Supplements for Pregnancy & Nursing: What I Take

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I often get comments and questions asking about the supplements for pregnancy and while nursing that I take. I talk about the prenatal care options I choose in this post, but wanted to write about the specific pregnancy supplements I take.

Important Note

These are the supplements I chose to take after consulting with my doctor, thyroid specialist and midwife. I share these for informational purposes only and not in any way as a suggestion of medical advice. This post is strictly informational and should only serve as a starting point for a conversation between you and your medical provider about the best supplements for pregnancy in your specific case.

Why Supplements for Pregnancy?

Pregnancy and nursing are times of a woman’s life when it is important to be vigilant about getting enough nutrients to nourish her little one and supplements can be helpful. There are also some supplements that are important to avoid during pregnancy and nursing and any pregnant woman should work directly with her care provider to make sure she is taking the correct supplements for her body and pregnancy.

As someone who has quite a bit of experience being pregnant and nursing over the last decade, I’ve seen first hand how supplements can make a pregnancy (and delivery) easier!

Each woman’s dietary and nutrient needs will vary, but as a general rule, a nutrient-dense diet is the most important factor in her ability to get enough vitamins and minerals during pregnancy and supplements can’t take the place of a healthy diet and good lifestyle habits.

When I am pregnant, I focus on consuming the following:

  • Lots of high quality protein from high quality sources like grass-fed beef, free-range poultry and eggs, and wild, caught, sustainable seafood (smaller fish preferable). Organ meats from grass fed sources are also wonderful for pregnancy and nursing and can help reduce the chance of anemia.
  • Large amounts of vegetables, especially green ones! Green veggies have folate, which is important for fetal growth, and are also high in many other nutrients. They help prevent the constipation that can sometimes occur during pregnancy, and are great for making sure nursing moms are getting enough vitamins. During pregnancy, I live by the motto of “When in doubt, eat more veggies.”
  • Healthy Fats galore! Pregnancy and nursing are not times to skimp on healthy fats. Quality fats are absolutely vital for baby’s brain development, organ and tissue growth, and good milk production for mom. Sources like healthy meats, coconut oil and coconut products, olive oil, avocados, and nuts are especially good during pregnancy.
  • Other high nutrient foods like homemade bone broth, soups, fermented vegetables like homemade sauerkraut, fruit (especially berries) and green smoothies are also great for pregnancy and nursing.

Supplements for Pregnancy

Even with the most solid diet, it can be difficult to consume enough of the necessary nutrients for pregnancy, especially with our modern food supply. For this reason, I take certain specially selected supplements while I am pregnant or nursing:


The supplement folic acid is commonly recommended, but there is substantial difference between folic acid (the synthetic form) and folate (the natural form). This article explains the difference in detail. The dosage is also slightly different, and some sources recommend as much as 1200 mcg of folate per day for maximum benefit. This amount should include the amount in multivitamins and any additional folate supplement (be sure to check multivitamins, as many contain the synthetic form!). Folate is one supplement that has been extensively studied for use in pregnancy and is extremely effective at preventing neural tube defects. It is also very inexpensive and easy for every pregnant woman to take.

NOTE: People who have a MTHFR defect will need to consult with a specialized practitioner and will probably need to take L-5-MTHF which is the methylated form of folate. I explain more in this post.

Prenatal Multivitamin

There is some debate on if a full multivitamin prenatal is necessary during pregnancy or not. While I don’t routinely take a multivitamin, pregnancy and nursing is one time that I do. A deficiency in a vitamin or mineral won’t make a tremendous, immediate impact on an adult in most cases, but during the intensive developmental phases of pregnancy, a nutrient deficiency can have lasting consequences for baby.

A high quality prenatal is an “insurance policy” or sorts to guard against deficiencies but should accompany a high nutrient diet! Many prenatals contain iron, though this isn’t necessary if you are consuming red meat from healthy sources and organ meats. Just make sure it doesn’t contain folic acid (but folate or methyl folate). This is the brand I use.


Probiotics are critical, especially during pregnancy. During the birth process, babies culture their beneficial gut bacteria from what the receive from mom when passing through the birth canal and from nursing in the months afterward. Unfortunately, this process doesn’t happen in the same way with cesarean deliveries, but research is finding ways to help facilitate this process.

Quality probiotics (Probiotics) help ensure that baby will get a good dose of beneficial bacteria during a normal vaginal delivery, which can reduce risk of ear infection and illness in the first few years. Good gut health also has a tremendous impact on lifelong health, and this is one of the most important things you can do for your baby’s health. Probiotics also help mom avoid illness and constipation during pregnancy, and might reduce the risk of Group B strep. Since baby’s gut bacteria continues to culture during the nursing time, it is good for mom to continue to take probiotics during this time as well.

Vitamin D3

There is a lot of emerging research that Vitamin D can help reduce the risk of many pregnancy related complications including gestational diabetes. It is important for baby’s bone and hormone development and helps support mom’s immune system during pregnancy. Some research suggests that nursing babies may be able to obtain Vitamin D from the mother’s milk if mom is getting more than 5,000IU/day. I take 5,000 IU/day while pregnant or nursing, unless I’m able to get 30 minutes or more of midday sun.

When supplementing, I only take Vitamin D3 with K2 and I occasionally test blood levels of vitamin D to make sure my levels don’t get too high.


I take magnesium all the time, but find it especially helpful in pregnancy. Severe magnesium deficiency can lead to poor fetal growth, preeclampsia, or even fetal death. Proper magnesium levels also help mom’s tissue growth and recovery during pregnancy and may help baby receive more nutrition through the placenta. It is very difficult to get enough magnesium from food sources anymore, so I typically use magnesium oil on the skin, or an ionic supplement. As a general rule, I don’t exceed 500 mg from all sources unless advised by my doctor.

Coconut Oil

During pregnancy and nursing, I take several tablespoons of coconut oil and other healthy fats in smoothies or tea daily as a supplement in addition to cooking with it. It is naturally immune boosting, supportive of baby’s brain development, and contains many of the components of breast milk to support nursing as well.

Third Trimester Pregnancy Tea

In the third trimester, I add in Red Raspberry Leaf Pregnancy Tea (here’s the recipe). There is some limited research that Red Raspberry Leaf may increase the strength of contractions without increasing the pain and that it may shorten labor. While scientific studies are limited, there is an abundance of anecdotal evidence from women who swear that RRL helped shorten their labors or make it easier.

I personally mix RRL with with herbs and drink as a tea in third trimester because it is refreshing and an easy way to sneak in some extra nutrients since I’m already trying to consume more fluids.

Things I Avoid

Just as deficiency of some things can be dangerous during pregnancy, consumption or contact with other things can be harmful to a developing baby. In general, these are things I avoid during pregnancy (and all the time- not a complete list… do your own research):

Did you take supplements during pregnancy? Are you pregnant now? Share below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


399 responses to “Supplements for Pregnancy & Nursing: What I Take”

  1. Nureen A Avatar
    Nureen A

    Hi there! I absolutely love this post it’s been so helpful. Just a few question regarding optimal prenatal capsules I was really hoping you could help me with:
    Do you take the full 8 capsules per day? What are your thoughts on the level of b12 at 150mcg in the prenatal and riboflavin at 20mg (I am also supplementing with the optimal iron cofactors which contains another 5mg of riboflavin).

    Do you supplement with DHA? What are your thoughts of the optimal fish oil by seeking health? And the Probiotic 12?

    Thank you so much!

  2. Melissa Avatar

    I was researching the prenatal you suggested. It seems like most of the ingredients are synthetic. I thought that it is better to get the vitamins from plant based sources. When pregnant with my soon I used the Mega Food Prental because I thought it was good choice due to the source of the vitamins.

    Would you not recommend that brand vitamin? Why did you pick your choice over so many of the other natural ones on the market.


  3. Juliana Avatar

    Hi Wellness Mama!
    Your blog is just wonderful!
    I have a question about the fclo. Is the concern about the blood thinning property just regarding the fclo or any fish oil has this property?
    I only take omega 3 (dha epa) from fish oil, and Im wondering if I should stop it in the last 3 weeks of the pregnancy.

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I’d check with your midwife or doc on this since this is a somewhat case specific decision based on your history. I still took fish oil the last few weeks but just didn’t take as much.

  4. Emily Avatar

    Thanks for a great post! I’m planning to get pregnant in a few months and am deciding between your prenatal multi-vitamin recommendation and Mark Hyman’s (by Thorne). I’m not sure if I have the MTHFR mutation, but would prefer to be safe and take a multivitamin with folate (rather than folic acid). I’m wondering if you’ve considered the Thorne Brand prenatal vitamins in general, and specifically, what you think of the 250mg folate that’s in them? I don’t know if this is a more appropriate dose than what’s in the prenatal that you recommend? Also- I’ve read that recent studies have found a potential connection between excess folic acid/folate and autism. This may be entirely untrue (hopefully it is), but I’m wondering if you have any thoughts on the notion of too much folate/folic acid during pregnancy?

    Thanks so much,

  5. Karlee Avatar

    Hi, I noticed that the prenatal vitamin you mentioned doesn’t contain iron. Do you take an iron supplement while pregnant as well or use another source to get iron?
    Thank you!

  6. Tinna Avatar

    I have a question. Scheduled for IVF in April. Started taking multi vitamin and Folic acid. I have read reviews that choline is very crucial for brain health. Is it harmful to unborn baby to take choline supplements

  7. Melissa Deacon Avatar
    Melissa Deacon


    I am wondering why on the Seeking Health Prenatal Vitamins it has a California Prop 65? warning that says it causes birth defects. So what is with that?

  8. Christy Avatar

    Hi Katie! Is there a link you can send me to where the u speak of the quality as far as testing for heavy metals etc go for these prenatals you take? Also, What are your thoughts on that? Thank you!

  9. Sarah Avatar

    So interesting! Thank you for sharing. I just had my baby girl November 5th and this is almost the exact vitamin cocktail my doctor recommended at the beginning of my pregnancy. I had a wonderful pregnancy and first month of motherhood so I went searching for info about magnesium supplementation and the correlation to calm, happy babies and found your article! I’ve been preaching hard about magnesium, (specifically magnesium bisglysinate) every time someone talks about restless legs, constipation etc. I’ve noticed a huge difference in my restless legs since taking magnesium daily. I’m glad I found this article as a back up to my own experience thus far 🙂

  10. Kristi Avatar

    Hi, do you take an iron supplement while pregnant? It doesn’t look like the Seeking Health prenatal has iron?

  11. Antonia Avatar

    This is a great list! Thank you. I love your blog and your recipes.

    What do you think about supplementing with liver during pregnancy? I have read that it is a good source of amino acids and folate.


  12. Kayla Avatar

    Do you take the dosage the bottle says to take for the prenatal? I can barely remember to brush my teeth, let alone take 8 prenatal vitamins a day.
    Actually… How do you fit all of the self care and homemade products and home meals into your day (especially while pregnant and blogging and doing cloth diapers with all those kids)? Do you pay someone to do your laundry?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      I wish I paid someone to do my laundry! Least favorite household job for sure…. I took them at breakfast and lunch, 4 each time. Going to be writing a lot more about organization and how I structure my day, but short answer is I don’t do it well every day but I stick to a schedule most of the time and that helps a lot.

  13. Cannelle Avatar

    Hello, I wanted to start taking a good organic prenatal vitamins because we are trying to conceive. I started with My kind Organic Prenatal Once Daily with Nordic Naturals ultimate omega at bedtime for a week and I started to have terrible headaches in the morning. Did that happen to anyone? I was thinking of trying The Synergy company prenatal. Any feedbacks on these? Would love to have your opinion. Thank you 🙂

  14. Lisa Avatar

    I was wondering what your thoughts were on other non-pregnancy oriented supplements, and if they’d be safe to take? I’ve recently come across Hum Nutrition and was interested in some of theirs for helping my skin, etc. Of course the only answer you can find on their site is “consult your doctor” but I’m finding it to be the general consensus that doctors are not well versed in the area of supplementation or nutrition. I definitely don’t expect the ones in my area would be, they have a history of brushing you off with the most generic answer possible.

    These seem like they would be safe, but do you know if any of these specific herbs or ingredients should be avoided? These are the ones in particular that I was interested in (I am planning to start trying to get pregnant for the first time in about 3 weeks from now, and have already started taking the Rainbow one a day prenatal)

    Any advice here would be so helpful. Thank you 🙂

  15. Ruby Avatar

    Hi, should we take Calcium while pregnant? If so what amounts and brands are ideal. I’ve been taking Vitamin Code Raw Calcium. (a whole food plant formula w magnesium(386mg) which isn’t enough magnesium I’m now realizing, D3(1600Iu), K2 as MK-7(100mcg), calcium Naturally occuring from Algae(756mg))
    If I continue taking this how much of which magnesium should I get the rest of my daily amount for magnesium. I know you did list Ease above.

  16. Brooke Avatar

    Hi! I had a question about taking other vitamins along with prenatal.
    Back in Jan I had a miscarriage do to very low progesterone. I read an article that certain vitamins can help raise your progesterone such as Vitamins :C, B6, Magnesium. SO I started taking those along with the other vitamins I take such as folic acid, My prenatal, and vitamin D.

    1. ally Avatar

      Brooke- I’d steer clear of folic acid, even if you don’t have mthfr, it’s synthetic and high levels have been linked to cancer and can actually affect the developing fetus. Look into a prenatal with methylfolate instead.

  17. Flora Avatar

    hi wellness mama
    i am longtime reader.
    have 3 week old healthy baby yay!

    sadly i developed pre e and had to have some cytotek to induce at 38 weeks. homebirthed first baby years ago but i am 45. and at last minute my blissfully low risk pregnancy went pre-e. pretty sure my healthy habits kept me from earlier and worse outcomes thank g-d. and grateful baby seemed relatively unscathed since had very short labor and very limited interventions.

    do you have any suggestions for me post pre e?
    also on a more superficial note…suggestons for hanging on to glorious pregnancy hair?
    thanks very much for all you do

  18. Jaya Avatar

    I was concerned that the Optimal Prenatal vitamins didn’t have iron and also have a warning about lead from the California Prop. It actually has a warning label on it about birth defects. What do you think of Garden of Life Prenatals or even Megafood Baby and Me Prenatals? I took Garden of Life during my pregnancy and am looking to see if something is better now that I am breastfeeding. Thank you so much for your advice!

    1. Kristen Avatar

      I have the same question. I’m 37 weeks pregnant and have been taking Garden of Life Raw prenatal vitamins and have been very happy with them. I’m wondering if I should keep taking them post-partum or if there is something better that I could be taking. What additional/different nutrients are needed for nursing versus during pregnancy? Also, what would be your advice if we are hoping to become pregnant again before this baby is a year old? My oldest kids are just under 18 months apart and after a five-year gap, we are hoping to have another sibling set with similar spacing.

  19. Jennifer Avatar

    I’m 5 weeks pregnant and my nutritionist said to take an Omega-3 supplement that is specifically prenatal, made by Nordic Naturals.

  20. Sandra Avatar

    Hello Wellness Mother,
    I was wondering what DHA supplement you recommend since my prenatal so doesnt have it in it. I am currently taking rainbow light prenatal one.
    Thank you so much!

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