Is Silicone Safe for Baking?

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » Is Silicone Safe for Baking?

I’ve mentioned before that I use silicone molds to make homemade gummy vitamins, lotion bars, and other household staples. However, the mention of silicone molds tends to spark the question, “Is silicone bakeware safe?” Unfortunately, this is one of those questions that I usually answer by saying: “It depends.” Here’s a more in-depth explanation.  

What is Silicone? 

First, it’s crucial to understand three often-confused terms: silicon, silica, and silicone. These substances are related but distinct. Here’s a brief overview of each:

  • Silicon – A natural element (symbol Si and atomic number 14). An element cannot break down into smaller particles without splitting atoms. Silicon is the second most abundant element in the earth after oxygen. It’s used in many industries, including electronics (hence, “Silicon Valley”), solar energy, and construction.
  • Silica – A compound made of silicon and oxygen (SiO2). It exists in various forms, including quartz, sand, and glass. Silica is a major component of the Earth’s crust and occurs throughout nature. It shows up in glass manufacturing, ceramics, and abrasives. The human body also has a high amount of silica. Some research even suggests it may have health benefits. That’s why I’ll consume it in diatomaceous earth.
  • Silicone – A synthetic polymer created by adding carbon and/or oxygen to silicon. It can exist as a solid, liquid, or gel. It’s frequently used in the medical field. You’ll find it in medical devices like pacemakers, joint replacements, and implants. It’s generally considered safe for these uses and is now used to make cooking utensils and bakeware. 

So, in this article, we’re talking about silicone, the synthetic polymer. It’s “FDA approved as a food-safe substance” since 1979 and has long been considered inert. People have widely used silicone in the kitchen for about 40 years, starting with silicone spatulas. You’ll find that not all silicone bakeware online is certified FDA-approved, though. More on that later.

Benefits of Silicone Cookware

There’s a good reason people like silicone products like baking pans for the kitchen. Here are a few of them:


Silicone is a durable material that can withstand repeated use. It’s also resistant to cracking, fading, and peeling. People often use silicone baking mats as an eco-friendly alternative to aluminum foil as a baking sheet liner. The same goes for cupcake liners. If you buy silicone ones, you’re good to go for years to come! 


Silicone bakeware also tends to be more non-stick than traditional bakeware. That’s especially important for muffin cups and cake pans. Its natural non-stick properties mean it needs little to no greasing or oiling before use. This can reduce the need for added fats in baking, saving on ingredients and costs.

 It also simply reduces the frustration of having baked goods stick to the sides of the pans. You’re more likely to end with a beautiful result when using a silicone cake pan.


Silicone bake mats and other silicone baking products are usually easy to clean. The flexibility of silicone bakeware and molds makes it easy to get things out of them and makes cleanup easier. Silicone bakeware is typically dishwasher safe and easy to hand wash with soap and water. Its smooth surface resists staining and doesn’t retain odors. So, it generally stays looking like new for years. 


Silicone is advertised as refrigerator-safe, freezer-safe, and oven-safe, as long as you use it according to the manufacturer’s instructions. So, it has many different uses. However, most manufacturers will recommend not putting silicone bakeware directly on an oven rack. That’s because it can become a bit unstable or “floppy” when heated. Setting it on top of a metal baking tray can help keep it stable.

But Is It Safe? 

People often point out silicone isn’t aluminum, it’s petroleum-free, and doesn’t have BPA or PFAS. But that’s not all there is to consider. Silicone product manufacturing often uses certain agents and additives in the process. The question is whether these agents and additives remain in the final product you take to the checkout. 

There hasn’t been much research on the safety of silicone bakeware or silicone molds until more recently. That may be due to the increase in popularity and variety of available products. 

A 2022 study looked into these additives to see what might leach from silicone cupcake molds into food. They found BHT, a known carcinogen, plus two more probable carcinogens, naphthalene and biphenyl. They also found dodecyl acrylate, which irritates the eyes, skin, and lungs.

This study also mentioned the difference between low-quality silicone molds and higher-quality “platinum” silicone. These molds tend to be more expensive but are certified to be high quality and pure. High-quality silicone products undergo an additional heat treatment to eliminate chemical residues.

This difference was measurable. The low-quality silicone exceeded the standards for off-gassing volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The researchers determined these should not be used in contact with food at higher temperatures. The high-quality silicone cupcake molds met the standards and were approved for high-heat use.

Testing on Silicone

Silicone manufacturers typically conduct safety tests internally or through third-party laboratories. These tests ensure the silicone products comply with safety standards and regulations. Safety testing on silicone bakeware usually looks at factors like:

  • Material Composition: Testing to ensure the silicone used in bakeware is food-grade and free from harmful chemicals or additives.
  • Heat Resistance: Testing to see if it can withstand high temperatures without melting, deforming, or emitting harmful fumes.
  • Non-Toxicity: Assessing whether the silicone leaches any harmful substances into food when exposed to heat or other conditions.
  • Durability: Testing the bakeware’s resistance to tearing, cracking, and degradation over time.
  • Non-Stick Properties: Checking the bakeware’s non-stick coating and ensuring it doesn’t have any harmful substances.
  • Stain and Odor Resistance: Testing to ensure it’s resistant to staining and doesn’t retain food odors.

However, silicone’s safety at high temperatures still hasn’t been adequately tested, which is why baking with silicone remains controversial. Officially, silicone pans are rated for temperatures below freezing and up to around 450 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, depending on the specific grade of silicone used. So, until recently, studies showed high-quality silicone is safe for cooking and baking. 

Potential Dangers of Silicone Bakeware

So far, there haven’t been conclusive studies on the safety of silicone. Many have assumed it’s safe since the FDA gave it a GRAS rating in the late 1970s. However, more recent studies indicate there may be toxicity concerns depending on the grade and use. Some potential dangers include:

Leaching of Additives 

Lower-quality silicone bakeware may have fillers that could leach into food when heated.  These additives may include plasticizers or pigments, which could pose health risks if consumed. The studies aren’t clear on whether that’s the case.

According to a 2016 analysis:

“[T]he production of silicone rubber is very complex; various processing agents are used in its manufacture, such as antioxidants, fillers, vulcanizing agents and vulcanizing accelerators. Diverse residual additives, impurities in raw materials, and newly-formed chemical substances could remain in the final product and migrate into infant saliva and foodstuff to potentially cause harm.”

At this point, studies are unsure how often this is the case. Buying higher-quality silicone is likely worth the extra cost.

Degradation at High Temperatures 

While silicone is heat-resistant, it may not be suitable for all types of cooking. Direct exposure to open flames or extreme heat from broilers may cause silicone bakeware to degrade, melt, or emit odors. Those are the VOCs mentioned earlier that often emit from lower-quality silicone molds. 

A 2005 Danish paper reviewed animal studies by the Siloxane Research Program. They concluded inhaling certain siloxanes could impair fertility and contribute to uterine tumors. The kidneys, liver, and lungs may also be affected.

A 2005 Swiss study determined silicone baking products are only stable up to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. That’s concerning since most recipes call for baking at 350 Fahrenheit and above.

A 2009 German study found that there may be greater leaching when silicone bakeware is used for high-fat food. Muffins over 30% fat had higher migration of chemicals than lower-fat muffins. Meatloaf had a greater leaching than muffins, according to a 2010 follow-up study.

In 2022, nine European consumer groups published a report on the latest test results of silicone bakeware. They focused on using silicone bakeware at higher temperatures for higher-fat foods. 

After testing 44 silicone molds, they found that 23% of them released contaminants into foods or released increasing amounts from repeat uses. Two of them had toxicity levels above legal regulations. Most of them (82%) had chemicals of concern, like endocrine disruptors.

This recent report definitely gives reason for concern — especially when using silicone bakeware for keto baking

Potential for Contamination

Silicone bakeware, like any kitchen tool, can harbor bacteria or mold if not cleaned and maintained properly. Scratches or damage to silicone bakeware could provide a breeding ground for bacteria to grow. This could lead to food contamination or even foodborne illnesses.

Potential for Mislabeling 

In some cases, businesses may mislabel or falsely advertise silicone bakeware. Packaging may say it’s food-grade or heat-resistant when it doesn’t meet safety standards. So, use caution when purchasing silicone bakeware. Look for reputable brands that comply with regulatory guidelines.

These dangers aren’t completely proven for all silicone brands and products. They’re also more typical at high-temperature use, but it’s a good idea to be cautious about how and when to use silicone.

How to Choose Safer Silicone

First of all, you probably don’t need to worry about oven mitts and ice cube trays. In those cases, there’s no direct contact with food at high temperatures. If you use silicone molds or bakeware, make sure it’s high quality. You want to ensure as much as possible that it doesn’t contain fillers or dangerous additives. Here’s a checklist of what to look for:

Food Grade Silicone  (or Platinum- or Medical-Grade)

Choose silicone cookware labeled “food-grade” or “FDA-approved.” Ideally, it should also say “100% silicone.” Food-grade silicone undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets safety standards for food use. In theory, it shouldn’t have harmful chemicals or additives. 

“Platinum-grade” uses only the precious metal platinum in processing, so it’s very pure and the highest grade. Platinum is what’s used in hospitals, so “medical-grade” is also good, but you may not find it on cookware. This type is used in medical devices like menstrual cups

Check for Certifications

Look for cookware certified by reputable organizations or regulatory agencies. In the United States, that’s the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In Europe, it’s the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). These organizations regulate food contact substances, including silicone used in bakeware. They set safety standards and ensure manufacturers are compliant. Food-grade silicone certification indicates it meets safety and quality standards.

Inspect for Quality

Examine the quality of the silicone cookware, including its texture, flexibility, and thickness. High-quality silicone cookware should feel sturdy and durable, with a smooth surface and no visible signs of damage or wear. Avoid silicone cookware that feels flimsy or has a strong chemical smell. These signs may indicate lower-quality materials or manufacturing processes.

Look for Heat Resistance 

Make sure the silicone cookware is heat-resistant and okay to use in ovens and freezers. Look for information on the cookware’s temperature range and avoid exposing it to open flames or putting it under broilers. Extreme heat can cause the silicone to degrade or melt.

Read Reviews and Ratings 

Research the silicone cookware brand you’re interested in. Read reviews from other customers to learn about their experiences with the product. Look for their comments on safety, durability, and performance to help inform your decision.

Choose Reputable Brands (Avoid Cheap Imitations)

Stick to well-known and reputable brands with a track record of making high-quality silicone cookware. Established brands are more likely to prioritize safety and quality control. That said, avoid cheap imitations. This cookware may be made from inferior materials or lack safety certifications.

What I Do (And Where Silicone Could Still Work)

I still consider silicone much better than plastic, which I avoid at all costs. However, when it comes to cookware and bakeware, I skip the silicone and stick to cookware I know is safe when heated. That’s where brands like Caraway and Xtrema come in. 

I often use Caraway’s bakeware for desserts or muffins. They have a full set of cookie sheets, cake pans, and muffin pans that are toxin-free and easy to clean. Xtrema is another brand of bakeware I use. Their products are high-quality ceramic and are also toxin-free and user-friendly. 

If you want to try Xtrema bakeware or cookware, you can use this link and the coupon code WELLNESS to save 15%.

I save my silicone molds for cool-temperature uses like:

These are the silicone molds I have, which you can easily find on Amazon:

The lower quality ones should only be used for cool-temperature and non-food purposes like lotion bars and soaps.

Can Silicone Go in the Oven? The Bottom Line

Based on that 2022 report, I’ll continue to use most of my silicone molds at low temperatures and in the refrigerator or freezer. For higher temperature use, I’d stick to high-quality FDA-approved medical-grade or platinum silicone. I’d also avoid using it over 300 degrees Fahrenheit. There are better options for kitchen tools, muffin pans, and cookie sheets. 

I prefer to stick with my Caraway or Xtrema for baking and use wood, glass, and stainless steel for the stovetop. They’ve been in kitchens for generations and can work well with a little extra oil or elbow grease! 

What’s your take on silicone cookware or baking molds? Do you use it? If so, how? Share with us below!



  1. National Center for Biotechnology Information (2024). PubChem Element Summary for AtomicNumber 14, Silicon.
  2. Martin K. R. (2007). The chemistry of silica and its potential health benefits. The journal of nutrition, health & aging, 11(2), 94–97.
  3. Feng, D., Yang, H., Qi, D. and Li, Z. (2016). Extraction, confirmation, and screening of non-target compounds in silicone rubber teats by purge-and-trap and SPME combined with GC-MS. ScienceDirect, 56, 91-98.
  4. EarthTalk. (2010, May 5). Silicone Tally: How Hazardous Is the New Post-Teflon Rubberized Cookware. Scientific American.
  5. Asensio, E., Uranga, J., & Nerín, C. (2022). Analysis of potential migration compounds from silicone molds for food contact by SPME-GC-MS. Food and chemical toxicology : an international journal published for the British Industrial Biological Research Association, 165, 113130.
  6. Thomas K. (2016). Comment on: “Analysis of Silicones Released from Household Items and Baby Articles by Direct Analysis in Real Time-Mass Spectrometry” by Jürgen H. Gross. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 26, 511-521 (2015). Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 27(8), 1429–1432.
  7. Meuwly, R., et al. (2005). Heat stability and migration from silicone baking moulds. Mitt Lebensm Hyg., 96. 281-297.
  8. Lassen, C., et al (2005). Environmental Project No. 1031 – Siloxanes – Consumption, Toxicity and Alternatives. Danish Ministry of the Environment.
  9. Helling, R., et al.  (2009). Determination of the overall migration from silicone baking moulds into simulants and food using 1H-NMR techniques. Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment, 26(3), 395–407.
  10. Helling, R., et al. (2010). Migration behaviour of silicone moulds in contact with different foodstuffs. Food additives & contaminants. Part A, Chemistry, analysis, control, exposure & risk assessment, 27(3), 396–405.

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


115 responses to “Is Silicone Safe for Baking?”

  1. Ivy Avatar

    You ladies are hilarious! A “super-taster” and a “great spoon licker”! I have a “Super Nose and Super Taste Buds” and I now I know I am NOT the ‘Crazy” one in my house-LOL! Glad I am not alone 🙂
    Per the info on Parchment Paper. I used it to cook fish on last week and the paper edges burnt to a crisp black and the whole house smelled horrible! I had no idea and I thought it was safe. I will be getting rid of it now.

  2. Valerie Avatar

    I am a great spoon licker, but when I lick a silicone spoon I’m left with the taste of it in my mouth – which makes me very suspicious!

  3. Lisa Kramer Avatar
    Lisa Kramer

    Thks, Katie! I was happy to find this post bc I’ve been wondering about my bakewear. I made brownies (325F) last night and once again I could taste the silicone. I am a “super-taster,” meaning I have the gene that allows me to taste & smell more than most. But, I wonder is it safe to eat food cooked in silicone if I can taste it? Obviously, It could mean something has leached into the food. I also taste plastic, i.e.: food that has been stored in the refrigerator. I’ve even noticed it occasionally in some resturants. I am wondering, has anyone else been able to taste like this? I have appreciated reading your comments that have been posted thus far; and would welcome anyone who’d like to share their thoughts, or personal experiences regarding the topic of my comment. Note: I do not taste anything unnatural when I use the old-fashioned cookwear. I.E.: I usually use glass for baking, and iron, stainless steel & Kitchenmaid pots for stovetop cooking.

    1. jennie Blakely Avatar
      jennie Blakely

      Hello Lisa!

      I already tried it at home and it helps me a lot for my hobbies on baking and also it is safer than i thought before because usually I’ve been using stainless steel and glass but now i prefer silicone for it has Fresh Vibrant Colors. i also have a doubt if this is safer by using a silicone cups but i found out that it already approved by BPA Free & FDA Durable Baking Molds. and i want to try this for my new baking decorations. I hope this information of mine can help you 🙂

    2. Jeffrey G. Avatar
      Jeffrey G.

      I definitely can taste chemicals when they are in food and having read this article, have decided to rid myself of my plastic food containers and use silicone. But I am not sufficiently convinced to use silicone for heat-related purposes.

      BTW … I use health food store detergents but recently felt compelled to use ‘Shout’ stain remover on some dress shirts. My favorite PJ’s in the same wash came out reeking of the stuff.

      I hope the odor goes away the next time I do a wash … absolutely cannot wear them until then.

    3. Mavis Avatar

      Hello I have been given a pair of silicone egg poacher pods which I have used twice, on both occasions I can taste the silicone in the egg. I floated them in simmering water as instructed. The pods smelt strongly of si!icons before I used them. I have tried washing them in bicarbonate of soda also putting in the dishwasher but they still smell. Not sure I want to use them again.

    4. Ema Avatar

      Ha! I do! I ‘hate’ seeing fruit in plastic containers and can smell a putrid chemical reaction. I suppose it’s a chemical reaction. Eieuww!

  4. Melissa P. Avatar
    Melissa P.

    What are your thoughts on Xtrema’s FridgeX Collapsible Silicone Storage Set. I know you mentioned that you own a set in your article “How to Store Food Without Plastic”. Do you use your set for reheating?

      1. Melissa P. Avatar
        Melissa P.

        Thanks! I just purchased my first set. I can’t wait to get it. I’ve been dumping plastic from my cabinets for the past week. I feel so refreshed. LOL

  5. Cris Avatar

    Like the commenter above mentioned, you completely skipped over parchment, which is silicone imbedded paper, and has been in use for decades.

    The temperature warnings are because above a certain temperature, silicone bakeware “melts”, for lack of a better term. I forgot about the temperature warnings once, had a silicone liner in the oven, and was roasting potatoes at over 500F. Smoke and an acrid stench that lingered for days filled my kitchen. When I managed to get the liner out of the oven, it had turned brittle almost like it had dried out. Moving it, it cracked and crackled. Obviously it went directly into the garbage.

    I have also managed to melt a “hole” in one of my spatulas. I believe it was lying in a cast iron pan while I heated it up. There is an area of textural change on the side, where it was touching the pan. The rest of the spatula was unaffected.

    I do still use silicone because there aren’t many alternatives.

  6. Robyn Avatar

    Katie, I have tried silicone for mini lotion bars and had unsatisfactory results in getting them out of the mold intact. What do you do? I have had better results with mini soaps.

    I also am hesitant to try silicone for baking, but then I still have a lot of stainless, glass and stoneware.


  7. Carol Avatar

    Thank you!
    I too, have attempted to research silicon kitchen items, but found almost nothing on it. I would be very interested in finding the articles you used in this article. This is one article that I would have appreciated you giving links to your sources for the information. Not that I am disagreeing or contradicting anything in this article, it’s just that I have seen NOTHING on it by searching, and would like the chance to read what you have.

    I also don’t trust the FDA or any government group that is supposed to have our best interest in mind, as they frequently (always!?) don’t know or have enough data or enough time testing to say for sure, and seem to be in the pockets of massive corporations and are more interested in giving them business than in helping the common person find truly safe, healthy things.

    Just look at their track record, and they way they almost refuse to say anything they have in the past said is fine after finding out the reverse. They keep silent so they don’t look so bad for saying it was great in the first place! Actually, have they EVER reversed a finding? I think it has always been someone else saying what the facts are about something they have said is fine!

    As for silicone, I have molds for cold or non-heated items as you have mentioned, but I also have spatulas and similar cooking tools for heated usage, as well as just buying a colander for steaming, as it was larger than anything else, and half the cost of stainless steel and easier to store…now I wonder if those are safe?

    Thanks for the article giving us your opinion, it helps, but I really wish someone with scientific background, and facts and figures, and a true goal of giving the health and safety of this new product without regard for how it might affect the sales of silicone cooking products or putting that above human health.

  8. Carolyn Bojo Avatar
    Carolyn Bojo

    So are you saying parchment paper is safe, because I believe it is coated with silicones? Thanks, carolyn

  9. Amber Avatar

    What about silicone menstrual cups like the Diva Cup? When I’m wearing it, obviously it doesn’t heat up to oven temperatures…but to 98.6ish. Is that still a “safe” temp?

    1. Olive Avatar

      Good question! I, too, am now wondering about this, though I only used my cup (Sckoon) for a few months before I got pregnant. The temperature doesn’t seem like it would be too hot from how it feels when you take it out, but I suppose you would have to contact your cup maker about the type of silicone used and look up if any tests have been done in regards to that kind of silicone. If you wanted to avoid the potential danger altogether without purchasing throw-away natural tampons and without resorting to just reusable pads, I have heard of people using natural sea sponges to good effect. I haven’t looked too much into it (it DOES sound a bit scary and intimidating), but that could be an alternative you can look into depending on how much it matters to you. I like the easy cleanness of using a cup/tampons, but now I wonder if I will return to using my cup (if it still fits after having a baby! Bad timing for that purchase…) once my periods return. I am getting extra super crunchy as I learn more and more before this baby comes, so who knows how “crazy” I’ll be by that time.

      I feel like I’m unraveling a great puzzle in all of the research I’ve been doing before having this little one, and I am doing my best, but it is extremely complex! It does seem to me that more and more people care about safety regarding plastics and such, so hopefully there will be a manufacturing shift in response to consumer’s demanding safer, more quality products like with the organic food movement. But from that movement, we can see that when demand shifts, you still have to be on the look-out for greenwashers and that just because something is “organic” doesn’t mean it’s good for you, like non-gmo organic canola oil. Just like everything that says “BPA-free” isn’t good for you either. It seems like the research and verifiability checking never ends!

      Oh the trials of us Green Goddesses!

    2. Olive Avatar

      Was doing a little more research, and I found that some menstrual cups are made with natural latex. I believe I read while researching natural latex beds, that natural latex is “open celled” and whereas most allergies are from “closed cell” latex as is used in latex gloves? DEFINITELY NOT SURE on that, but if you don’t have a latex allergy, this could be a great option (and maybe even if you do have an allergy, although of course the manufacturers recommend the silicone option for those with latex allergies).

      The one I found is at where they sell two kinds: The Keeper in natural gum rubber (latex) and the Moon Cup in a silicone. I am emailing the company to make sure that there is nothing else mixed into the latex and I will let you know what I find out if there is anything else in it besides rubber.

    3. Luubi Avatar

      I have wondered the same thing. Lead safe mama has tested some cups. She’s be worth a look for you.

  10. Jen Avatar

    I am really disappointed in this article. It’s not as meticulously researched as your articles usually are, and I feel a little like it was supposed to come across was “sciencey” but there is no actual data here, simply what you would do. I hope we get back to the regular quality of articles soon.

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Sorry you feel that way. Unfortunately, there truly isn’t much that I can research when it comes to silicone since not many studies have been done on using it, especially at high temperatures so it is hard to offer anything more concrete at this point, but I will definitely update if I find new information or studies

  11. Crystal Avatar

    To me, silicone is the new plastic. It’s too new. Too synthetic. Food grade? Yea….um….Tupperware was and is considered food grade too which means nothing. It’s still toxic and my guess is that silicone will be proven the same. If we remember correctly, first it was pvcs then phalates then bpa that was found harmful. But prior it was all deemed safe. And lets not forget that the chemical that replaced bpa has a high estrogenoc effect too which is the reason they replaced bpa in the first place. Google it. Our FDA is a joke lol we use natural. Glass and stainless steel etc

    1. Luke Avatar

      Plz let me know ,whether to use silicon containers (ziplt containers)?I should go for it? Or glass container( bormioli Ricco) .thanks ?

      1. Ben Avatar

        Interesting. May I then ask what anyone here uses best for unbleached parchment paper. I believe the non-bleached brands use silicone.

    2. Ben Avatar

      Interesting. May I then ask what anyone here uses best for unbleached parchment paper. I believe the non-bleached brands use silicone.

    3. Marc A. Avatar

      FDA is beyond a joke but it’s the peoples fault. If the people allow big industry (that majorly influence or dare to say control the government) to determine what is safe and what is not. What we should and can by and what we shouldn’t. We let them convince us that we need to be lazy at cooking or cleaning. That we need all these chemicals in our lives when it’s all for their bottom line profits and we pay the price (in all regards). The masses do not think for them selves and will not spend their own personal funds to fund better alternatives to the FDA or other organizations that should be protecting us better. The sad thing is that it is everyone’s money that eventually fund these and it’s really a waste of resources, especially when big business can lobby the government or have influence over the FDA and other programs.
      As you said, plastic that has pumped our developing youth with high levels of synthetic estrogen. This has weakened boys growing into pseudo men and girls growing into pseudo women filled with testosterone rage. Yes the female body will produce more testosterone when sensing high levels of estrogen. Of course, the male body does the inverse and testosterone is reduced in the presence of high estrogen. This has been happening since Tupperware entered our homes and has been proven by so many studies and research. Why, WHY does society not listen nor believe this is worse than lead lined aqueducts poisoning the Romans? Many may have declined mentally but at least they were not majoring effected by hormones to the point of where we are now and where we are headed.

  12. Janice Avatar

    I’m glad to see someone bring up this issue. I don’t trust silicone at all. I used a silicone mat to bake some cookies which had no oil in the batter. After they were baked, I removed them from the mat and placed them on a paper towel for cooling. I found an oily residue on the mat, and on the paper towel, so where did it come from if not the mat? Remember, they told us that Teflon was safe to use also. I considered buying some silicone molds and just didn’t like the texture or feel – rubbery and almost slimy. No thanks, I’ll stick with the old-fashioned ways.

      1. Donna Avatar

        Read the comment again carefully. The poster said the cookie batter had no oil added to it.

        I too am wary about silicone baking pans and mats. Sticking with glass, metal, and teh brands of unbleached parchment that have no silicone coating.

        1. Jacob Avatar

          Donna — I would suspect that some of the ingredients in the cookies had fat in it, even if no oils were added directly.

  13. Sabrina Avatar

    No way!! I was just looking this subject up today. I really couldn’t find much on the web so I decided to ask you. Now I don’t have to ask. lol I will just read your post. Thanks so much Katie!!

  14. Roxanne Avatar

    It really depends on the quality of silicone. Not all silicone products are the same. Do not buy cheap and research the company making them. Leku makes fabulous, high quality silicone bake ware. Also, professional grade silicone for professional pastry work (usually only found online or mail order) are also fabulous, and very expensive. High quality silicone is 100% food grade silicone and should absolutely not smell! If u have silicone products that smell or are not completely nonstick, then it is not high quality 100% silicone; is a rip off product and should not be used.

    1. Maury Gavin Avatar
      Maury Gavin

      Can one use the cheaper silicone muffin pans for freezer use only??? I do not bake, but want to freeze olives, pesto , etc

  15. Suzy Avatar

    Do you use a silicone steamer basket? I’m trying to figure out the best option. We steam a lot of vegetables.

    1. Bryce Avatar

      We steam a lot of vegetables too! I use these stainless steel mesh strainers from OXO good grips
      Hope this helps!

  16. Regina Avatar

    I haven’t tried using silicone bakeware. I have bought molds to use making lotion bars and such. Personally, I don’t put much faith in the FDA and what they approve of. The last decade has shown they get an awful lot wrong!

  17. Shelley Avatar

    Personally my family can not afford a lot of the better options such as stoneware and such. We try to stick with glass but given the choice of silicone or nonstick…. i generally try to go with silicone. Granted not the cheap 1 dollar products but still. I have always wondered if it ever leeched anything or not.

  18. Renee Avatar

    I’ve always wondered about the safety of silicone, but haven’t taken the time to research it. I do like using silicone spatulas for cooking raw meat since they are dishwasher safe.

    I’ve noticed the label on the cookware that you mentioned: “safe up to 450 degrees”, and wondered, “safe for the cookware, or safe for humans?” I’ve doubted ‘they’ really care about leaching at high temperatures.

    Thanks for this post and for this blog. I’m a new reader and am enjoying it!

    1. Amy Avatar

      I think when they say “safe up to 450 degrees” they mean it won’t catch on fire or start smoking at temps up to 450. I do NOT think they are saying it won’t leach into food at temps below 450.

      1. Ivy Avatar

        Please be careful putting your essential oils in silicone as you do with your coconut oil pulling chews because EO’s will leach out any form of chemical. And when ingested will distribute said chemicals. If one wears a chemical lotion or perfume and uses EO’s it will push these chemicals deeper into the skin. This info can be found at young Cinnamon powder, cloves powder would be better mixed in the oil.

        1. Jessica Avatar

          Thank you, This was exactly the answer I was searching. Darn…I was hoping on a squeezable alternative to glass, as I add protective blend to my hand lotion and glass is so heavy. Oh Well.

          1. Jessica Avatar

            Glass bottles are so much cooler though and you can even paint them with pretty designs with glass paint!

          2. Andee Avatar

            Mason jars have a nifty pump you can use instead of squeezing. 🙂

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