Epsom Salt: 21 Surprising Uses & Benefits for Health, Beauty, and Home

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to use Epsom Salt for health beauty and home
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » Epsom Salt: 21 Surprising Uses & Benefits for Health, Beauty, and Home

Epsom salt is one of those things I always keep on hand. It is a good source of magnesium (here’s why we love magnesium) and has dozens of household, beauty, and health uses.

Because of its many uses, we keep it in almost every room of our house!

What Is Epsom Salt?

Don’t confuse Epsom salt with regular table salt or Himalayan salt (which has many benefits as well). Epsom salt is a magnesium-based “salt” rather than a traditional sodium-based salt. It is chemically known as magnesium sulfate and is an easy and inexpensive source of magnesium.

Uses for Epsom Salt

Research shows that many people lack this important mineral due to magnesium levels declining in our food and environment. Using Epsom salt around the house and in beauty treatments is one easy way to improve magnesium levels.

Just be careful: as the labels on any Epsom salt package will warn you, it is a potent laxative, so this isn’t a supplement you should take internally without a doctor’s recommendation.

As is the case with most things in health, the science is always evolving. Although there is significant research to support the benefits of transdermal magnesium (see sources below), a 2017 review suggests that more research is needed to understand to what degree it penetrates the skin.

My take: no natural remedy is a “cure-all” and Epsom salt is no exception, but plenty of evidence exists that it is safe and beneficial in many ways.

Uses for Epsom Salt

Here are 21 of my favorites uses for don’t have this magnesium-rich (and inexpensive) household staple:

1. Relaxing Bath Soak

Epsom salt has been added to baths as a relaxing soak since it was first discovered at a salty spring in Epsom, England. The high magnesium content makes it a wonderfully relaxing soak.

I’m a big fan of using Epsom salts as part of my detox bath routine. I also usually add a little Epsom salt to my kids’ baths to help them sleep.

What to do: Add a cup of Epsom salt to a warm bath and soak for 20 minutes. You can also add a drop or two of lavender essential oil, which adds a lovely scent and helps induce relaxation as well.

2. Splinter Removal

This is an old trick I learned from an elderly relative and we use it all the time. With six kids who love to climb trees and run around barefoot, splinters are a fact of life. Unfortunately, the removal of these splinters used to cause a lot of heartache at our house.

Now, I make a strong solution of warm water and Epsom salt and let the splinter soak for about 10 minutes. This makes it so much easier to remove (and helps stop the pain too!).

What to do: Dissolve 1/3 cup Epsom salt in 1 cup of warm/hot water and stir until completely dissolved. Soak the affected finger/toe/body part with the splinter for at least 10 minutes and carefully remove the splinter with tweezers or a sewing needle. Also, use common sense: if the splinter is big, deep, a puncture wound, bleeding, or simply won’t come out, visit a doctor.

3. Magnesium Foot Scrub

Our feet are one of the most over-worked and under-appreciated parts of our bodies. On days that I hike, garden, or work outside for hours,  it’s easy to end up with sore feet and legs, so I love to use this soothing and silkening (is that a word?) magnesium foot scrub.

What to do: Find (and print) the full recipe here, but you basically mix up 1 cup of Epsom salt or magnesium flakes with some carrier oil and a little castile soap to make a luxurious foot scrub. It also seems to help with cracked heels if you get those as well.

4. Firming Facial Wash

Did I mention that magnesium can help firm the skin and exfoliate? I add a little Epsom salt to my face wash or oil cleansing routine for a soothing and firming boost.

What to do: I grind up Epsom salt (in the blender or using a mortar and pestle) and add it to my face wash or oil cleansing oil as I massage it into my face. I find this works better than trying to add it to the face wash in the container.

5. Body Ache Relief

Once upon a time I got a bad case of the stomach flu and my body ached all over as it tried to fight it off. I noticed I had some Biofreeze on my counter. The package indicated that this was for “sore and achy muscles” so I decided to give it a try. Turns out, this super-strong muscle relief cream is not designed to be used on the entire body! Instead of achy muscle relief, I got whole-body chills for an hour. Not so fun!

Now, I stick to Epsom salt baths for body aches and sore muscles and it works like a charm!

What to do: Add 2+ cups of Epsom salt to a warm/hot bath and soak for 20+ minutes.

6. Sea Salt Spray for Thicker Hair

A hairstylist once used a texturizing salt spray on my hair and I loved the body and texture that resulted. I wasn’t willing to spend the $30+ it cost, so I started experimenting with DIY options. Now, I use my beach waves spray most days and combine it with my dry shampoo if I’m not washing my hair that day.

What to do: Use this recipe to make a beach waves spray with magnesium. If using dry shampoo, use it first and comb/brush through hair before spraying with the salt spray.

7. Magnesium Lotion

We use topical magnesium spray all the time but my kids don’t love the tingly skin feel they get after using it. (And I don’t love the dry skin that can sometimes result from direct use on the skin.) Years ago, I started making this soothing magnesium lotion to solve those problems. Now, this lotion is a daily staple in our house.

What to do: Use this recipe to make your own soothing magnesium lotion. If you don’t want to try the DIY, there is also a great brand of pre-made magnesium lotion available here.

8. Grow Better Vegetables

When I was in 4-H years ago (more than I’d like to admit!), we learned that Epsom salt can be used to improve a vegetable garden. These days, I add 1 tablespoon per plant a couple of times during the year and it helps plant growth, especially tomatoes.

What to do: Sprinkle a tablespoon of Epsom salt around the base of a plant after it has grown to at least 12 inches tall.

9. DIY Salt Scrub

Epsom salt is a magnesium-rich alternative to regular salt in salt-scrub recipes. Salt scrubs are traditionally a mixture of salt and oil like olive oil or almond oil. Epsom salt can easily be used in place of the salt in these recipes for an extra magnesium boost.

What to do: Use Epsom salt instead of salt in a recipe like this one. Or, just mix 1/2 cup Epsom salt with 1/4 cup olive or almond oil and use as an exfoliating scrub in the shower.

10. Tile and Grout Cleaner

Want to clean your tile without a toxic chemical cleaner? Add some Epsom salt to some liquid dish soap and scrub away. Just make sure to rinse well since the soap will be slippery!

What to do: Mix equal parts liquid dish soap and Epsom salt and scrub tile and grout with a brush. For a pre-made option, Bon Ami also works great on cleaning tile and grout without harmful chemicals.

11. Foot Soak

If you aren’t in the mood for a full bath but want the magnesium-boosting benefits of an Epsom salt bath, just soak your feet instead!

What to do: Add 1 cup of Epsom salt to hot water for a concentrated foot soak. For scent, you can also add up to 5 drops of essential oil of choice.

12. Volume-Boosting Hair Mask

I explained above how I use magnesium as a texturizing spray for thicker hair. It can also be used in the shower to thicken and strengthen hair. I love to add Epsom salt to a natural conditioner for a texturizing and strengthening boost for hair.

What to do: Mix a natural conditioner (I use this one) with equal parts Epsom salt and work into your hair. Leave on for up to 20 minutes. Rinse well and dry for thicker hair! This hair serum also helps thicken hair and I’ve been using castor oil for years to achieve thicker hair and eyelashes.

13. Relieve Itchy Skin and Bug Bites

What can magnesium not do? Epsom salt is also my go-to for relieving itchy skin from bug bites or other reactions.

What to do: Dissolve a tablespoon of Epsom salt in a cup of water and let it cool. Spritz on bug bites or itchy skin to help calm the itch. A drop of lavender right on a mosquito bite also helps calm the itch. Or add some lavender to the spray.

14. Sunburn Relief Spray

I’m going to step onto a soapbox for just a minute. I think the sun is beneficial in moderation and that in many cases, sunscreen may do more harm than good. That said, every source agrees that sunburn is harmful and we should make every effort to avoid it. For our family, we try to get moderate sun exposure daily, but never enough to burn or turn pink. On the rare occasion when we get too much sun (usually me … Irish skin), I make a soothing after sun spray.

What to do: Dissolve 2 tablespoons Epsom salt in 1 cup of water and cool. Add 4 drops lavender essential oil and shake. Spray on skin to calm the pain of a sunburn. (Diluted apple cider vinegar also works for this, but the salt spray smells a lot better!)

15. Get Things Moving

This is one of the on-label uses for Epsom salt. Due to its high magnesium content, it is well known for its ability to relieve constipation. I’ve used it this way as part of a liver and gallbladder flush, but some people use it for the relief of occasional constipation.

What to do: Follow the package directions for relief of occasional constipation, but check with a doctor first, especially if you have any health problems.

16. Healthy House Plants

House plants are great for cleaning indoor air and we love to keep them around. Just like garden plants, house plants love a magnesium boost once in a while. Add some Epsom salt as part of a regular watering or fertilizing routine for more robust house plants.

What to do: Sprinkle a little Epsom salt on the soil in a house plant container or add a little to the water when watering. A tablespoon is usually plenty for a month or two.

17. Say Goodbye to Slugs

Salt of any kind, including the Epsom variety, is great for deterring slugs. If you’re already using salt in the garden to help improve the soil, this should help deter slugs as well. If not, consider sprinkling some salt around to keep the slugs away.

What to do: Sprinkle Epsom salt in or around gardens and other areas you don’t want slugs invading to keep them away.

18. Beautiful Roses

We can debate forever if a rose by another name would be as sweet, but one thing is for sure: roses love magnesium and adding a little to the soil around a rose bush helps increase growth and blooms.

What to do: Sprinkle a tablespoon of Epsom salt around a rose bush and water for faster growth. Best applied once a month.

19. Headache Relief

There is quite a bit of evidence that magnesium may help headaches and even migraines when used regularly. Some sources even think that magnesium deficiency may increase the chance of headaches. I’ve noticed that when I consume magnesium or use it transdermally, I also don’t seem to get headaches. And my husband swears that the best hangover cure is a long swim in the ocean, which is much higher in magnesium than lakes or swimming pools.

What to do: Use any of the methods above to get more magnesium. I also find that magnesium spray and magnesium lotion are especially helpful for headache relief.

20. Sleepy Kids

What parent doesn’t want kids who want to sleep at bedtime? I know I certainly do! Part of our bedtime routine is using magnesium in some way. This may be a bath, lotion, or spray, but it helps our kids fall asleep much quicker and stay asleep longer. Here are some other natural sleep remedies we use, and why we don’t have night lights in their rooms.

What to do: Make an Epsom salt bath or magnesium lotion massage part of the bedtime routine at your house.

21. Garden Soil Prep

Magnesium in the soil helps improve plant growth. It can be added during the growing season but we see the best results when we mix it into the soil too.

What to do: Add a bag or two of Epsom salt to the soil and till in to replenish soil magnesium levels.

Epsom Salt: What to Look For

I buy high quality Epsom salt online, but you can probably find it in your local grocery or health food store. Just look for one that is USP certified and doesn’t have any added ingredients.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

How do you use Epsom salt? Share your tips below!

Epsom salt has dozens of uses and benefits, including a foot soak, body scrub, fertilizer, in house cleaning, improves sleep and more!
  1. Lisa A. Yablon and Alexander Mauskop, Magnesium in headache, Magnesium in the Central Nervous System, University of Adelaide Press, 2011.
  2. Engen DJ, Mcallister SJ, Whipple MO, et al. Effects of transdermal magnesium chloride on quality of life for patients with fibromyalgia: a feasibility study. J Integr Med. 2015;13(5):306-13.19.
  3. Rosanoff A., Wolf F.I. A guided tour of presentations at the xiv international magnesium symposium. Magnes. Res. 2016;29:55–59.
  4. Gröber, Uwe & Werner, Tanja & Vormann, Jürgen & Kisters, Klaus. (2017). Myth or Reality—Transdermal Magnesium?. Nutrients. 9. 813. 10.3390/nu9080813.
  5. Emmanuel A. Current management strategies and therapeutic targets in chronic constipation. Therap Adv Gastroenterol. 2011;4(1):37–48. doi:10.1177/1756283X10384173.

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


191 responses to “Epsom Salt: 21 Surprising Uses & Benefits for Health, Beauty, and Home”

  1. Dakota Avatar

    My husband gets a very sore lower back sometimes. I used to have him soak in an Epsom salts bath for this but now we live in a house with only a shower stall (no tub). Is there a way to get the same effect without being able to soak?

    1. Bika Avatar

      Mix equal parts of your epsom salts with hot water in a jam jar or other watertight container, and shake until dissolved. This is now magnesium “oil” that you can put on his lower back, or even the soles of the feet – I don’t think it matters where you put it, it’s the mag getting into your body that helps, I think. You can decant it into a spray bottle if you like. xx

    2. Kim Kasenberg Avatar
      Kim Kasenberg

      I just bought some Epsom Salt Lotion by Morton, I also have just a shower, I massaged it into my calves and it really did have the benefits. It says w/ all natural Epsom Salt, so one can hope. I got it at Wal-Mart. I really hope this helps. I know you can MAKE the lotion, but for a quick fix for now, here you go!

  2. Heather Fischer Freeman Avatar
    Heather Fischer Freeman

    What a great discussion! I have been making my own bath salts with Epsom salts and essential oils. Now, I am wondering how great my epsom salts are. Need to do some checking!

  3. Charla Avatar

    I’ve used Epsom salts in dilute citrus juice to clear gallstone congestion in several clients. This was verified before and after by ultrasound.

  4. Carolyn Avatar

    Caution using as a bath additive for more than 2 days in a row, can cause muscle weakness. I tried it as an experiment just to see if it was true and it was. Did it for 3 nights and could barely walk the next day without shaking. It causes electrolyte imbalance.

    1. Claire Avatar

      yes thats why you need to drink something like coconut water whilst doing it and after 😉

    2. NANCY Avatar

      I’m confused by this, as magnesium IS an electrolyte. Could this be due to the water being too hot? I’ve read that with magnesium flakes, your bath water shouldn’t be hotter than 101-103 degrees, as only at lower temps can absorption happen; and warmer water actually causes skin to eliminate (sweating/detox effects) instead of absorbing the magnesium.

      1. Maryann Avatar

        Your body needs a ratio of 2:1 calcium to magnesium. so too much mag depleted your body of calcium. I’m an RN. Just read up on them.

  5. Alma Charlotte Engelbrecht Avatar
    Alma Charlotte Engelbrecht

    I use Epsom salt to help for inflammation and irritation of broken skin… if you got a wound it cleans nicely… soak in hot water 20min and a cup of Epsom… ladies even for that slight irritation after intimacy. just sit in a bucket or bath with hot water, and a cup Epsom salt, 30min everyday till irritation clears. in the tub when you have pms cramps, it works wonders

  6. Linda White Avatar
    Linda White

    Use it to relieve my pony from laminitis, putting in her food, clears her system in no time.

  7. Carol Deml Avatar
    Carol Deml

    Make your own Bath Salts. Just mix together the following

    3/4 cup Epsom salts

    1/2 cup coarse sea salt

    1/4 cup baking soda

    8 drops essential oil

    food coloring

  8. bernard Avatar

    Be careful when buying epsom salt. Alot of epsom salt out there are synthetic, they are manufactured in factory from neutralized Sulfuric Acid, which is very high in heavy metals and arsenic. The REAL epsom salt is naturally occurring mineral deposit in spring.

    Apparently alot of these Epsom Salt you buy from “Health” food store are synthetic factory manufactured one.

    Not all epsom salts are the same. There is synthetic one and there is the natural one. Alot of people working in these “Health” store don’t know the bloody difference!

    1. Linda Irvin Catron Avatar
      Linda Irvin Catron

      How can you tell the difference when you go to buy it? Does it say on the package?

      1. bernard Avatar

        Once I bought epsom salt from ebay seller. The package says “Made in China”. So I got suspicious, then I emailed the seller if the salt is naturally mined or manufactured from factory. He didn’t even know what I was talking about. But he checked with his supplier. He then came back the next day and confirmed that it is manufactured one from factory. Go figure… is there anything “natural” coming out of China!?

        The scary part is… this Epsom salt manufacturer in China is one of the MAJOR world supplier of Epsom salt. Their epsom salt made their ways into “Health” stores around the world!

        I then found another seller in eBay that promised that her epsom salt is natural and free from heavy metals. So I bought from her ever since.

        So always ask your seller, chances are they’ll look at you with if you have two heads, but insist that they check with their supplier.

        Another good method is to buy “Food Grade” epsom salt. But your best bet is, NEVER buy anything you put into your body that coming out of CHINA. PERIOD!

        1. Fraser Avatar

          Xenophobic much?

          You have as much (and perhaps more) to fear from beautifully packaged products made in or given the seal of approval from a Western nation as you do from anything made in China. Corporations value making a quick buck over consumer health and are willing to lie, cheat, bribe and litigate to protect their bottom line.

          And don’t forget the primary reason most tainted and inferior products in general make it into American markets so easily is because we constantly demand unreasonably low prices on everything (refusing to think about consequences until a crisis is too big to ignore) and the FDA and other regulatory bodies refuse to do their jobs properly.

          1. bernard Avatar

            Xenophobic? I am Chinese! I’ve lived in China long enough to know the kind of pollution and business practice chinese businesses engaged in. Chinese businesses would do ANYTHING to make a buck even poisoning baby formula for extra profits.

            The kind of poisons they put food products, even in baby foods! is truly scary. In western media you’ll be lucky to hear just 10% of the shenanigans happening in there. Chinese government kept a tight control of the media to make sure that international media don’t hear this.

            Do you know? that even Chinese people don’t buy baby formula in China, they travelled all the way to hong Kong and back JUST to buy baby formulas and other food items.

            Yes, all corporations cut corners for the sake of profits. But the difference is, in the west most of shenanigans are being done by the BIG corporations, small businesses are still quite decent! In China, companies big or small practice shady dealings. EVEN the small moms & pops businesses there, wouldn’t think twice to put poison in food if it means extra profits!

            You gotta leave your angelic western life and live in China to really understand.

          2. Billie Avatar

            why do people have to get so rude. If you don’t care for Bernard’s comment, IGNORE it, gosh.

          3. kaye Avatar

            @Fraser: Wow. PC police much? Sometimes it is better to stay silent so people won’t think you a fool, than it is to open your mouth and remove all doubts.

        2. LuAnn Eberly Crim Avatar
          LuAnn Eberly Crim

          I buy Made in America products whenever possible. My Epsom Salts with Lavender come from Rite Aid stores. And I am NOT xenophobic…it’s just good business sense to keep our money here at home.

        3. Kris Avatar

          I just want to thank Bernard for the response and the thorough explanation stating credibility. It is true that, unless you live somewhere, and often, unless you work somewhere, you truly don’t have any idea how something is really produced.

    2. Melissa Avatar

      Who told you Sulfuric acid is very high in heavy metals and arsenic? Source? From what I know about sulfuric acid it’s simply just H2SO4…no heavy metals…no arsenic. There is also no need to use either in the process of neutralization. Magnesium hydroxide is a cheap compound that would perfectly neutralize sulfuric acid to form epsom salt. I can see no reason that a company would use more expensive metals and arsenic when such an action would result in financial loss for them and potential harm to their customers.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Awful and I don’t recommend it usually but it is a very effective natural laxative when needed…

      1. tina Avatar

        It’s one of the only natural substances to help me when I have gut pain due to a gallbladder issue. For those who know this agony, epsom salts bring sweet (bitter!) relief.

        1. erica Avatar

          Have you tried beets for your gallbladder? Look up gallbladder diet and you will see recipes for beet ‘treatments’ for gall symptoms. Removed my pain immediately and then healed my gallbladder. Best wishes!

        2. Lita Avatar

          I’ve had gallstones for over 50 years. Thanks for the info. You might also try tablespoon of fresh coffee grounds in approximately 1/3 cup lemon juice daily for 3 to 5 days. I add tsp of sugar just to get it down. I had them for almost 10 years, they had shown up 3 different times in x-rays. The first doctor to find them recommended a low fat diet, almost like a low or no carbohydrate diet, to control them.
          This was in the early 1960’s before Atkins etc. Worked pretty well, I’d have a pang or two, go low fat for a couple of weeks, it would go away. They were acting up one day, a friend noticed and told me to try the coffee/lemon juice. Took it 3 maybe five days in a row, I think twice a day that first time. It was over 40 years ago, LOL. Anyway, over the next couple of years, I’d get that little pain in my side now and then, take another dose or two of LJ/coffee, it would go away. Finely got a decent insurance plan again, and thought I’d just go ahead and have the surgery, told the Dr. about the past history (not about my little cure), they did an x-ray and looked at me like I was crazy. They were gone. Now, I had gone through 2 more pregnancies, and a surgery for another problem, like I said they had showed up three times, a whole layer of those little puppies in there.
          After that first year, there would be that little sharp pain in my side maybe once or twice a year usually after having ham. Gradually they have gotten further apart. Go low fat for a day or two, drink a cup of cure, past 15 or 20 years I have had very few of those little pains. Maybe every 2 or 3 years. At 73, I just don’t worry about them any more.
          You’re right about the pain. Worse than child birth if you ask me. Have a great day.

        3. SuSu Avatar

          Tina, please get your gallbladder removed! I had those awful gut pains for a long time before going to the doctor – my gallbladder had shown up in a Catscan as normal, but an ultrasound showed it was terribly diseased. The operation was so simple, as was the recovery – no pain at all. And now I am a new person! You do not have to change your diet at all, which is what prevented me from getting the surgery for so long.

          Do it.

          1. neal Avatar

            Glad your surgery worked, however my daughter has had more problems worse than before getting the gallbladder attacks. 3 years since her gb removal and she has gastric dumping ie she eats anything even a 4 ounce glass of juice or milk and has to run to the bathroom and poops bile. In the mornings she throws up bile. She cant go out to eat its embarassing for her to leave the table mid meal and come back 30 mins later…It’s been hell for her and she’s 23. I’m not getting mine out. I find lemon and water quell an attack and magnesium 500 mgs before bed.

          2. joe Avatar

            Susu has awful advice Tina. please don’t listen to that nonsense and look into liver and gallbladder cleanses. for over 2000 years it has been known how to remove gallbladder stones through cleansing. since the days of the roman empire. Mainstream medicine ignores that and removes your vital organs taking years off your life. Do the cleanse, pass the gallbladder stones, and you will be in no more pain. Also you will still have the very important component of the bodies filtering system called the gallbladder.

          3. Kathleen Kahl Avatar
            Kathleen Kahl

            I would avoid surgery at all cost. It is a simple operation these days with laparoscopic but God gave us our organs for a reason. Removing them will affect your health sooner or later. Of course sometimes there is no choice but do every thing else first!

      2. Kris Avatar

        Magnesium supplements have a side effect that may cause loose stools. If you have an issue with constipation, try adding a magnesium supplement of 400-500mg daily. This will help bring regularity as well as many other positive effects. Many people are deficient in Magnesium.
        FYI – alcohol depletes magnesium as well as B vitamins from the body

      3. Veronica Avatar

        Milk of magnesia works just fine and you can get cherry flavored and it doesn’t taste bad at all. I’ve been using it for years to relieve constipation.

    2. Alma Charlotte Engelbrecht Avatar
      Alma Charlotte Engelbrecht

      not too bad, but be carefull as it can have a laxative effect…

      1. Jesse Avatar

        If you’re mixing it to drink it and you have a strong taste you might be adding too much. The ratio is 1tsp:1c. I usually do a 1/2c hot water so it dilutes all the granules then I add the other 1/2c something cold and I don’t taste the epsom salt at all.

    1. Lori Avatar

      I’ve been 3 times to a sensory deprevation tank and love it!! It’s helped my daughter with her depression for one. Many benefits. Lots of videos on YouTube about them

  9. Patti Hurst Avatar
    Patti Hurst

    I put essential oils in it for a great fabric softener!

  10. Julee Woodhall Avatar
    Julee Woodhall

    Just a question, on # 13, what is better about magnesium flakes for making magnesium oil? I have wondered this for a while. Is magnesium chloride a more available form to the body than mag sulfate? I made mag oil with epsom salt a while back and it seems to work well. Was just wondering if one might get more benefit from the mag oil made from mag chloride flakes?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      The chloride is more absorbable nut if it is working for you… go for it…

  11. Helen Avatar

    i’ve used epsom salt to heal a staph infection on my foot following a mud run. it works great for clearing up skin infections so quickly! i also had to soak in epsom salt baths following a surgical draining of a cyst. so far i seem to find the most use for epsom salt in avoiding major infections. 🙂

    1. Debbie Martin Avatar
      Debbie Martin

      How much epsom salt do I put in a cup of water, to soak an inflected thumb?

      1. Kris Avatar

        To find out how much Epsom salt to soak with, whether it is a finger or your whole body, first check the packaging on the salt. If you cannot figure out the answer from there, ask your pharmacist or your physician.

  12. Jennifer L. Avatar
    Jennifer L.

    Is all epsom salt created equally? Like, is the kind from the drug store (cheap) the same stuff as the health food store variety (more expensive), as long as it says that the only ingredient is epsom salt?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      For the most part yes 🙂 Both are safe and work great…

        1. Susan Viljoen Avatar
          Susan Viljoen

          Yes. three teaspoons of epsom salts around the stems of your roses work wonders! Every three weeks

      1. erika Avatar

        Can I use epsom salt and ocm together for my night routine? and which should i use first, should i cleanse ith oil first then put an espom salt mask or vice versa?. Thank u and God bless!;)

      2. Vanessa Avatar

        I recently read that some Epsom salts are not natural and are made in a factory and are filled with lead, mercury and cadmium. Is this true? How do you know what brands are free of heavy metals?

        1. Martha Avatar

          Been buying Dr. Teal’s “Pure Epsom Salt Soaking Solution” for years. It’s made in the US and I enjoy the fragrances. Currently am using the Eucalyptus & Spearmint scent. Ingredients on the bag say Magnesium sulfate, eucalyptus leaf oil and spearmint leaf oil. Don’t consume it, but do soak my feet in it and also add 1/8 c to my laundry. Softens the water and the fragrance doesn’t overwhelm. So far hasn’t riled up my sensitive skin. Have found it in Dollar General (marketplace) and Walmart.

        2. kathleen kahl Avatar
          kathleen kahl

          I have heard that you should be careful as to where it comes from. The ones from China are full of metals.

    2. Cheryl Bobbitt-Hoyer Avatar
      Cheryl Bobbitt-Hoyer

      For a 4 lb bag, at Target, its like 2.68$

    3. Alma Charlotte Engelbrecht Avatar
      Alma Charlotte Engelbrecht

      I don’t think there is a difference. I use to buy the more expensive one, but then I tried the cheaper one and personally find no difference…

    4. Arlene Boyle Avatar
      Arlene Boyle

      I priced epsom salt at Walmart…. It was much cheaper in the larger bag in the laundry aisle than in the smaller bags in the pharmacy section. Best price was at Sam’s Club.

      1. Sandra Werner Avatar
        Sandra Werner

        I use it to promote healthy skin and for healing the beginning of bed sores on disabled daughter. It works great for a number of things. We just put it in the bath water.

        1. Alicia Avatar

          I suffer for years with goldblader problems at the age of 71 I suffer a very painful tommy and finished in the Royal Prince Hospital Sydney. The doctor says many things Like pancreatic problem, and other names about goldblader at the end I went to see a Dr in San Vicent Clinic and said to me remove it because is a treat life people died about that. At the end I refuse and not more problems in 5 years only I change my diet, not milk not to much fatty food all with moderation. I think the chocolate, pork and egg combination during the day bring me some problems. If si have some problems with food I take 1/2 tsp of Bi-Carb Soda.?

  13. Amy Nabors Avatar
    Amy Nabors

    One scoop per laundry load as fabric softener…can add a few drops of essential oils for a soft scent.

      1. susie Q Avatar

        we tried it and daughter tried it, but it made us itchy after it was put in the fabric softener cup.

    1. Kristine Charbonneau Avatar
      Kristine Charbonneau

      How much is a scoop? A cup….less? Thanks for the great idea!!

    2. Arlene Boyle Avatar
      Arlene Boyle

      I use 1-2 Tablespoons of Epsom Salt in the softener dispenser (or directly to the rinse water) depending on the load size. If you want fragrance, add 10-20 drops of essential oil (lavender or lavender/lemon- get creative) to 4 cups of salts and mix well to disperse oils. Store in an airtight container.

      1. Jenny Avatar

        From painful experience, lavender and natural lavender oils and products are well-documented skin and bronchial irritants. May cause moderate to severe contact dermatitis and should be avoided for babies, children, and those with sensitive skin and asthmatic conditions.

        1. Nicole Avatar

          I would love to read the documentation on this. I have used CPTG lavender essential oil in coconut oil on skin irritations on my son with great success. I also add it to the wool dryer balls I made, and no one in my family has had issues.

          1. Jana Avatar


            Here is a brief breakdown. I’m actually kind of surprised that you’re surprised. All you have to do is search google for “lavender oil irritant” and you’ll get thousands of hits. Your family is lucky they haven’t had problems. I love the scent of lavender and wish it weren’t an irritant. However, I already have areas of hyperpigmentation on my skin and certainly don’t want to use anything that will make it worse. Hope this helps!

        2. becky Avatar

          Does that apply to all candles, regardless of scent? I have COPD, primarily, emphysema. I have results from aroma-therapy and would hate to give up all candles.

          1. MAG YOUNG Avatar


      2. Geraldine Avatar

        wait, I’m confused…you place it right in the fabric softener dispenser dry? Or do you dissolve it before?
        Thanks!!! Ive been looking for a new and natural fabric softener!!

        1. Angelina Avatar

          Vinegar works good. White distilled. It deodorizes amazingly and disinfects as well as softens clothes. I add 1/2 c to wash with detergent. I just like having everything extra clean. After camping my blankets smelled like bonfire so horribly so a few washes in vinegar and the smell came right out. (Sorry went off track a little).

      1. Haydee Avatar

        I use raw, unrefined organic apple cider vinegar in my soaking water…for my feet, face & body. I also spray it all over my body & face after taking a shower for a glowing and softer skin. And it’s also good for your dog’s skin problems like yeast infections ;o)))

  14. Rozetta Hahn Avatar
    Rozetta Hahn

    Another use is in your asparagus beds to help grow healthy asparagus!

    1. Charles Avatar

      If you have gout in your feet, soak them in a pan filled with epsom salt and warm water.

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