Overprotected Childhood: How Keeping Kids Safe is Actually Harming Them

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Utah recently passed legislation to “legalize the 80s” and let kids play outside again without fear of CPS being called on the parents. The new law essentially defined the difference between letting kids have independence and parental neglect, protecting the ability for kids to ride bikes and play outside alone.

I shared a video about this on Facebook and got a lot of responses that I didn’t expect. Surely, most parents would be sad that it had to be legislated but glad that kids would be free to play outside more… right?

I was wrong.

Instead I got responses like:

“At least if I helicopter parent, I know my kids are alive,”


“Oh great, so now all the pedophiles are just going to move to Utah and have a buffet of children to kidnap,”


“That was fine when we were kids but times are different now.”

These responses seem to center on a couple of ideas that I hope to kindly challenge:

  1. Things are inherently less safe in the world today.
  2. The only way to keep children safe is to constantly supervise them.
  3. Supervising children in this way doesn’t have any negative long-term effects.

If you agree with the three points above, I’d implore you to read through this article and consider the actual data!

How Overprotecting Kids is Harming Them

Of everything I’ve written over the years, this is one of the topics I feel the most strongly about because the way we are “protecting” kids is doing them a severe disservice in life.

Instead, I’d propose (and will defend) these counterpoints to the ideas above:

  1. The world is safer than it was when we were kids.
  2. Supervising children at all times does not necessarily keep them safe.
  3. There are long-term negative consequences to overprotecting and over-structuring kids and we are starting to see the results of structuring their lives too much.
  4. Hectic schedules are damaging families and creating more problems.

Don’t agree? Please read on and leave a thoughtful (and kind) comment as to why. But please, not until you read this article to the end…

But… Isn’t Being Safe Important?

Even one child kidnapped or murdered is one child too many… right?

Absolutely, and I’m certainly not arguing that we shouldn’t take measures to keep our children are safe. If life existed in a vacuum and it was simply a matter of a choice between a) the small chance of something bad happening to kids while playing outside; and b) a 0% chance of something bad happening under constant supervision, then my kids wouldn’t be outside climbing trees right now unsupervised while I write this post!

But that isn’t the case. These things don’t exist in a vacuum and the mentality that “I’d still rather keep them safe (inside) than take even the tiny risk that something could happen” has some unintended consequences.

Childhood is More Dangerous Safer for Kids Now

By this statement I don’t just mean because children are less likely to die of childhood illness than in previous centuries. It is statistically safer for kids today that it ever has been in recorded history. Children are less likely to die or be kidnapped than ever before.

Let me repeat that: 

Despite the fear-mongering in the media, children are LESS likely to be abducted, harmed, or murdered than ever before!

Kids Are Less Likely to Die From All Causes

Don’t believe me? Here’s some data from the UN and FBI:

  • Child mortality rates have fallen by over half … since 1990 (United Nations).
  • The homicide rate for kids under 14 is at an all-time low of 1.5 per 100,000 (Bureau of Justice).
  • Meaning, that for a child in the US today, the risk of death from all causes is 1 in 10,000 or 0.01 percent.

In fact, kids are exponentially more likely to die in a car accident while we’re driving them around to various activities than they are to be murdered!

If keeping kids safe is truly the goal, shouldn’t we reduce the number of activities we’re driving them to all the time? By homeschooling, we remove two car trips a day with our kids, statistically reducing their risk of death much more than we would by keeping them inside or supervising them at all times.

Children Are Less Likely to Be Abducted

But most parents aren’t necessarily worried about a child dying. The fear of abduction, disappearing without a trace, or assault are what keep us up at night. But perhaps these things shouldn’t worry us as much either:

  • Missing persons reports have fallen 40% since 1997 while the population has risen 30% (FBI)
  • 96% of these missing persons cases are children who have runaway from home
  • Only 0.1% of actual missing persons cases are what we’d consider actual kidnapping

To put that in perspective, a child has a less than 1 in 300,000 chance of being kidnapped, and most of those cases are by a family member or non-custodial parent.

Since they have a 1 in 3,400 chance of choking to death, it seems we should be much more worried about hot dogs and grapes than letting kids play outside!

But, More Likely to Get in Trouble for Playing Outside

Sadly, laws like the Utah “Free Range” one are needed because the risk of someone calling CPS because a child is playing outside without direct parental supervision is much, much higher than the risk of a child actually getting hurt by doing so.

But Wait… Are Rates Declining Due to Keeping Kids Safer?

I know what you might be thinking…

Obviously these rates are declining precisely because we are keeping kids safer right?

Not exactly.

That would make sense if rates of these crimes were declining only in children. But crime rates are declining in adults too! In fact, crime rates are down to at or below what they were in 1963. Ask your parents (or grandparents) how much they got to play outside in 1963… I’ll wait.

The Free Range Kids Controversy

The Utah “free range parenting bill” was in response to cases where an onlooker called CPS because a child was playing outside, often in his or her own yard. The bill separates the definitions of childhood play and neglect, saying that neglect does not include:

permitting a child, whose basic needs are met and who is of sufficient age and maturity to avoid harm or unreasonable risk of harm, to engage in independent activities.

This means that children are now free to go to and from school by walking, running, or bicycling. They can also walk or bike to nearby stores and parks and play unattended in parks. The law prevents people from calling the police simply because a child is playing outside unsupervised.

If you don’t live in Utah and want to know what the laws are in your state, Lenore at Free Range Kids has a helpful list of laws by state.

What’s going on? Why are laws needed to protect a parent’s ability to decide safe limits for their child without fear of law enforcement getting involved?

I have (just a few) thoughts on that:

Media Over-Attention, Global News, and Fear

The constant media attention and focus on every negative event that happens has wired us to think that our kids are in much more danger than they actually are. Biologically, this makes sense. We’re wired to pay attention to threats to our children. But, the innate protectiveness that we have as parents is distorted by the 24-hour news cycle.

Here’s what I mean:

For most of history, we lived and stayed in relatively small geographic areas without much knowledge of the rest of the world. We knew about problems in our local area only, meaning that we heard about a lot less horrible events on a daily basis. Our brains are wired to pay attention to negative events because they can signal danger. However, since the events we heard about were within our local sphere we also had the ability to problem solve in our local area and help make it safer.

Now, we’re exposed to negative and scary events all the time through the news and social media and our brains haven’t yet adjusted to this change. The result is that our brains can be under the impression that things are really, really, bad and unsafe, when that’s not really the case.

News Makes Us Think Things Are Worse Than They Are

According to an article in Psychology Today, this negative news effect is causing us to believe things are worse than they are. The author reports some observations from a 1997 study on the psychological effect of TV news:

But what was more interesting was the effect that watching negative news had on peoples’ worries. We asked each participant to tell us what their main worry was at the time, and we then asked them to think about this worry during a structured interview. We found that those people who had watched the negative news bulletin spent more time thinking and talking about their worry and were more likely to catastrophise their worry than people in the other two groups. Catastrophizing is when you think about a worry so persistently that you begin to make it seem much worse than it was at the outset and much worse than it is in reality – a tendency to make “mountains out of molehills”!

How an Overprotected Childhood Harms Kids

Here’s a shocking reality:

We won’t always be there to protect our kids or solve their problems. Nor should we be.

Teachers (grade school through college professors) increasingly complain of children’s inability to solve even simple problems on their own. Parents intervene for everything from grades to discipline problems at school because the stakes are so high. But the result is a generation of grown children who still need their parents to decorate their dorms and manage their lives.

I get the desire to keep our kids safe and protected when they are young. But by doing so, are we making things tougher for them when they go out into the world? The answer may be yes.

Thinking about this… there is a 0% chance of children developing street smarts by sitting on the couch watching TV. Kids also aren’t learning problem solving or creativity by being protected from any difficult situations that may arise.

The following are some of the factors we need to consider in the risk/benefit analysis

Kids Are Connecting to Technology More than Nature

Children are spending more time on screens than ever. Recent surveys reveal that children spend half of the time outside that we did as kids. They also spend 56% more time looking at screens than playing outdoors.

On a strictly logical level, this creates problems in several ways:

  1. Sitting and watching a screen is a sedentary activity (and childhood obesity is on the rise).
  2. Eye doctors are seeing increased vision problems in children because of staring at a screen for too long. (Check out this podcast interview for more explanation on this.)
  3. Blue light from screens is affecting kids’ brains and circadian rhythms.

Yet many of us feel safer letting our kids watch TV or browse an iPad than climb a tree or ride a bike.

And scared about the rise of sex trafficking? Children are much more likely to be targeted on social media and later abducted than they are to be grabbed by a random stranger on the street. If this is our area of concern, and it certainly should be, we should be talking about keeping kids safe online and not as worried about keeping them from playing in the backyard.

Kids Need to Be Outside

Outdoor play during childhood serves a much bigger purpose than just being fun for kids. Of course, that is important too, but there are numerous psychological and physical benefits, including:

Fresh Air

Indoor air can be hundreds of times more polluted than outdoor air and spending time outside is a great way to get some clean air.

Vitamin D

Even just a few minutes outside helps kids get the Vitamin D they need for many aspects of health.

Bright Outdoor Light

Outdoor light is much brighter than indoor light and is important for health. Daytime bright light exposure, especially in the morning, helps regulate hormones, cortisol and circadian rhythm. In fact, studies show that it can help improve sleep.


It should go without saying, but as childhood obesity skyrockets, kids running around and getting exercise is a really good thing. The average 19 year old is as sedentary as a 60 year old according to a recent Johns Hopkins study.

Sensory Input

I recently interviewed an occupational therapist who is helping correct many of the problems created by kids not playing outside enough. We keep babies upright and in high chairs, cribs and play pens. They don’t play outside in dirt or get sensory input from grass, or crawl and fall down enough. This is linked to more anxiety, lack of creativity, and other problems for older kids. The lack of vestibular system development is also leading to kids being clumsier and not having as much balance.

Angela Hanscom, a pediatric occupational therapist and author of Balanced and Barefoot: How Unrestricted Outdoor Play Makes for Strong, Confident, and Capable Children, explains:

Movement through active free play, especially outside, improves everything from creativity to academic success to emotional stability. Kids who don’t get to do this can have so many issues, from problems with emotional regulation—for example, they cry at the drop of a hat—to trouble holding a pencil, to touching other kids using too much force.

She recommends that children need three hours of outdoor play a day to be healthy. These three hours should not include organized sports or structured activities.

Children Need Unstructured Play

But kids can get all of those benefits even if we’re supervising them. So why let kids play alone?

Here’s why:

Depriving them of opportunities to learn to take control of their own lives affects them psychologically. Think back to times in your childhood that pushed you just beyond your comfort zone. Times when you weren’t sure you could figure out a problem, or master a skill, or even just climb a tree. But then you did. The first time you rode a bike, or climbed a rope or tree?

That feeling of accomplishment is important to kids and we’re often protecting them from it.

Without these experiences, psychologists like Peter Gray argue that we are increasing “the chance that they will suffer from anxiety, depression, and various other mental disorders.”

Hanscom agrees, explaining that:

There’s so much value in kids creating play schemes on their own. Kids who are always told how to play have trouble thinking outside the box, and even answering freeform essay questions. Plus, true outdoor free play is like cross training, with the climbing, spinning, going upside down, and the like that adults don’t encourage but that are so valuable for their development.

Kids Need to Experience Risk & Frustration

Psychologists also increasingly report that today’s kids are terrified of everything from riding the bus to school alone to meeting new people. This is because they haven’t been taught that the world is a mostly safe place or been given the skills to navigate these minor challenges.

We all want to keep our kids from harm, but child psychologist David Elkind explains that sheltering them from every problem and minor injury has lifelong psychological implications.

Kids need to feel badly sometimes. We learn through experience and we learn through bad experiences. Through failure we learn how to cope. There’s a lot to be said for taking risks, making mistakes and learning from them. Something kids won’t have the chance to do if they’re sheltered round the clock. You want your child to embrace, not shy away from the world he inhabits.

Statistically, we’re even afraid to let our kids help as much as they are able in the kitchen. We shelter them from the minor risk of using sharp knives as their skill level permits for fear of a minor cut, and yet, experience is the best teacher in this regard.

Norwegian researcher Ellen Hansen Sandseter found in her research that the relaxed approach to risk-taking and safety actually:

Keeps our children safer by honing their judgment about what they’re capable of. Children are drawn to the things we parents fear: high places, water, wandering far away, dangerous sharp tools. Our instinct is to keep them safe by childproofing their lives. But the most important safety protection you can give a child is to let them take… risks.

And To Experience Getting Feelings Hurt

Another benefit to unstructured play is that parents aren’t there to “rescue” a child any time he or she gets his feelings hurt. I get it, none of us like to see our children feel bad or get their feelings hurt, but they learn from these experiences too.

They learn things like:

  • Not everyone in the world has the same opinion as me, and this is ok and should be respected. (Facebook is still behind on this trend, apparently.)
  • If I am mean to other kids, they won’t want to play with me.
  • I don’t always get to play the game I want or choose the activity at all times.
  • Relationships require the ability to work through minor conflict and compromise.

But when parents jump in to facilitate intensive mediation for every minor infraction, kids don’t get to figure out how to work through frustrations like this on their own.

How We’re Behind the Rest of the World

If the safety data isn’t enough to convince you that perhaps we shelter our kids a little too much, consider the rest of the world. Our kids are going to become adults in a technologically connected world where they will be at a disadvantage compared to their global peers.

While our kids are being shuttled to and from activities and having structured playtime, other children in the world are:

  • Riding the subway to school alone from age 4 (Japan)
  • Biking to school or parks alone from age 4 (Netherlands)
  • Using knives in the kitchen and to whittle sticks by kindergarten (Germany)
  • Climbing trees and playing outside alone from age 3 (Sweden, which has the lowest rate of child injury in the world)
  • Don’t start school until age 7 and have much longer recess when they do (Finland, where children routinely rank among the best in the world academically)

…And More Stressed Than The Rest of the World

Our desire to constantly protect, occupy and enrich our children has led to a lot of stressed out families. I’ve talked to so many parents who are stressed trying to keep up with all of the activities their kids participate in. And the kids are stressed too. Statistics show that anxiety and depression are on the rise in both children and adults. Of course there are many factors involved, but experts think that the hectic schedules many of us keep are part of the culprit.

But, what does the data say?

What Kids Really Need to Thrive

Psychologically, a few factors are really important to a child’s developing brain (and grown-up brains too, for that matter!):

  1. Getting enough sleep
  2. Having down time and unstructured play (not on a screen)
  3. Strong family relationships and a sense of community

Too many extracurricular activities take away from all three of these important factors for childhood development. For this reason, those above factors are my criteria for evaluating any extracurricular activity. Strong family relationships, downtime, and sleep are our top priorities and non-negotiables. Some activities are great, but if they start cutting into family time, down time or sleep, they aren’t worth it to us anymore.

Instituting this policy for evaluating things we add to our life has led to a lot happier kids (and adults). It has also, ironically, led to the kids having more interest in activities and learning them on their own. For instance, music lessons don’t fit into our schedule right now, but my 9-year-old found a book and online course and is teaching herself the ukulele. Our five-year-old is picking up gymnastics/tumbling for fun and cartwheels everywhere. All. Day. Long.

Kids are amazing sponges who can pick up new skills and show incredible creativity when we let them. Let’s give them the space to do it!

What If We Change the Environment & Bring Back Play

Again, I completely understand the desire to make sure our kids are safe. Unfortunately, restricting free play and constantly supervising them has some negative consequences as well. I’d like to propose that as parents, instead of restricting these activities, we work together to create safe ways for them to happen.

In Our Own Homes and Yards

Every location and family has different circumstances, but most of us should be able to find places in our yards or neighborhoods where children can play freely without supervision (or with minimal supervision). We can structure their lives a little less and let them experience boredom (and its fruit: creativity) a little more.

We can hold our tongue and not utter “be careful” every time they climb a tree or jump off something. Or encourage them to just go out and explore nature, ride a bike or climb something.

At our house, we’ve worked to create a backyard that keeps kids active and wanting to play outside. It also fosters free play with space and natural materials for them to build forts and create games to play.

And In Our Communities

Even better? We could choose (when possible) or create places where kids are safe to play on a larger scale. And we can get to know our neighbors to create a bigger area where kids can roam freely. Or we can find like-minded parents and create places and times when kids can just play by themselves.

And we can let go of the (unfounded) fear that if a child plays outside they are at high risk for being abducted or murdered… because the US is safer now that it was when we did all those things as kids.

Practical Steps to Raise Free Range Kids

Hopefully, I’ve convinced you of something that children instinctively know… that they need unsupervised free play to be healthy and happy. But finding time and space to let it happen can be tough, especially in a world where an unsupervised child is taboo.

It’s important to remember that child-directed play is vital to children’s emotional and intellectual development and to prioritize it. According to a 2007 report from the American Academy of Pediatrics ”

some play must remain entirely child driven, with parents either not present or as passive observers, because play builds some of the individual assets children need to develop and remain resilient.

These are ways we can help it happen…

Ask “What’s The Fear?”

Since it is our parental fear keeping kids from playing outside and unsupervised enough, perhaps we should turn our analysis inward. Angela Hanscom suggests that parents ask themselves what the root of the fear is and work to mitigate that without restricting kids from free play.

If the fear is a child being abducted, let the kids play in groups but without supervision. Or work to provide a safe place to play without supervision like a backyard or group of yards, a neighborhood, or even a park where a parent is hands-off and watching from a distance.

If the fear is being hit by a car, let’s teach our kids street smarts instead of keeping them away from all roads. After all, they’ll have to cross streets eventually!

Let Them Be Bored

When I said I was bored as a child, I usually got a response along the lines of “then you haven’t thought of anything interesting to do yet.” But many kids don’t get the chance to become bored these days. The only way this happens is if every moment is not spent bouncing back and forth from school to sports to activities and then to bed. And if every free moment is not spent in front of a screen.

It sounds counterintuitive when trying to create unscheduled play, but schedule time when there isn’t anywhere else to be or anything else to do.

Find a Place for Unstructured Play

Even if it is just the backyard. Or in areas without yards, finding places kids can roam and play. In the UK, there is a wildly popular (among children) adventure playground called “The Land.” It resembles a junkyard more than a playground and kids love it. Local residents created it to give children in a crowded and busy world a place to play and learn.

They start fires, jump on mattresses like trampolines, and build forts using hammers and nails and scrap lumber. They are loosely looked after by non-parent adults known as “playworkers” who don’t intervene but just keep an eye on the fire starting and fort building.

Find Ways to Keep Them Safe While They Play

I’ll admit, it is easier to have peace of mind when letting my kids play without supervision because there are enough of them that they are always in groups. We also live in an amazing neighborhood where many parents are on the same page and there is always a pack of kids roaming the streets together.

For safety, kids can stick together in groups to play or take a dog or a walkie talkie with them.

Teach Them Situational Awareness

This is a key point. I’m not suggesting we send our kids into any and every environment unsupervised. Not by a long shot. They shouldn’t play in parking lots or run around malls at a young age just because they need free play. Common sense is important and so is situational awareness. We need to teach children how to be aware of their surroundings and keep an eye out for actual danger by doing so ourselves.

This also means we have to let go of the fear when there isn’t any real danger so that we will notice when there actually is a problem.

At a basic level, this means teaching kids skills like crossing a street safely and being aware of surroundings (and staying close to us) in crowded places. It is also about teaching them that the world is a generally safe place (because it is) and letting them experience more of it.

Bottom Line: Shouldn’t the Parents Get to Decide?

Certainly, you don’t have to agree with me that your own children should play outside unsupervised. But the data doesn’t back up the idea that they aren’t safe when they do.

But at the end of the day, shouldn’t this decision be up to the judgement of the parents based on their own circumstances and location? Without the more real risk of CPS being called just because children are playing outside like most of us had the freedom to do as kids?

If the whole idea of this post creates a reaction anything along the lines of “parents who let their kids play unsupervised shouldn’t be allowed to be parents,” please consider the actual data and the fact that you’d see parents get in trouble or have their kids taken for something that isn’t actually unsafe!

I’d love to hear your (respectfully voiced) opinion in the comments. My stance is that I’m trying to raise responsible, problem-solving adults and I consider the risk of psychologically dwarfing them by protecting them from even minor problems to be a much bigger concern than the statistically almost nonexistent risk that they’ll be kidnapped if they aren’t supervised at all times.

We all want the best in life for our kids and that is precisely why I make sure my kids have a lot of unsupervised play time outside.

This article was medically reviewed by Madiha Saeed, MD, a board certified family physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

What do you think? Agree or disagree? Please weigh in below, just keep it kind and avoid personal attacks and name calling, just like we all encourage our kids to do!

Not convinced? These are easy reads and provide more research and practical advice:



Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


145 responses to “Overprotected Childhood: How Keeping Kids Safe is Actually Harming Them”

  1. Tessa Avatar

    One…There actually is data from intensely extensive studies that would back it up.

    Two…Peoples personality TRAITS are genetically predisposed, their personalitiespeciallycharacters are not genetically predisposed. Peoples characters are molded and formed between the ages of birth to between five and six. Hence how parents set boundaries, enforce them, set expectations, and verbally and non verbally communicate to and with, and in the presence of their children, among many other things beyond simply not neglecting and caring for their basic needs, are greatly responsible for our characters as adults. And, thereby, it is also reflective of their psychological effects, and the physiological effects of those, and how of how well they get along in society as adults. In fact, recent studies have shown that mom and her feelings and attitude has an effect as early as her trimester of pregnancy, having nothing to do with the genetics of baby.

  2. Valerie Avatar

    AGREE 100%! I’m 61 and my parents didn’t know exactly where I was or what I was doing most of the day on the weekends. Once I was 12-13 I could babysit small children until sometimes midnight or later. I also took the bus to the beach with friends and we had to change buses! I had a lot of fun!

  3. Tessa Avatar

    Yes, but those girls, having been taught what and how to do, and/or had learned the street smarts to do it. And so, they are proof that giving them that freedom to learn works, and will work the next time. And, thereby, arming them for when they are adults. Because the fact is that THAT can and does happen when they get older, and it happens even when you’re in what you think is the safety of an establishment, or of a gated community.

    Stranger danger is everywhere. And, the sooner and younger they learn how to handle it, the more armed and prepared those girls will be for adulthood.

    Not watching them doesn’t mean that it won’t happen, just that they should know how to when it does happen.

  4. Joanna Avatar

    Fantastic article, thank you for sharing. I’ve moved area to be able to give my daughter that freedom of going out to play, and it’s had a positive impact for her. I haven’t had a TV on for almost 3 years due to the negative effects of the News…we just stick to Netflix and Amazon prime for TV entertainment! News sells, especially negative News! Anyway, thanks again!

  5. Karin Avatar

    I let my kid play outside unsupervised as often she wants to. Unfortunately it’s not often she wants to. She often wants me.,her dad or a friend to play with. But I’d like some ideas for how to help singelkids have fun playing outdoors.

    1. Sarah Avatar

      Give your child the experience in a small way of dominion over the earth and the stewardship that comes with that dominion. The next generation will inherit this earth that is God’s gift to us, so give your child a small corner now to learn the awesome power of that gift. Plant some seeds that will grow to pretty flowers or pot some tomatoes and praise your child when your family eats them on a salad. There is no better way for a child to learn the magic of how accepting God’s gifts as a challenge to stewardship produces bounteous gifts. And the responsibility for caring for another living thing — fruit or vegetable or flower – that comes from God is a lesson at the core of learning how to nurture and love.

    2. Bobbie Avatar

      A dog makes a great outdoor playmate for a child. And the dog will really enjoy being outside and will want to be playing with your child outside all the time, so it is easy to say to the child — “Spot is a good dog and deserves some play time outside. Why don’t you take him out and play.” If you have a rule that spot needs some play time every day, then your problem is solved. And for goodness sake make it easy for the child to roll around in the grass with the dog with just a t shirt and shorts that get dirty. There is nothing better then rolling around in the grass and mud in the rain with the dog who is your best friend. But mom better be ready with a big towel and a big smile when they come inside covered in mud!

  6. Penny Avatar

    I think we can agree that there are plenty of anecdotal stories &, most likely, data sources that can support the harmful effects of overprotecting children. These stories would be about young adults who were raised totally in an overprotected, over scheduled, over “plugged in” style who are now those who have real problems holding or even getting jobs, making decisions on their own without needing psychological helps from either counselors or medications, etc., etc., etc. Thank you for this thought provoking article Katie. I think more & more parents are coming around to thinking along these lines again. But, yes, it is sad to have to legislate something like this in a country founded on the hope of freedom from big government interference in personal lives.

  7. Mimi Avatar

    I couldn’t agree more with everything you said. This article is brilliant and I wish every parent got a chance to read it !

    I am living in Australia, and when I heard about “free-range parenting” I thought it might be a joke 😉

    Let kids be kids, let them explore and stay wild, let them experience nature and you just guide them when needed. It will surprise you what they are capable of one day. And pls throw out all their screens. They need different stimul 😉

    Much love to all mamas xx

  8. Brittany Avatar

    Thank you so much for writing this. I’m the helicopter mom that needed to read it.

    We lost a child in my family in a tragic accident four years ago this month. Today I’m still working through the anxiety and worry from that event. I feel that I parent as if danger is always lurking and its so unhealthy. I like reading tough things like this because I know it’s something I need to work on HARD to change. I want my children to be free-spirited and to live the outdoors. They won’t if their always inside though. Thank you again for this eye-opening read. I plan to read again and also the follow up links!

  9. Jadranka Avatar

    Thank you for this post and for pointing out how well the media is influencing us.

  10. Wendy Avatar

    I was the au pair one summer for a family with a five year old girl and a three year old boy. Their house has a pool and was two blocks from a public beach and playground. I realized pretty quickly that it was so much easier just to skip the kids’ clothes entirely and let them go naked most of the time that summer. Their parents were usually at work when the kids awoke, and pajamas for them were just a t shirt anyway, so it was easy to get them out of bed and whip off that t shirt every morning and just let them go all day without a stitch of anything. I never really asked mom if they needed clothes, but they were usually having bath time when mom and dad came home, and I usually did not bother with clothes for them after bath time either. They were so relaxed and confident to explore their own yard and the park and beach without any clothes or shoes at all to get in the way. And I had almost no laundry to do that summer. Whenever I could in the privacy of the backyard or inside the house, I would follow their example. I got a great tan with no tan lines at all.

    1. Bobbie Avatar

      I grew up on a farm with a shallow creek and woods. We loved to play in the creek and the muddy banks, but I think our mom got tired of the laundry for five mud-soaked kids, so we were not allowed to go to the creek unless we left our clothes at home. We’d streek naked from the front porch to the edge of the woods and then down to the creek. Then we’d hiose off by the barn. That was our reward whem we finished chores. After about age 9 or so mom did make the girls and boys do creek time separate. .

    2. Caitlin Avatar

      @Wendy I sincerely hope this comment is a rouse. Otherwise, it is inappropriate as well as disturbing. The article is about letting kids run about by themselves and discover the world by themselves, not having the nanny strip naked and join in. It is truly concerning that first, you allowed the children to run naked in public areas, without the parents knowledge (assumed from your use of words), and secondly, that you exposed yourself around children that are not your own.

  11. Aviva Avatar

    Thanks for the article. Lots of food for thought.
    My fear as a parent is being called on by CPS and my kids being taken away WAY more than anything else happening to our kids.
    I take a lot of my parenting advice from my parents and grandparents – it was good enough for them, it’s good enough for me. I don’t need to reinvent the wheel. That being said, when my parents were children, they were allowed to walk 5-10 km from home to the closest creek. I grew up nearby a Forest
    Conservation area where I was allowed complete free range. I’m not sure though I would feel comfortable allowing my kids to do something like this unsupervised now only in the sense that society as a whole looks down on this type of free play
    Our kids (5+3) play outside rain, snow or shine and have always been very happy kids who sleep and eat very well. We do not have a tv and limited internet access which virtually eliminates screen time. I am very concerned about the increase in attention disorders such as adhd and the decrease in active play – something I am very conscious of.
    I would not say I am a helicopter parent at all but I try to be ‘intentional’ about the things I do as a parent and what activities my kids are involved in, which I think is very healthy.

  12. Atalanta Avatar

    Thank you for this article. When people say that it I should so much more dangerous now then when we/they were kids (in the last century), I argue that it’s because of TMI – too much information. Before every twit was tweeting and “news” was constantly streaming, we waited for news to hit. It’s not better now, we don’t need to know everything that is happening everywhere. Yes, a lot of these incidents are terrible, but if it wasn’t glorified in media, then maybe someone else wouldn’t go for their moments of (in)famy.

    Let kids be kids. Stop calling CPS because little Joey is walking home from the busstop alone.

  13. Linda Avatar

    I so agree with everything you’ve said. It’s an excellent article, articulate and well thought out. I’m a 78 year old woman with two sons pushing 50. I raised them pretty much the same as I was raised. With freedom to explore and play as children should. I started early on letting them make their own decisions such as the way they wanted their haircut and picking out their own school clothes. They were free to ride bikes and skateboards anywhere and the only requirement was that they were to tell me where they were going and when they would be back. They walked to school and were sent on errands to the store. My son and his two children came to live with me for a year and during that time, he would not allow his children to walk the half block to and from school without an adult with them. No amount of argument would sway him. I’ve watched what is going on with children today and I’m worried and saddened at what is happening. I knew the statistics you put forth – why don’t others? I do laud you for your effort andI wish all parents could read what you’ve written but sadly, only a very small portion of the population will even get the chance. Or more troublesome, even bother to read it if given the chance.

  14. Kstan Avatar

    I always struggle to find the balance of not being too protective and giving them freedom. I had a hard time letting my 13 and 10 year old daughters go down to the hotel lobby alone when we were on vacation, but I did let them do it and I felt ok with it. Usually I let them go and get things at the grocery store and bring them back to me but sometimes I don’t. We do live in a town that has a lot of shady people. Maybe the crime rate isn’t super high, but I still like to listen to my discernment in each situation. My kids like to go on walks and bike rides around the neighborhood and I am comfortable with that. But I certainly wouldn’t have allowed when they were 7 and 10. However, I have never felt the urge to intervene with other parents’ decisions to do so. Every parent has to make these decisions for their own kids. I personally let the Lord guide me in my decisions and He always is faithful to protect my family and give me the wisdom I need to make decisions for my children.

  15. Amy Avatar

    Was raised this way and raise my kiddos this way too. My biggest fear for their safety is from those who would call CPS and try to “legally abduct” my children. I’m super pleased with how my children are developing and I’m getting compliments on their behavior everywhere so I’m guessing it’s not hurting them – just as it didn’t hurt me.
    Thought the point about social media being a much riskier place for kids to free range in regards to pedophiles was a very good thought. Maybe CPS should be on that form of neglect.
    We operate on the idea that we can’t change the behavior of other people so we teach the kids to look out for themselves. This could be from those who drive fast down our street or those out to take innocence or the chance of coming across a handgun left out (we live in Texas after all). We carefully instruct them and even practice these scenarios, thinking “those prepared are usually spared.”

  16. Josie Avatar

    I work in our church preschool, and we encourage lots of unstructured play and try to give the kids lots of freedom inside and out. We had one girl who was miserable because her mom was entering her in beauty pageants at age 4 and would throw a fit whenever she even had just a little playdough under her nails. The little girl had long blonde hair that was always in sausage curls, and when a pageant was coming up, mom would demand that we keep her inside all day. So the next time mom told us we couldn’t let her outside, I decided to keep in another girl to keep her company and suggested they play beauty parlor. I gave the other girl a brush and some safety scissors and figured that would occupy them for a while. Sure enough, when I checked back within about ten minutes, she had chopped out enough hair to end the beauty pageants for at least a few months. I thought she deserved a lot longer break from the pageants than that, so I shooed the junior barber outside and then told the little girl I would try to fix it. I grabbed a couple of big fistfuls of hair on the top of her head cut just as close to the scalp as a could and then did the same thing on one side. Her mom was really upset, but it’s hardly the first time a four-year-old got the idea to cut a girl’s hair, right? Her hair was such a mess that she had to get a crew cut. That was end of the frilly dresses for a long time!

  17. Eistanz Avatar

    Great article! My philosophy in raising my (now 29 yr old) son was: My job is to make my job obsolete. A kind doctor friend told me when my son was just a baby, “Remember, they are far more resilient than you think.” I kept a photo on my refrigerator of my nephew at 2 covered in mud to remind myself that it was ok for him to get really dirty. I got some funny looks at the park whenever he fell and I just calmly asked him if he was ok. No running to cuddle or cosset. He was home schooled and allowed to play outside without me. TV was limited, video games weren’t allowed until he was almost a teenager. He is an avid reader, athletic and loves outdoor activities. Once he related how frustrated he was with the other students he had to work with in a college class because they couldn’t problem solve and wanted to be told exactly how to do the assignment. I knew then that I had done something right. Supervising them and saving them are two different things. Supervise them enough to keep them safe and let them save themselves so they learn how to deal with life.

  18. Karen Avatar

    I love comments like our kids need to learn things without supervision, kids need alone time, kids today don’t have problem solving skills, they should be allowed to “free range”. How stupid can a parent be. We, the parents, are ultimately responsible for our children. They are our responsibility to care for and help to grow them into, what I hope most parents would like to see, decent human beings who contribute to society in some way.
    The reason parents want to let their children have freedom is simply out of laziness. Parents don’t want to parent anymore so if they put the responsibility on the children then the parents can wash their hands of responsibility. If you don’t want to be responsible for your kids then don’t have kids.
    Saying it’s safer today than 50 years ago is a cop out and so untrue kind of like saying most of the country doesn’t like what Trump is doing in the White House. You would need to look at statistics from every area against population and so many other factors. But even if that was true, which I don’t believe it is, if you have kids you are a parent responsible for your children no matter what an article says about parenting.

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Did you read the article? Because, I think you missed the point. You can choose not to believe it, but the data from the FBI, CDC and department of justice all show that it is in fact safer these days. I can, however, assure you that I don’t hold this view points of out laziness but out of a genuine belief that it is better for them in the long run. As another commenter mentioned… our job as parents is to make our job obsolete. At 18 our kids should be independent, critical-thinking and kind adult human beings. A lot of kids hit that age without developing necessary life skills these days and many psychiatrists and occupational therapists who study these things point to a link between lack of independent play and independence throughout childhood. Of course, we are all responsible for our children but it is illogical to say that those who don’t want to helicopter parent shouldn’t have children or are lazy. It also simply isn’t true. At the end of the day, it sounds like we both want to raise “decent human beings who contribute to society in some way” and for me, this is precisely why I’m raising my kids this way. I’d actually love to hear any backing whatsoever for this statement “The reason parents want to let their children have freedom is simply out of laziness.” There is a difference between being responsible for your child and supervising their every move until they are adults and are somehow then supposed to know overnight how to exist in the real world without you. As I said at the end of the article… shouldn’t it be up to the parents to decide how to raise their own children? I could look at an alternate viewpoint, like yours, and also think “How stupid can a parent be” but at the end of the day I will still adamantly defend your right to parent your child any way you want. I just maintain that if a parent decides that a child being able to learn independence and bike or play outside is the best way to raise that child and there are no signs of neglect or harm, the parent should have the right to do that without other parents who think “How stupid can a parent be” threatening to call CPS.

      1. Samia Avatar

        @Katie. “At 18 our kids should be independent, critical-thinking and kind adult human beings.”

        What is special about the age 18 that they should have those qualities? Sincere question.

        There could be at least a dozen or more reasons why, at 18, some are not that way. It is not just the way we raise them. As to ability to think critically – you can do only so much to impart that. There are too many outside influences.

        I also know adults of all ages who have those good qualities you list, these are folks I really like – and they have mental/psychological issues up the yin yang for whatever reason, while still retaining their independence, sharp minds and likability.

        If our children are “good enough”, let us thank God. It has less to do with us than we think. By the way, one common criticism of homeschooling is the same as being discussed here: overprotectiveness on the part of the parents. “I don’t want my Jimmy learning all that garbage!”

        1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

          A great point, ad there isn’t anything special about that age, other than that is the age when I am sending them out into the world either to start a business, to college or whatever else they decide to pursue at that time. It is the age when they are no longer free house guests here so I want them to be well prepared for that stage in life. And absolutely, I also know people with similar characteristics and I agree that we should love and be kind to everyone not just those we consider “independent, critical-thinking and kind adult human beings.” That said, it is my responsibility to give my children the best foundation for life that I can, and I consider giving them independence at a young age part of this process.

          1. Samia Avatar

            Let us not be too quick to kick the kids out if they have not yet started a business, got a job, or enrolled in college. One fine day, they may kick us out of their lives if they felt unprepared for the momentous change we expected of them just because they have finished high school. Not that they are justified in their resentments, only that they feel justified. Why are there so many whiny adults out there? Could be an inherent personality flaw. In any event, we must tread carefully with others’ feelings. Tk. you.

  19. Clarissa Avatar

    My fears are literally of a neighbor calling CPS. Otherwise, I am all for free play… I grew up on a farm with 9 siblings and acreage to run and play and learn… I want that for my kids, but we are in the city and I worry that my neighbors will call CPS if my kids are outside during public school hours(we Homeschool) or because there are 7 of them and they make a lot of noise … Sigh… Great article!!!!

    1. Lucy Avatar

      This is exactly why laws like the Utah one are necessary — so your neighbors can’t ruin your life and destroy your family with an anonymous phone call to CPS.

  20. Diane Avatar

    I was married to a man who was overprotected as a child and he couldn’t make a decision without asking me first, or ran it by one or both parents. While we were together he SLOWLY improved but was always looking for someone else’s approval for everything. And was terrified of doing things on his own for fear of making a mistake. Yes, married couples need to discuss important decisions but I am talking about what to wear to a function, or should I have that for lunch, or should I put that item on this shelf or on that shelf. I just kept telling him to decide for himself.

    Our then niece’s and nephew were overprotected and are fearful of everything. When they were around us it was a different world as we would just laugh if they fell down or made a mistake or created a terrible mess when we babysat them. The one niece had anxiety and the resulting drug therapy when she was 9! She is also frequently sick. All 3 were way behind other kids as far as doing things by themselves and it was sad to watch. We did what we thought was best when they were with us and hope we gave them a different perspective to draw on when they go out into the real world.

    1. Samia Avatar

      @Diane. You stated, “it was a different world as we would just laugh if they fell down”.

      If you saw an adult fall down, would you laugh, or would you inquire as to how they were doing. I did not say to go rushing over to the child who fell down, hugging and soothing and carrying on as if it was the end of the world; indeed, I saw a woman do that once and she really embarrassed herself. We were all rolling our eyes and smirking. I just mean – why would you laugh. We have to have some judgment in these matters instead of going to extremes.

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