5 Essential Oils I Use Daily

Katie Wells Avatar

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Essential oils that I use daily
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Home » 5 Essential Oils I Use Daily

I get more questions about essential oils than almost any other topic, probably because they’ve gained such immense popularity. Our family uses essential oils daily in our personal care products, homemade cleaners, and as natural remedies.

The five essential oils I use most often for my family are:

1. Lemon Essential Oil

We use lemon and other citrus essential oils aromatically by diffusing them in to the air. I also add 10-15 drops of lemon or orange essential oil to all of my homemade cleaning products for a fresh and clean smell without the chemicals.

Lemon has natural antibacterial, antiviral, and antihistamine properties and it is great for dabbing on insect bites or in salves used on wounds. I also often add lemon or sweet orange essential oil to our homemade shampoo since the scent is energizing and there is some evidence that lemon can stimulate hair growth. I add lemon and orange to either my honey face wash or my oil cleansing blend for use at night.

We don’t use citrus essential oils for any homemade products that we will use on our skin during sun exposure as citrus can increase sun sensitivity.

2. Peppermint Essential Oil

Peppermint is one of my favorite essential oils to diffuse as it is said to help increase mental clarity and is invigorating. I use it in my homemade remineralizing toothpaste and in homemade lotion recipes. It is also an ingredient in my homemade vapor rub.
Five Essential Oils I use Daily

When I’m not pregnant, I use it on my feet for nausea or upset stomach and on my neck for headaches. It is an ingredient in our homemade bug spray and I also add peppermint and lavender to a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to help cool sunburns (though we don’t usually get those anymore since adjusting our diet).

3. Lavender Essential Oil

I absolutely love the scent of lavender essential oil and diffuse it as an air freshener. It is said to help digestion, support skin health, stimulate hair growth, help mitigate the effects of stress and more.

I sometimes add a drop of lavender and lemon to bug bites or burns to cool the sting and use it with peppermint to calm a headache or sunburn. Lavender essential oils is also an ingredient in many of my homemade beauty products.

4. Oregano

I love that the smell of oregano reminds me of Italian food. I also love the natural antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal, and anti-parasitic properties of oregano. It is important to note that oregano is very potent and should always be diluted for topical use. In times of bad illness, I diffuse oregano in to the air. I don’t do this often since it isn’t the most pleasant scent but it definitely works!

Oregano is anti-parasitic and a recent stool test I did showed I have no intestinal parasites! The majority of the population does have parasites, but I credit my external use of oregano essential oil and a diet high in probiotic-rich fermented foods to my lack of intestinal invaders.

I’ve used (or had a family member who has used) oregano effectively for:

  • Getting rid of athletes foot (diluted with coconut oil)
  • Diluted topically for killing ringworm
  • Massaged on feet to help deal with intestinal parasites
  • Diluted to help remove warts
  • Diluted on sore muscles to speed muscle recovery

5. Disinfectant Blend

The use a specific blend called Germ Destroyer from my go-to brand of oils. Best of all, it is designed to be kid-safe so I don’t have to worry about safety. It contains spruce hemlock, marjoram, lavender, rosalina, and lemon. It smells divine and is naturally disinfecting.

I use it in everything from homemade cleaning spray to avoiding illness but my favorite uses are:

  • On the soles of the feet to support the immune system
  • In homemade mouth wash to support a healthy mouth
  • When mopping floors (disinfects and smells great)
  • Diffused for an air freshener
  • To freshen air and fabrics in the car (here’s how)

Where I Get My Essential Oils

I have been using Plant Therapy as my source for essential oils because they are backed by Robert Tisserand and have a ton of solid information about how to use essential oils on their blog. I especially love their Kid-Safe Blends which make buying oils for use around a family so much easier.

Another excellent source for essential oils is Vibrant Blue Oils. They have very high quality, targeted blends designed to help a wide range of conditions. You can find out more about their products on this Wellness Mama Podcast episode. Their oils are blends designed to be used for a specific purpose and are therapeutic dose.

Note: Essential oils can be dangerous if used incorrectly. This post discusses some of the risks and other considerations when using them.

Do you use essential oils? Which ones do you use? Tell me below!

These essential oils are a daily staple in our house for natural cleaning, homemade beauty products, for natural remedies and freshening the air.


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    165 responses to “5 Essential Oils I Use Daily”

    1. Monica Avatar

      Hi, Katie! I’m so glad I found your blog, I’m loving it! Curious about your recommendations for diffusing EOs. What do you use?

    2. brenda Avatar

      just for the record I am another doTerra user and fan. my acupuncturist recommended some essential oils for some of my challenges and recommended doTerra for its purity. how happy we have been with the results.

    3. mar Avatar

      Do you dilute the oregano oil for the soles of your feet? Is it effective for intestinal parasites even if you don’t take it orally?

        1. Becca Avatar

          Is it safe to use oregano oil on feet daily? I feel like I read somewhere it was hard on the liver and to take breaks, but I am not sure if I am correct about that.

    4. Cassie Avatar

      What do you think about Rose of Sharon? I read that they can be used for medicinal properties, I have a bunch growing on a few trees in front of my house ( I am pretty sure it’s rose of sharon, it looks exactly like the pictures). I was planning on making a basic essential oil for making laundry detergent and thought this flower might be nice to use for the scent. I saw on a website that they are used for medicinal purposes but i didn’t get much more than that.

    5. kreichert Avatar

      i use doTERRA oils. I really like clove, grapefruit, and frankincense oils.

    6. erin Avatar

      Love my young living oils, use them for everything and find new uses for them daily! Love that oils have taken off in popularity as a hopeful solution for so many.

    7. Adrienne Avatar

      I am also interested in what kind of diffuser you use. Most diffusers out there (even deTerra) are made of plastic & noisy. I have not been able to find a good glass or ceramic diffuser that operators efficiently.

    8. meghan Avatar

      Just an FYI from Susun Weed’s website – what do you think?


      I make and use many infused herbal oils. I use little or no essential oils. Why?

      Infused herbal oils use a small amount of plant material; essential oils require tons of plant material. Infused herbal oils are safe to use internally or externally; essential oils are poisonous internally and problematic externally. Infused herbal oils are good for the skin; essential oils can cause rashes, burns, and other skin reactions. Infused oils are used full strength; essential oils are diluted before use. Infused herbal oils have subtle scents; essential oils have powerful scents.

      The scent of an essential oil can kill gut flora just like antibiotics do, according to Paul Bergner, director of the clinical studies program at the Rocky Mountain Center for Botanical Studies. He told me that breathing the oils puts them into the blood stream very quickly and can be a major disturber of intestinal health and contributor to poor immune functioning.

      Massage therapists are embracing Natural Scent Therapies such as growing live aromatic plants in their treatment rooms and using pillows of dried aromatic herbs instead of essential oils. Their skin and their immune systems are thanking them for the switch.

      1. Katherina Avatar

        Thanks for posting this. I find there’s a lot of careless eo use and worry about the industry.

      2. Malori Avatar

        I have found that essential oils have greatly helped me deal with colitis. I’ve never experienced stomach problems from using them! It’s true that oregano can kill gut flora (even the good kind), so that’s why it’s important to not use it more than 10 days in a row and to use it simultaneously with a good probiotic. But there are many other essential oils that can be used on a regular basis that will not kill good gut flora. Also, there are studies out there showing the safety of using essential oils internally (as well as topically and aromatically).

        1. Kristi Avatar

          I have UC as well, how do you use EOs to help with it? I’m very intrigued! Thanks

    9. Mary Avatar

      Awesome!! My husband and I got into oils recently, but I haven’t yet sprung for a more top quality brand. I will begin using them more moving forward.

    10. April Avatar

      I am currently defusing breath EO in the babies room and put a less than a drop in his clothes helped clear up his allergy symptoms in just a few minutes. Seriously the oils are amazing.

    11. Malori Mayor Avatar
      Malori Mayor

      I started using essential oils in September and LOVE THEM. My husband has post-combat issues and I’ve been researching protocols, and will soon start trying them with him. I love diffusing peppermint and Wild Orange (I use the Aroma Lite diffuser) – invigorating and mood lifting. 🙂

    12. Ana Gibbs Avatar
      Ana Gibbs

      Thanks for sharing, this is a great list! Lavender is definitely a very popular one in our home too. Are there any you recommend in place of perfume/body spray? I’ve been searching for one or a combination that isn’t too expensive. Thanks!!

    13. Carlie Avatar

      Hi Katie. I love love your blog. I have gained so much from your knowledge. Thank you so much for being so AMAZING.
      I wanted to share some of what I know with you, if your interested.

      DoTerra is very popular but I have chosen to stay clear of DoTerra for several reasons. For one, They are not organic. So not only are you getting the wonderful compounded essential oils from the plant but also the toxins. Just the nature of how essential oils work make this very important to make sure you have organic wild crafted oils. Essential oils are a fat, just like our cells. So unlike an antibiotic that kills all of the good and bad bacteria around the cell, it can’t actually penetrate the cell itself. An essential oil however, can. So when you are using non organic or wild crafted oils, you are allowing for toxins to travel directly into your cell.
      Another reason I don’t use DoTerra is simply because they aren’t as strong as other oils I have found. I used to use DoTerra and when I take my old DoTerra oils and smell them next to my new oils, its amazing how diluted the Do Terra oils.
      When I look for a good oil, I always make sure it says Organic. Wild crafted is also something I love to see.
      The oils I use now are from Purify Skin Therapy. (They also have an amazing skin care line thats all natural and FANTASTIC)
      I hope I didn’t just come across as one of those know it all’s 🙂 I just love your blog and you have helped me so much and I would love to give that back in anyway I can.

      Thanks for all you do Katie
      Carlie 🙂

      1. Veronica Avatar

        Wow, great website. I am just getting into oils and find this website fascinating. Thank you for all of the information and help!

    14. Katherina Avatar

      I do use essential oils, sparingly and respectfully. Usually I get them from Mountain Rose.

      1. Janice Bleyl Avatar
        Janice Bleyl

        Hi Katie! I would like to begin by saying how much I enjoy your blog; I have learned so much from you. I am glad to see your comments regarding essential oils as I have grown to love them and all that they can do.
        Thanks for all that you do! Sincerely, Janice

        1. brenda Avatar

          I truly think it would be nice if we just used the generic recommendations of oils and their applications and stopped co opting this blog to advertise everyone’s preferences for brands. This is Wellness Mamas blog and she has mentioned the oils she prefers but has also been kind enough to mention the different oils and amounts and how she dilutes them to obtain her results.. if you want to use a different company’s oils and hope to get the same results great. PEACE.

    15. LeNay Graham Avatar
      LeNay Graham

      Hi Katie,
      I am very interested in essential oils, but I have a few questions before purchasing them. Can you tell me if you have any experience with doTerra or Young Living essential oils? I purchased an entire kit this past year from Young Living, but after using them for about a month, I realized I was having an allergic reaction to them after visiting my natural path who identified the connection between the oils and an inflammatory response that my body was having. I have since learned that Young Living oils started using synthetics in their processing of the oils. How is doTerra processed? Do you know any significant differences between the two companies? What made you choose doTerra? Thanks so much!!! I really want to use essential oils, and I have heard that people who have responded negatively to Young Living oils do not necessarily have the same response to doTerra oils. Please get back to me as soon as you are able. 🙂 Thanks again!

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        After a lot of research, I found that both seemed very high quality. I know some people who do well with both doTERRA and Young Living, but I’m sorry you had a reaction! Certainly, any essential oils should be used carefully as they are really strong, so even with other brands of oils, I’d test carefully. From my research, I found that doTERRA is naturally processed with complete distillation (combines first, second and third distillations) and without synthetics.

        1. megan Avatar

          Why do you use doterra and not mountain rose herbs oils for your fAmily i know mountain rose says not to use on kids that was my main question. I want to use them but not sure who to buy from. Mountaon rose is cheaper but i want to use them on my kid’s???

        2. Chantal Avatar

          My question is sort of related to this- I’ve been using doTerra oils for a while now and like them, but I noticed some of your affiliate links are to mountain rose for essential oils. I shopped around on there and some of the oils are significantly more affordable than doTerras( ie. Frankincense)-how do you decide which to order from? Do you feel like both are the same high quality and just choose the best price?

      2. Lauren Avatar

        YL does not use synthetics in their oils, can you back up your claim? All of YL oils are first distillation which is the most powerful distillation rendering the most chemical components of the plant. In other words:higher quality. You do not get better oils with 2nd and 3rd distillation.

        1. Ashley Avatar

          Thank you for correcting an ill informed post. Young Living certainly does not use synthetics. I’ve been to the farms myself and watched the whole process. Which is why they are the world leader in essential oils…complete transparency. Anyone can visit one of the many farms they own, which is unlike any other essential oil company. They have been around for 20+ years because of their high quality. This is why we choose Young Living.

          1. Kari Avatar

            I was just coming to say the same thing. I suspect that, LeNay’s comment was made 18 months ago, she is no longer following this thread. But I would love to know what she based her claim on when saying that YL uses synthetics.

            I would be inclined to think that any allergic reaction was the result of an allergy to that plant and had nothing to do with synthetics.

            I have used both doTerra and YL products. Both are good, but I can feel the difference. YL oils have been a miracle in my life. YL products are highly concentrated and 100% pure.

      3. Christina Avatar

        How do they have synthetics? How do you back that claim up? Do they freeze in the freezer? Oils don’t freeze but fillers do….. Do your own test and don’t just go on what you hear! Call all EO company’s and see what they personally have to say how there oils are farmed and distilled… That’s where you will be truly surprised also.

      4. Christie Avatar

        Check out Rocky Mountain Oils. All organic with no synthetics at a very reasonable cost.

    16. Eva Avatar

      Which diffuser do you like? There are hundreds on amazon and I’m not sure which one is best.

      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        I’m working on a post reviewing many of them side by side but I’ve found that the $30 ones on Amazon work as well as the more expensive ones, with the exception of one water-free one on Amazon

      2. Amanda Avatar

        Check out Puritan’s Pride – they have a GreenAir SpaVapor for $24.99 with free shipping. That’s what I use and it’s quite a workhorse! It doesn’t have a timer like some of the more expensive diffusers (15 seconds on, 3 minutes off, etc), but we love it!

    17. Mollie Avatar

      Hi! Do you mind telling me more about oregano for wart use. How do you dilute it? Would it work to mix it with coconut oil or just water? How often do you apply it? Thanks!

      1. Brenda Avatar

        One of my kids has struggled with warts all over his hands for years. We tried every over the counter treatment there is plus a couple homeopathic remedies. Nothing worked until oregano oil! I put equal parts oregano oil and coconut oil in a glass roller bottle. Every night at bedtime he applies it to areas of concern (like where it looks like one is popping up) then sleeps with socks on his hands. He is completely wart free after only a few months.

    18. Alicia Avatar

      Why did you say “When I’m not pregnant, I use it on my feet for nausea or upset stomach and on my neck for headaches. “?

      Because, I AM pregnant.


      1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

        Congrats on your pregnancy 🙂 Check with a doctor or midwife before using any essential oils in pregnancy but peppermint is typically avoided until full term since it can cause contractions.

        1. Katie Avatar

          Hi Katie,

          Thank you for your informative blog! Your work is greatly appreciated 🙂

          Could you explain (or tell me the related blog post title of) the comment you made implying that you and your family do not suffer from sunburns since changing your diet? As a redhead (and GF and V), I am very curious!

          Thank you!

        2. brenda Avatar

          also, this wonderful oil is not recommended for nursing mothers, however, it is an aid when one is no longer nursing as it helps dry up the source.

        3. Heather Avatar

          I am currently pregnant as well and was wondering are there any essential oils that are consider safe during pregnancy? I am wanting to make my own lotion and tooth paste but wasn’t sure what is safe to add.

          1. Tatum Minor Avatar
            Tatum Minor

            As per Heathers question: there are two books you can use for oils regarded as safe to use during pregnancy. I was able to find both gently used via amazon.com (but I believe you can go to aromatools.com for them also). The first book is “Essential Oils For Maternity”-this is one found on aromatools.com. The second book is “Essential Oils for Pregnancy, Birth & Babies” by Stephanie Fritz LM, CPM

            As always, ensure you research independent studies of essential oils and decide for yourself regarding the brand you will use. Not all companies oils are created equal-so do your research! 🙂


      2. Deb Avatar

        I notice you say when you are not pregnant, have you also considered letting people know that peppermint, wintergreen and eucalyptus should not be used around infants and children under 2 due to their ability to depress the respiratory system?

        1. Camille Avatar

          I have read the same thing, only i read that it’s age 6 for some, and 10 for Eucalyptus. I’m curious to know how Katie will respond! 🙂

          1. Taiyo Avatar

            I am curious as well. Recently I’ve had occasion to read a number of studies involving the effects of menthol on children under 2 (most of the medical studies I’ve read use either ‘age 2′ or ’30 months’, including why items like Vicks VapORub are not to be used on children under two.

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