How To Make Sole

Katie Wells Avatar

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Sole salt infusion for health and wellness
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I’ve written before about how salt is not the villain it is often made out to be. There is some age-old evidence that not only is salt not harmful, but that consuming it daily (in a certain form) can be very beneficial for health.

What is Sole?

Sole (pronounced Solay) is essentially water that has been fully saturated with a natural salt. This isn’t just a small amount of salt dissolved in water, but rather water that has absorbed as much natural salt as it is able and will not absorb any more (26% actually…. thanks high school chemistry). The term Sole comes from the Latin “Sol” meaning Sun.

We’ve been told for years that salt can be harmful, so the idea of drinking salt water may sound counter-intuitive, but it turns out that this concentrated salt solution can have a variety of health-supporting uses. This remedy has been used for centuries in some countries and claims both anecdotal and scientifically supported evidence for the following uses:

  • Helps Hydration– The body naturally repairs and detoxifies during sleep, but in doing so, it uses up a good amount of water. This is why we are often more thirsty in the morning. Consuming a salt solution like Sole helps the body re-hydrate.
  • Helps the Body Detoxify– The minerals in Sole make it useful in the natural detoxification that the body already does. Sole is naturally anti-bacterial and can help remove bad bacteria in the body.
  • Boosts Energy– The minerals and stored energy in Sole help boost energy throughout the day.
  • Improving Digestion– Sole stimulates the digestive system promoting food absorption and regularity naturally.
  • Improving blood sugar– Some people note improvements in blood sugar levels after using Sole.
  • A Natural Anti-histamine– Sole can work as a powerful natural anti-histamine. This action is likely due to its balancing effects on the body, and I have noticed this personally.
  • Helps with Muscle Cramps– When I played sports, we attributed leg cramps or other cramps to lack of potassium and ate more bananas (which are now the only food I won’t eat). Don’t know about the potassium theory, but I know that since using magnesium and Sole regularly, I don’t get leg cramps anymore (even during/after extreme exercise or in late pregnancy).
  • Bone Health– There is a theory that a potential cause of Osteoporosis and other bone disorders is the body utilizing calcium and other minerals from the bones for survival and to neutralize acidity in the blood. Sole is naturally full of minerals and alkalizing, so there is speculation that it is helpful with bone health as well.
  • Healthy Veins– By supporting the correct mineral balance in the body and blood, Sole can help reduce or avoid vein problems like varicose veins.
  • Blood Pressure– Contrary to what we often hear, many people notice a reduction in blood pressure from using Sole.
  • Weight Loss– By improving digestion and nourishing the body on a cellular level, Sole can help promote weight loss.
  • Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails– Sole’s high mineral content makes it great for healthy skin (and acne problems), and for hair and nail growth.

It is interesting to note that the conventional treatment for many of the above problems includes removing excess salt/sodium from the diet. While table salt could certainly have a negative effect and is best avoided, natural salt contains over 84 minerals and is incredibly nourishing for the body.

According to the book Water & Salt: The Essence of Life and this post:

“In a nine-week study undertaken in 2003 at the Inter-University of Graz, Austria examined the effects of Himalayan Crystal Salt on physical and psychological functions of the body. It is the only salt ever to have been the subject of comprehensive double-blind scientific research. The results of the study, presented in the book, Water & Salt – The Essence of Life by Dr. Barbara Hendel, M.D. and biophysicist Peter Ferreira, confirmed significant positive changes in respiratory, circulatory, organ, connective tissue and nervous system functions. Patients also reported increases in quality of sleep, energy and concentration levels, brain activity, weight loss, enhanced consciousness, and noticeable hair and nail growth.”

Even better, Sole is a very inexpensive addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle and it is incredibly easy to make.

Where To Get (Healthy) Salt

As Sole is simply salt and water, the quality of the salt is extremely important. I prefer to use mostly Himalayan salt, with a small amount of Redmond Salt or Celtic Salt added. The following are brands I have used personally and can vouch for, though many local health food stores will carry Himalayan Salt (make sure it is pure… it should be pink).

Sole salt infusion for health and wellness
4.42 from 31 votes

Sole Recipe

Sole is water that has been saturated with the minerals in natural salt, making it good for digestive health, mental health, skin, hair, nails and more.
Prep Time5 minutes
Resting Time12 hours
Author: Katie Wells




  • Fill the glass jar about ¼ of the way with Himalayan salt, Celtic salt, or Real Salt, or a mixture of the three.
  • Add filtered water to fill the jar, leaving about an inch at the top.
  • Put on the plastic lid and shake the jar gently.
  • Leave on the counter overnight to let the salt dissolve.
  • The next day, if there is still some salt on the bottom of the jar, the water has absorbed its maximum amount of salt and the sole is ready to use.
  • If all of the salt is absorbed, add more salt and continue doing so each day until some remains on the bottom. This means that the water is fully saturated with salt.


To use: Mix 1 teaspoon of the sole into a glass of water and consume every morning on an empty stomach. Do not use any metal utensils to measure or stir.
I am not a doctor and don’t play one on the internet. As with any health advice, consult a qualified practitioner before adding any new supplements, especially if pregnant, nursing, or if you have a medical condition.

How to Use Sole

Make the mixture as above and store at room temp. It will last indefinitely as salt is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. More water and salt can be added as needed to keep up the amount in the jar.

To drink, add 1 tsp to a glass of water each morning before eating or drinking anything else. Do not add more, especially starting off! If this causes a detox reaction or headache, work up slowly.

Have you ever made Sole? How did you like it? Share below!

Sole is water that has been saturated with the minerals in natural salt, making it good for digestive health, mental health, skin, hair, nails and more.

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


673 responses to “How To Make Sole”

  1. Rhonda Coleman Avatar
    Rhonda Coleman

    Thank you Wellness Mama for such an informative web site, as well as this information on sole. I think I’ve pretty much read all the questions & comments here. My questions, which I’ve seen a couple of times, but must have missed the answers.
    1. Is there a “most effective” level/amount of sole to consume, and more than that really serves no purpose, or could even be detrimental.
    2. I understand, sole in water 1st thing, empty stomach. IF I’m going to also do ACV, is there a specific wait time between the two? And then, what about timing of breakfast & coffee??

    Thanks so much for your response!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      The amount will depend somewhat on the person and I listen to my body and even vary my own dose as needed. I’ve done sole pre-shower and was fine with lemon or vinegar water, breakfast and coffee by the time I got out.

  2. Fionnuala Avatar

    I use big block and actual rocks of Himalayan salt it lasts forever 6 months even a year. I have also used quite large sized crystals also. The Sole will be far too salty if the salt is too fine and may turn first users off the taste. I do believe the rule of thumb is 1/4 salt to good quality water and not tap water. When the water level drops by a quarter I replenish with water..

  3. Gina Carriere Avatar
    Gina Carriere

    Hi…is it better to use the Himalayan salt crystals or is it ok to use the ground Himalayan fine grain…..I had the crystals but just too hard to grind with my arthritis…..and if you could give the mixture one more time to me in this post…thanx so much….

  4. Bill Avatar

    I have made this with both fine and course flake Himalayan pink salt and it forms a pink sediment at the bottom of the jar in the water. Can you tell me what that is and should I mix that up and drink it within the teaspoon I drink everyday or leave it there and discard at the end?

    I have also heard it’s important to get this salt from sources that do not use metal extractors. How can you know the extraction method and how important is that?

    Thank you

  5. Fionnuala Avatar

    Yes eat the salt but I do believe it is recommended 6 grams per day (I would not eat more than that) I use only Himalayan salt due to its mineral content the body needs over 60 trace minerals per day. I drink solay first when I wake up and wait 1/2hr before I have my kefir with tumeric.

  6. Jim Avatar

    Hi. I love the taste of salt and eat it straight out of the container. I put a small amount in my mouth, let it dissolve completely and follow that with a couple big drinks of water. I usually eat about a half teaspoon of salt with 32 ounces of water. Would this be as effective as the sole?

  7. Fionnuala Avatar

    I have been using Sole for many weeks (our bodies need 90 trace minerals per day), it has changed my life around as other elements.I have gone from dress size 12 now a 6 aiming for a 4 great detoxifier energy levels fantastic I use the Himalayan rock crystals and the first batch has not been replenished in nearly 6 weeks. I Arise at 5a/m take my sole as it states on an empty tummy! (I have read 1/2 an hr consumption before anything else) Then MSM crystals really good for the liver.(glutathione) take care of your liver as it does 500 wonderful functions in your body.

  8. momo Avatar

    Hi I was wondering if it’s safe to use a dead sea salt sole? I basically just filled a jar of dead sea water straight from the dead sea… is that ok? (Haven’t tried it yet)

  9. Tanja Avatar

    Can you use a metal mason jar lid if it never comes in contact with the sole? Or will just having the metal close to the sole cause de-ionizing? Thanks!

  10. JoyceG Avatar

    I just wanted to share that I used to get leg/thigh/foot/forearm/hand cramps at least every other night – usually about 4-5 am. It was difficult to get back to sleep afterward. I do take magnesium supplements and my levels are good as well as my potassium levels.

    I found the recipe for Sole Water on Pinterest (don’t we all find stuff there???). I read that it could help diminish the incidence of muscle cramps. I started taking 1 tsp of Sole Water on Monday, October 26, 2015 – today, EIGHT days later… I have NOT had ONE cramp of any sort!!!

  11. Jan Niles Avatar
    Jan Niles

    I had used a Himalaya salt from a company called Black Tai Salt Co. It is pink, I made the sole and I had shaken it up. It had small bubbles on top. I did not try it and it sat on my counter for a week and stayed that way. This was a very fine salt.
    The first sole I made I used the crystals and it did not have any bubbles on top of the water. This product was by Olde Thompson.
    I was curious if any one else experienced that. I poured it out because the first one I made did not have that and because the second one look non appealing.
    Thank you jan

  12. Serena Avatar

    Well, I did my first sole (little less than a tsp) this morning.
    HOWEVER, I put about a tsp of ground coffee in my shake and drank some herbal tea (contains black and green teas) before I realized I wasn’t supposed to.
    Will this cause me any issues?

  13. esther Avatar

    do you know what we in france call chlorure de magnesium? its a little bag with powder, which u dissolve in one liter of water…every morning, first thing you do is drink half a glass…in the beginning the bowels might get some diarrhea, but that gets quickly adjusted…. it’s magical all the things it does!

    1. Nandarani Avatar

      Recently found information on so many benefits for this form of magnesium and bought it. It does help much with calming, sleeping, and also with elimination in the mornings. It seems that sole might be a substitute for it; it has magnesium and for some people produces the same effects as magnesium chloride as far as sleep, relaxation, and elimination, commenters have said. One website’s writer even states, no need to buy magnesium any more (!)

  14. Irina Avatar

    Hi Katie, again what an informative post! I’ve been looking into making sole and that’s how stumbled across this page. I wanted to ask you if you looked into Aztec sea salt? There is like one company that sells it, from my research, I’d say it’s same as Celtic. Please correct me if I’m wrong. I tried to look though comments first, but there are so many, so I apologize if this has been asked!

    1. Renni Avatar

      Aztec culture – Mexico
      Celtic culture – Ireland and Scotland, but older roots from other parts

      1. Fionnuala Avatar

        I really do not care for the Idea of Celtic sea salt I come from that part of the world. Honestly all the cargo ships very large passenger ferry boats and fishing trallers traipsing across back and forth to England and mainland Europe,24/7 running on deasil fuel and see the residual pollution floating on top of the seas, It puts me off. I have been using Himalayan salt and do believe it is the safest.

  15. Jackie B. Avatar

    Hello! I was wondering if this mixture is safe to drink while pregnant? My only concern is the detoxifying properties since I have frequently heard that you should not do any detoxing/drink detox tea, etc. while pregnant. (I am currently 21 weeks pregnant).

    Thank you!!
    Jackie B.

  16. Brandon Avatar

    This is more for informational purposes…

    12 days after I first took sole (1 tsp), I noticed some aching on Friday early afternoon. I ended up running a low grade fever all weekend until Saturday night and it jumped up to 102.2. I also had some very loose stools Saturday, slight nausea, major pressure in head and stuffy nose.

    Couldnt sleep at all Saturday and just let my fever do it’s thing (no tylenol or ibuprofen). It’s Sunday and still feel rough. Hope i’m on the backend of this detox and reducing sole mixture to 1/2 tsp.

  17. Erin Shea Avatar
    Erin Shea

    I tried a tsp for the first time this morning. Is there anything I should notice from the first time? The only thing I really notice is a little more of a relaxation feeling. I squeezed a little lime in mine. I saw that on another recipe. I know this is a process but just wondering if there is something I am to be watching for in the first day. Thanks for posting.

    1. Erin Shea Avatar
      Erin Shea

      Still don’t notice anything several days in other than going to the bathroom within about 20 min of drinking it.

      I’m wondering what people do when they go out of town. Do you make it then too or skip it?

  18. Sarah Beth Avatar
    Sarah Beth

    I’ve started getting into tissue salts… Would this sole be a duplicative effort? I use Hyland’s cell salts for particular issues (and they work great!) just don’t know about having too much “salt” at the cellular level. I’m also taking DE in the morning. Thanks!

  19. Carol Avatar

    Thanks so much, Mama! We live in a time where MDs don’t know everything and big Pharma controls everything else. No one in the establishment is interested in curing or preventing anything: only that you stay on their drugs for the rest of your life. And mostly toxic drugs for symptomatic relief only! That leaves the task of really taking cares of our health to ourselves. So, thanks again!

    1. Jill Avatar

      Amen Carol.!!! Our health system is the pits. So grateful for people like (Wellness Mama) Katie who have compassion and a big heart to help us all. Thank God above

  20. Uly Avatar

    I can’t find anyone, anywhere on the internet who will tell me why anyone would go through the trouble of making a sole when they could just add a little of the same type of salt to the same type of water. What’s the difference? Is this really necessary or is this just another hippy, trippy fad?

    P.S. I really wanna know so please excuse my tone.

    1. mo Avatar

      If, like me, you’ve inherited a bag full of Himalayan salt stones (2-3 inches in diameter each), making a brine or sole seems to be an easier way to make use of the stones. So for some, it may be just a matter of convenience and not necessarily a specific health benefit in and of itself.

      Also, I’ve noticed unless the salt is ground very finely, it takes a little while to dissolve completely. Besides the salt stones, we have coarsely-ground sea salt, which even after being ground, has little chunks in it. Making a brine would be a quicker and more convenient way to get our salt drink in without the wait.

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