How I Avoided GBS Naturally

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How I Avoided and Got Rid Of GBS with Natural Remedies
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GBS, or Group Beta Streptococcus, is an colonization that affects many people and around 1/4 to 1/3 of women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Many people carry this bacteria in their digestive systems with no problem, but it can cause complications in a newborns of mothers who are colonized.

Mothers are often tested for Group B Strep in the third trimester of pregnancy and if they are positive, are usually given antibiotics during labor. I tested positive for GBS in my fourth pregnancy, though I eradicated it and tested negative before the birth, and then I tested negative in my next pregnancy (thus the title of the post). As there is a very small chance of serious and life threatening complications for baby in GBS positive moms (even with antibiotic use), I wanted to share what worked for me in hopes it would help other women avoid this risk to baby. This is just my experience and is not intended to be medical advice.

For more information on the risks associated with GBS and with antibiotic treatment, check out this well-researched article. This page provides a compilation of a lot of research on GBS and antibiotic use.

Natural Remedies for GBS

GBS certainly has the potential to be serious and shouldn’t be ignored, but antibiotics carry their own risks and can cause problems as well. Especially with all the emerging research about the transfer of gut flora and immunity from mother to baby during delivery, it would definitely be preferable not to take antibiotics if it can be avoided (especially if testing positive for GBS can be avoided in the first place).

The good news is, at least in my case, GBS can be avoided with natural remedies.

As GBS occurs naturally in the digestive tract for some people, I felt it was important to treat the digestive tract as a whole when working to eliminate GBS instead of just focusing on the genital area. A probiotic rich diet is beneficial for overall health,and I also found it helpful in getting rid of GBS.

When researching, I found the following advice for treating/preventing GBS:

  • Eating a probiotic rich diet including things like Kombucha, Water Kefir, Yogurt, Sauerkraut and other fermented foods to help create a healthy gut environment.
  • Taking a probiotic supplement and using it vaginally (I used this one orally daily and vaginally every day or two).
  • Consuming garlic capsules or raw garlic cloves daily.
  • Consuming Coconut Oil for its naturally antiviral properties.
  • Using plain organic yogurt vaginally to help balance bacteria.
  • Taking Vitamin C daily.
  • Using a Chlorhexidine rinse vaginally before and during labor. (This is the usual protocol) This was a last resort for me and I was glad to not have to use it, as the emerging evidence about the bacterial transfer during labor brings this practice into question.
  • Consuming raw apple cider vinegar daily and using it as a diluted rinse.

What I Did That Worked

With my fourth pregnancy, I tested positive at 35 weeks for GBS and then at 37 weeks was tested again and the result was negative. What I did during that time (and what a friend did successfully after testing positive very early in her pregnancy) that worked:

  • Took 2,000 mg of Vitamin C in divided doses each day
  • Consuming 2 cloves of raw garlic each day by finely mincing them and drinking them down with water
  • Consuming at least 2 Tablespoons of coconut oil daily for its antibacterial/antiviral properties
  • Using a diluted apple cider vinegar rinse vaginally each day
  • Taking 6+ probiotic capsules a day
  • Consuming large amounts of fermented foods and drinks
  • Using a garlic clove vaginally for one night (anecdotal evidence supports that this is very effective)

In my next pregnancy to prevent GBS to begin with, I followed a protocol that is recommended by a midwife I know (and she is yet to have a case of GBS when a mom is following this):

Have you ever had GBS while pregnant? What did you do? Share below!

GBS (Group B Strep) can affect up to 1/3 of pregnant women but these natural remedies helped me (and can help you!) to avoid it.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


367 responses to “How I Avoided GBS Naturally”

  1. Janine Avatar

    Taking too much vitamin C during pregnancy can bring on labor, or early in pregnancy, miscarriage. So while it’s ok to take normal amounts later in pregnancy, I would note to not megadose vitamin C during pregnancy. Thanks for sharing this protocol!

  2. Ellie Avatar

    I’m positive for group b strep for the first time with my 5th pregnancy. I have very fast labors, 2 hrs, 3 hrs, 4 hrs and 1 1/2 hrs, and I’m concerned that I won’t have time for antibiotics. So, that leads me to do everything I can to prevent this! So, some questions….
    1- how would I do a vaginal rinse with apple cider vinegar?
    2- how can I use probiotocs vaginally?
    3- how do I choose which of these remedies to use?
    Thank you!

  3. Sonja Avatar

    Wellness mama, if u would of tested positive the second time would u have agreeded to the antibiotics?

  4. Dee Avatar

    I’m 34 weeks and was just told I have GBS. I’d love to get rid of it ASAP, because I don’t want to take the antibiotic and kill all of the beneficial bacteria that the baby will get from me! I tried a few of these, but have a few questions:
    When you applied the probiotic vaginally, did you just pop the capsule in there and let it dissolve?
    When applying the yogurt and apple cider vinegar vaginally, do you just apply in and around the labia? Or try to apply it in the actual vaginal canal?

  5. Meghan Avatar

    For your 5th pregnancy when did you start this proactive treatment plan? Also- I have heard mixed reviews about taking Vitamin C during pregnancy. Please share more about your divided doses.

  6. liz Avatar

    After testing positive at 34 weeks, i retested at 37 weeks and had a negative result… i spoke with 2 natural homebirthing midwives and took both of their advice plus taking extra vitamins and iron supplement due to anemia… one midwife advised to just take a broccoli supplement every day until the retest… for her all her ladies changed the result just with this. Another advised I make garlic tampons for 5 days and then take gynoflor, to restabalise the flora in the vagina… i was also suffering with a yeast infection, so apple cider vinagar diluted as a daily wash was also apart of my regime. Its not sure which helped the most… but I would also like to make a note of the psychology of illness and say that i also reflected upon my relationship with my vagina and my feelings about the upcoming birth. I have been doing perinial massage a few times per week as well. I feel it is important for us to take care of our health from all aspects. I hope this can help someone 🙂

  7. Elizabeth Avatar

    Thank you for sharing this information. I am 22 weeks and a couple of days ago I was told by my ob that my urinalysis from a month and 2 weeks ago had a bit of Group Be Streptococcus and therefore I have a uti. Antibiotic prescribed costs almost $50! Habe not filled out RX as1) I became sick that same night, 2) did not have the money at the time to pay for it, and 3) I like to get a more recent urinalysis and additional advice from my ND. I will share this protocol with her amd see if it’s something that will be right for me.

    I’ll follow upif my ND gives me the green light. Seeing her in a couple of days. Thank you again for sharing. ?

  8. Rachel Avatar

    Thank you so much fo this information! I tested positive for the first time at 35 weeks with my 5th pregnancy. Unfortunately I wasnt able to test negative before delivery so I agreed to the antibiotic. With my current pregnancy I followed your protocol and tested negative!! I am so relieved. I am thankful for the test and the antibiotics if I had needed them but it is such a relief to be able to properly “seed” my little one and not have to worry about the side effects of meds at birth for either of us. Thank you!

  9. Ashley Avatar

    Hi Wellness Mama! This is great information! Thank you for sharing 🙂 I was wondering if even though you tested negative after the 2nd time, did they treat baby like they would have if you still had GBS?

  10. Melissa Avatar

    Thank you for this. When I tested positive I was pretty bummed because I had no intention of having antibiotics during my labor. I followed this list for two weeks straight and delivered my beautiful baby girl with no complications. I was not able to re test because she was born before we were able to test again but we decided that we were doing everything right and felt more comfortable deliverally without the interference of antibiotics. After she was born we were instructed to check her temperature every 4 hours and thankfully we had no issues! I recommend trying this for everyone who gets tested positive. It’s worth the shot!

  11. Anastasia Avatar

    Who is the midwife that has never had a positive GBS in her patients that she has take vitamin C, garlic and a probiotic? Also curious as to how long they take this leading up to the test? I tested positive for GBS and am very intrigued by her method. Thank you for sharing!!

  12. Abby Avatar

    I’m 28 weeks pregnant with my second baby and I did the prevent GBS protocol recommended by a midwife you mentioned when I read it back then and I tested negative. I want to do it again but wasn’t sure if I needed to start now or closer to the week they test. When do I start this GBS prevention protocol? Thanks!

  13. Christina Avatar

    I tested positive the last 3 pregnancys but didn’t know it was treatable even before labor as the doctors didn’t seam to think it was something that could be treated. I have one week before they test me for GBS in my 4 pregnancy and will try to add as much of these remedies as I can. Does sugar play a role in all of this does anyone know? Thank you for sharing. Please pray for me!

  14. Sel Avatar

    It’s amazing how many “educated” professionals don’t have proper reading comprehension. That’s scary as hell. You have someone’s life in your hands but lack simple elementary skills. She never said don’t get tested, she never said refuse antibiotics If you are still positive at birth. For Christ sake! But what she DID say is this is not a substitute for medical information. She DID say she’s telling you what worked for HER! No one here ever asked a friend how they lost weight, how they got rid of a rash etc? She DID say these things COULD work AFTER a positive test result. If you hate natural methods so much, if you think she’s just an uneducated ninny why on earth are you here?? Reading an article on natural remedies?? Ugh!! We all want the best for our babies. That’s why we read article and ask questions. Thank you Katie for sharing your story! Please don’t let the soul suckers deter you!

  15. Neda Avatar

    If you are gbs positive even at the very end near due date, do not worry. I was positive I did nothing, had a natural birth and healthy baby that is now 4 years old.

  16. Frankie Avatar

    Hi, I tested positive again at 35 weeks and am trying to rid it naturally. Just wondered why you chose the probiotics you took – I bought them and realised they have streptococcus thermophilus in them. Does that not add to the strep B? Thanks

  17. Mayra Avatar

    I had GBS coupled with incompetent cervix. This meant my delivery was very short-within one hour of arriving at hospital. The doctor’s plan was to give me antibiotics during labor. I didn’t know any better. Needless to say, there was no time. My son was in NICU for 21 days. It was a terrible time.

  18. Carrie Avatar

    I tested positive for GBS in both of my first two pregnancies. With my second, I tried vaginal garlic and probiotics, but still tested positive. I am a home birther, so we did not administer abx either time, and both of my children were fine, however, going into my third pregnancy, I still had hope to test negative for GBS. This time around, about a month before my GBS test (so around week 32), I eliminated sugar, dairy and gluten from my diet, added garlic and acv pills to the supplements I had been taking throughout my pregnancy which included: probiotic, folate, vitamin C and vitamin D. I also increased my Vitamin D to 25000 IU/day. I just got my results back, and I tested negative this time!

  19. Jessica Avatar

    Hi! I am a week away from my due date do you think it is too late to try? I didn’t think that I could get rid of this 🙁 also, is it safe to consume the kombucha and higher amounts of probiotic while pregnant? Thanks

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