What to Do About Intestinal Parasites

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » What to Do About Intestinal Parasites

You’ve probably heard horror stories of 3-foot tapeworms camping out in someone’s gut. Most parasites though are so small they can only be seen with a microscope! Millions (if not billions!) of people around the world have parasites. Many don’t even know it.

Intestinal Parasites

There’s a very good chance you have yeast overgrowth or intestinal worms. The CDC estimates over 60 million in the US are chronically infected with toxoplasmosis. And at least 14% of us have been exposed to toxocariasis. And that’s just in a developed country.

Countries with poor sanitation and poor hygiene due to economic factors are even more likely to have issues. The World Health Organization estimates over 700,000 people worldwide die each year from parasites and vector-borne pathogens. The prevalence of parasitic diseases is likely much higher than estimates.

Our bodies are literally crawling with hundreds of strains of yeasts and bacteria. The digestive tract alone holds more than three pounds of bacteria. We need them in the right balance for good digestion and nutrient absorption in the intestinal tract. Probiotics are the good guys and have a huge impact on our health.

Out of Balance

When the good bacteria get out of balance, problems begin. There are many risk factors including diet, certain medications, stress, contact with infected sources, and others. Our bodies also host naturally occurring yeasts. When we have an overgrowth this can have a big impact on health (and not in a good way). While vaginal yeast infections may sound familiar, they’re usually a sign of a much larger infection.

The most disturbing invaders to our bodies, in my opinion, are parasites. Sadly, most people carry these guys around too. Studies have found that most people, especially those with chronic diseases and cancer, are host to at least one kind of parasite.

Parasites can range from tiny ones only seen by a microscope to long tapeworms (several feet long). A tapeworm can live for 30+ years and parasite infections can last for years!

Different Types of Parasites

We don’t really want to think about the creepy crawlies in our gastrointestinal tract. But it’s important to know what we’re dealing with here. With the high prevalence of intestinal parasites, there are a whole range of different types. Common intestinal parasites include:

  • Whipworms – Nearly 800 million worldwide have whipworms. They hang out in the large intestine and are a type of helminth infection. It’s transmitted by fecal contaminated soil and contaminated food grown in that soil. Lighter infections don’t even have symptoms.
  • Tapeworm infection – Tapeworms can cause intestinal parasitic infections but they can also travel to other parts of the body. Young tapeworms form cysts and can live in other organs, including the brain, liver, spine, and heart.
  • Roundworms – The larvae can infect various body tissues. Ascariasis is also a type of roundworm. Mature worms like living in the gastrointestinal tract, blood, and lymphatic system.
  • Pinworms – These are the most common intestinal worm infection in the US. The females lay thousands of eggs while their host is asleep. This can cause intense itching on the anus and restless sleep. The microscopic eggs are most commonly spread between young children. It’s important to regularly wash all sheets, pajamas, and underwear. You’ll also want to treat the whole family if one of you has it.
  • Hookworm Infection – Along with Ascaris, hookworms are a helminth parasite. They live in the small intestine and attach to the intestinal wall and cause blood loss. Many infected people don’t have symptoms.
  • Entamoeba histolytica – The CDC estimates only 10-20% of people with E. Histolytica show symptoms. It’s more common in tropical regions or you can pick it up by visiting one. Those living in unsanitary conditions or men in homosexual relationships are also at risk.
  • Protozoan – Protozoa infections, like giardia and giardia lamblia, are microscopic. They infect the blood and can be transmitted from one person to another through mosquito or bug bites. They can also infect the human intestinal tract and be transmitted through feces.
  • Cryptosporidium – Aka crypto, this parasite is one of the most common waterborne diseases in the US. You can get it from the ingestion of contaminated food or water, including while swimming. It can cause symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss. Not everyone who is infected has symptoms, but they can still pass it to others for about 2 months after infection. Those with a weakened immune system are most at risk for serious symptoms.

How Do We Get Parasites?

Parasites can enter the body in a variety of ways, depending on the type. You can get it through contact with contaminated soil, eating raw or undercooked meats, or even from bug bites. If you’re traveling to a developing country or drink contaminated water you’re also at risk. Because some parasites are microscopic and live on surfaces for several weeks, they’re easy to spread.

Treating parasites is a 3 step process. First, we have to kill the invaders, then they (and the toxins they create) need to be flushed from the body. Finally, we need to support the body in healing and regenerating itself.

How to Tell If You Have Parasites

There are many symptoms directly or indirectly associated with parasites. If you have several of these symptoms, there’s a good chance you have an infestation. Remember that some parasites don’t even cause symptoms though!

Symptoms of Parasites

  • Lowered immune system and constant illness
  • Rectal itching, especially at night
  • Digestive problems like bloating, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, or nausea
  • Bloating and gas
  • Tired all the time
  • Floaters or spots in the eyes
  • Trouble sleeping and teeth grinding at night
  • Anemia
  • Asthma
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Psoriasis or eczema
  • Extreme hunger
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Plus many more…

If left untreated, Candida, yeast, and parasite overgrowth have been linked to a plethora of chronic conditions. Yeast and Parasites are often found in people with the following conditions:

  • Infertility or permanent fertility damage
  • Cancer
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Malnutrition
  • Vitamin Deficiencies
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Kidney Stones
  • Chron’s Disease
  • Skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Digestive problems of all kinds

Conventional Parasite Treatments

Typically your healthcare provider will order a stool test. Stool samples that don’t contain live, visible parasites are considered negative. PCR tests though can detect dead or dormant parasites. If someone tests positive they can be prescribed anti-parasitic drugs.

Natural Remedies for Intestinal Parasites

The good news is there are effective natural treatments to help the body kill and remove parasites. If you suspect that you have an issue, you might consider some of the treatments below.

Change What You Eat

Since parasites thrive in a weakened immune system, eating healthy is one of our best defenses. Lots of sugar depresses our immune system and causes microbe imbalances. I recommend getting rid of all processed sugar and even reducing natural sugars. Sources like honey and high-sugar fruits can still cause problems during an active infection.

Some natural stevia is ok once in a while, but avoid anything that gives the body a sugar source and feeds yeast or parasites. Also, consider skipping dairy to give your body a boost. Eating healthy whole foods is a must!

Sweat it Out

As your body kills off parasites, their toxic by-products must be removed from the body. Some of these (like heavy metals) are best removed through the sweat glands. Work up a sweat by exercising, using the sauna, or even working in the garden! Taking cayenne is another good way to kick up the heat.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

This naturally occurring substance has an amazing ability to kill parasites and parasite eggs. It’s naturally high in the silica we need for hair, skin, and nail growth. Plus it has trace minerals and can help restore body tissue and improve digestion.

I start with 1 tsp a day in 8 ounces of water and work up to 1-2 Tablespoons a day. Be sure to only use food-grade DE. Taking DE may also cause a Herxheimer reaction (see more below).

Apple Cider Vinegar

What can’t apple cider vinegar do? It may help lower blood sugar, improves digestion, and kills harmful pathogens. It helps the body detox for clearer skin and a healthier body. While it won’t kill parasites on its own, it strengthens the body’s defenses against pathogens.

ACV is strong on its own so be sure to take it in water. I start with 1 teaspoon up to 3 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal. You can increase up to a Tablespoon at a time.


Probiotics help restore the helpful gut bacteria that are wiped out by parasites (or antibiotics or hormonal birth control). We need these good bugs for a healthy gut. I include lots of fermented foods in my diet, and I also like this probiotic supplement. Just don’t take them within an hour of ACV or diatomaceous earth though!

Herbs and Spices

Garlic is a powerhouse when it comes to pathogens and parasites. You can include minced raw garlic cloves liberally in your diet.

Cinnamon is another natural remedy for parasites. You can use ½ teaspoon of high-quality cinnamon powder in water, kefir, or coconut milk yogurt up to three times a day.

Anti-parasitic essential oils include clove, eucalyptus, fennel, and white camphor. These are great to diffuse or can be diluted and used topically. Consult with a qualified aromatherapist before using any essential oils internally.

Herbs commonly used for parasites include andrographis and a blend of clove, wormwood, and black walnut hull. You can also use digestion and immune boosting herbs to strengthen your body’s natural defenses. Be sure to do your research before trying any new herbal regimen!

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant and great for immune support. It’s also helpful for parasite infections. If you have parasite symptoms you can use 5 grams of vitamin C per day spread out in 2-3 doses. Too much can cause loose stools so you can adjust the dose down if needed.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural, mild anti-fungal, and very nourishing to the body. If you’re not already using it in your cooking, it also tastes great blended into coffee or tea. You can add several tablespoons a day for healthy fats and to support healthy bowel movements as you’re eliminating toxins. Personally, I don’t use coconut oil as much anymore and mainly use olive oil.

Herxheimer’s Reaction

Sometimes getting rid of parasites can be uncomfortable. Herxheimer’s reaction, named after the German doctor who discovered it, is basically a die-off reaction. Trying to treat parasites and infections quickly or with potent remedies can cause a Herx reaction.

It’s best to be on an anti-yeast/parasite diet for several weeks before even starting supplements, This can help minimize reactions. You can start with small doses of apple cider vinegar and diatomaceous earth. Work your way up to help keep the die-off symptoms at bay.

You may even find that you “catch a cold” a week or so after starting to treat your yeast and parasite symptoms. This is actually a mild Herxheimer reaction. Backing down supplements and drinking more water should help it pass quickly.

Other Important Notes on Intestinal Parasites

Removing parasites is a difficult job for your body. It’s important to support your body during the process. Regular exercise, a good diet, adequate sleep, and limiting exposure to toxins all help!

Epsom salt baths are another excellent way to help detox through the skin. I like to use 1/2 cup of Epsom salts in hot bath water or try one of these detox bath recipes.

Be sure to drink plenty of water to flush out die-off toxins faster. And of course, plenty of sleep gives the body enough time to regenerate and heal. I aim for at least 9 hours a night. It’s also very important to skip the sugar and refined carbs as these make the process much slower. Raw vegetables and healthy fiber sources help keep your energy levels up and clean the body faster.

You may also want to try this wellness challenge that has tips and recipes for ditching the grains and sugar.

Do you suspect you may have parasites? What are you doing to address them? Leave a comment and let me know!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


446 responses to “What to Do About Intestinal Parasites”

  1. Emily Avatar

    I forgot to also comment: Dr Teich also recommends stevia (even back in the 90s) as studies show it kills candida. Newer clinical trials are showing that stevia is more effective in eliminating lyme disease bacteria, too.

  2. Emily Avatar

    I disagree with the statement that apple cider vinegar helps combat candida. Back in 1997 I was diagnosed with systemic candida by Dr Morton Teich (an environmental dr affiliated with Mt Sinai hospital, who specializes I hormones, envionemental chemicals/allegies, & candida). He recommended not to take apple cider vinegar as it can promote certain kinds of pathogen yeasts. Fast forward to last year, & I started the GAPS diet. I added apple cider vinegar to my water daily for an extra boost…. after about 8 months of being on it though I started getting sicker (not herxheimer- I know all too well what that feels like when killing of Lymes disease & candida since I was young). I started getting consistent yeast infections, trouble walking I was so weak, moody, & thrush. All while earlier that year I did not have those symptoms. When I cut out the apple cider vinegar again (after I got in touch again with Dr Teich, & he reminded me that apple cider vinegar can promote fungal infections in certain people), the symptoms went completely away. Kombuha & kefir is also not recommended for people with systemic candida issues, but other fermented food is fine.

  3. Debbie Avatar

    Hi I am a 24 year old girl. I have been experiencing stomach issues dating back to about 5 months ago. It first started out rare and would only happen once in a while where I would find my self feeling (almost like) gut rot after eating something, I would also feel my body get really hot and shaky before having a bowel movement. I then started to put two and two together thinking that it had something to do with certain foods I was eating. It then got really bad about a month or two ago where I was, almost constantly, having an uneasy feeling in my stomach and very frequent bowl movements(normal or not), to the point where I would be fearful of leaving my house in case the feeling would come back. This feeling of nausea(without vomiting) and gut rot seemed to now not only be after I have eaten something but at random spots throughout the day. I find the symptoms to occur at extremely random times that I fear doing anything in case they were to come back, which I feel my fear/worrying definitely adds to my uneasy stomach, sometimes possibly causing it to happen. I constantly feel the need to be near and aware of where the restrooms are at all times. I seem to have good and bad days but with the sense of a mild uneasy stomach always been present.

  4. holly wilkinson Avatar
    holly wilkinson

    there are quite a few suggestions for remedies to get rid of yeast or parasites on this article. i am pregnant and wondering which one if any would be best or most effective

  5. Evie Avatar

    Thanks for all the great advice WM! I have suffered from depression for the past 25 years and now I wonder how many of my symptoms could be related to parasites…..I recently began noticing a lot of brain fog, lethargy and horrible digestive issues. I just thought these were due to my depression. To combat acid reflux, I take a shot of ACV first thing in the a.m. and anytime I get acid indigestion. After doing some reading, I began taking lemon juice concentrate in some water a few times a day. I also started oil pulling with coconut oil. Yesterday I swallowed about 3 tablespoons of coconut oil and went about my day. 3 hours later I was so lethargic and dizzy I had to lay down for a few hours. I took a probiotic before bed last night……This morning I was surprised to find a LARGE amount of parasites in my stool. So now I am heading towards a full parasite treatment using lemon juice, ACV, probiotics and cayenne pepper. Thank you so much for your forum and all of those who have contributed. I am sure that I have been an unwilling host for many years . I will continue to treat naturally and definitely get my wife on a treatment also. She has many similar symptoms….

  6. Dominik Avatar

    Is it safe to drink apple cider vinegar without diluting it in water? I was told to dilute with a 1-10 ratio with water.

  7. E. Lawson Avatar
    E. Lawson

    Hope all is well. My husband, myself and 2 year daughter have been living with Morgellons for 2 months now. We contracted sadly on my bday when a elderly family friend dropped by to give me a birthday gift…Oh boy..what a gift did I receive. She became very ill, vomiting, diarhea and stayed in my home all day. About 3 weeks later my daughter had large hive like bumbs on both arms..I took her to doctor who diagnosed her with scabies. We all have taken several dosages of premethrin and irvemectin, as well as sklice for the hair…nothing has worked. The family friend finally confessed that since last April she’s been dealing with some sort of parasitic infestation in her body. Are you familiar with Morgellons? Can anyone please please help my two year old. I am so worried. Thank you

    1. Tiffany Avatar

      If it is scabies tea tree oil topically used is effective, also suffocating mites by covering surface of skin in sulfur paste, and lastly my brother used a colliodal silver cream to treat and rid scabies. I personally would do further research as far as dosages for a two year old, but I have heard of all three effectively getting rid of scabies.
      Praying for health and wholeness over your daughter and family!

    2. Julie Avatar

      From what I’ve read the consensus seems to be indicating a yeast/fungus cause for morgellons–and topical spray of witch hazel with coconut oil (20:1) can be very healing–shake thoroughly with each spray. Enzyme cleaners and oil of oregano and all other anti-fungals seem to help

  8. Pamela Avatar

    What an informative article on parasites and how to get rid of them. I had a sinus life procedure in preparation for dental implants. I got sick with pus in sinus and terrible smells afterwards. I was put on 4 or 5 different antibiotics which did not help. I still have a sinus infection, congestion etc. a year later. I am diagnosed with chronic maxillary sinusitis. Do you have any suggestions? I have been taking a probiotic to build up good bacteria.

    1. Ana Avatar

      You might try using Calendula Officinalis, a member of marigold/daisy family. Can buy petals online, & make an infusion with olive oil. Some may sell it premade online; I just preferred to make my own. Had sinus problems myself all my life, recently got another one (first in a long time). Did not want to go same route of antibiotics that don’t help anyway. So since Calendula can be used topically as well as internally, I thought, why not use a dropper to use in my nostrils, & get it right into/near those sinus cavities. Tilt my head back as I’m doing it, but if a little dribbles out later, I usually just rub it on my face, as it’s great for clearing up acne with its anti-bacterial & anti-viral properties. Doing much better. Never had to see the doc. Good luck. Chronic sinusitis is no fun.

  9. Peter Avatar

    Hi Wellness Mama!

    I was wondering if you could help me. I have genital psoriasis which consists of scalp, armpits, elbows, knees, anus and testicles. Not the nicest thing to have! Could you advise on what diet is best? Do you think there are bugs in my belly too? Genital psoriasis isnt like normal psoriasis which covers the whole body so I was just wondering if you had any insight on it?

    Many thanks


  10. Deb Avatar

    Hi again, WORMLESS can be taken by children and dogs. My dogs got rid of worms that dog wormer from vet had not touched! Also it clears the whole body of parasites not just the gut. From what I have read testing seems to be a waste of time and money because it doesn’t always show the parasites to be there, when they actually are. Most people have them, best to accept that and deal with them.

  11. Agnes Avatar

    Hey Katie (or other readers), do you know of any natural health specialists who can help with parasites in children? My 21 month old daughter just had a parasite discovered – Dientamoeba that I’ve never heard of. The stuff I’ve read about it is not pleasant and everywhere I’ve been reading, it is extremely difficult to get rid of. There have to be natural solutions, I believe God has created solutions for all our issues but finding them is the tricky part. Any and all ideas would be so welcome, I am feeling really down about this whole issue.

  12. sharon Avatar

    My mother is concerned that my son ay have parasites because he does no sleep well and is constantly jittery while sitting. I feel he is just a typical 5 year old, but out of curiosity I have been researching. I asked a doctor about the parasites but she said we live in America and parasite typically happen in third world countries. I was skeptical because she was a young doctor and may have no experience yet in this area. How do I get my son tested? Also how can you best help children when they are exposed to school foods or birthday parties when you are not around them when they are eating? what small steps can e taken?

  13. Deb Avatar

    Our family of four have had various health issues, including IBS, candida, migraine, amine sensitivity. We changed our diet, doing specific carbohydrate for over two years. We drink ACV (table spoon) in water with our main meal. This has all helped. My husband became ill though, feeling sick when he ate, constant headache. He had blood tests, he had cat scan all clear. Through researching his symptoms I believed it was probably parasites. I came across Herbactive and read what herbalist Alan Hopking said about parasites, it is very informative. We bought some ‘wormless’ from him. It has been working. It takes about a month to take full course. Even if you don’t buy his tonic the information and advice is helpful. There is info about parasites lyme coinfestations on his site if you Google ‘general inflammation herbactive’ you should find it. Of course there is all sorts on the site if you can find your way around it. I find it easier to Google subject followed by herbactive and it will lead me to relevant page. Hope this can help. My husband is not suffering with headache or nausea now.

  14. Ruby Avatar

    Hi Katie!

    Can diatomaceous-earth be taken while nursing? If so, would it be the same dosage?


  15. Lori Avatar

    A few weeks ago I was experiencing vaginal discomfort, swelling, and a small amount of green discharge. I immediately went to the doctor where he prescribed me antibiotics for a mid-life vaginal infection caused by a thinning of the vaginal wall. He did not examine me.

    I finished all the medication, and here I am two weeks later with the same symptoms plus a painfully swollen belly. I am also on multiple medications to treat severe concussion, COPD, and hypothyroid. I often suffer from thrush, and occasional yeast infections.

    I am afraid to just started arbitrarily sticking things up there hoping they will heal me. I trust you Wellness Mama. Please tell me about your suspicions, and how to safely treat the cause of my symptoms.

    1. Rachel Avatar

      Hi Lori,

      In my recent research (as I too just realized I have oral thrush..it is mild but I’m hoping it doesn’t get any worse!), I would bet you have candida overgrowth. There’s so much info out there, though, so do your own research of course, but that is what it sounds like. You have nearly all the precursors/symptoms I’ve read (antibiotics, various yeast infections) and it sounds like your body is crying out for probiotics and healing.

      The best thing you can do that will benefit you even if you have other issues that aren’t candida is to change your diet. Cut sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, basically stick to well-sourced (organic, pastured) animal proteins, organic veggies, healthy oils (not fake veggie oil, real EVOO, coconut oil, etc.) and do so for a long time. I would also suggest taking a high-quality probiotic, and looking more into candida and what else you can do to remedy it. If it’s more severe, you may also have to take an antifungal (Google this).

      I have a candida overgrowth right now and am working on flushing it out. I think I got it from too much sugar and a period where I was consuming much more alcohol than I should have been. I also was going through a lot of stress and that’s when it manifested. SO relaxing and finding ways to minimize or deal with stress is very important too.

      I am doing all the above things. Read thoroughly though from many sources before you dive into something. The diet I mentioned above is presumably safe because honestly, it’s the way we “should” all be eating (in an ideal world huh!).

      If you’re having all these more severe manifestations of candida: thrush, yeast infections, etc, it sounds like it’s time for you to find a naturopath to go to who may have more understanding of candida. It is not normal to have thrush, so suffering from it “often” is not good! Also occasional yeast infections. I haven’t had a yeast infection even though I know I have candida overgrowth now, so if that helps you consider that your situation might be a bit more severe. I know this might be stressful/scary/overwhelming. I feel that way thinking I have something “wrong” with me. But I’m trying to think of this as a new beginning and finding healing! In some ways, it is exciting to claim our health and start to make changes to feeling better.

      It is frustrating/disappointing/upsetting when you go to a doctor to get well, and the very thing that is causing or exacerbating your yeast infections is what they give you to cure them (antibiotics). Antibiotics are known for stripping our guts of healthy bacteria, which can lead to all the symptoms you’re expressing. So if you are not replenishing your gut with probiotics, it will just get worse.

      Anyway, I know this is a few months after your post, but hopefully you see this and it offers you some kind of solace, with some action items in there as well! Best of luck

      Take care.

  16. Patricia Avatar

    I have a sour taste in my mouth most of the time and my tongue has a white coating on it. Does anyone else have this problem and can tell me what it may be.

    1. Brandie Belletto Avatar
      Brandie Belletto

      Sounds like thrush. I’ve had that for a little while off and on. It’s yeast in your mouth. Also sometimes accompanied by a sore throat and difficulty swallowing. I started taking mct oil( which is extracted from coconut oil) I was doing that for help losing weight. But I forgot to put it in my coffee a couple of days and it just showed up. So I had some super lemony water (like 2 lemons worth) and some peppermint oil and it cleared up by the next day. Plus I made sure to keep up with my mct oil. I probably still have some candida but at least its not so bad that its spreading to my mouth.

  17. Becky Avatar

    Help!!! I’m losing my mind. I think I have yeast or parasites. My symptoms: Sudden onset of eczema on the back of my neck, arm pits itch, intense (!!!!!) itching of inner thighs and above all across pubic line, vaginal/anal itching at night, palms of my hands every morning itch and then little raised blisters are under my skins. When this all started, I just noticed my arm pits, groin, lower abdominal area, then the eczema, then hives on my face, a sty in my eye and large floater in my right eye. The intensity is maddening and is primarily on my left side.

    I want to try all of the above RIGHT NOW.

    I have not had a yeast infection, like I have before, very few in my life. No abdominal pain, but I do have loose none formed stool, which I have had for many years.

    I feel like I have had this for many years and it has just blown up. I have had pruritus, seems since the birth of my children, becoming more bothersome as the years go by.

    Any suggestions.

  18. Isabeau Avatar

    Out of curiosity, but how do you know if you’ve got a parasite such as Cyclospora if you’ve got a very serious intestinal disease that causes the same symptoms?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      There may be tests that your doctor can order for you to determine which you are suffering from. I would see a doctor if you suspect you have either.

  19. april Avatar

    I believe my kids have yeast overgrowth.
    Any recommendations on how to help them. They are young and it will be nearly impossible to cut out all sugar. (especially when they are with grandparents).
    I feel like this is having an effect on their behavior and appetite. I’m worried, but I don’t have tons of support.

    Just for full disclosure. We are currently fighting pinworms, but reading about it made me think that Candida is a problem and part of why we have trouble getting rid of the pinworms.

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