Water Fasting Benefits, Dangers & My Personal Experience

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Water Fasting Benefits, Dangers & My Personal Experience

Several years ago, I started experimenting with water fasting. Over the years, I’ve found it to be an amazing experience, so much so that I continue to do it every year, several times a year. I’ve seen so many benefits, not just health-wise but also mentally and spiritually. It’s been a fun journey to take as I’ve learned more and grown stronger with each fast I take.

Before I share more about my experience with water fasting, I must emphasize that this is MY experience. While fasting is generally considered safe for short amounts of time, not everyone can or should try it. What works for one of us might not work for everyone. 

This is what worked for me.

What is Water Fasting?

As the name suggests, it’s fasting while only consuming water. Nothing but water. Herbal teas, black coffee, calorie-free drinks, and supplements are not part of water fasting. Just water. You can add in Himalayan salt to your water, which is helpful to maintain electrolytes, especially in the first three days when you lose a lot of water.

This year, I’ll also be experimenting with drinking more salt water and minerals on the water fast and possibly taking enzymes like Masszymes, which I theorize won’t break the fast but might speed up autophagy.

If it sounds tough, I can say from my experience, that water fasting is much easier than other types of fasting (bone broth, juicing, etc.), which are more dietary modifications and not fasting. The results are much more profound with water fasting than other fasts. This type of fasting is also called block fasting or long-term fasting.

How Long Does a Water Fast Last?

Water fasting can vary in duration. Short-term fasts of 24-72 hours are considered safe for most people. Prolonged fasting includes fasts of five, seven, or even forty days. I started with a shorter fast of 24 hours to begin and then worked my way up. Now, I typically do a five-day water fast once a quarter and a longer seven-day water fast to start each year off. The longest I’ve fasted is ten days.

Why I Decided to Fast on Water Only

Throughout history, people have fasted by default when access to food was limited or during travel when food was unavailable. In addition, every major religion recommends (or requires) fasting in some way.

But in modern times, the idea of voluntarily going without eating seems absurd to some. Researchers estimate that Americans don’t even eat just 4-6 times a day like we think we do. The actual number is closer to 17-18 times a day.

Don’t think you eat that many times a day? Consider this — from a biochemical perspective, any time we put something caloric in our mouths, there’s a digestive event. Every hand full of nuts, every sip of smoothie between meals, or even a sip of coffee with cream. The body sees all of those as digestive events.

These days, we eat much more, move much less, get less sunlight, and have much more artificial light exposure. The odds are not in our favor.

I decided to experiment with fasting because of all the health benefits. However, I found that I actually felt more mental and spiritual benefits from it than I was expecting. Now, I learn much more about the mental and sort of emotional side of it.

The Benefits of Water Fasting

Although I’ve researched several types of fasts (intermittent fasting, fasting mimicking diet), I decided to experiment with water fasting because of all the benefits experts have discovered.

Studies show many positive effects of fasting, including:

  • It creates autophagy in the body
  • Lowers age-induced inflammation in the body
  • Reduces oxidative damage
  • Lowers NF-kB activation
  • Boosts the immune system

What is Autophagy?

Autophagy literally means “self-eating”. Essentially, during autophagy, the body recycles old parts to create new parts.

Research shows that autophagy is a key part of the body’s ability to detoxify and regenerate itself. Fasting and high-intensity exercise both stimulate it. Even intermittent fasting can have benefits, though the biggest results seem to come from longer-term fasting.

Studies have found that autophagy can lead to decreases in risk of cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. Other studies found it can increase longevity and reduce all-cause mortality. Recycling = good for cardboard and good for our cells too!

Lower Inflammation and Oxidative Damage

Increased inflammation and oxidative damage correlate to early death, while reduced levels equate to longer life. People who live to be 100+ years old share the common factor of low levels of inflammation in the body.

Studies show that fasting reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines and inflammation in the body. Specifically, researchers at Yale School of Medicine found that a compound called beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) inhibits NLRP3.

NLRP3 is part of a set of proteins called the inflammasome, which drives the inflammatory response in several disorders, including autoimmune diseases. These include Hashimotos, type 2 diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, heart disease, and other auto-inflammatory disorders.

The researchers found that BHB is produced by:

  • Fasting (most effective)
  • High-intensity exercise
  • Caloric restriction
  • A ketogenic diet

Reduce Cancer & Heart Disease Risk

Emerging research shows a link between fasting and reduced cancer risk. This is likely due to the two factors listed above: increased autophagy and reduced oxidative damage/inflammation.

Research also shows that water fasting may slow or halt tumor growth, as well as improve the chemotherapy effects and reduce the side effects. This makes it potentially beneficial when combined with conventional cancer treatments.

Yet another study found that water fasting can help protect the heart against damage from free radicals.

One doctor I spoke to claimed that 1-2 five-day water fasts a year could reduce cancer risk by more than 90%! Even if the results aren’t that dramatic, I decided it was worth a try.

Boost the Immune System

A 2014 study found that water fasting for just three days could regenerate the immune system. The researchers found that fasting “flips a regenerative switch” and prompts stem cells to regenerate new white blood cells.

“It gives the ‘OK’ for stem cells to go ahead and begin proliferating and rebuild the entire system,” according to Dr. Valter Longo, Professor of Gerontology and the Biological Sciences at the University of California and author of The Longevity Diet.

This research makes fasting promising for those with immune problems, those undergoing chemo, and all of us as we age since immune function declines with age.

Improve Brain Function

When fasting, the body switches from burning glucose to burning fat. Instead of glucose, the brain uses ketones for fuel. Ketones are largely considered a more efficient fuel for the brain. For this reason, fasting is associated with increased mental clarity, focus, and concentration.

My Experience Fasting on Water Only

Before jumping into a water-only fast, I researched the potential benefits and talked to several experts. Like I said, I’m not suggesting this type of fast for anyone else; I’m just sharing my personal experience. Anyone considering it should do their own research and talk to a qualified healthcare professional.

For my first fast, I picked a week free of travel or any major activities. This turned out to be a good thing because, fair warning… the first few days of fasting are not fun. At all. But they also aren’t as bad as you might think.

A few days before I start, I focus on eating a lot more green veggies, drinking water, and taking supplements (they aren’t allowed on a water fast). I also make sure my electrolytes are up with homemade electrolyte drinks and add salt to my food.

Testing on the Water Fast

My experiments with fasting are for research as well as the health benefits. To evaluate the effects on my body, I do several types of testing before, during, and after my first fast, including:

  • Full CBC and Thyroid Blood Panel – I ordered without a doctor through Life Extension (click on “lab testing”). I do this before and after the fast to measure results.
  • Ketone Testing & Blood Glucose Testing – I used a Keto Mojo meter for both of these. You want a 1:1 or greater ratio of ketones: glucose in mmol/L during fasting to show autophagy. If you have a regular glucose meter that measures in mg/dl, divide that number by 18 for mmol/L. For instance, my normal fasting blood glucose of 71 divided by 18 is 3.94 mmol/L.
  • Breath Acetone Testing – This test measures the amount of ketones used and can predict fat burned. The blood ketone measurement above determines ketones in the blood, and this one measures how it’s being used. I used this device. Of all the tests, I consider this one the least important.
  • Gut Testing – I tested my gut using Viome before and after to see if there were any dramatic shifts in gut health.

What Kind of Water on the Fast?

Since water is the only thing consumed during the fast, it’s important to make sure to drink high-quality water. I have a whole house filter and a 14-stage under-the-sink filter, so I drink my tap water. Some people prefer to use distilled water while fasting because it’s free of all minerals.

Electrolyte depletion is one of the bigger risks of fasting, so I added some high-quality Himalayan salt to a couple of glasses of water each day. This is supposed to help with headaches and tiredness.

The amount of water is also important during a fast. Drinking too much water can cause problems, as can not drinking enough. Sources vary on the exact amount but it ranges between 2-4 quarts a day. I just drank when thirsty and added a pinch of salt to a couple of glasses a day.

What Products Should You Avoid on a Water Fast?

Sources disagree on what products, if any, should be used while fasting. Some claim that any lotion, toothpaste, or deodorant will create a metabolic change and break the fast. They recommend brushing with a plain, wet toothbrush and scraping the tongue. They also recommend skipping deodorant. Others say that normal external products are fine.

Since I make many of my beauty and personal care products, I felt ok using them. I used a natural toothpaste and used magnesium oil for deodorant, since Epsom salt baths are considered ok. I also used soap daily and didn’t notice any negative effects from this.

Supplements aren’t allowed on fasts. As I mentioned, you can add high-quality salt to your water or use Epsom salts. This helps you balance electrolytes during the fast.

My Day-by-Day Water Fast Experience

The first time I experimented with a water fast, I didn’t know what to expect. I hoped to experience autophagy and increased stem cell activity. I’ve noticed that my experience in previous fasts has been pretty similar, but now that I know what’s coming, I can plan accordingly.

Here is what I experienced day by day:

Day 1

Since I didn’t know what to expect, I scheduled an easy first day. Things started out normal, but by dinner, my body started to notice it hadn’t eaten all day, and the hunger hit. Then the tiredness.

Overall, it wasn’t a terrible day, and I just took it easy. I went to bed around 9 PM that night and got about 10 hours of sleep.

Day 2-3

These middle days were rough. I was still hungry (obviously) but also had fatigue and slight body aches. I also got cold, likely due to the changes in T3 that naturally happen during fasting. So, I spent a lot of time on the couch with blankets these two days.

I wouldn’t say these days were as bad as the flu (though it’s been a long time since I’ve had it), but they were rough.

Days 4+

I loved days 4-7 of my first fast! Energy came back with a vengeance, and hunger disappeared. I was easily 2-3x more productive than normal. Many sources claim this is because you have more time since you don’t have to cook. For me, this wasn’t true because I still had to cook for my kids.

Since I was measuring blood ketones, I know they were above 4.0 on these days, and my adjusted glucose was below it. This means I was in autophagy. Ketones are considered a cleaner and more effective fuel for the brain by some experts. I’m guessing the mental clarity came from the increased ketones.

The one complaint I had during these days was itchy skin. From my research, this can be a common reaction to fasting and weight loss, but an Epsom salt bath alleviated it.

Breaking a Water Fast Carefully

Surprisingly, if not done correctly, one of the biggest risk factors of fasting can be the return to normal eating. The longer the fast, the more important the post-fast refeeding period is. In extreme cases, after long fasts, the body can encounter something called refeeding syndrome. This is where fluids, insulin, and electrolytes get out of balance. In really extreme cases, it can be fatal, so breaking the fast correctly is VERY important!

Sources recommend starting with broth, soft cooked veggies, some gentle fruits, and fermented vegetables. Meat, fish, dairy, and raw vegetables are all a little harsh for breaking a fast, so it’s better to wait until day three post-fast for these. Additionally, it’s a good idea to wait four to five days before adding in caffeine or alcohol in very small amounts.

My refeed looks a little bit like this:

  • Day 1: Broth, soft cooked veggies in olive oil, avocado, berries, and sauerkraut (It all tasted amazing!). I typically break the fast at night and keep my meal to around 500 calories to let my digestive system start working slowly.
  • Day 2: Add sweet potato and more volume of food.
  • Day 3: Add slow cooked meats and fish. Also add in supplements.

My Water Fasting Results

On my first water fast, I felt really good after the middle of day three. The mental clarity I had was amazing! This has been my experience with each fast since that first one. For each fast, I still monitor my blood glucose and ketones before, during, and after.

I also tested my blood levels before and after fasting to make sure it didn’t negatively affect my thyroid. Not only was it not harmful to my thyroid, but my levels actually improved!

The biggest changes I noticed from my fast were:

  • Weight loss – Although this wasn’t the main reason I experimented with water fasting, it was a great benefit. When I did my first fast, I lost over fifteen pounds during a one-week fast, of which twelve pounds stayed off. The other three pounds were likely from water and food in the digestive system.
  • Fasting blood glucose – Before the first water fast, my fasting blood glucose was always pretty good — in the mid-80s most days. While fasting, it got as low as the 50s but has normalized and is consistently 71-73 every morning, even now that the fast has ended. I use this continuous glucose monitor.
  • Thyroid levels – My thyroid antibodies were already low but got even lower after fasting. All other thyroid hormones stayed the same or improved.
  • Cholesterol – My cholesterol numbers and ratios have always been good but improved post-fasting. For a short time, they were slightly elevated, which is normal after fasting, weight loss, or being in ketosis. Then, they normalized and returned to slightly better levels.
  • Faster Adaptation to Ketosis – At the time, I was experimenting with cycling ketosis and using it sometimes for mental clarity. By day one of the fast, I had achieved ketosis and saw levels get as high as 5.8 during the fast. Since then, I’ve been able to get into ketosis in one day by just restricting carbohydrates.

Who Should Not Water Fast

In short, no one should fast just because I did, and everyone should thoroughly research the risks of water fasting and talk to a medical professional before trying it. Common sense and research agree that fasting is also not a good idea for:

Pregnant and Breastfeeding Moms

The time spent growing and nourishing a baby is a special (and exhausting) time and not a time to add fasting into the mix. Fasting during these times can lead to nutrient deficiencies and harmful substances being released into breast milk.


This goes without saying, but growing children should never do an extended fast. In our house, our kids sometimes choose to “fast” for one meal rather than eat a food they don’t love or if they aren’t hungry. This encourages them to listen to their bodies and only eat when hungry. It is not the same as an extended fast, and children should never restrict calories for extended periods of time.

That said, kids often don’t want to eat much when sick, and as long as they get enough fluids, this is generally considered okay.

Those With Medical Conditions

Anyone with a health condition or chronic disease should talk to a doctor before attempting any major dietary change, such as fasting. Those with gout, kidney disorders, eating disorders, or diabetes should not fast unless under direct medical supervision.

The Bottom Line of Water Fasting

I’ve had a positive experience with water fasting. Although the first few days are a little rough, I really appreciate the benefits it has on my well-being. I’ve continued to complete fasts every few months and complete one longer water fast at the beginning of each year. I’ve enjoyed the mental clarity and the physical benefits each time. 

Have you ever tried a water fast? If so, what was your experience?

Additional Learning:

  1. Alirezaei, M., Kemball, C. C., Flynn, C. T., Wood, M. R., Whitton, J. L., & Kiosses, W. B. (2010). Short-term fasting induces profound neuronal autophagy. Autophagy, 6(6), 702–710.
  2. Castello L, Froio T, Maina M, et al. Alternate-day fasting protects the rat heart against age-induced inflammation and fibrosis by inhibiting oxidative damage and NF-kB activation. Free Radic Biol Med. 2010;48(1):47-54.
  3. Glick, D., et al. (2010). Autophagy: cellular and molecular mechanisms. The Journal of pathology, 221(1), 3–12.
  4. Mah L., Ryan K. Autophagy and Cancer. Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology. 2012;4(1):a008821.

  5. Zare-Shahabadi, A., et al. (2015). Autophagy in Alzheimer’s disease. Reviews in the neurosciences, 26(4), 385–395.
  6. Shirakabe, A., et al. (2016). Aging and Autophagy in the Heart. Circulation research, 118(10), 1563–1576.
  7. Brandhorst, S., et al. (2015). A Periodic Diet that Mimics Fasting Promotes Multi-System Regeneration, Enhanced Cognitive Performance, and Healthspan. Cell metabolism, 22(1), 86–99.
  8. Levine, B., & Kroemer, G. (2008). Autophagy in the pathogenesis of disease. Cell, 132(1), 27–42.
  9. Lee, C., et al. (2012). Fasting cycles retard growth of tumors and sensitize a range of cancer cell types to chemotherapy. Science translational medicine, 4(124), 124ra27.

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


129 responses to “Water Fasting Benefits, Dangers & My Personal Experience”

  1. Cheryl Avatar

    Thank you for writing this. Does this fall in with BLE. I had seen a vlog in the past, but I didn’t actually listen to it. Looking forward to trying one of the fasting options.

  2. Patrick Avatar

    Did your doctor adjust your thyroid medication during your fast?

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      He did not, but I tested my levels both before and after the fast and had already reduced my medication consumption quite a bit over the past few months, and the fast has helped it even more…

      1. Patrick Avatar

        Thanks for the reply! My wife is on a very lose dose of levothyroxine and liothyronine and is joining me on my water fast (I’m at day 8). She took her meds this the morning and said she got a little heart racing after taking them.

      2. Marlene Avatar

        I take 15 mcg of Armour Thyroid so I have a small issue. Do I continue to take during fast? Do I take other supplements?

      3. Kimberlee Avatar

        I was wondering if you took your thyroid meds during the fast? I just came off of a five day water fast and was concerned about swallowing mine, so crushed and placed under my tongue.

  3. Monica Avatar

    Is the Fasting Mimicking Diet like the Protein Spared Modified Fast?

  4. Tayler Avatar

    Great post! Did you exercise while fasting? If you have time, I’d love to hear what you found out about that topic while researching for this fast. 🙂 Thanks!

  5. Alissa Avatar

    What do you think of the viome testing? I’ve read mixed reviews.

  6. Beth Avatar

    Didn’t you find it difficult to fast while still cooking for your kids? I would think for me personally that would be too tempting.

  7. Marybeth Avatar


    I am curious about the water filtration system you have in your home. Does that produce ionized alkaline water?

    I’ve read so many studies about ionized alkaline water and the benefits over standard tap water and bottled water which can have high acidic levels. I perked up when you described your extensive filtration system.

    You are obviously educated and well aware that there are different levels and grades of water. Doing the fast with the top grade water would be even more beneficial! Clearly that’s what you did, and it was impressive to read your results!

    I’m going to starting my own fast soon. I commend you and your hubby on doing it together (best to have a supportive buddy right?) kudos to you both!!!!

    I look forward to hearing back from you about the filtration system you have!! You’ve definitely raised my eyebrows about it! LoL


  8. Diane Armstrong Avatar
    Diane Armstrong

    I’ve done this before for a month and other times a week or two. Lent started February 15 so…….usually day three is the end of carvings but it went to day 4 this time. The beginning of this week brought nothing but dirty water from my bowels and unfortunately extremely at bed time. :/ So after having to shower a number of nights in the middle of the night, I took 10 clay capsules to dry things up a bit. Yay for last night!!! Any way dry brushing and hot/cold showers to keep skin clear of dead skin because you skin is an organ is an extremely good waste and toxin eliminator as well as lungs. I recommend it for your health.

  9. Jak Avatar

    Good for you…I think the water fasting is the ultimate best. I am about to do the same. As a result I am in perfect health…no drugs, not even aspirin ever, perfect teeth, no gray and no more corrective eye vision, etc. And I am always up for a good game of paintball. I count my blessing everyday, oh, and I am a senior citizen.

  10. Jill Avatar

    Thanks Katie, you are great! Question- which week of the month in regards to your cycle do you think is best for a fast?

  11. Joy Avatar

    Thanks for writing this post, it was very informative. How old Is your youngest child? How far out from nursing were you? How long would you recommend waiting after pregnancy and breastfeeding?

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      My youngest stopped nursing over a year ago and I would feel comfortable fasting as long as I was no longer nursing, the amount of time once quitting wouldn’t bother me, but definitely check with your OB/midwife before starting.

  12. Iris Avatar

    Hi Mama,
    glad you touched on this topic.
    I have been doing water fasting for years – the first and longest was for 14 days.
    Some called me crazy when I decided to go for such a long fasting with no previous experience, but that was exactly what I wanted to do – I was not prepared, I did not know how it works and what to expect, so it was a clear experiment in all regards.
    My fasting went extremely well. I had such a boost of energy soon after the fasting that I was able to work 16 hours a day having just a plate of porridge, couple of walnuts and a glass of juice as a daily food supply.
    As a result of this fasting, my body seemed to entirely recharge itself and even gain new skills of living on minimum amount of food without compromising my energy level, mood or physical appearance. That amazing state of my body and mind lasted for about 12 months.
    Since then, I made it a regular routine – not as long as first time due to my busy life, but 24-36 hours be-monthly works well.
    My view of the physical body is that it needs a certain amount of stress (I would actually say a significant amount of stress, because getting up of the chair and go to the fridge is a stress as well, but what affect does it have on your body?) – the body needs significant stress to learn the different adaptation skills, those crucial for surviving.

    1. Giuseppina Bower Avatar
      Giuseppina Bower

      Question for you … a few months after your week long fast, did you experience telogen effluvium? Or any kind of greater than normal hair loss? if not, how did you prevent it?
      I had great experiences water fasting but my fear with attempting it again is losing my hair again. Any experience with this?

  13. Candy Avatar

    Thanks for the article, feeling like I can’t put off doing a water fast this year for much longer.
    “One doctor I spoke to claimed that 1-2 five day water fasts a day could reduce cancer risk by more than 90%!”
    Not sure you meant “a day”?

  14. Claire Bloom Avatar
    Claire Bloom

    “One doctor I spoke to claimed that 1-2 five day water fasts a day could reduce cancer risk by more than 90%!”

    I assume that “[…] 1-2 five day water fasts a day […]” is a typo. What was the frequency there supposed to be? I’m curious, because I’m eager to do another fast, but don’t want to be fasting too often if it’s not recommended. I have more research to do on this, but I’m anxious to know what this Drs. claim was 🙂


  15. Zachary Hann Avatar
    Zachary Hann

    Interesting how I just broke my fast today right before reading this article! I just completed a 3-day water fast and decided to tack on two days of dry fasting. obviously I would not recommend anybody to try dry fasting until they do their own research! a week and a half ago I did a 7- day fast and ended the last day with a dry fast. the autophagy effects from dry fasting are significantly greater than that of water fasting. I am actually a part of a group called The Snake diet and I would highly recommend checking it out! It is a fasting based lifestyle. a fasting bass lifestyle paired with clean healthy eating makes a great pair! Before my initial fast I was 190 and now I am 170 lb. Also for me personally I noticed that when you fast for prolonged periods of times you not only don’t feel hungry but you lose interest in all unhealthy Foods! I should also state that it is very important when you water fast to consume potassium and sodium to maintain your electrolyte levels. this enables you to water fast for very for long periods of time without suffering fatigue from lack of energy, along with allowing you to consume more normal Foods sooner rather than waiting a week to eat normal again. Like I said earlier in this post don’t just take my word for it do your own research and check out the snake diet!

    1. Luna Avatar

      Hi Zachary,
      How does dry fasting help autophagy? If you know? I have done both and like both, so just wondering why the dry is more efficient in a way.

  16. Lilly Avatar

    How did you notice mental clarity? Very curious about this. Thanks!

  17. Jon Avatar

    Some find the salt added to the water may upset their stomach. One option is to put the salt not the tongue.

    Himalayan, Celtic or Real Salt (from Idaho, also pink) all work.

    We follow the Water Cures formula that Dr. Batmanghelidj created (WaterCures.org) and take the salt every time we drink.

    It should be noted, while this formula usually works for acid reflux, it does not when fasting and reaching day 10. The acid reflux should only last for one day and then it is clear sailing. Once hunter is felt after several days, it is time to start a refeeding program as this is the sign that muscle wasting is starting.

    However, simply for the experience in life, everyone that can should fast for at least one day, then two days and finally for four days. It is an experience that will not only open your eyes, it will open your mind.

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