10 Amazing Uses for Diatomaceous Earth Around the Home

Katie Wells Avatar

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Uses of Diatomaceous Earth
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » 10 Amazing Uses for Diatomaceous Earth Around the Home

Tell your kids it’s “skeleton powder.” Or that it slashes and dehydrates bugs to death! If you have boys especially, they may look at your natural pantry with a whole new respect!

You won’t be lying  … Diatomaceous Earth (or DE for short) is all that and more! Here are all the (not so gory) details on this natural remedy wonder for anyone with pets or a family.

What Is Diatomaceous Earth, Anyway?

DE is, as mentioned, a white powder naturally occurring from the fossils of diatoms (a type of algae found in river bed and lake beds). The diatoms form a very hard shell of silica in a tubular shape.

When dry, Diatomaceous Earth appears very fine and soft to the naked eye but microscopically it has some very unique qualities:

  • High Silica Content: These fossilized diatoms have a very high silica content (which is used to build hair, skin, and nails).
  • Hard as Nails … or Diamonds: DE is very hard (only two points lower than diamonds on the hardness scale). It looks like a tiny cylindrical tube with many holes in it when viewed through a microscope.
  • Holds a Strong Negative Charge: DE has a very strong negative charge, which makes it purifying and beneficial in several ways.

Since the 1960s DE has been commonly used in things like toothpaste, as an anti-caking aid, for clarifying beer or wine, and to eliminate pests naturally. In fact, you’ve likely consumed products that contain traces of DE without even knowing it! While I’m usually not a fan of hidden ingredients, DE is one we don’t need to worry about.

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its share of controversy … not all of it warranted.

How Do I Know DE Is Safe?

In this article, I’m referencing Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, which the FDA classifies “Generally Recognized As Safe” for human consumption, even when pregnant or nursing. It is NOT the industrial grade type used in pool cleaning. Much of the misunderstanding about the benefits of DE stems from the difference in these two types. The industrial grade is toxic to humans and should be avoided. It is also toxic to workers who collect it.

Food-grade Diatomaceous Earth is purified and amorphous, not crystalline. It is inert and harmless (as long as you’re not an insect with an exoskeleton).

What Does Diatomaceous Earth Do for the Body?

For the human body … and even for animals … DE is an ally. Thanks to its strong negative charge diatomaceous earth binds to unwanted toxins in the digestive tract. On the skin, it acts as an oil binder, a purifier, and an exfoliant.

For unwanted bugs and insects, it’s quite another story.

Does DE Kill Insects?

In a word, yes! Many use Diatomaceous Earth as a natural pesticide. Its sharp and strong structure allows it to puncture and drain the exoskeleton of insects from their protective fats and oils on a microscopic level. This causes them to dehydrate and die (while humans and animals are left completely unharmed).

10 Ways to Use Diatomaceous Earth

Uses for diatomaceous earth-skin hair and nails-pest controlSome sources claim that DE is a cure-all for everything from parasites to viruses and everything in between. They claim it eliminates free radicals, remineralizes bones, and halts aging in its tracks.

I haven’t found any research to back up these claims, but there are studies on silica and other compounds found in DE. These are the benefits that seem credible based on the available body of evidence:

1. As a Natural Alternative to Pesticides

Most pesticides and insecticides work by poisoning the pest. Unfortunately, chemicals that are harmful to small pests can also be harmful to humans and carry risks. Insects can also develop immunity over time.

DE works mechanically on:

  • fleas
  • bedbugs
  • cockroaches
  • ants

Just sprinkling a little DE around the house bonds to and absorbs parts of the waxy coating on the exoskeleton of these insects, causing them to dehydrate and die. Sprinkle a perimeter around the exterior of the house and also indoors where problems are observed.

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act classifies DE as safe for household use. The Environmental Working Group classifies it as safe for household and beauty use as well.

2. To Treat Fleas on Pets

I will be forever grateful for DE and its help when we had a horrible flea infestation. We adopted a rescue kitten and she brought along a few thousand close friends … FLEAS.

The fleas quickly infested the entire apartment we were living in at the time and with a new baby and toddlers, it was a HUGE problem. I didn’t want to use any type of harmful pesticide either since my kids were crawling around on the floor.

To stop the flea outbreak, we sprinkled DE all over our carpet and soft surfaces several times a day. The only potential concern with DE is irritation from inhalation, so I wore a dust mask when sprinkling it around the whole house. I worked the powder into the carpets and let it sit for about an hour. Then, I vacuumed it up. I repeated this a few times a day for 4 days until the fleas were gone. (Yes, this is a messy process!)

We also killed the fleas on the kitten by carefully dusting her with DE a few times a day, avoiding the eyes and nose.

We now dust all of our animals with DE before and after going hiking with them in the woods, or if they show any signs of fleas.

3. Fighting Bed Bugs

Were you hoping bed bugs weren’t real? Well, sorry … they definitely are and don’t discriminate against even very clean homes!

DE is well documented for its ability to eliminate bedbugs. Even pest control companies sometimes use DE for removing bed bugs safely. Follow these steps if you see or fear bedbugs. For good measure, I sprinkle DE on mattresses each time I change the sheets to help ward off bed bugs and other pests.

4. As a Source of Silica

DE is 84-90% silica with over 20 trace minerals that are difficult to obtain in today’s world and needed by skin, teeth, and hair. A study from the University of Cincinnati’s College of Pharmacy showed that silica may help increase hair growth and thickness when taken regularly. The skin also uses silica and deficiency may lead to dry or brittle skin.

Studies show that dietary silicon is beneficial to bone and connective tissue, though the specific form in DE is not well studied. Evidence shows a positive association between dietary silicon intake and better bone mineral density, though the exact reason is unclear. One theory is that silicon helps the body synthesize collagen (which the body uses in joints, connective tissue, bones, and skin).

More research on the direct effects of DE on silica levels is needed, but silica itself is indisputably good for hair, skin, and nails.


5. To Assist in Detoxifiction

This is where claims start to get murky. On the one hand, there are thousands of products that claim to remove “toxins,” without clearly defining what “toxins” are. Since “toxins” is a term that could apply to a wide range of substances, these claims are difficult or impossible to measure.

On the other hand, there is evidence that diatomaceous earth may have a measurable affect on several substances that harm the body, including reducing aluminum and other heavy metals.

DE’s high silica concentration may also contribute to the detoxification claims. Some evidence suggests that silica may help fight free radical damage in a similar way to antioxidants. This may be due to its ability to remain stable and carry a negative electrical charge, attracting positively charged free radicals. Though largely unproven by actual research, this mechanism is likely the basis of the claims that it reduces oxidative damage and has anti-aging effects.

6. To Fight Parasites and Bacterial Overgrowth

When a family member was battling SIBO his practitioner had him drink DE daily to help bring his gut bacteria back into balance. There isn’t much research on DE’s ability to remove parasites in humans, but it is well documented in animal studies.

In one commonly cited study The Oxford Journal of Poultry Science examined DE’s role in reducing parasites and improving egg quality in organic and free-range chickens. The study essentially concluded that hens fed DE had better eggs and fewer parasites relative to controls.

If you happen to be a chicken struggling with a mite problem, DE is a great remedy. The method in humans is less clear, but many people have used DE internally to fight other types of intestinal parasites. Anecdotal reports abound of DE’s benefits in human parasites as well, but more research is needed.

7. As a Way to Reduce Cholesterol

Amazingly, the most well-researched benefit of DE for humans is not often mentioned. In fact, the only study I found that looked at DE as a dietary supplement dates from 1998 and examined its role in improving cholesterol levels. The results are fascinating:

  • Participants all had a history of high cholesterol
  • They took diatomaceous earth multiple times a day for 8 weeks
  • At the end of the study, the subjects total cholesterol had got down by 13.2%
  • LDL (“bad”) cholesterol decreased the most
  • HDL (“good”) cholesterol increased slightly

The researchers concluded that while the results were promising, further studies are needed with larger groups and a control group. Anecdotal reports abound of people who used DE to help with cholesterol levels. A family member saw a 30 point reduction in blood pressure numbers from using DE.

8. In Sensitive Skin Deodorant

I’ve been making my own natural deodorant for years now (using this recipe) and love it. Some people react to the baking soda in the recipe, likely because it is so alkaline and may irritate certain skin types. This recipe is a great sensitive skin alternative using diatomaceous earth in place of the baking soda.

9. To Fight Foot Fungus

DE is naturally drying and may reduce moisture. I couldn’t find any studies to back it up, but a friend claimed that sprinkling it in her socks daily helped her beat a decade-long battle with toenail fungus.

10. Mixed in Beauty Products

A bonus use for DE!

I personally love using diatomaceous earth on my skin in beauty products. My skin tends to be naturally oily, so I often add a little bit of DE to homemade facial cleansers and face masks to remove some excess oil. Bonus: It makes a nice natural exfoliant!

Cautions and Risks

It is VERY IMPORTANT to only use food-grade diatomaceous earth for consumption. Other forms of DE are not considered safe and can be harmful to the lungs if inhaled. Many of the misconceptions about diatomaceous earth comes from confusing these types. Food grade DE is recognized as safe by both the FDA and the EWG. Industrial grade has many uses but is not safe for human use or to inhale!

Avoid Inhaling INDUSTRIAL Diatomaceous Earth

Studies have shown that long term exposure to industrial DE can be dangerous. While it isn’t a good idea to inhale any form of powder, the same level of caution isn’t necessary with food grade DE, as this National Pesticide Information Center fact sheet explains.

Diatomaceous “Detox” Reactions

DE may cause die-off symptoms, so it is important to work up slowly. Some people don’t respond well to DE, and I always suggest working with a knowledgeable health professional for any kind of acute problem or when doing any kind of detox.

How to Take DE

At our house, adults take 1 tablespoon per day on an empty stomach (we worked up to this from a teaspoon over a period of weeks) and kids take a teaspoon per day (they started with 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon).

Where to Buy Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (& How It Tastes)

We use this brand since I was able to verify that it is food grade, though many local co-ops and feed stores carry food grade DE as well. It has a chalky/silky consistency and tastes like a very mild mixture of dirt and chalk, but we are able to just mix in water to take it daily. It can also be mixed into juice or coconut milk.


I am not a doctor and I don’t play one on the internet. Diatomaceous Earth has been recognized as safe by the Food and Drug Administration, but it is not intended to treat, prevent, cure or diagnose any disease, so use at your on risk.

Have you ever use Diatomaceous Earth? What did you use it for? How did it work? Share below!

Diatomaceous earth is a chalky powder of fossilized diatoms. It is helpful for eliminating bed bugs, fleas and other pests and is a powerful beauty remedy.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


431 responses to “10 Amazing Uses for Diatomaceous Earth Around the Home”

  1. Tami Avatar

    How did your friend take it for her hair? I’ve had significant hair loss due to malnourishment caused by Leaky Gut (I’m currently doing Gaps along with The Whole Journey Candida Cleanse….so I’m taking DE and BC every morning….1 tsp of each).

  2. Mia Avatar

    I mistakenly consumed 1-1.5 teaspoons of pool grade diatomaceous earth. Am I going to die?

  3. Stacey Avatar

    I am curious how much to give my 7 cats ~ They seem to find my house and I work with the vet on getting them fixed and keep them indoors but bugs can get inside. I do not like to use pesticides/chemicals. Also, does the detox for humans using DE affect precription drugs? any info would be appreciated.
    Kind Regards,

  4. Michelle Avatar

    I have recently started using the DE as I have severe rheumatoid arthritis and lupus. I am currently taking 2heaping table spoons daily in the morning with my tea. My question is I am not sure the kind of DE I purchased is the right kind could you please tell me if the kind I have is safe? I have the St. Gabriel Organics kind however it does say food grade and it has the OMRI Listed symbol on the bag but it does not say anything about being safe for ingestion but it does say insect dust could you please help and tell me if this is the right stuff and if it is safe?
    Thank you so much

  5. Whitney Avatar

    A poor friend of mine was given a couch by a family member, she was so excited! Until she started getting a horrible rash all over her body. As it turns out the couch was infested with bedbugs and she is allergic to them!

    She tried everything to get rid of them, even hired a company to come and use some special chemical to get rid of them. Nothing worked! Until someone mentioned Diatomaceous Earth to her! It finally got rid of them!

    I knew it was cleaner, never heard about ingesting though! Thanks for the information!

  6. Marlene Avatar

    I see the recommendation to take on an empty stomach. I’m supposed to drink a cup of lime juice first thing in the morning. Other things are recommended for first thing in the morning, just as a homeopathic product for allergies. It seems one can only take so many things first thing in the morning on an empty stomach. I saw someone else asked how to manage all this. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Would you think putting the DE in the lime juice would be counter productive?

  7. Sheri Avatar

    I have fillings in my teeth. Some are pretty old, and the dentist is not available. If I’m not sure about whether or not I have mercury in my fillings, is it safe to take DE.

  8. Stefani Avatar

    Hello, thank you for sharing this Katie.
    I live in the Netherlands and have been trying to purchase this product but no luck.
    I could buy it of amazon but I only have paypal. Do you know of another brand Diatomaceous Earth that has good reviews, is foodgrade & ships to the NL and I can pay for with Paypal?

    My mother is in dire need of it because of her health. Thank you so much.

    1. brenda Avatar


      Here is a website that might help
      Phone#: 800-228-5836

      Hopefully this will give you a company that is willing to mail DE to you. They are trusted and I have ordered from them with great success. They carry FOOD GRADE DE.

      Prayers for your mother,


  9. Kelly Avatar

    I have a question about Diatomaceous Earth and Bentonite Clay. Can they be mixed together and taken at the same time internally or will they cancel each other out? I find benefits in both and I was wondering, instead of taking them one at a time, if they can be taken mixed together?

    1. Joanne Avatar

      Christa Orecchio has a candida protocol which includes taking one tsp of diatomaceous earth mixed with one tsp of bentonite clay first thing in the morning mixed with water. You need to mix it in a blender. You don’t use it for more than two months according to her. Her site is The Whole Journey.

      1. Joi Avatar

        Please be aware that this mix will be like concrete in your intestines. You will need to make sure you move your bowels or you will have another problem to deal with.

  10. Brendan Avatar

    You can also get rid of snails and slugs in your garden/backyard with it. Just sprinkle it out over everything and when they come out at night or whenever, they get cut up on the DE and bleed to death, then the local bird population takes care of the clean-up. Also on Moh’s hardness scale, DE is a 7 (like you said), but diamonds are the definition of a 10, not a 9.

  11. Tanja Avatar

    Hello Lucy,

    I will start by saying due to my very unusual experience with taking the diatomaceous earth, just make sure that you’ve done plenty of research and know that you’re taking a risk, no matter how many people have had the most amazing experiences! I done my homework, lots of it prior to deciding to use it and just on the second day, I was struggling with my thumbs locking up and huge bone nodules that 1 year later, no Dr can figure out! I know that it was caused by this but even after completely stopping it, the issue never got any better! People take their thumbs for granted, including myself, until you can’t move them! I definitely regret ever reading about this stuff and deciding to use it, but now all I can do is speak up because I’d hate to see anyone else have the same issue, or possibly worse! I’m not debating with anyone and am glad that it’s helped many people, but it sure didn’t me! I wish I knew why my response was so different from most, but like I said, I have to speak up because I don’t want anyone else to have an experience like mine! I wish you the best of luck, as well as anyone else who decides to take it!

    Blessings and peace,

    1. Angele Avatar

      Hi Tanja,

      I am sorry you have had such a bad experience with DE. I also had very intense symptoms recently as a result of taking it but I am not giving up on the stuff. DE can be hard on the body, depending on what issues you are already dealing with, some of which you may not be aware of. From what I have noticed, because DE is so effective at killing parasites, it seems to awaken a lot of the “dormant” diseases in the body and because it can kill so many of the parasites at once, they can spread their poison through your body if the toxins are not flushed out properly and in a timely manner. I think there should be more warnings about taking DE without doing some prior cleansing. I think you would benefit greatly from doing a series of milder general cleansing. Look into effective products like APEX energetics and Pure Encapsulations or even into Rife machine treatments to get rid of the pathogens in your body. My guess would be that the nodule in your thumb was caused by an accumulation of the parasites once you took the DE and awoke them… they can go into different parts of the body once they are threatened… Read some of Hulda Clark or Bob Beck’s work (if you haven’t already) for more information. I am not claiming to be an expert here, just trying to offer loving, helpful advice to the best of my knowledge. Once the body is clear of pathogens, I think one can really benefit from taking DE for the silica benefits and for parasite cleansing maintenance. I strongly believe you can get rid of the nodule in your thumb. Best of luck!

    2. Tye Avatar

      Your comment is by far the most ridiculous thing I have ever read regarding Diatomaceous Earth.

      Are you being paid to write this? I mean seriously, I see no other reason why someone would write such nonsense. And that is exactly what it is… nonsense.

      I’m starting to see a LOT of similar posts like this on health blogs and social media when it comes to anything that cuts into mainstream medicine profit margins. They use these types of posts to try and manipulate public opinion.

      It’s long past time to start calling these people out.

      1. Kim Avatar

        Everyone is very entitled to their own opinion but I had to jump in and share another perspective. Wellness Mama, I so appreciate all you write and you have helped SO many people. I’m sure you are used to scrutiny but wanted to reply with a bit of encouragement from another perspective. Keep on keepin on!! While the information isn’t applicable to everyone, I (and countless others) find your articles very helpful.

      2. Angele Doiron Avatar
        Angele Doiron


        If your comment is directed at my comment, you are obviously misinterpreting what I wrote if you think I am getting paid to endorse DE for parasite elimination. In fact, I agreed that one should be careful with DE because it can be hard on the body. Plus, DE is really cheap, so I can’t imagine the manufacturers needing to pay anyone to get people to buy it.
        I stated that I personally was not giving up on the stuff for the reasons mentioned at the end of this comment because it does have benefits when used as I mention below. I also said that I personally had a lot of adverse effects from taking it for parasite elimination without prior cleansing. I am not endorsing this as a primary means of parasite elimination whatsoever. The aim of my comment was to offer her encouragement, alternative methods for parasite elimination as well as my honest opinion on DE and its potential benefits, but also warnings against it.
        I don’t think parasite elimination is something people should jump into without prior knowledge and understanding of its implications, and I agree with what she was saying in that there should be warnings about taking DE without knowledge of parasite elimination (again I recommend reading Hulda Clarke’s work for more info on parasites). The detox effects of parasite elimination can be unbearable, and cause all sorts of unexpected and unpleasant symptoms, and I have found that to be especially true with DE used for parasite elimination without prior colon cleansing, liver cleansing, etc-it is simply too hard on the body for some people (so how am I endorsing DE with that statement again?). I did not say that the nodule in her thumb was definitely parasites in case that is what you interpreted, I said it COULD BE the cause and I told her to look into other detox methods before taking more DE (in case she ever chooses to take it again.) Rife machine treatments or other parasite elimination machines, when used correctly, rid the body of all pathogens so technically there would be no need to take DE for parasite elimination if she chooses to seek those types of treatments. All I said was that DE could be taken for parasite elimination “maintenance” once the body is free of all major pathogens (in case one does not have access to a rife or other effective zappers on a regular basis once the series of treatments are completed) and I stated that diatomaceous earth COULD also be taken strictly for its silica benefits once the body is free of pathogens (at which point you should no longer experience side-effects), ONLY because it is a very cheap way to get your silica intake vs buying overpriced silica supplements that are often not absorbed by the body. You can turn DE into an absorbable form of silica (orthosilicic acid) by adding about a TBS of the stuff in a large quantity of water, which would cost you pennies per year… so if the company (whichever company you were referring to) is paying me to tell people that they can use DE once or twice a year for parasite elimination “maintenance” –once they have gotten rid of their pathogens via ANOTHER method that is more effective and more gentle on the body– or that DE can be taken for its silica content by putting a spoonful of it in a gallon of water to turn it into approx a year’s supply of silica, they are not very business savvy and aren’t bound to get rich anytime soon from my so-called endorsement.


  12. Carmen Avatar

    Thanks kindly for your inspiring site. Can you come be my neighbor? 🙂
    Question : Do you see any reason why I couldn’t do a ‘jello’ with beef gelatin, juice and de? I’m trying to find a foolproof way to get it into our family of many ages and abilities….
    My 11 mo old loves broth jello 🙂

  13. Shiloh Avatar


    This articles raises a few concerns for me. I work in the wine industry and we use DE for filtration of wine. We have to use full personal protection equipment including a face respirator as inhalation of DE may cause cancer. I would be very wary dusting it around your family and pets and consuming it.

    Hopefully the product we use differs from the one you use and it is safe for family use.

  14. Lucy Avatar

    Hello 🙂 I am really confused about The-Benefits-Versus-The-Harmful-Effects of DE. DE sounds great, but the fact is that Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth contains 4% ALUMINIUM OXIDE. Does this mean the harmful effects of this product could outweigh any benefits if it is taken internally (or accidentally inhaled)? I have checked across some different suppliers, and all Food Grade DE appears to be: Silicon Dioxide 89%, Aluminium Oxide 4%, Sodium Oxide 1.2%, Iron Oxide 1.7%, Calcium Oxide 1.4%, Magnesium Oxide 0.6%, Potassium Oxide 0.5%, Crystalline Silica <0.5%, plus moisture content. From everything I have learned about the metal Aluminium, I have decided I do not want it in my body in any form. This is the reason I go to the trouble of making my own deodorant, avoiding all vaccines, making my own skincare and cleaning products, and eating only organic food. I would be really interested to know other people's comments on this aspect of DE, as I would love to take it, but am concerned about the effects (both short term and long term) of the high Aluminium Oxide content. Thanks, Lucy

  15. Regina Osborn Avatar
    Regina Osborn

    I started with a 50lb bag of food grade DE. It’s part of our parrot’s diet (takes care of all those nasty internal parasites a bird gets in captivity. Then started spreading it around the house for bug control. It works on all ecto-skelton creatures. They crawl through it and it tears up their skelton, killing them. Best ant control we’ve found. Since it’s food grade, not harmful to our pets or grandkids. I’m anxious to try out all the other good uses!

    1. Lorraine Avatar

      Glad you mentioned using it for your parrot. I have a few birds myself and I am going to mix the DE with the seeds from now on. I did not know about birds getting parasites because of being in captivity. Thanks for the info!

  16. Rocky Wimme Avatar
    Rocky Wimme

    i’ve read all the comments and thrilled to see so many positives. We have used food grade DE for years on our pets and I now use it myself… as a survivor of 4 different cancers… *colon *liver *lymphoma *uterine A few have asked how long it should be taken and I don’t see any responses to that question. I also AM NOT A PRO on ANYTHING but have some knowledge and experience on a few things. When I first purchased my DE I also purchased a book that came with it detailing the origin, history, uses, cautions and testimonials. This book “Going Green Using Diatomaceous Earth” by Tui Rose R.N. suggests you use DE for personal health benefits 10 days on, 10 days off… starting with 1t. daily and building to 1T. I drink mine with warm/hot herbal tea (no caffeine) every morning because it dissolves beautifully in warm liquids. Blessings to you all here in Jesus name … Your site is well done and a pleasure to visit!

  17. Borz Avatar

    A warm hello,
    My question is:

    Will DE work to rid someone of an aggressive case of nursing home scabies? It started on my face and head, which I was told was not typical for adults. Now it has spread to my entire body. The Doctor’s treatments have failed. I have done the Permethrin 5% cream x2, as well as the Stromectol 3 mg tablet pills x1. And a round of antibiotics due to bites getting infected. I have taken measures within my own household, no sharing towels or linens, keeping my clothing bagged and seperated, changing lines daily, washing clothing, towels & linens in hot water with 20 mule borax bleach, and on high heat in the dryer for 30+ minutes. I am beyond frustrated. PLEASE, any information would be greatly appreciated. Take care. And thank you for the informative site.

    1. karina Avatar

      Cayanne pepper rubbed on the skin will kill scabies just dont do the entire body at once. You can get different temperatures in the cayanne pepper and be carefull around the eyes. I had a nasty case of scabies a while ago and used the pepper and was gone quickly

  18. Tatyana Avatar

    I Read your blog and lots of reviews on Amazon. Was very inspired, ordered some DE and started taking right away – 1/2 tsp for two days, then 1.5-2 tsp next too days. All of a sudden I got nose bleeds and cramps in my stomach. My previously calmed down IBS is flaring up again, I’m using bathroom 5-6 times a day and just tonight I had an episode of nearly fainting while sitting on the toilet. Pardon details. My body felt like I’m on fire, guts burning sand chills running all over me. However I didn’t see any bugs coming out of me, but I do have lots of gas since starting on DE. I’m feeling so bad I’m debating quitting it and wondering if it’s just a big spoof. I’ve done detoxes before with other things but never felt this bad. Has anyone had similar digestive problems? I take probiotics daily btw for a long time and eat very healthy diet.

  19. Penny Avatar

    I tend to have a sensitive bladder. Have you ever heard if de can irritate bladder pain?

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