Risks and Dangers of Essential Oils

Katie Wells Avatar

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Warning- risks of essential oild and how to use them safely
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Risks and Dangers of Essential Oils

Essential oils are all the rage lately, and with good reason. They are, in a sense, a pharmaceutical grade natural remedy with incredible power. But with great power comes great responsibility, and there are many essential oil resources online giving worrisome blanket advice about their use.

Don’t get me wrong. I love oils and I use them daily. Most often, I use them diluted in natural beauty or natural cleaning recipes, but I also use them aromatically and therapeutically at times.

Because of the strength of essential oils, I am cautious of over-using them and want to make sure that my family always uses them safely. Here are some important things to know about essential oils (and of course, check with a certified herbalist, aromatherapist or doctor) before using them.

Essential Oils are Highly Concentrated

Did you know that it takes:

  • 256 pounds of peppermint leaf to make one pound of peppermint essential oil
  • 150 pounds or more of lavender flowers to make one pound of lavender essential oil
  • Thousands of pounds of roses to make 1 pound of rose essential oil

Essential Oils contain very concentrated properties of the herb or plant they are derived from. A very small amount of EOs often has the qualities of many cups of herbal tea from the same plant. For instance, one drop of peppermint essential oil is equivalent to 26-28 cups of peppermint tea. This isn’t to say essential oils should not be used, but they should be used carefully, with proper education and in safe amounts. If you wouldn’t ingest dozens of cups of an herbal tea, you should probably think twice before consuming the equivalent amount of essential oils.

Essential Oils on the Skin

I use essential oils in many of my beauty recipes like lotion bars and herbal face oil but in diluted amounts. The key word is “diluted.”

In most cases, essential oils should not be used undiluted on the skin. There are exceptions, of course, but most of the time, essential oils should only be used undiluted under the care and guidance of a trained medical or aromatherapy practitioner. Due to the small molecular size of essential oils, they can penetrate the skin easily and enter the bloodstream.

As a general rule, essential oils should be diluted in a carrier oil like coconut oil or almond oil in a 3-5% solution. On  practical level this is 3-5 drops of essential oils per teaspoon of carrier oil (and much less if using on a baby or child).

Undiluted use on the skin can cause irritation or an allergic reaction in some people, and I’ve even read cases of someone getting a permanent sensitivity to a certain oil after using it undiluted on broken skin. Some oils, like lavender, rose and chamomile are typically considered safe for undiluted skin use, but I’d still personally dilute them (most of these are expensive oils and would be costly to use undiluted anyway).

I personally test any essential oil, diluted, on my arm before using on a larger part of my body. Some essential oils are considered ok to use undiluted on the skin if an individual isn’t sensitive to them, but again, always check with a qualified practitioner first.

From a personal perspective, I have first hand experience with the potential problems with undiluted skin exposure. I tried a new massage therapist in our small town since she had a special deal for “aromatherapy” massage. I assumed this meant that there would be essential oils in a diffuser during the massage. To my surprise, as the massage began I felt drops on my back. I realized a few seconds later that she was pouring essential oils on my back… a lot of them. I asked her what oils she was using and she assured me that they were safe, but I got a headache soon after.

In all, she probably poured 80+ drops of undiluted essential oils on my back. I had shivers and a headache for the rest of the day and a large red spot on my back (12 inches in diameter) that lasted several days. Certainly, I should have asked her to stop instead of just asking what the oils were, but what shocked me was that she did not ask if she could use essential oils on me, she did not ask if I was pregnant or had a health condition first and I found out after that she was not even a trained massage therapist or aromatherapist but that she had just “invented” the technique as a way to therapeutically use essential oils.

Again, I should have acted differently and probably asked to see her massage license first, but my experience with this amount of essential oils on the skin was not a positive one.

Bottom Line: Exercise caution and do your research before using essential oils on the skin, even undiluted.

Photosensitivity of Certain Oils

I always include a caution on my recipes that include citrus oils that they may make the skin more sensitive to the sun. These oils have certain constituents that can make the skin more sensitive to UV light and can lead to blistering, discoloration of the skin or burning more easily from minor sun exposure.

Though the risk of photosensitivity or phototoxicity varies based on the way the oil was distilled, oils generally considered photosensitive are: orange, lime, lemon, grapefruit, and bergamot.

Internal Use of Essential Oils

This will be a controversial point, but many essential oils are not safe for internal use and others should be used with extreme caution. Since essential oils are the equivalent of 10-50 cups of herbal tea (depending on the herb) or 20x the recommended dose of an herbal tincture of the same herb, they should only be taken internally in situations where they are absolutely needed and with extreme care (and under the guidance of a trained professional).

Here’s the thing- essential oils are extremely potent plant compounds that can have a very dramatic effect on the body. Many online sources tout their “antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiviral and antifungal” properties. You know what is teeming with many types of bacteria? Your gut.

Research is emerging constantly about our extremely diverse gut microbiomes, but we do not fully understand them yet. We do know that gut health drastically affects other aspects of health and that imbalances in the gut can cause problems in the skin, brain and other parts of the body. The effects of essential oils on gut bacteria have not been well studied yet and the very real antibacterial properties of essential oils may kill many types of bacteria in the gut (including beneficial and necessary bacteria).

In fact, the studies conducted about the antibacterial properties of essential oils compare them to antibiotics and suggest that they may be an effective alternative to antibiotics (here’s one study).

Antibiotics can be life-saving and necessary in some cases (they saved my husband’s life several years ago) but they should not be used regularly, preventatively or without the oversight of a medical professional. If essential oils can act in the same way as antibiotics, we should exercise the same caution in using them internally.

In most cases, some of the same benefits of an essential oil (taken internally) can be obtained by using the herb itself (fresh or dried) or a tea or tincture of that herb.

Many essential oils are considered “GRAS” or Generally Recognized as Safe for food and cosmetic use. However, most essential oils have not been studied, especially in concentrated internal amounts. Things like vinegar, salt and baking soda also are given this status, but that doesn’t mean they should be consumed regularly or in large amounts. Always do your research first!

Essential Oils During Pregnancy or Nursing

Essential oils can affect hormones, gut bacteria and other aspects of health and extreme care should be used when taking them while pregnant or nursing.

There is evidence that essential oils can cross the placenta and get to the baby. The effects of essential oils can be compounded in utero and extreme care should be taken with essential oil use during pregnancy. Again, I’m not saying they should not be used during pregnancy, but that extreme care should be taken and research done first.

I personally would not take any essential oil internally during pregnancy (or even while nursing). At these times, I stick to aromatherapy and very diluted use of approved essential oils in skin care recipes and baths. I also always re-test an oil in a diluted skin test before using it during pregnancy.

Many oils are considered safe during pregnancy, especially after the first trimester (depending on the source), but again, I’d check with a professional and use caution with any herbs used during pregnancy. Even oils that are considered safe may be harmful to certain women and there is some speculation that the actions of some oils on hormones can cause dangerous hormone imbalances during pregnancy.

Oils Considered NOT Safe During Pregnancy

Aniseed, Angelica, Basil, Black pepper, Camphor, Cinnamon, Chamomile, Clary Sage (often used during labor by midwives safely), clove, fennel, fir, ginger, horseradish (should not be used by anyone), Jasmine, Juniper, Marjoram, Mustard, Mugwart (should not be used by anyone), Myrrh, Nutmeg, Oregano, Peppermint, Rosemary, Sage, Thyme, Wintergreen.

I would personally recommend checking with a doctor or midwife before taking an essential oils during pregnancy.

Peppermint essential oil may decrease milk supply while nursing, and as such, I avoid it topically while nursing.

Use on Babies and Children

This is one of the things that concerns me the most with a lot of the essential oil recommendations I see online. In my opinion, essential oils should never be given internally to children or used undiluted on the skin. They should be diluted  more than they are for adult application and care should be taken with any essential oils considered “hot” as they may cause damage to the skin.

In general, oils like lavender, chamomile, orange, lemon and frankincense are considered safe for diluted use on children, but I would personally still do a skin test and check with a doctor first.

Some oils have caused seizures in children and extreme caution should be used (this article from a naturopathic pediatrician explains more and gives some case studies– since people have commented, I want to mention that I do think her post is overly alarmist but she makes some good points as well). To clarify- these seizure reactions were rare and most were in people who were predisposed to seizures, but this still isn’t a risk I would take with small children.

Others, like peppermint, rosemary, eucalyptus and wintergreen should not be used around young children or babies. These herbs contain menthol and 1,8-cineole. These compounds can slow breathing (or even stop it completely) in very young children or those with respiratory problems. Of course, they should never be used internally or undiluted on the skin for children, but these particular oils warrant caution even for aromatic use. I would not personally ever use these oils on or around babies for this reason.

This article from the University of Minnesota cautions about the use of peppermint and similar oils in children under six, because: “Menthol-one of the major chemicals in peppermint oil-has caused breathing to stop in young children, and has caused severe jaundice in babies with G6PD deficiency (a common genetic enzyme deficiency) (Price & Price, 1999).”

Since the effects of essential oils are more concentrated on children, it is prudent to exercise extra caution when using essential oils on them. Personally, I stick to using safe essential oils in a diffuser or in very diluted amounts in beauty and cleaning products.

Important note to add: pets can be just as vulnerable.

Essential Oils in Plastics

Another thing that is not often mentioned is that essential oils should never be stored in plastic containers, especially in concentrated forms. Many essential oils can eat through plastics when undiluted, and even when diluted, they can degrade plastics over time.

I make homemade cleaners with essential oils in glass bottles for this reason (even though they are very diluted) and store homemade beauty products in glass whenever possible.

This caution also extends to other surfaces in the house, which I found out the hard way. A bottle of wild orange oil was left on a piece of homemade furniture in our house and when I picked it up the next day, it had stuck to the piece, pulling off the finish and stain when I picked it up. Apparently, there was a little bit of the oil still on the bottom of the bottle (likely from my hand when pouring it). Be extremely careful about leaving any oils, especially citrus oils, on wood or other stained surfaces.

The Good News

Though there are a lot of warnings about safe use of essential oils, they are wonderful natural remedies when used correctly. I hope that this post doesn’t discourage anyone from using essential oils, but rather encourages proper research and safety first.

I use essential oils almost daily, but I make sure to research each oil and its proper use first. It can also be really helpful to find a trained aromatherapist, herbalist or naturopathic doctor to ask specific questions about essential oils. It is also important to make sure any essential oils you use are organic and very high quality.

Safe Ways to Use Essential Oils:

At the end of the day, essential oils can be a great and safe natural remedy, if used safely. The main ways I use essential oils are:

I reserve undiluted skin use and internal use for times of real need when the benefits outweigh the risk and I avoid using essential oils in this way on babies/children or when I am pregnant.

What essential oils do you use? Have you ever had any negative effects from their use?

Vitamin C serum helps support skin health by boosting collagen production and the natural acids in Vitamin C can help tighten skin and make it smoother.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


498 responses to “Risks and Dangers of Essential Oils”

  1. Jasmine Avatar

    I am completely new to using essential oils. I am planning on using them in homemade body butters and such.
    Does anyone have a good, reliable site/brand that I can buy essential oils from? I want the oils to be pure and organic (and all that lovely natural goodness!).

    Also, which oils would work best for me? I tried doing some research, but I didn’t get very far.
    I don’t want anything that will irritate my skin or clog my pores — I am prone to acne so this is especially important to me.

    Thank you!

  2. Michelle Avatar

    Enjoyed your post. I agree with what misty has said. I too had a friend who sat next to an EO fan who used a diffuser in office for her essential oils but it troubled my asthmatic friend a lot. Thankfully, she stopped once she was made aware of the problem.

  3. Latrell Avatar

    This is a thoughtful post…but why don’t more people talk about the cancer causing or cancer promoting constituents of EOs period? Carcinogens naturally occur in many of the EOs that we use. A reputable EO manufacturer has the responsibility to produce a product with an unadulterated chemical composition…well if the original chemical composition already contains carcinogens…..????

    Sure, your praised companies do a great job at producing all natural products….but shouldn’t we require more from the industry? We should require definitive research that tells us what constituents are carcinogens and in what species they can be found. Moreover, we should demand lab characterization results listing every constituent in that EO! It may be overboard, but measures like this will only help to ensure our children’s health and safety.

  4. misty Avatar

    Essential Oils should not be used in the workplace or in classrooms. Myself and my child have allergy sensitivities and get allergic reactions such as headaches, nausea, dizziness, slowed breathing. I understand if a person wants it for personal use in their home but the oils should not encroach upon others by being used in a diffuser. I also heard you can not use them on airplanes because fellow passengers could have reactions.
    I think there is such a hype to self medicate through any means that a lot of people are not doing their research. I have a hard time even sitting next to someone who is lathered in the oils and definitely can not visit friends who use these oils in their homes.

  5. manasa Avatar

    I use coconut oil diluted with water as moisturiser. It works great on my face to reduce pinples . it is necessary to use diluted oil for oily skin. Dry skin people can use it directly.

    Cheers 🙂

  6. Michelle Avatar

    Just wondering about the EO that are in children’s cough chest rub? Safe? I’ve seen a lot of them with those oils you mentioned. Reccomended for 3 monthes and up! Can you clarify….? Great article btw

  7. Jeni Avatar

    I’m worried about safety with essential oils and my cats. Would it work to infuse a carrier oil with herbs/flowers then run it in a diffuser? Right now I’m just only running my diffuser for 15-30 minute increments and trying to let my beauty “concoctions” soak in before I mess with the cats. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

  8. Madelyn Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    Was wondering whether essential oils in toothpaste are safe in pregnancy? I am using a fluride free, SLS free toothpaste from trader joe’s that has fennel, myrrh, and propolis in it. The toothpaste tastes quite like licorice. I know fennel and myrrh are on the avoid list, but are they safe in terms of brushing twice a day?? I’ve also seen peppermint oil extract listed on other natural toothpastes. Is the small amount used for brushing safe? I want to be extra careful.

    The only other one I’ve seen is Tom’s of Maine Botantically Bright but that has sweetleaf (stevia) in it…

    Also, I am not interested in the Earthpaste due lead.

    Besides brushing with just baking soda, I don’t know what else to do!


  9. Mary Jane Avatar
    Mary Jane

    Hi there! So I’m new to essential oils and was told by my oil “go to person” that peppermint oil was harmless to use in my children’s room. They share a small room and are only 10 months and 3.5 years. It was a drop of peppermint, a drop of lavender, and a drop of lemon. We’ve been diffusing it like that for almost 2 weeks now! Today I met a guy who also works with EO and warned me about the toxicity of peppermint oil and how it should NEVER be used around children. When I came home I went online everything confirmed this. But the one thing I can’t find is if it has caused permanent damage to my infant especially. I mean she seems totally fine, and I will never use it again, but are the risks only there as I’m using it, or is there some damage done. Can you help me out with this. I feel so stupid for not doing my own research, and scared that I did something bad, and also angry that I wasn’t warned. I will def be using EO with much more caution next time. Thanks!

  10. AllenB Avatar

    HI Katie,
    I am an Aromatherapist and use many types of Essential Oils as well as many Brands such as doTerra and Young Living. I have taken a course on how to SAFELY use EO’s for internal use.(I did mine through Andrea Butje at Aromahead Institute, look her up). I try to always follow NAHA’s Guidelines(National Association for Holistic Aromatherapy) as well as AIA(Alliance of International Aromatherapists). To date I have never incurred a problem in using EO’s on myself, wife, children or clients. I have always been cautious in my use of EO’s as well as well as pro-active and mindful of my health and well-being in general. While we have no reason to “fear” using EO’s as a useful tool in taking better control of our health for ourselves and families. We need also to be informed as you have stated and be cautious in just taking “someones” or “anyone’s” word when it comes to our health and wellness. I want to commend you on this post and give you props to your blog as well. It totally rocks! As a Health & Wellness advocate, Mentor, and Coach I appreciate what you and others like you are doing for the betterment of families and mankind. Keep up the good work and keep stirring the discussion.

    BeHappy, BeHealthy & BeWell – AllenB

  11. Michele Burklund Avatar
    Michele Burklund

    Thank you so much Kate! As a naturopathic doctor, I’m always counseling my patients on the risks of essential oils and when taken internally, how they can cause liver damage. So many people have no idea about the risks and if there is a need for internal use they should always be under the supervision of a physician.

    There’s so many amazing uses for essential oils but the consumer should be advised about the dangers and NOT listen to essential oil companies trying to treat, diagnose, or prescribe these oils.

    Thanks again for putting this great information out there 🙂

  12. Destiny Avatar

    I know this post is from awhile ago and maybe this question was asked already but I don’t have time to read all of the comments. I have used an eo blend called breathe ease with eucalyptus, rosemary, and a few others in it on my children (1 & 4) when they have colds or coughs. I have not noticed any adverse reactions and of course it is diluted, but now I am concerned… should I stop doing this? Would just using vicks be better? I’ve heard that is not good either… any suggestions for what else to use that is safe on small children and babies for congestion? Would it be ok in a diffuser?

  13. Rachel Avatar

    What about the breathe blend ive been looking at
    It says its good for repiratory use but it also has peppermint
    Is peppermint a no no for babies and young children even in a blend-and used in a diffuser?
    Does that mean theres less peppermint if its in a blend?
    Also how “young” is considered in “young children?”
    Thank you!!
    I refer to this post several times!!

  14. michelle Avatar

    I use it also and even add the ONGUARD from doterra. I also use the peppermint and lemon in the toothpaste. is this a good combo? I’m breastfeeding a toddler.

  15. Bethny Avatar

    I use your homemade toothpaste regularly and I make it with peppermint like it calls for. But I am 20 weeks pregnant… So should I stop using this batch for now? And if so what other essential oil would you suggest to replace it?

  16. Leslie Avatar

    I’ve posted on a few sites about Doterra’s DDR prime and people jumped all over me with their comments like they lived through it and not me. DDR prime burned my esophagus after taking it at night before I went to bed. It woke me up with severe reflux and I’ve had the problem every day for over a year I had an endoscopy done and now and have to be on two prescriptions. I was 28 and still have to be on a limited diet and sleep on an incline and will probably need surgery to fix my esophagus sphincter. All I wanted to do was tell people to be careful what they ingest.

    1. josh Avatar

      I was using lemon/lavender/peppermint in a capsule for allergies and have burned my esophagus too. These were Young Living oils which are not safe for ingestion, I don’t care what “grade” they are. I am on prescriptions and it’s been two months. I do not advocate internal usage at all and think that people need to do more research. I would love to hear more from you Leslie, as I’ve seen your comments on many sites. Please respond and let me know if you’ve had any progress. Thanks

    2. josh Avatar

      Hi Leslie, I have also burned my esophagus ingesting YL capsules filled with lemon/peppermint/lavender. I have seen you post this on other forums but would love to get a follow up on how you’re doing now and what prescriptions you’re taking. I’m on a PPI and will be getting an endoscopy next week. This is horible and I have changed my entire life from it, as you have. I have had to cancel trips and really am getting depressed. Any more info you have would be great. Please, do not ingest oils, regardless of what these people say. It’s not safe.

  17. heather Avatar

    My mother just gave me a diffuser as a gift and so far, I love it! My husband is concerned about how it could affect our cats. In my online searches, it seems like all of the oils I really want to use, especially citrus oils, are said to be dangerous to cats. I have a large house and a small diffuser that is set out of their reach. How concerned should I be about using oils around the pets?

  18. Jennifer Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    I loved your article and I’ve read some of the comments trying to educate myself and get the most recent accounts on EOs, but just as many, I’m a little overwhelmed with all the controversy. I don’t want to lose hope and as expensive as doTerra is (which is the company who intrigues me the most because of their understanding that each natural source has a natural habitat and region of the world that it flourishes in instead of using for lack of better words hydroponics to synthesize the natural habitat to create a capitalist production of profit) I hear good and bad but so much of it is “he said, she said” with what could be placebo effects and then there are the skeptics who question and question and never take the leap and have their minds made up that these EOs are dangerous and nothing more than a fad. However, I still have hope that these are a solution to OTC medicine, cleaning products, laundry soap and so many other endless uses and call me silly but I want to believe all of the positive responses, but there is just that bug in the back of my head that is telling me I need more. I’ve been researching EOs for almost a year now and it all started with me wanting to make my own laundry soap. When I read further into it I discovered EOs were one of the key ingredients and that lead to the big question, “which company?”, which then lead to “Wait. Are these even safe and are they worth the risk of my family’s health if I’m wrong?” I have no doubt I would educate myself about the proper use of each oil before I used it, but I guess where I’m at is, “Is there any way that these are placebo and could they do more harm than good even if used properly?”

  19. Ashley Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    I am curious about the use of peppermint oil around children, as I have used it in a spider repellent spray in our home. We have major spider issues in late spring/early summer and they even crawl into our beds at night (creepy, I know). My youngest and I are particularly appealing to them, as we will wake in the morning with multiple spider bites. In the past, I have made a spray using peppermint essential oil significantly diluted in water and sprayed it around the baseboards of her room and the legs of her bed to discourage them, and it has worked well. Do you have any advice on whether or not this is a safe way to use peppermint? Thanks so much!

  20. Holli Avatar

    I can’t speak for all eo companies, but one of the many reasons I use the particular brand of oils that I do is because every liter is tested by a 3rd party source for quality and purity. In fact, they use Dr Robert Pappas who is a PhD chemist and is a trusted independent analyst of essential oils by a long list of clients. Since most people are not chemists or aromatherapists, 3rd party testing by authorities in the eo field is a great way to know if the product you are considering is pure. And I agree that one must respect and be responsible with pure eos. They are highly concentrated. That being said, when used with prudence and wisdom, I have found them to be both safe and effective.

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