Cure Tooth Decay Book Review

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Reviews » Cure Tooth Decay Book Review

I’d always assumed (and was told) that it was not possible to cure tooth decay, that cavities could not heal, and the only way to fix oral health problems was through modern dentistry. As I read and researched more, this made less and less sense and when I ran across information from Dr. Weston A. Price in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration and Ramiel Nagel in Cure Tooth Decay I was ecstatic!

Can Tooth Decay be Cured?

Ramiel Nagel researched the information that later became the book Cure Tooth Decay when his daughter suffered from severe tooth decay at less than 2 years old. Much of the information he found was from the works of Dr. Price who studied the oral health of many people around the world.

Nagel found and tested the idea that tooth decay could be reversed and later shared this information in his book. It details a system of specific supplementation and nutrition focused on providing the body with a high concentration of minerals and nutrients that allow it to heal teeth.

As a mom, this book was especially helpful as Nagel addresses the specific protocol that is helpful for children and talks about how oral health for a child begins in the womb and the various steps an expectant mother can take to give her child’s oral health a boost in utero.

He details a specific dietary protocol (much like the one I recommend here) with limited or no grains, sugars, beans, and limited nuts while the teeth are healing. He recommends foods like coconut oil (check), grassfed meats and pastured dairy (check), and lots of vegetables (check).

I like that Cure Tooth Decay details why fat soluble vitamins are so necessary for healthy teeth (which makes sense as many of us do not consume enough fat soluble vitamins) and how food choices directly impact oral health.

Cure Tooth Decay even touches on the role of health gums on healing teeth and how modern dentistry can sometimes do more harm than good. The book explains how orthodontics and TMJ can affect oral health and how factors like mouth breathing can impact tooth health.

The suggestions in Cure Tooth Decay focus mainly on a high nutrient diet and some important supporting supplements.

The Nutrition Protocol

As Dr. Price recommends and as I’ve talked about before, the protocol to cure tooth decay as outlined in the book focuses on:

  • Limiting foods that are high in phytic acid, especially in the initial stages of tooth remineralization. The foods highest in phytic acid include grains, beans, nuts, seeds, etc.
  • Consuming high amounts of fat soluble vitamins and healthy fats from sources like coconut oil, fermented cod liver oil, grassfed organic dairy (especially butter), grassfed meats, seafood, and bone broths.
  • Eating organic cooked vegetables daily, especially in soups made with homemade bone broth.
  • Keeping blood sugar balanced as as unbalanced sugar levels in the blood can lessen calcium and phosphorus in the body and both are needed for oral health.
  • Organ and gland meats to balance hormones and boost the endocrine sustem. Meats like liver are also great sources of fat soluble vitamins.
  • Taking a specific protocol of supplements to support the tooth remineralization process.

The Supplements

  • Fermented Cod Liver Oil is the holy grail of tooth supporting supplements. It is extremely high in fat soluble vitamins A, D, and K which are all vital for tooth remineralization and which I recommend in my own Tooth Remineralizing Protocol.
  • Magnesium can also make a difference in tooth health as many people are deficient and the body needs enough magnesium to be able to effectively use calcium and phosphorus.
  • Gelatin– As many people don’t make the time to make bone broth each day, gelatin can provide an alternative (though bone broth is still better). It is great for the gums and digestion and can help the body absorb nutrients more readily.

Other Suggestions

From my own experience, the suggestions in Cure Tooth Decay are solid and do in fact, help improve oral health. The book has many reviews on Amazon filled with testimonials of people who have healed even advanced tooth decay that was through the enamel (it is possible!). I’ve seen it in my own life and get several emails a week from readers who have seen a difference in their own teeth or reversed cavities.

I’d also suggest switching an all-natural toothpaste (like my Wellnesse brand!). You can also try a remineralizing toothpaste or tooth powder and/or and product like OraWellness Brushing Blend which helped Susan Revak heal her advanced gum disease.

Things like getting enough sleep, reducing exposure to EMFs and lowering stress can also have a big impact or oral health as they help balance hormones, especially stress hormones, which can reduce calcium and other nutrient levels in the body.

Have you ever read Cure Tooth Decay? Had success improving your oral health? Still struggle with oral health problems? I’d love to hear your take below!


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


121 responses to “Cure Tooth Decay Book Review”

  1. Bernadette Karatson Avatar
    Bernadette Karatson

    Dear Katie,

    I have severe tooth decay in several teeth of mine, unfortunately I spent a lot of money on dentists, and still there are big cavities under my fillings. I am very scared as it cannot go on like this. Do you think that your teeth remineralizing method can help in case of big cavities? Part of my teeth is broken as well, but I do not want to have crowns etc.

    Could you please help me with your honest answer? I am desperate for a natural solution that gives me back my full smile. Looking forward to hearing from you soon, as I have to go to the dentist again next week. Best regards: Bernadette

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Hi Bernadette- hugs to you! It sounds like you’ve been through a lot! I’m not a dentist and only have first-hand experience with small cavities remineralizing, so I’m honestly not sure and don’t feel qualified to answer your questions. I’d recommend finding a more naturally minded or biological dentist who should be able to give guidance on your specific case.

  2. Heidi Avatar

    My son is 23 months and needs dental work. I can use coconut oil and baking soda and peroxide. However, he definitely will not eat all of those necessary foods. Some perhaps, but not all. Should I rely on a vitamin therapy?

    1. River Avatar

      Heidi, Can you get some colloidal silver? I’ve managed to keep my sons cavity pain free from colloidal silver spray. Use it on his teeth every night before bed, just a couple of sprays. I’m not a doctor/dentist – but I did my own research and it worked.

  3. Brandi Avatar

    Is there a way to do this without bone broth and eating lots of red meat? I can handle fish, but red meat is on my list for being limited since I have heart health issues and the idea of bone broth literally makes me queasy. I’m about to buy my copy of the book, but want to know if it’s worth it if I don’t fully apply EVERY little detail. I’m fully willing to cut out grains and drastically reduce sugars, but I am not going to drink raw milk and the above issues I stated with meat and broth. Can I just do gelatins to get the minerals? I’m still very new to all of this and will make changes gradually but I am a bit overwhelmed…

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      The book could definitely offer more specifics, but you could add tasteless gelatin/collagen powders to foods you already eat to get those and there are supplements that can help with fat soluble vitamin levels (like Vitamin K) so I would think as long as you were getting enough minerals and healthy fats from other sources it should still be effective, but I would definitely get the specifics in the book and check with your doc if you have any health conditions that would keep you from doing any part of the protocol safely.

  4. Gee Avatar

    i have had constant tooth issues for years after having had mercury fillings (which have now been removed). I bought Ramiel’s book years ago, but only glanced at it. At the time i was sensitive to so many foods and substances, his suggestions seemed impossible to me. Years later, my body has detoxed & strengthened. I’ve moved from vegan to vegetarian, then to meat (each time a huge trauma for my current belief system) i have, now, with some anxiety, finally, studied the book and yielded to raw dairy, bone broth, organ meats and fish (something I used to hate) to my diet… eek. My body (not my mind!) love them all. I currently have a large hole in one of my front teeth which apparently needs a root canal. After extensive dentistry and the loss of 6 other teeth i can’t bear any more. I’ve had amazing results with the (to me controversial!) dairy in just two weeks. The tooth, which throbbed and hurt has now stopped hurting completely! That never happens…not my teeth anyway. i then risked adding he raw egg and raw milk smoothies, which along with the rest of the diet has continued to turn things around, pain-wise. I feel stronger and clearer, also calmer since adding dairy. I also use oregano oil, colloidal silver and vitamin c, as well as fermented cod liver oil and butter oil capsules. I came clean recently with my dentist and sent her Ramiel’s link. If she can’t work with this approach I will be looking for another, hopefully minimally invasive dentist. Will let you know what happens to the tooth….THANK YOU RAMIEL NAGEL for researching and writing your book.

  5. Bud Avatar

    I went to the dentist yesterday, 9 Dec, to get a cavity filled that was identified on 27 Oct. After a few minutes in the chair expecting to get numbed up, the dentist apologized and said she didn’t think any work needed to be done. She couldn’t find the cavity! I’ve been going to this practice for many years and they do excellent work.

    I’ve been eating pretty cleanly from a paleo perspective for a number of years, so I wasn’t too happy with the original diagnosis in Oct. I didn’t consciously try to reverse the cavity, but there were a couple of things I did that happen to be on the list in your article. First, in mid-Nov I moved to a higher grade (although not fermented) of Cod Liver Oil when my supply ran out. I started using a Carlson product. Second, for the first time ever,I made brone broth from my leftover Thanksgiving turkey. In November, I also had some high quality commercial beef bone broth from Bone Broths. I started using bone broths only in past couple of months, so it’s a specific change that could be a factor.

    Although my experience doesn’t prove anything, it seems that something happened to reverse my cavity in a little over a month!

  6. Ana Avatar

    Hi! I just ordered the book today but won’t receive it until next Friday. Can you tell me if I have to buy capsules with the fermented cod liver oil and butter oil mixed together? Or do I buy them both separately packaged? I want to order them now so I get them delivered and the same time as the book. Thanks!

  7. bernice Avatar

    My daughter has a black dot on her molar. She has been taking fermented cod liver oil with the vitamin butter from blue ice. She’s been taking it for about 3 months now. Sometimes it looks better. Sometimes it looks about the same. Today i looked and it looks like when i first saw it (like no improvement). How long does it take for it to go away. I also make bone broth. I should at least see some improvements no? I really don’t wasn’t to take her to the dentist to have it drilled. I tried getting her to oilpull, but she can’t hold it in for more than a minute. She brushes with baking Soda, coconut oil and vanilla, and sometimes with activated charcoal 5 times a week (mornings only). She takes the oil in afternoon or evening.
    Its a small dot. Anyone have similar experiences and how long did it take to heal your Childs cavity. Mine is 4.

  8. Stephanie Avatar

    I just purchased this book. My daughter is almost 4 and has a cavity in her back molar. We don’t know yet how bad it is because she was not very cooperative for the X-rays. The pediatric dentist wants to do nitrous oxide to try and finish the x-rays and “count her teeth” with the little hook like instrument that my daughter refused to let be put in her mouth. Sigh. The dentist is concerned she will not tolerate dental treatment and should be put under anesthesia (sleep dentistry). This is an absolute no for me! However, when you are told about the tooth potentially abscessing, needing to be pulled, root canals, etc., you try searching any alternatives to keep your child’s teeth healthy without the drilling and filling and sedation. Who has followed a protocol for a young child that has worked to reverse a cavity and what did you do? I can’t imagine cod liver oil being realistic for a pre-schooler. Please help! I have an 11 year old boy as well and he’s needing “sealants”. Toxic right….and braces. Dental problem overload for this mama! Thanks in advance for your time in answering my question! Stephanie

  9. Dorothy Griffith Avatar
    Dorothy Griffith

    Went to the dentist after two years and he took a look in my mouth and told Me I needed deep cleaning as I have periodontal. disease. I do agree I can use a cleaning my gum is healthy no bleeding I have been oil pulling and I stop I will start again thanks for all the great information I bought the cure tooth decay book and am anxiously waiting for it to arrived. Hope I never have to c his mug again I personally think its all about the money. For most of them,!

  10. Lin Avatar

    Hi Katie, I have a large cavity in my wisdom tooth and its beginning to hurt as the cavity is quite deep. The dentist has recommended a surgical extraction but Im considering healing it naturally? Do you think reversing a large cavity is possible, more so in an impacted wisdom tooth?

  11. myriah strivelli Avatar
    myriah strivelli

    Hello, I am trying to remineralize my teeth due to enamel ware. I have a few questions. Can I eat tofu? What about tempeh since it is fermented? So, beans are ok if they are sprouted? What about sprouted Ezekeal bread? I have been a vegetarian most of my life, and I struggle with the thought of eating meat. Also I am used to eating lots of grains. I feel like all I can eat is dairy, eggs, and veggies now. I am afraid I will feel depleted. I could take supplements such as gelatin. I am taking cod liver oil. What is the max dose? I heard you don’t want too much vitamin A which it has in it because you could overdose on it. I am hoping for a speedy healing, have been dealing with sensitivity. I oil pull, is there anything else I can do to speed up the recovery and get rid of the sensitivity? Thank you!

  12. Jennifer Avatar

    Hi everyone,

    I’ve just been to the dentist as I need to have braces and he has told me that I need to have 5 fillings before he’ll proceed with the braces. I am so upset as I’ve always had problems with my teeth despite looking after them. We had a discussion and I mentioned that I have ordered some supplements (cod liver oil, high vitamin butter oil etc.) to try to heal the cavities naturally as well as having changed my diet recently, incorporating new things such as duck eggs, beef liver and other foods that are supposed to be high in vitamins A and D. The dentist was very skeptical and firmly told me that this won’t cure any cavities although it might prevent them from getting worse. He has given me 3 weeks to ‘prove’ that I can heal my cavities before a re-examination. I am only 27 and I know it sounds stupid, but it makes me so depressed when I go to the dentist. It’s like a personal failure and I’ve been told off by the dentist before for ‘not looking after my teeth’. Anyway, I will follow the advice given and see if I can improve things – I really hope so as I really don’t believe that drilling out a tooth is good for you. If anyone has any other advice of what has worked for them I’d be grateful to know. Thanks (and apologies for the long post)!

  13. Cyndi Avatar

    Do you know anything about curing a broken tooth? There is no decay. My dentist is saying I need a crown for a tooth that literally broke (about a quarter of it broke away, not from decay). Is it possible for a broken tooth to remineralize, or do I truly need a crown to protect the integrity of the tooth? Any input is helpful. Thank you!

    1. Erin Avatar

      Yes! My son broke off a fourth a tooth about a year ago, right after a dental visit. At the next visit 6 months later he was told he’d need a filling because the dentin was exposed (it was also very sensitive). I started him on Rami Nagel’s protocol immediately and it healed in 2 months. The hole where the dentin was exposed has sealed itself in with new white tooth. You can still see that it’s been chipped, but it is no longer sensitive and does not need a filling. HTH!

  14. Krystel Avatar

    Can you please just tell me exactly what to do/use from square one. An example of a daily regimen? I really want to try a holistic approach. I have had cavities my entire life (had to have a tooth pulled at age 7) I have had several fillings and 3 root canals. I am only 24 and I am worried I will be wearing dentures in 10 years 🙁
    What toothpaste to use, what oils to take when to take them how long etc…. Thank you!!!!

  15. rupak Avatar

    how long does it take to get back to a good healthy set of teeth? I don’t like brushing because the water hurts my teeth but last night it was too much.. its not exactly my teeth that hurts but the gums around it hurt like its going to burst.. I can feel the pressure of blood like it is wanting to explode.. and it happens only when I eat.could ur method help me? also does it fill up teeth that have decayed???? and what about ones that were filled up 4 5 years ago?? and also do u have any idea on straightening the alignment of teeth??

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      You might be having a buildup of pus in your gums, or possibly food getting caught in there. I am not a doctor (and you might want to get checked out by one from the symptoms you are describing), but you could try oil pulling to maybe get rid of nastiness that is built up on pockets in your gums:

  16. Shaunda Avatar

    Could raw honey replace the xylitol powder for a sweeter taste?

  17. Victoria Avatar

    Thanks so much for this review Katie, very helpful. I am really interested in trying this for my family. My nine year old has just been diagnosed with a cavity in one of her adult molars, and we are booked in to have it filled next week. We are both a bit anxious about it as she has low sensitivity to local anaesthetics and often feels pain when she’s had 3-4 times the usual amount of local for her age. If we could heal it naturally, that would be amazing!

    My question is – how long does it take? I realise this is different for different people, and depends on many things including the stage of decay, health etc, but if there an idea – 2 weeks/a month/3 months..that would be helpful. If I cancel the appointment for next week, how long can I expect to wait until we see results? I will certainly go back to the dentist, but would like to give this a try first.

    Thanks so much in advance!

      1. Jasmin Avatar

        Hi katie ..I have a 2 year old with two cavities in her two front teeth and the denist suggested a baby root canal and I am trying to cure it …my question is where can I purchase cod liver oil for a toddler and how much is safe ..and is cereal considered grains ..she loves cheerios

  18. Danielle Avatar

    So, I just took my two year old into the dentist because she was grabbing her cheek and crying everytime she chewed on something cold. I couldn’t see any decay, grey , or pitting. But they said she had a big cavity on her molar and that see ended a baby root canal. I’m opting out because I’ve done much research and it’s obvious that I can heal it on my own. But I’m not sure how to go about it with my toddler. She’s a very pick eater, and hates taking any medication. How do I give her the fermented cod liver oil? And how much a day? I also read somewhere else to give her raw butter oil capsules, but if I feed her raw butter on bread, is that good enough? Should I be giving her a probiotic too? I also picked up some organic yogurt and was thinking about mixing the fclo and butter oil in the yogurt? Maybe? Idk, I’m so frustrated that idk what to do im ready to just take her to the dentist, HELP!

    1. Jasmin Avatar

      How is your little one..I’m going through the same thing…I’m confused about the cof liver oil intake for a 2 year old also ..where did you buy yours

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