Red Raspberry Leaf Uses & Benefits (For Pregnancy & More)

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benefits and uses of red raspberry leaf
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Red Raspberry Leaf Uses & Benefits (For Pregnancy & More)

Raspberry leaf is probably my favorite herb and definitely the one I consume the most because of its amazing nutrient profile. I even use it in my homemade multivitamin tincture.

While the taste is nothing like raspberries, it has gentle taste similar to regular black tea (but without the caffeine).

Raspberry leaf is generally known for its benefits during pregnancy, but its nutrient profile makes it an excellent choice for women at any stage of life as it helps support female health in many ways.

Here’s why!

Why Use Raspberry Leaf?

As its name suggests, raspberry leaf is the leaf of the raspberry plant. Also known as “the woman’s herb,” it is naturally high in vitamins and minerals we need for female health specifically: magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, and vitamins B, A, C, and E. The high level of B vitamins in particular makes it useful for relieving nausea, soothing leg cramps, and improving sleep. (Symptoms that definitely increase during pregnancy!)

Immune Support

The high concentration of vitamin C in raspberry leaf makes it great during illness and I use it in a variety of my favorite herbal tea recipes for immune support during sickness. It’s soothing and tasty (and the fact that it’s safe to give to kids really helps!). I explain why a little extra vitamin C support is good for health here.

Pregnancy and Labor

The specific combination of nutrients in raspberry leaf makes it extremely beneficial for the female reproductive system. It strengthens the uterus and pelvic muscles which some midwives say leads to shorter and easier labors.

This study published in a midwifery journal gives some support to the anecdotal evidence. In a control group of 108 women, about 50% took red raspberry leaf throughout the pregnancy. In their words, the result seem to indicate that “women who ingest raspberry leaf might be less likely to receive an artificial rupture of their membranes, or require a caesarean section, forceps or vacuum birth than the women in the control group.”

I personally use it as a tea throughout pregnancy, even in the first trimester, as I’ve never seen any conclusive reason not to and the health benefits are wonderful during pregnancy, but I’d definitely consult a midwife or doctor before taking any herb while pregnant.

I also use it in this herbal tea blend for nursing moms. It’s a great choice at this time because of its safety profile and flavor, not to mention its other benefits.

Female Health

As I mentioned, red raspberry leaf isn’t just for pregnant women. Many women claim it helps ease the symptoms of PMS, endometriosis, and menopause, and some couples find it helpful when trying to conceive. This is due to its high vitamin and mineral content, which helps balance hormones and strengthens the walls of uterus and the general pelvic area. Because these nutrients are coming from a food-based source, they are highly absorbable and better than a supplement (in my opinion!).

Dental Health

The tannins in raspberry leaf give it astringent properties which make it soothing both internally and externally. A strong raspberry leaf tea or tincture will sooth sunburn, eczema, and rashes when used externally. Swishing with a tincture or infusion of raspberry leaf is great for the gums and can help alleviate the symptoms of gingivitis or gum disease.

How to Take Red Raspberry Leaf

I like to take this mainly as an herbal tea, which I drink iced in the summer and hot in the winter. I also make a pregnancy tea using 4 parts raspberry leaf and 1 part nettle leaf. You can also add 1 part peppermint leaf for help with nausea during early pregnancy.

For those trying to improve fertility, it is recommended to consume three or more cups daily. I also consume this amount during pregnancy. It tastes very similar to regular tea without the caffeine, which makes it wonderful in the evening. If you’re a tea drinker, consider adding this in place of regular tea.

How to Brew Raspberry Leaf Tea

Pour 8 ounces of boiling water over 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of raspberry leaf (depending on how strong you like your tea). Steep, covered, for at least 5 minutes and drink as regular tea.

I often keep a gallon of cold raspberry leaf tea in the fridge so that I don’t have to brew by the cup. To make a gallon, just use 3/4 to 1 cup of raspberry leaf per gallon of boiling water. I pour the herbs and boiling water into a gallon glass jar, cover with a plate, and leave overnight before straining for a strong tea.

Starting off with one cup per day and then keeping consumption to no more than 3 cups in a day is recommended.

Check out my favorite herbal tea blends here … many of them include raspberry leaf!

How to Make a Tincture

You can also make a tincture of raspberry leaf using the same proportions that you use to make chamomile tincture. This is great for the skin if used externally and to help alleviate PMS, menstrual troubles, heavy bleeding and infertility when used internally.

Is It Safe for Pregnancy?

Red raspberry leaf benefitsIn the health world there must, of course, always be some controversy, so it’s worth mentioning that some sources recommended avoiding raspberry leaf in the first trimester.

Though I’ve used red raspberry leaf in all of my pregnancies without a problem, some speculate that it shouldn’t be used until later in the pregnancy, thinking that there could be a risk of miscarriage. I’ve never found any evidence of it being a problem, but of course, any pregnant woman should consult her own doctor or midwife before taking anything during pregnancy.

This article explains where some of this speculation comes from:

Some medical and popular media make reference to raspberry leaf tea as something to avoid during pregnancy for risk of miscarriage. This notion stems from a study conducted in 1954 where fractions were isolated from Rubus sp. and applied in vitro to the uterine tissues of guinea pigs and frogs. The scientists discovered such things as one fraction acted as a spasmolytic whereas another caused uterine contractions. Herein lies the risk of isolating the parts of a whole. When used as a whole plant, neither action is exacerbated and the herb is deemed safe. If a mother is prone to miscarriages she may feel safer avoiding raspberry until the third trimester. This is an herb with centuries of safe use behind it, there is usually little cause for concern.

To date there is little clinical data on the safety of herbs during pregnancy, but the anecdotal evidence and long history of use in many cultures seems to indicate raspberry leaf is quite safe.

Where to Buy Raspberry Leaf

I order dried raspberry leaf in bulk to make into tea, infusions, or tinctures. We go through a bag pretty quickly since my kids love it too!

Try red raspberry leaf tea as your tasty new nightcap or in your favorite herbal blend. It’s a delicious addition to your herbal remedy cabinet and one I highly recommend in or outside of pregnancy.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Betsy Greenleaf, the first board certified female urogynecologist in the United States. She is double board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Do you use raspberry leaf? Ready to start? Share below!

health benefits of red raspberry leaf and why you should be drinking it


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    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    179 responses to “Red Raspberry Leaf Uses & Benefits (For Pregnancy & More)”

    1. Jenni Avatar

      I’m 35 weeks pregnant and have been drinking about 33 oz of Raspberry Leaf tea for about 2 or 3 weeks,
      I’m wondering if it’s okay to drink the tea and take a raspberry leaf supplement as well?


    2. Sylvia Avatar

      My daughter suffers from cervical prolapse since the birth of her second child. I want to use raspberry leaf along with other herbs in a tincture for cervical prolapse. Will this help with this condition/problem?

    3. Alyssa Avatar

      Hey, I know this is an old post, but I bought the mountain rose herb tea like you suggested as I’m in my third trimester of pregnancy and I’m just wondering what the best way to store it is? My mom always stored her herbs in old candle jars in dark, cool places. Is that better than the plastic bag it comes in?

    4. Izy B Avatar

      I’m so happy I came across your post. I have about 30 organic raspberry bushes in my yard and never knew the benefits of the leaves. I only wonder if I need to pick the leaves once the fruit is present, or can I just cut them off now and dry them? The fruit usually appears in September here in NJ. Thanks so much!

    5. Viktoriya. Avatar

      I’ve seen several comments asking if it is safe for husbands to drink this and haven’t seen a reply yet? Would you say this is safe for males to drink and what are the benefits for them?

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        Yes, it is considered safe for men and children too. It won’t have the same hormone balancing effects, but contains a lot of nutrients that are great for men as well.

    6. Ingrid Avatar

      Thank you for occasionally still responding to queries on this years-old post. I know that red raspberry and red clover are excellent for improving odds of conception, but I’m not sure of when to take them. Is it for the entire cycle, or is it better to alternate depending on what part of your cycle you’re in. I thank you for all of the health information you give. Good bless.

    7. Umm Haneefah Avatar
      Umm Haneefah

      I took this as well as RRL homeopathic drops during my first pregnancy.

      I had to have my membranes ruptured and my baby was delivered by c-section. I will still take it again. I hope that it will have the desired effect for this delivery.

      Regardless, it’s enjoyable to drink.

    8. natasha Avatar

      Hello. I’m trying to get pregnant (I’m 42) have regular cycles with 3 days of menstrual bleeding and a day of spotting. I had the last day of my period (spotting) on monday and started drinking raspberry leaf tea since monday and I started bleeding again since thursday. Can this be related to the tea??I won’t be able to see my ovulation day if I’m beeding again.
      Has anyone any answers?
      Many thanks

    9. Hulda Avatar

      I used raspberry leaf tea the last month of pregnancy both times and my first labor was 2h15m from start and the second 1h15m. Both vaginal deliveries with minimal tearing of the labia only (sorry TMI!). I don’t know if it was the tea or just me, but if it was the tea I must warn you that I had only 90 sec between contractions the first 30 minutes and after that about 30 sec or less. I was unable to speak. All I could do was slow breathing to manage the pain (which was very helpful). The second time I just made it to the hospital in time. I arrived 4 cm dilated and 20 minutes later I was fully dilated and pushing. The doctor who was going to give me an epidural (I wanted to slow things down) arrived 30 minutes after my arrival, when I was already crowning. Obviously it was too late!

      I wouldn’t say I gave birth early per se, but I definitely didn’t go past my due date. First birth was at 39w2d (or 39w4d from the first ultrasound measurements) and second at 39w5d (exactly 40w to the day after my positive opk).

    10. shay Avatar

      I’m 37 weeks and just started drinking rrl tea.. I drink two cups a day, should I increase in order to not go past my due date of May 10 2015?

    11. casie Avatar

      I love you entire website! Such great information. I suffer from infertility issues with an ovulatuin and imbalanced hormones. Which tea and herbs would be the very best for me to use?

    12. Alan Avatar

      Hi, thanks for the post, I Purchased the raspberry tea leaf from mountain rose herbs, per your recommendation, they have a small warning sticker on the back saying: This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm! GREAT!!!!!! Ive been taking this tea for a while now, this is awful!!!!!!

    13. heather Avatar

      I have a lot of RRL powder leftover and was wondering if there are any benefits outside of pregnancy, TTC, or PMS (none of these are concerns for me). I am concerned about the research showing that RRL might act like an estrogen mimic. I try to avoid too much soy for this reason and would be interested to hear your thoughts on RRL as an estrogen mimic.

    14. Linda Avatar

      I was advised by a GP to take 2 capsules a day of red raspberry since confirming my pregnancy. I am now 6 & a half weeks pregnant. I feel ok but I’m concerned that I should stop using it until I reach 32 weeks. What do you suggest I do?

    15. Virginia Avatar

      Hi Katie – when used as a tincture to alleviate or prevent menstrual cramps, what dosage and timing do you suggest? Should I take when the cramps occur? At ovulation time? Please advise! Thank you for your fantastic blog. V.

    16. melissa Avatar

      Hi there! I keep coming upon your blog when I search pregnancy issues! hehe

      Just trying to figure out when to slot this in. My naturopath said to have 1-2 cups daily. I kon an empty stomach..

      Right now in the AM first thing, I drink hot water, lemon, black strap molasses and apple cider vinegar. I take my iron/folate and vitamin c supplements at the same time. – I don’t see why I cant swap the hot water for the tea – unlike other teas, this isn’t a diuretic right? I think that is the issue when taking iron with other types of tea.

      Anyone know? I will email my naturopath anyway..!

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