. Am I using too many probiotics? Shouldn’t their stools become a 4 on the bristol chart instead of a 5 or 6? Whenever I have loose stools, extra ACV and Kombucha fix it in a couple of hours. Where would I find more information on this?

  6. Mila Avatar

    I have fermented veggies before, but this is the first time that they have a carbonated taste.
    Does that mean it’s gone bad?

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      It is likely just that they have over-fermented slightly unless they have an off flavor or taste. Mine get that occasionally if I let them go too long but they are usually still ok to eat.

  7. Tijana Avatar

    Pleas, could you tell me if i can ferment vegetables with water and salt (like cabbage) and still have probiotic inside or i need some special starters?
    Thank you

  8. William Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    Just wondering your thoughts on my adding Kombucha to my Kimchi as a bit of additional liquid and get the fermentation started?
    I let the Kombucha age a bit longer until it is like a vinegar.

  9. Noma Avatar

    I’m here in Kathmandu and have been Kombucha brewing withy the help of a friend. Let me know if you’re note rested in joining our co-op.

  10. Jalana Avatar

    Would you mind resubmitting the link you have attached to the study? I am in the process of researching fermented foods in the lab. Although this is older data I would be interested in reading it.

    Thank you,


  11. Grace Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    Thanks for this useful information.

    I was wondering whether cooking fermented food would reduce health benefits? I love cooking kimchi (Korean fermented cabbage dish) into a stew and was wondering whether it isn’t really a good idea nutrition-wise.

    Thanks for your help.

  12. Lindsay Avatar

    Hi Katie
    Can you please provide me with the research source that fermented foods produce Omega 3’s? Thank you so much…helpful post!

  13. Kevelyn Avatar


    Wanted to know if you dehydrate your ferments, will they still contain the good LABs probiotics?

    Also, what would be the best way to store them if the probiotics are maintained through dehydration?

    Thanks in advance!!

  14. Caz Avatar

    Hi Katie , actually my question is similar to the previous poster (Leah) ….I’ve just started to enjoy fermented veg after my herbalist recommended the benefits. I use approx one and a half tablespoons of sea salt in 2 cups water. But, (and she didn’t mention it), nor have I seen any reference to it, can one ingest too much salt this way, leading to blood pressure/ heart problems ? The amount of veg I’m looking to eat per day, would be about 1 or 2 tablespoons. Thanks for any advise.

    1. Cindy Avatar

      You can make it with homemade celery juice instead of salt for a super healthy sauerkraut…
      Would love wellness mama to talk more about this….

  15. Leah Avatar

    Hi Katie, I love your website! I’ve been fermenting my own vegetables for awhile with natural salt, my husband loves it and eats alot! My question is, is there too much sodium in fermented foods?

  16. Pankaj Mehrotra Avatar
    Pankaj Mehrotra

    Too Much of anything is bad. If we are going to replace fruits and other healthy foods with Fermented foods thinking we are following a healthy a diet , its going to give us bad experience. Everybody knows Yogurt is very good for health but you can not have it all the time. One should learn to have balanced diet comprising natural as well as fermented foods.

  17. Janine Avatar

    Re: Lactic Acid. FYI: I emailed Dr Ray Peat and he said – “In the winter in the far north, fish liver was the main source of the essential vitamin D. When livers are stored in a barrel, their enzymes break down the tissue in processes that don’t require oxygen, causing the fat to separate from the disintegrating protein. That’s apparently where the “fermenting” is involved, since oils don’t ferment. Since fish oils and other polyunsaturated oils increase the need for vitamin E and selenium, I think it’s best to get vitamin D from sun exposure or to take a concentrated supplement, without the fish oil. Butter oil is just a refined form of butter, and generally I think less refined foods are preferable, to minimize the exposure to oxygen and contaminants”

  18. Janine Avatar

    Something I found regarding fermented foods. I’d love your wise feedback Katie. I’m a little confused!

    ‘Dr. Raymond Peat, who has been studying and writing about nutrition for 40 – from what I see, perhaps fermented foods aren’t that healthy after all! What do you think?

    According to Dr. Peat’s articles lactic acid in fermented foods is actually stressful and inflammatory for the body and can really mess with your metabolism and its ability to make energy. Fermented foods are actually stressful to your entire system. Yes, it’s fun to make them and to and to eat them. But, if you look at the cellular level and how lactic acid reacts to the cell: fermented foods are actually unhealthy. When our cells are stressed they make lactic acid. Our liver then needs to convert lactic acid to glucose- which takes a lot of energy. So for those of us that don’t have a fast metabolic rate – extra lactic acid in the system is just too much burden on a liver that is already dealing with a lot in this day and age of all kinds of toxins. Perhaps fermented goods should be limited at the least?

    Dr. Raymond Peat: “The presence of lactic acid, which indicates stress or defective respiration, interferes with energy metabolism in ways that tend to be self-promoting. Harry Rubin’s experiments demonstrated that cells become cancerous before genetic changes appear. The mere presence of lactic acid can make cells more susceptible to the transformation into cancer cells. (Mothersill, et al., 1983.)”

    Traditionally people ate fermented foods because they had no choice. Methods of the times used the production of lactic acid to preserve foods because there was no refrigeration. However, when you eat these foods, the lactic acid goes through your digestion and into your circulation. A buildup of lactic acid in the liver will overpower the organ and the liver, which becomes overworked, cannot do its job well.

    If you are feeling well, a bit of lactic acid may be ok. But, it can also push the system over the edge. I believe most people can’t deal with much extra stress. Most people’s systems (at least people I work with) have been weakened by years of poor eating and stress. Historically, when people ate fermented foods, they may have had stronger systems; meaning their thyroids were stronger, having been breast fed for 4 + years. Now we have PUFA in the diet plus all kinds of toxic elements in the environment. Our system just can’t handle the lactic acid in the diet.

    Ray Peat actually says he avoids all fermented foods. He stopped using black pepper (a fermented food, apparently) about 30 years ago when he saw the toxicity studies.

    Regarding cottage cheese, Dr Peat said that if he suspects that his cottage cheese has a lactic acid dressing on it so he actually washes off his cottage cheese! He told me, “some have a ‘dressing’ with lactic acid added. If that’s the only kind available, I wash it until just the curds are left.” So from that statement, it seems Dr. Peat avoids all fermented foods.

    Dr. Ray Peats thoughts on fermented foods:

    “Fermented vegetables, beans, and fish have been associated with cancer for a long time, and fungal toxins are the main carcinogens, but too much lactic acid is toxic, and even acetic acid could be in some situations.”

    Dr. Peat lists studies for interest, including a study of the association between diet and esophageal cancer in Taiwan (1) explored the importance of dietary factors in the development of esophageal cancer.

    The purpose was to evaluate the effects of several common dietary factors on the risk of squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus in a Taiwanese population. The association between diet and esophageal cancer was examined over a 6-year period.

    Consumption of preserved and overheated foods was found to be associated with increased risk of esophageal cancer, whereas intake of fresh fruits, vegetables, and tea was inversely associated with this risk. Men who consumed fermented bean products, salted food and preserved/pickled vegetables more than once a week after age 40 years had a 3.4-fold risk.

    So, it sounds like, lactic acid actually puts stress on the liver. With all the toxins, with the pollution, with the stress, with low thyroid and high estrogen, the body just can’t deal with added lactic acid. A little bit of Kimchee may be fine, but personally I’d rather eat ice cream’.

    1. Rutger Corvers Avatar
      Rutger Corvers

      Browsing through some Google search results, Ray Peat seems to be a bit of a fraud when it comes to advice on nutrition 😉

  19. Annie Avatar

    Kimchi made with napa cabbage (or other veg) and various spices is the best fermented food I’ve ever had, raises the bar!

    1. Lucas Avatar

      Do spices kill the good probiotic bacteria like they xo with some pathogens?

  20. Paola Díaz Avatar
    Paola Díaz

    Hello, I’m new in all this world of fermented foods and drinks, but I have a lot of questions, I making now kombucha, and trying to get some milk kiffer, now we discovered that my mom has a weak liver and doing some research I found the beet kvass it’s super good for this matter, my question is, at some point could anyone got to much fermented drinks or can I just trying everything, I don’t want to saturate my organism (if this possible), I just want to try new and healthy things for me and my family, and of course help my mom’s liver. Thank you in advance.

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