10 Easy Tips to Balance Hormones Naturally

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » 10 Easy Tips to Balance Hormones Naturally

When it comes to health, hormones and gut microbiome play a big role. Even if everything else is dialed in, these factors can destroy health. On the flip side, regulating hormones and fixing our gut can do a lot to boost health. Even if your supplements and diet aren’t optimal. There are even studies about using certain hormone reactions to treat brain trauma!

Here’s how to balance hormones the natural way.

Why Hormones Matter

If you doubt the power of hormones to affect everything from mood to weight, to breast health, ask the nearest pregnant woman if she’s noticed any difference in these areas. Or ask the nearest 13-year-old girl… carefully…

What factor contributes to weight gain during pregnancy? Hormone balance. What causes weight fluctuations, bloating, and other health symptoms throughout the month? Hormones. What’s a huge contributing factor of growth in children? Hormones.

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance

When it comes to losing weight or improving health, what do we focus on? Calories, micronutrients, or diets. If you have symptoms like fatigue, PMS, PCOS, or infertility, you’ll find balancing hormones is vital for recovery. Here are some other signs you’re dealing with a hormonal issue:

  • Hot flashes during menopause or perimenopause
  • Mood swings
  • Fluctuating blood sugar levels or high insulin levels
  • Insulin resistance
  • Menstrual cycle symptoms like painful cramps or irritability
  • Weight gain or obesity
  • Lack of sex drive
  • High-stress levels (which also affects cortisol levels)
  • Hair loss or hair growth in unwanted areas (like facial hair in women)

It’s All About the Hormones

Hormones are the body’s chemical messengers. They travel in the bloodstream to tissues and organs and affect many different processes. Everything from metabolism to sexual function, mood, and much more.

Endocrine glands, which are special groups of cells, make hormones. The major endocrine glands are the pituitary, pineal, thymus, thyroid, adrenal glands, and pancreas. Additionally, men produce sex hormones in their testes and women produce them in their ovaries.

Our adrenal glands can really take a beating in modern society. Chronic stress, not enough sleep, and busy schedules trigger excess cortisol. This leads to insulin resistance, belly fat, and other health conditions.

It’s a complex process, but hormone production depends on beneficial fats and cholesterol. When we don’t have enough of these dietary factors it can cause hormone problems. The body doesn’t have the building blocks it needs (fats) to make hormones.

Phytoestrogens and toxins that mimic these building blocks or hormones themselves are also a problem. The body can try to make hormones using the wrong building materials. Estrogen dominance anyone?

Many people start eating a healthy diet and exercising but still can’t lose the weight. After talking with many of them it seems the underlying common factor is hormone imbalance.

I’ve written about Leptin and thyroid hormones before. These are a small piece in the complicated hormone system in the body. Female hormones have their own considerations. In a given day or month, a woman’s body will have fluctuations in hormones like estrogen, progesterone, cortisol, and thyroid hormones, to name a few.

How to Balance Hormones Naturally

The endocrine system is complex and we’ll probably never completely understand it. However, there are basic things you can do for overall health to help create hormone balance.

1. Eat Enough Healthy Fats

Our bodies aren’t made to eat man-made fats from vegetable oils. Most of the fat in our body is made up of saturated fats. Only 3% comes from polyunsaturated fats, aka Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats. Ideally, we need a balanced ratio of omega fatty acids for our well-being.

Seed-based vegetable oils, like canola and soy, are really high in Omega-6 fatty acids. Modern diets have replaced traditional fats like butter and olive oil with processed vegetable oils. This is one reason why many don’t get enough high-quality Omega-3 fatty acids from their diet. On the other hand, seed cycling is one way to balance hormones.

These healthy fats are vital for proper cell function and especially for hormone function. They’re literally the building blocks for hormone production. When we don’t give the body adequate amounts of these fats, it uses what’s available, relying on lower-quality polyunsaturated fats.

Polyunsaturated fats are less stable and oxidize easily in the body. This can lead to inflammation and mutations in the body. Emerging evidence suggests this inflammation can occur in arteries, potentially increasing clogged arteries. The problem extends to skin and reproductive cells. These may be connected to polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and other hormone problems.

Healthy fats, saturated fats included, are vital for hormone health. As this article explains the loss of saturated fatty acids in our immune cells causes a decline in white blood cell function.

For this reason, fats like coconut oil can be amazing for hormone health. It helps us make hormones, can aid in weight loss, and reduce inflammation. You can even blend it into coffee or tea.

Other healthy fats include:

  • Avocados and avocado oil
  • Animal fats from grass-fed meat, pastured eggs, and raw dairy
  • Butter and ghee
  • Tallow and lard
  • Olive oil
  • Seafood for Omega-3s

2. Limit Caffeine

I love coffee, but too much caffeine can wreak havoc on the endocrine system. Especially if there are other hormone stressors, like pregnancy, toxins, or stress. It can also further tax our adrenal glands, which are responsible for releasing stress hormones.

Cut back on coffee if you can or replace it with beneficial herbal teas. My favorite coffee brand has a healthy decaf option that also tastes amazing! There are also some great mushroom coffee options with stress-relieving adaptogens mixed in.

If you do still want some coffee, use it as a way to sneak some healthy fats in. I’ll add some coconut oil to my coffee and blend for a healthier version of a latte!

3. Avoid Harmful Chemicals

Harmful chemicals from pesticides, plastics, household cleaners, and even mattresses can contain hormone disrupting chemicals. They can mimic hormones in the body and keep it from making real hormones. Things like hormonal birth control can (obviously) do the same thing.

If you’re struggling with hormonal imbalance or infertility, avoiding these chemicals is important! Opt for glass or non-toxic metal pans and skip the Teflon and most non-stick coatings. Avoid heating or storing foods in plastic. Find organic foods (or grow your own!) whenever possible. And of course, skip the pesticides and toxic cleaners.

Here are some more tips for avoiding indoor toxins:

Beauty products are another big source of toxins for many people. There are tens of thousands of chemicals in the personal care products we encounter daily. And most haven’t been tested for long-term safety. Avoiding these products can make a tremendous difference in achieving hormone balance.

Start by making simple switches like homemade deodorant or homemade lotion. There’s even DIY makeup if you’re feeling adventurous. Check out my full index of natural beauty recipes here.

4. Prioritize Sleep

I can’t emphasize this one enough! Without adequate sleep, hormones will not be in balance. Period. While this has often been a struggle for me I’ve been able to really dial in my sleep with the below tips.

When we’re asleep our body is busy removing toxins, recharging the mind, and creating hormones. Just one night of missed sleep can create the hormone levels of a pre-diabetic. Try some of these tips to help improve sleep:

Better Sleep Tips

  • Improve your sleep environment – Remove artificial light, use blackout curtains, and create a quiet space. Choose a non-toxic mattress and sheets.
  • Sleep cool – We actually sleep better if we’re in cooler temps. This bed cooling system creates your perfect sleep temp. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done for my sleep!
  • Daily routine – Create a daily routine to help support your natural circadian rhythms. Wake up and go to bed at the same time, even on weekends to keep your hormone cycle regular.
  • Protein and fats – Eat a high protein/high fat snack 3-4 hours before bed or at dinner. If you have trouble falling asleep, try these four tricks.
  • Morning Sunlight – Getting natural sunlight outside is key for setting circadian and hormonal rhythms for the day. Natural light boosts serotonin and cortisol levels to balance nighttime melatonin.
  • Ditch artificial light Avoid artificial light as much as possible after the sun goes down. Use night mode on electronic devices to reduce blue light and help you sleep better. I also turn off the overhead lights and have lamps with red lights.
  • Hydrate – Drink enough water during the day. Stop drinking about 2 hours before bed so you don’t have to wake up to use the bathroom.
  • Salt bath – Take a soothing salt bath about an hour before bed with some relaxing music or a great book.
  • Breathe – Pray, meditate, use journaling, or find a way to reduce stress. Get a massage or stretch before bed.

5. Supplement Wisely

Unfortunately, we live in a world where food is often depleted of nutrients due to over-farming. ur water is often contaminated with chemicals. Even the air can have compounds that cause havoc in the body.

Ideally, we’d get all of our nutrition from food and get enough vitamin D from the sun every day. Since this rarely happens supplements are sometimes needed. I’ve shared what supplements I regularly take, but here are some more options for hormone balance.

Be sure to check with your healthcare practitioner before starting new supplements. Especially if you’re on medications or contraceptives.

Maca Root

This powerful adaptogen has a long history of use in places like Peru. Women often see improvements in fertility, less PMS symptoms, and healthier skin and hair. In men, it can help with sperm production, testosterone levels, and muscle composition.

Maca is a good source of minerals and essential fatty acids to support hormone balance. You can get it in powder form or capsules. It easily blends into smoothies, tea, or coffee. Maca should be discontinued during pregnancy.


Magnesium is vital for hundreds of functions within the human body. Many of us are deficient in this master mineral (here’s how to tell if you are). There are several different ways to get Magnesium, but a combination of topical and oral magnesium works best to boost levels.

Vitamin D and Omega-3s

I try to eat lots of healthy seafood, like sardines, for Omega-3s. You can also supplement with good quality fish oil. Vitamin D is a pre-hormone we need for hormone function. The sun is the best source, but you can also use a D3 supplement.

Gelatin and Collagen

These are a great source of minerals and necessary amino acids. Gelatin and collagen support hormone production and digestive health in various ways. Gelatin powder can actually “gel” and is useful in recipes like homemade jello and probiotic marshmallows. Collagen doesn’t gel but is easily added to soups, smoothies, coffee, or any other food.

Natural Progesterone Cream

PMS and menstrual troubles are often linked to specific hormone imbalances. Especially for those with short cycles or a short second phase of their cycle (ovulation through the start of menses), progesterone can be the issue. Sometimes just adding natural progesterone cream can greatly reduce symptoms.

If you do opt for hormone replacement therapy be sure to choose a good brand. It should only be used from ovulation through menses. Check with a doctor or professional before using any hormone supplement.

6. Exercise The Right Way

If you’re struggling with hormone imbalance, intense cardio can make it worse. This further stresses the adrenals and releases more stress hormones. Sleep is much more important, at least during the balancing phase. Focus on relaxing exercises like walking or swimming and avoid extended running and cardio.

I like rebounding, which is great gentle exercise and has additional health benefits. Yoga and gentle bodyweight exercises are also great options.

While extended cardio can be bad, short bursts of heavy lifting (kettlebells, deadlifts, squats, lunges) can be beneficial. These trigger a cascade of beneficial hormone reactions. Aim for a few sets (5-7) at a weight that really challenges you. Make sure to get help with form and training if you haven’t done these before as bad form can be harmful.

7. Consider Adding Herbs

Certain herbs and plants can also help the body bring hormones into balance. Of course, it’s important to talk to a doctor before taking these. Especially if you’re on hormonal contraceptives or other medications. Some herbs I’ve used are:

  • Vitex– Nourishes the pituitary gland and helps lengthen the luteal phase. It lowers prolactin and raises progesterone. For some women, this alone will improve symptoms.
  • Red Raspberry Leaf– A well know fertility herb that’s also helpful in reducing PMS and cramping. It has a high nutrient profile and is especially high in calcium and is a uterine tonic. You can get it in capsules, but it makes an excellent tea.
  • Adaptogens– Herbs that help the body handle stress and support the adrenals. They’re a natural way to work toward hormone balance for many people.

8. Support Digestive Health

Our digestion impacts hormones more than we realize. Not only is it a source of vital neurotransmitters, but an imbalance can translate to a hormone imbalance. We need serotonin, a neurotransmitter for sleep and stress balance. Serotonin is more concentrated in the gut than the brain! 70% of our immune system is in the gut and it’s the motherboard of our bodily functions. Even thyroid health is linked to gut health.

What Hippocrates knew thousands of years ago seems just as true today… that “all disease begins in the gut.” Those who struggle with gut problems may have trouble ever achieving hormone balance without first addressing gut health.

Many programs and diet experts recommend getting fiber from whole grains. These aren’t the best option when trying to heal gut flora though. Dark leafy greens however provide fiber, supply calcium, and help with healthy estrogen levels. If you’re struggling with thyroid issues, be sure to cook them first.

This is the most comprehensive program I’ve seen for addressing gut health issues.

9. Fix Your Leptin

Leptin is a master hormone. When leptin’s out of balance or if you’re resistant to it, no other hormones will balance well. If someone is overweight and really craving the carbs, then they’re likely leptin resistant. Fixing leptin will also help boost fertility, make weight loss easier, improve sleep, and lower inflammation. Dr. Jack Kruse, a neurosurgeon, has a whole system for getting leptin into balance.

10. Continue With a Hormone-Balancing Diet

This isn’t a one and done diet! The ideas above need to be part of a whole lifestyle change to keep hormones in balance. Take it from a recovering perfectionist, though… baby steps are just fine!

Once you master these tips (or even just a few of them) make the changes stick. Support your body with a whole foods, hormone-friendly diet. For in-depth guidance, I recommend my friend Magdalena Wszelaki’s Cooking for Balance course. It’s targeted help that leads you through every (baby) step of the process.

Bottom Line on Hormone Balance

Balancing your hormones can seem like a daunting process, but the small changes add up. Thanks to all the toxins around us it’s an ongoing process. With the right steps though hormone balance is achievable.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician, and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

The infographic below is a quick overview of the steps to balance your hormones. Pin it or share it to save for later!

Working to balance hormones can make a big difference in weight, sleep and fertility issues. These natural remedies, recipes and supplements can help.

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Have you struggled with hormone problems? What helped you? Share below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


520 responses to “10 Easy Tips to Balance Hormones Naturally”

  1. Sylvia Avatar

    I am menopausal and I sweat profusely in my hair especially when I am outside, when I am inside cleaning the house and the a/c is on 77. Its embarrassing and uncomfortable when it just drips down my hair onto the back of my neck. My scalp is always warm and when outside it’s alway very hot. What can I do?

  2. Keefe Azhagan Avatar
    Keefe Azhagan

    As My father having pimples & oily face…i am also having pimples& oily face..my age was 19…i stop eating oily food,milk,chocolate..so my pimples was lesser…but my oily face is not going..tell me how to clear oily face ?? please help me i am really struggling 🙁 🙁

    1. Elysia Avatar

      Have you seen Wellness Mama’s post on the oil cleansing method? I also have trouble with acne even though I eat extremely healthy. I’ve been using the oil cleansing method she describes for a little while now & my skin is getting better. I use a combination of castor oil, coconut oil & apricot kernel oil. I also made a mixture of a small amount of pure witch hazel (about a teaspoon) plus a few drops of tea tree oil and a few drops of lavender essential oil and I use that as a spot treatment (after oil cleansing, i apply a small amount directly on the pimples). Hope that helps!!

  3. Camilla Avatar

    My question is – After pregnancy and postpartum, we are currently 1 year and 3 months in, I have a developed a dense forest of bristly dark hairs located on either side of my chin……… its not going away, rather, shall we say, getting more foresty every day…… my grandma, my aunt, my mom, and my sister can all relate…. Is there anything specific you would reccomend?

  4. michelle Avatar

    I need some advice..alot of advice. For the past year now i have been on a roller coaster ride. My regular OBGYN ran usual blood work to find out that my hormones were out of balance and sent me to their infertility department. After two months on chlomid and close monitoring basically told me that there was nothing else they could do and refered me to a infertility specialist. I am 30 years old and have just been told that i am in the early stages of menopuase. After months at the inferility specialist, with HCG shots, MRI to rule out tumor of pituitary gland, and extensive monitoring, i was told that they do not know why my hormones levels are at this point and that basically, i only had a less than 5% chance of ever becoming pregnant…..and sent me on since i couldnt/wouldnt go forward with IVF. during the past few months, i have went about my life, with very regular 25 day cycle periods, back to my regular OBGYN that basically told me that hormone specialist are a waste of money, and here i sit. Hormones still out of balance, no explanation as to why, regular periods, no signs of being pregnant, low energy, low sex drive, and very, very painful periods, and most recently belly button pain that comes and goes. I am not sure what to do or where to go at this point. I do not have the money to spend spinning around in a circle. At this point, my focus isnt on fertility, it never was, all i have ever wanted was to balance my hormones and be able to be the wife my husband needs me to be. The OBGYN and infertility specialist only show interest in fertility and apparently cant help me with any information regarding hormones. IS THERE ANYTHING I CAN DO? Again, i am 30 years old, 5ft 4 in, 135 lbs, have a descent diet but i suppose it could always be better. I start my day with 1/2 caffeinated coffee with creamer and a bagel, The only other thing i drink the rest of the day is water and i typically eat a salad for lunch (lettuce, craisins, soy nuts or pecans, avacados if i have them, fresh grapes if i have them, and apple cider vinegar or red wine vinegar as my dressing), i usually have a greek yogurt for snack, and for dinner, its usually meat/vegetables, sandwhich, frozen pizza, or just a bowl of cereal. Like i said, not a horrible diet, i dont think, but could be better. ANY advice is greatly appreciated!!! Thanks

    1. Miranda Richards Avatar
      Miranda Richards

      I would cut out dairy, gluten, and soy and see how it effects your hormone levels/testing/fertility. Worked miracles for me!

  5. Sydnee Avatar

    I’m struggling! Can you help me? My hormones are completely out of balance. I can sleep (I’m in bed usually at 9:30 and am in bed for 9 hours) but I don’t feel rested when I wake in the morning and realize I don’t get in a deep sleep because I often don’t dream and it’s just a light sleep all night. I have bad headaches throughout the day and feel extremely tired during the day (more so than at night) to the point where I am not productive and just often times crawl back in bed. Very fatigued. I completely lost my libido when my husband and I have only be married for 4 years. It’s a struggle. I can’t seem to keep my temperature regulated. I am freezing very often even during the summer. I’m trying to get the sleep that my body needs by going to bed early, and I don’t drink any caffeine at all. I’m using natural non toxic cleaners, and taking natural calm magnesium at night, exercising and taking coconut oil. But still having these issues. What can I do? THANKS for your help!

  6. Jacqueline Avatar

    Has anyone had experience with hidradentitis suppurativa? I’ve only today finally been given a name for what has been causing horrible abscesses under my arms and unsightly recessed purple scars. From the information I’ve found so far most seem to think its more to do with hormones than bacteria which I’m leaning to think may be true as I regularly wash with an anti-bacterial shower gel.
    Unfortunately there’s no cure and apparently will only get worse and so I’m looking to see if anyone has any advice such as if it is hormonal do you think the maca and supplements may help?

  7. Sherry Poplarchik Avatar
    Sherry Poplarchik

    I’ve had a hysterectomy and am no longer taking a prescription hormone. Is there anything natural you’ve found that could help bring my hormonal balance back?

  8. Hollyn Hartlep Avatar
    Hollyn Hartlep

    Hi Katie,

    I absolutely love your site and have used it for various recipes.

    I was wondering if you have any advice for me and my recent undertaking of going birth control free. I’ve been off and on birth control for the last 5 years, and have finally decided I don’t ever want it to be a part of my life again. I stopped taking it for what I thought was the last time probably a year ago. While I was in South America, about 6 months later, I stopped having a period, and was breaking out horrendously. After 3 months without a period I finally went to the doctor and after a trans-vaginal ultrasound, they diagnosed me with PCOS. The endocrinologist told me I ABSOLUTELY had to start taking birth control, otherwise my cysts would never go away, so I did. After 6 months of birth control the cysts have decreased so much that now they’re barely visible, and my face has cleared up a ton. My fear is that if I stop the contraceptives, my acne and cysts will come back. I plan to start taking vitex, or chasteberry supplements the week before ending this last pack, to try to help regulate my hormones. I have a very clean diet, consisting of mostly fish, organic vegetables, fruits and only cooking with coconut oil (but I just realized after reading your post that I need to get a non-teflon skillet!). The area where I feel I’m most lacking in your list of tips for regulating hormones is sleep. I struggle so much with sleep because I have to get up to urinate during the night at least 4 or 5 times, and my doctors still haven’t been able to figure out why. Do you have any suggestions for supplements or dietary choices? Sorry for the very long-winded post! Thank you so much for putting together this lovely website with so much valuable information. I appreciate it more than you know.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      If it were me, I’d try Maca, magnesium, progesterone cream and vitamin d…. I would guess that the urinating is also hormone related and hopefully will fade as they balance…

    2. Vanessa Avatar

      Wouldn’t the PCOS be a potential cause for the frequent urination? Good supplements for PCOS: Vitex, DIM, Evening Primrose Oil, Saw Palmetto.. Have you had your hormones tested? If you know which hormones are out of balance then you can address the issue much easier.

      Also: a lot of people have success with weaning off the pill, rather than stopping it “cold-turkey”

      Good Luck

  9. May Avatar

    I had to stop eating chocolate because the caffeine was doing crazy stuff inside of me!

  10. Tracy Avatar

    What if you’re allergic to Coconut.. is there another oil that does the same things for your body as coconut oil? Also, is all of this safe to do/use while nursing?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      You can sub grassfed butter, tallow, lard, etc (from healthy sources) and yes safe to do while nursing, but I’d omit the Maca as it can increase fertility a lot!

  11. Emily Neff Avatar
    Emily Neff

    I love this article. Thank you. It reinforces all of the healthy eating information we received at a practitioner workshop I went to this past weekend given by Julia Ross author of The Diet Cure and The Mood Cure. She went a step further though and made it easy to eat healthy by eliminating carb, sweet, chocolate, and caffeine cravings as well as eliminating depression, ADD, ADHD, anorexia, bulimia, anxiety, insomnia etc. mostly by supplementing with the correct amino acids to correct chemical imbalances. She also discussed lowering cortisol levels at night (if needed) as well as yeast, parasite, and many other issues. Please read one of her books and maybe attend one of her workshops. It is the next step in your healthy crusade!

  12. Angie Weaver Avatar
    Angie Weaver

    I have a good tip for wanting more coconut oil…i make candy bars. I dont have a double boiler so i put a half cup coconut oil, half cup dutch processed cocoa powder, quarter cup honey (i love wildflower honey I get from azure standard for this), a capful of vanilla and a sprinkle of sea salt (sometimes i add it at the end to keep it a little crunchy) into a quart jar and put that in my small saucepan and boil the water. I do this while i clean up from dinner…so it boils about ten minutes or so. I place 6 big muffin cups on a cookie sheet that fits in my freezer (refer works too) and have it ready when the chocolate is cooked. Then, i fill each about a cm or 3/8 inch full of the chocolate and chill. After they are set i fold the muffin cup down around them and wrap each one in saran wrap…i keep tese in the fridge but have had them at room temp for hours.

  13. Ashley Avatar

    I am 29years old. I stopped taking birth control about 10 months ago as I realized it was the cause of me having constant breakthrough bleeding and it was ruining my sex life! After I stopped taking it I lost some weight but i have BAD ACNE! I’ve never had it before like this. My doctor just prescribed me Alesse(a low hormone birth control) but i’m really torn about taking it. This article was good timing for me to read!

    1. Brenda Avatar

      Clear up acne with burdock root tea.
      Drink it every day if needed. Wash your
      Face with a little baking soda and finish
      off with a dab of diluted vinegar.
      You can also apply tea tree essential oil
      To speed healing.

  14. Christina Avatar

    I am wondering what your thoughts are on Birth Control, I have begun taking it to help clear my skin, but I would personally rather use natural things to clear my skin and regulate my hormones.

  15. Kelley Avatar

    I love the benefits of coconut oil by my dh is allergic…advice?

  16. Jen Tiedemann Avatar
    Jen Tiedemann

    Why are we not suppose to heat Olive Oil? I saute with it. What happens to it that makes it bad/harmful?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      It can oxidize and break down relatively easily when heated…

  17. Cassie Avatar

    What do you think of Nordic Naturals cod liver oil?
    I’m having trouble with the fermented kind, and can’t seem to figure out how they compare..

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Since it isn’t fermented, it isn’t as absorbable but it is still a decent option…

  18. Rigsby Avatar

    since gelatin contains magnesium, should you also take a magnesium supplement?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I do take magnesium as well since it contains trace amounts…

  19. Emily Willen Avatar
    Emily Willen

    Wonderful article~
    I would add Spanish black radish, calcium lactate, & ecchinacea for helping PCOS too. Spanish Black Radish is a great “drainer” of toxins in the torso, so it can clear out the ovaries as well. Calcium lactate is great for pain relief when you have your period, but you need the balance of magnesium too (phosphate helps your body utilize it more sufficiently too). I’m not sure how ecchinacea plays into how it helps, but my doctor recommended it to me, & it really does help. I would not recommend vitamin D3 to anyone, since your body actually uses D1 & D2 as well, & can become insufficient over time if you just take D3. I would also recommend looking for a non-GMO supplement, & one that says something among the lines as “whole food”, since many supplements on the store shelves have synthetic chemicals in them. Sorry, thought I’d share things that have helped me, & what I’ve been learning in my classes~

    1. Emily Willen Avatar
      Emily Willen

      Totally forgot to add this! You need to support your heart too. Some homeopaths call the heart, adrenals, & thyroid the ‘Triangle” since they all effect one another (if you give a person having a heart attack medication for hypothyroidism you can actually stop the heart attack). If the heart is strong, it should help benefit the thyroid & adrenals (& vise versa too).

  20. Stacy Smith Avatar
    Stacy Smith

    I love coconut oil , I use it for skin sun protection also! My husband likes canola but it’s very rare I fry , I bake and broiled and slow cook mostly . I use olive oil even on my furniture and it’s good for everything! Thanks for sharing.

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