How I Avoided GBS Naturally

Katie Wells Avatar

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How I Avoided and Got Rid Of GBS with Natural Remedies
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GBS, or Group Beta Streptococcus, is an colonization that affects many people and around 1/4 to 1/3 of women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Many people carry this bacteria in their digestive systems with no problem, but it can cause complications in a newborns of mothers who are colonized.

Mothers are often tested for Group B Strep in the third trimester of pregnancy and if they are positive, are usually given antibiotics during labor. I tested positive for GBS in my fourth pregnancy, though I eradicated it and tested negative before the birth, and then I tested negative in my next pregnancy (thus the title of the post). As there is a very small chance of serious and life threatening complications for baby in GBS positive moms (even with antibiotic use), I wanted to share what worked for me in hopes it would help other women avoid this risk to baby. This is just my experience and is not intended to be medical advice.

For more information on the risks associated with GBS and with antibiotic treatment, check out this well-researched article. This page provides a compilation of a lot of research on GBS and antibiotic use.

Natural Remedies for GBS

GBS certainly has the potential to be serious and shouldn’t be ignored, but antibiotics carry their own risks and can cause problems as well. Especially with all the emerging research about the transfer of gut flora and immunity from mother to baby during delivery, it would definitely be preferable not to take antibiotics if it can be avoided (especially if testing positive for GBS can be avoided in the first place).

The good news is, at least in my case, GBS can be avoided with natural remedies.

As GBS occurs naturally in the digestive tract for some people, I felt it was important to treat the digestive tract as a whole when working to eliminate GBS instead of just focusing on the genital area. A probiotic rich diet is beneficial for overall health,and I also found it helpful in getting rid of GBS.

When researching, I found the following advice for treating/preventing GBS:

  • Eating a probiotic rich diet including things like Kombucha, Water Kefir, Yogurt, Sauerkraut and other fermented foods to help create a healthy gut environment.
  • Taking a probiotic supplement and using it vaginally (I used this one orally daily and vaginally every day or two).
  • Consuming garlic capsules or raw garlic cloves daily.
  • Consuming Coconut Oil for its naturally antiviral properties.
  • Using plain organic yogurt vaginally to help balance bacteria.
  • Taking Vitamin C daily.
  • Using a Chlorhexidine rinse vaginally before and during labor. (This is the usual protocol) This was a last resort for me and I was glad to not have to use it, as the emerging evidence about the bacterial transfer during labor brings this practice into question.
  • Consuming raw apple cider vinegar daily and using it as a diluted rinse.

What I Did That Worked

With my fourth pregnancy, I tested positive at 35 weeks for GBS and then at 37 weeks was tested again and the result was negative. What I did during that time (and what a friend did successfully after testing positive very early in her pregnancy) that worked:

  • Took 2,000 mg of Vitamin C in divided doses each day
  • Consuming 2 cloves of raw garlic each day by finely mincing them and drinking them down with water
  • Consuming at least 2 Tablespoons of coconut oil daily for its antibacterial/antiviral properties
  • Using a diluted apple cider vinegar rinse vaginally each day
  • Taking 6+ probiotic capsules a day
  • Consuming large amounts of fermented foods and drinks
  • Using a garlic clove vaginally for one night (anecdotal evidence supports that this is very effective)

In my next pregnancy to prevent GBS to begin with, I followed a protocol that is recommended by a midwife I know (and she is yet to have a case of GBS when a mom is following this):

Have you ever had GBS while pregnant? What did you do? Share below!

GBS (Group B Strep) can affect up to 1/3 of pregnant women but these natural remedies helped me (and can help you!) to avoid it.

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


366 responses to “How I Avoided GBS Naturally”

  1. Ashley Tracy Avatar
    Ashley Tracy

    I tested positive for Strep B with my first pregnancy. The told me it was nothing big I would receive antibiotics while in labor. Well let me tell you I will do everything I can in my power to be negative this time I am 32 weeks pregnant now with my second child. I went in to labor at 8:30am. Went in to the hospital they told me I was in early labor. I got stuck with the on call Dr. who was a man because it was a saturday. He wanted to give me patosen to get things moving faster when I had nothing wrong with me. I said no and went back home. Came back to the hospital at 8pm when contractions were closer and much stronger. Got the IV for the Strep the Dr. insisted they break my water to get things moving. HUGE mistake if you are Strep B positive NEVER let them break your water. I just found this out from a midwife my son and I could have died that night. About 20 mins after they broke my water I got a fever of 104 was shaking so bad my husband had to hold my arms down,Had 6 warm blankets on me to 4 ice packs and back and forth trying to break it. The Dr. said we should have a baby by 3am well I couldn’t breath from the infection I got so they were shoving an oxygen mask on my face all while I was pushing for 3 hours. Exhausted I finally got my son out at 6:15am he was rushed away to NICU where he stayed for 7 days get poked with needles 3 times a day had in IV in his wrist to the side of his tiny head to his arm. All because the Dr. wanted to speed things up so he could go nap. Oh did I mention he sat and watched TV in my room while I was trying to push. Yeah married with children! I finally found out days later after I became the pushiest I have ever been. I had my placenta tested and because of them breaking my water and being positive with strep B the placenta became infected with Chorioamnionitis. Google it it’s very scary stuff. This time around lets just say I am doing everything natural including the labor and delivery only having my own Dr. and hiring a Douala. I have been taking all the vitamins and doing all the research possible to avoid this again. So wish me luck but after that experience I am weary of Doctors and their “opinions”. So before you make assumptions about things or people just know everyone reacts different to things we all have different DNA and the Dr. doesn’t know it all!

  2. Emily Natalie Avatar
    Emily Natalie

    Thank you so much for such an incredible blog. I’m at a loss. Too many annoying news this week. Being one with medical background it’s very hard to not succumb to western medicine. I’m currently 16 weeks pregnant. A pregnancy that did not come easy, we got pregnant through IVF and it was a tough road. So naturally I’m paranoid and I can’t trust anyone.

    So GBS was found in my urine in “small amounts” last week during a visit regarding some spotting that I had which was attributed to a low lying placenta. I had some some suprapubic tenderness so they did a urine sample for completeness. Fast forward to this week I have a severe cold and went in to get a check up and that’s when the doc nonchalantly revealed that I shave GBS in my urine and should be started on Ampicillin. But before that we should run another repeat bc it can be contaminated. However regardless I’ll need antibiotics at delivery.

    Now this early if I start this regiment can I request a regular swab at 37 weeks and if it’s negative, can I have a rapid at delivery? Then if that’s all positive then of course I’ll do the antibiotics I won’t take that risk (even though it’s small) I read every comment here and I am just torn!!! And scared and just confused. My doc said regardless of vaginal swab at this point I’m colonized and I need antibiotics to decrease the risk.

    What do you say??? I think inhale a good plan but j need support. I want supper from my doc. My doc is awesome but now he got a partner who just finsihed residency and I’m so annoyed!!!

  3. Jen Avatar

    I dont suffer from GBS…but have recently been diagnosed with bacterial vaginosis…. of course, the usually advice was given…take antibiotics and fluconizol…. both of which i refuse to do.
    do you have any advice on combatting BV with natural remedies?
    Never had an issue in my life until last month…. haven’t changed anything either.
    eat organically, eat whole foods, eat fermented foods, take probiotics….
    I’m at a loss…. would be super grateful for any help you can lend….

  4. Terry Avatar

    Hi. I know this is an older post but I can’t seem to find the info I need. I know you are not taking the Vitamin-C that you have on this post because it is ascorbic acid, or are you? Anyway, I’m wondering where I can find, on your blog, info on probiotics and what to look for when choosing one. Can you direct me? Also, what is the easiest way to search for anything particular on your blog? Thanks for your time.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Even the regular ascorbic acid form will work as described in this post, though I now use a food based Vitamin C because I found a good source (I use this one). I’d ask your doc or midwife for a specific recommendation though, if you are concerned. For probiotics, I take Bio Kult and PrescriptAssist alternating. For searching, I’d just try googling “Wellness Mama ______” and filling in the term you are looking for. That way, if the term isn’t part of the post title, you’ll find posts that might have mentioned it.

  5. Audra Avatar

    I tested + at 37 week testing of GSB. I did the research of what this meant and then I didn’t think anymore of it because due to diabetes I was going to have to be induced at 39 weeks. I was in labor for 36 hours and as soon as I began dilating they hooked me up to a penicillin IV laced with a painkiller. No big deal. But then they had to give me another penicillin bag every 2-3 hours and it took an hour for the drip to end. There is only a painkiller on the first dose…

    I can only describe the pain of a penicillin IV as that of a cold two inch diameter steel rod slowly being inserted from wrist to elbow. Sometimes the pain was so excruciating that it was worse then the contractions. The nurses wouldn’t do anything for me except put an ice pack on my arm. It got to the point where I was wishing the baby would come out just to avoid having to have another dose.

    6 IV bags of penicillin is what I was given.

    that accumulates to 5 hours of feeling like a rod is being slowly hammered into your arm. The Dr’s in NICU were amazed to find out that my son had gotten 6 doses via fetal umbilical cord.

    So this is my take on this post. If I am ever blessed with another positive pregnancy test the first thing I will do is start this regimen. In my last trimester if I get a positive GSB test then I will ofcourse have a tiny panic attack…, but ultimately I will accept my fate of having the antibiotics during labor.

    I don’t think that this article was written with the intention of saying no to antibiotics at labor but as more of an attempt to prevent getting a positive test result and bypassing the threat of GSB altogether.

  6. Amy Avatar

    So in your 5th pregnancy, did you start doing the vitamin C, probiotic and garlic capsules when you found out you were pregnant?
    Also how many galic capsules did you take?
    I have 2 kids and have GBS with both and was on antibiotics. I have systemic Candida now and my kids probably will too. I want to have another baby but don’t want to have GBS again. . .

  7. Blanca Avatar

    Sorry to ask for specific explanation on the quiestion above !!! I also was wondering g if I could take Pure radiance C instead of the brand you recommend? I am asking because I am pregnant! Thank you so much!!!!

  8. Blanca Avatar

    Hi Kathy, I am 12 weeks pregnant and have a bacterial infection, it is not a GBS but I want to do your recommendation. I just have a few questions.
    Did you use plain organic yogurt vaginally to help balance bacteria? How did you applied it?

    Did you use the probiotic supplement vaginally at night or day?

    What time is it best to Consum the
    2 cloves of raw garlic each day?

    Did you used a garlic clove vaginally for one night or when do you recommend applying it?

    Thank you so much for taking the tame!!!!!

  9. Blanca Avatar

    Hi Katty, thank you for the information, I am 12 weeks pregnant and have a bacterial infection no a GBS. My doctor said I have blood in my urine and that’s a sign of bacterial infection. I do want to follow your advice. Do you think it could work even it is not GBS. Thank you!!!

  10. Lindsay Avatar

    Thank you for posting this regimen. I tested positive for Group B Strep at 35 weeks, started this regimen and was retested at 37 weeks. Today, at 38 weeks I got my retest results and was negative – wahooo!! I think the garlic glove halves are key, but I did it all just in case. Now, the only reason my OB agreed to retest me was bc I’m allergic to penicillin/amocicillin and they forgot to test the culture for clindamycin (an alternative antibiotic) sensitivity. Regardless of whether or not I retested negative they’re still go to treat me with an antibiotic at delivery just to be safe. With clindamycin, it has to be in your system for 8 hours prior to delivery to be affective, so I’m being induced at 39 weeks so long as the baby doesn’t come earlier.

  11. Suzanne Avatar

    They did not test for GBS 15 years ago, and they did not panic the moms like they do now. 25% of all women are GBS carriers and actively positive 24/7/365. This means that throughout history of all the pregnant women throughout time, 25% of them were GBS positive and gave birth being GBS positive.

    Dont let these scare tactics frighten you. The statistical probability of a GBS positive mother giving birth and having that child experience any negative effect due to the GBS is 0.00025% .

    Thats right its 0.00025% chance of anything negative happening due to GBS.

    If you want to put that into perspective if you and your newborn get into a car and drive for 30 minutes you have a 0.028% chance of being killed in a car crash (and thats in good weather mind you).

    So, do you still want to panic about a 0.00025% chance? Or are you and your baby never going to set foot into a car?

    1. Michael Avatar

      Do you have a source for that stat? A quick Google search has shown me it’s 1 in 200

  12. Kali Avatar

    I tested positive for Gbs with 1st babe and opted out of test w 2nd. Currently BFing. Everytime I have sex w hubby I get this horrible yeast like infection. Not yeast. Currently testing for gbs. Have been on 4 rounds of antibiotics for this issue. Has been occurring since feb. Do not use condoms. Eating 1-2 gloves of garlic a day. Probiotics. Kefir. If gbs could I be getting it from him? Is bfing contributing to problem? I’m like so sick of this…and I just cannot continue to take antibiotics. Ideas anyone??

  13. Karen Avatar

    I just tested positive for GBS at 37 weeks. I’ve been taking a probiotic since about week 33, eating homemade yogurt, and tried the garlic method twice. I’m so upset that I tested positive. I really do not want the antibiotics. Any feedback on whether it’s worth it for me to try to be tested again this week at 38 weeks? I plan to continue taking a probiotic. I wish I knew to start it at the beginning of pregnancy. Is it possible to just get once dose of the antibiotics and refuse additional doses depending on how long I’m at the hospital before delivery? Any thoughts are appreciated. Thank you!

  14. Emma Avatar

    Hi, how do you tie the garlic up in the gauze to make a tampon with it as suggested? I have the gauze but I’m not sure what sterile material to use to securely tie it together and make a string. I have followed the rest of the protocol but not managed to get rid of GBS so I need to do the garlic bit now as desperate to get rid of it. I’ve also been swallowing garlic capsules so I’ll try fresh garlic instead. I’m 36 weeks and at risk of premature labour so running out of time.

  15. Emma Avatar

    Thank you for the advise. I have tested GBS+ at 36weeks and have since been taking what you suggested, plus soaking a tampon in neem oil and tea tree and inserting it for 4 hours. I’ve also been taking 3x Turmeric capsules and colloidal silver. I asked the OB for another test today and she said even if I tested GBS- I should still get the antibiotics as it won’t be a zero risk.

    However, there never is a zero risk. Even if tested GBS- at 35weeks you may have it by 40 weeks. Antibiotics lower the risk considerably to 1 in 4,000 but she also mentioned that antibiotics have NO negative side-effects and I could kill my baby if I refused. She said that antibiotics do not weaken the immune system and there are no side-effects?!?! I will not be using this OB again. There are always risks with medication and we all know that antibiotics destroy good and bad bacteria. Seeing as 90% of our immune system is in our gut (made of good bacteria), if this is destroyed our immune system is lowered.

    Knowing all this. I’m still pretty scared to say no if it comes back GBS- now but my intuition tells me to refuse it. I can’t find figures anywhere stating how many babies got GBS diseases when there Mothers first tested positive and then negative. And OB could give me no figures about anything whatsoever.

    Most places i’ve seen say if the vaginal canal is clear of GBS then you should be OK.
    Confused Mama who wants the best for her baby!

  16. Sy Avatar

    Hi, I tested positive for GBS in both vagina and urine. Before taking antibiotics, I am going to get retested and this time try using mid-stream urine. I understand that GBS in urine could have been from vaginal contamination. I also understand that GBS can come and go – you may have it one week and not have it the next week – that is without doing anything at all. Nevertheless, the protocol suggested sounds promising and I will try the protocol and get retested closer to delivery time. Thank Katie!

    1. Chelsea Avatar

      I also had a positive test from my urine, and then when they tested my urine again 2 weeks later, it wasn’t there. I am absolutely going to start the natural protocol now and have been taking probiotics throughout the pregnancy, and have read that Lactobacillus rhamnosus was very effective against the populating of GBS bacteria. Please let me know how your birthing went and baby’s health.

  17. katrina Avatar

    They don’t test for GBS in the UK at all….and we don’t have babies dying all over the place from it!

  18. olive Avatar

    Wish I had known about this 7.5 years ago when I was on antibiotics during labor .. Now my son has several food allergies and an autoimmune disorder — I firmly believe the antibiotics caused this ! Please use preventive care ladies and give the remedies a try.

  19. Anna Avatar

    Thanks for your post it is really great!
    I’m 27 weeks now and was tested twice for GBS, first swab at 20 weeks no GBS but candida infection found only and at 25weeks GBS was found. I was advised on the antibiotics prior and during labour which I am happily going to go for, but I am also glad to come across this site and the natural remedy as I am willing to try anything I possibly can to lower the risk get my PH level back up or maybe even get rid of GBS fully just like an author posted this did so I can safe my little baby.
    I immediately got all the exact ingredients and products just as described above and wanted to double check with the midwife before using it just in case since all the products such as; Kambucha, Bio-Kult Probiotics, Garlic Capsules from Nature’s Bounty had instruction on To Consult Doctor if pregnant. Well, to my surprise the midwife happened to know nothing I mean absolutely nothing, that she even had to ask her other fellow midwifes who were no smarter than her so they were of no help at all as no one apparently even knew what Kambucha was. Finally a doctor appeared who said that non of the above is advisable and that the United Kingdom NHS disapproves of any self/home made remedies especially apple cider vaginal rinse and that none of the above is needed since I am going to have antibiotics during labour. Well I must admit It is shocking that midwives of UCLH hospital in London know nothing where is all over internet ACV is a recommended remedy for such infection.

    Despite their unhelpful comments I am going to try this protocol as I do not trust medics, and in recent years I notice more and more how little they care if not at all of what will happen to my baby once the delivery is done, should anything go wrong they will send me off to paediatric section to deal with and that’s all form their end, the less hassle the more time for them to have their lovely English tea time! Disgraceful!
    Since I have already started this treatment I have few questions to ask, can you please advise on how exactly to use the diluted Apple Cider Vinegar in what exact measurements, how often, can I use it for vaginal rinse internally (douche) and if it is not too dangerous for the baby?
    Also do you know if Green Tea Kambucha can be used in pregnancy? Now that I got it in both, form of a drink as well as a green tea I am not too sure as I read on another website that Kambucha should be avoided in pregnancy at all costs. Is it really so? Please advice on these questions as I am really in a need of your help.
    Your response would be greatly appreciated!
    Many Thanks, Anna

  20. Jeanine Avatar

    I just found out that I tested positive for GBS. I had read before that people were able to treat this naturally. However, my doctor said that I won’t be re-tested because I already tested positive. Of course, I would prefer to do without antibiotics but also want my baby to have the least risk possible of contracting this. I don’t see any harm in adding in the remedies I read in this article but I also don’t like that the doctor won’t re-test me. I believe adding this remedies in will also help us bounce back from the antibiotics as well. Any advice?

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      That is so tough. I would definitely recommend working with your doctor, especially that close to delivery. I personally did all the natural measures and would have anyway. I’d also just research and make sure you are comfortable with whatever you choose.

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