Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to use a menstrual cup for a healthier period
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period

Periods can be a big problem. But not for the reasons TV commercials try to convince us they are.

Sure, some women have uncomfortable and painful periods (see info on that at the bottom of this post), but there are some other big problems with the “norm” when it comes to periods. Mainly:

Risks of Tampons and Pads

Most feminine hygiene options like pads and tampons contain harmful chemicals and pesticides that aren’t good in general. While unhealthy, they are especially problematic for the delicate and highly vascular area like the vagina. With once a month use for all of a woman’s child-bearing years, the chemical exposure builds up!

There are also health concerns like Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) from tampons and any absorbative products.

Unhealthy for the Planet

Health ramifications aside, options like pads and tampons aren’t good for the planet. Each woman will use an estimated 16,000 pads or tampons in her lifetime. These products end up in landfills, taking years and years to break down.

Most also contain plastic, which isn’t good for humans, but is also pretty terrible for the environment too.

Let me guess, right now, you may be thinking that you are just one person and you only contribute a small number of pads or tampons to the landfills.

natural feminine hygiene solutions

But did you know:

Each year, more than 12 BILLION sanitary pads and 7 BILLION tampons are dumped into landfills?

An average woman menstruates for over 40 years, leaving hundreds of pounds of disposable products in landfills.

Natural Period & Tampon Alternatives (That Work Better)

Fortunately, there are some great, organic and green alternatives to toxic, plastic containing disposables now. Most women shell out $5-14 per cycle on disposable products, so these options can save a lot of money over time!

If you haven’t already, consider switching to one of these. Not only are they healthier… but all of these options work better and are more comfortable than traditional pads and tampons. Plus you’ll save money too! A win:win for sure! And if you’re just not a menstrual cup person you can try period underwear. 

Menstrual Cups

It took me a while to try these, but I’m so glad I did! Here’s my review of popular brands:

The Diva Cup

As you may gather from its name, the Diva Cup is a silicone cup that is inserted vaginally and it takes the place of tampons and pads during your period. There are two sizes, one for pre-childbearing years and one for after you’ve had a child (or two or three or six…).

Unlike tampons, there is no danger of Toxic Shock Syndrome with the Diva Cup (or any menstrual cup) and it is completely reusable. It can be boiled to sanitize or washed with drinking water. Many women also report that it is much more comfortable, and most only have to change it every 8-12 hours, which is more convenient.

Luna Cup

The Diva Cup was the original, but there are now dozens of great menstrual cup options. Recently I had to purchase another menstrual cup when I was traveling and forgot to pack my Diva Cup. I got this Luna Cup and I have to say I actually like it a little better than the Diva Cup.

I should also put in my personal plug for menstrual cups in general. I’ll admit, when I first found out about them, I thought they were odd and couldn’t imagine using one. Now, I can’t imagine not using one. I’ve worn them overnight, on international flights, while scuba diving, while hiking 20+ miles, and in many other unusual situations. I have never had a leak or a problem and it has never been uncomfortable. Really.

In fact, since my periods are pretty light, I only have to dump the cup once a day, which is super convenient. In many ways, I don’t even notice being on my period now as I can go from gym to swimming to bed without having to change anything.

The first couple of uses it does take a little getting used to, but after that, it really is easier. Give them a try if you haven’t already!

Tips for Using a Menstrual Cup

How to use a menstrual cup like the diva cupHere’s the cheat sheet I wish I’d had on how to use a menstrual cup without the learning curve:

  1. Fold it first. There are dozens of ways to fold a menstrual cup to make it easier to insert. I squeeze mine in half and then fold it into a “C” shape so it easily pops back open once inserted.
  2. Insert like a tampon. Insert the folded cup like a tampon, angling it to the back of the spine. Make sure it fully unfolds to create a light suction. This suction keeps it from leaking. Check this by running your finger along the side to make sure it has unfolded completely. Pull down slightly if needed to make it more comfortable.
  3. Learn how long. How long you can wear a cup depends on how heavy your cycle is. The good news is that many women find their cycles get lighter and easier when they start using a cup. Like I said, I can wear mine for 24 hours, but the average seems to be about 12.
  4. Remove, clean and reuse. Wash your hands really well and pull down on the stem of the menstrual cup to release it. Once you’ve pulled it down slightly, gently push on one side to release the suction and carefully remove. Empty into the toilet and wash well with warm water before reinserting.
  5. When in doubt, turn inside out. This is a tip I learned from my midwife. If it is uncomfortable or you have trouble with leaks, turn the cup inside out. It works like a charm, and is really comfortable this way. It is slightly harder to remove, so just use your pelvic floor muscles to gently push it down to remove it.

Cloth Menstrual Pads

If a menstrual cup is not your thing, there are also a lot of options for cloth menstrual pads. These are more comfortable than plastic based pads! They have a waterproof liner so they don’t leak through clothes and are washable so they are eco-friendly too.

My favorites are these handmade cloth menstrual pads from a local family-owned business  (they can ship them worldwide!). They’re handmade by busy midwives and are great cloth pads that have lasted me for years and years!

Organic Menstrual Pads

If the idea of a menstrual cup or cloth pads isn’t your thing, it is possible to find organic disposable tampons or disposable pads so you can at least avoid the chemicals in the conventional versions.

Sea Sponge Tampons

Another great completely natural option is Sea Sponge tampons. They work similarly to a Diva Cup and collect flow. When removed, they can be easily rinsed out a re-used. These are the ones I’ve tried. I personally found them less comfortable than cloth pads or a cup though.

Natural Period Pain Relief

Tylenol and other acetaminophen-based pain relief options are chemically based and emerging research is finding that they are toxic to your mitochondria (you need those little guys!). Luckily, there are a lot of natural options out that, and you can also address the underlying problem and not just mask the pain.

  • Vitex – A fertility aid that also helps ease menstrual cramps by balancing hormones. It is also used by herbalists for increasing fertility, though it should be discontinued when a woman becomes pregnant. When not pregnant, it can be taken daily in capsule form or tincture form. For a full explanation of vitex and its benefits, see this post.
  • Red Clover – Another herb that is supportive of menstrual health and function. It has been known to ease endometriosis and PCOS and is helpful for cramps. It should also be discontinued when a woman becomes pregnant. When not pregnant, it can be taken daily. I’ve tried this brand.
  • Progesterone Cream – A natural progesterone cream is perhaps the best remedy, long-term for many menstrual problems. I’ve had many clients conceive by adding progesterone to their regimen, and it also helps ease cramps. Many menstrual problems can be caused or exacerbated by too much estrogen in the body, and progesterone helps balance it out. If used, it should only be used in the second half of the cycle (ovulation until start of the period) and applied to the skin of fatty areas of the body like the thighs, buttocks, stomach, breasts and upper arms. I’ve used this brand in the past but recently switched to this one on Dr. Anna Cabeca’s recommendation in this podcast.
  • Magnesium – Taking magnesium regularly may also really help ease cramps (and there are a lot of other benefits to taking magnesium too!) My favorite brand by far is this time-release formula. Read more about magnesium in this post.
  • Homeopathy – Our medical reviewer Dr. Madiha recommends a homeopathic product called Cyclease and uses it herself. If you’re curious, I wrote a whole post about homeopathetic remedies here.

This article was medically reviewed by Madiha Saeed, MD, a board certified family physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Betsy Greenleaf, an ON/GYN and board certified urogynecologist. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Do you have any natural tips for dealing with feminine health? Ever used any of the suggestions above? Please let me know below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


262 responses to “Menstrual Cup: How to Use One for a Healthy, Eco-Friendly Period”

  1. colleen Avatar

    I have the Keeper, which is very similar to the Diva cup, but made of natural rubber. I have tried the Diva cup before, but felt it was too uncomfortable. I am on my second one.. and they last for 10 years which is amazing. I am always telling woman about the Keeper, and always amazing how many girls out there have never tried it.. its totally worth it.. If i remember, at first it was uncomfortable (for maybe a day or so) but then it was fine and has been for years since.

  2. Kai Avatar

    I make my own cloth pads. Black cotton. Never understood all the fancy girly designs when they’re just gonna get bled all over. Can’t stand having anything up there, so a cup would be as out of the question as tampons. I was using Always Infinity pads for a couple years, super-comfortable compared to anything else I’d used at that point, but that foam stuff can’t be healthy. Cloth pads just feel like I’m wearing panties.

  3. Jaci Avatar

    I’ve been using cloth pads for a while now, and it’s way cheaper and you can make them yourself. It’s A LOT easier to keep them in your purse or backpack for when you need to change them, since they kind of look like a small make-up pack.

  4. KATE Avatar

    I find washing with a natural …. no chem soap keeps my lady bits healthy and odour free.

  5. Tiffany Avatar

    Personally I use a MeLuna Cup (German manufacturing) and consider this to be the most sensible buy I have made in …. FOREVER! I love it. And what is awesome about MeLuna is the number of sizes, the 3 flexibility levels and all the colours and shapes of the products – so happy with mine, and so much info on the website as to how to choose which one you need!
    Love your blog Katie! xxx

  6. Katy Avatar

    I loved some of the great new ideas in the comments and your article, Katie. I’ve been struggling with dealing with horrible PMS and cramps for a few years now. I didn’t have a chance to read through all the comments so I hope I’m not repeating anything: The Fermented Cod Liver oil capsules you had under sun protection have done wonders for my PMS. The magnesium oil definitely put a dent in my cramps. The most recent (and currently affective) thing I’ve been doing to deal with cramps has been stretches I start about five days before I start my period. I look forward to trying some more natural tampon/pad options! Thanks!

  7. Corinna Avatar

    Hi, I love your articles!
    Just one thing. Progesterone cream should not be rubbed into the fatty areas – it’s the opposite. It should be rubbed where there isn’t any fat: neck, front forearms, face etc. because if you rub it into the fatty areas your fat absorbs it and it doesn’t get into your bloodstream etc. to help you quickly.
    Thank you!

  8. Jessica Avatar

    There is another cup called softcup. I have not tried Diva cup, but softcup seems very similar to it. I love the softcup You can purchase reusable ones, but they also have disposable ones. It is also relatively cheap. I get headaches from all tampons and most pads. After having children, it had gotten much worse with my doctors having no idea or solution for it. I normally resorted to sitting in a bathtub until I felt well enough to put a pad back on. I haven’t had any trouble since switching to softcup.

  9. melanie Avatar

    Im a two time mommy and love the cups. very easy to use and convenient. I suffer from vulvodynia so the chemicals in traditional options cause quite a bit of pain. ive also begun making my own pads now too. liners because after kids a sneeze leads to a bit of urine.

    good luck ladies!!!

  10. francesca Avatar

    I use the diva cup, i love it! Its an investment when you first buy it cause a box of tampons runs like 3.99 but in the long run you save money and the earth! It was tricky at first i had a little leaking cause I didnt insert it properly and it took forever to figure out the right way to bend it and what not but now its a breeze! I never feel it.

  11. Jenn Avatar

    I’m so jealous of everyone having so much success with the diva cup. Has anyone had problems leaking? I fill up and overflow my cup within an hour or two at the beginning I my period. I gave up after a few cycles because it was causing so many messes. Is this totally abnormal?

  12. Mitzi Avatar

    Hey Katie,

    I was wondering if you could please tell me your opinion on douching. My gynecologists recommends against it. But I just read a brief passage in Rosemary Gladstars herbal recipes for a douching recipe. Is this something safe for the natural ph of your body? Or is this something that will disturb my natural balance?

  13. Brooke Avatar

    I’ve been using a diva cup for almost a year now and I fricken love it! I will never use anything else ever again. It takes some getting used to as far as making sure it seals to prevent leakage, so be prepared for a bit of a learning curve. Once you’ve got it down you’ll never want anything else.
    I find that red raspberry leaf tea can make my cramps go away before I even finish my cup of tea! I love that stuff. It’s great with some raw honey stirred in. Mmm so good!

  14. NancyLu Avatar

    This is a great forum & I am looking forward to trying out my new eco-friendly lady business equipment. Any suggesttions on cleaning the DivaCup without the commercial wash would be appreciated–AVC & water, maybe? I used the Instead cup years ago but had leakage problems; the DivaCup looks like a much better design.

    I am lucky enough to work for an organic herb. tea, spice, & EO company here in Oregon & have been taking the Vitex capsules we sell for several months. I go 3 weeks, then take a break for 1 week. It has helped with my cramps & more importantly w/ PMS mood swings. My husband makes the caps for me w/ a simple machine to be sure that I don’t run out! Also I can recommend cramp bark tincture, which tastes awful on its own but if you put it in some water it’s better. I made my own & threw some raspberry leaf in as well.
    It is ridiculously easy. I still have to take NSAIDs for cramps, but I take maybe 1/3 to 1/4 of the amount I did previously. I’m hoping the DivaCup & cloth pads will help reduce that even more. Thanks for all your input, ladies!

  15. Alyssa Avatar

    I’m a teenager and I’m looking for a better option that disposables, but I do have some questions about the cups. Since the diva cup is made from silicone, is there a risk of it making its way into the bloodstream or body? Is there really no risk for infections with it? Also I’m a virgin (sorry if that’s TMI) but I’m wondering if this may be uncomfortable because there is only two sizes? I’m really hoping that I might be able to use a cup.

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I know several women who are virgins and who use them without discomfort. Silicon is generally considered safe, especially when not heated to high temperatures and is definitely less of a risk of introducing toxins than the chemicals in tampons.

      1. Alyssa Avatar

        thank you! 🙂 do you think they are safer then pads though, because pads are outside of your body?

  16. Yuti Avatar

    This news of having other alternatives to sanitary pads and tampons is really great ! Especially for us ladies residing in Africa cos we also struggle on spending money every month. I can’t wait to try the diva cup although is it safe for women with UIDS? If no, what option can anyone recommend please ? I will be grateful if I get a response.
    Also, my mom has been having this irregular menopause as it disappears for 3 months and returns for like 2weeks with a big Bang! ;she said the doctors have tried everything they can to ease the pain and am scared for her. Is it okay if she tries the progesterone cream. (Am hoping to order online from amazon soon ) or is there something else that she can use. Thank you

    1. Yuti Avatar

      Hi Katie and everyone,
      It gives me great joy to let you know that after my post, i made a research those if the cups were available in Africa and not only that, I browse and saw that it just became more popular with the last 2 years. Story short, I ordered for my large cup based on the calculation and post birth through C-section, got it this weekend and started using it on Monday. I can tell you that for the first time I slept like a baby, no fuss, no mess, and NO MESS! I was quite nervous at first but I can’t wait to tell my sisters. It really shocked me that these cups have been here (on earth I mean ) for decades and we here in Nigeria haven’t heard about it. Thanks to this blog for such an awareness. Bless you all.

  17. Donnisha Avatar

    Can I add the red clover to a tea containing alfalfa, red raspberry, and mint? What about outages?

  18. Jennifer Walsh Avatar
    Jennifer Walsh

    I have tried the Diva Cup and I LOVE it! It’s the best menstrual product and I hope to never need to use anything else. It took a good 2 cycles to practice getting the positioning down right and it was definitely frustrating at first. I almost gave up and swore it off, but just then I finally figured it out. If you’re having trouble getting it to seal and open up properly, make a modified “c” shape rather than what it tells you to do in the directions. Just fold in the lip slightly, rather than rolling it up into a full C shape. When you insert it, start to turn it slightly and it should just “pop” into place. Once you have that happen once or twice you’ll think, “Oh that’s it.”

    When I was younger, I used cloth pads for years. However I currently have to use a laundromat so this is a little more complicated now. And living in FL, nothing hand washed ever dries unless you give it like 3 days.

  19. Jennifer Walsh Avatar
    Jennifer Walsh

    I just recently purchased a pretty decent brand of progesterone cream from my local natural foods store. I have seen you mention several times throughout your blog that it should be applied to fatty areas of the body. However, in these directions, it says to avoid fatty areas and apply to areas where the capillaries are close the skin – for example areas where you blush easily. I think this is supposed to guarantee more efficient absorption. However this seems confusing to me too because progesterone is stored in the fat – so you would want to put it directly to the “source” it’s going to, if that makes sense. Have you heard of this before?

  20. Serenity Frantzen Avatar
    Serenity Frantzen

    I have 8 children. I have used the diva cup. Never again. Even after placing properly…um…If you cough or sneeze the cup can tip. What an awful mess.

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