What to Do About Intestinal Parasites

Katie Wells Avatar

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intestinal parasites
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » What to Do About Intestinal Parasites

You’ve probably heard horror stories of 3-foot tapeworms camping out in someone’s gut. Most parasites though are so small they can only be seen with a microscope! Millions (if not billions!) of people around the world have parasites. Many don’t even know it.

Intestinal Parasites

There’s a very good chance you have yeast overgrowth or intestinal worms. The CDC estimates over 60 million in the US are chronically infected with toxoplasmosis. And at least 14% of us have been exposed to toxocariasis. And that’s just in a developed country.

Countries with poor sanitation and poor hygiene due to economic factors are even more likely to have issues. The World Health Organization estimates over 700,000 people worldwide die each year from parasites and vector-borne pathogens. The prevalence of parasitic diseases is likely much higher than estimates.

Our bodies are literally crawling with hundreds of strains of yeasts and bacteria. The digestive tract alone holds more than three pounds of bacteria. We need them in the right balance for good digestion and nutrient absorption in the intestinal tract. Probiotics are the good guys and have a huge impact on our health.

Out of Balance

When the good bacteria get out of balance, problems begin. There are many risk factors including diet, certain medications, stress, contact with infected sources, and others. Our bodies also host naturally occurring yeasts. When we have an overgrowth this can have a big impact on health (and not in a good way). While vaginal yeast infections may sound familiar, they’re usually a sign of a much larger infection.

The most disturbing invaders to our bodies, in my opinion, are parasites. Sadly, most people carry these guys around too. Studies have found that most people, especially those with chronic diseases and cancer, are host to at least one kind of parasite.

Parasites can range from tiny ones only seen by a microscope to long tapeworms (several feet long). A tapeworm can live for 30+ years and parasite infections can last for years!

Different Types of Parasites

We don’t really want to think about the creepy crawlies in our gastrointestinal tract. But it’s important to know what we’re dealing with here. With the high prevalence of intestinal parasites, there are a whole range of different types. Common intestinal parasites include:

  • Whipworms – Nearly 800 million worldwide have whipworms. They hang out in the large intestine and are a type of helminth infection. It’s transmitted by fecal contaminated soil and contaminated food grown in that soil. Lighter infections don’t even have symptoms.
  • Tapeworm infection – Tapeworms can cause intestinal parasitic infections but they can also travel to other parts of the body. Young tapeworms form cysts and can live in other organs, including the brain, liver, spine, and heart.
  • Roundworms – The larvae can infect various body tissues. Ascariasis is also a type of roundworm. Mature worms like living in the gastrointestinal tract, blood, and lymphatic system.
  • Pinworms – These are the most common intestinal worm infection in the US. The females lay thousands of eggs while their host is asleep. This can cause intense itching on the anus and restless sleep. The microscopic eggs are most commonly spread between young children. It’s important to regularly wash all sheets, pajamas, and underwear. You’ll also want to treat the whole family if one of you has it.
  • Hookworm Infection – Along with Ascaris, hookworms are a helminth parasite. They live in the small intestine and attach to the intestinal wall and cause blood loss. Many infected people don’t have symptoms.
  • Entamoeba histolytica – The CDC estimates only 10-20% of people with E. Histolytica show symptoms. It’s more common in tropical regions or you can pick it up by visiting one. Those living in unsanitary conditions or men in homosexual relationships are also at risk.
  • Protozoan – Protozoa infections, like giardia and giardia lamblia, are microscopic. They infect the blood and can be transmitted from one person to another through mosquito or bug bites. They can also infect the human intestinal tract and be transmitted through feces.
  • Cryptosporidium – Aka crypto, this parasite is one of the most common waterborne diseases in the US. You can get it from the ingestion of contaminated food or water, including while swimming. It can cause symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, and weight loss. Not everyone who is infected has symptoms, but they can still pass it to others for about 2 months after infection. Those with a weakened immune system are most at risk for serious symptoms.

How Do We Get Parasites?

Parasites can enter the body in a variety of ways, depending on the type. You can get it through contact with contaminated soil, eating raw or undercooked meats, or even from bug bites. If you’re traveling to a developing country or drink contaminated water you’re also at risk. Because some parasites are microscopic and live on surfaces for several weeks, they’re easy to spread.

Treating parasites is a 3 step process. First, we have to kill the invaders, then they (and the toxins they create) need to be flushed from the body. Finally, we need to support the body in healing and regenerating itself.

How to Tell If You Have Parasites

There are many symptoms directly or indirectly associated with parasites. If you have several of these symptoms, there’s a good chance you have an infestation. Remember that some parasites don’t even cause symptoms though!

Symptoms of Parasites

  • Lowered immune system and constant illness
  • Rectal itching, especially at night
  • Digestive problems like bloating, cramps, constipation, diarrhea, or nausea
  • Bloating and gas
  • Tired all the time
  • Floaters or spots in the eyes
  • Trouble sleeping and teeth grinding at night
  • Anemia
  • Asthma
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Psoriasis or eczema
  • Extreme hunger
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Plus many more…

If left untreated, Candida, yeast, and parasite overgrowth have been linked to a plethora of chronic conditions. Yeast and Parasites are often found in people with the following conditions:

  • Infertility or permanent fertility damage
  • Cancer
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Autoimmune disease
  • Arthritis
  • Osteoporosis
  • Malnutrition
  • Vitamin Deficiencies
  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Leaky Gut Syndrome
  • Kidney Stones
  • Chron’s Disease
  • Skin conditions including eczema and psoriasis
  • Insomnia and sleep disturbances
  • Digestive problems of all kinds

Conventional Parasite Treatments

Typically your healthcare provider will order a stool test. Stool samples that don’t contain live, visible parasites are considered negative. PCR tests though can detect dead or dormant parasites. If someone tests positive they can be prescribed anti-parasitic drugs.

Natural Remedies for Intestinal Parasites

The good news is there are effective natural treatments to help the body kill and remove parasites. If you suspect that you have an issue, you might consider some of the treatments below.

Change What You Eat

Since parasites thrive in a weakened immune system, eating healthy is one of our best defenses. Lots of sugar depresses our immune system and causes microbe imbalances. I recommend getting rid of all processed sugar and even reducing natural sugars. Sources like honey and high-sugar fruits can still cause problems during an active infection.

Some natural stevia is ok once in a while, but avoid anything that gives the body a sugar source and feeds yeast or parasites. Also, consider skipping dairy to give your body a boost. Eating healthy whole foods is a must!

Sweat it Out

As your body kills off parasites, their toxic by-products must be removed from the body. Some of these (like heavy metals) are best removed through the sweat glands. Work up a sweat by exercising, using the sauna, or even working in the garden! Taking cayenne is another good way to kick up the heat.

Diatomaceous Earth (DE)

This naturally occurring substance has an amazing ability to kill parasites and parasite eggs. It’s naturally high in the silica we need for hair, skin, and nail growth. Plus it has trace minerals and can help restore body tissue and improve digestion.

I start with 1 tsp a day in 8 ounces of water and work up to 1-2 Tablespoons a day. Be sure to only use food-grade DE. Taking DE may also cause a Herxheimer reaction (see more below).

Apple Cider Vinegar

What can’t apple cider vinegar do? It may help lower blood sugar, improves digestion, and kills harmful pathogens. It helps the body detox for clearer skin and a healthier body. While it won’t kill parasites on its own, it strengthens the body’s defenses against pathogens.

ACV is strong on its own so be sure to take it in water. I start with 1 teaspoon up to 3 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal. You can increase up to a Tablespoon at a time.


Probiotics help restore the helpful gut bacteria that are wiped out by parasites (or antibiotics or hormonal birth control). We need these good bugs for a healthy gut. I include lots of fermented foods in my diet, and I also like this probiotic supplement. Just don’t take them within an hour of ACV or diatomaceous earth though!

Herbs and Spices

Garlic is a powerhouse when it comes to pathogens and parasites. You can include minced raw garlic cloves liberally in your diet.

Cinnamon is another natural remedy for parasites. You can use ½ teaspoon of high-quality cinnamon powder in water, kefir, or coconut milk yogurt up to three times a day.

Anti-parasitic essential oils include clove, eucalyptus, fennel, and white camphor. These are great to diffuse or can be diluted and used topically. Consult with a qualified aromatherapist before using any essential oils internally.

Herbs commonly used for parasites include andrographis and a blend of clove, wormwood, and black walnut hull. You can also use digestion and immune boosting herbs to strengthen your body’s natural defenses. Be sure to do your research before trying any new herbal regimen!

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an excellent antioxidant and great for immune support. It’s also helpful for parasite infections. If you have parasite symptoms you can use 5 grams of vitamin C per day spread out in 2-3 doses. Too much can cause loose stools so you can adjust the dose down if needed.

Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is a natural, mild anti-fungal, and very nourishing to the body. If you’re not already using it in your cooking, it also tastes great blended into coffee or tea. You can add several tablespoons a day for healthy fats and to support healthy bowel movements as you’re eliminating toxins. Personally, I don’t use coconut oil as much anymore and mainly use olive oil.

Herxheimer’s Reaction

Sometimes getting rid of parasites can be uncomfortable. Herxheimer’s reaction, named after the German doctor who discovered it, is basically a die-off reaction. Trying to treat parasites and infections quickly or with potent remedies can cause a Herx reaction.

It’s best to be on an anti-yeast/parasite diet for several weeks before even starting supplements, This can help minimize reactions. You can start with small doses of apple cider vinegar and diatomaceous earth. Work your way up to help keep the die-off symptoms at bay.

You may even find that you “catch a cold” a week or so after starting to treat your yeast and parasite symptoms. This is actually a mild Herxheimer reaction. Backing down supplements and drinking more water should help it pass quickly.

Other Important Notes on Intestinal Parasites

Removing parasites is a difficult job for your body. It’s important to support your body during the process. Regular exercise, a good diet, adequate sleep, and limiting exposure to toxins all help!

Epsom salt baths are another excellent way to help detox through the skin. I like to use 1/2 cup of Epsom salts in hot bath water or try one of these detox bath recipes.

Be sure to drink plenty of water to flush out die-off toxins faster. And of course, plenty of sleep gives the body enough time to regenerate and heal. I aim for at least 9 hours a night. It’s also very important to skip the sugar and refined carbs as these make the process much slower. Raw vegetables and healthy fiber sources help keep your energy levels up and clean the body faster.

You may also want to try this wellness challenge that has tips and recipes for ditching the grains and sugar.

Do you suspect you may have parasites? What are you doing to address them? Leave a comment and let me know!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


446 responses to “What to Do About Intestinal Parasites”

  1. Sarah Mae Avatar

    Is it safe to follow some of these recommendations while breastfeeding? I can’t imagine daily ACV could hurt, nor some of the others. Or, is it better to wait?

  2. Erin Avatar

    Thanks for this post! I thought I was going crazy. I have been diagnosed with Candida for over 2 years. I even got the DNA test to confirm the type in an attempt to treat it better. Nothing has worked. Today I found out that I also have parasites. Man! I will be looking into your diet now!

  3. Tiffany S Avatar
    Tiffany S

    Quick question: Does taking probiotics with ACV render one of the two ineffective? Why do you suggest that we take them one hour apart?

    Thanks!! 🙂

  4. Darla Avatar

    I just took my first dose of DE. I started taking it because I have been having problem with systemic yeast infection for years. Well I noticed while I was fringing in my mouth became foamy, like when you eat pop rocks. Has anyone else had this happen?

  5. Nico Avatar

    How much DE would you give a 30 months old child/6 y.o. and 12 y.o.? The maximum amount. Thank you!

  6. Jeff Avatar

    Please inform your readers that if they supplement with cinnamon they need to use ceylon cinnamon. Cassia cinnamon (nearly all of the cinnamon sold in grocery stores) is toxic to the liver in high doses.

  7. Mai Avatar

    I believe I have candida overgrowth and parasites. Have been treating the candida for the last month, but I’m about to start using D.E for the parasites. Does anyone know whether the whole household has to be treated for parasites? (And would I need to clean all towels and bedding, like with threadworms) Also, could I have infected other people with them? I’m definitely going to struggle to get my parents and boyfriend to do the cleanse 🙁

  8. Alisha Avatar

    I have had watery diarrhea for almost two months now. The first three weeks were very severe..like twenty times a day. After that it decreased a little from five to thirteen times. Probiotics seemed to help a little. I just started digestive enzymes but no diffetence yet. I am normally fighting constipation so this was super bizaare. I had my first deep tissue massage the day before this started. I doubt that would have caused all of this. Does this sound like parasites? Please help!

    1. Judi Demmert Avatar
      Judi Demmert


      Your description of your ‘problem’ is identical to mine. Can you tell me if you’ve conquered your problem and what you have done please? I’m really desperate. Sending in a stool sample in a few days, but I’m not too hopeful. This diarrhea has me home bound for two months now.


      1. Judi Avatar

        For those that might need/want to know: here’s what is helping me….. In my gut from the git go I knew it was most likely parasites. I started DE and a probiotic on Mar 25th while waiting for my stool sample results on April 2 – which came back negative like most others do. Prescriptions hadn’t worked either in previous weeks. Conventional doctors was no help and I saw no hope in them << reasons for starting with DE.

        Spent 3 weeks on DE and saw improvements to my skin, hair, and nails, as well as expelling parasites. I continue to stay on DE daily 1 tsp. Went through 3 die off fever and all. Doesn't last long. Other than having diarrhea , I really felt great, but I was still home bound until the end of that 3rd week when I finally got it down to going 1-2x's/day. the gurgling/rumbling in my intestinal track has almost disappeared. I liken it to parasites wanting to be fed. 😉 Modified my eating habits by cutting out sugar and pasta foods as much as I can. Added green and/or berry smoothies to my diet daily as well.

        At the end of that 3 weeks on DE I ADDED another protocol by Dr. Clark: Walnut Oil Tincture, Wormwood, Cloves and Ornithine. Immediately after one day on it my stools hardened. Seeing lots of results of dead parasites/eggs. I feel great! Will continue Dr. Clarks protocol as well as DE and probiotics.

        Am also trying to get my PH levels up. Still too low at 6.5. Need 7.0 – 7.35ish. Any suggestions to get a higher PH would be welcomed!

        For those of you scared to expel parasites, don't be. Better out than in!

        Hope this helps someone. This has been my results thus far.

      2. Judi Avatar

        For those that might need/want to know: here’s what is helping me….. In my gut from the git go I knew it was likely parasites. Could not convince the doctor for the first 6 weeks, so I started DE and a probiotic on Mar 25th while waiting for my stool sample results on April 2 – which came back negative like most others do. Prescriptions hadn’t worked either in previous weeks. Conventional doctors was no help and I saw no hope in them << reasons for starting with DE.

        Spent 3 weeks on DE and saw improvements to my skin, hair, and nails, as well as expelling parasites. I continue to stay on DE daily 1 tsp mixed in my smoothie, oj, or yogurt. Went through 3 die off fevers, headaches and all. Doesn't last long. Other than having diarrhea , I really felt great, but I was still home bound until the end of that 3rd week on DE when I finally got it down to going 1-2x's/day. The gurgling/rumbling in my intestinal track 24/7 has disappeared. I liken it to parasites wanting to be fed. 😉 Modified my eating habits by cutting out sugar and pasta foods as much as I can. Added green and/or berry smoothies to my diet daily as well.

        At the end of that 3 weeks on DE I ADDED another protocol by Dr. Clark: Walnut Oil Tincture, Wormwood, Cloves and Ornithine. Immediately after one day on it my stools hardened. Seeing lots of results of dead parasites/eggs. I feel great! Will continue Dr. Clarks protocol as well as DE and probiotics. I've only been on the added protocol 5 days so far.

        Am also trying to get my PH levels up. Still too low at 6.5. Need 7.0 – 7.35ish. Any suggestions to get a higher PH would be welcomed!

        For those of you scared to expel parasites, don't be. Better out than in!

        Hope this helps someone. This has been my results thus far.

        1. Judi Avatar

          Update: (( Sorry for the double entry above (?) )) I’ve been doing Dr Hulda Clark’s protocol with Walnut Oil, Wormwood, Cloves, and Orinithin plus… still taking DE, Oregano Oil P73, and a probiotic these last two weeks. I feel great already….

          No more bloating, no more gas, more energy, great changes to my skin, nails, and hair. Still detecting a little candida and dead parasites in my stools, although, not nearly as many when I fiirst started. (yukky, but how else will you know if it’s working, right?) AND I’ve had no more die-off reactions since adding Dr. Hulda Clark’s protocol two weeks ago. Will continue the above for the full 3 months plus.

          I can’t begin to say how great I feel. I’ve lost 12 pounds and haven’t had this kind of good energy in a long time. I’m now a believer in naturals. If you’re on the fence, don’t worry. Just do it. Great site by the way and thanks to all who contribute their stories.

  9. Sybil Avatar

    Hi there,

    Thanks for this post. I am getting tested by my doctor for parasites as we returned from a trip to Mexico last month and I have had an upset stomach for several weeks.

    I am still breastfeeding my two year old. Do you know offhand which of the treatments above are safe to do while breastfeeding?

    I am thinking about starting off with the garlic, cider vinegar and cinnamon while waiting for my stool sample results and I am also interested in learning more about diatomecious earth. I am guessing that the first three are probably fine while breastfeeding and will check out the earth one.

    My goal is not to do a full cleanse or detox per se as I know that’s not good to do while breastfeeding but I am trying to avoid antibiotics while dealing with this infection.

    Thanks for any additional information you can provide.

  10. Steph Avatar

    I have parasites and candida however due to my sugar problem I haven’t been able to be successful at staying off grains and sugars for the DE to work. I’m kind of at a loss of what to do. I also heard of a herb cleanse that you can take but the website claimed that you do not have to restrict your diet while taking it, and also that if you stop taking the herbs then the parasites can come back and be resistant to the herbs the next time. Is this true?

  11. Sedoo Avatar

    “Do not take probiotics within an hour of Apple Cider Vinegar” – What is the reason for this? Thanks!

  12. Shane Caldeira Avatar
    Shane Caldeira

    Great info! I am battling a yeast overgrowth/parasite infection and this is very helpful 🙂 I’ve had to change my diet dramatically, I now eat organic and non-GMO because big business farming uses antibiotics in their crops, livestock feed/water, farmed-fishing, etc., to which I beleive leads to the western antibiotic syndrome which creates a candida overgrowth among other things. I’ve also changed my drinking water to reverse osmosis processed water since there are so many pharmaceuticals and non-natural flouridation. The die off reaction was really tough at first, but I am adjusting pretty well to the diet now and feel a lot healthier.

  13. Felicia Craggs Avatar
    Felicia Craggs

    Update: After only 2 wks, I’m feeling 10 times better, no more aches or bloating and more energy. I’ve been eating only 1 meal a day, which is good for me being 10-15 lbs over weight.
    My 1 meal a day is usually a plant based protein or steamed vegetable with some nutritional yeast on top.
    Drinking tons of water and juicing. I know it’s mostly the DE drink I’ve been taking 3x a day, the 1st week I didn’t notice a huge difference. My diet wasn’t as strict either. I’m mixing a combo of ground cloves and fresh grated ginger to my iced coffee, yum! Still haven’t given up coffee yet.
    I’m also doing 1-3 glasses of water a day with 1 tsp raw organic apple cider vinegar.
    My skin and hair is changing for the better too! I’m wondering if some of my age spots might start disappearing, wouldn’t that be fabulous!
    I would love to hear from anyone else here!
    Thanks so much for the support and advice!

  14. Lorianne Avatar

    I read somewhere that DE is only effective for bugs if dry. But for intestinal parasites you (& the supporting DE website) say to drink it in water/juice. On that same website, a reader posted that to treat intestinal parasites, you rub some DE on the clean anus every night for 15 nights. Then repeat. They said that cures pin worms. I am new to DE & would like more explanation. Also, I feel I’m suffering from some type of intestinal parasite, & maybe have had it since April 2013. I’m on my second week of taking Oil of Oregano (600mg/day) & when I can remember, I take my daily probiotic & will drink 1 tsp of Apple Cider Vinegar in a glass of water. I’ve also been adding Oregano spice & Tumeric spice to my morning eggs. I’m hoping to start a family soon & I don’t want to have these parasites while pregnant – I don’t know how harmful it can be, but I don’t even want it to be an issue. If I had more info on DE, I would consider adding it to my attempt for ridding parasites. But all I’ve found is from the DE link in this post & another non-medical website. Thanks!

  15. Helena Avatar

    What recommendations do you have for children with yeast overgrowth? I am pretty sure my son has had it since birth, but no doctor tests for it and I am having touble findin a holistic doctor that has good revies and won’t throw a bunch of questionable products at a patient. I prefer to go a totally natural route, but can be difficult with small children. My son has trouble gaining weight, so I hestate to change his diet in a way that would reduce his calories. He had antibiotics at birth, and I’m pretty sure I had a yeast problem while pregnant, and I had antibotics during labor. He has had so many issues since birth, I am hoping to find some sort of relief and solution for him. Long and rambling, sorry. Any insight to treating yeast overgrowth in children is much appreciated.

  16. Krissa Avatar

    Thank you for this post! I have suffered from chronic yeast infections for the past 6 months. I believe it was brought on by severe stress and contraceptive use for 3 years. I have stopped taking them, and while symptoms have relieved slightly, they are definitely not gone! Every article I have found on this subject is either too vague or too deeply complicated. Plus, they all say I’m dying of one lethal disease or another. This simplifies everything and I will start your recommendations ASAP!

    Do you have any recommendations specific to my condition?

    Thanks again so very much!

  17. Sandon Avatar

    Another sugar supplement is Organic Maple syrup. The real stuff-not the processed sugar. There is a recipe of this syrup and also, bi-carb soda(No aluminium), infused together. Aides in cancer removal. Anything that is above normal amounts; that is attacking the body, can produce cancer. Eliminating these things is best. Oxygen helps decrease cancer. Oxygen is the only way burning anything can happen. Without it, nothing will burn, including the most explosive gas. Makes sense that Oxygen helps the body rid itself of the bad!

    Makes sense that smoking reduces oxygen as well as put harmful chemicals into the body; thereby cancer producing. I am all for self rights to smoking or anything but just making an observation, common sense approach. DE can also aid in the prevention of Nits, Headlice, bed bugs etc, when sprinkled in the hair, or beds-be careful of eyes though.

    Everyone says to reduce salt etc but the reality is, if you reduce salt too much, you can get cramps and also produce too much acid. Salt countreacts acids in the body. Basic school science!

    It is like a diabetic needing sugar or not. I believe that our bodies tell us what we need by what we feel we need to eat. For instance a craving for sweetness or salt etc. Sweetness, however doesn’t necessarily need to be sugar cane. It could be fruit.

    Beer is another yeast producing product-so alcoholics can have yeast problems. I know when i drink, i get very bad sinus. Which could also be an allergic reaction-which really is an overload of something to our bodies.

    Garlic oil can help with many things. Gone are the days of eating healthy things, everything is processed now and it shows, with all the problems, from Hypo kids to obese or diabetics, Lethargic etc.

    There is one hint. Do things in moderation. Don’t do silly diets, because once the diiet is finished, you could have worse problems. Just don’t go overboard! So with these supplements, there are recommended doses, or doses that people find suitable. Starting slow first, even with very little is better than nothing at all.

    It is like the Nutri-Bullet. Bad reviews because the bodies needs to break down its own food, not rely on a man made machine but again, anything is better than nothing so even if you have this juice and then, have an apple at the end of the day, or just treat it like it is a drink, rather than a food. This is what i go by and rarely do i ever attend a doctor. Anti-biotics do not work anymore and really it is best to try not to take them-so if you really do need them, they may work for you, instead of building ammunity to them.

  18. Sandon Avatar

    MMS Miracle Mineral Supplement! If you think about the chemicals we consume with prescription drugs MMS can give the same side affects. This a contraversial system but may help people. It is to do with the lack of minerals within our bodies that countreact the acidic chemical-that cause cancer, fungus etc.

  19. vivette Avatar

    I have candida and parasites it is so bad that i am con sidering sergery to remove them. I am only 130 pounds these things have taken over my life. I am taking diatomaceous earth and i have tried just about every herb that there is. I have been off carbs for about a month and after i cant seem to get better i started eating them again. makes no sense starving myself if they are not going to go away. They move every where. I was going through this torture since about october of 2013. I am planning to see a gastroenteroligist to do a colonoscopy then i might see if i can get the sergery. Your post is great though i follow you a lot. When ever i want natural things i always come to your site and refer others also

    1. Jenn Avatar

      I have a couple of comments; first thanks for the website great posts! I wanted to comment on Vivette above and while I am not a doctor I have not been well for a long time and the doctors keep telling me I am fine….this is a whole other story for another time but before you have surgery are the fillings in your mouth amalgams (silver fillings)? If you have any? Mercury is very serious and can host a whole plethora of problems. If you do, please consider having those removed first, your symptoms or feeling unwell will never leave. Consider it this way, you are giving your body a detox every day with the DE but then, your body is constantly getting bombarded with continuous amounts of heavy metals which it can’t get rid of as quickly as you are giving it another dose of detox.. make sense? I am not sure I explained that properly.

      My question actually relates to this, I’ve done research on it but I am not finding any info on it. I do have amalgam in my mouth I am in the process of having them removed, I know my body will never be completely healthy until I get rid of this poison. I’ve been taking DE for about 3-4 weeks now I know it’s killing the parasites I’ve seen them (disgusting) but happy to say these little guys free ride is over. I think I am experiencing Herxhemier reaction but it’s so far in that I am not sure..I’ve been sneezing for about 2 weeks now and yesterday had pretty bad flu like symptoms, today very bad runny nose. I don’t know if this is just a coincidence because my immune system is down trying to get rid of the toxins or if it is Herxhemier reaction (I feel like it’s very far along to have the symptoms now). I am also not sure if this is going to stay this way until I do get my amalgams out? I’ve tried to look on line but no luck under this category. Also how quickly should I see an improvement in my skin, again not sure if anything is going to change until I get the Mercury out of my mouth. thanks 🙂

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