Oil Pulling Benefits For a Healthier Mouth

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Oil Pulling Benefits For a Healthier Mouth

Oil pulling is an age-old regimen rooted in ancient Ayurvedic medicine. It’s now a home remedy that uses natural substances to clean and detoxify the mouth and teeth. But is there any evidence behind this practice and how do you do it? 

Oil pulling, along with other elements of dental hygiene and regular dental visits, may help you avoid tooth decay and gum disease. It can also help whiten teeth naturally.

What is Oil Pulling?

The short answer is that it’s a process of swishing oil (usually sesame, sunflower oil, olive oil, or coconut oil) in the mouth for up to 20 minutes. The oil is then spat into the trash. The purpose is to improve oral health, and the best time to do it is on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

The basic idea is that swishing oil in the mouth for a short time each day helps pull out the bad stuff and improve oral health. It’s similar to oil cleansing for the skin in that the principle of “like dissolves like” applies. The oil cuts through plaque buildup and removes toxins without damaging the teeth or gums.

The ancient practice of oil pulling (originally called gandusha) started in India thousands of years ago. But it wasn’t really used in the United States until recently. 

It was first given the name “oil pulling” in the United States in the early 1990s. A medical doctor, Dr. F. Karach, used it successfully in his medical practice. He claimed it could potentially cure several diseases, including oral ones. The word spread quickly!

Benefits of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an oral care practice with lots of anecdotal support but a lack of extensive scientific studies. Although there are some… (See the references below). Most sources agree that oil pulling is safe but debate its effectiveness.

Here are some of the reported benefits:

  • Whiter teeth 
  • Improvement of dry mouth (“xerostomia”)
  • Fewer cavities and cases of gingivitis
  • Reduced plaque
  • Stronger teeth and gums
  • Improved periodontal disease
  • Better breath (less “morning breath”)
  • Improvement in jaw pain (less TMJ pain)
  • Relief from sinus issues
  • Fewer headaches 
  • Better skin (less acne, eczema, and psoriasis)
  • Improved hormone balance
  • Less arthritis pain
  • And more…

A 2022 meta-analysis found oil pulling could help lower overall bacteria count in the mouth, improving oral health. 

That confirms what was highlighted the year before in 2021: When oil pulling, surface cells on the inside of the mouth are covered with oil droplets. There’s also more saliva production. The result is that the oil-saliva mix captures the bacteria during oil pulling, making it easy to remove by spitting it out.

A 2021 study showed coconut and sesame oil both reduced plaque and discoloration.

My Experience With Oil Pulling

Though I’ve done this for a few years, my only personal experience is with increased oral health (no plaque) and less sensitive (and whiter!) teeth. Although I haven’t had personal experience with this, I’ve heard experts explain how bacteria and infections can enter the blood through the mouth. It does make sense that addressing these infections could impact other parts of the body. 

At the very least, oil pulling can be beneficial. It should have no downside if it’s done correctly with a high-quality oil. The oil should be good enough quality to eat. Oil pulling is a very inexpensive therapy that could potentially benefit oral health. For those reasons, I see no downside to trying it and I’ve used it myself for several years.

Although more scientific research is needed, I’ve noticed the benefits personally. Dozens of Wellness Mama readers also swear by its effectiveness. 

How to Oil Pull

The concept is simple: a person swishes a couple of teaspoons of fruit or seed-based oil (coconut, sesame, or olive) in the mouth for 20 minutes. They then spit it out and rinse well. It’s best to oil pull in the morning, before eating or drinking anything. However, it can be done before each meal, if needed, for more severe infections or dental problems.

Virgin coconut oil is an excellent option because its lauric acid makes it naturally antibacterial. It has a milder taste than other oils. Anyone with an allergy to coconut oil or coconut products should avoid using coconut oil in this way. Ayurvedic Medicine traditionally used sesame oil, just make sure it’s organic.

You can also add some mouth healthy essential oils to the coconut or sesame oil for extra benefits. The company I co-founded, Wellnesse, has a Balanced Mouth Blend that’s great for this. It features anti-microbial essential oils that help improve the oral microbiome.

Oil Pulling Instructions

  • Put 1-2 teaspoons of oil into your mouth. The oil traditionally used in Ayurveda is organic sesame oil. Sesame is also the oil that’s been the most studied for use in oil pulling. Another option is organic coconut oil pulling. Whichever oil you choose, place 1-2 teaspoons in the mouth. I also pour a few drops of Brushing Blend (naturally antibacterial) into the mix. You can also plan ahead and make these easy coconut oil chews
  • Swish for 20 minutes. Timing is key. Dr. Bruce Fife is the author of a book on oil pulling called Oil Pulling Therapy. He says 20 minutes is long enough to break through plaque and bacteria but not so long that the body starts re-absorbing the toxins and bacteria. The oil will get thicker and milky as it mixes with saliva during this time. It should be creamy-white by the time it’s spat out. It will also double in volume during this time due to saliva. At first, it can be challenging to complete the full 20 minutes. I didn’t stress over it if I could only swish for 5-10 minutes when I first started.
  • Spit oil into the trash can. Especially if you have a septic system as I do. Don’t spit into the sink, as the oil may eventually clog the pipes. Don’t swallow the oil, either! Hopefully, it’s now full of bacteria, toxins, and pus that are being removed from the mouth!
  • Rinse well with warm water. Warm water seems to clean the mouth better (in my opinion). I swish a few times with warm water to get any remaining oil out of my mouth. Some sources recommend gargling with warm salt water.
  • Brush well. I prefer to brush with Wellnesse whitening toothpaste to ensure no bacteria remain.

Is Oil Pulling Safe?

Thankfully, this is one point all sources seem to agree on! Some sources claim that oil pulling doesn’t have the benefits often attributed to it or doesn’t actually detoxify the mouth. Still, all of them agree it shouldn’t cause side effects.

The oils typically used for oil pulling are edible oils that are considered healthy when eaten. So, they aren’t problematic when swished in the mouth. The only potential danger is swallowing the oil after it’s absorbed bacteria or toxins from the mouth. Ick. You don’t want to do that! 

I asked my dentist for his thoughts on oil pulling. He shared that while we need more research to know for certain, it could be an effective and safe alternative to mouthwash. 

Prescription mouthwashes contain a chemical called chlorhexidine, which may be harmful. Studies show that some of these oils used in oil pulling were just as effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash. Another option is to make this herbal homemade mouthwash.

Which Oil is Best For Oil Pulling?

The oil you use for oil pulling depends on your goals. If the goal is teeth whitening, I’ve found coconut oil to be the most effective (especially when combined with this unusual remedy). According to the British Dental Journal (BDJ), coconut oil is also slightly more effective at removing certain bacteria from the mouth. These include Streptococcus mutans bacteria known for causing dental caries.

Sesame oil is the oil recommended by most sources (mostly because it was one of the more widely available oils when the practice began). It’s also the most well-studied and considered safe for those not allergic to sesame seeds. Sometimes olive oil is used, but it’s not as well studied.

The main thing is to avoid using high Omega-6 or chemically created oils like vegetable oil, canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, etc.

Who Can Do Oil Pulling?

Not every natural remedy is safe for everyone. Here’s the evidence on who can (and can’t) safely use oil pulling.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

I’ve done oil pulling during pregnancy, but I was also already doing it regularly before I got pregnant. I asked a midwife, and she said it’s generally considered safe for pregnant women, especially after the first trimester. 

Oral hygiene is especially critical during pregnancy due to the risks of infection. So, I’ve always been glad to have an extra way to keep my teeth and gums healthy while pregnant. I consider it the same as tooth brushing, flossing, or using mouthwash. (This is purely anecdotal, but I haven’t had a cavity, even while pregnant since I started oil pulling and following my oral health routine). 

A 2016 randomized controlled trial looked at oil pulling in pregnant women. The researchers found it was just as effective as chlorhexidine at fighting bad breath. This study didn’t raise any concerns about oil pulling during pregnancy.  

Oil pulling is generally considered safe while nursing, but check with a dentist or doctor to be safe. As with anything, check with a doctor or midwife before starting oil pulling, especially if pregnant.


Several practitioners I’ve asked about this assured me that oil pulling is safe for kids once they’re old enough not to swallow the oil.

Those With Dental Issues

I got the okay to do this from my dentist and doctor with several (non-amalgam) fillings in my mouth. But I’d recommend checking with a doctor or dentist to be sure, especially if you have any metal fillings, crowns, or dental problems. 

Note: Some people may notice a detox reaction for the first few days of using oil pulling. This can include issues like mild congestion, headache, mucous drainage, or other effects. I personally didn’t notice these effects, but I’ve read cases of others who did.

FAQs About Oil Pulling

There are several questions that repeatedly come up about oil pulling, so I’ve compiled them here along with the most common answers. I also included any research I could find:

Does Oil Pulling Help Remineralize Teeth?

It may, but more research is needed. I talked about my personal experience remineralizing my teeth here. I used oil pulling as part of this protocol, but I suspect the benefit may have come from certain oils combatting the bacteria that cause tooth decay rather than actual mineral support for the tooth.

Coconut and sesame oils aren’t excellent sources of the minerals that teeth need. So using them in the mouth may not be a very effective way to provide minerals for restoring teeth. Since we’re constantly replenishing the minerals in our teeth and enamel through saliva, it seems more important to ensure we’re getting enough minerals internally. Then they’re available in saliva.

 Can People With Fillings Try Oil Pulling?

Dentist Lisa Matriste warns against oil pulling with amalgam (mercury) fillings. Mercury is lipophilic, meaning it’s attracted to fats. 

“Oil pulling will pull mercury out of the fillings which will then be absorbed into your tissues, inadvertently poisoning your body with mercury at a faster rate.”

She goes on to recommend having any mercury fillings removed before oil pulling. 

That said, I couldn’t find any scientific research on the safety of oil pulling with fillings. There’s some anecdotal evidence it could loosen them.  Check with your dentist to see if oil pulling would be appropriate for your particular dental situation. 

Does Oil Pulling Help Bad Breath? 

There’s one benefit of oil pulling all sources seem to agree on: better breath. Likely because of its ability to help wipe out harmful bacteria in the mouth. Evidence shows oil pulling can help improve breathing and reduce plaque, which combats bad breath. 

Can I Swallow the Oil? Or Where Should I Spit?

Again, please don’t swallow the oil after oil pulling. It may contain bacteria, dead skin, or other residues from the mouth and the whole purpose is to remove these toxins from the body. It’s also important not to spit this in the sink, shower, or toilet, as it may solidify and clog the drain. This especially pertains to coconut oil, which hardens as it cools.

I keep an old supplement container at my sink and spit the oil in it each morning. Then I throw it away when filled.

Do I Have to Swish for 20 Minutes?

I found it difficult to swish for 20 minutes when I first started. Though 20 minutes is the recommended timeframe, it isn’t a hard and fast rule. Neither is the recommendation to use a full tablespoon of oil. If you can only use a teaspoon and swish for 5 minutes, start with that and don’t stress about it. 

Adding a drop of essential oil may also help with the taste and make oil pulling easier. Just make sure any oil you use is safe to use internally. 

I also find the best time to oil pull is in the shower since this is the only time I’m not talking to my kids or doing something else. I don’t usually shower for 20 minutes, but this at least gets me part of the way through the time.

Does Oil Pulling Work?

My only personal experience is the oral health benefits, and I continue doing it for this reason. But there’s evidence that it might help with other conditions as well. The most comprehensive resource I’ve seen on the topic is the book “Oil Pulling Therapy” by Dr. Bruce Fife.

The American Dental Association (ADA) doesn’t, at this point, recommend oil pulling. Their recommended therapy against cavities is still fluoride. Learn how terrible fluoride is for your body by reading this article.

Although the research is limited, there are some scientific studies supporting the benefits of oil pulling. This includes its benefits for specific types of oral bacteria, dental caries, plaque/gingivitis, and oral micro-organisms. Because dental hygiene has a far-reaching impact throughout the body, oil pulling may improve overall health.

Have you ever tried oil pulling? What was your experience? Share below!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Steven Lin, who is a Board accredited dentist trained at the University of Sydney. With a background in biomedical science, he is a passionate whole-health advocate, focusing on the link between nutrition and dental health. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or dentist.

  1. Peedikayil, F. C., Sreenivasan, P., & Narayanan, A. (2015). Effect of coconut oil in plaque related gingivitis — A preliminary report. Nigerian medical journal: journal of the Nigeria Medical Association, 56(2), 143–147. 
  2. Kapoor, U., Sharma, G., Juneja, M., & Nagpal, A. (2016). Halitosis: Current concepts on etiology, diagnosis and management. European journal of dentistry, 10(2), 292–300. https://doi.org/10.4103/1305-7456.178294
  3. Asokan, S., Rathan, J., Muthu, M. S., et al. (2008). Effect of oil pulling on Streptococcus mutans count in plaque and saliva using Dentocult SM Strip mutans test: a randomized, controlled, triple-blind study. Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, 26(1), 12–17. 
  4. Durai Anand, T. Pothiraj, C., Gopinath, R. M., et al. (2008). Effect of oil-pulling on dental caries causing bacteria (PDF). African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2(3), 63-66.
  5. HV Amith, Anil V Ankola, L Nagesh. Effect of Oil Pulling on Plaque and Gingivitis. Journal of Oral Health & Community Dentistry: 2007; 1(1):Pages 12-18.
  6. Asokan, S., Emmadi, P., & Chamundeswari, R. (2009). Effect of oil pulling on plaque induced gingivitis: A randomized, controlled, triple-blind study. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 20, 47-51.
  7. Thaweboon, S., Nakaparksin, J., & Thaweboon, B. (2011). Effect of oil-pulling on oral microorganisms in biofilm models. Asia Journal of Public Health, 2(2), 62-66.
  8. Peedikayil, F. C., Sreenivasan, P., & Narayanan, A. (2015). Effect of coconut oil in plaque related gingivitis – A preliminary report. Nigerian medical journal: journal of the Nigeria Medical Association, 56(2), 143–147. 
  9. Ludwar, L., Mannel, H., Hamacher, S., Noack, M. J., & Barbe, A. G. (2022). Oil pulling to relieve medication-induced xerostomia: A randomized, single-blind, crossover trial. Oral diseases, 28(2), 373–383. 
  10. Peng, T. R., Cheng, H. Y., Wu, T. W., & Ng, B. K. (2022). Effectiveness of Oil Pulling for Improving Oral Health: A Meta-Analysis – PMC. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 10(10), 1991.
  11. Sezgin, Y., Memis Ozgul, B., Mara?, M. E., & Alptekin, N. O. (2021). Comparison of the plaque regrowth inhibition effects of oil pulling therapy with sesame oil or coconut oil using 4-day plaque regrowth study model: A randomized crossover clinical trial. International journal of dental hygiene, 10.1111/idh.12532. Advance online publication. 
  12. Griessl, T., Zechel-Gran, S., Olejniczak, S., Weigel, M., Hain, T., & Domann, E. (2021). High-resolution taxonomic examination of the oral microbiome after oil pulling with standardized sunflower seed oil and healthy participants: a pilot study. Clinical oral investigations, 25(5), 2689–2703.
  13. Sheikh, F. S., & Iyer, R. R. (2016). The effect of oil pulling with rice bran oil, sesame oil, and chlorhexidine mouth rinsing on halitosis among pregnant women: A comparative interventional study. Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research, 27(5), 508–512. https://doi.org/10.4103/0970-9290.195638
  14. Sezgin, Y., Memis Ozgul, B., Mara?, M. E., & Alptekin, N. O. (2021). Comparison of the plaque regrowth inhibition effects of oil pulling therapy with sesame oil or coconut oil using 4-day plaque regrowth study model: A randomized crossover clinical trial. International journal of dental hygiene, 10.1111/idh.12532. Advance online publication. 
  15. Matriste, L. (2017, October 29). The truth about oil pulling: A dental perspective. Laser + Holistic Dental. 
Oil pulling is an ancient practice that can whiten teeth, improve gums, bad breath and oral health by reducing bacteria, plaque, and infection in the mouth.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


735 responses to “Oil Pulling Benefits For a Healthier Mouth”

  1. Tolu Avatar

    Hi Wellnessmama,
    Thank you for this post.
    I started oil pulling a few weeks ago.

    For the first few days, it seems liked forever but now 20 minutes whoosh by me, in between making breakfast and getting li’l uns ready for school.
    Also, when I started, i noticed mucus drainage. Imagine my surprise. It has subsided now.
    Now I just gargle with warm water when I’m done and brush with your homemade toothpaste [awesome!!].
    My tooth sensitivity isn’t as bad as it used to be before I started, yay! I can’t wait for it to be totally gone.
    Oil pulling is the way to go…..

    1. Sonny Avatar

      I agree… when after a few times, when swishing, time is wooshing… LOL. Good one.

  2. Louise McLeavey Avatar
    Louise McLeavey

    Can it loosen teeth? I tried it a few years ago and stopped because of this concern? 🙂

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I have never heard of this happening or had it happen to me…

  3. Kae Avatar

    I have a question…is the now solutions coconut oil good to use for everything or should I be getting it from the food aisle?

  4. Trisha Williams Avatar
    Trisha Williams

    So, I completed my first day of oil pulling! The worst part was the coconut oil going in. After that, it was a breeze. I am hoping to notice some positive effects.

      1. Kristen Avatar

        See… I never understood this…I always brush my teeth after eating breakfast, so I have been oil pulling (today was the first day in a few weeks that I did it though) either after breakfast or before bedtime. Does it really make a difference? I would rather pull after I eat and then brush my teeth so I don’t have that yukky taste while I eat breakfast lol:)

  5. Jessica Avatar

    I have veneers, is this safe to do?? Will it harm the veneer in any way? I’m very interested in trying it!

  6. Sylvia Leary Avatar
    Sylvia Leary

    Hey! I have been lurking for awhile and slowly making some changes. Oil pulling sounds great, but I do have braces. Do you think that could be a problem? Thanks so much for any info you can give me.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I have never heard of it being a problem with braces, and I’ve heard several natural dentists recommend it as a good way to keep them clean…

  7. Michelle Joy Avatar
    Michelle Joy

    Would like to try oil pulling but have mercury fillings. Am wondering if it’s safe?

    1. Deborah Andrews Avatar
      Deborah Andrews

      Hey Michelle,

      I would think this is pretty safe for folks with mercury based fillings. Mercury is only released with repeated chewing as it was in the sheep that were used in a study several years back. Humans don’t chew like that and we don’t grow a new set of teeth when the old ones wear out, so the mercury content in our mouths is pretty low…although I sure wish we did….

      Hope this helps allay some of your concerns about the mercury fillings.


      1. Barb Avatar

        My dad, while in his 80s, had teeth coming in. Someone I worked with had a a grandfather who got a new set of teeth. I guess we just have to wait awhile!

  8. tala Avatar

    I have pulled in the past with sesame oil.My teeth LOVED it. They were very smooth and I began to loose the sensitivity to hot/cold foods.My dark gums began to turn pink.If u start immediately after waking,and have more than 20 min to be out the door you can do this.Plus you can work your way up to 20 min if thats too much to start.

  9. Brian Avatar

    I’ve done oil pulling with organic raw sesame oil & saw great results. My teeth felt cleaner & became a shade or two whiter. I stopped doing it because I simply didn’t make time for it. However, most recently my dentist has told me that I need to clean my teeth better due to more plaque buildup, increase in bad bacteria, sensitivity, & small divots that need to be filled. He suggested using xyiltol toothpaste & brushing with an electric brush. I chose not to use flouride & now I will make pulling a daily habit.

    Does anyone know how to make your own brushing blend?

    1. Stavros Avatar

      Try Diatomaceous Earth or fine Bentonite or Zeolite with a mint powder and Xylitol… grind them together in a mortar and pestle and use a small amount… works well as a tooth powder…

      1. Brian Avatar

        Thanks Stavros, I’ll definitely look into it because I was reading the ingrediants of the brushing blend & it’s made from essential oils that are readily available. So, I figured I could mix my own but I don’t know the ratios. Perhaps I can mix the ingredients you mentioned with the oils? Or is the xyiltol blend better on its own?
        Again, thanks for the info.

        1. Stavros Avatar

          Yo Brian, if you grind them together they’ll make a tooth powder but if you want a paste I guess you could mix them with the oils… it’d certainly have no detrimental effect on any ingredients… maybe leave out the mint powder and add a mint oil instead… I’d use equal parts xylitol and Diatomaceous Earth or to taste…

          Let me know how you go Brian… good thing is you can’t really make any mistakes as it’s your blend.

          1. patricia Avatar

            diatomaceous earth? Is there a food grade? or just what you get at the garden center?

  10. Kelley Rambo Avatar
    Kelley Rambo

    Several people have mentioned kids with good brushing habits. I’m having a terrible time getting my 3 yo son to brush. Any suggestions? Anything from tricks to homemade “pastes” that taste good would be helpful. Thanks.

    1. Stavros Avatar

      Try the above recipe…
      Diatomaceous Earth or fine Bentonite or Zeolite with a mint powder and Xylitol… grind them together in a mortar and pestle and use a small amount… works well as a tooth powder…

    2. Denise Avatar

      My children liked Tom’s of Maine toothpaste. We also invested in a Sonicare electric toothbrush (with replacement heads). The toothbrush buzzes when it’s time to change from top to bottom. The dentist was always amazed at how clean the kids’ teeth were.

  11. Janna Mordan Osborne Avatar
    Janna Mordan Osborne

    I really want to start oil pulling but am still breastfeeding my 10 month old. Do you have any concerns about detoxing and exposing the baby to toxins? I read that somewhere else but I feel like the health benefits would be important and my body would likely detox through the bathroom rather than through my milk. Would love your thoughts, thanks!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I personally am comfortable doing it while nursing since I haven’t seen the evidence that it quickly moves around systemic toxins that would pass to baby, but I’d research and do what you feel comfortable with…

  12. Gigi P. Avatar

    I have a question regarding the Brushing Blend. Do you know if there are any kid-friendly flavors available? We have been oil pulling for the last year (my husband and I), but as a family we still use commercial toothpastes that contain flouride. I’d like to make the transition to being flouride-free, but need some advice on how to begin this endeavor with small children (5 & 2 yrs old).

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      For my kids, I either use my homemade toothpaste or use the ora wellness blend but dilute it with coconut oil (put coconut oil on the toothbrush first and then 2 drops of the brushing blend)

        1. Lorraine B Avatar
          Lorraine B

          Hi.. do I have to oil pull everyday?? I’m going to try this but was wondering if it has to be every day. . Thanks

        2. Shanna Avatar

          Hi Katie!
          I am very curious as to why vegetable glycerin should be avoided. I have learned some remedies that can be made with either rum/vodka or vegetable glycerin and was considering the later for my kiddos since the former is a bit ‘strong’ for them. lol

          1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

            Glycerin can coat the teeth and there’s some evidence it can prevent remineralization. Depending on the recipe you could maybe use coconut oil instead of the glycerin (if you’re doing something like an herbal infusion).

    2. Kristina Avatar

      I started to use 3/4 teaspoon every morning while shower getting ready for breakfast about 15 min then spit in the garbage and rinse mouth with warm water. My son does it too and he has braces. No more need to clean teeth as they white as snow and feels wonderful.

  13. Heather A Avatar
    Heather A

    I have always had very good teeth but as I turned 40, I got my first cavity, well not one but SEVEN within a year! I had undiagnosed thyroid issues for 10 years and started treatment about 8 months prior to that dreadful checkup. (I do go very 6 months, always have.) I have been on well water for 10 yrs, that is why I had so many cavities, or that was the dentist’s explanation, which I didn’t believe. I have a reasonably healthy diet and good oral hygiene, could it be my thyroid and hormonal changes? I am definitely going to try the oil pulling and make my own paste to go fluoride-free. I will be doing the same with my 5 yr old daughter, but oil pulling for her? I just don’t think I can get a 5yr old to swish for 20 mins; it will be challenging enough for me. Any suggestions?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I haven’t tried to get kids to do oil pulling, especially since they respond so well to just good diet and oral health habits…

      1. Heather A Avatar
        Heather A

        That is what I suspected. She has very healthy eating and brushing habits, so pretty much a clean slate. 🙂

  14. Alexandra Avatar

    I have always had poor oral health. It’s a constant struggle with bad breath and infections that has led to other issues and to a general feeling of unwellness. :-/ I am very excited to try this seemingly easy process!!!! ^_^ To find the best oil for me, how long would you recommend experimenting with each one?

    Also, what could cause oil pulling to be unsafe during pregnancy? Is it risk from the concentration of bacteria and such in the oil or are there other reasons? (Just curious.)

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I’d try each one for at least a few days. I’ve had the best personal results with coconut and sesame, if that helps. The theory is that because oil pulling causes a detox effect, it can be harmful during pregnancy, but I’ve always considered it better to have the toxins out during pregnancy!

  15. Elitza Avatar

    My mornings are crazy. I have to be out of my house by 8, and I rarely have the time to have coffee, breakfast, water kefir; swishing for 20 minutes sounds absurd. Even if I had the time, I don’t think I’d be able to do it for so long. Wouldn’t your cheek muscles become sore? I do consider myself to be a very health-oriented AND open minded person, but swishing oil for 20 minutes is special.

    1. Agatha Avatar

      I hear ya. I oil pull at least 5x a week and always start out intending to do 20 min but it’s usually for about 10 while I make coffee, putter around, even in the shower, etc. Even with this truncated swishing time, my skin has drastically improved and my teeth are super white!

      1. Kate Avatar

        When you first started, how many minutes could you do? I can’t stand swishing mouth wash or wearing my night guard because it makes me feel claustrophobic. But I would like to try… Should I bother, knowing that I will have to start at a much shorter time period ?

        1. Agatha Avatar

          I actually did it for the full 15-20 minutes for the first few times…then I just got lazy! I think you should try and monitor results for about a week. If you’re still benefiting from the shorter time, it seems like a win-win.

        2. Frederica Huxley Avatar
          Frederica Huxley

          I found that a full teaspoon of coconut oil is as much as I can comfortably manage – more makes me want to gag!

          1. Sian Phillips Avatar
            Sian Phillips

            Me too! I was really keen to try this but I really don’t love the feel of it in my mouth and the most I can force myself to do is 12 minutes. Especially with two young children hanging around it’s very hard to find 20 minutes when you don’t need to speak! I figure I might get used to the the sensation but what I wasn’t expecting is that both times I’ve done it, I’ve felt really nauseous afterwards 🙁 anyone else experienced this and did it pass? I’m going to try again but to be honest I’m not looking forward to it!

    2. mary Avatar

      i do oil pulling for as long as I can. Since I started fairly recently it’s up from five minutes to about ten, so maybe I can work up to 20 minutes.

    3. Aime Avatar

      I melt my coconut oil in the microwave first thing, then start swishing as I wash my face, put in my contacts, make my lemon water, and put on my mineral veil. After all that the twenty mintues is over! When my muscles get tired I take a lil break then start up again. The first few times it made me gag, I won’t lie. Now I’m completely used to it. It has made a noticible difference in the sensitivity in my teeth and gums as well as removing all the mucus in my sinus’ from being sick. Once you work it into your routine, it becomes as normal as brushing your teeth before you leave the house!

      1. Robin Adler Avatar
        Robin Adler

        I am not sure heating the coconut oil in the microwave is such a good thing. Microwaves radiate your food and remove the nutrients.

        1. Shiloh Wolfe Avatar
          Shiloh Wolfe

          I agree. The microwave is killing off the beneficial nutrients that support this practice. I don’t recommend that others do this. The coconut oil melts quickly in your mouth!

        2. Jim Jordan Avatar
          Jim Jordan

          You should see what microwaves do to water at the molecular level. See: Water, the Great Mystery on youtube…

          1. Lilly Avatar

            I started to watch that video, but read the comments, and gave up. I was interested in seeing what a horrible microwave did to water…

        3. Kristi Mccord Avatar
          Kristi Mccord

          I have always heard that Extra-Virgin Coconut oil is the “cleanest” and most heat stable oil to use

        4. Jamielynn Avatar

          I’ve found it’s just as easy to melt the oil by putting the jar in/under hot water, pour the melted bit into your spoon, and move on with your life. I’m also not a fan of standing around with a lump of melting oil in my mouth, (in my first trimester of pregnancy and it has been hell on my gag reflex), but didn’t want to microwave it. Hot water does the trick.

        5. Nid Avatar

          If I need to heat oil for anything, I usually pour warm or hot (depending on how hot or warm I want the oil to be) in a bowl and put the oil in a smaller bowl or cup and place it in the larger bowl like a bath. It takes a few minutes, but I find this warms oil without having to guess if it’s too hot, getting burned (i.e. on the stove), and without killing nutrients in the microwave.

          1. Shelly Avatar

            I think another way could be to heat the spoon and then use the spoon to get out the oil. Less cumbersome than a hot water bath and much better than using the microwave.

      2. Shane Delatore Avatar
        Shane Delatore

        If you put the coconut oil directly in your mouth, it will melt within seconds. It has a very low melting point. Try that instead of microwaving. It really does melt fast.

      3. B. Allen Avatar
        B. Allen

        I was told you should not put the oil in the microwave, that take from benefits of oil pulling, you should warm you some water and put a cup in the water and put the oil in that, so that you can get greater results from oil pulling.

    4. Emily Willen Avatar
      Emily Willen

      You do not have to do it in the morning, you can do it any time of the day.

  16. Anthony Shively Avatar
    Anthony Shively

    Doing this right now. Thanks for the great post. You’re site has helped me so much!! I thought it said 2 Tablespoons, not teaspoons! Guess I’ll get extra clean.

  17. Michelle Avatar

    Just wanted to share what I read about oil pulling a few months ago: Cold press organic sunflower oil or untoasted sesame oil are the only two oils recommended for oil pulling because they are the most effective for healing diseases (perhaps this is why you have not had other experiences with it?)

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I saw that too, but have also read of more benefits from coconut due to its natural antibacterial properties…

      1. Gaurav Avatar

        Did you try adding few drops of any essential oil along with coconut/sesame oil?

        Probably, Palma Rosa can be a very good addition?
        It is antiviral, antibacterial and antiseptic properties

        1. Sonny Avatar

          Been doing it about 3 months at least once daily. Just had my checkup and all my caps are in tact with no loosening noticed by my dentist or hygienist.


        2. Milo Avatar

          I have been using organic cold pressed unrefined coconut oil that I bought at king soopers for about $6. Today was day 2 of my oil pulling experience…. And I only made it about 10 minutes today. Yesterday, I did 15 minutes; but my jaw gave up today.. Hehe I have noticed much fresher breath! From day 1! And today my teeth are clean and smooth, noticably cleaner. My gums feel good. I’m going to keep it up.. We’ll see

    2. Tracey Westbrook Avatar
      Tracey Westbrook

      That is what I read as well. I use 1 Tablespoon of Sunflower oil.

    3. Gigi P. Avatar

      Maybe you could alternate between coconut oil and sunflower/sesame oil and get the comprehensive package of benefits 🙂

    4. Val Avatar

      I haven’t read other articles but reading your comment made a thought pop into thought and is if this technique has been around for a VERY long time and sunflower oil or sesame oil has been around for less than 100 yrs how could of these oils been used. Even olive oil. I would think coconut oil would have had to been the original oil used. Any thoughts?

      1. Stephanie Byron Avatar
        Stephanie Byron

        According to Wikipedia(I realize it is not the best source, but I didn’t feel like doing too much digging) Sesame is one of the first known crop oils. So definitely longer than 100 years

      2. Gaurav Avatar

        This technique has come from Ancient Indian books and Sesame oil is one of the oldest oils extracted.
        There are proofs of Sesame oil being used in food by Indus Valley civilization and was exported to Mesopotamia civilization in such old days.

        1. Ramya Perera Avatar
          Ramya Perera

          I do oil pulling each day before b’fast I notice my gums are improving, I have
          Faith and believe what I do, it’s your body keep it up healthy and enjoy the one
          Human life we all have. Take care. Ramya from UK

    5. Stavros Avatar

      I read they were the only two effective oils also… all others were a distant second.

  18. Megan Rietdyk Avatar
    Megan Rietdyk

    I want to try this, but really 20 minutes of swishing? I can’t imagine swishing for 20min everyday?

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I do it while reading/praying so it is a time I’d be sitting still daily anyway…

      1. Daemon Avatar

        hi, i have a cavity on my left molar and wisdom teeth and i wanna try oil pulling. i wanna know if i could still continue brushing my teeth using commercial toothpaste or it might affect the regeneration of my teeth.

        1. Phil Avatar

          Teeth do not regenerate. Your cavities have to be treated first.
          This is a must. The wisdom teeth should be remove as well.

          1. Elize Avatar

            Why should wisdom teeth be removed first? Mine won’t grow above the surface.

          2. Phil Avatar

            Because the angulation between the crown part of the tooth (What is above the gum) and the root (what is under the gum) makes almost a ninety degree angel in most cases. Food, bacteria get packed in this area (even the cleanest person cannot reach this area and clean properly) and slowly destroy the attached soft tissues and the root area, causing mayhem.

          3. yaeo Avatar

            Teeth do regenerate the glycerin in your toothpaste prevents your teeth from remineralizing

          4. Ken Avatar


            It is absolutely unnecessary to remove the 3rd molars IF there is room for them to fully erupt above the gum and soft tissues, and in proper alignment with the adjacent teeth.

            Quite a number of people have comparatively long “jawbones,” allowing plenty of room for the 3rd molars /wisdom teeth to erupt properly. A panoramic digital film–taken around the age of 15–will show the position of the developing/unerupted teeth and if they are/or are not impacted. If they ARE fully or partially impacted, a DDS/or Oral Surgeon would then want to extract them (preferably) before the roots have fully developed.

          5. Terry Avatar

            If the teeth are cleaned and protected properly, with a way to keep the bacteria from getting back in, teeth can, at least partially, regenerate… and the wisdom teeth are definitely a case-by-case basis.

          6. jessica Avatar

            Not true at all. You may think teeth don’t regenerate.. but coconut oil really works miracles. I had 11 cavities… yes 11. I come from a history of terrible teeth in my family and I couldn’t afford the work. so I tried this ! you can believe it or not, but i know it to be true. 6 months later at my next dentist appointment I had nothing. not one cavity. and my teeth were healthier than they had ever been. I stand by this routine.

          7. Kenneth Hartless Avatar
            Kenneth Hartless

            How dies a broken bones heal? Teeth are part of the skeleton system. Using a good plant based calcium such as Dr. Christopher’s, one would be consuming calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in a organic usable form. He also has a formula named complete tissue (BF&C) and when decocted and concentrated by cooking down, will affect the remineralization of the teeth. It would be well to add alfalfa to this program also.

          8. Linda Avatar

            Bones regenerate — teeth regenerate
            I learned about it over 30 years ago — but regenerating teeth – yourself – means you do not have to see a dentist – which means they get less income.
            Are you a dentist, Phil?
            Research it yourself — and try it yourself.

        2. Sherrie Avatar

          Teeth do re-generate if the cavity is only minor. Search for info on re-mineralization of your teeth!

        3. Ann Avatar

          Teeth DO regenerate, like other bones. Dentists want you to believe they don’t. Commercial toothpastes have fluoride, avoid them. Mix a little baking soda (not baking powder), a little coconut oil (buy certified organic), and a touch of water – best toothpaste, non-toxic and cheap.

          I’ve been doing oil pulling for various reasons – and I can attest to its remarkable results. Only – it is not for impatient ones. It takes a couple of weeks to start seeing changes, but over 6 months (doing it at least once a day for 20 min) – you will be amazed.

          1. Tammy Shaw Avatar
            Tammy Shaw

            Baking soda is waaaaaay too abrasive for the teeth! It will wear away at the enamel, not regenerate it! I am a dental hygienist and it is kinda impossible for most people to remineralize their teeth. It has to be done with a high fluoride therapy an a super clean bacteria free mouth! You can only remineralize into the enamel and if a cavity has passed through to the dentin the cavity has to be filled. I’ve never seen anyone ever do this other than myself because most people are lazy. To regrown micro layers of enamel takes a lot of time and patience. Don’t mislead people into thinking this can be done because for the most part it can’t. And Sensodye Pronamel is a very mild toothpaste and it neutralized the PH of the mouth. It has no SLS so no need to make homemade toothpastes.

          2. Robert Avatar

            “high fluoride”, LOL. You’re doing a serious disservice to people recommending anything w/ fluoride, a known toxin. Do some research, there’s NEVER been an independent test showing fluoride reduces dental carries. It’s pure propaganda that was was instituted to protect big business, namely aluminum producers and those working on the Manhattan Project. Read “The Hidden Agenda: The Fluoride Deception” for a HUGE eye opener.

          3. Hannah Avatar

            Yes! Regeneration definitely happens. I have watched cavities I used to have disappear over a few years. Patience? Yes. Impossible? No.

            I used to have braces, so I have a bar across the bottom front teeth, and it’s hard to brush properly back there, so I used to have four cavities forming on all four of those teeth. Those have long since gone. I had a bad cavity that was really a cavity-cavity on the back of another tooth on the top. The part of the cavity that makes it get worse is gone – it’s no longer black – AND the hole itself heals just a little more every year. Cavities also seemed to like to start around where I had fillings in my molars (something I suspect about the change of material – I’m a builder and I notice change in materials are weak spots on buildings too). Those cavities are also gone. Unfortunately it’s NOT as easy to remove a filling. Ugh. It is such a disservice to be given a filling.

            I attribute a lot of this cavity-healing to the fact that I switched to using licorice root as my primary toothbrush about four years ago. Licorice has a chemical compound in it that is excellent for healing cavities, strengthening enamel, and is also generally great for the throat and for digestion. I also rarely eat sugar (including fruit), or let food sit around in the valleys of my teeth.

            If I decide to brush with a toothbrush (rare), I either don’t use *any* other abrasive, or I had an oak/pennyroyal mix for awhile I really liked. Other folks I know use clay-based pastes they seem to like. There’s quite myth about the necessity of toothpaste… brushing is useful mostly for breaking up colonies of bacteria so they’re don’t get out of control. For that, the only thing you need is something to break up their colony. Like your fingertip. (Or a toothbrush.)

            I do not believe most people are “lazy”. I feel most people are exhausted and disempowered. Who can blame them with our culture? But healing is possible, for every person. Every single person.

          4. Cecily Avatar

            Ann, I have to disagree with you, as an Oral Healthcare professional, and I am not sure how many people posting to this are actual oral healthcare professionals, but the only thing that will benefit teeth and their oral health is preventive dentistry and the mechanical removal of plaque through brushing and flossing. Making statements such as this misdirects the public on what they need to do to protect their mouths and keep them free from pain and infection. Please be careful what you post as it can potentially harm patients who are too fearful to go to the dentist and instead try home remedies in lieu of professional treatment. Dental infections, which start as cavities can be potentially deadly.

          5. Holly Swetnam Avatar
            Holly Swetnam

            I am a dental hygienist, fluoride is what re mineralizes incipient caries which are cavities in the enamel that haven’t reached the second layer of your tooth that is called dentin. If a cavity reaches the dentin it should be filled with a restoration or it may progress to the pulp which causes excruciating pain. The tooth can only be saved then by a root canal if the infection is not too severe. A severe infection will destroy the bone supporting the tooth and you will need it removed. Fluoride is the key to arresting the progression of a cavity. Baking soda is very harmful to your teeth because it whitens them by removing bits of enamel. The dentin layer underneath is yellow. Therefore, the more you use baking soda the thinner your enamel will get, along with more yellow teeth eventually when you run out of enamel layers.

          6. Tanya McConnell Avatar
            Tanya McConnell

            I can attest to teeth remineralize. I have been doing oil pulling for over 2 yrs. This is the first yr I did not get bronchitis and pneumonia. I usually get sick in Feb of every yr. But not this time. I had a tooth that was missing more than half the enamel and over 2 yrs later now my tooth is almost completely healed.

            So yes it does

        4. Clemente Avatar

          Don’t use “commercial toothpaste” period! 1) fluoride – known toxin, does NOT help prevent cavities, pure propaganda. Read the book, “The Fluoride Deception” for a serious eye opener. 2) filler materials – not healthy at all. Do a little research. 3. just brush w/ baking soda or mix concoction of baking soda, coconut oil and drops of peppermint essential oil. Better than any commercial toothpaste you can ever find.

          1. Janelle Lizotte Avatar
            Janelle Lizotte

            I just started with the above concoction a few months ago and I am very pleased so far with the results. Less plaque, breath is more pleasant, and teeth naturally whiter. I’m due in 2 months for a dental checkup and we’ll see if there’s any noticable improvement from last time ( I go every six months). I love using coconut oil for many things – skin, hair, cooking, sometimes a teaspoon in my diet. I just tried oil pulling for the first time so I don’t know of any changes yet but it makes sense healthwise so I’ll continue. I also tried an alternative to anti-perspirant with coconut oil and baking soda. The less chemicals in our daily lives the better. Wish I’d known all this years ago!

          2. Ilene Martin Avatar
            Ilene Martin

            I absolutely hate it when people bash fluoride. I worked for the federal government many, many years ago in the Public Health Service, Dental Health and Resources Department, Community Fluoride Section. So many studies were done that proved fluoride helped prevent caviites and other horrible problems in children’s teeth. Many people just wouldn’t believe it and thought the studies were “hocus pocus”. So many people still choose to believe what they want to today. One of the biggest studies was done in Evanston, Illionois. Get with the program, people….fluoride is amazing!!!!!

        5. Tanya McConnell Avatar
          Tanya McConnell

          I am not sure you still have your cavity or not. I have been oil pulling for well over 2yrs. I love doing it. It is one of many things I am passionate about. Yes oil pulling can marginalize. I had a tooth that was missing 1/2 the enamel off of it. I did not notice it and it was not painful. However, I had a very long surgery and the oxygen had dried out my sockets and also caused several teeth to have pit holes. I went to a dentist and left there with a over a 6k estimate for repairs. I could not afford to do it. So, I came online and ended up on this site here and did some research about oil pulling. Then I did some searching to see is there is a natural way to fix them. Now, here I am here 2 yrs later and this tooth is almost completely sealed and I now see enamel going back over the pitted holes in a few teeth. During all this process I thought I lost a cap off one of my back teeth. So, I found out after x-rays that i needed a root canal. Yes I have had them before. Yes, I know how painful they can be. However, this time I did not feel anything, no pain nothing. The dentist said it was an emergency that i needed it. Some dentist will try and nickel and dime anyone. The oil pulling takes out all the toxins out of the mouth. Yes, I did do the root canal. But, when I told the dentist that I oil pull he said it was nothing but a myth. He told me to stop. Of course I did not.

          1. Clemente Avatar

            Janelle: I’ve never been much of a flosser. Every time I’ve done it since I started oil pulling has been good. Little to no bleeding, whereas before it was always quite a bit. 😉

        6. Rosemary Avatar

          I do oil pulling and would never use commercial toothpaste. I use NOW brand toothpaste from the health food store as it has no chemicals at all. Read your labels. 🙂

      2. Mickie Avatar

        My chiropractor recommended this site and oil pulling….I have used coconut oil daily for supplementation and as a facial and body oil, too. I now swish while walking in the morning. I also use weights for my “old lady” arms while I walk…helping my inside and outside. Thanks for sharing oil pulling with coconut oil…my teeth feel great and I’m looking forward to my next teeth cleaning in 3 mos (which MAY be my last!)

        1. Patty Avatar

          Never stop getting your teeth cleaned. The bacteria on the calculus that forms between cleanings will eat away at the bone support. You never see it happening because it’s below the gum line. If you are already going every 3 months then you already have an established periodontal situation. By ignoring the dentist you will only enhance the periodontal problem. You only have one set. Don’t loose them

        2. Beth Avatar

          A healing crisis is a period of time where your symptoms get worse and then a great increase in health follows.

        3. Dee Hawkins Avatar
          Dee Hawkins

          I looking forward to incorporating Oil Pulling as my daily routine. I live a holistic lifestyle and always will. Medicine does not work for me. I have many reasons why I won’t.

      3. Coe Avatar

        I did it today for the first time while taking a shower and process following shower… lotion and etc.

        1. suzanne Avatar

          Just be careful when spitting out in the shower. Make sure you do it over the drain. I didn’t do that the first time and it made the tub extremely slippery!

          1. Mary Avatar

            Yes I agree about not spitting in the shower as the tiles can get dangerously slippery. But do NOT spit down the drain of the shower. Or any drain for that matter. I did this by mistake when I first started oil pulling in 2007 and over several weeks I ended up blocking the drains, as coconut oil solidifies in cooler weather. I can laugh about it now 🙂 but it was far from funny at the time. Even spitting out in the garden was a mistake as it attracted ants! You must only ever spit directly into a disposable tissue or a garbage bin.

      4. Adina Avatar

        Ive been oil pulling for about two years now off and on (mostly on… Everything is moderation!) and truly love how clean my mouth feels. I did go through a bit of a healing crisis when I started but that stopped after two weeks or so. I use sesame oil 🙂

        1. Jenny Avatar

          If I may ask…. What do you mean by healing crisis?

          Thank you.

      5. Bre Avatar

        How do you not gag? I tried this and almost threw up. I immediately spit it out. How do you guys handle it?

          1. Gail Avatar

            I have been doing it for about three years now.. Twenty minutes sounded awful to me at first. But I just open my computer, read emails, check facebook. Time goes in no time. It has STOPPED my hayfever. Shortened shingles to about a week. Instead of a month or more. ( did oil pulling three times a day then, just to get rid of shingles.) My doctor was AMAZED how fast I got over shingles. My lower back pain went. My teeth became white, no plaque. Less headaches, and way less cold sores. If I go away, I don’t do it for convenience. But can’t wait to get home to do it again. I know it all sounds crazy. But it is the best thing I have ever done for my health…. You do gag the first few times. But you get use to it very fast. To me it is nothing now. I use sunflower oil. I find it has no flavour and is very cheap. I spit into a jar. Then empty that when it when it is getting full. I dig a hold down the back yard, and pour it in that. It’s been no problem…

          2. Stan Avatar

            Gail, just wanted to say that you don’t sound the least bit crazy. In fact, just the opposite. I just did my first oil pull. The mistake that I made was to start with 2 tsps. The last 5 minutes with the addition of saliva, I was running out of swishing room! I like the idea of a jar as a spatoon, just not a clear jar. Not that curious to see the waste after a couple of days. I had no idea that it could be a panacea. I wonder how much smarter I’ll be in a month..

        1. Mari Avatar

          Try using high quality coconut oil. its not at all what it would seem like. Mine was truly tasteless. Very doable for me and I’m one who can’t swallow pills (supplements) easily

        2. Joelle Avatar

          Not sure why this showed up in my email. I mentioned something about gagging too even though I am not a gagger. I had to start using less, and not letting it go under my tongue, and I really have to keep it contained to my teeth and not swish all over my whole mouth.

        3. Joelle Avatar

          I had to start using less. I also had to make sure that I didn’t get it under my tongue. I had to really keep it contained to just my teeth…tight swishes vs. big swishing. I am getting better at keeping it in longer, but after so long, it still makes me gag.

        4. Shawna Avatar

          I found that standing over my counter leaning forward helps. I stand and read while swishing.

        5. Lynn Choban Avatar
          Lynn Choban

          I put coconut oil in almost everything. My green tea, omelets, oatmeal, on skin… and even so once I started doing this oil pulling I almost gagged myself. What I found helpful was put 2 teaspoons of coconut oil in a cup. Place that cup in hot water this will allow the coconut oil to melt and then once you take it in your mouth and it mixes with enough saliva it won’t be so bad =) Try it and see if it works =)

        6. Pristine Jones Avatar
          Pristine Jones

          I swish better from the front of the mouth vs. the back.

        7. Brad Avatar

          I couldn’t manage it without either wanting to swallow or their up. That wss until I actually started keeping myself busy while going it. Usually, I empty and fill the dishwasher. Simply keep yourself busy do your attention is on other things. At last it works for me.

        8. Chelsea Avatar

          I gag act first at the texture but give it a second to melt and it’s just like your own saliva in your mouth and stops bothering me .. I use coconut oil

      6. Linda Avatar

        I have read how the oil is so full of toxins while you swish. Couldn’t a person spit and get fresh coconut oil after a few minutes?

        1. Sue Avatar

          Linda, I’m surprised more people don’t do it that way. [Couldn’t a person spit and get fresh coconut oil after a few minutes?] After oil-pulling, I use to feel like I was contaminating everything as I rinsed and brushed my teeth. So for some time now, I oil-pull first for only about 2/3 to 3/4 of my planned time, then spit it back into cup and get fresh oil (a little less than the first time) and finish up. After my first rinse with very warm water, I add one drop of something like neem oil to my cup for my next couple of rinses. At the end I do put my “used oil” in a jar to save for the trash. I haven’t seen anyone mention it here so far, but many people who swear by oil-pulling also take a fermented cod-liver oil and often high vitamin butter oil. The combination often seems to multiply the results.

      7. Trish Avatar

        I have a problem with bad breath. Can anyone tell me if you’re experiencing positive results from oil pulling. It seems that everyone wants to comment on the swishing duration instead.

        1. mandy Avatar

          From the first to second day in realized my bad breath has decreased very much impressively after I wake up in the morning! I my breath has gotten much better during the whole day and I have dealt with bad breath my whole life

      8. Jamie Avatar

        So i was wondering what the effects are when the oil is swallowed after puling. Everything says to spit it out but i would think that if the toxins are in your mou th they are everywhere else in the body as wel. Does it do harm or just something to avoid

        1. Lynn Avatar

          I believe the point of the oil pulling is to pull the toxins out of the body. You want to spit out whatever the oil pulls out of your mouth/body. If you swallow, you are putting them back into your body and not actually detoxing the rest of your body. At least this is what I’ve been told.

        2. Stephanie Avatar

          In a way you’re correct. The human body is an amazing instrument that cleanses and heals it’s self, or at least it was designed to before our world became the fast paced, over processed, sweet loving world that it is now. Now our bodies cant detoxify the way they were designed to but that isn’t the point I’m trying to get at.
          Our bodies do their worst to the toxins stored in our system while we sleep. The white stuff you see on your tongue in the mornings are the toxins your body has expelled through the night and need to be washed away.

          1. casey Avatar

            I’ve been getting mild diarrhea after pulling. Is this normal with detoxifying?

        1. Clemente Avatar

          Yes! That’s the reason I started doing this diligently. Stay with it, you should see improvement in a month or so but make sure you swish for 20 minutes. You should also your teeth become a bit more white as well.

          1. Pamela Avatar


            Thank you so much!
            I will let you know when I have imprvement.

          2. Cynthia Avatar

            I recently went in for a check up no cavities but there is gum issues and possible grafting to be done but the funds are not available looking @ 8-10K. My question while I am gathering funds will I benefit from oil pulling? I asked the ofc mgr she told me I would not benefit from oil pulling because I need a deep cleaning…I use a water pik and floss, rinse between meals, brush twice a day.

          3. Tanya McConnell Avatar
            Tanya McConnell

            Cynthia, you should continue to do that. I hada 6,000 estimate from a dentist. I had a tooth that was missing 1/2 the enamel and I had soft spots from a surgery I had. From the oxygen I had pit holes in my teeth. I use Nature’s Way organic coconut oil extra virgin. It is the only one I have ever used. I have great results. Whiter teeth, that tooth I had enamel gone on is almost completely healed. Yes healed. The pit holes are now slowly but sure closing. I started doing it once a day for 20 minutes. I do it 2x a day for 20 minutes. There are times I actually go over the time. My husband and daughter is so used to me doing this that they try and talk to me. But I hum what I am saying and they can understand. Lol. I even had a tooth that I thought was missing a cap on it. So, I went to the dentist and found out I needed a root canal. I never felt any pain at all. I have had a root canal before. I know how much pain it causes.

            I am also prone to getting bronchitis and pneumonia. 2015 February to be exact is when I would get it. This is the first yr I did not get it. I’m sticking with oil pulling. .

          4. Clemente Avatar

            Cynthia: I wouldn’t put much trust that dentist or office manager. $ound$ like they are after one thing. Of course the office manager is going to say that about oil pulling, it won’t make her bo$$ as in the dentist any money if people start finding natural healing of the oral health issues. Oil pulling *DOES* help w/ receding gums. I would start immediately!

      9. Mick Malkemus Avatar
        Mick Malkemus

        This therapy sounds great. I would like to point out that organic is a marketing ploy when selling coconut oil, as ALL coconut oil is organic. I lived in Hawaii for 12 years, and never saw anyone using pesticides or fertilizers on coconuts. It’s a robust tree that grows well in the environment.

        So don’t spend big money on organic stores, get it from a discount store, it’s all the same.

        1. Darren Avatar

          Sorry bud but it’s not all the same after processing. Very important. We’ve tried different ones. Some good. Some yuck.

        2. sitrena Avatar

          I agree that most dental professionals will not recommend the natural methods because it does not make them any money do your research and follow the information you will see the benefits of natural healing. I’m not against dental professionals but i believe in helping whenever wherever i can and it has both financial and health benefits to adhere to the oil pulling regimen

        3. Jodi Avatar

          Actually, some coconut plantations do use chemicals that do not allow the oil to be classified as organic.

      10. kassie pavelka Avatar
        kassie pavelka

        could i or is it bad to swallow the coconut oil after oil pulling?

        1. Kunwar Singh Avatar
          Kunwar Singh

          If you swallow coconut oil after oil pulling, you will be carrying bacteria and toxins into your stomach and that will make you real sick.

      11. tanya mcconnell Avatar
        tanya mcconnell

        I just wanted to share my story when it comes to oil pulling. I have been doing it over a year. In the beginning I had an issue with swishing it in my mouth for 20 minutes. I also had a gag reflex problem. After I continued to do it the easier it got for me to deal with it. I just feel that the results outweigh any issues I had in the beginning. I love the results that it gives me. It’s amazing. Since we moved away from ND and for the last several years I have been extremely sick with bronchitis that ALWAYS turned to pneumonia. When I heard about oil pulling from a local health food store I had done my research. I have read stories from other people who are saying that it doesn’t work. Then I came across another site that says it works best with Nature’s Own Organic Coconut oil. What did I have to lose?

        So I use that brand of coconut oil. All I can say is I love it and it has done amazing things just for health benefits. #1 This is the first time in 3 yrs I have NOT been sick with bronchitis and pneumonia. No coughing nothing. So the other benefits I get out of this are as follows. #2 my teeth are whiter, my mouth feels clean, smoother teeth and yes it can also be used to detox. When I first started it I didn’t get a headache or anything. #3 I have had a cracked tooth where the gum line meets the tooth. As of today the coconut oil has been healing that tooth. The more and more I used the coconut oil the better my mouth started looking and feeling. A few months back I thought the cap one of my back tooth fell off from using coconut oil. I saw the dentist and he said I needed a root canal. The dentist was surprised that I did not have any pain at all. The dentist tried other little tests. He couldn’t believe that I had no pain. He asked me what I was using. I told him I was oil pulling. I know every person is different. Results may vary depending on how many times a day you do it and if you do it for the full 20 minutes. The dentist told me that oil pulling does is keep your gums healthy. But, not for me. It did a lot more than that. I was so nervous because I thought the cap I had on my tooth fell off because oil pulling. I feel the coconut oil I was using helped me a lot. The yr before I needed a root canal. I remember how painful they are. So yes oil pulling helps.

        Another great benefit is I do it twice a day. I swish 1 tablespoon in my mouth for 20 minutes. I do it while I’m in the shower in the morning. Then I do it 1 hour before I go to bed at night time. I read other websites and they are saying that it is not working. If it’s not working then that means your not doing it right. You can’t just do it for one time and think it’s going to work. It does not happen over night.
        You need to swish for the whole 20 minutes. You also need to be committed to do it every day. I get the best benefit when I do it twice a day with one tablespoon each use.

        1. Linda Burke Avatar
          Linda Burke

          Tanya, I was reading your comment and you mentioned that you were afraid that the oil pulling might cause your caps to come off your teeth. Was that the reason your cap fell off, or was there another reason? I’m interested in oil pulling because of my health issues, but I’m concerned about my caps. This is the only thing that is holding me back. Can anyone help me with an answer?

          1. tine Avatar

            I have one cap on my last back molar from a root canal.

            last feb got it fixed by a new dentist, its a porcelain crown now, the first dentist i had didn’t even properly adhese the crown or treat the root canal. he was unfort for me a hack. that’s why my cap orig fell off.

            I have been oil pulling for a few months now, close to 8 months and have had no issues, I have a porcelain crown if that helps. if your caps are done properly oil pulling will not have any effect on it. hope it helps!

        2. Marsha Avatar

          So tanya did u still get the root canal? My dentist just yolf me I needed root canal. Would I still need it if pulling takes away the infection?

        3. Sitrena Avatar

          The detox benefits are also very beneficial. I will continue oil pulling once I get these stitches out

        4. Jake Avatar

          Nature’s OWN Organic Coconut oil, OR Nature’s WAY Organic Coconut oil?
          I couldn’t find the OWN kind.

      12. Sonny Hollub Jr. Avatar
        Sonny Hollub Jr.

        Then you must be swishing quite a lot. LOL

        Jesus told us to pray without ceasing. I try to do this, but come up short. One good thing I do is pray anytime I wash my hands… (the Lord’s Prayer), which takes about the same amount of time to complete as what is recommended by doctors to wash your hands… about 25 seconds.

        I have increased my praying also by singing the Lord’s Prayer to a favorite tune of mine… two thus far I have managed, is “The Eyes of Texas are Upon Us” and “The Marine Corps Hymn”.

      13. Stephen Mora Avatar
        Stephen Mora

        Can I just put some coconut oil on my toothbrush and brush normally?

    2. Tracey Westbrook Avatar
      Tracey Westbrook

      I get up, rinse with water, then add the oil and swish while I get dressed, feed my cat, and make me some lemon water. After I swish with warm salt water, then drink my lemon water! 🙂 It is easy and no bother!

      1. Sarah Avatar

        No, she means lemon water. Where on earth would you get that she meant pee?

      2. Danielle Avatar

        You, sir, are all kinds of special for coming up with that one.

    3. Jeanna Walton Avatar
      Jeanna Walton

      I know! I was thinking the same thing. I can barely swish 30 sec with a pre brushing rinse!

    4. Maureen Rostad Avatar
      Maureen Rostad

      I completely agree. I love natural beauty solutions, but 20 minutes is going to extremes.

      1. Sunny Avatar

        Really? Your teeth aren’t worth it? I mean really… what do you have to lose?

        1. Garrett Avatar

          Indeed. 20 minutes a day is really not that long. There’s people who watch way more than 20 minutes a day of TV… 20 minutes to care for your mouth and teeth is VERY well worth it.

          1. Denise Avatar

            I have been told splitting it up 2x a day helps. Once in the AM and once at night 10 min a piece. Try that out. It is still long but not as long.

          2. marne Avatar

            20 minutes is not that long…do it in the shower, or while scoping the Internet..

          3. Saturna Avatar

            Does the swishing for 20 mins not cause you to create lots of saliva and fill your mouth?

          4. Nicole Avatar

            I just watched a video of this and she said to be sure not to swallow because you will be swallowing the toxins. How does one not swallow for even 1 minute?

          5. Sam Avatar

            I tried it for the first time with coconut oil but had to spit it out after 20 seconds! I want to continue to try this but I have an EXTREMELY quick gag reflex! Any suggestions?

          6. Marcella Avatar

            I use unrefined sesame oil (although refined is okay too if that all you can find). I find I prefer the taste of the sesame oil to the coconut oil.

        2. Molly Malone Avatar
          Molly Malone

          It all depends upon a person’s gag reflex. Some people really cannot do this, through no fault of their own. Telling them their teeth are worth it just makes them feel bad. If you can’t do this, then don’t do it. Part of natural healing and health is knowing what you can and cannot do.

          There are other ways to heal your mouth, this is just one of many. How about brushing correctly? At a 45? angle so the bristles get below the gum line like floss. Works great!

          How about taking vitamin C to your bowel tolerance? Lots of gum issues are due to sub-clinical scurvy. My son’s were.

          How about eating only organic whole foods, properly prepared to improve health and teeth? How about making everything yourself instead of eating packaged processed nutritionally “dead” food? How about cutting out all white sugar and all white flour?

          The list goes on.

          1. Nancy Avatar

            If it’s making you gag, you can put your teaspoon of coconut oil into a coffee mug and place your mug into a bowl of boiling water for a few seconds…just long enough for it to start to melt. Then take it out and mix with a spoon until the rest dissolves. Much easier to swish around. Just a few seconds of heating, you don’t want to burn your mouth.

      2. Lani Sky Avatar
        Lani Sky

        I felt the same way- & needlessly psyched myself out -before finally trying it for the first time.. I just could not imagine 20mins of swishing, not out of laziness or busy-ness, but for the mere thought that I would be gagging the whole time, struggling not to swallow as my mouth filled w/ saliva. I found that it was actually very easy & the time passed quickly! You can make your coffee, meditate/pray or read, even while (@ my man’s suggestion:) doing a mineral salt foot soak & laying on a Bulletproof Sleep Induction Mat (which among many benefits, also helps energize upon waking). What an awesome combo for a quick 20min morning whole-health routine!! As for the swishing, I use 1 tsp organic coconut oil & 1 tsp Bulletproof Upgraded MCT oil. Even w/ what seemed a lot of salivation my first time, I really only barely swallowed a tiny amount of the mct oil right at the beginning. Which is fine, as it is good to have some daily anyway, & hasn’t yet pulled the bacteria. My teeth were immediately smoother from the first use! Whiter by the second(: & oil pulling also helped me get over an allergy induced sinus drainage/upper respiratory cough. Believe me.. If I can do it, you can!

        1. Azure Avatar

          I agree – I’m oil pulling right now and this feed is so long that I will probably have my 20 minutes done before I’m done reading it all! It’s not too hard; you can do it, people! 🙂

          1. Jenny Avatar

            I spent the last half of my oil pulling reading this feed! 🙂 I’m thinking I should save the rest for tomorrow’s session!

    5. Emily Willen Avatar
      Emily Willen

      Seems tedious, but the time goes by quickly if you keep active doing other things (like checking emails in the morning). I can barely do regular mouth wash for 10 seconds, but have no issues with oil pulling.

      1. Antoinette Brown Avatar
        Antoinette Brown

        I just tried it for the very first time & made it the whole 20 min. It was not bad @ all like I was thinking. It was very much like water after the coconut oil melted! I’m really looking forward to no more painful scrapes @ the dentist 🙂

    6. Geravdee Avatar

      In this fast paced lifestyle we live nowadays we get inpatient with things that take a but miner and can make a huge difference in or life. You will be surprised quickly the 20 of swishing passes by when you are busy doing sonething else in the morning; getting dressed,throwing out the trash, dining tire hair, making the bed, fixing breakfast etc. Try it. It is 20 minutes that will make a difference in, your, health.

      1. Nancy Avatar

        Geravdee, It looks like you are in a hurry yourself as you relied on auto-correct and did not check for errors! I’ve never tried “dining tire hair” Doesn’t sound too appetizing!

      2. Steve Avatar

        Dining tire hair? Do tires actually have hair? What kind of tires are these? Does dinning on tire hair improve oral health or is there other health benefits to eating tire hair? Anyway, i was hoping to find some comments that were in agreement so as to get an idea of the benefits of coconut oil pulling but just like most areas of life i guess nowadays, that’s simply asking a bit too much lol Oh well, i’ll keep researching. I’ve been using cold-pressed coconut oil for a few weeks now and my teeth seem to be liking it. From what i gather, coconut oil is the most recommended and probably has the most benefits. Makes sense considering coconut is probably now or soon to be considered a superfood. I was mainly looking to see if 1/2 teaspoon might be ok seeing as i think i have a smaller head than most and figured u would just need enough for a good swish anyway. There’s no way imma get 2 teaspoons in and still be able to swish. Was also hoping to hear more about the chances of it repairing teeth and gums but obviously i won’t get anything definitive here.

    7. larry miller Avatar
      larry miller

      I oil pulled with coconut oil for a month, my gums seemed healthier then my mouth broke out with very painful thrush like symptoms. I went to a clinic and was prescribed a swish and swallow medication. The condition went away, I continued to oil pull and within a month it returned. white patches underneath my tongue, white patches and discharge on my tongue, painful. Dr’s did not think it was candida related thrush and do not know what is was. I stopped oil pulling and have not had a recurrence in the last three weeks. Was it the oil pulling or something else, I do not know.

      1. Jennie Avatar

        I’m allergic to coconuts (not topically, but internally) and have a similar reaction when I tried pulling with coconut oil. So, I switched to olive oil. No more problems!

      2. Don Avatar

        Whiteness of the tongue is indication or proper detoxing. Just drink plenty water and take a probiotic. Don’t give up or you will have to start all over again. You may get a running nose and that is common too as you detox. Take Epsom Salt baths to detox the skin as that is the biggest organ in your body and takes the longest to detox.

    8. Charlotte Avatar

      I should not have read this WHILE oil pulling. I snorted laughter through my nose and swallowed a little of the oil:

      Does “make lemon water” mean you pee? Then DRINK IT?!?!? EWWWWW!

      Sarah SAYS

      JANUARY 31, 2014 AT 10:07 PM

      No, she means lemon water. Where on earth would you get that she meant pee?

      Jennifer SAYS

      FEBRUARY 9, 2014 AT 10:27 PM

      Wow, that was different haha

      1. brandy Avatar

        hah! i`m reading this as i`m pulling for the first time too. was hard not to giggle with a mouth full of oil/saliva! ;p

      2. Hannah Avatar

        Hehe — just to add to the fun, I actually do know people who insist on drinking their pee every now and again to check in on their body. It’s not actually uncommon or some crazy new idea. Just culturally black-listed for topic. 😀

        1. Hannah Avatar

          I should specify from what I know about the ‘drinking pee’ business:
          it’s important if you’re doing it as a way of “checking in” (not as an emergency situation, in which case you can drink your pee TWICE before it is too toxic to recycle) to only drink the “middle” part of your urination, as the toxins tend to “rest” at the bottom of the bladder, and the top can also pick up the dregs.
          Not my cup-of-tea (cup-of-pee?) but to each their own.
          😀 😀

    9. Carrie Avatar

      I was a bit apprehensive about the 20 minutes also, but just played games on my phone (wow those are a huge time suck) and read some news on google and before I knew it, the 20 minutes was up!

    10. Rebecca Avatar

      I just started doing the oil pulling. I am pressed for time in the mornings, so while I am getting ready for work, I swish, then I brush and eat. It works very well for me since I don’t have a lot of time to sit down and just swish.

      In one week, I have noticed a huge difference in my gum health as well as a reduction of plaque and stains. My teeth and mouth feel amazing after oil pulling.

      Just try it out while you are getting ready for work in the morning and see how you like it. I absolutely love it and plan on incorporating it into my daily dental routine.

    11. Charlotte Avatar

      I’m trying this for the first time. I have not been able to go more than 5 minutes because my mouth just feels too full, and I am having to hold a napkin to my mouth. I don’t mind the taste of the coconut oil, but the abundance of fluid plus the oil is quite overwhelming.

      1. Brittany Avatar

        You should only be using 1 or 2 teaspoons of oil. It shouldn’t be enough to fill your mouth. Be careful that you aren’t using tablespoons.

    12. Kellie Avatar

      I’m a teacher. I swish in the morning while watching the news, preparing lessons for the day, or grading papers/exams. I’ve been doing it for about 2 weeks. There’s only been ONE day when 20 minutes felt like an eternity.

      1. ana Avatar

        For the love of the God, can anyone write about benefits of oil puling, not about what he is doing in those 20 min? O.o I’ m starter in this and I want to know what can I expect!

        1. Joey Avatar

          🙂 I was thinking the same thing?
          I’ve been doing it for about a month now. I do it every other day (with Sesame Oil) alternating with drinking Lemon water on the other days.
          They may be some detoxifying benefits that I’m not sure of, but my teeth have clearly gotten whiter.

    13. Sarah Avatar

      It’s not that bad. I ‘m doing it right now while surfing the ‘net. Some days I do it in the shower. 🙂

    14. Michael Avatar

      Honestly the 20 minutes goes by SO fast! Especially once you get into a “morning routine” !

    15. Princella Avatar

      Do it first thing in the morning, while you bathe. I’ve been doing it now 3-4 months its now bad and you get use to it.

      1. Kathi Avatar

        Hi Princella,

        I think I know you! Are you still doing real estate? I’ve just tried oil pulling as a way of teeth whitening. Hoping it works. I use coconut oil.

    16. Tony Avatar

      Man up, stick on some TV, chill and let the time fly by. Whilst I’m writing this I also suggest adding some garlic (at a time where socialising isn’t a necessity), you can feel it working the whole way through! Although it does taste like crap.

    17. Tatia Guynn Avatar
      Tatia Guynn

      Trust me its not bad……I get on my tablet read a book, clean around the house, you can find many things to do next thing you know 20min is up. =)

    18. Ryan Avatar

      If I try oil pulling twice or three times a day, do I need to brush my teeth with regular toothpaste and regular mouthwash after?

      1. Clemente Avatar

        Ryan: I think two or three times per day is overdoing it. Well, I could see morning and night. I do brush my teeth afterwards, usually just using baking soda. You will get a lot of food particles out by the swishing but not all. It’s not necessary but I think, if you’re anything like me, it will leave you w/ a better feeling if you do brush. Avoid fluoride toothpaste!

    19. Missie Wakefield Avatar
      Missie Wakefield

      I just did this and thought the same thing… Really… 20 minutes! I busied myself cleaning out my pocketbook and wallet! Before I knew it 20 minutes were up. At first my gag reflex kicked in and I forced it to stop. I loved this! OMG! My mouth feels 100% spotless! I have Sjorgens Syndrome and am willing to do anything to keep my teeth and gums healthy!

    20. Terra-Leigh Avatar

      In what ways does oil pulling affect fillings and crowns? I have read that it can loosen them. I would love to try oil pulling but don’t want to impact my dental work.

      Thank you.

      1. Sonny Avatar

        I will soon get a feel for that. I have been doing coconut oil for a couple of months… once daily. I have my annual dental appointment in a couple of weeks. I have not told my dentist or hygienist I am pulling. I want to see if they recognize any difference from past exams. I will be posting their Responses or lack thereof.

    21. Diana Avatar

      I do it while I shower and wash my hair. By the time I am toweling off and moisturizing my face with more coconut oil it is time to spit, rinse, and brush. So far so good.

    22. Michelle Avatar

      I started it today and did 12 minutes to start. Well, that is how long I lasted and it wasn’t difficult swishing for that long. The difficult part was having my 2 children ask me a whole bunch of questions during this time and I couldn’t answer. Ha ha. I thought having 2 tsp of oil in my mouth would be gross but it was ok.

      1. Sonny Avatar

        LOL… I have actually found when I started swishing for 20 minutes a day some time ago, I experienced an extreme peace while swishing. The fact was, I was unable to speak during that 20 minutes and I was unable to say something for my wife to disagree with… LOL.

        I am swishing not at least three times a day… giving me one hour of peace a day.

        1. Pamela Avatar


          Your message is very cute it made me smile. Thank you for sharing!

          1. Sonny Avatar

            Pamela… I thought about it at first when posting a bit of related humor, and hoped after posting it people would realize it was a joke.

            I am an avid user of oil pulling. I use coconut oil. The only problem I have is spitting out the finished product. I love the taste of coconut (but I do spit it out).

            I have advised both my dentist and hygienist (just had my yearly this March) and neither of them had any negative comment about the practice. I had only been doing it since January. I have always taken good care of my teeth (never had a tooth pulled at 68), but do have a few caps.

            When I had my appointments (March 2015), I did not tell them I was pulling. After the exam, I asked if my teeth/gums were improved at all. Both said (even for this short amount of time and in spite of my long term good care of my mouth), that they may have been a little less tartar buildup this year. Then I told them I was pulling. We all agreed next years exam would be an even better report on the practice.

            However, I am considering increasing to three secessions a day… I have learned that these moments of peace are “little treasures”… LOL.

            In this regard, it is plain as day, when I keep my mouth closed, my Wife loves me even more than before…. LOL… and of course there are fewer debates… LOL.


            PS – I have a similar story of success, regarding use of Apple Cider Vinegar for general health concerns, especially as it relates to blood pressure and cholesterol counts. Holler if you would like that story posted as well…

        2. Lesa Avatar

          Sonny, Please share with me your uses and experience with using apple cider vinegar.

          1. Sonny Avatar

            I am 67 and overweight. 6′ tall and hover around 300 pounds. My blood pressure is on average about 80/125. Both my good and bad cholesterol counts are better than any woman’s. I take no blood pressure or cholesterol meds.

            With that said, I will take you back about 20 years. I was 47 or so… weighed 240. My blood pressure averaged about 110/180… I was taking multiple blood pressure meds, my cholesterol counts were out of control and I was on meds to help correct those.

            I had my annual physical. The Doc said, we need to do something about your diet to help alleviate these problems, or I will have to alter or change your current meds. I am sending you to a nutritionist and putting you on a fat fee diet.

            Having two daughters that vacillated between vegetarians and vegan, and a wife that was almost the same, my dieting habits were nearly the same as well. I knew a lower fat free diet was not the answer.

            At that moment, I thought of my oldest Aunt, who basically outlived her siblings, siblings who died from cancer, stroke, etc., while she lived to be older than the rest, and finally dying of just plain old age. I recalled she was a nurse and used vinegar as a method to combat normal diseases and enhance good health. The rest used to laugh about this, but indeed, she outlived most of them and did not die of cancer or heart problems.

            Actually she used “plain” on the shelf vinegar from the grocery store. I think it was apple cider flavored.

            So, I went straight to the whole food store and purchased a quart of Bragg Apple Cider Vinegar with Mother. This was raw, unprocessed apple cider vinegar (ACV) with the mother (dusty looking dregs in the bottom of the bottle). At that time, you could not purchase such vinegar at the local food market… but only health food stores.

            I read all about it (see bragg.com) and began taking about 1 – 2 Tablespoons a day, mixed with juice or on occasion water.

            The doc had made an appointment and blood test for about 6 weeks later, to check the progress of my “fat free diet”.

            Six weeks later, I went to do the lab work, then visited my doc a couple of days later.

            His pronouncement when I entered his office, was “well I guess that fat free diet has really helped… your numbers are much improved in all regards. BP was better, cholesterol counts were much improved.”

            I laughed and told him my story (all of the above). He was sort’ve amazed, but as many medical docs do, scoffed a bit at the notion.

            He said, well whatever you are doing, keep doing it and we will do another lab and visit in about 6 weeks. If it kept improving, he would take me off my meds.

            Six weeks later, my cholesterol counts were better than any woman’s he had record of and my bp was much improved.

            I was removed from all heart related meds.

            Today, again, I am 67, I live a fairly inactive life style (shame on me and I hope to improve that) and hover around 300 and am still off the heart related meds. All counts are doing great.

            I will tell you this, I have recommended Bragg to many people, who have tried it. But many stop because they cannot get past the “vinegary” taste. To me, this type apple cider vinegar tastes more “apple-ly” than vinegary. However, having experienced a significant affect on my health, I no longer try to disguise the vinegar. I drink about 8 or so quarts of water each day. I have my vinegar in a squirt bottle and squirt in about 3 squirts per quart. I think I am taking about 3 tablespoons per day. (but it is reported that you cannot overdose on ACV).

            It is indicated it may do various good things for your body and mind. All I know for sure, it resolved my heart related problems. And once you experience such a change or affect, taste becomes less relevant and the affect takes on most importance.

            When someone complains about the potential vinegary taste, I always say, anyone who can drink a beefeater martini straight up (vermouth and gin, my God) and say they like the taste, obviously have cultivated a “taste” not so much for the flavor of such a concoction, but indeed the “affect”.

            Almost all food stores carry whole, unprocessed ACV these days in multiple brands including Bragg, in addition to the normal vinegars.

            I have slightly altered my opinion on use of ACV for general good health.

            I used to say it was the best if not the second best thing one could put into their body… to now, it is simply the best thing anyone, male or female, can put into your body.

            Wish me luck on my effort to increase activity and lose weight!! The older I get, the more “luck” I need in such an effort.

            Thanks, G H Sonny Hollub Jr

          2. Clemente Avatar

            Keep on keeping on! ACV is some of the best medicine around, it’s too bad people will trust doctors who prescribe Big Pharma’s poison or at its best fix that treats symptoms not the underlying cause. I drink Bragg’s ACV by mixing 1 tablespoon of raw honey w/ some hot water to dissolve, toss in 2 tablespoons ACV and then mix w/ hot and cold water to make it almost room temperature.

            Try to incorporate some physical exercise into your daily regimen. Start w/ walking for 10 minutes….then graduate to 15, 20, 25 and finally 30. You will lose more weight that way as your metabolic rate will shoot up although you may also get an increase in appetite.

            Do you eat three meals per day? Do NOT skip meals, that slows down the metabolic rate, one thing many Americans often do is skip the first one and it’s been found that those who skip breakfast have higher cases of diabetes. Eat healthy things between meals, e.g. a banana, yogurt, almonds. Those counts as “meals” and causes you to eat less at the major ones, i.e. lunch and dinner. It’s actually easier on our digestive system to eat 5 or 6 meals a day than three large ones and again, that causes our metabolic rate to increase.

            Wishing you all the best!

    23. Sharon Severson Avatar
      Sharon Severson

      For those who have a difficult time with just coconut oil I suggest adding a couple of drops of peppermint oil. It makes it taste better (to some that don’t like the coconut oil) and it’s good for your teeth also:)

    24. Ann Avatar

      I do the oil pulling 2 to 3 times a day. It is worth it. Do I occupy my mind with other thing? You bet. I get a lot done in the 20 minutes. You swish until the oil is broken down… some time it happens faster than 20 minutes

    25. sitrena Avatar

      When I saw this in Dr Oz I thought they said 2 minutes where can I find the correct timing. I do it 2 minutes b4 brushing 2x a day and I am noticing improvement with dry mouth and plaque which can also cause bad breath

    26. Brandi Williamson Avatar
      Brandi Williamson

      Do it right before you step in the shower and during. The time adds up quickly to getting ready to shower, showering and drying off after and is usually somewhere pretty close to 20 minutes so I only have a minute or 2 left to swish after. Easy!!

    27. Karen Anderson Avatar
      Karen Anderson

      I had never heard of this practice until my niece made mention of coconut oil as a gargle remedy. I then found your article. I cannot imagine swooshing “anything” around in my mouth for 20 minutes. I’ll pass. If it would benefit me to do this method for a minute, then I would definitely consider it a new remedy to try. Not 20 minutes, however. Knowing I would be swooshing around old plaque and bacteria in my mouth for that period of time would gross me out.

      1. Clemente Avatar

        So you won’t invest in your health and wellness, huh? Just throw some pharmaceuticals at the problem later…yeah, that’s the ticket!

      2. Kaito Avatar

        From what I understand, the old plaque and bacteria that you’d be working on taking care of are the ones that are currently living in your mouth. If you brush and floss, it makes sense to me that the remaining plaque and bacteria are what didn’t get removed by brushing or flossing, and will stay in your mouth until they’re removed by some other method.

        I don’t know whether swishing oil around in your mouth for 20 minutes would take care of it or not. I’m sure it’d work at least as well as rinsing with water, if only to help gum circulation. But if it works, and the plaque and bacteria do get broken down and “pulled” into the oil mouthwash like it’s claimed, then I guess I’d look at it as “I have plaque and bacteria swishing in my mouth for 20 minutes” versus “I have plaque and bacteria in my mouth all day, and night, and I swallow bits of it when I eat food, and it stays there forever.” Gross.

        It sounds way grosser to me than swishing a little oil around in my mouth for a little while. After all, if I eat food and drink fluids for 20 minutes at mealtimes three times a day, it’s not much different than moving around some oil in my mouth that’s clean and doesn’t have particles of food or sugar or other junk in it for a little while. Granted, I guess it’d be gross if I swallowed it after, but not any more gross than swallowing food from a mouth fulled with plaque and bacteria.

        ..Yeah I’m grossing myself out here now, so I’m gonna stop explaining lol.

    28. Dani Avatar

      I learned about oil pulling in the book ‘Katrina’s Recovery.’ Very easy to do, best first thing in the morning since that is when the most bacteria are in the mouth. Book “Oil Pulling Therapy!” My teeth are getting much whiter, very white and beautiful. Although they were gorgeous without oil pulling, oil pulling is naturally making them whiter and getting all tea stains off.

    29. Barbara Avatar

      Has anyone tried pulling with wheatgrass? I heard it’s supposed to be better than oil & less time.

    30. Paola P. Avatar

      It goes by fast if you do it first thing in the morning. I’ve also found that if I use these oil pulling packets with peppermint oil I found from Aviva Pure Beauty the tastes is more bearable.

    31. Kristen Avatar

      Please note you’re not switching the oil around. You are pushing it through your teeth and then sucking/pulling it back in through your teeth. Fife said 15 to 20 minutes 1-2x daily. I do 18 min. every morning when I get up. I was in need of a root canal and had multiple lesions on my spleen, liver and cysts on my kidneys. Within 5 weeks of oil pulling the lesions and cysts were completely gone and I did not need the root canal. This is powerful healing.

      1. Nani Avatar

        I can understand how the oil pulling can help with whitening teeth, but how is that as others say it got rid of their bronchitis, and in your comment it got rid of your various organ cysts? Can someone explain why or how oral oil pulling helps other internal ailments?

        1. Tanya McConnell Avatar
          Tanya McConnell

          I have been doing oil pulling for over 2 yrs. 2015 is the first yr I did not get bronchitis and pneumonia. The type of coconut oil I use is organic and unrefined I get it from Nature’s Way. I love it. I used it as a detox then it turned into repairing a tooth of mine had 1/2 the enamel missing. It’s almost completely repaired. I couldn’t afford a 6k estimate that was given by a dentist. The unrefined is what helps my teeth

        2. Wellness Guy Avatar
          Wellness Guy

          Probably by clearing bacteria that otherwise would get into your bloodstream via inflamed gums.

    32. Gladys Avatar

      I do try the ‘mouth wash’ for a few months (either coconut oil or olive oil).
      Obviously, my sensitive teeth are much better !

      1. Tanya Mcconnell Avatar
        Tanya Mcconnell

        You can always start at 10 minutes and then work your way into the 20 minutes. That is how I started 2 yrs ago. Now, I do it for 20 minutes 2x a day.

    33. Stephen Mora Avatar
      Stephen Mora

      I know right I just tried this for the first time all I could do was 5 minutes maybe it will get easier idk.

      1. Tanya McConnell Avatar
        Tanya McConnell

        It gets easier I have been doing it over 2 yrs. I started doing it for 5 minutes but now I do it 2x a day for 20 min. It’s amazing and love the results that I get

          1. Tanya McConnell Avatar
            Tanya McConnell

            That is a great question. I know it helps so to prevent gingivitis. However, I had an issue with my gums where they were shrinking and caused my gums to always bleed. But now I do not have that problem. I will be going to tge dentist and have them check my measurements the gums.

          2. Clemente Avatar

            I have, which is the reason I started. I did a web search for exactly that as my gums were receding at a scary rate. I’ve seen them grow back to almost normal. I’ve been oil pulling for about 8 months now. Keep at it, do it every day.

            And don’t brush too hard. Be very careful about using hydrogen peroxide to gargle with and/or to rid teeth of stains or to get whiter. Also those teeth whitening “whitestrips”, first and only time I used those I noticed my gums had receded.

        1. Sonny Avatar

          Christy… and the results are?? I have been doing it over a year… not for sure what my results are. My teeth were fairly white when I started and are still fairly white… which was not the main reason I started doing it. I was after the “better health” affects… for my teeth and whatever else would come. My teeth were healthy in the beginning and remain so.

          I have my next dental appointment, so I hope to get an opinion from them regarding buildup etc., but have no idea if I am “healthier”…


          1. Tanya McConnell Avatar
            Tanya McConnell

            Hi Sonny, I love oil pulling. It remineralizes the teeth, prevents gingivitis and helps with overall health. I used it to start doing a detox. Not only that I used to get bronchitis and pneumonia every February for the last 5 yrs. 2015 was the first yr I did not get it.
            Now I look forward to what 2016 has in store for me

    34. Keri Avatar

      It goes by much faster than you think. It’s less than a children’s TV show worth of time.

    35. Katie Avatar

      I do it in the shower or while I’m blow drying my hair! Passes the time faster

    36. Ann Avatar

      I couldn’t either, until I realized there are quiet times in my day where I am actually not talking or in conversation and these may last an hour or two (sometimes more). It’s like chewing gum. People do it without much thought, sometimes just to relax. Well, this is a much more healthy way to relax, I have found.

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