Is White Rice Healthy?

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Is White Rice Healthy
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White rice. It is a controversial food in nutrition circles. On the one hand, some nutritionists warn us away from rice and grains as a nutritionally empty source of calories, phytates, and even toxins like arsenic. Others consider it a safe starch and say it is ok in moderation.

Then, of course, there is the Japanese paradox- also known as “they eat rice all the time and live a long time so I should be able to eat pizza and Doritos and live to be 100 too” (exaggeration but I’ve heard some arguments very close to that!).

Unlike modern wheat and most other grains, which have been hybridized and modified and can be problematic for many people, rice is unique and potentially less harmful. I get asked about rice often and why I choose to eat white rice (in moderation), so I felt that it deserved its own post.

Is White Rice Healthy?

After years of debate, I’ll skip to the punch line: Whether or not rice is healthy for you could depend on your genetics.

Genes could be why some cultures that eat rice as their primary source of carbohydrates are healthier and live longer than others who do not. Also, just because some cultures thrive on white rice does not mean we can eat pizza, Doritos, and processed rice products and also expect to live to 100!

First, here are some important facts to understand when deciding whether to consume rice at all:

  • Due to modern farming practices, rice may be a better choice than wheat and other grains.
  • Both brown and white rice are gluten-free. Both brown and white rice are safe for people with celiac disease, gluten intolerance, and gluten sensitivity (unless cross-contaminated during processing, so always read the fine print on the labels!). So there is no reason to choose one over the other on this point.
  • All rice contains phytates. Like anything from the grains family, rice contains anti-nutrients like phytates, which can block the absorption of important minerals.

But Aren’t Grains Bad for You?

If you are working to reverse an autoimmune disease as I have, you may be put on an elimination diet with no grains, especially if you have digestive issues. Alternatively, you may be allowed only a ½ cup of gluten-free grains, depending on your specific case.

Now that my Hashimoto’s is in remission, I don’t have to avoid grains totally.

Like any grain, large portions may increase your risk of developing heart disease. However, a 2011 study showed that combining it with black beans lowers cardiovascular risk factors. This finding may confirm that consuming it in moderation is healthiest.

As always, talk to your doctor about how much rice or grains in general you should consume.

But if you do eat rice, which is healthier? Brown or white?

Health Benefits of White Rice vs. Brown Rice

We’ve all spent time agonizing in the grocery aisle over what kind of rice to buy. Long grain or short? Jasmine or basmati? White or brown?

Experts I admire like Mark Sisson recommend brown rice over white (read his excellent article here) due to its higher nutritional content, since it still contains the bran and is less refined.

However, due to my past autoimmune issues, I have a slightly different take:

Pros of White Rice

Here are some of the ways white rice qualifies as a healthy food:

  • Contains Vitamins and Minerals – White rice contains magnesium, B1 (thiamine) and B6 (pyridoxine), manganese, phosphorus, selenium, and iron. (Although, admittedly, brown rice contains higher amounts.)
  • High in Antioxidants – Although not as high as pigmented varieties of rice
  • Lower Phytic Acid – The bran contains the most phytic acid content, which milling removes. White rice is lower in phytic acid than most nuts, seeds, and most other grains.
  • Lower Oxalates – White is also lower in oxalates than brown rice and quinoa.
  • Lower Arsenic  – The lowest levels of arsenic were in white (jasmine rice or basmati rice) imported from other countries. Rinsing the rice (traditionally done in many cultures) further reduced the arsenic levels on all types of rice. I’ve written extensively about the risks of arsenic in rice and what you can do about it.
  • Longer Shelf Life – Since it is refined, white rice lasts longer on the shelf. (However, you can always freeze it!)

Cons of White Rice

White rice isn’t perfect, though! Here are some downsides:

  • Lower Vitamins and Minerals Than Brown Rice – A 2019 study on rats showed that brown rice lowers cholesterol and has more of an antioxidant effect than white, but white still did to some extent. However, more research is needed to determine if it is the same for humans.
  • High Glycemic Index – White rice has a higher glycemic index than gluten and may spike blood sugar more than many other foods. (However, you should know that a 2009 English study found that long grain rice and white basmati rice varieties have the lowest glycemic index if you do choose to include rice in your diet.)
  • Often Artificially Enriched – White is typically fortified with artificial vitamins, while brown rice is not.

Remember, individual health is always a factor when assessing dietary choices. Some people may do fine with phytates, while others need to avoid them due to their genetics or a specific health reason. You may want to see how you react to rice with a glucose monitor.

When my husband and I were working to reverse our cavities (we were able to!), we had to avoid foods high in phytic acid. Brown rice was on this list.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some other questions you’ve asked since I first wrote this post:

Is Rice Naturally Gluten-Free?

Rice is naturally gluten-free, so the most problematic part of many whole grains is already absent from rice. Therefore, it’s generally a safe choice for celiacs and gluten intolerant people, but that doesn’t mean it is healthy for everyone.

At the same time, many people need some healthy carbs, and rice can be a relatively safe starchy option. It’s one of the better choices for a gluten-free diet.

Women in particular often see adverse effects on hormones from consuming too low of a carbohydrate diet for too long. Of all the grains, white rice may be the safest option for carb consumption, along with sweet potatoes.

Check out my podcast with Dr. Tom O’Bryan to learn more about if you could have gluten sensitivity.

Is White Rice Healthy for Weight Loss?

A 2016 study demonstrated that instant white and pigmented rice might be beneficial for weight loss compared to a high-fat diet.

More research is needed to determine if regular consumption is healthy for weight loss as part of a well-rounded, healthy diet.

Does Rice Cause Diabetes?

A 2012 study claimed that white rice consumption was associated with a higher risk of Type 2 diabetes. Many questioned if this was enough of a reason to avoid rice. I was surprised by this study when it first came out since historically, Asian countries with high consumption still had a low incidence of diabetes.

However, a 2019 trial in India, the country with the second-largest number of diabetics, showed that consuming white rice increases diabetes risk while consuming brown lowers it.

I researched further and realized that the study showed merely an association between the “risk” of diabetes and rice consumption and not the actual incidence of diabetes. Paul Jaminet (author of The Perfect Health Diet) provides an in-depth explanation for the research if you’re interested.

Listen to this podcast episode with Paul Jaminet on the Perfect Health Diet, Carbs, and Cancer Research.

A 2020 study looked closer at 21 countries and found that South Asians had the highest association for white rice and diabetes while other countries had only a modest risk. This could be due to genetic differences.

What About Rice and the GAPS Diet?

If you’re following a GAPS diet, Dr. Natasha Campbell offers specific guidance here.

What’s the Verdict on Rice?

I consider rice to be in a separate category from other carbs. It doesn’t deserve the same label as most grains (especially modern grains), and it certainly isn’t as bad on the nutritional spectrum as foods like vegetable oils.

The safety of rice consumption seems to vary significantly based on the individual, their cultural background, and the rest of their diet. Some cultures even use rice water for their hair!

In my opinion, those on a high-nutrient diet devoid of inflammatory foods and who have an active lifestyle may do great with moderate rice consumption.

I especially recommend white rice as the best grain to start with if you are reintroducing grains back into your diet after a period of avoidance (properly prepared of course).

If you’d like to know more about what other health and nutrition experts believe on the topic, this post gives a nice summary.

What I Do

Personally, our family consumes organic white jasmine rice occasionally (once a week or less) with veggies. Here are some other guidelines I follow:

  • We typically consume more rice and other carbs on heavy workout days or after a lot of activity.
  • Before cooking rice, I pre-rinse it to help remove any remaining arsenic.
  • All rice varieties still can contain trace amounts of arsenic, so it certainly isn’t one of the first foods I feed to my babies.
  • I avoid any processed foods with rice since these may be higher in arsenic since I can’t rinse it off.
  • I don’t consider it a “cheat” food because the idea of “cheating” goes against our food rules for creating a positive and healthy attitude about food with our kids.

Bottom line: I love occasionally enjoying some high-quality sushi after a workout or some rice in a stir fry, but I don’t consider it a staple food.

This article was medically reviewed by Cynthia Thurlow, NP, the CEO and founder of the Everyday Wellness Project, nurse practitioner, international speaker, and globally recognized expert in intermittent fasting and nutritional health. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Where do you stand on the rice debate? White? Brown? None? Share below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


123 responses to “Is White Rice Healthy?”

  1. Brenda Avatar

    Thank you for this post on white rice. I follow the Mayo Diet but eat a half cup of white rice daily. It is a huge help to my digestion and about the only carb I eat other than fruits and veggies. The Mayo Diet calls for brown rice because of the fiber but you get plenty of fiber from the rest of the diet.
    Reading your thoughtful article helps me to reconcile the negative feelings I was having and continue eating the white rice which from experience, I knew was good for me.

  2. Heather Avatar

    I am beginning to follow a paleo type diet so this post and all the comments have been really informative to me. I love the way you give your readers so much information to both sides of the argument so we can make informed decisions. Thank you Katie. I’m wondering then if rice bran oil is safe to use in cooking as my daughter can’t stand the smell of coconut oil? I’m thinking now that it will have arsenic in it too.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      What would you be using it for? It would probably have the arsenic, but it may not matter much if you are using for, say, oil cleansing.

  3. Sue N. Avatar

    I have a friend from India, and he cooked some red rice from Kerala that I tried. He said that they eat it daily in that area. It was wonderful! Not totally whole, but not refined. I wish I could find this rice in stores.

  4. Joyce Avatar

    Can you tell me if the white and/or brown rice is organic–would it contain arsenic?

    1. Kar Avatar

      Mike Adams from Natural News tested rice from all around the world and found that rice grown in CA is remarkably clear/ clean of arsenic and metals.

  5. Tammy Avatar

    >Asian countries with high consumption of white rice still had low incidence of diabetes

    This is not true. I am Japanese, and as far as I know type II diabetes is very common in Japan. Recently more and more people are diagnosed with either diabetes or pre-diabetes. Actually, carbohydrate-restricted diet has been hot in these days, in which skipping carbo-loaded food (rice, bread, noodles…) is recommended.

    1. Craig Avatar

      What I have read has stated that the rise in diabetes in Asian Countries is due to their attraction to American

    2. Devin Avatar

      Thanks for the info tammy i always wanted some good findings outside of the U.S…People need to find out where these type of foods come from because they are not fruits and veggies..A lot of foods that comes from the earth or ground are not recommended for human consumption..

      1. Lauri Avatar

        If foods coming from the earth or ground are not good for consumption, what should you eat?

  6. Mandy Avatar

    Love this informative post. I couldn’t help but think about rice and grains in general and the vital role they’ve played in times of famine, war, natural disaster, and even the time our income dropped to nothing. Stored grains have allowed masses of people to survive (thinking of my grandpa in WW2 and his military rations). I struggle with the idea that they’re not healthy for human consumption, though I totally get the idea that some people have reactions, and many are overdosing on carbs in general.

    My question is….how does the Paleo/gluten free family store food against difficult times if not grains?

    Would you “stoop” to eating less healthy foods in times of necessity?

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      I store a lot of coconut oil, chia seeds, canned meats, rice, beans (one that I guess I’d “stoop” to but they can be ok if properly prepared), greens powders, supplements, etc

  7. LaurenB. Avatar

    I agree with adam. Most all grains, nut and legumes all have phytic acid present. I feel the real education with these they of valuable foods I feel should be around how they should be soaked in an acid agent(vinegar, lime juice), sprouted or most beneficial/traditional form would be to ferment them. These methods all decrease the levels of phytic acid present in most all grains, nut and legumes while some methods such as fermentation even make the nutrients more bio-available. I think this could be a great topic to help educate people on.

  8. Vicki Avatar

    Brown basmati rice is a delicious balance between white and long grain brown rice. The micro levels of arsenic in rice bran is also present in apricot kernels, almonds and apple seeds, all of which are claimed to prevent and /or fight cancer due to the levels of vitamin b17. Sprouting brown rice by soaking, as with legumes, eliminates the phytic acid.

  9. Lulu Avatar

    I made your recipe for Herbal Cough Drops and Lozenges. It took me 2 hours to get the liquid to reach 300 degrees. Am I doing something wrong?
    I put the exact amount of ingredients. They are good but it shouldn’t take that long. Do I have to take the foam off ? In the end for the last hour it is all foam.
    Please help

  10. Alissa Avatar

    “Women especially often see negative effects on hormones from consuming too low carb of a diet for too long”

    I’ve struggled to maintain a grain-free diet since becoming pregnant, as my body seems to be craving carbs. Paleo always seems to equal low-carb. I’m slightly underweight, so gaining isn’t a concern at this stage.

    Are there some healthy carbs that you can recommend?

  11. Kar Mala Avatar
    Kar Mala

    The recent tests have shown just how dangerously high in metals a lot of rice is. The safest rice varieties come from California due to the states demand for maximum levels. Google Mike Adams who was recently on Dr. Oz and showed just how high levels of cadmium, etc are.

  12. Patty Rodgers Avatar
    Patty Rodgers

    My gut is sensitive and can only handle white rice (versus brown). It’s actually soothing when I’m in a flare-up of IBD and a good starter when I haven’t been able to eat at all. It’s funny because I’ve always liked white versus brown and I do believe (to a point) in listening to your body!
    My favorite is basmati, which I understand to be the safest and best for you.
    Cooking it in bone broth to make it more nutritional is a great idea, too.
    When it is served with fresh veggie & chicken stir-fry – yummmy! 🙂
    Thank you for this, Katie!

  13. Kate Avatar

    Good to know about the arsenic. What is the recommendation for calcium source? I have a kiddo who is allergic to dairy, soy, almonds, citrus, gluten and eggs. We pretty much all follow this diet. We were doing rice milk, but will have to cut that out. I am curious if you have any recommendations on a substitution for rice milk. Can’t do soy or almond. I am guessing you use coconut, make your own or nothing? Do you worry about calcium? What are your thoughts about acid levels in the body and need for calcium? Meaning some schools of thought ie vegans think the more alkaline your blood the less calcium you need. High acid diet (from processed food/meat/dairy/stress/medication the more calcium is pulled from your bones to alkaline your blood).

  14. Alix Avatar

    You mentioned something about women, low-carb diets and the affects on hormones. I have been on the High Nutritional Advenced Cure Tooth Decay diet for a few months (with a little fruit twice a week) and therefore consuming no carbs other than those in raw milk and veges and the small amount of fruit. Can you direct me to more information about whether this low-carb diet will negatively impact my hormones? Your comment has concerned me.
    Many thanks

    1. ferral Avatar

      No carbs? That is one of the craziest diets I ever heard of. How do you even have any energy with such a reduced carb intake?

      Anyone who is reducing carbs to less than 25% of their overall intake is eating in a very un-natural way and I am sure they are tired and fatigued all the time because energy comes from carbs.

      I eat over 75% carbs myself because I am an endurance athlete.

  15. Kathy Avatar

    I went to a modified paleo diet in November and have lost 30 lbs and 8 inches in my waist alone. I decided not to give up white rice. I’m half Japanese and felt it would be too difficult to enjoy my favorite foods without it. I eat it in moderation on a regular basis and always wash it before eating (that’s custom). I don’t feel it has had any negative impact on my healthy goals. =D

  16. Janine Avatar

    FYI: Matt Stone @ 180degree health recommends Basmati white rice because of its different starch.

  17. Julie Avatar

    Thanks for the research!

    I’d be interested in hearing your opinion on Quinoa. Some people say it’s a seed, and thus safe to consume.

  18. Sheri Avatar

    I have been primal for about a year. Recently, I added safe starches back into my diet (white potatoes and rice) daily and I feel EVEN better. The Perfect Health Diet recommends 1/2 pound to 1 pound of safe starches a day.

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