5 Essential Oils I Use Daily

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Essential oils that I use daily
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » 5 Essential Oils I Use Daily

I get more questions about essential oils than almost any other topic, probably because they’ve gained such immense popularity. Our family uses essential oils daily in our personal care products, homemade cleaners, and as natural remedies.

The five essential oils I use most often for my family are:

1. Lemon Essential Oil

We use lemon and other citrus essential oils aromatically by diffusing them in to the air. I also add 10-15 drops of lemon or orange essential oil to all of my homemade cleaning products for a fresh and clean smell without the chemicals.

Lemon has natural antibacterial, antiviral, and antihistamine properties and it is great for dabbing on insect bites or in salves used on wounds. I also often add lemon or sweet orange essential oil to our homemade shampoo since the scent is energizing and there is some evidence that lemon can stimulate hair growth. I add lemon and orange to either my honey face wash or my oil cleansing blend for use at night.

We don’t use citrus essential oils for any homemade products that we will use on our skin during sun exposure as citrus can increase sun sensitivity.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint is one of my favorite essential oils to diffuse as it is said to help increase mental clarity and is invigorating. I use it in my homemade remineralizing toothpaste and in homemade lotion recipes. It is also an ingredient in my homemade vapor rub.
Five Essential Oils I use Daily

When I’m not pregnant, I use it on my feet for nausea or upset stomach and on my neck for headaches. It is an ingredient in our homemade bug spray and I also add peppermint and lavender to a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to help cool sunburns (though we don’t usually get those anymore since adjusting our diet).

3. Lavender Essential Oil

I absolutely love the scent of lavender essential oil and diffuse it as an air freshener. It is said to help digestion, support skin health, stimulate hair growth, help mitigate the effects of stress and more.

I sometimes add a drop of lavender and lemon to bug bites or burns to cool the sting and use it with peppermint to calm a headache or sunburn. Lavender essential oils is also an ingredient in many of my homemade beauty products.

4. Oregano

I love that the smell of oregano reminds me of Italian food. I also love the natural antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic properties of oregano. It is important to note that oregano is very potent and should always be diluted for topical use. In times of bad illness, I diffuse oregano in to the air. I don’t do this often since it isn’t the most pleasant scent but it definitely works!

Oregano is anti-parasitic and a recent stool test I did showed I have no intestinal parasites! The majority of the population does have parasites, but I credit my external use of oregano essential oil and a diet high in probiotic-rich fermented foods to my lack of intestinal invaders.

I’ve used (or had a family member who has used) oregano effectively for:

  • Getting rid of athletes foot (diluted with coconut oil)
  • Diluted topically for killing ringworm
  • Massaged on feet to help deal with intestinal parasites
  • Diluted to help remove warts
  • Diluted on sore muscles to speed muscle recovery

5. Disinfectant Blend

The use a specific blend called Germ Destroyer from my go-to brand of oils. Best of all, it is designed to be kid-safe so I don’t have to worry about safety. It contains spruce hemlock, marjoram, lavender, rosalina, and lemon. It smells divine and is naturally disinfecting.

I use it in everything from homemade cleaning spray to avoiding illness but my favorite uses are:

  • On the soles of the feet to support the immune system
  • In homemade mouth wash to support a healthy mouth
  • When mopping floors (disinfects and smells great)
  • Diffused for an air freshener
  • To freshen air and fabrics in the car (here’s how)

Where I Get My Essential Oils

I have been using Plant Therapy as my source for essential oils because they are backed by Robert Tisserand and have a ton of solid information about how to use essential oils on their blog. I especially love their Kid-Safe Blends which make buying oils for use around a family so much easier.

Another excellent source for essential oils is Vibrant Blue Oils. They have very high quality, targeted blends designed to help a wide range of conditions. You can find out more about their products on this Wellness Mama Podcast episode. Their oils are blends designed to be used for a specific purpose and are therapeutic dose.

Note: Essential oils can be dangerous if used incorrectly. This post discusses some of the risks and other considerations when using them.

Do you use essential oils? Which ones do you use? Tell me below!

These essential oils are a daily staple in our house for natural cleaning, homemade beauty products, for natural remedies and freshening the air.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    165 responses to “5 Essential Oils I Use Daily”

    1. brooke Avatar

      I have flat warts that have spread all over my legs from shaving and I also have them on my chest and face. Do you think I could dilute and put oregano on the bottoms of my feet sice spot treating them all would be a huge job?

      1. Justein Avatar


        I had a recent friend with a wart problem. I suggested she used Oregano diluted with organic coconut oils and apply directly to the wart..


      1. Amanda Avatar

        Yes! I love my aroma diffuser from Young Living. Takes tap water, covers large area and is not loud at all. And it’s beautiful:)

      2. Amanda Avatar

        Puritan’s Pride GreenAir SpaVapor. $24.99 with free shipping. Awesome little diffuser. Ours is going all the time.

    2. Sherry Lynn England Avatar
      Sherry Lynn England

      Whole New Mom did a series on essential oils. Very informative as she was a rep for doTerra and YL as well. Check it out.

    3. Sherry Lynn England Avatar
      Sherry Lynn England

      Have you checked out Native American Nutritionals? I was doing some research and I believe this company to be one of the best right now. I had seriously considered doTerra until I read about this company.

      1. Kristin Avatar

        Sherry, I read that same series on the comparison of the essential oil brands from whole new mom. I have started looking into Native American Nutritionals as well and wondered if you have tried them yet and what you thought of them if you had? Or any other commenters that have experienced NAN?

    4. anit Avatar

      I love your blog!!!! it is awesome I am new to eo but I have used YL, MRH, and native American or Rocky Mountain EO. I personally like NA eo the best. They are not a market selling company so the prices r reasonable. u might want to check them out. My thing with EOs is if it is doing what it should then it is good.

    5. alden Avatar

      Hi Katie, I chose Young Living after extensive research. I love that they own farms, distill many of their own oils. The quality is unsurpassed. I love that they only use first distillations, because 2nd, 3rd distillations do not “balance the profile” it is simply a less expensive way to distill. Would you use the same coffee grounds several times and then mix all the batches together to drink? No – the first one is the best!

    6. Brooke Avatar

      Do you recommend mixing a small batch of coconut oil with maybe frankincense or a combination of a couple different essential oils for a face cream and if so what would the ratios be?

    7. melissa Avatar

      Hi Katie!
      I love your blog and all the awesome information you provide. I’m trying to learn more about essential oils and keep reading that there’s really no such thing as “therapeutic grade” EOs and it is just a marketing term. However, the oils I am currently using from our Natural Grocers store irritate our eyes if we diffuse them. They say 100% pure so I don’t know what the difference is. Thanks so much for your hard work!

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        I love Mountain Rose Herbs oils but get a lot of questions about other companies oils. I don’t like the YL/DT fight, but when I tried both, I preferred doTerra’s blends to Young Living’s. I think that both companies use their “therapeutic grade” as a marketing message even though it doesn’t really mean anything, and I hate that both brands seem to be so polarizing.

        1. jan Avatar

          Thanks for a great post! I am taking an aromatherapy course and have to decide for myself the conflicting info I get, but I “feel” the art and science of aromatherapy is about to explode and the world needs to know about them and who better than from satisfied users.

    8. Heather Lima Avatar
      Heather Lima

      I would love to know what you think about Native American Naturals essential oils as well. Have you researched them at all? Their prices are much more reasonable that Young Living and doTerra.

    9. Kathy Avatar

      I’m having trouble finding a lot of the Essential oils here in Queensland, Australia.
      could you recommend any one to me?
      Thank you

        1. anita christoph Avatar
          anita christoph

          do terra is in Australia also if you go do terra.com you should be able to find it

    10. Lousi Avatar

      Hi Katie,

      I’m just wondering about how you use the oregano oil for intestinal parasites. Do you take it internally, and if so, how? I normally take a few drops under the tongue, but only if I’m feeling sick. I saw that another commenter asked if it’s effective externally on the feet – just wondering if you just do externally, internally or both and how often. Thanks.

    11. Donica Sadberry Avatar
      Donica Sadberry

      My name is Donica. I love your articles and pod casts. I also love your recipes. I’m making them as I can.

      I recently started using doterra essential oils. I’m thrilled with the oils so far. We recently visited my brother and sister in law in New Mexico. When my husband and I visit them the guys always smoke cigars. Just the smell of my husbands clothes afterwards would send me into a full on asthma attack. Before they went outside for their cigar ritual my sister-in-law had me bite down one of the Peppermint Beadlets and inhale through my mouth deeply. I didn’t have any kind of reaction for the smoke. It was a first for me.

    12. Amanda Avatar

      I am interested in knowing more about your use of Oregano for parasites. I have Ulcerative Colitis and my Wholistic doctor told me I have a bacteria overgrowth in my gut, specifically candida. Do you think Oregano could be helpful? Or do you have any other suggestions?
      Thanks so much,

    13. Marilyn Avatar

      There are so many other good companies out there too choose from! I use Neal’s Yard Remedies because of their honest, open approach to All their products, process, testing, and ingredients. They are the mist ethical company I have found. I really enjoyed your site and wish you the best of luck.

      1. JT Avatar

        I’m curious if anyone has tried Simply Aroma? They are a new essential oil company as of January 2014.

      2. Beth Avatar

        I LOVE the Wellness Mama blog and have completely changed the eating habits of my husband and myself along with many other aspects of our lifestyle just from reading Katie’s many informative articles!

        While the MLM’s do sell high quality oils, I find that they are extremely overpriced. But even much more upsetting is the “advice” and “education” (or lack thereof) that they are providing to their representatives. I am currently taking some Aromatherapy courses right now and there is SO much misinformation out there today about EO’s and a good bit of it is coming from these MLMs and the people who sell them. Now, I certainly understand that not all reps are the same and some certainly take the time to do the research and share with others on how to use them safely – as Katie does in this article. But unfortunately, those reps seem to be in the minority. I have personally been to several MLM EO “parties” and I’m always shocked and amazed by the misinformation being doled out. Also, DoTerra’s “Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade” label is shady too (there is no “regulating agency” in the EO world, so there is no one who can “certify” anything; that is just a term that DoTerra trademarked for marketing purposes). Before I knew a whole lot about EO’s, I too purchased some DoTerra blends but have since decided that going forward, I will not support a company whose practices seem to be more aligned with making money than with educating people about the proper and safe use of EO’s.

        For anyone looking for additional info about EO’s, I would suggest the “Learning About EO’s” website or Facebook group – an amazing resource full of info!! For further info about the different EO companies – check out the seven part series on Whole New Mom’s blog about her dealings with some of the major EO companies. While I disagree with the one she ending up labeling as “The Best”, I found her dealings with some of the other companies to be very interesting.

        1. Joan Lucci Avatar
          Joan Lucci

          You have been gravely misinformed regarding doTERRA’s CPTG. Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade is simply their trademarked, 5-test quality process they use to ensure purity and potency. doTERRA does not claim to be an oversight agency for anyone but themselves using third-party laboratories. Any solid company does QUALITY testing ~ when I worked a Fortune 500 software company, we spent a huge portion of our budget on the QA process.
          And I take offense to the charge that they are all about making money. I am one of their Wellness Advocates and, while making money {to support ourselves and families} is part of life on this planet, our greater mission is to educate others about the many benefits of essential oils to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. And yes, it is true that there are people making money with doTERRA ~ you will find the key to their success is in their ability to teach and educate others.

    14. Liz Smith Avatar
      Liz Smith

      Organic apple cider vinegar – dip cotton bud into ACV put the wet bud on wart and cover with duck tape. Cleared my warts – all over my feet, could only wear sneakers – in 3 months. I was taking Vit D3 as well think that may have assisted. I used to do this every night and wear a pair of socks to sleep in. The warts go black and eventually fall off. The DID NOT return, that was 5 years ago.

    15. Jennifer Avatar

      I love your blog and appreciate all of the time and effort you put forth to help us all lead a healthier life. 🙂
      I am new to EO and would really like to know your thoughts and opinions about taking EO internally and using them as a preventive measure? I’ve read so many reasons on how you should not take them internally due to it burning your mucous membranes. I have 3 little boys so on guard was a big reason why I wanted to start using EOs to help our family avoid so many illnesses but with them being so young (5, 2 and 9 mos ) is it a good idea to use the on guard daily? Also I do diffuse regularly and I love it but that post earlier about it not being good concerns me. Thanks for your time! Thanks for your site and all you do and thanks everyone for all your helpful posts!!! 🙂 appreciate it so much!

    16. Reid Avatar

      My oils from doTERRA: Currently I am REALLY enjoying a peppermint/Balance combo. I like to combine them and put them on my feet and then also cup my hands and breathe them in, it’s a great way to start the day. Citrus Bliss I wish I could jump in the bottle, I diffuse that in the mornings. I sometimes am found carrying more oils throughout the day than I should be because of how I have to commute. I sometimes diffuse peppermint and orange in my classroom to help students stay alert (lectures are boring you know). I also diffuse OnGuard at night during the rainy season here to help combat mold and such. I also use Melaleuca and Frankincense (sometimes with Lavender) daily for my skin.

      My Young living Oils: I really enjoy the blends of Stress Away and Theives. Stress Away I love to diffuse, and Thieves I use the same way I do On Guard, but because they are slightly different I find Thieves a good oil blend to still have around.

      Rocky Mountain Oils: I have enjoyed their single oils of Lavender, Peppermint and Lemon.

      I think that the staples of Peppermint, Lavender and Lemon are “essential” daily use to anyone who uses Essential Oils. Find a company that you trust and USE them. I found 3 companies that I trust, I am sure there are a few others out there that would work for me. I am a BIG d?TERRA fan these days, but what I love more is that quality essential oils are more available now than they were 20 years ago when I first started using them.

      Thank you Wellness Mama for sharing with us how you personally use them and encouraging others to do the same ^^ Happy Healthy Living everyone 🙂

      1. Jessica Avatar

        Great post. Katie I want to thank you for sharing your knowledge on Essential Oils and their uses. Here is my favorite DIY mix for concentrating and studying. 3 drops of peppermint, 3 drops of basil, 2 drops of rosemary. I’m not big on the MLM brands and use mostly organic oils.

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