
Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe

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I’ve been using coconut products for years and now you can find everything from coconut cream to coconut flour in your grocery store baking aisle. Coconut milk is a wonderful alternative to pasteurized cow’s milk or to rice, almond, soy, or other plant-based milk, and you can find this at most stores as well.

Unfortunately, canned coconut milk at the store usually contains BPA in the can lining. New refrigerated carton varieties are somewhat better but can be expensive and have added sweeteners or preservatives. Not to mention the cost and packaging generated for what is — let’s face it — mostly water!

Fortunately, making coconut milk at home is very simple and inexpensive! From my calculations, homemade coconut milk costs less than $1 per batch. We use it in smoothies, curries, ice cream, or just to drink by itself. It can also be flavored with natural vanilla, strawberries, or cocoa powder. (Yum!)

How to Make Coconut Milk From Scratch

Coconut is packed with medium-chain fatty acids and lauric acid with a host of health benefits — one of the reasons coconut oil has become so popular. My kids can’t get enough of it and I love that it is full of the healthy fats that are especially good for growing bodies.

Best of all, you only need two ingredients to make coconut milk and one of them is self-stable! Grab some unsweetened shredded dried coconut from the pantry, add some hot water and a blender, and voila — fresh coconut milk!

Another bonus: this recipe takes minimal prep time and clean-up. You don’t have to have a nut milk bag for a strainer, either (although it is nice if you make coconut or almond milk from scratch often). I have used a towel or some cheesecloth in a pinch.

I’m experimenting with creative ways to use the coconut pulp when I’m done… let me know in the comments if you’ve found a favorite way to use it!

Coconut Milk Recipes to Try

Coconut milk works great for vegan, dairy-free, or paleo diets. Here are some recipes to try with your freshly made creation!

Try this inexpensive way to make coconut milk:

homemade coconut milk

Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe

Homemade coconut milk from shredded coconut for a healthy and inexpensive milk alternative.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Calories 390kcal
Author Katie Wells





  • Heat water until hot, but not boiling.
  • Put shredded coconut in blender or Vitamix and add the hot water. If all the water will not fit, this can be done in batches. See instructions below.
  • Blend on high for several minutes until thick and creamy.
  • Pour through a mesh strainer to remove most of the coconut solids.
  • Squeeze the strained liquid through a towel or several thicknesses of cheesecloth to remove remaining pieces of coconut.
  • If you had to split the water into batches put all the coconut that you strained out back in the blender, add the remaining water, and repeat.
  • Drink immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days after making for best flavor and texture. Since there are no preservatives or fillers, the "cream" of the coconut milk may separate to the top if stored in the fridge. Just shake or stir before using.


Nutrition Facts
Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe
Amount Per Serving
Calories 390 Calories from Fat 342
% Daily Value*
Fat 38g58%
Saturated Fat 34g213%
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.4g
Monounsaturated Fat 2g
Sodium 30mg1%
Potassium 321mg9%
Carbohydrates 14g5%
Fiber 10g42%
Sugar 4g4%
Protein 4g8%
Vitamin C 1mg1%
Calcium 20mg2%
Iron 2mg11%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Try adding different flavor options after all coconut has been strained out!
  • Vanilla coconut milk: ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • Strawberry coconut milk: ½ cup pureed fresh or frozen strawberries
  • Chocolate coconut milk: 2 tsp cocoa powder + ½ tsp vanilla extract

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

Try using homemade coconut milk in this relaxing moon milk recipe.

Ever made coconut milk before? Planning to try sometime? Offer your favorite tips below!

Make your own homemade coconut milk with only shredded coconut and water for a simple, inexpensive and healthy drink.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


409 responses to “Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe”

  1. Amy Weeks Avatar
    Amy Weeks

    5 stars
    I found a recipe online to make almond milk out of almond flour. I tried it and it worked greta! I’ve got a lot of coconut flour right now and not much ambition towards baking, do you think I could make coconut milk out of coconut flour too?

  2. Liz Avatar

    5 stars
    Can the meal be used for something? I hate to throw it out and I don’t have the option to compost it.

  3. Cathy Avatar

    Have you ever frozen coconut milk? If so does it come out the same? I don’t go through it fast enough and don’t want to waste it.

  4. Meredith Anderson Avatar
    Meredith Anderson

    5 stars
    I’m super excited to try this! I have a ton of unsweetened shredded coconut I never use and ran out of coconut milk/solids. My blender cup is plastic and I don’t think it could handle the hot water. Do you think this could be made with an immersion blender?

  5. Linda Avatar

    5 stars
    I have made coconut milk before but a little differently. I just completed this recipe and like the outcome much better. I use this milk for a no “poo” shampoo I make my daughter for her acne she gets on her scalp and for my husbands beard because he gets psoriasis under it. I only make small batches of this shampoo due to shelf life but was wondering if you think it would be okay to freeze the remaining milk in an ice tray so I won’t be wasting so much. I know I could drink it, it is just the issue of having time every 3 to 4 days to make more. TIA for your advice and for this recipe.

    1. saint Avatar

      Hello! would you mind sharing your no poo recipe for the shampoo? Thank you in advance!

  6. Molly Avatar

    4 stars
    I tried this recipe, and as I was blending I noticed coconut oil collecting on the sides of my blender after 3 minutes so I thought it was done and strained it through a nutmilk bag. I don’t think I got all the coconut oil out of the flakes, I squeezed as hard as I could, but I’m pretty sure that most of the oil stayed in the flakes while the liquid all squeezed out into the bowl. Did I not blend long enough maybe? The milk was delicious, but there was very little oil at the top. It was squeezing out of the bag separately from the liquid, should it have been more homogenized into the milk?

  7. Anyal Avatar

    5 stars
    Katie, How will your coconut milk recipe work for Dr. Axe’s coconut milk infant formula? Dr. Axe recommends Thai Kitchen on Amazon, however it got some bad reviews. Would you feed this to your baby in the infant recipe he gives? I’m changing Dr. Axe’s particular ingredients in his recipe to what is available at Radiant Life as Weson A. Price Foundation suggests. Would you add or change anything else of the recipe Dr. Axe list on his site? Thank you so much for your help! Anyal

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Hi, I edited to remove his link as per my comment policy. I would highly recommend avoiding his formula recipe. Coconut milk doesn’t have the same nutritional qualities babies need and that recipe would not necessarily provide all of the nutrient baby needs (and can also be an allergen if introduced too early). I really don’t like most of his recipes personally and find that they are very similar to recipes on other sites with one or two ingredients changed, but sometimes those ingredients are really important. I’d absolutely check with a doc and show him Axe’s recipe before giving it to a baby!

  8. Shannon Avatar

    I’ve used the cold fats on the top in my coffee :). Mmm

  9. Alka Avatar

    I am so excited about fresh home made coconut milk. I am new , I admit ; this is my second foray. First time round, I met success. But the second time I made a batch , I experienced that the taste was kinda off within 24 hours. Anyone know what to do with the milk and what went wrong? Best I can describe it is slightly sour.

  10. CAROL Avatar

    I have a whole coconut here – I was wondering if anyone can give me ideas how to use. I bought it because I was excited to see it in our local shop – but I don’t know what to do with it. I would love to make real coconut milk with it because it’s s/t I use for ice creams – can anyone guide me on how to do that?


  11. Nikki Avatar

    Hi Katie! Any idea on how to make coconut milk powder? I have been wanting to try this since I do backpacking and I have come across recipes that call for it.

  12. Benjamin Weingarten Avatar
    Benjamin Weingarten

    5 stars
    Hello Katie! Last night I have made the organic coconut milk and served to all my family members. All they were praising me for this. On that time I was very happy, because I have made it to all. Thank you so much for sharing great info about coconut milk.

  13. ann Avatar

    5 stars
    Hello Katie,

    Is there something we can do with the pulp left over? I feel bad wasting so much of coconut meat.


    1. Wendi Avatar

      You can dry it your oven then grind into coconut flour. I also use it as a fiber boost to our fruit smoothies.

  14. Kate Avatar

    5 stars
    I didn’t have any problems with this!! I was making this really good raspberry coconut smoothie and I didn’t have any coconut milk left…until Wellness Mama came to the rescue! Turned out great, and I’ve also found some uses for the coconut oil. Thanks!

  15. Mikey Avatar

    5 stars
    I have made this several times and have had some really intense side effects. I buy my shredded coconut from the bulk section of the store. There aren’t any sulfites listed, but I am curious as I have an allergyto them. Anyone? Thanks!

  16. Carolyn Avatar

    Okay, I just made this coconut milk and I want to know how you’re supposed to squeeze the milk out without burning your hands? I heated the water using my Breville electric kettle to 185F ( just under boiling), then poured it into blender with shredded coconut and waited about 5 mins. before processing. I then processed it for a couple mins. and poured it into my nut milk bag and started trying to squeeze it out and it burned my hands! I finally put on rubber gloves and was able to squeeze it out but it also ended up slightly melting my nut milk bag! How does everyone deal with the hot liquid aspect of this process? Thanks!

    1. Wendi Avatar

      I heat the water to just before boiling. And I wear my kitchen gloves to squeeze because it’s too hot.

  17. Alkha Avatar

    Thank you so much, this is what i needed. I was looking for an alternative to substitute from buying milk products at the supper markers; they always ended up putting something in the milk i just didn’t want to consume. I tried your recipe and it worked wonderful for me.

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