How to Whiten Teeth With Activated Charcoal

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to whiten teeth with activated charcoal
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Years ago, a reader from India told me about a natural way to whiten teeth and it is the only method I’ve used since that time. Her suggestion? Use charcoal to whiten teeth with!

Whiten Teeth With Charcoal?

I was very skeptical that charcoal could actually help whiten teeth. I already kept activated charcoal around the house since we have kids and this highly absorbent substance is often used in hospitals for food poisoning. Because I kept it around the house, I’d also seen firsthand what happens when it spills on a kitchen floor (grout = permanently ruined) so I was afraid it would stain my teeth and not whiten them.

There are whitening toothpastes out there that have activated charcoal in them, but I decided a daily brush with charcoal toothpaste sounded like too much mess. I prefer to use the straight black powder version for a deep treatment.

How Charcoal Works

Activated charcoal is a highly absorbent substance. It removes toxins when they adhere to the surface of the charcoal. It is not absorbed by the body, but passes through the GI system, so chemicals and toxins bind to it, which then pass through the body and are expelled by the digestive system.

In the 1800s, two men took lethal doses of poisons (including arsenic) and survived without harm… their secret: they mixed the poisons with activated charcoal powder. (Stating the obvious: do not try to repeat these experiments!)

Activated charcoal is extremely effective at binding to toxins from household chemicals, ingested medicines, and other chemicals from the body, especially when taken within 30 minutes of ingestion. For this reason, it is a great first treatment for any kind of poisoning, but should not be taken within several hours of medications (or even vitamins) that DO need to be absorbed.

I had used activated charcoal when I had an awful bout of food poisoning, and it worked wonders! I mixed about a tablespoon of activated charcoal with water and drank quickly. The food poisoning symptoms went away within a couple of hours. This one dose was enough to remedy my food poisoning, but others report having to take this dose several times within a day before finding relief.

Charcoal is not a substance I would take regularly, as it can cause constipation and block mineral absorption if it is taken when it is not needed. Also, it can’t be mixed with dairy products or many foods, as they lower its effectiveness. Charcoal can also cause dehydration in large doses so it is important to consume enough water when consuming charcoal.

How Does Activated Charcoal Whiten Your Teeth?

how to whiten teeth naturally with charcoalSo, it’s all well and good that activated charcoal is an effective poison remedy… but does it really work to whiten teeth?

As I said, since the powder stains everything, I had always worried that it would do the same to my teeth. (One of my kids dumped it in the kitchen one time and it does stain tile, grout, clothes and shoes… just so you know!).

I did some research and found out that even though it temporarily makes the mouth look extremely black (picture for emphasis!) it has the same effect as it does when ingested: it pulls toxins from the mouth and removes stains. (Fair warning: when you open your mouth, it is completely black and rather scary looking! Right after I did this the first time I was intensely worried that it would stain my teeth.)

To my surprise, all of the black washes away and it makes your teeth feel extremely clean and smooth. After a few uses, my teeth were noticeably whiter too.

Further research I’ve done on this showed that activated charcoal can actually be helpful in changing the pH and health of the mouth, and as such is effective in preventing cavities and killing the bad bacteria present in tooth decay and gingivitis. For this reason, I now use it as part of my remineralizing protocol for teeth, along with my Wellnesse remineralizing toothpaste and charcoal toothpaste.

Of course, it is important to check with your own doctor and dentist before using this or any substance internally or orally.

How to Use Charcoal to Whiten Teeth

I’m sure everyone does it a little differently, but here’s the routine I’ve worked out over the years. Once you have it down, the whole process takes about 5 minutes. You can also see the whole thing in action in the video below.

  1. I recommend having two toothbrushes, one for applying the charcoal and one for brushing your mouth out after. A cup for rinsing is also helpful. (Tip I learned the hard way: Have a microfiber cloth on hand to wipe out the sink when you’re done, also.)
  2. Dip a clean, wet toothbrush into the powdered charcoal (or dump a capsule of charcoal on the toothbrush).
  3. Lean over the container of charcoal and quickly put the charcoal-covered toothbrush in the mouth (this is to protect your sink).
  4. Brush in small, very gentle circles to apply charcoal all over your teeth. Let sit for 2 minutes.
  5. Spit and rinse until your mouth is clear of charcoal. (Again, be careful of surrounding surfaces.)
  6. To any remaining charcoal out of your mouth, wet the the second clean toothbrush, brush lightly, and rinse.
  7. Wipe out the sink with the microfiber before it dries for easiest clean-up.

Your mouth will feel amazingly clean…. your sink, not so much! Use as often as needed. Readers have also reported mixing the charcoal with water and swishing with it for two minutes.

This video shows how I brush with charcoal:

Where to Get Activated Charcoal

Most natural health stores carry activated charcoal in loose powder or capsule form and it is also available online. I keep both the powdered and capsuled forms on hand in case it is needed for poisoning and I keep the powder in a small glass jar for tooth brushing. Make sure that the charcoal is from wood or coconut sources and not petroleum-based.

It is also very important to note the difference between food/supplement grade activated charcoal and other forms of charcoal. I hope it goes without saying, but I’ll say it to be safe:

Please do not use any other form of charcoal besides activated charcoal in your mouth or internally. Do not use leftover charcoal from a BBQ grill or charcoal briquettes. Do not use charcoal pencils or any other type of charcoal.

Charcoal Teeth Whitening FAQs

I’ve received some of the same questions about this process multiple times so I’ve asked friends who are dentists and done further research to try to answer them:

How to Whiten Teeth With Activated Charcoal

Does It Stain Crowns/Veneers/Fillings?

I don’t have any of these in a visible place to be able to share any firsthand experience. Readers have reported trying this method of teeth whitening without a problem on these types of surfaces, but I’d definitely recommend checking with your dentist before using this or anything else if you have any of these.

Does Charcoal Pull Calcium From the Teeth?

Another question that I’ve received often. As always, check with a dentist if you have concerns about your teeth and before using any substance to whiten them. From the research I found, charcoal binds mostly to organic compounds and not minerals so there should not be a concern of it pulling calcium from the teeth.

Is Charcoal Too Abrasive for Teeth?

This is one concern that some dental professionals have expressed about whitening teeth with charcoal and it is a valid concern. I was unable to find any research that evaluated how abrasive charcoal was to the surface of the teeth. A suggestion from my friend who is a dentist is to use the charcoal without brushing or scrubbing.

She suggested that anyone worried about charcoal being abrasive or anyone with sensitive teeth could accomplish the same thing by simply dabbing charcoal onto the surface of the teeth with a finger or cotton swab and letting it sit on the surface of the teeth for two minutes before swishing with water and rinsing.

This would allow the charcoal to come in contact with the surface of the tooth long enough to remove surface stains without the brushing or scrubbing action that could be too abrasive. Using a toothbrush with round-tip bristles is gentler on teeth and good for oral health in general, so considering switching to this type of toothbrush.

What Kind of Stains Does Charcoal Work On?

My dentist friend also advised me that activated charcoal will only work on surface stains that it is able to bind to, especially those from drinks like coffee and tea. It won’t usually work on teeth that have yellowed from antibiotics or other internal problems.

Whiter Teeth? An Update

Here’s a picture cropped from a photo at a family wedding so it looks pixelated). I’m super happy with the results!

how to reduce cavities and tooth decay

After using the activated charcoal for a few months and swishing with diluted regular 3% hydrogen peroxide when I remember (at the recommendation of a dentist) I am really happy with how white my teeth have become!

p.s. An Update to the Update

I recently discovered this new tooth whitening product that whitens teeth with activated charcoal and LED light. So far it’s working even better than the activated charcoal alone, with the added bonus of making the process less messy. It even plugs into my phone for easy use when I travel.

Bottom Line on Tooth Whitening

I plan to continue whitening my teeth with activated charcoal, but if the whole black-teeth thing doesn’t appeal to you I have found a few other natural ways to whiten teeth. Check out this post to see how they measure up to the charcoal method.

And you’ve found other natural ways to maintain those pearly whites, let me know what works for you!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

What do you think? Am I crazy? Would you try it for whitening your teeth?

Activated charcoal is a simple way to naturally whiten teeth and promote oral health at home.

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


486 responses to “How to Whiten Teeth With Activated Charcoal”

  1. Marisa Kobilan Avatar
    Marisa Kobilan

    How much do you dilute the hydrogen peroxide when you swish with it? How often do you do this? Thanks!

  2. Cynthia Black Avatar
    Cynthia Black


  3. Linda N Mike Avatar
    Linda N Mike

    I would def try it. Let’s face it for years we were duped into brushing and rinsing with fluoride, I have nothing to lose.

  4. Josie Salas-Tynan Avatar
    Josie Salas-Tynan

    Do you think there is to many other chemicals in Pepto Bismal to brush teeth with that? Isn’t there charcoal in Pepto too?

  5. Rachel Amanda Avatar
    Rachel Amanda

    Activated Charcoal is only available over the counter at a pharmacy here in Canada, if anyone is looking for it. I also use it as a treatment for stomach bugs including diarrhea as others have mentioned in the comments. When I went to buy a new bottle from the health food store I discovered it wasn’t available anymore. The woman at the health food store actually yelled at me for being so reckless as to use it for illness. The same woman who’d happily carried it and sold it in her store just a few months previously.

  6. Sara Avatar

    I have been rinsing with Hydrogen peroxide once a day and then once a week I brush with a baking soda paste. Someone told me that rinsing with hydrogen peroxide will rot my teeth from my gums and that it is extremely dangerous if pregnant or nursing. I researched online and found nothing of the sort about the tooth rotting.

  7. Kim Underwood Avatar
    Kim Underwood

    Hi WellnessMama. 🙂 I noticed your link for the recommended powdered form isn’t working, and I was wondering what brand you suggested? Thank you! 🙂

    1. borail Avatar

      Hey on your page the links for the charcoal are not working is the one u use or will this work the prescribed for life Coal Conunt Ultra fine coconut shell characoal powder?

      Also I was wondering in response to Danielle’s comments all them were good, Im still wondering about the diluted 3% Hydrogen peroxide from?

  8. Louis Tourtellotte Avatar
    Louis Tourtellotte

    Hi Katie,

    Sorry if you’ve answered this somewhere already, but I’ve read most, perhaps all, of your dental posts and haven’t seen you address the following.

    In a couple of your schedules, it sounds like you sometimes brush with activated charcoal immediately after brushing with the mineralizing toothpaste. Am I understanding your schedule correctly? If so, it seems a bit odd to me: wouldn’t brushing with the charcoal strip your teeth of the minerals that you just provided? Wouldn’t it be better to brush with the charcoal and then with the mineralizing toothpaste?

    Thanks for the clarification!

    By the way, I should add: thanks for being such a great resource!


  9. Rapi Avatar

    I have to say charcoal is not something I’d thought of before, but looking at the before and after pictures, they do look much whiter 🙂

  10. Karen Avatar

    Can it be used if you have mercury fillings and a root canal? I’m waiting to get all of them removed so can it be used while I have them and then after when they have been removed?

  11. Loren Goldenberg Kosbab Avatar
    Loren Goldenberg Kosbab

    Interesting and don’t disbelieve the benefits of charcoal but would have liked to seen your teeth pre charcoal.

  12. Danielle Miranda Avatar
    Danielle Miranda

    Hi Katie!

    Is it okay to brush with the Activated Charcoal everyday? Where can I find the diluted 3% Hydrogen peroxide from; would they have it in Health food stores or would I have to order it online?

    After your done brushing with the activated charcoal, do you then brush your teeth with a Natural Toothpaste like Tom’s or Jason’s or do you only use the activated charcoal? If you also use toothpaste do you brush with the toothpaste before or after the activated charcoal?

    I apologize for all of the questions; I am really excited to try this, thank you for your post 🙂


  13. D'Vonne Brock Avatar
    D’Vonne Brock

    I just tried it for the first time and some specks of charcoal are randomly stuck in my gums around my mouth. It’s not enough to be noticeable, so would it be alright to leave it alone until it goes away on its own? I just don’t want to pick my gums until they bleed.

  14. NAjah Avatar

    Hello my name is Najah, I have using the activated charcoal for about a month now and I love it!

  15. Massi Avatar

    hello!, I am a current dental hygiene student and I am interested in offering my future patinents a more holistic approach to oral health (this is how I found your page). With all the crazy allergies going around in our new generations, it is very important to have good natural products available. I do have to agree with maybe providing a fallow-up picture. I would like to know what are the effects of this product on inflammation. by the after picture your gums look a little puffy and inflamme and I’m wondering if that was caused by the charcoal. Thank you!

    1. Leslie Avatar

      Brushing with AC knocks the inflammation out of my gums immediately.

  16. sagal Avatar

    my mom learned me this when i was in somalia and it did really help me get my teeth shiny and bright. It’s good that other people know about it.

  17. Lynne Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    I am wondering how charcoal would work for someone like me. My teeth have decalcified from pregnancy and are so sensitive! I have loss alot of enamel and have dentin showing. Do you still think it is still advisable to use the charcoal for whitening? Will the charcoal help remineralise my teeth at all? I read your other post about ways to remineralise teeth. I am hoping to try that. Does hydrogen peroxide corrode the enamel?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’d probably focus on the remineralizing for a few months before trying to whiten with anything, even hydrogen peroxide or charcoal. If pregnancy caused it, you probably need a lot of healthy fats and FCLO to help build it back up…

      1. Lynne Avatar

        What is FLCO?
        Yes my teeth had loss of calcium and mineral during pregnancy and even more obvious after pregnancy. Do you believe that the babies can take calcium from your teeth? My dentist told me that is a myth but having gone through pregnancy and seeing how terrible my teeth are now, I am starting to wonder

  18. Candi Avatar

    i was like ewww what the heck? When I saw this on facebook but, I am going to give it a try.

  19. Michelle Towle Avatar
    Michelle Towle

    This is so very interesting to me and I’ve never heard of doing it. I am a big teeth whitening person, so a new and effective, and safe way is always intriguing to me. I just would like to know what the difference would be between using a capsule and using the other, granulated kind that you mentioned (you gave us a link for that one). If you recommend the capsule just as much, can you provide a link for a good brand for the capsule too. Thanks so much!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      The powder is much cheaper… the capsules are just the powder inside a gelatin capsule…

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