How to Whiten Teeth With Activated Charcoal

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to whiten teeth with activated charcoal
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » How to Whiten Teeth With Activated Charcoal

Years ago, a reader from India told me about a natural way to whiten teeth and it is the only method I’ve used since that time. Her suggestion? Use charcoal to whiten teeth with!

Whiten Teeth With Charcoal?

I was very skeptical that charcoal could actually help whiten teeth. I already kept activated charcoal around the house since we have kids and this highly absorbent substance is often used in hospitals for food poisoning. Because I kept it around the house, I’d also seen firsthand what happens when it spills on a kitchen floor (grout = permanently ruined) so I was afraid it would stain my teeth and not whiten them.

There are whitening toothpastes out there that have activated charcoal in them, but I decided a daily brush with charcoal toothpaste sounded like too much mess. I prefer to use the straight black powder version for a deep treatment.

How Charcoal Works

Activated charcoal is a highly absorbent substance. It removes toxins when they adhere to the surface of the charcoal. It is not absorbed by the body, but passes through the GI system, so chemicals and toxins bind to it, which then pass through the body and are expelled by the digestive system.

In the 1800s, two men took lethal doses of poisons (including arsenic) and survived without harm… their secret: they mixed the poisons with activated charcoal powder. (Stating the obvious: do not try to repeat these experiments!)

Activated charcoal is extremely effective at binding to toxins from household chemicals, ingested medicines, and other chemicals from the body, especially when taken within 30 minutes of ingestion. For this reason, it is a great first treatment for any kind of poisoning, but should not be taken within several hours of medications (or even vitamins) that DO need to be absorbed.

I had used activated charcoal when I had an awful bout of food poisoning, and it worked wonders! I mixed about a tablespoon of activated charcoal with water and drank quickly. The food poisoning symptoms went away within a couple of hours. This one dose was enough to remedy my food poisoning, but others report having to take this dose several times within a day before finding relief.

Charcoal is not a substance I would take regularly, as it can cause constipation and block mineral absorption if it is taken when it is not needed. Also, it can’t be mixed with dairy products or many foods, as they lower its effectiveness. Charcoal can also cause dehydration in large doses so it is important to consume enough water when consuming charcoal.

How Does Activated Charcoal Whiten Your Teeth?

how to whiten teeth naturally with charcoalSo, it’s all well and good that activated charcoal is an effective poison remedy… but does it really work to whiten teeth?

As I said, since the powder stains everything, I had always worried that it would do the same to my teeth. (One of my kids dumped it in the kitchen one time and it does stain tile, grout, clothes and shoes… just so you know!).

I did some research and found out that even though it temporarily makes the mouth look extremely black (picture for emphasis!) it has the same effect as it does when ingested: it pulls toxins from the mouth and removes stains. (Fair warning: when you open your mouth, it is completely black and rather scary looking! Right after I did this the first time I was intensely worried that it would stain my teeth.)

To my surprise, all of the black washes away and it makes your teeth feel extremely clean and smooth. After a few uses, my teeth were noticeably whiter too.

Further research I’ve done on this showed that activated charcoal can actually be helpful in changing the pH and health of the mouth, and as such is effective in preventing cavities and killing the bad bacteria present in tooth decay and gingivitis. For this reason, I now use it as part of my remineralizing protocol for teeth, along with my Wellnesse remineralizing toothpaste and charcoal toothpaste.

Of course, it is important to check with your own doctor and dentist before using this or any substance internally or orally.

How to Use Charcoal to Whiten Teeth

I’m sure everyone does it a little differently, but here’s the routine I’ve worked out over the years. Once you have it down, the whole process takes about 5 minutes. You can also see the whole thing in action in the video below.

  1. I recommend having two toothbrushes, one for applying the charcoal and one for brushing your mouth out after. A cup for rinsing is also helpful. (Tip I learned the hard way: Have a microfiber cloth on hand to wipe out the sink when you’re done, also.)
  2. Dip a clean, wet toothbrush into the powdered charcoal (or dump a capsule of charcoal on the toothbrush).
  3. Lean over the container of charcoal and quickly put the charcoal-covered toothbrush in the mouth (this is to protect your sink).
  4. Brush in small, very gentle circles to apply charcoal all over your teeth. Let sit for 2 minutes.
  5. Spit and rinse until your mouth is clear of charcoal. (Again, be careful of surrounding surfaces.)
  6. To any remaining charcoal out of your mouth, wet the the second clean toothbrush, brush lightly, and rinse.
  7. Wipe out the sink with the microfiber before it dries for easiest clean-up.

Your mouth will feel amazingly clean…. your sink, not so much! Use as often as needed. Readers have also reported mixing the charcoal with water and swishing with it for two minutes.

This video shows how I brush with charcoal:

Where to Get Activated Charcoal

Most natural health stores carry activated charcoal in loose powder or capsule form and it is also available online. I keep both the powdered and capsuled forms on hand in case it is needed for poisoning and I keep the powder in a small glass jar for tooth brushing. Make sure that the charcoal is from wood or coconut sources and not petroleum-based.

It is also very important to note the difference between food/supplement grade activated charcoal and other forms of charcoal. I hope it goes without saying, but I’ll say it to be safe:

Please do not use any other form of charcoal besides activated charcoal in your mouth or internally. Do not use leftover charcoal from a BBQ grill or charcoal briquettes. Do not use charcoal pencils or any other type of charcoal.

Charcoal Teeth Whitening FAQs

I’ve received some of the same questions about this process multiple times so I’ve asked friends who are dentists and done further research to try to answer them:

How to Whiten Teeth With Activated Charcoal

Does It Stain Crowns/Veneers/Fillings?

I don’t have any of these in a visible place to be able to share any firsthand experience. Readers have reported trying this method of teeth whitening without a problem on these types of surfaces, but I’d definitely recommend checking with your dentist before using this or anything else if you have any of these.

Does Charcoal Pull Calcium From the Teeth?

Another question that I’ve received often. As always, check with a dentist if you have concerns about your teeth and before using any substance to whiten them. From the research I found, charcoal binds mostly to organic compounds and not minerals so there should not be a concern of it pulling calcium from the teeth.

Is Charcoal Too Abrasive for Teeth?

This is one concern that some dental professionals have expressed about whitening teeth with charcoal and it is a valid concern. I was unable to find any research that evaluated how abrasive charcoal was to the surface of the teeth. A suggestion from my friend who is a dentist is to use the charcoal without brushing or scrubbing.

She suggested that anyone worried about charcoal being abrasive or anyone with sensitive teeth could accomplish the same thing by simply dabbing charcoal onto the surface of the teeth with a finger or cotton swab and letting it sit on the surface of the teeth for two minutes before swishing with water and rinsing.

This would allow the charcoal to come in contact with the surface of the tooth long enough to remove surface stains without the brushing or scrubbing action that could be too abrasive. Using a toothbrush with round-tip bristles is gentler on teeth and good for oral health in general, so considering switching to this type of toothbrush.

What Kind of Stains Does Charcoal Work On?

My dentist friend also advised me that activated charcoal will only work on surface stains that it is able to bind to, especially those from drinks like coffee and tea. It won’t usually work on teeth that have yellowed from antibiotics or other internal problems.

Whiter Teeth? An Update

Here’s a picture cropped from a photo at a family wedding so it looks pixelated). I’m super happy with the results!

how to reduce cavities and tooth decay

After using the activated charcoal for a few months and swishing with diluted regular 3% hydrogen peroxide when I remember (at the recommendation of a dentist) I am really happy with how white my teeth have become!

p.s. An Update to the Update

I recently discovered this new tooth whitening product that whitens teeth with activated charcoal and LED light. So far it’s working even better than the activated charcoal alone, with the added bonus of making the process less messy. It even plugs into my phone for easy use when I travel.

Bottom Line on Tooth Whitening

I plan to continue whitening my teeth with activated charcoal, but if the whole black-teeth thing doesn’t appeal to you I have found a few other natural ways to whiten teeth. Check out this post to see how they measure up to the charcoal method.

And you’ve found other natural ways to maintain those pearly whites, let me know what works for you!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

What do you think? Am I crazy? Would you try it for whitening your teeth?

Activated charcoal is a simple way to naturally whiten teeth and promote oral health at home.


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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


486 responses to “How to Whiten Teeth With Activated Charcoal”

  1. Michelle Abernathy Avatar
    Michelle Abernathy

    What does the mag do and is there a form I could actually get in her? She’s not much of an eater still. I can squeeze a CLO/Butter oil capsule in her mouth on occasion. I’ve been pondering mixing coconut oil, Vit D, perhaps the CLO/Butter oil into some kefir? She actually drinks that. Might be a great way to hide what she needs. In the past she has enjoyed drinking lemon-flavored fish oil, perhaps that would be helpful too? 

    And about the AC, there wouldn’t be a problem with her swallowing what’s on her teeth? I don’t want it to be a waste, you know?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I wouldn’t give her large amounts of the AC, but the amount on her teeth should be fine. My kids will take it in applesauce.

    2. Emmie Avatar

      I don’t think it would be a good idea for her to swallow what is on her teeth because of it pulling out any toxins. If she swallows it, she will ingesting the toxins the AC just pulled from her teeth.

  2. Michelle Abernathy Avatar
    Michelle Abernathy

    I wonder what your thoughts on using this with a 20 month old? She has tooth decay happening with brown discoloration around her lack-of-enamel spots 🙁 We cannot night wean, so I am going to do it naturally. Tomorrow I will be making the toothpaste from your site.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      It won’t hurt her at all, and it doesn’t have a taste, though the color might make her really curious :-). Is she taking any supplements? I’d encourage the cod liver oil/butter oil blend, the probiotics, vitamin D and some magnesium if she isn’t already taking them, as this will give the internal support for remineralization also. Also, making sure she isn’t eating much grains, sugar, nuts or beans for at least a couple of months will help the remineralization process. Good luck!

      1. Michelle Abernathy Avatar
        Michelle Abernathy

        (oops, meant to reply here, doing so just in case)

        What does the mag do and is there a form I could actually get in her? She’s not much of an eater still. I can squeeze a CLO/Butter oil capsule in her mouth on occasion. I’ve been pondering mixing coconut oil, Vit D, perhaps the CLO/Butter oil into some kefir? She actually drinks that. Might be a great way to hide what she needs. In the past she has enjoyed drinking lemon-flavored fish oil, perhaps that would be helpful too? And about the AC, there wouldn’t be a problem with her swallowing what’s on her teeth? I don’t want it to be a waste, you know?

      2. Lark Avatar

        Hi wellness mama. What exactly is the cod live oil/butter oil blend, the probiotics, vitamin D and magnesium do? Also how much of each?

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          the FCLO blend helps replenish Vitamins D, A and K plus Omega-3s, which the body needs to build new dentin and enamel. The probiotics help with the good/bad bacteria ratio in the mouth and the Vitamin D and Mag are necessary for new bone/health formation. I take 1tsp+ of FCLO daily, 2 capsules of probiotics, and Vitamin D and Mag daily.

  3. Ruthy Avatar

    What about those who have natural teeth AND a partial/bridge/denture?  Remove them when using AC or does it stain the artificial ones?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      It shouldn’t stain any of those, but it also won’t remove stains in the exact same way, so if the artificial ones are lighter, I’d leave them out, if they are darker, I’d leave them in. You probably won’t see as much of a change on the artificial teeth because there is no living surface to remineralize.

  4. Dotty Avatar

    I wonder if this is at all harmful for the enamel.  I have some stains on my teeth, possibly partly from taking antibiotics for extended periods, and would like to try it.  I guess you brush gently so that the abrasiveness won’t hurt the enamel and gums.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Yeah, gentle circles, but really, the powder is very fine and not very abrasive at all, from what I understand. It is definitely less abrasive even than baking soda, and that has a very low abrasive rating.

    2. Teresa Avatar

      There are different types of stains, intrinsic (within and extrinsic (external).  
       Tooth whitening aids work for extrinsic staining. Stains that develop on the outside of the tooth, typically from foods or beverages: i.e. tea, berries, coffee, etc.  

      Intrinsic stains form from inside the tooth and are often caused by certain antibiotics (tetracycline) taken as a young child during critical tooth development or your mother ingested certain types of antibiotics during pregnancy . The tooth could have been injured, too.  Yellowing (from within the tooth) can occur from aging, too.  These types of stains are much harder to reverse and involves micro-abrasion techniques – removing tooth enamel. 

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        Taking supplements and changing the diet can also have a noticeable effect on tooth color. My husbands teeth were yellowed from antibiotic use as a child and his have whitened considerably in the process of working to reverse his cavity.

        1. Teresa Avatar

          If over a lifetime, your husband never had his teeth whitened, then he was likely much like most people with some external staining.  Any potential lightening may have been surface whitening  improving overall appearance without whitening the inside of the tooth. 

          1. Wellness Mama Avatar
            Wellness Mama

            Possibly, but he noticed the biggest changes from improving his diet/supplements, and not just from the oral regimen he was on.

    3. Austin Avatar

      It’s also important to note that the inside layer if your teeth (the dentin) is yellow, and the outside layer (the enamel) is white. If you scrub too hard, you’ll weaken the white enamel and reveal the yellow dentin.

  5. Lennie Rickman Avatar
    Lennie Rickman

    I tried brushing my teeth this morning with the AC. Surprised that the taste is neutral. I used a designated toothbrush now reserved for this purpose since I knew it would stain. I also used the utility sink in the laundry room. It takes a lot of rinsing to remove the charcoal from mouth and teeth. I even brushed my teeth with regular toothpaste to get ride of the tiny particles. I’m excited that this has potential for good gum health. I plan to continue this routine a few times a week and see if the teeth get whiter.

  6. Natalie Avatar

    This is awesome.  I had no idea.  I have sensitive teeth so all the strips and other whitening treatments are not an option for me.  Thanks!
    Missy – that is awesome it worked for that, too!

  7. Missy Avatar

    This is hysterical and I am so trying it.

    Here is what I know about activated charcoal. After my 2nd kiddo was born I had a terrible problem. Let’s just say it was a problem that most teenage boys would be proud to have. I was not. at. all. proud.

    Sigh – true confessions – I was a fart machine. I could not control them, and they STUNK. Like, oh my word, BAD.

    As you can imagine this was rather distressing to me. I tried many things and finally read to try activated charcoal – and the problem was cured instantly. Really. That afternoon.

    So, add that to you list of uses!!

  8. Sora Avatar

    Hi there! I’m a new subscriber and I cannot believe I haven’t come across your site before! This is so helpful.

    I’ve wanted to do something for teeth whitening for a while. I have badly stained teeth from coffee. I can’t wait to try this out!

  9. Beureka Avatar

    I agree that charcoal can help whiten, but I’d like to see a real before picture. You can’t see what your teeth looked like BEFORE you started chewing the charcoal to compare the color.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      You’re right… I didn’t think to take a picture before I started using it at all…. I honestly wasn’t sure it would work, so I didn’t think it would matter. I would love to see some before and afters from anyone else who tries it, and I’m still using it regularly, so I’ll post an updated “after” in a few weeks to see if there is any change between now and then.

      1. pelonita Avatar

        something you don’t address is how it works (or perhaps doesn’t?) with fillings or caps. i wanted to get my teeth whitened and was told by my dentist that it wouldn’t work on my white fillings (and would in fact make the contrast even more apparent between white teeth and the less white fillings). do you know if the charcoal works on both tooth enamel AND porcelain/synthetic white fillings? would hate to have those be blackened while trying to whiten my teeth!

        your thoughts/insights?

        1. Judy Avatar

          I have a bridge across my front teeth where I knocked out one tooth. Since they are artificial and made a certain shade to match your other teeth they will not bleach out like your real teeth. If your fillings are very stained from coffee, wine, etc it should remove that stain but once it gets to that point and your other teeth keep whitening but the fillings don’t it will start to look funny.

        2. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          It won’t blacken them, but it won’t whiten quite the same as it will on teeth either because they are different surfaces…

        3. Dana V. Avatar

          I sure wouldn’t believe everything your dentist is telling you (if he/she is a mainstream dentist). These are the very dentists who are either clueless or flat out lying when it comes to the real dangers of amalgam fillings (mercury). Go onto YouTube and search “smoking teeth”. You’ll find Dr. Kennedy’s 8 1/2 min. video explaining this. You can also get great info regarding this by watching the documentary “The Beautiful Truth” (available for rent via Netflix or for purchase from Amazon). Mainstream medicine/dentistry many times leads people in the wrong direction—making bad decisions that end up adversely effecting one’s health. People just aren’t connecting the dots.

          1. Toni Avatar

            Absolutely Dana,
            Mainstream Doctors/Dentists are the reason we have so many health issues in the first place. I’m not saying that they’re all purposely trying to make us unwell, after all, they’ve all had years of medical training that has programed them to believe and share what the drug companies want them to believe is right for us. Thankfully people are starting to realize the truth and begin turning back to what truly generates health and well being, the natural alternatives that were used in the first place.

            An amazing read for anyone interested in learning more is Elaine Hollingsworth’s book titled ‘Take control of your health and escape the sickness industry”. This can be found at

            I find it truly empowering to be aware of what really is good for our physical and emotional health instead of relying on what conventional medicine tries to dictate.

          2. Toni Avatar

            My question/concern is, knowing how effective AC is at removing toxins in the body, is it likely to draw mercury from amalgam fillings whilst using it in your mouth?

          3. Yvonne Avatar

            I second Toni’s question! Can anyone point to research showings that it is safe to use while having mercury fillings intact?


        4. Stacy Avatar

          Tooth colored filling are made from a semi porous material. Yes once the filling is placed in the tooth it is filed & smoothed but is not like enamel or porcelain.

          1. Gwen Avatar

            Regarding if it’s safe for mercury fillings. People keep asking if it pulls out the mercury when you do this, or oil pull. A biological dentist in Austin TX, says, that mercury vapor leaves your mouth 24/7 regardless of what you eat, drink or do. Get them removed by a biological dentist and mercury won’t get into your body.
            BTW, I did this with coconut charcoal nervous about my crown, and white filling and it didn’t stain them or change them in anyway.

        5. Bethany Avatar

          I am a hygienist and your Dentist is correct. Any restorative materials in your mouth will not change color. This is because they have been cured at some point in the process. If your natural teeth are darker then your restorations, you could whiten until they match, but if your natural teeth are already lighter, it will make your restorations show more if you continue to lighten your natural teeth. The charcoal does not have the ability to lighten them.

          1. chassidy Avatar

            I had a gap between my 2 front teeth when I was 13 years old I had them “bonded” they were brilliant white as we’re my other teeth however after 20 years my natural teeth and “bonded” teeth have both been stained with coffee and smoking…they are still the exact same color though no difference between natural and bonded…both stained equally….would this remove the stains from my bonded teeth as well as natural or since they are stained would I have to remove them and have them rebonded…I’m scared to do that and them appear different since they are so natural looking

    2. Liz Avatar

      I have a coworker who introduced me to AC and her teeth are super white. I recently found out through another coworker that my other coworkers’ teeth are really white because she brushes with AC. That encouraged me to start brushing with AC. I am starting today! I hope this helps.

    3. Cathy Avatar

      If you look for activated charcoal on amazon, you can find customer before and after photos.

  10. Will Revek Avatar
    Will Revek

    Since we prefer our own nutrient dense home cooking over any prepared food that can be purchased, we have made a habit of always bringing capsules of activated charcoal with us whenever we travel and the option of home cooked food is not available.  It has stopped many a case of restaurant induced food poisoning.

  11. Hannah Avatar

    This is great! I will definitely try it! I was just thinking about how I wanted to get whiter teeth today but I did not want to use white strips or something because of the chemicals in it, plus they are super expensive. 

  12. Lisa Avatar

    Too funny. My dog ate a bunch of chocolate and I had to mix AC with water and dump it down her throat. It got all over her. Strangely, her breath seemed much better. Dog is fine of course. Thanks for the great info.

    1. Katie Avatar

      yah that’s about the only thing I know about charcoal. We got a christmas present we put under the tree not knowing it was chocolate and when we came back from the movies our springer spaniel had gotten into it and shat all over the floor and was running around like a mad dog. The vet gave it to her and she was fine. crazy mutt!

    2. Lia Becas Jacobsen Avatar
      Lia Becas Jacobsen

      My puppy did the same thing and the Vet bill was $400. and they did the very same thing! With so many other uses I will keep some AC on hand from now on. Thanks Lisa and Wellness Mama!!

  13. Kitch Avatar

    I was introduced to Activated Charcoal the first time my friend and I babysat her little sister. Her dad had left Triaminic open on the table and the little girl drank the whole thing down because she was “still feeling sick.” We tried to get her to vomit with ipecac but she started falling asleep instead. She ended up in the hospital – they gave her charcoal and pumped her stomach! Thankfully she was alright in the end! 

    As an adult I always have it on hand. It’s great for poisoning, food poisoning, or gas. I’ve never tried brushing my teeth with it, though! I have one very stained tooth. I think I’ll do an experiment and see if I can fix it. Thanks for the suggestion!

  14. mary Avatar

    will it stain a veneer? * I chipped 1/2 of one of my front teeth as a child. 

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      It shouldn’t. If anything, they should absorb it less, so you shouldn’t have any trouble with it. I found out after it stained my kitchen that it only really sticks on porous surfaces like grout and rough tile, and cloth, but comes out of anything smooth… I know one person who has a veneer and has had no trouble though.

      1. Chris Cheek Avatar
        Chris Cheek

        It is interesting that it doesn’t affect the teeth like grout or tile, as teeth are porous too.

        1. Lynne Parker Avatar
          Lynne Parker

          “How to use on teeth: Dip a clean, wet toothbrush into the powdered charcoal (or dump a capsule of charcoal on the toothbrush). Lean over the container or charcoal and quickly put the charcoal covered toothbrush in the mouth (this is to protect your sink). Brush in small, gentle circles for 2 minutes, spit carefully and rinse really well. Your mouth will feel amazingly clean…. your sink, not so much! Use as often as needed.”

        2. clark hogan Avatar
          clark hogan

          Long answer to How to use capsules and Where to Find.
          My sister & her daughter use AC in capsules. She gave me a few but I’m still looking 4 my own bottle (surprised that Rite Aid, Lamb’s Grocery & GNC didn’t carry it).
          You can buy at Fred Meyer in OR. In CA I may try on-line or possibly Whole Foods. Directions: Hold capsule in mouth & chew lightly 2 break capsule open. Keep mouth closed and don’t breathe in too deeply. Let it sit in mouth about 4-5 min, making sure it has a chance 2 sit on both inside & outside of teeth. We swish it alittle but don’t use toothbrush. Spit into toilet & flush ASAP as it will stain sink. Rinse well. (If u breathed in too deeply, clean nose with a Q-Tip, especially the Tip of your nose Inside as it can collect there. Almost forgot results! I used 1 capsule 1 time. Can’t believe the results – absolute pure WHITE and SHINEY. I had seen my sis & her daughters results so knew it worked. Just didn’t expect amazing results. Couldn’t stop looking in magnifying mirror. Awesome that a product works like this. Love it & can’t believe I just became aware of AC (for whitening use) in my 50’s.

          1. kandi Avatar

            I’m in cali. Got mine from Walgreen. You can also order online from

      2. Celia Avatar

        Thanks for answering that, because that was my question. I was going to call my dentist on Monday to ask him about it.

        1. Diana Avatar

          Call him anyway. Let’s see what he says.
          I’d definitely be interested.

        2. Jennifer Avatar

          I cant picture any dentist or Dr ever approving of any natural remedies. Do they really exist?

      3. Audrey Avatar

        Oh, good! I was just coming to ask this. One of my front teeth got chipped during surgery and I have a veneer.

      4. Kimberly Avatar

        My 9 year old has very bright white patched two front teeth. Her dentist said it is de-calcification and is a more porous surface. She has braces now so she is less self conscious about it, but when they are removed I worry. Her dentist said the only way to fix it is to drill out the front and put veneers over but I don’t feel alright with that option. Would you recommend this AC treatment for her.

          1. Maria Avatar

            As a dental hygienist, I can tell you that there are different reasons for “white spots” on the teeth. Mostly, they are caused by demineralization or acid erosion and are frequently seen in ortho patients underneath brackets due to food getting stuck there for long periods. The bacteria eat away at the food and release an acid that breaks down enamel. People who breathe through the mouth, dry out their teeth and make the white spots more visible. Over time, and with the use of fluoride, it can remineralize the enamel. I used to have these spots as well and they are gone, but not from anything I did. Too much fluoride on the teeth during tooth development can lead to fluorosis, which is actually a brown stain. White spots that occur after teeth are fully erupted are normally from acid erosion,

          2. Cllr Chris Cooke Avatar
            Cllr Chris Cooke

            Maria – as a dental hygienist you would have been sold The Full Monty on the “benefit” of fluoride to teeth. It is complete nonsense. Fluoridation (systemic absorption) will cause white flecks on the teeth (fluorosis) which are porous and can turn yellow and brown stained. Particularly galling knowing as we do now that fluoride – if it works at all – works topically. I’m quite sure that is because it is a poison and regular brushing regularly poisons the acid producing, cavity causing bacteria you speak of. So – yes – in that sense I suppose it would “work” with regular brushing. But otherwise fluoride is a deadly poison – fed to populations as an industrial waste product (hexafluorosalicic acid) dumped drop by drop with other waste poisons into our drinking water. There are very many indications of fluoride poisoning in the body and “modern diseases” that doctors gloss over as being “something that just developed”. And as far as I am concerned the lunatics have well and truly taken over the asylum in fluoridated areas. I know dental operatives are busy people – but just a small time researching this (Fluoride Action Network is one place to start) may cause you severe “cognitive dissonance” as they say. Although, a word of warning, it probably won’t help your career prospects if you start trying to tell others within your workplace what you have discovered!!

          3. Bethany Avatar

            Cllr Chris Cooke,
            I believe that you owe Maria an apology! She does in fact know what she is talking about. I am also a dental hygienist and there is quite a difference scientifically and clinically with white spots on teeth caused by demineralization and fluorosis. I am positive from Maria’s responses that she spends quite a bit of time keeping herself updated with current dental treatments both naturally and also through the traditional Western Medicine approach. I will tell you that you have a lot more research that needs to be done on your end before you spout off information about how Fluoride affects teeth. You don’t seem to understand what is happening to a tooth’s structure on a cellular level with bacteria and different levels of PH. Please do not attack our profession…we spend a lot of time doing research, and have your best health in mind!!

          4. Marc Avatar

            Curious: Can this help in removing the dark color on lips caused from smoking?

          5. Susie Avatar

            The thing about activated charcoal is that everything binds to it, that includes fat soluble vitamins and minerals. Yes it’s great for detoxing and getting rid of heavy metals, but make sure you’re not depleting your system of nutrients too by limiting your intake and taking an multi vitamin (whole foods) supplement too .

  15. Holland Avatar

    I have caps on my two front teeth. I am concerned that the charcoal will permanently stain my caps. What do you think?

      1. Theresa Avatar

        I use AC regularly on my teeth, and it has NEVER stained any of my composites nor my two porcelain crowns.(My crowns are my two top front teeth, so I would see staining if it was there.:)

    1. Laura Avatar

      I have a porcelain crown. Before I used AC, I talked with my dentist and he assured me that the crown that I had would not be affected. I suppose it all depends on the type material used.
      I have used AC repeatedly without any staining.

    2. Lobaby Avatar

      I have caps on both my front teeth as well. Have been using the AC as toothpaste for a week, absolutely no staining

      1. Michelle Avatar

        I have metal allergies, so my bridge and crowns are porcelain. No staining for mine.

  16. Susette Avatar

    I have used AC for years. After eating out and starting to feel sick I take 2 capsules and it usually stops the start of food poisoning. I also found that it works very well for my IBS and my 2 daughters use it for the same reason. It is always in my medicine cabinet.

      1. Gertrude Avatar

        With using it internally for upset stomach or cleansing, is there a warning against using it if on long term medication, I know many of the clays come with advice against this as it absorbs the medicine.

      2. kassie Avatar

        could I use charcoal used for the fireplace or do I have to use activated charcoal for my teeth?

      3. Liz Avatar

        Quick question, how do you determine food poisoning from stomach bug? Is using AC effective for that as well I wonder?

    1. Nancy Avatar

      I also am plagued with severe IBS. I currently take Dicyclomine on a regular basis. Sometimes it works but more often does not. Would the charcoal pill form work better? Really sick of missing work all the time and lack of pay.

      1. Susan Avatar

        You should try and take probiotics as well. I think it helps a lot. Also, I was dx with IBS in my 20’s…come to find out 20 years later, I am actually celiac. You can have a simple blood test for celiac, it tests for the antibiodies, and then a biopsy is done for confirmation.

        1. Shannon Avatar

          I agree Probiotics are great and Organic Apple Cider Vinegar works wonders too. I had IBS growing up until age 27. Found out Stress and Anxiety don’t mix with dairy and fried foods. So I cleaned up my diet and got rid of the stress in my life.
          I’m going to try the Charcoal on my teeth and will try taking it when I have an upset stomach.

          1. Renata Avatar

            I absolutely love your website! As soon as I get my hands on some activated charcoal I am going to blacken my teeth to health and whiteness! I had IBS along with fibro and some other health issues. I cut out all wheat, I use my homemade Magnesium Oil, I drink water water with some lemon (peeled lemons and water from soaked seaweed pulverized in my Vitamix) and some Apple Cider Vinegar several times a day (this keeps my body alkaline and does wonders for muscle aches and IBS). I also soak chia seeds and blend those with a bit more water and slippery elm powder. Drink it with a wide straw (I drink this everyday). The Chia is loaded with iron, etc….eases IBS symptom, and a plant source of protein which is used often in some hospitals for children who have several problems digesting food. The slippery elm is like a wonder powder! It healed a multitude of ulcers in my stomach and intestines within 2 weeks. I had the scopes done before, so I immediately started taking 1/2 to 1 tsp daily; two weeks later I had a repeat scope and they were amazed that there was absolutely no sign that I had even had ulcers. Of course I let them believe it was their medication they gave me (and I didn’t take) –but I know it was the slippery elm. Slippery Elm can be bought in bulk powder form.

      2. susan Avatar

        imipramine is better for IBS. I hear charcoal can help too but I needed something stronger

      3. Carol De Graw Avatar
        Carol De Graw

        I use charcoal as a powerful detox remedy and if I eat anything not on my very strict diet. Systemic out of Ogden, Utah makes this. It is called BIND. It is great. If I eat something bad for me I take 4 capsules before and 4 capsules after. Or if I am having dental work which involves heavy metals i.e. Amalgum, gold, etc. I will also take 4 before the procedure and 4 after. If I take it just to detox. I have to wait one hour (without eating anything) then take 4 BIND and wait another hour so it won’t remove good food or medicine. Dr. Pompa (nature path) has many free articles and podcasts about it.

    2. Susana R.Rivera Avatar
      Susana R.Rivera

      Where do you get the capules from??? Would a heal store carry them?

      1. Laura Avatar

        I’m in Canada and I bought my bottle of AC at Walmart. It was only $10.

        1. Charlotte Avatar

          I am also in Canada (Toronto) and have asked at a couple of Wal-marts and the sales associate looked at me like I was crazy.
          Which Wal-Mart did you get your’s at?

          1. Laura Avatar

            I’m in New Brunswick. I found mine on my own because no one seemed to no what I was talking about either. I found the Swiss brand in the supplement section.

          2. Chrissie Avatar

            I got some yesterday at “the Nutrition House” which is a chain store – $13. May have it near you. Whole foods or any supplement store would have it too.

      2. Terri Avatar

        I ordered mine from Swanson Health Products. I was unable to locate AC from any of my local stores and swanson’s was the cheapest price that I found online ($3.39 bottle of 260 mg 120 capsules. Of course, they do have any array to choose from, that was the one I chose. Shipping costs may be a factor when ordering from them, but I had to purchase other items too (all cheaper than here at home) and cheaper than what I would spend on gas to go to the store. Arrived before the expectant delivery date also. I am using them for all my future health purchases.

      1. Andrea Avatar

        It should be. Apart from the fact that you are not going to swallow the charcoal while whitening teeth, activated charcoal is also used to treat bile flow problems (cholestasis) during pregnancy.

        1. ANA Avatar

          Andrea, could you please direct me to some links that support that? I had cholestasis of pregnancy with my first baby and it was awful. I was told I will have it with every pregnancy so I am very interested in finding out how I can treat it naturally. Any help is apprecaited. Thanks so much 🙂

          1. Azalea Avatar

            I would love supported links too. I had ICP with my babies too. Ana, I controlled a lot of mine with a really strict vegan diet. No sugar and no oil…except I think safflower. There is one oil that is not processed in the liver and I used a little of that one.

    1. Rani Avatar

      Although this might sound odd, it’s actually quite true. Charcoal is used to treat stomach pain caused by excess gas, diarrhea, or indigestion.

      1. Maria Avatar

        I just wander if the calcium from the teeth binds with charcoal and weakens the enamel. After all calcium does bind with charcoal in other circumstances.
        Anybody knows?

        1. Suraj Avatar

          My dad is 75 plus without a single tooth ever removed or stained.
          All pure white
          He always said , he used charcoal from his chilhood for brushing teeth
          due to economic reasons.And we were embarassed to hear
          But now i think he was right and we sholud br proud abt that.

          Although it is common in India to brush with charcoal who cannot afford tootpaste.

          1. Charmie Avatar

            If you look at the ingredients in toothpaste, and research their properties and possible effects to your health, it may be a bit surprising. It’s not a matter of affordability that causes me to make my own toothpaste, it’s strictly for health reasons. No need to add more chemicals to my body than necessary as their are enough pollutants surrounding us already. Can’t wait to try the charcoal.

          2. Alice Avatar

            Rubbing a piece of plantain head in charcoal to brush the teeth is a popular practice in Ghana. Not only is it economical but effective as well.

        2. meg Avatar

          It actually does. That’s why you have to brush it very gently with a soft toothbrush (don’t use your fingers! It will just hurt it).
          The first time I tried; Ibrushed gently with a toothbrush that had hard bristles, my teeth did get whiter automatically but after a few seconds later my incisors hurt for a while. Moral of the story: use a soft brush and brush your teeth real gently.

        3. Taffey Avatar

          Activated charcoal mainly binds with organic compounds, not minerals.

          So, I don’t think we need to worry about it.

        4. betty Avatar

          The calcium would have to be and simpler form for the charcoal to interact with it. No it does no harm to the teeth.

      2. Stephanie Avatar

        I swear by Activated Charcoal for HANGOVERS! It prevents hangovers for me if I take it while I’m drinking or at least before I go to bed and the next day I don’t wake up with that pounding headache. I’ve found as I’ve gotten older (45) I don’t do well with alcohol (even just a few glasses of wine) and end up feeling awful the entire next day until I wake up the following day. It works on any kind of alcohol not just wine. So now if we are going to a friends or out for dinner I make sure and take 2-4 capsules after drinking more than a few or before going to bed. Be warned that it does turn your poo black so the only scary part is if you forget that you took charcoal the night before. lol.
        This has been my best friend in this area for sure! I also tried oil pulling before for hangovers the next day after drinking but it didn’t really work for me. Besides AC prevents it instead of trying to treat it with Pulling.

    2. alisa Avatar

      Saftey of activated charcoal.
      Hi I went to my pharmacy to buy charcoal and was told by my pharmacist the canadian goverment has now banned due to the folling health risks. I thought you should know. FROM ASPERATING THE CHARCOAL. Obliterative bronchiolitis, a life-threatening condition .

      1. Inga Avatar

        I’m not sure when you did that, but I just bought it in GNC in Alberta.

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