
Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Recipes » Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe

I’ve been using coconut products for years and now you can find everything from coconut cream to coconut flour in your grocery store baking aisle. Coconut milk is a wonderful alternative to pasteurized cow’s milk or to rice, almond, soy, or other plant-based milk, and you can find this at most stores as well.

Unfortunately, canned coconut milk at the store usually contains BPA in the can lining. New refrigerated carton varieties are somewhat better but can be expensive and have added sweeteners or preservatives. Not to mention the cost and packaging generated for what is — let’s face it — mostly water!

Fortunately, making coconut milk at home is very simple and inexpensive! From my calculations, homemade coconut milk costs less than $1 per batch. We use it in smoothies, curries, ice cream, or just to drink by itself. It can also be flavored with natural vanilla, strawberries, or cocoa powder. (Yum!)

How to Make Coconut Milk From Scratch

Coconut is packed with medium-chain fatty acids and lauric acid with a host of health benefits — one of the reasons coconut oil has become so popular. My kids can’t get enough of it and I love that it is full of the healthy fats that are especially good for growing bodies.

Best of all, you only need two ingredients to make coconut milk and one of them is self-stable! Grab some unsweetened shredded dried coconut from the pantry, add some hot water and a blender, and voila — fresh coconut milk!

Another bonus: this recipe takes minimal prep time and clean-up. You don’t have to have a nut milk bag for a strainer, either (although it is nice if you make coconut or almond milk from scratch often). I have used a towel or some cheesecloth in a pinch.

I’m experimenting with creative ways to use the coconut pulp when I’m done… let me know in the comments if you’ve found a favorite way to use it!

Coconut Milk Recipes to Try

Coconut milk works great for vegan, dairy-free, or paleo diets. Here are some recipes to try with your freshly made creation!

Try this inexpensive way to make coconut milk:

homemade coconut milk

Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe

Homemade coconut milk from shredded coconut for a healthy and inexpensive milk alternative.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Calories 390kcal
Author Katie Wells





  • Heat water until hot, but not boiling.
  • Put shredded coconut in blender or Vitamix and add the hot water. If all the water will not fit, this can be done in batches. See instructions below.
  • Blend on high for several minutes until thick and creamy.
  • Pour through a mesh strainer to remove most of the coconut solids.
  • Squeeze the strained liquid through a towel or several thicknesses of cheesecloth to remove remaining pieces of coconut.
  • If you had to split the water into batches put all the coconut that you strained out back in the blender, add the remaining water, and repeat.
  • Drink immediately or store in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days after making for best flavor and texture. Since there are no preservatives or fillers, the "cream" of the coconut milk may separate to the top if stored in the fridge. Just shake or stir before using.


Nutrition Facts
Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe
Amount Per Serving
Calories 390 Calories from Fat 342
% Daily Value*
Fat 38g58%
Saturated Fat 34g213%
Polyunsaturated Fat 0.4g
Monounsaturated Fat 2g
Sodium 30mg1%
Potassium 321mg9%
Carbohydrates 14g5%
Fiber 10g42%
Sugar 4g4%
Protein 4g8%
Vitamin C 1mg1%
Calcium 20mg2%
Iron 2mg11%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


Try adding different flavor options after all coconut has been strained out!
  • Vanilla coconut milk: ½ tsp vanilla extract
  • Strawberry coconut milk: ½ cup pureed fresh or frozen strawberries
  • Chocolate coconut milk: 2 tsp cocoa powder + ½ tsp vanilla extract

Like this recipe? Check out my new cookbook, or get all my recipes (over 500!) in a personalized weekly meal planner here!

Try using homemade coconut milk in this relaxing moon milk recipe.

Ever made coconut milk before? Planning to try sometime? Offer your favorite tips below!

Make your own homemade coconut milk with only shredded coconut and water for a simple, inexpensive and healthy drink.


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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


409 responses to “Homemade Coconut Milk Recipe”

  1. Darcie Avatar

    Hi! I have shredded unsweetened coconut that is dehydrated. Can I use this? Thanks!

    1. Jill Sanders Avatar
      Jill Sanders

      Did you ever try with dehydrated coconut? I would like to try if you found it to work.

  2. Bessy Reyes Avatar
    Bessy Reyes

    Where can you buy dried or frozen coconut shreds?
    Could I just try making it with a fresh coconut?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      You could definitely make with fresh coconut as well, and our regular grocery has frozen coconut shreds.

    2. John Fortner Avatar
      John Fortner

      4 stars
      I got mine from nuts.com where I got organic shredded coconut. I’ve used it for a date ball desert, granola, and milk thus far and it seems to do a good job in my opinion. I cook a lot though so I tend towards larger purchases.

  3. Kristen Avatar

    We just made this and it’s delicious and easy!  Thank you!  Can you re-dry and re-use the coconut meat after?  Thanks!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’ve dehydrated it before and then powdered it into coconut meal or flour…

  4. Jeanine Avatar

    Maybe there has already been an answer to this, but wondering if you can freeze the coconut milk so it keeps longer?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Haven’t tried it but I don’t see why not… you could freeze as ice cubes and use in smoothies too…

  5. Andrea Vascellaro Rockwood Avatar
    Andrea Vascellaro Rockwood

    I was sent this recipe from someone in a Facebook group and I just made it. Thank you, it was WONDERFUL and very simple. My dd is on a GF/CF diet and we were getting rice milk but other than being expensive it had a lot of junk in it that wasn’t good for her or us. I decided to try a glass of raw cow’s milk and see what happened but her behavior was terrible 10 minutes after drinking it so I needed something else. Thank you again for posting this.

  6. April Avatar

    If I use homemade coconut milk for your shampoo recipe, does it only last 3-4 days (in this post you say homemade coconut milk is good for 3-4 days in the fridge).  Would shampoo made with canned coconut milk have a longer shelf life?  thanks!

    1. Jane Avatar

      I am also wondering about the shelf life of the shampoo with fresh coconut milk.  Does it still not need to be kept in the fridge?  How about if you use the store bought refridgerator coconut milk? It says to keep it in the fridge. How long will the shampoo last?  Does it spoil or have you had anyproblems with that issue? Thanks! sounds like a great idea for me and my kiddos!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar
        Wellness Mama

        I haven’t had any trouble with it spoiling, but I make it in small batches and we, as a family, use it up in a couple days. If you use fresh I’d either make only a couple days worth at a time or keep in the fridge for good measure 🙂

        1. Hannah Avatar

          Is there anything that could be used as a natural and safe preservative in the shampoo to help keep homemade coconut milk from spoiling in the shampoo.?

      2. Saint Avatar

        Can you tell me what the “coconut shampoo” recipe is? I keep seeing the shampoo post with the coconut milk but I’m a little confused. Thank you in advance.

  7. Mural Avatar

    Use a nut bag to squeeze out the coconut milk into a bowl! Then dehydrate the coconut either in a food dehydrator or oven at a low temp for about a half an hour.

  8. Peter Hardy Avatar
    Peter Hardy

    Stevia is the hype, but i’m using it more and more often.  Make sure you get an organic brand, as the big food manufacturers will spoil this lovely sweetener sooner rather than later (and probably already have).  Instead of a cup of any sugar as per conventional recipes, a tablespoon of stevia does the same sweetening trick.  I use the white Stevia, as the green stevia is maybe better, as in ‘less processed’, but the strong aftertaste of licorice root put me off.

  9. Andrea Roane Avatar
    Andrea Roane

    I just tried making this. I have been on the no poo method for a small amount of time. I tried the boxed milk and it made my hair feel weird (maybe because all of the additives?). I will be trying the homemade milk. I will let you know how it goes with making my own milk for the shampoo. Thanks!

  10. Bridget Sielicki Avatar
    Bridget Sielicki

    Any ideas on what to do with the remaining coconut “pulp”? I hate to toss it!

    1. Zina Avatar

      OH Gosh, don’t toss it, dehydrate it, and use it as flour.  It is all I use these days.  There are some great recipes out there.  Tropical Traditions has a bunch on their web site.  I have a pumpkin one my family loves.  good luck.  

      1. Lan Nguyen Avatar
        Lan Nguyen

        What do you do after dehydrating it? Pulse it in the food processor? Can it be used in place of store-bought coconut flour in recipes – is the taste and texture different? Thank you!

    2. Elizabeth French Avatar
      Elizabeth French

       I used mine in my oatmeal but I read that others used it to make flour.

  11. Zina Avatar

    My friends and I use a painter’s paint strainer bag to separate the coconut and the milk.  They are very inexpensive and do a great job.  Just wash well first.  

    1. Kamila Straker Avatar
      Kamila Straker

       There is also a “nut bag” that I purchased. It’s very fine plastic bag to squeeze out all the milk from.

  12. Mary Avatar

    When I was a kid we used to stop and roadside juice stands. I would order either a fresh squeezed orange juice or a coconut milk. What I want to know is what I used to get made by mixied coconut powder mix into a glass of milk. That is what I am looking to find. I just want soem coconut powder to stir in a glass of milk. What I remember was there were pieces of coconut in it. It was soooooo good. Any suggestions of what I can buy and where to find it ?

    1. Laila Avatar

      I don’t know if they have it at regular supermarkets, but if you go to an Indian grocery store they should have it. Its called Maggi Coconut Milk Powder.

    2. Michelle Avatar

      Does anyone have any ideas for what could be done with the “pulp” that is left after straining out the milk? Are there any good uses for it still or should it just be thrown out?

      1. Swathi Avatar

        You can dry the pulp in oven and powder it! This flour can be used as an substitute for all purpose flour

      2. Danielle Avatar

        No need to dry the leftover pulp, just adjust other liquids. I used it for gluten-free banana bread (use for about 1/3 of the flour) and it was so moist and delicious, but can also use it in gluten breads. I’m soaking almonds for almond milk right now and will try the almond pulp in more bread. I need the strained milk for Banana bread pudding. (My last batch of banana bread I didn’t have any coconut pulp so ended up being a little dry, so repurposing into bread pudding). First batch of pudding I blended some coconut milk but left in the pulp (didn’t strain) and was delicious but had to chew it too much with the pulp. This batch will be with almond milk with the pulp strained since my son doesn’t like coconut (who’s kid is this?). ps I also don’t use hot water in my milks, since sometimes I use fresh coconut and want all the enzymes in tact.

        1. Haley Joe Avatar
          Haley Joe

          Thank you for sharing your brilliant ideas! Just made banana bread tonight and am kicking myself in the butt for not doing a gluten free recipe. Feeling super bloated now. Ugh.

        2. Diana Orlando Avatar
          Diana Orlando

          Danielle, I’m perfecting my skills in the kitchen as I implement healthier eating routines. It seems that you don’t use water when preparing the coconut milk. I like this idea, question what do you use in place if water while maintains dairy free, gluten free, etc of the homemade coconut milk?
          Thank you, Diana

      3. Joana Avatar

        5 stars
        Came here to find uses for the shreded coconut that is left, was not disappointed ;D ahah thank you! I thought this could be used for flour, really happy 😀

    3. Carol Avatar

      Couldn’t you dry the coconut shreds and then grind them into a powder by using your coffee grinder.

  13. Lauren Avatar

    I just recently started making my own coconut milk and I LOVE it!  I use whole coconuts and it’s even cheaper!  (and the benefits of the coconut water are worth the effort of cracking it) And I let the oils come up to the top and then break it up and jar it.  Coconut Oil!  Then I turn the squeezed out meat into coconut flour.  I have yet to use it, but it’s there.  So many purposes to one little coconut!  

    1. Candace Avatar

      Lauren, I’d love to hear how you make your own coconut flower from the coconut meat!  Do you just dehydrate it and then process it in a food processor or something?

      1. Tinna Avatar

        Once you have squeezed out the milk from the nutbag, take the remaining solids and spread them out onto a baking tray and bake for about 45 minutes at 200 degrees. At this point, it will be a bit lumpy so break it up in your food processor for about 30 seconds. And VOILA! You’ve got coconut flour!!!

        1. shelly Avatar

          5 stars
          thank you!!!! I was at a loss trying to figure out how to NOT WASTE the pulp. Yay!
          So basically one could stop buying coconut oil, coconut milk and coconut flour by just using fresh coconut for milk and oil and pulp (for flour). So cool!

          1. Angela Avatar

            Is this recipe more emulating the texture/thickness of canned coconut milk or carton coconut milk?

        2. Amy Avatar

          5 stars
          I have made coconut milk several times this week and have been drying out the used coconut flakes in the oven like you suggested.

          But I am not having success grinding the dried coconut flakes fine enough to use as flour. I have tried the blender (can’t afford a high-end blender), food processor, and immersion blender. So far the immersion blender got it the finest, but still not on par with coconut flour that I purchase at the store.

          I made some cookies with the coarser coconut flour. They were still good, but definitely grainy.

          Any suggestions on how to get the flour to the right consistency?


          1. Elizabeth Wormer Avatar
            Elizabeth Wormer

            The best method for finely grinding anything, from sugar to make powder sugar to rice to, obviously, make rice flour, sesame seeds for tahini, and dried coconut or oats to make flour out of them, is to use a small electric coffee beans grinder. They are inexpensive, versatile, and last a very long time. They also have the added bonus that you can grind smaller amounts such as caraway or aniseed, coriander and cardamom, etc.
            The cons are that you only grind about half a cup at a time, but a small electric coffee grinder is very powerful, and seeing one usually doesn’t need more a a few cups of ground ingredients such as flour, the grinding is done within a mere few minutes!! (been meaning to try grinding my own chickpeas for gram flour too). Cupboard space in most households doesn’t lend itself to the storage of whole and ground stuff, plus I like being able to regulate how fine or course my flour is. So far, whenever I have made oats, soya or coconut milk, I have mixed it straight away with dried fruits, or cocoa powder, maybe brown sugar or molasses or maple syrup, whatever else there was around (nuts, over ripe fruit,etc) and popped it into the over spread out on a cookie tray- I am never without something healthy to snack on). I also use the left over coconut, finely ground, to thicken cocoa sauces (gently boil coconut or soya milk and brown sugar and coconut fat, add a mixture of spices- cinnamon, cloves, nutmeg, ginger,etc and cocoa powder and some oats flour, and stir until really thick. you can obviously regulate everything to your liking. this makes a great base for pie filling, truffles, sandwich spread, or snacking squares). The flavour of the coconut flour as a leftover from making milk is so gentle it can be used to slightly thicken curries, chocolate milk, make pancakes, etc. Hope this helps. These are my findings on my way to becoming a vegan, and a healthier human in mind and body. Good luck with your road!

          2. Caron Avatar

            The Nutra Bullet has a blade to grind seeds and nuts into a fine powder. It came in the set I bought. It works great!

        3. rach Avatar

          i knew there was something i could have done with the pulp shame i did not scroll down before i threw it away

        4. Madhumita Avatar

          I think it’s a good idea to freeze the coconut milk into cubes. Whenever required just use

          1. MichelleVT Avatar

            Question, have you ever tried to thaw and drink the coconut milk once you’ve frozen into cubes? I’d like to make a batch and then freeze with the intention of thawing and using in coffee and what not, but I’m not having a lot of luck finding good information on this. So came here to see if anyone else knew.
            Thank you!

    2. sara Avatar

      i have never cracked a coconut in my life. i would love a step by step of how you get the oil, milk and flour out of it

  14. Josh demille Avatar
    Josh demille

     what brand of shredded coconut do you use that it only costs you a dollar per gallon? your recipe makes only 4 cups of milk, for a gallon you need to quadruple that recipe, 6-8 cups of shredded coconut is about a pound per gallon.

    1. Josh demille Avatar
      Josh demille

       disregard this comment… i saw your reply to the brand you use on another comment and posed my question there instead. 

  15. Vicki Avatar

    I’d really like to try this as my eldest son is dealing with sensory integration challenges & my youngest is lactose intolerant. Thx for the recipe!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’m not sure. Does that have some of the oils taken out? Worth a try
      though… I’ll let you know if I get a chance to try it.

    2. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’m not sure. Does that have some of the oils taken out? Worth a try
      though… I’ll let you know if I get a chance to try it.

      1. Leslie Blair Avatar
        Leslie Blair

        I made it with dessicated organic coconut, and it works fine. Thanks for the recipe! 

        1. Carol Ann Avatar
          Carol Ann

          Thanks, I was going to ask as Dessicated coconut was all I could Find!

  16. Clearisa Avatar

    I’m very curious as to your source of shredded coconut, and how you come up with less than $1 per gallon.


    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      lately, I’ve been ordering the bags of shredded coconut from Tropical
      Traditions. A 2.2 lb bag is $8.50 right now. With the way I’ve been
      making coconut milk lately, one bag makes 8-10 gallons or more. I’ve
      also gotten shredded coconut from a local co-op and it was even
      cheaper, I just like the taste of Tropical Traditions a little better.

      1. Josh demille Avatar
        Josh demille

         your recipe calls for 2 cups of coconut for 4 cups of water, to make one quart of coconut milk… how are you getting 8-10 gallons out of roughly 16 cups of coconut in the 2.2lb bag? by my calculations you’d need to use 8 cups of coconut per gallon of milk and that gets you 2 gallons per bag, at 4 bucks per gallon. are you adding more water in the end?

        1. Jenn Avatar

          I doubled the water but kept the same amount of coconut flakes, this makes about two quarts and it helped to keep the fats from solidifying as much and made it easier to remix. I find it is still really creamy. I also let the coconut sit in the hot water for a couple of minutes before blending for a couple of minutes. This is my new favorite Mille to mix with my turmeric paste, to which I also added cloves and ginger. So delicious.

        2. Aleece Avatar

          Where do you get how many cups of coconut are in the 2.2lb bag?
          I wish the recipe actually gave a weight for the coconut since different shred will cause a different volume measurement for the same weight of coconut.
          I used a 7 oz bag of unsweetened organic coconut shreds from the grocery store and it was well over 2 cups.

      2. Clarisa Avatar

         Hmm…that would make it $1/quart. Which would still be far cheaper than the current price of canned coconut milk, right?


        1. Wellness Mama Avatar
          Wellness Mama

          Definitely much cheaper (and healthier) than the canned versions!

      3. Mazi Avatar

        All these comments about how she got $1 per gallon… she never stated $1 per gallon.  She stated $1 per BATCH!  Based on the ingredients, the batch is one quart. 

        1. ja Avatar

          5 stars
          I agree that’s still pretty expensive. Yes, its cheaper than canned, but its not the same consistency. You wouldn’t drink coconut milk straight out of the can. I don’t know it could take place of canned for a bechemal sauce. I use a recipe from crunchy betty where you use only half a cup coconut, blend with 4 cups of water, one cup at a time, strain, repeat.. but it definitely doesn’t have the nice white color pictured here… and beyond tasting better I’m sure your recipe has a lot more nutrition packed in as well. The 1/2 cup I use produces a surprisingly large amount of coconut oil when left in the fridge to separate.

          I’m not sure if wegmans is a national store, but they have a self serve dried goods/nuts/beans etc. section and I got a 16 oz container of organic unsweetened large coconut flakes for $1.50…. so cheap! My daughter loves plain coconut and the large size is less of a mess. Unsweetened is near impossible to find and if you can, its really expensive or its “reduced fat” meaning they took the liberty of take out the expensive and highly sought after oil to line their pockets then proceed to over charge you for their dried left over waste even more.. so nice. Ha!

        2. Lynn Avatar

          5 stars
          LOL. Such a spark over the PRICE. Buy coconut in bulk and your price is reduced. I made my first batch of coconut milk yesterday, cost me about $1.41 using organic coconut. I got 4 2/3 cups. I won’t ever need to buy another can or carton! And I make flour with the remaining pulp! NOW that’s cheap for coconut flour!

          1. Brunella Brunet Avatar
            Brunella Brunet

            This is for Jodie, Where do you get your coconut in bulk? Thanks.

          2. Tom Avatar

            Just buy Coconuts and after opening them, drink the milk right out of the coconut…mmmmmm Good… 🙂

          3. Becky Avatar

            Jodie – after making the milk, how do you prepare the coconut for flour? I’ve made coconut milk and thought it’s such a shame to throw out the pulp. What else could the pulp be used for? And how many times can you make milk with the 2 C coconut? Thanks for any replies.

          4. LindaJean Avatar

            You’re right! Coconut flour is very expensive. I saw it priced at about 10 bucks for less than a pound–about 12 oz. Wow, I can make it so much cheaper than that from the pulp extracted from the milk.

      4. stephanie urban Avatar
        stephanie urban

        Wow. I get a 1 lb bag of organic shredded coconut from our local grocer for only $3.00. I’ve been making coconut milk and then dehydrating the pulp to make flour for some time now. I didn’t know our prices were so cheap. Good to know!

  17. Clearisa Avatar

    Wait a minute! Are you usisng dried shredded coconut? Or shredding fresh coconut?


    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Either one will work. Shredded dried coconut will work, as long as
      the milk hasn’t already been extracted. Fresh is best, if you can get
      it, but dried or frozen work great too!

      1. Ad Avatar

        Frozen is best. Fresh is only fresh if it just fell out of the tree. The fresh coconut you buy in the grocery store is a long way from fresh. A long way.

        Freezing properly preserves the meat, and stops the oxidization/ripening process, and usually means that a gas preservative wasn’t used to treat the nut, in order to extend it’s life (death) cycle.

        Go frozen unless it lands on your toe.

        1. Catherine M Avatar
          Catherine M

          Always shake a hard coconut first to check for water. If it has no water, in all likely hood the coconut will be stale and rancid..unusable. For the coconut to be good, water must be present.

    2. Dana Seilhan Avatar
      Dana Seilhan

      If this works anything like herbs, if you use fresh coconut instead of dried, you will need to use about twice as much.  Drying plant matter condenses it because there is no longer fluid plumping it out. 

    1. paula Avatar

      5 stars
      I made my first batch of coconut milk last night and put it in my fridge. In the morning there was a 1/2 inch of hard stuff on top that would not mix in. Is this coconut oil? and can I just take it off the top? It would not blend in and stayed all chunky.

        1. Richard Brooke-Powell Avatar
          Richard Brooke-Powell

          5 stars
          The coconut oil is exceedingly good for you… if you do not want to remix it .separate and save…you can use it for ‘oil pulling’ your bacteria from your mouth. you can take it as a supplement and antibacterial .. two tablespoons a day.

        2. Lesley Avatar

          5 stars
          Noooo! Don’t remove the coconut oil. This is the part of the coconut that is so good for you. If you let the coconut milk get to room temperature (unless your place is cold) it will melt/soften enough and then you can stir it back in. But depending on what you’re using it for this may not be necessary. If you’re using the coconut milk for cooking, it will melt. If for smoothies, it will be incorporated. Etc…..

          I ferment it by making coconut milk kefir. It keeps very well in the fridge and doesn’t really seperate. The oil sort of becomes a thick “whipped cream” layer at the top that can be stirred back in, or used as whipped cream. Kefiring the coconut milk enhances all of the already great nutrients in it. If you cook with it the beneficial bacteria and yeast (probiotics) will die, but it is still good for you. I mostly use it in smoothies and an occasional iced coffee.

          1. Cara Avatar

            Hi Lesley Could you please share your coconut Keifer recipe? Cara

          2. Kara Avatar

            5 stars
            hey there! its so funny there are 2 K(C)aras looking for the same recipe. A friend of mine introduced me to kefir not that long ago and im really not very familiar with it. I am however continuing to feed it and change it out every 3 days but I don’t know what to do with it all. so my fridge is quickly being consumed with kefir, lol. anyway, I am curious what your process is for the kefir and how you include the coconut milk. and how many different ways can I use it, lol. does cooking it diminish any of its properties? thank you so much!!

          3. Pamela Avatar

            Could you post your coconut kefir recipe I just was thinking about wanting to know how to make that myself Thank you!

          4. Dorothy Avatar

            I’m looking forward to trying this recipe for coconut milk. I should have known when I did a search for it that I’d find it here, lol. I would also like a coconut milk kefir recipe. I have milk kefir grains in very sour milk in the fridge since we haven’t gotten milk recently. I don’t know if you’d need water kefir grains or milk kefir grains to make it. Has anyone else made it?

        3. Tina Avatar

          Is it healthy to drink homemade coconut milk daily? I’m concerned with the fat content. Do you know how many calories in 1 8oz glass.

          1. Elysia Avatar

            It’s a very healthy source of fat. Calorie counting is not reliable and not something most of us on here would recommend. For instance, coconut oil, while technically high in calories, had been proven to boost metabolism and help you lose weight!

          2. Dave Avatar

            “Calorie counting is not reliable. ” That is an out and out lie. Calorie counting is the only sure way to lose weight. It works for everyone and is how I have been able to stay the same weight as I was in high school, 20 years on.

          3. Yohana Avatar

            The remaining oil from the coconut milk that you find sits on top of the milk is super duper good for you! Coconut oil is a medium chain fatty acid, which means unlike other oils (such as in saturated and unsaturated) which comprise of long-chain fatty acids that, if not used and burned as energy, stores this fat. Coconut oil on the other hand doesn’t! It doesn’t have time to sit there and end up as fat deposits. This is just a tiny little bit of info on how amaaaaaazing coconut oil is for you. I HIGHLY recommend the book ‘The coconut oil miracle’ by Bruce Fife. Such a pretty cover too 🙂

          4. Wendy Avatar

            5 stars
            Wow, Dave, considering Wellness Mamas rules for comments, I can’t believe you got away with calling Elysia a liar.

            Regardless of your own experience, the fact is that studies have shown calorie counting to be a very unreliable way of losing weight, and far from “working for everyone”.

          1. Krista Avatar

            5 stars
            KEEP the leftover white powdery stuff…you basically have coconut flour!! Just a few more steps:

            1. Squeeze the coconut milk out of the pulp
            2. Spread the pulp on a cookie sheet
            3. Use a fork to break up the chunks

            4. You have many options for drying the pulp:
            a. You can leave it out to air-dry (24 hours)
            b. Put it in the oven on the lowest setting until dry (4 hours approx)
            c. Put it in the oven with the light on (overnight)

            5. Once it is dried thoroughly, throw the coconut pulp into a food processor or blender
            6. Tada! Now you have COCONUT FLOUR! 😀
            7. Store in a airtight container, Lookup coconut flour recipes, and enjoy!

          2. Emm Avatar

            Hey, I use it in smoothies and sprinkle in salads. I think of it as coconut fiber. It is good for digestion.

          3. Kylee Avatar

            Thank you for asking this question and thank you guys for sharing! Gonna try and make coconut flour now. ??

        4. Mandy Avatar

          We were using the organic shredded coconut from Earth Fare. Although the milk separated, it never hardened on top when refridgerated. After reading some of the comments here I recently ordered from Tropical Traditions. When using their organic shredded coconut to make the milk it always hardens on top after it separates. It quickly melts and recombines if i just place the jar in some warm water. My husband refuses to warm up the milk that he puts on his cereal and wants to go back to the Earth Fare brand. Any idea why there is such a difference in the milk from the different brands?

          1. BeverlyAnn Chyatte Avatar
            BeverlyAnn Chyatte

            Many companies remove much of the fat (and sell it) from their coconut flakes; therefore, making their coconut not good for making coconut milk. I learned this from Weston A Price foundation and I called Tropical Traditions and they said the same thing. I only buy my coconut from Tropical Traditions/Healthy Tradtions;however, I’m sure there are other manufactures that don’t skim the fat from their coconuts but you just have to find them.

        5. Sandra Avatar

          5 stars
          Hi there,
          Has anyone noticed a sulphur smell coming from their coconut milk? Its fine when first made but after being in the fridge over night it develops this smell.
          I’ve been making it from unsweetened desiccated coconut thread.

        6. Farhaana Avatar

          I thought it was coconut cream that rises to the top of coconut milk…

        7. Mia Avatar

          Hard to find unsweetened shredded coconut. Frozen? In grocery?

          This sounds so good!

          It does spoil easily so consume quickly!

          1. Toni Avatar

            Unsweetened shredded coconut can be found at any health food grocery, but not so easily at a regular grocery store. It can also be ordered online; I get mine from Tropical Traditions; it’s 40% off today and there is also a free shipping coupon! https://wellnessmama.com/go/tropical-traditions/

          2. nysia Avatar

            I get unsweetened coconut sheds from the bulk section of our local Winco.

        8. gretal Avatar

          5 stars
          I purchased coconut flour about a month ago. Can I use that instead of the coconut flakes to make the coconut milk? Also, I read a recipe for making “natural” ice cream. It called for placing a CAN of coconut water in the freezer for about 1-2 hours. Scrape off the top and blend with fruits, chocolate… refreeze and viola ice cream. I didn’t try it though, I was put off by the “can” part. Is this the same thing as everyone is talking about, the coconut “oil”? Thank you

          1. Carol L Avatar

            Gretal: No, you can’t use coconut flour. If you have read any of the comments here, you see that coconut flour is what is LEFT after making coconut milk. (After drying the pulp…ie: coconut flour)
            You need real coconut meat: either dried, fresh or frozen to make coconut milk.

        1. vava Avatar

          If you warm it up just a little bit, it will dissolve immediately. Coconut oil/pure coconut milk hardens at below-room temperature. I use lowfat coconut shreds to avoid oil collection..

      1. Joe Avatar

        5 stars
        It’s the oil. It’s solid below 75 degrees and liquid above that. Just heat in a tub of hot water until liquid and then blend. You can also drink the oil for health. Much cheaper than buying coconut oil!

      2. LINA Avatar

        you could make your own coconut whip cream with it! just put that part in your blender and add 1tsp of organic sugar to it!

      3. Sol Avatar

        5 stars
        Coconut oil congeals in cold temperature, or mixed with cold liquids. If you separate it you will be taking away the best part of this shampoo. Instead, melt it to mix again, but to keep its properties DO NOT heat it on the stove or in the microwave, since the heat will kill the proteins and good properties of the oil. So, to fix this situation bring the container to a bain-marie (double boiler = a pan with hot water, then put the shampoo container inside, just covering it half way. If it’s in a plastic container, do not leave the burner on, or the bottom of the container will start to melt when touching the bottom of the pan, which is too hot. So, heat the water, turn the stove off, and dip the container in the hot water. Keep holding it and stirring the shampoo, until totally melted again. The hot temperature of the water will melt the mix, without boiling or simmering it, and it will be ready to use and still fully nutritious for your hair.

        P.S. I’d suggest you make small batches like 8oz at a time, and leave teh container in the shower. No need to refrigerate it.

      4. Ruddy Avatar

        At room temperature the solid on the top will soften (coconut oil is solid at fridge temperature). Then remix with a whisk to get consistent smooth texture revitalised.

      5. Bronwyn Avatar

        5 stars
        I made my first batch last night and found the oil had hardened. I just chipped some off and warmed it up for my very first homemade coconut milk latte! It was very very good. Thank you SO much for this simple and lifesaving coconut milk recipe! And now I’m thinking it’s also an inexpensive way to glean the oil as well.. Coconut oil can be expensive too. AND thanks to Kristas post above, I now have the dried pulp I can use for the flour!!! This process actually makes three ings I use all the time but now at a fraction of the cost. Coconut flour is also expensive. BIG gratitude here.

    2. Ella Frank Avatar
      Ella Frank

      5 stars
      Been making this for a bit and tweaking the ingredients. I like to add a date or two for mild sweetness, a few drops of pure vanilla, and a pinch of salt. Very good!

    3. Lindsay W Avatar
      Lindsay W

      So I put mine in the fridge and the oil is separating and I’m sure will harden. If I take it out will the remaining milk/water be just as good? Or should I leave it in there?

    4. Neil Avatar

      4 stars
      I made this for the first time tonight. It’s delicious. So much better than anything I have ever bought. The only thing I would say is that even though the recipe calls for 4 cups of water, it does not result in 4 cups of coconut milk — at least it didn’t for me. I used 4 cups of water and two cups of shredded coconut. I blended it for 3 minutes in my Nutri Ninja. The shredded coconut ended up being one big clump of coconut which I of course strained in a mesh strainer. I then spent another 5 minutes using a spoon to press as much liquid out of the coconut as a I could. When all was said and done, I ended up with about 24 ounces of coconut. So, I “lost” 8 ounces somehow.

      Does anyone else have this issue? Is there something I am missing?


      1. Ella Frank Avatar
        Ella Frank

        5 stars
        I put the mixture in a nutmilk bag and squeeze the bejeezus out of it, which is actually kind of fun.

    5. Sylvie Avatar

      5 stars
      Many west indian and especially Jamaican recipes use coconut milk, my favorite is, you boil whole piece’s of chicken, on the bone to make stock, you can drain or strain the water after simmering for a few hours if you want to put it in the fridge to skim the fat off the top, then re add to the chicken, don’tpull the chicken off the bones, when boiling, add some small diced onions, celery, or mild veggies, bock choy, or carrots, bring back to a boil if you skimmed the fat, ( they don’t because you use skinless chicken), I’m not sure of the exact recipe, but you add coconut milk, some yellow curry, garlic, which you can boil with the stock, salt ect. I just wing it and carefully season to taste, you serve it over rice, some of the chicken will still be on the bones, just heap it over rice. A glass of red wine, or a Jamaican beer goes great with it, the coconut milk makes it creamy and sooo good.

  18. Amy Avatar

    wow, you weren’t kidding about this being simple and inexpensive. It seems too good to be true–can’t wait to try it! I’ve been trying to find an alternative, healthier drink for my kids, other than cow’s milk with chocolate, and this just might be it!

    1. Dana Seilhan Avatar
      Dana Seilhan

      Cow’s milk is fine if your kids aren’t allergic to it, especially if you can source grass-fed dairy, or milk that is low-temp pasteurized, assuming raw milk is not legal where you live.  (It is in some states.)  It is pointless to drink lowfat or skim milk, though–the fat helps with vitamin and mineral absorption.

      Chocolate milk tends to be iffy though.  I’ve seen recipes for homemade chocolate syrup before, but they were pretty mainstream with sugar and everything.  I don’t know if anyone’s tried for an alternative with a healthy natural sweetener (I have my reservations about whether *any* sweetener is healthy, but I suppose the ones with minerals still in them are at least less toxic).

      1. Helen Ellsworth Avatar
        Helen Ellsworth

        um, do a research on cows milk, please. I have, and results are not good, in fact, it should be banned. I cant consume dairy it makes me sick, along with millions of other’s, I drink Almond milk, I see it’s good for the skin and benificial for the body.

        1. Laurie Avatar

          Many who have experienced dairy allergies or intolerances had them disappear when they switched to raw milk. Pasteurization creates free radicals which cause many damaging effects to our bodies and destroy the living enzymes found in raw milk. There is an effect called a pasteurization allergy. I myself experience painful cramping and bloating with pasteurized but nothing with raw. Raw milk can be beneficial in moderation.

          1. Karis Avatar

            Interestingly, I can’t drink raw milk, but I can drink it pasteurized. I used to buy it raw but would have to cook it before I could digest it.

          2. Moore Avatar

            Cows are pumped full of hormones that keep them in estres & lactating. These hormones are harmful to human beings if used extensively over a period of time. Furthermore, the human body does not process dairy as well as you may think. Between 7-10 pounds of unprocessed dairy product can be found in the intestines of the deceased.

          3. Christi Avatar

            Raw milk has lactose AND lactase in it.. the lactase aids in the breakdown of lactose and in paturized… or even worse ulta pasturized (which every organic milk i’ve found is) its heated to a temperature that kills the lactase, leaving the lactose without its buddy to help it break down in our system… thus many lactose allergies or intolerance that are often remedied when switching to raw milk or low temp pasturized milk. And while you should of course check your source for their practices, but if a company is going to the extent to ensure all of those nutrients are in there, knowing the values of their clientele, i can’t imagine it would be good business to be pumping their cows full of any hormones… also if you are looking for grass-fed anything make sure it is truely grass-fed, because it could be greass-fed its whole life, but if its is grain finished your not getting any of the benefits of the grass-fed, but paying that astronomical price. Its sad all of the hidden dangers in seemingly healthy foods we’ve trusted for years, well i use to any way. its much easier to make everythign from scratch than research what goes into it any more.

        2. Ann Avatar

          There is a great website to for Raw Milk answers. Specifically, you can check out this article:


          Pasteurization is also used on Yogurt, Kefir and Kombucha which removes the beneficial nutrients these live cultures provide would normally provide you. Manufacturer’s re-add the cultures after the pasteurization process. These are likely a shadow of what the real culture provides you.

          Federal Government requires Milk to be pasteurized which is tragic given the amazing nutrients in raw milk coupled with that of the live active cultures in yogurt and kefir.

          Thankfully, these can also be made with nut milks and kefir has a water version. Kombucha is made with sweet black tea. Make it yourself and benefit from real nutrients that Uncle Sam would keep from you.

          Well, that kind of spiraled off to something completely off topic, but there you have it.


          1. Arina Avatar

            It’s not only the pasteurization. Read the label on your milk and you will be surprized how many other things are in it. Antibiotics and other stuff. You can’t even make yogurt with it. Comes out some gross stuff. Basically natural milk should become sour when goes bad and still has the good bacteria and can be consumed as sour milk. I know this as I grew up with real milk. The stuff you buy in stores is anything but milk. Turns into some stinky gross looking thing when starts to go bad.

          2. Carol L Avatar

            Arina, you CAN make yogurt with pasteurized cows milk! I did it for YEARS! Most food products now are banned from using antibiotics…Please read up on newer information before posting is as fact.
            I agree that raw milk should go sour and still be usable, and that pasteurized milk does nothing like it and it IS gross and stinky when it goes bad, but that doesn’t mean it is as bad as you make it out to be, just not the VERY best, which is raw cows milk.

        3. Terry Avatar

          5 stars
          Um, that’s not how to make coconut milk 🙂 You shred the coconut in small pieces,You warm some water as if to 3-2 Minutesput the coconutin .. Then you put them out 0f the pot 🙂 so now we’re gonna Get some room temperature water and try to sweetenit 🙂 then you put the coconuts In then give it a quick wisk put in freezer For couple hours then enjoy 🙂

          1. Barbara Avatar

            This is how we make coconut milk. shred or cut in small pieces and blend in a blender with water for a few minutes. Strain and you got coconut milk. To make coconut oil, put the milk to boil. This will take a while for all the water to evaporate leaving pure oil and the solids we call custard. Most of the custard will stick to the pot. let it cool and strain. the custard is delicious as a butter substitute on bread or crackers, or cooked in meats, rice etc

        4. Gretchen Avatar

          Almond milk is good but be careful of the brand you buy. A lot of them have carrageenan in them which, if not a carcinogen (there’s some controversy about this), it is definitely not something good for you. You can also make your own almond milk. I haven’t tried it yet but I do plan to.

          1. Nysia E Avatar
            Nysia E

            5 stars
            I recommend making your own. I used the recipe on this blog to great result, and it was so easy! 🙂 Going to try this coconut milk next. Anyone know if you can use this in place of canned coconut milk?

          2. Chantel Avatar

            To add to your comment, there are also plenty of other unhealthy ingredients in processed Almond milk, coconut milk, ect (even organic) like synthetic vitamins for example. These are very harmful to our health and should be avoided if possible.

        5. Angel Avatar

          Actually, Almonds have the same thyroid troubling issues as kale. It makes me nervous seeing so many women thinking consuming so much of it is good for them.

          1. Carol L Avatar

            5 stars
            If you soak your nuts first, then most of the phytic acid is removed, making it a healthy option. You should ALWAYS soak all nuts and seeds first before consuming.

        6. Carol L Avatar

          Helen: Cows milk is not unhealthy. Try raw cows milk. You should read up on it. I grew up drinking cows milk and LOVED it, but It gave me mucus issues…..I recently went to see my daughter in California (Oregon doesn’t sell raw cows milk) and got raw cows milk: NO issues. Also get the A2 milk, as it is easier to digest or get lactose free which has enzymes to help with digestion if you can’t digest it naturally.

          Many people have issues with some foods/drink, but that doesn’t mean they are bad for you or unhealthy! It just means that YOUR body can’t handle something in it, because you lack some form of enzyme to deal with it.

          Over the years, MANY lies have been told about one food or another. Just a few years ago, coconut oil was damned because it was “SO UNHEALTHY”……well, not so.
          Milk has gotten much publicity in recent years saying it is not good for you, unhealthy, BAD for you, etc. Mostly with the ‘discovery’ of nut milks like coconut, almond, even hemp and oat….(I don’t count soy, as soy is a hormone mimic and only fermented in small amounts is ok)

          These ‘milks’ are trying to completely replace cows milk, and while I think they are good and nice to drink, and sometimes do drink them myself, will never replace (for me, at least) good old cows milk.

          I actually have a machine that makes ‘alternative’ milk: Called the “Almond Cow”, it is expensive but makes such good stuff and the blog has many recipes for using the pulp right then to make breakfast or a snack.
          So I’m not against nut or alternative milks, I just prefer cows milk, especially heavy cream. Coconut just doesn’t cut it for me… in the cream department.

      2. Ellie Avatar

        5 stars
        The China Study shows that it doesn’t really matter whether raw, pasteurized, hormone free or what not–casein is in most dairy products, and particularly high in things like fat free Greek yogurt. Even if you feel great drinking milk and eating dairy products, I have come to believe that these food items should be minimal. Turning on your cancer receptors with casein just doesn’t sound that good to me. Forks Over Knives further explains that drinking cow’s milk is a perfect food–for baby cows–but causes metabolic acidosis in humans, creating an acid environment in which a calcium withdrawal from our bones neutralizes the effect. Crazy stuff. It does make me want to quit following nutritional trends and looking at the science (that is ethically funded).

        And Wellness Mama–thank you so much for this amazing recipe!!! So excited to try it!!

        1. Maureen Avatar

          5 stars
          In a recent large study in Scandinavia on the effect of dairy consumption on osteoporosis, it was found that not only did 3 or more glasses of milk not increase bone density, but that (and this was completely unexpected by researchers) drinking at least 3 glasses of milk resulted in the deaths of a large number of these women.

        2. Maureen Avatar

          5 stars
          In a recent large study in Scandinavia on the effect of dairy consumption on osteoporosis, it was found that not only did 3 or more glasses of milk not increase bone density, but that (and this was completely unexpected by researchers) drinking at least 3 glasses of milk resulted in the deaths of a large number of these women. Fermented dairy products (cheese, kefir, yogurt, etc.) did not have this effect and in fact did increase bone density.

        3. melissa Avatar

          Referencing both the China Study and Forks Over Knives makes me very nervous. Both of these studies/reports are seen to be very flawed and some say flat out mis-information. At the very least, the information is controversial. Look into the opposing views of these two references. I don’t have time to type it up, but a possible resource for solid opposing viewpoints may be Dr. Kaayla Daniel’s website. I am with you though that milk can be a major problem for many modern westerners. But I tend to believe it has more to do with the fact that the milk we were mostly raised on was HIGHLY processed – not in its natural state. Because of this, many of us have developed sensitivities or reactions to milk – all milk – raw or grass-fed or not. I happen to love raw milk and my kids have never had any other type of cows milk (if I had to choose sbetween raw grass-fed milk or no milk though, it would be no milk). We mostly drink it in the form or raw kefir but have it as a treat in the sweet, fresh, straight from the jug state too. Yum! Raw cream ice cream? YEs please! If you look back anthropologically, many of the most successful, healthy, and long-living societies drank raw and cultured milk from their animals – the mountainous Swiss may have thrived MOSTLY on dairy! It is one of the ways I can tell that it may not be a problem with milk itself but how we as industrialized Westerners have come to interact with milk. That said, we all have different genetics, have ancestors in different parts of the world, and it also seems reasonable to me that some of us are more LIKELY to thrive on cows milk than other, just as some of us are more LIKEYLY to suffer from it. THat said, mix it up! I also love coconut milk!!! ….especially not from a can!

      3. Anna Avatar

        I’ve made a very simple chocolate syrup with coconut sugar instead of cane. Turned out beautifully…lot’s of caramel favor .

        1. Stephanie M Avatar
          Stephanie M


          Could you please post the recipe for Chocolate Syrup using Coconut Sugar?

          Thank you so very much!

      4. Maureen Avatar

        Read article in NYT about osteoporosis and dairy products. Fermented dairy products were found to increase bone density. This was a study with many participants. Researchers were dumbfounded to find, though, that women who drank 3 or more glasses of milk per day, not only did not have increased bone density, but were dying at much, much higher rates than everybody else. I am very sad about this because I love regular milk and fermented milk products give me migraines (probably because of reaction to histamines).

        1. Anita Avatar

          Hi Maureen, you mentioned trouble with migraines and fermented milk. I have been told by 2 doctors/dentists recently that migraines are actually related to TMJ/TMD or some kind of problem with your bite (incorrect bite, which most people have, it’s just a matter of degree). The muscles in your jaw travel up to the muscles in the higher section of your head, causing the migraines. Just my 2 cents, don’t know if that will help you or not, but thought I’d share. I have a severe misaligned bite, apparently. 🙁

          1. Wendi Avatar

            4 stars
            TMJ/TMD is merely one of many possible causes of migraines. Food sensitivities for one, including caffeine, wine, etc. Sometimes migraines are brought on by good old fashioned stress. Sometimes we don’t get to know. Just brought on by a headache run amuck.
            Oh and I can’t wait to try this recipe! 🙂

          2. Leigh Avatar

            Actually most migraines are traced to the bowels and backed up chemicals in your body ,if you have any problems with constipation or do not do a regular body cleansing its likely why you have migraines

      5. Elner Melvin Avatar
        Elner Melvin

        Could you not use Stevia which is natural and cocoa which has no sugar in it? I have to use it on some of my fruits because they are too bitter. I am on a raw program with a group and I really need a milk that isn’t animal produced. Coconut milk and water sounds like just what I need. Thanks.


      6. Sarah G Avatar
        Sarah G

        For a healthy hot chocolate I keep it simple. I use cacao powder (not cocoa powder), raw cows milk, and lightly sweeten with pure raw local honey. That’s it. You could spice it up with turmeric if you’d like but I haven’t tried it. Or cinnamon if you like that. The kids and my husband and I all love it. I add the ingredients to the milk right after I put it in do they can mix and heat up together. I heat using a low heat to try to preserve as much healthy goodness as I can. It might be a good idea to use a double boiler to heat though.

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