10 Amazing Uses for Diatomaceous Earth Around the Home

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Uses of Diatomaceous Earth
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » 10 Amazing Uses for Diatomaceous Earth Around the Home

Tell your kids it’s “skeleton powder.” Or that it slashes and dehydrates bugs to death! If you have boys especially, they may look at your natural pantry with a whole new respect!

You won’t be lying  … Diatomaceous Earth (or DE for short) is all that and more! Here are all the (not so gory) details on this natural remedy wonder for anyone with pets or a family.

What Is Diatomaceous Earth, Anyway?

DE is, as mentioned, a white powder naturally occurring from the fossils of diatoms (a type of algae found in river bed and lake beds). The diatoms form a very hard shell of silica in a tubular shape.

When dry, Diatomaceous Earth appears very fine and soft to the naked eye but microscopically it has some very unique qualities:

  • High Silica Content: These fossilized diatoms have a very high silica content (which is used to build hair, skin, and nails).
  • Hard as Nails … or Diamonds: DE is very hard (only two points lower than diamonds on the hardness scale). It looks like a tiny cylindrical tube with many holes in it when viewed through a microscope.
  • Holds a Strong Negative Charge: DE has a very strong negative charge, which makes it purifying and beneficial in several ways.

Since the 1960s DE has been commonly used in things like toothpaste, as an anti-caking aid, for clarifying beer or wine, and to eliminate pests naturally. In fact, you’ve likely consumed products that contain traces of DE without even knowing it! While I’m usually not a fan of hidden ingredients, DE is one we don’t need to worry about.

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t have its share of controversy … not all of it warranted.

How Do I Know DE Is Safe?

In this article, I’m referencing Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, which the FDA classifies “Generally Recognized As Safe” for human consumption, even when pregnant or nursing. It is NOT the industrial grade type used in pool cleaning. Much of the misunderstanding about the benefits of DE stems from the difference in these two types. The industrial grade is toxic to humans and should be avoided. It is also toxic to workers who collect it.

Food-grade Diatomaceous Earth is purified and amorphous, not crystalline. It is inert and harmless (as long as you’re not an insect with an exoskeleton).

What Does Diatomaceous Earth Do for the Body?

For the human body … and even for animals … DE is an ally. Thanks to its strong negative charge diatomaceous earth binds to unwanted toxins in the digestive tract. On the skin, it acts as an oil binder, a purifier, and an exfoliant.

For unwanted bugs and insects, it’s quite another story.

Does DE Kill Insects?

In a word, yes! Many use Diatomaceous Earth as a natural pesticide. Its sharp and strong structure allows it to puncture and drain the exoskeleton of insects from their protective fats and oils on a microscopic level. This causes them to dehydrate and die (while humans and animals are left completely unharmed).

10 Ways to Use Diatomaceous Earth

Uses for diatomaceous earth-skin hair and nails-pest controlSome sources claim that DE is a cure-all for everything from parasites to viruses and everything in between. They claim it eliminates free radicals, remineralizes bones, and halts aging in its tracks.

I haven’t found any research to back up these claims, but there are studies on silica and other compounds found in DE. These are the benefits that seem credible based on the available body of evidence:

1. As a Natural Alternative to Pesticides

Most pesticides and insecticides work by poisoning the pest. Unfortunately, chemicals that are harmful to small pests can also be harmful to humans and carry risks. Insects can also develop immunity over time.

DE works mechanically on:

  • fleas
  • bedbugs
  • cockroaches
  • ants

Just sprinkling a little DE around the house bonds to and absorbs parts of the waxy coating on the exoskeleton of these insects, causing them to dehydrate and die. Sprinkle a perimeter around the exterior of the house and also indoors where problems are observed.

The Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act classifies DE as safe for household use. The Environmental Working Group classifies it as safe for household and beauty use as well.

2. To Treat Fleas on Pets

I will be forever grateful for DE and its help when we had a horrible flea infestation. We adopted a rescue kitten and she brought along a few thousand close friends … FLEAS.

The fleas quickly infested the entire apartment we were living in at the time and with a new baby and toddlers, it was a HUGE problem. I didn’t want to use any type of harmful pesticide either since my kids were crawling around on the floor.

To stop the flea outbreak, we sprinkled DE all over our carpet and soft surfaces several times a day. The only potential concern with DE is irritation from inhalation, so I wore a dust mask when sprinkling it around the whole house. I worked the powder into the carpets and let it sit for about an hour. Then, I vacuumed it up. I repeated this a few times a day for 4 days until the fleas were gone. (Yes, this is a messy process!)

We also killed the fleas on the kitten by carefully dusting her with DE a few times a day, avoiding the eyes and nose.

We now dust all of our animals with DE before and after going hiking with them in the woods, or if they show any signs of fleas.

3. Fighting Bed Bugs

Were you hoping bed bugs weren’t real? Well, sorry … they definitely are and don’t discriminate against even very clean homes!

DE is well documented for its ability to eliminate bedbugs. Even pest control companies sometimes use DE for removing bed bugs safely. Follow these steps if you see or fear bedbugs. For good measure, I sprinkle DE on mattresses each time I change the sheets to help ward off bed bugs and other pests.

4. As a Source of Silica

DE is 84-90% silica with over 20 trace minerals that are difficult to obtain in today’s world and needed by skin, teeth, and hair. A study from the University of Cincinnati’s College of Pharmacy showed that silica may help increase hair growth and thickness when taken regularly. The skin also uses silica and deficiency may lead to dry or brittle skin.

Studies show that dietary silicon is beneficial to bone and connective tissue, though the specific form in DE is not well studied. Evidence shows a positive association between dietary silicon intake and better bone mineral density, though the exact reason is unclear. One theory is that silicon helps the body synthesize collagen (which the body uses in joints, connective tissue, bones, and skin).

More research on the direct effects of DE on silica levels is needed, but silica itself is indisputably good for hair, skin, and nails.


5. To Assist in Detoxifiction

This is where claims start to get murky. On the one hand, there are thousands of products that claim to remove “toxins,” without clearly defining what “toxins” are. Since “toxins” is a term that could apply to a wide range of substances, these claims are difficult or impossible to measure.

On the other hand, there is evidence that diatomaceous earth may have a measurable affect on several substances that harm the body, including reducing aluminum and other heavy metals.

DE’s high silica concentration may also contribute to the detoxification claims. Some evidence suggests that silica may help fight free radical damage in a similar way to antioxidants. This may be due to its ability to remain stable and carry a negative electrical charge, attracting positively charged free radicals. Though largely unproven by actual research, this mechanism is likely the basis of the claims that it reduces oxidative damage and has anti-aging effects.

6. To Fight Parasites and Bacterial Overgrowth

When a family member was battling SIBO his practitioner had him drink DE daily to help bring his gut bacteria back into balance. There isn’t much research on DE’s ability to remove parasites in humans, but it is well documented in animal studies.

In one commonly cited study The Oxford Journal of Poultry Science examined DE’s role in reducing parasites and improving egg quality in organic and free-range chickens. The study essentially concluded that hens fed DE had better eggs and fewer parasites relative to controls.

If you happen to be a chicken struggling with a mite problem, DE is a great remedy. The method in humans is less clear, but many people have used DE internally to fight other types of intestinal parasites. Anecdotal reports abound of DE’s benefits in human parasites as well, but more research is needed.

7. As a Way to Reduce Cholesterol

Amazingly, the most well-researched benefit of DE for humans is not often mentioned. In fact, the only study I found that looked at DE as a dietary supplement dates from 1998 and examined its role in improving cholesterol levels. The results are fascinating:

  • Participants all had a history of high cholesterol
  • They took diatomaceous earth multiple times a day for 8 weeks
  • At the end of the study, the subjects total cholesterol had got down by 13.2%
  • LDL (“bad”) cholesterol decreased the most
  • HDL (“good”) cholesterol increased slightly

The researchers concluded that while the results were promising, further studies are needed with larger groups and a control group. Anecdotal reports abound of people who used DE to help with cholesterol levels. A family member saw a 30 point reduction in blood pressure numbers from using DE.

8. In Sensitive Skin Deodorant

I’ve been making my own natural deodorant for years now (using this recipe) and love it. Some people react to the baking soda in the recipe, likely because it is so alkaline and may irritate certain skin types. This recipe is a great sensitive skin alternative using diatomaceous earth in place of the baking soda.

9. To Fight Foot Fungus

DE is naturally drying and may reduce moisture. I couldn’t find any studies to back it up, but a friend claimed that sprinkling it in her socks daily helped her beat a decade-long battle with toenail fungus.

10. Mixed in Beauty Products

A bonus use for DE!

I personally love using diatomaceous earth on my skin in beauty products. My skin tends to be naturally oily, so I often add a little bit of DE to homemade facial cleansers and face masks to remove some excess oil. Bonus: It makes a nice natural exfoliant!

Cautions and Risks

It is VERY IMPORTANT to only use food-grade diatomaceous earth for consumption. Other forms of DE are not considered safe and can be harmful to the lungs if inhaled. Many of the misconceptions about diatomaceous earth comes from confusing these types. Food grade DE is recognized as safe by both the FDA and the EWG. Industrial grade has many uses but is not safe for human use or to inhale!

Avoid Inhaling INDUSTRIAL Diatomaceous Earth

Studies have shown that long term exposure to industrial DE can be dangerous. While it isn’t a good idea to inhale any form of powder, the same level of caution isn’t necessary with food grade DE, as this National Pesticide Information Center fact sheet explains.

Diatomaceous “Detox” Reactions

DE may cause die-off symptoms, so it is important to work up slowly. Some people don’t respond well to DE, and I always suggest working with a knowledgeable health professional for any kind of acute problem or when doing any kind of detox.

How to Take DE

At our house, adults take 1 tablespoon per day on an empty stomach (we worked up to this from a teaspoon over a period of weeks) and kids take a teaspoon per day (they started with 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon).

Where to Buy Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (& How It Tastes)

We use this brand since I was able to verify that it is food grade, though many local co-ops and feed stores carry food grade DE as well. It has a chalky/silky consistency and tastes like a very mild mixture of dirt and chalk, but we are able to just mix in water to take it daily. It can also be mixed into juice or coconut milk.


I am not a doctor and I don’t play one on the internet. Diatomaceous Earth has been recognized as safe by the Food and Drug Administration, but it is not intended to treat, prevent, cure or diagnose any disease, so use at your on risk.

Have you ever use Diatomaceous Earth? What did you use it for? How did it work? Share below!

Diatomaceous earth is a chalky powder of fossilized diatoms. It is helpful for eliminating bed bugs, fleas and other pests and is a powerful beauty remedy.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


431 responses to “10 Amazing Uses for Diatomaceous Earth Around the Home”

  1. BEDA Avatar

    Does anyone know the difference between DE and Calcium Bentonite Green Clay?

  2. Jo Avatar

    I just recently starting taking 1 tsp of DE daily about 7 days ago. So far so good, but Ive noticed in the last 2 days bloody mucous in my stool. Wondering if this is normal?

  3. ALICE BARTON Avatar

    I bought some De. I PUT IT DOWN in an area where 1 week old puppies are and , I guess some of them breathed it and, cause them to have a sinus infection… Beware of use with them accidentally breathing them.

    1. Carolyn Avatar

      It will damage their lungs if breathed in. Its not just a sinus infection. Dangerous breathed in.

  4. Tanna Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    Is this safe to begin taking while nursing? Because it is a detox, I do not want any old toxins to get to my breast milk.

  5. Donna Avatar

    Do you take DE and clay on a daily basis or do you need to take breaks? I’ve read conflicting info so I’d like to know what you’re comfortable with. Thank you for all the great info you provide.

  6. Doreen Avatar

    In my family some members take depression and blood pressure medication. Does DE affect their effectiveness? Should the meds & DE be not be taken at the same time? How far apart do you recommed they be taken/spaced? Thank you.

  7. tony Avatar

    I’m confused about this:
    I read somewhere that if you want to use DE for killing bugs and fleas it absolutely needs to be dry, otherwise it won’t work.
    also, If you get it in your lungs it’s not really dangerous because it gets wet.
    BUT, how come then, it’s supposed to work internally when ingested?

    1. Carolyn Avatar

      Do nNOT get it into your lungs! It WILL cause problems! DO NOT get it into your lungs!

  8. Jennifer Avatar

    Someone I know said that you should not take DE when you have a dental implant, as it can pull the metals out and into your body. I cannot find any information on this, and was wondering if you had come across anything. My thoughts were that the DE would bind the metals, and not create problems…. but I’m not sure what to think now.

    I’ve been using DE daily for a long time with my dental implant, including during the last 5 months while pregnant! Yikes.

  9. Donna Avatar

    Hello, I live in Australia and bought Food Grade DE from Fossil Power. I have been taking for about one month morning or night depending on my memory! I take a heaped teaspoon in a glass of water. I started using due to an intestinal parasite (Dientamoeba Fragilis) that would not go even after 3 treatments of strong anti-biotics. I think I may finally have won the war but am yet to go back to the doctor for another stool test. In the time I have been taking DE I also did a papaya seed treatment so I am not sure if it has worked, if it was one or the other or both. I have noticed my hair and nails improving and a definite decrease in my parasite symptoms. I haven’t had any adverse reactions other than hayfever type symptons including very itchy dry eyes which I wonder if are related.

  10. Carol Avatar

    I bought red lake from the feed store. It is diatamaceous earth with bentonite clay food grade codex. Is this safe for me to take daily or is this the wrong kind?

    1. Shepard Avatar

      I have 45 year old mercury fillings. The mercury is suppose to attach to DE and be eliminated as part of the detox. You may feel it as it pulls out of tissue.

      Read about coconut oil pulling. That helps the toxins in our mouth and peridontal disease and even cavities. Swiss with coconut oil for 20 min then spit it out.

  11. Judy Swenson Avatar
    Judy Swenson

    I recently helped my son’s family move out of their house. While cleaning out the kitchen cupboards and shelves, I encountered white powder that I mistakenly thought was spilled flour. After hours of brushing this stuff onto a dust pan, I finally asked what it was, and was told it was d.e. Oh, and by the way, I shouldn’t have been breathing it in! I hear this after four hours of breathing it in……Do I have anything to worry about? So far, I have only a slight cough. I am concerned because after another such move, I landed in a hospital for four days with spinal meningitis as a result of not wearing a mask while cleaning out an attic. Thanks for an informative website.

  12. wayne vardaman Avatar
    wayne vardaman

    Has anyone used DE successfully to save emerald ash trees. I have heard that it may save them
    from the ash bore. Others say once the ash bore starts the tree will eventually die. Would
    appreciate any help,

  13. Ana Avatar

    I put a teaspoon of DE into my green smoothie each day. Is this an effective way to take it?

  14. Jennifer H. Avatar
    Jennifer H.

    I’ve been taking organic food-grade D.E. orally for over a year and I’ve had great results in my gut and overall bowel happiness. Here’s my dilemma: I occasionally fly for work and I’m flying for pleasure in a month cross-country. Since I’ll be away from home for a week, I’m leery of not having D.E. the whole time I’m gone and I probably can’t buy any where I’m going. Do you have any experience with carrying D.E. on a flight? I’m not checking a bag and don’t want to be detained as a potential threat! Any suggestions are welcome!

    1. Laura Ann Avatar
      Laura Ann

      Hi Jennifer,
      I just got back from a trip to cancun…and had no issues carrying a small container of DE! I was worried, but ecstatic! So no issues with me, they didn’t
      Even question it!
      Safe travels,

    2. Patricia Avatar

      For many years my nails always cracked and split even though they were extremely short. There’s no way I could grow long nails. A few months after taking 2 Tbsp./day of D.E. my nails became hard and strong. I am so excited to be able to grow nails again! D.E. also keeps me from getting constipated. Just be careful to begin your dosage at maybe 1 tsp., then over the next couple of weeks increase your dosage to 1 or 2 Tbsp. per day. I can’t discern any smell or taste, but it does have the consistency of chalk. I don’t mind putting it in plain water and drinking it, but if it bothers you, try juice or smoothies. Like others have mentioned, increase your water intake. Great stuff! I wish I had learned about it earlier!

  15. Connie Avatar

    We bought some DE at our feed store (Food Chemical Code X Grade) but it is a dark gray, not white like yours. Did we get the right DE?

    1. miqui Avatar

      It MUST say FOOD GRADE. If it does not, it is not. DO NOT INGEST IT OR INHALE IT if it DOESN’T SAY FOOD GRADE!

  16. Laura Leveque Avatar
    Laura Leveque

    I’ve used food grade DE for over 30 years. I use it for keeping ants away from the pet food, in the worm beds, in the garden, on the pets, instead of tooth paste, daily in a glass of water (I dowse for the amount and frequency, as my body’s needs change daily), in carpets, in chicken houses … I’m 62 and in perfect health, no meds, herbal maintenance only.

    1. Rosa Avatar

      HI Laura,

      Would you please share how much do you use in a glass of water?

    2. Rosa Avatar

      Welness Mama,

      You mentioned many of the uses of DE and your own experiences, but so superficially! Could you please specify amounts? For example, for hair growth – you just said that, and not how to use DE for that purpose. If one is interested in using DE for hair growth she or he would have to look for more complete info in another site – what makes your post/article almost useless at this point!

      No offense! I just would like to have more complete info, since your blog is good and I visit it quite often.


      1. Sylvia Avatar

        As with just about any supplement, you cannot “tell” it what you want it to do. You just have to take a small starting dose, see how that works for you and then continue. You get the whole package of benefits whether you want them or not! I suggest you start with the Kid Sized dose of 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon a day for a week. Next week you can increase it by 1/4 teaspoon until you are up to a tablespoon a day. If you feel (you have to listen to your body..) like that is too much or not enough, adjust accordingly.

        Katie is not a doctor and cannot/does not prescribe set doses for anyone. We are, each and every one of us, learning what works for our own bodies and the bodies of those we care for. Just remember to take detoxing into account before you increase, decrease or drop a supplement like DE. Be patient and calm. Enjoy the journey to better health!

        The best to you! And to all! And especially to Katie!

    3. Connie Avatar

      Can food grade DE be a dark gray instead of white? Mine says “Food Chemical Code X Grade”

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