Hypothyroidism 101: How to Boost an Underactive Thyroid Naturally

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Natural Ways to Boost Thyroid Function with diet and supplements
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Hypothyroidism 101: How to Boost an Underactive Thyroid Naturally

Thyroid problems seem to be everywhere these days! Women especially are more prone to them. Hypothyroidism can happen for many different reasons, but our current modern, chaotic lifestyle can contribute to it.

I’ve struggled with thyroid problems for more than a decade now. While I also have Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune thyroid condition, part of that means dealing with hypothyroidism.

I know from personal experience how miserable it is to have a thyroid that’s not doing its job right. Now I want to pass my experience on to you as you try to understand yours.

What Is An Underactive Thyroid?

Having an underactive thyroid is called hypothyroidism. This happens when your thyroid is not producing enough hormones to energize your body. Understanding what can lead to a low-functioning thyroid is a critical part of getting answers.

I was diagnosed through a series of blood tests and a thyroid ultrasound. I found out that I have several nodules on my thyroid which will be monitored to make sure they don’t get any bigger.

Common Signs & Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

I had thyroid problems long before I knew what was going on. It’s easy to miss the common symptoms of hypothyroidism among other normal aspects of life. For me, I was having babies, not sleeping much because of that, and struggling to lose weight because I thought that was normal for being postpartum.

But in reality, my symptoms were way more extreme than they should have been. The thyroid can produce so many different symptoms when it’s not behaving right. Some people will have a lot of them, others may only have one or two noticeable signs. This is where proper testing makes all the difference in getting answers.

What are the symptoms of hypothyroidism to look out for?

  • Weight gain, especially when it’s not related to lifestyle or diet changes. You just gain weight for seemingly no reason and then can’t lose it.
  • Feeling cold all the time. This can happen even when it’s hot outside or no one else is cold.
  • Being more tired than usual, whether you get enough sleep or not.
  • Experiencing hair loss that goes on and on. Hair can also be thin or brittle and just generally unhealthy.
  • Having fingernails that break easily or skin that is dry and rough.
  • Feeling depressed or having a low mood.
  • Being constipated or dealing with hemorrhoids.
  • Having a frequent sore throat or hoarse voice.
  • Feeling weak in the muscles or getting tired easily after exertion.
  • Having high blood cholesterol levels, especially LDL.
  • Dealing with heavy periods or menstrual cycles that aren’t quite regular.
  • Having a low pulse or a low basal body temperature.
  • Feeling fullness in the neck, or having an enlarged thyroid (called a ‘goiter’).

What Does the Thyroid Do?

As you can see, symptoms of hypothyroidism are extensive! They seem to affect every area of life, from energy levels to weight to digestion to hair, skin, and beyond.

How can the thyroid have this much power? A small gland that sits at the base of your neck, the thyroid is shaped like a butterfly. It’s an endocrine gland, meaning that it produces hormones.

The thyroid makes two hormones: T4 and T3. The first, T4, is the inactive form that gets converted into active form as needed. T3 is the active form of the hormone that is produced in smaller amounts. You need both to have a well-functioning thyroid gland. TSH, short for thyroid-stimulating hormone, is produced by the pituitary gland and is in charge of telling the thyroid when to make more T3 and T4.

Low thyroid hormones can be caused in a few ways. Sometimes the pituitary gland doesn’t make enough TSH, and the thyroid doesn’t get the memo to make more. Other times, TSH levels are very high, and the thyroid is making T4, but your body isn’t able to convert it into T3. Finally, there’s another thyroid hormone known as Reverse T3, and in situations of stress, the body takes your T4 and dumps it into Reverse T3, resulting in plenty of thyroid hormone in the body that it just can’t access for energy.

The thyroid hormones make sure your cells have the energy to do their jobs. It also runs your metabolism which is why weight gain happens so quickly when the thyroid slows down. Thyroid hormones are also necessary for fertility, pregnancy, adrenal hormones, and a healthy, balanced mood.

Causes of Hypothyroidism

The thyroid is sensitive. Like most hormone-producing glands, it responds to the overall environment of the body. If you’re constantly stressed, this can lead to thyroid problems. But other factors can affect it, too.

Leaky Gut

Leaky gut, or intestinal permeability occurs when the body is unable to process food and nutrients the right way. In essence, the gut becomes leaky, and food and other bacteria slip through the cracks triggering digestion and absorption issues. This is also one of the ways that autoimmune disease, like Hashimoto’s, could be triggered.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Your thyroid needs nutrients both to make hormones and convert them to the right form. Depending on diet, it is easy to be really low in some essential thyroid nutrients like iron, magnesium, selenium, and vitamin D.

Gut problems can also decrease the body’s ability to process these nutrients effectively. If there’s a problem in the gut, then no matter how much we consume of these supplements or eat nutrient-rich foods, the body won’t be able to snag all the goodness from them. This is especially important to address during pregnancy since there is an increased nutrient demand and after pregnancy, since we lose nutrient stores and it takes time to build them back up.

Food Sensitivities

Ever feel swollen or bloated after eating? Or get an upset stomach or experience a breakout? All of these symptoms can indicate that your body is sensitive to whatever you just ate.

Food sensitivities like gluten, dairy, and soy are quite common and they also happen to negatively impact how your thyroid works. Gluten can even cause a leaky gut!

Blood Sugar Imbalance

For hormones in the body to be balanced, everything else needs to be stable. This is referred to as homeostasis. When your blood sugar is imbalanced or your insulin levels are consistently too high, either from stress or diabetes, the thyroid might have trouble making enough hormones.

The double whammy of low thyroid hormone and high glucose can lead to even more weight gain. Worse, having hypothyroidism can also increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.


A toxic buildup is also common in people struggling with thyroid problems. There are some things, like the air that we breathe, that we can’t control. However, we can take some great strides to detoxify our homes.

Your thyroid responds to every part of the environment that you live in. Using products filled with artificial and synthetic ingredients can make your body more toxic. This can handcuff your thyroid gland when trying to do its job.

(If you don’t know where to start ditching toxic personal care ingredients, start here.)


You may be predisposed to thyroid problems based on your genetics, although this is more common with the autoimmune version of thyroid issues. Still, if you have a mom, sister, or other close family members with thyroid problems, it might mean you’re more likely to have them, too.

This is the genetic test I used, and the results guided many of my next steps in personalizing my approach. You can also listen to my podcast on the topic here.


Women are more likely to develop thyroid problems after giving birth, even if they don’t have a family history or previous problems. There are many theories as to why, but major hormone fluctuations and nutrient deficiencies, along with the telltale lack of sleep that happens in those first weeks and months, are likely culprits.


If your body is dealing with chronic or recent infections, your thyroid might take the hit. Underlying infections, like the Epstein Barr virus which causes mono or bacterial overgrowth like Candida can negatively affect your thyroid.

What to Do First for Your Low Thyroid

If you suspect that you are hypothyroid, the first thing that you need is lab work. There’s no real way to assess what’s going on with your thyroid without testing the actual hormones.

Some doctors will only run TSH or total T3 to check on your thyroid. This is problematic because it only gives a partial snapshot of what’s happening. If you want the full picture and some real answers, you need to get these labs done:

  1. Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH)— This is the pituitary hormone that measures the level of thyroid hormone in the blood. A higher level would show that your body is having to work harder (shout louder) to get your thyroid to do its job.
  2. Free T3/Free T4— These are the available levels of thyroid hormones in your blood. Total T3 will tell you how much is in your body, but it’s no good to you unless you can use it. Free T3 shows how much hormone you have available to actually use.
  3. Reverse T3— This will help determine whether you have hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism. It tends to be low in hypothyroid cases and high in hyperthyroid cases, but sometimes it can be high in hypothyroidism if your body is having problems with conversion.
  4. Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies/Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TPO/TG Antibodies)— These are the thyroid antibodies and will help to rule out whether your hypothyroidism is driven by an immune system problem. If you have thyroid antibodies and you’re hypothyroid, it means you have Hashimoto’s disease.
  5. Thyroid Ultrasound— Not everyone needs this, but it is especially recommended if your doctor suspects abnormal growth or if you have a known thyroid condition.

After you get lab work done, the next thing to do is to meet with a healthcare provider to discuss your results and set a plan. If you’re confirmed to have low thyroid or hypothyroidism, then here’s what you can do.

Lifestyle Changes for Hypothyroidism

I’ve made some diet and lifestyle changes since finding out about my thyroid problems. While I am also taking thyroid hormone replacement, these were really helpful even before I started the medication and I wanted to share them with you.

Diet for Underactive Thyroid

I was already eating a healthy diet before finding out about my thyroid problems, so diet was not the entire problem for me. However here are some additional dietary changes that can help support thyroid health:

  • Avoid inflammatory foods. This can include sweeteners, processed foods, grains, soy, and dairy, but it can also include anything you’re sensitive to.
  • Focus on eating quality meats and fish. Grass-fed and wild-caught meats and seafood have better nutrient profiles and don’t contain possible inflammatory problems like antibiotics or mycotoxins.
  • Eat lots of green leafy vegetables cooked in coconut oil. Vegetables are rich in thyroid-friendly nutrients and fiber, which can help with constipation caused by hypothyroidism.
  • Eat fruits too, but focus on lower-glycemic ones (mostly berries). This is especially important if you have high glucose or insulin.
  • Drink bone broth a few times a day. It is rich in gut-healing nutrients, including collagen and gelatin.
  • Don’t go low-carb to try to force weight loss. While you want to avoid high-starch carbs or those that are sugary, your thyroid needs the right kind of carbohydrates to make hormones.

Exercise for Boosting Thyroid Function

When you’re dealing with low thyroid and are already tired, exercise might sound like the last thing you want to think about. But you need to be able to move your body to promote health.

Still, endless cardio is probably going to hurt more than it will help. Exercise does cause a certain amount of stress in the body—but after that, it leads to a reduction in stress. This isn’t the case when you’re overtaxing your body with exercise.

Some of the best ways that you can support your body with exercise when your thyroid is low are:

  • Yoga: Research finds that it helps reduce hypothyroid symptoms and lowers stress.
  • Rebounding: I spend a few minutes a day jumping on a mini-trampoline to get my blood flowing and increase lymph drainage.
  • Walking: You don’t have to power walk to get benefit from a morning stroll or a family walk after dinner.
  • Strength training: Weight-bearing exercises are good for bone density (which can sometimes be associated problems for people with thyroid issues) but they’re also known for being great for those who have thyroid problems.

Lifestyle for Hypothyroidism

It sounds easier said than done to say “reduce stress,” but managing stress is actually important when it comes to fixing hypothyroidism.

It’s not as simple as wishing stress away, of course, but after diet and exercise, there are some other proven ways to lower your stress levels.

Having a healthy sleep routine is at the top of the list. Your body heals when you sleep. It produces hormones, repairs cells, and gives your gut a break, all while you’re asleep. If you perpetually run short on sleep, your stress hormones will be out of whack, which will affect your thyroid, and so on.

I make it a priority to be sleeping by 10 PM every night. This doesn’t always happen between the kids and other things, but I am definitely trying to make that my norm.

I also practice active relaxation and make it a point to do things that are relaxing and stress-reducing to me. What works for me might not work for you, so it’s important to identify the things that feel life-giving and energizing. They should feel like “get to’s” and not another thing on your to-do list.

Diaphragmatic breathing, or belly breathing as it’s sometimes called, is another great way to promote stress relief. Even if you’re not a pro at meditation, learning to breathe like this can pull you into being more mindful of what’s going on in your body.

Finally, cortisol, which is the stress hormone, can affect how your thyroid works. One of the things I’ve done over time is to sit in the sun in the mornings with my family. This is absolutely free and helps to promote balanced cortisol levels. It’s also great for stress relief! I noticed measurable changes in my hormone levels, just from sitting in the sun consistently in the mornings.

Supplements for Hypothyroidism

I believe it is best to get nutrients from food whenever possible. In this case, my nutrient depletion required specific supplements to improve my levels. Diet changes and adding these supplements made a tremendous difference in reducing my symptoms (skin issues, fatigue, etc) and I notice when I don’t take them.

These are supplements that can support healthy thyroid function:

  • Glutathione: A strong antioxidant that helps balance hormones and boosts the immune system. I definitely notice a difference when I don’t take it. I take one each morning under my tongue.
  • Vitamin D: A vitamin that has hormone properties and is important for thyroid, immunity, and mood. It helps transport thyroid hormones into your cells where it can be used. Even though I spend a lot of time in the sun during the summer and take vitamin D during the winter, I was deficient. This is relatively common with thyroid problems and I’m using a vitamin D supplement to help bring my levels up.
  • Vitamin C: An antioxidant, vitamin C helps support healthy adrenal and thyroid function. My cortisol was high at night, indicating adrenal stress, so I added a quality Vitamin C with each meal.
  • Probiotics: Beneficial bacteria that support gut health, probiotics help with inflammation and other factors relating to hypothyroidism (like constipation and leaky gut). I was already eating probiotic-rich foods, but supplementing can promote healthy gut levels faster. I take these now daily.
  • Magnesium: A mineral that is associated with healthy muscles, mood, and sleep, low levels are also tied to hypothyroidism. I use transdermal magnesium oil and also take magnesium supplements. MagSRT is the supplement I take and I use magnesium oil.
  • Selenium: An antioxidant that is required for the production of thyroid hormones, selenium levels are often low in hypothyroid patients.

What Not to Do for Hypothyroidism

It’s important to understand that hypothyroidism is its own disorder, but that you can have other thyroid problems, too. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that results in immune-driven damage to the thyroid gland. If you have this, just trying to address hypothyroidism won’t fix it.

Getting the right diagnosis about what’s going on with your thyroid is essential to find relief. Avoiding things that can worsen your hypothyroidism is also important. These are things you should not do if you know or suspect that your thyroid is low-functioning.

Nothing replaces personalized medical advice either, so be sure you’re working with a healthcare provider who really understands thyroid function.

Do Not Take Iodine Supplements

One change I made immediately once I found out about my thyroid problems was to stop taking iodine. In some cases, iodine can help people with hypothyroidism, but for the most part, people in the U.S. have sufficient levels of iodine to prevent thyroid disorders.

Taking iodine when you are hypothyroid can cause problems because getting more than you need is not better, and if your hypothyroidism is caused by Hashimoto’s, then you’re pouring fuel on the fire of your autoimmune attack. In fact, a 2012 review found that restricting iodine could, in some cases, reverse hypothyroid symptoms.

Do Not Self-Medicate With Natural Remedies

I’m a big believer in natural remedies, but thyroid problems require the expertise of a medical professional. Don’t just take supplements and hope for the best.

There are a lot of thyroid supplements on the market that may or may not help—and could make things worse. Always follow the medical advice from your healthcare provider (I share my doctor’s info below), since they are looking at all the factors affecting your health.

Keep Track of What’s Working

One of the biggest ways that I’ve found what works for me is paying attention to what I’m doing and how it impacts my health. I use a range of apps and my Oura ring to keep notes on what’s happening with my health, exercise changes, what I’m eating, and so on.

You don’t need to obsess over health to keep track of it. The best way to see what helps, what doesn’t, and even what might be hurting, is to have it written out in front of you.

Bottom Line: Take Care of Your Thyroid!

All of these changes together made a big difference for me even before I started taking thyroid medication. A reminder, though: I’m not a doctor and I don’t play one on the internet. I am sharing my personal experience for information purposes only. This post should not be taken as medical advice.

It was such a long road to get a diagnosis and I saw several doctors before finally getting answers. I know it can be difficult to find a local thyroid expert. This is one of the many reasons why I’ve partnered with this service that matches you with an online primary care doctor based on your medical needs and lifestyle. I’ve been a patient for over a year now and it has been extremely helpful in managing my thyroid condition.

Wherever you are in the process, know that you are not alone and there are some cost-effective and simple changes you can make that will help!

Have you tried any of these things to help boost thyroid functioning? What other changes have you made that have helped? Share below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


252 responses to “Hypothyroidism 101: How to Boost an Underactive Thyroid Naturally”

  1. Samara Avatar


    I am hypothyroid b/c my thyroid was removed. Do i still need to follow an autoimmune diet?
    I know there is a new vitamin on the market called thyvita @ thyvita.com. it suppose to have all the vitamins we need to survive.

    thank you for your information

  2. tammy Avatar

    very interesting article. i am a nurse but I try to find natural methods to heal when at all possible. last yr my TSH was 3 in May. This yr it was 4 in feb. My vit D was also low. After researching I realize now that the suddden increase in TSH was prob due to the decrease vit D during the winter months. However I have had symptoms of hypothyroid for yrs. Lots of hairloss etc. After reading your article and others on Vit C I am now trying high dose. Yesterday I was up to 100,000 mg without problem. Except a little loose stool this AM. I will try the 100,000 again today. I read that your body takes what it needs and the excess causes lose stoll. You need to titrate your dosage based on this. I also picked up an iron suppliment and started eating brazil nuts for the selenium. I have been eating plant based since jan 2015 . Also I make my own kombucha. I recently read kombucha and other fermented foods helped levels of glutathione as it is a by product of fermentation. So I hope with these changes I will see some results. thank you

  3. Nikhil Avatar

    Hey, thank you for sharing such a useful information with us.
    My mother(47years,pure vegetarian) is suffering from hypothyroidism. What diet should she prefer to improve her harmone level? Please suggest me. Her TSH level is 0.27 ulU/ml.

  4. Tim Avatar

    How about fish broth? Not tried yet but have been on beef broth for about 6 weeks and feel great from that. Non oily fish heads are best. The thyroid is in the fish head and gives you the goodness. They need to be simmered for 4 hours. I’ve also just started on Sauerkraut 5 days ago with organic cayenne pepper, carraway seeds, garlic. 6 week fermentation. Great benefits to your bowls I think. I’m on a very strict diet of meat and veg, herbs spices, do eat cheese. No refined oil. Ive not got thyroid problems but I am type 1 diabetic.

  5. K.C. Avatar

    I also have hashimotos. It makes me sad, because I love food (and there is so much junk food around me). How do I take off the blinders and see through the mask of “junk food will satisfy your cravings”?

  6. Jeanne Avatar

    Have been reading, combing, and recommending your site for a while. Absolutely love your topics and back-up research and education.

    That said I was hoping you may have some suggestions to gift me;
    I’m currently dealing with a highly hypothyroid condition (and what I believe to be an additional cortisol level/ratio issue)… at this point its not been determined if I’m dealing with Hashimoto’s… started to experience issues July-August 2015.

    My doctor(s) are not moving as quickly as I am or as quickly as I would like them to…

    Since September I’ve been dealing with moderate-severe symptoms i.e: extreme/rapid and entirely resistant weight gain (35 lbs in 3-4 months)..
    In terms of skin, I’ve been dealing with rough dry patches on arms legs back and sections of my face. insect-bite-esque bumps that itch are not exactly attractive looking, and general redness and extra sensitivity. My skin has grown pale as well.
    The chronic/constant physical/mental fatigue is abominable [which i have already been trying to manage from previous PCOS/PMDD], mentally foggy, abnormally ditzy, etc…
    I do have blood testing lined up, but i always prefer to treat myself, and this series of ailments n their source is new to me…
    Any suggestions for topical applications for the skin issues? I do have a decent cabinet of C.P. T.G. essential oils. As well as fractionated coconut (keep it around to dilute topically with EO’s on skin), extra virgin coconut (use to dilute topically with those oils on body as well, but more importantly to bring to a melt each morning to oil pull with 2 drops lemon EO), and some other resources.

    For the fatigue, my most effective resource so far has been African Bush Mango liquid supplement- helps with both physical energy and mental acuity- but Ive been having problems waking and actually getting up.. Like big problems. Its as if my body is so exhausted it wont move, even after anything from 6-12 hours of sleep.
    The weight thing is terrible but the ultimate solution to that would be just to regulate my thyroid…

    Any and ALL recommendations, suggestions, or knowledge you may have to share would be so appreciated.

  7. jayne Avatar

    Hi Katie
    I had a lump in my neck on the right hand side, the Dr carried out various tests including an aspiration, to no avail, they then performed half a removal of my right side thyroid on examination they found in the lump, cancer luckly it was contained inside the lump. So now I am left with half a thyroid and on lethothyroxine at 225 ml tablets. I feel very lethargic infact I fell asleep this morning on the couch after quite a good nights sleep, my moods are all over the place. I can not seem to shift my weight. I am also suffering from Depression.

    If you can give me any advise, I would be so grateful.

  8. Amber Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    I would really appreciate your input on my current situation as I have read as much information as I can, found a functional medicine doctor, and am still having issues.

    I was diagnosed with Hashimotos a couple of months ago. I have been grain free, very low sugar, and consume natural meats/grass fed beef, vegetables, berries, and only get carbs form healthy sources. I also take lots of natural vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, desiccated liver, krill oil, Bio-kult probiotics alternated with soil-based probiotics, sometimes black mineral powder, and Vital Proteins collagen powder. I start my day with protein then slowly add in more healthy carbs as the day progresses.

    My doctor also said that I have adrenal issues that need to be resolved before I can begin any type of thyroid medication (I took a very low dose, 16.25 mg of Nature-Throid, for a week and it made me sick every day, most likely due to my adrenal issues),so I take 5 mg of cortisol in the morning and 2.5 mg in the afternoon.

    I still have a lot of issues with feeling sick everyday, especially in the afternoon and evenings. Most evenings I feel sick all over, my muscles ache, and I get nauseous about 7:30-8:00 every evening. I am supposed to start LDN soon and I have high hopes for that, but I am miserable every day.

    Any input or suggestions you might have would be greatly appreciated!

  9. Gemma Avatar

    Hi there,
    Thank you so much for your posts! It’s great to read someone else’s opinions on the subject of Hashimotos! I was diagnosed nearly 3 years ago but have suffered from hypothyroid for many years before. I have been told by my endo that there’s nothing I can do to stop the destruction of my thyroid gland and that I just have to “ride it out” the trouble is I have been riding it out for nearly 20 years, swinging, sometimes violently between hypo and hyper and I’m sick of it to be honest! My question is this…Could I not just take a lot of immunostimulants to increase the attack so I can get to the end of this horrible journey? It seems logical that if I cant stop the attack the next best thing would be to speed it up so it’s over, instead of living with the constant ups and downs of it? What’s your opinion on this? I’d love to hear what you think?

  10. samantha Avatar

    Love reading your blog! I’m transitioning to GF diet, and limiting caffeine, sugar, etc. Can you do a post on what a weekly meal plan looks like for you? Thanks!

  11. Christine Avatar

    My TSH is low and all the rest seems to be in normal ranges. It says my brain makes TRH which tells my Pituitary to make TSH. How do I start from scratch and test if the part of my brain that makes the TRH is working or test my Pituitary? Thank you.

    1. nenet ecleo Avatar
      nenet ecleo

      I am 53 years old and I have the same situation as you, I have low TSH per blood test hence I would love to read any information or experience from anybody with the same condition. Thank u so much.

  12. Chelle Cordero Engelman Avatar
    Chelle Cordero Engelman

    Hi. I ave been taking Monolaurin (made from coconut) for the past 2 years since a diagnosis of Epstein Barr; I also take 1000mg of Vit C, B-12, Vit D & Calcium daily. Also on Asthma maintenance drugs. I’ve suspected that I have hypothyroidism because of fatigue, weight control (I average 1200-1400 cal daily), and other common symptoms (I was put on Synthroid temporarily as a teen decades ago) – But I’ve been sent for multiple basic Thyroid tests and have come back at the bottom of the normal range. My average temperature ranges 97.3-97.8.

    I’m certainly at the point where I want to self-treat and will incorporate many of your suggestions – question is with the Monolaurin, do I need to add Coconut Oil and how much?

    One last question, I used to have a sensitivity to Coconut and my sister, who has similar symptoms, is highly allergic to coconut – is there a practical and effective substitute?

    Thanks so much for your help and helpful information.

  13. Leslie Avatar

    I was diagnosed in my mid 20s and after 15 years, still so much to learn. At the time, I didn’t even know I had a thyroid let alone understand its role in my health-amazing how much of life can be affected by this gland when it’s under attack! I was lucky in that I was treated first by Dr. Mercola. He put me on Armour, but it’s never as simple as taking a pill. It wasn’t until a few years later that I was actually tested for Hashimoto’s. Lesson learned: you always have to be your best advocate, even when working with great doctors. I have learned that I feel best on WP Thyroid-a natural desiccated thyroid medication with only two fillers. I’ve been on compounded Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) for nearly a year now and it has helped bring my TPO antibodies down from 400 (after going gluten free) to 120. I started out at 1600, so I believe this is a step in the right direction. I’m learning so much from the Magnesium Advocacy Group on facebook and know they are hesitant to supplement with vitamin D without proper testing, believing that magnesium deficiency (and other mineral imbalances) is actually at the root of most diseases. They have a wealth of information-a lot to digest!

    Thanks for all you do, Katie! Especially knowing how difficult thinking can be with this disease, I appreciate everything you have shared, making navigating resources and research so much easier.

    1. Julia Avatar

      I’ve read that I ought to cut out the “goitregens” – broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts – which I hate to do b/c they are good for other things. I did read that if cooked the impact is lower. What do you suggest with regard to this class of foods? Thanks.

  14. Heather Avatar

    Hi there! I am doing some research and came across this blog. Thank you for sharing! I have recently been tested, and then I insisted on testing the thyroid antibodies, which is where there was a elevation. It was not high, but there. The doc did not diagnose me with hashimoto’s, but that is what I have been reading having elevated levels is indicative of. I also have a nodule on my thyroid, but had all of this tested after going off of MANY foods for 6 weeks. Dairy, (already off gluten), caffeine, nightshades, peanuts, corn, etc. I am frustrated as I feel I have to do the digging while the doc. leaves me empty handed. She just said to do what I”ve been doing….. sigh.

  15. Mary Avatar

    I am a fellow Hashimoto’s girl – diagnosed 25 years ago. I have made many of the diet changes you have made, and am now on the Autoimmune Protocol diet. I know you are not a doctor, but I am wondering what you know about taking supplements while pregnant or trying to conceive. I am trying to get pregnant now and have heard that infertility is a common problem among women with Hashimoto’s. I want to take any supplements that might help, but don’t want to over do it. Any tips?

  16. Joy Avatar

    Hi Katie!
    Thank you for this great advice! I was diagnosed with hashimotos last year and was put on levothyroxine. I also found out that I was pregnant at the same time. Pregnancy went well with a dosage adjustment. Delivery was great and then my thyroid went wacky. I am 6 months postpartum now and had hyper thyroid after the baby and about a month ago went hypo thyroid and began getting serious muscle aches all over. Neck, shoulders, upper arms, hips, gluts, and legs. I have recently made adjustments to my diet (gluten free, clean eating, Brazil nuts, etc) and have upped my supplements. I am definitely going to try some of the ones you mentioned. I have seen several endos and even rheumatologists and so far conflicting answers. I was wondering if you or anyone have ever heard of these symptoms from hashimotos??? Any advice?

  17. Ashley K Avatar

    I just found out I have Hashimoto’s disease and your blog posts have been the most comprehensive and easy to read resource. I was wondering if there is any specific further testing that you recommend? I will be having allergy test done in 6 months when we test my blood again. Anything else?

  18. Cori Avatar

    After researching, I’m thinking about using ashwagandha (Indian ginseng) for thyroid health. Are you familiar with this?

  19. Clare Avatar

    In response to lee, hashimotos causes fluctuations between hyper and hypo symptoms but in the end when the thyroid is destroyed you stay hypo.

    My question to readers is at what tsh level are most people put on drugs? I seem to remain around the same level just outside of normal range 4.3 last time and have been told some people go years and years at this low level stage with mild but identifiable symptoms. Opinion also varies as to what the normal range is.

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