Homemade Lip Balm Recipe

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Homemade Lip Balm Recipe

I started making my own DIY lip balm years ago after my favorite healthy brand of chapstick added soy and canola oil. Yuck! This natural lip balm recipe is easy to make with just a few ingredients. Plus it’s moisturizing and hydrating to help fight dry lips all year long.

DIY Lip Balm Recipe

Making your own lip balm at home is simple and much less than buying organic brands at the store. Tubes of lip balm make a great gift item, stocking stuffer, or safe play makeup for kids. I also keep these on hand when doula-ing to give to laboring moms. Hospital air can really dry out skin and lips.

Lip balm uses natural ingredients that you can also use to make dozens of other natural skin and body care recipes. You can find coconut oil, beeswax, and cocoa butter in my other DIY projects like lotion and body butter.

Buying Organic Lip Balm

Too short on time or don’t feel like making your own? Here’s where to get healthy, natural lip balm!

How to Make Lip Balm

Since lip products are applied right next to the mouth and nose, it’s important to me that they have safe, natural ingredients. Especially if my kids are using them! While I used coconut oil, there are many different carrier oil options. Coconut oil is solid at cooler temperatures so it creates a firmer lip balm. It also has some mild SPF properties.

If you want something a little softer you can use less beeswax, or sub up to half of the coconut oil with another liquid oil. Using just liquid oil will make for a softer lip balm though. Here are a few lip nourishing options:

Castor oil leaves a nice shine on the lips and is a popular ingredient in homemade lip gloss recipes. It won’t replace the coconut oil 1 to 1 in this recipe. But you can replace about 1 teaspoon of the coconut oil for a shinier look and smooth feel.

Essential Oils for Lip Balm

Aromatherapy is big these days, but not all products on store shelves use real essential oils. While kids (and some adults) may love the smell, strawberry bubble gum-scented lip balm isn’t exactly natural. But not every essential oil is safe to use on the lips either.

Certain oils, like cinnamon bark and lemongrass, can be really irritating. Especially on more sensitive areas like the lips. Many essential oils can be safe on the lips up to 5% dilution, which is about 60 drops of essential oil here. However, I prefer to use much less than that.

Here are a few lip-safe options:

There are a few that smell really yummy that didn’t make the list. Lime, bergamot and a few other oils can cause photosensitivity if too much is used before sun exposure. Translation: think swelling, redness, and lip damage.

Something like lemon is safe to use at a 1% dilution max, but going over safe levels can cause sun damage. You may still not want to use lemon lip balm and then go sunbathing for an hour though.

For the most part, though, you can mix and match any of your favorite essential oils that are lip friendly.

Choosing a Container

I usually use these lip balm tubes for easy application. Repurposed little jars or tins work well too. I had a bunch of tiny sample-size jam jars in our room at a hotel once and they’re perfect for this as well.

Lip Balm Recipe Without Beeswax

I typically use beeswax pastilles when making lip balm. They help harden the lip balm and provide a protective coating on the lips. For various reasons, some people prefer to make a vegan lip balm and candelilla wax works as a sub. It’s harder than beeswax though so less is needed.

If you haven’t made your own beauty products before, I’d encourage you to try it! The basic recipe is below, but have fun experimenting with the oils and flavors to get the scent and flavor you like. Mint is my favorite, especially in the winter!

lip balm recipe
4.49 from 58 votes

Homemade Lip Balm Recipe

Easily make and customize your own homemade chapstick with all natural ingredients.
Prep Time3 minutes
Active Time10 minutes
Cooling Time2 hours
Total Time2 hours 13 minutes
Yield: 18 lip balm tubes
Author: Katie Wells



  • Add a few inches of water to the bottom of a small pan and heat over medium heat.
  • Place a small heat-safe jar (pint size or smaller) in the water, being careful not to get any water inside the jar. You can also use a double boiler or a glass bowl perched on top of a small pot of water.
  • Add the cocoa butter, coconut oil, and one tablespoon beeswax to the jar and slowly melt, stirring occasionally. Make sure not to get any water in the jar.
  • When all the ingredients are melted, stir well and turn off the heat. Leave jar in the water to keep warm.
  • Stir in the essential oils.
  • Use a glass dropper to quickly fill the lip balm containers, like tubes or lip balm tins.
  • The mixture will settle slightly as it cools, so I top off the containers after about 2 minutes as they start to harden.
  • Let sit without touching for several hours or until completely hardened.


  • Shelf life and Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place for up about 2 years. The optional vitamin E oil helps extend the shelf life even further. 
  • This will make a medium firm lip balm. If you prefer a firmer version, you can add more beeswax, up to double the recommended amount. If you prefer a smoother and more oily lip balm, you can reduce the amount of beeswax.

More DIY Lip Recipes

Want to branch out and try more DIY skincare recipes? Here are some tutorials I’ve created over the years:

Do you make your own lip balm? What flavors or scents would you like to try? Share below!

This lip chap is easy to make and completely natural. There are endless variations and you can use the same ingredients to make many other recipes!

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


253 responses to “Homemade Lip Balm Recipe”

  1. Donna Avatar

    I have read all the comments here and am anxious to make my first batch of lip chap. I have two questions regarding shea butter. I have heard comments about the smell of unrefined shea butter, and also that it can be grainy. I know I could use the refined butter but will lose some of the beneficial vitamins, etc. If I use the unrefined butter could you suggest a couple of brands that might be the least smelly and the least grainy? Since this is my first attempt I am hesitant to buy in large quantities. Thank you!!

  2. Donna Avatar

    I have two questions about the kind of shea butter I should order. From what I have read unrefined(raw) is more likely to have a “grainy” texture and more likely to have a smell to it. The other choice is refined shea butter which is said to be smoother with less odor. I know that using the refined will decrease the amount of vitamins, etc in it. Does it make a difference what brand is used? Can you suggest a couple of options?

  3. Jennifer Avatar

    I used beet root powder so my young daughter could have her own “lip stick”. The powder would not mix! I tried mixing it in the oil, it just stayed grainy. I tried making a paste with water and that just created colored water bubbles that would not mix. Any suggestions on how to get the color to mix in properly?

  4. Janie Avatar

    I’m planning to put a little labor survival kit together for my daughter-in-law who’s expecting in October. She’s planning on using the Bradley Method, which I used for my last three and loved. You mentioned that you used this as a doula. What is you experience regarding “flavor”? I’m planning on making one without EOs or flavoring (in case she experiences nausea), and maybe a lemon? I wouldn’t normally put a citrus EO in a leave on like lip balm, but she’s not likely to be out in the sun, and my lemon extra EO is not supposed to cause photo toxicity. Any other flavor suggestions? I’d like to give her a variety in case one appeals to her more than another during that time. Also, any other suggestions for her labor kit, in general? A massage cream or lotion would be good, I think.

  5. Kristine Avatar

    Hi, I have a friend who is allergic to bee’s, bees wax and coconut oil, but she wants me to create some chapstick for her. What would you suggest I use instead of those items and do you have a recipe? Thank You

  6. Mandy Avatar

    I just made this recipe and was able to fill 10 of the 1/2 ounce tins from Mountain Rose Herbs using tablespoons as parts. It was incredibly easy to make and oh my gosh what a money saver! I liked Burt’s Bees till I read about the formula change but it was still kinda pricy to buy for our family of 7. Mine is still setting but I can’t wait to try it!

  7. Elivetz Avatar

    Hello! Is there a way to make the lip balm without the wax? I am allergic to all wax which makes it difficult for me to put anything on my lips.

  8. Lan Avatar

    Can I add aloe vera gel to this or would it affect the consistency?

  9. Jamie Avatar

    I made a batch using cocoa butter and it was great! Perfect consistency and silky smooth on my lips. I put it into those small little jelly/jam jars which worked really well. Now it’s been about a month or so, I just went to use it and they look like they’ve all gone bad ( little dots of fuzz on the surface) I made sure no water got into the recipe and the jars were completely dry as well. I had them stored in one of my kitchen cupboards, not near the stove (wasn’t my intention to leave them there). The house is at most 70 degrees otherwise cooler. I also had made magnesium body butter about a month or less ago and it went bad recently as well, but that one was in my bathroom, which is usually cooler than the rest of the house. It was stored in a glass jar with a lid. And the other half of the magnesium body butter is in the refrigerator, but it has some discoloring. I used cocoa butter in all the recipes (since I seem to have a reaction to shea butter) and I didn’t use any essential oils for either of those. Any suggestions? I doubt any of the ingredients were contaminated, so maybe the jars I’m using aren’t closing tightly or I’m storing them wrong? I’ve made deodorant with and without essential oils, the other body butter ( but using olive oil in place of coconut), and sunscreen and those seem to be okay. Thank you so much for your time! I love your site and all the useful information!

    1. Jamie Avatar

      Okay, I know I’m replying to my own post, but I have an interesting update. Long story short, I decided to scrape off the top of the lip chap and set it aside (I figured if it really had gone bad, it will develop those dots again and I’d throw it out at that point). I checked on it a week or so later and I found out that when the temperature was warmer part of it began to melt and little dots of oil pools formed. Then it would cool off and harden again. I believe that’s what caused the dots. As far as the fuzziness goes, I don’t know, maybe I was wrong or maybe because of the texture it appears fuzzy. Thank you so much!

  10. steph Avatar

    I’ve never heard anyone refer to lip balm as “lip chap.” Sounds like the opposite of what I want!

  11. Laney Avatar

    I tried a few variations of this with the coconut oil, shea butter and beeswax. The coconut oil tends to make it a very very greasy-like feel. I tried slightly more beeswax, and still greasy. My final recipe was 2 FULL parts beeswax to 1 part coconut/shea… it was perfect! All personal preference of course…
    I love all the recipes on this website ! Thanks Wellness Mama! I’m doing gradual changes towards a more chemical free life style… and your articles and recipes have been my motivation.

  12. Mae Avatar

    My dads allergic to coconut, but i wanna make some for everyone (its not weird that I want to make lip balm for my dad is it?) Is there anything i can substitute for the coconut oil? And it is the same Mae thats on pretty much all your lip and lotion stuff lol.

  13. Sarah Avatar

    I have been spending quite a lot of money on chemical free products for bodies and home. I would like to start making as many as I can myself. Do you buy your ingredients (eg. beeswax, butters, and oils) online? If so, is there an Australian online company that you can recommend where products are of good quality and cost-effective? There seem to be so many out there, and I don’t want to get caught buying poor quality of chemical/pesticide-laced products. That would defeat the purpose! Thank you!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      I definitely recommend buying them in bulk, but unfortunately, I am not familiar with any sources in Australia. If you do find a good source, perhaps you can leave it in the comments here so others can benefit… thanks for reading!

    2. Caitlin Avatar

      Hey Sarah, I can’t really seem to find a great Aus supplier yet either. I have recently bought some items from soapconscious.com but they don’t have the greatest range, as well as a couple of Aus suppliers off ebay of all places – i haven’t had a chance to use them yet though. The site https://www.aussiesoapsupplies.com.au/ seems to have a good range of product, but you do need to spend alot per order.
      I recently found http://shop.newdirections.com.au/ which seems fairly cheap, however i don’t need anything atm so cant comment on quality or shipping price.

  14. Melissa Goers Avatar
    Melissa Goers

    Aren’t you supposed to use glass containers when using essential oils because oils break down the properties of plastics?

  15. Ishika Avatar

    I wanted to use this recipe on my blog for a bridesmaid gift. Is it ok if I put this exact recipe on my blog and give credit to you on it? I’ll even put a link that goes back to your original page?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      No, I don’t allow my content to be republished elsewhere. You can quote from an article as long as attribution is given and you link back to the original article. Thanks for asking though.

  16. Veronica Kreuder Avatar
    Veronica Kreuder

    I use a 3:1 ratio in the winter and a 4:1 in the summer. How I make mine, melt in a pyrex glass cup inside a pot of boiling water. Place about 10-12 tubes in a circle, squishing them together and then rubberband them – where they easily stand all close together. When ingredients are melted, I carefully pour the mix into each tube mostly all the way. The pyrex glass cup has a pretty defined pouring lip which makes it super easy. It takes me very little effort to fill the tubes this way.

  17. Kim Avatar

    I have made this recipe before and LOVED it! I am about to make my second batch, but I am wondering how you keep the mixture from hardening in the dropper? I had a hard time filling the latter tubes because the lip chap was hardening in the dropper. Any suggestions before I make this next batch? Thanks!!

      1. Kim Avatar

        That is what I do, but it actually was hardening inside the dropper, making it hard to transfer. Any suggestions for that? Thanks!

4.49 from 58 votes (39 ratings without comment)

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