How To Make Sole

Katie Wells Avatar

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Sole salt infusion for health and wellness
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I’ve written before about how salt is not the villain it is often made out to be. There is some age-old evidence that not only is salt not harmful, but that consuming it daily (in a certain form) can be very beneficial for health.

What is Sole?

Sole (pronounced Solay) is essentially water that has been fully saturated with a natural salt. This isn’t just a small amount of salt dissolved in water, but rather water that has absorbed as much natural salt as it is able and will not absorb any more (26% actually…. thanks high school chemistry). The term Sole comes from the Latin “Sol” meaning Sun.

We’ve been told for years that salt can be harmful, so the idea of drinking salt water may sound counter-intuitive, but it turns out that this concentrated salt solution can have a variety of health-supporting uses. This remedy has been used for centuries in some countries and claims both anecdotal and scientifically supported evidence for the following uses:

  • Helps Hydration– The body naturally repairs and detoxifies during sleep, but in doing so, it uses up a good amount of water. This is why we are often more thirsty in the morning. Consuming a salt solution like Sole helps the body re-hydrate.
  • Helps the Body Detoxify– The minerals in Sole make it useful in the natural detoxification that the body already does. Sole is naturally anti-bacterial and can help remove bad bacteria in the body.
  • Boosts Energy– The minerals and stored energy in Sole help boost energy throughout the day.
  • Improving Digestion– Sole stimulates the digestive system promoting food absorption and regularity naturally.
  • Improving blood sugar– Some people note improvements in blood sugar levels after using Sole.
  • A Natural Anti-histamine– Sole can work as a powerful natural anti-histamine. This action is likely due to its balancing effects on the body, and I have noticed this personally.
  • Helps with Muscle Cramps– When I played sports, we attributed leg cramps or other cramps to lack of potassium and ate more bananas (which are now the only food I won’t eat). Don’t know about the potassium theory, but I know that since using magnesium and Sole regularly, I don’t get leg cramps anymore (even during/after extreme exercise or in late pregnancy).
  • Bone Health– There is a theory that a potential cause of Osteoporosis and other bone disorders is the body utilizing calcium and other minerals from the bones for survival and to neutralize acidity in the blood. Sole is naturally full of minerals and alkalizing, so there is speculation that it is helpful with bone health as well.
  • Healthy Veins– By supporting the correct mineral balance in the body and blood, Sole can help reduce or avoid vein problems like varicose veins.
  • Blood Pressure– Contrary to what we often hear, many people notice a reduction in blood pressure from using Sole.
  • Weight Loss– By improving digestion and nourishing the body on a cellular level, Sole can help promote weight loss.
  • Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails– Sole’s high mineral content makes it great for healthy skin (and acne problems), and for hair and nail growth.

It is interesting to note that the conventional treatment for many of the above problems includes removing excess salt/sodium from the diet. While table salt could certainly have a negative effect and is best avoided, natural salt contains over 84 minerals and is incredibly nourishing for the body.

According to the book Water & Salt: The Essence of Life and this post:

“In a nine-week study undertaken in 2003 at the Inter-University of Graz, Austria examined the effects of Himalayan Crystal Salt on physical and psychological functions of the body. It is the only salt ever to have been the subject of comprehensive double-blind scientific research. The results of the study, presented in the book, Water & Salt – The Essence of Life by Dr. Barbara Hendel, M.D. and biophysicist Peter Ferreira, confirmed significant positive changes in respiratory, circulatory, organ, connective tissue and nervous system functions. Patients also reported increases in quality of sleep, energy and concentration levels, brain activity, weight loss, enhanced consciousness, and noticeable hair and nail growth.”

Even better, Sole is a very inexpensive addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle and it is incredibly easy to make.

Where To Get (Healthy) Salt

As Sole is simply salt and water, the quality of the salt is extremely important. I prefer to use mostly Himalayan salt, with a small amount of Redmond Salt or Celtic Salt added. The following are brands I have used personally and can vouch for, though many local health food stores will carry Himalayan Salt (make sure it is pure… it should be pink).

Sole salt infusion for health and wellness
4.42 from 31 votes

Sole Recipe

Sole is water that has been saturated with the minerals in natural salt, making it good for digestive health, mental health, skin, hair, nails and more.
Prep Time5 minutes
Resting Time12 hours
Author: Katie Wells




  • Fill the glass jar about ¼ of the way with Himalayan salt, Celtic salt, or Real Salt, or a mixture of the three.
  • Add filtered water to fill the jar, leaving about an inch at the top.
  • Put on the plastic lid and shake the jar gently.
  • Leave on the counter overnight to let the salt dissolve.
  • The next day, if there is still some salt on the bottom of the jar, the water has absorbed its maximum amount of salt and the sole is ready to use.
  • If all of the salt is absorbed, add more salt and continue doing so each day until some remains on the bottom. This means that the water is fully saturated with salt.


To use: Mix 1 teaspoon of the sole into a glass of water and consume every morning on an empty stomach. Do not use any metal utensils to measure or stir.
I am not a doctor and don’t play one on the internet. As with any health advice, consult a qualified practitioner before adding any new supplements, especially if pregnant, nursing, or if you have a medical condition.

How to Use Sole

Make the mixture as above and store at room temp. It will last indefinitely as salt is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. More water and salt can be added as needed to keep up the amount in the jar.

To drink, add 1 tsp to a glass of water each morning before eating or drinking anything else. Do not add more, especially starting off! If this causes a detox reaction or headache, work up slowly.

Have you ever made Sole? How did you like it? Share below!

Sole is water that has been saturated with the minerals in natural salt, making it good for digestive health, mental health, skin, hair, nails and more.


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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


676 responses to “How To Make Sole”

  1. Elena Avatar

    Katie, this is off the subject, but I no longer receive my weekly meal plans. What happened ?
    Thank you.


  2. Chi Avatar

    Hey Mama, would this be ok to take along side other supplements. I take clay and magnesium also. Just wondering if the effect would be too detoxifying with these altogether ?

    1. Sherri Williams Cleek Avatar
      Sherri Williams Cleek

      Mama, I was wondering this, also. Could I add sole to my Natural Calm? Could I add bentonite to either or both in the same water? Thanks!

    2. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      It should be ok, but take this first thing in the morning, by itself, before you eat, drink or take anything else…

      1. cathy Avatar

        How long after drinking my glass of sole, do I need to wait before I drink anything else or eat ??

        1. Amber Avatar

          I am interested in finding out too. I do oil pulling and now I am incorporating cinnamon and honey water and I am interested in finding out about the best time frame to do all of these for best absorption .

  3. Jody C Avatar

    Sometimes I just take a big lick of Real Salt from the palm of my hand….especially if I know I’m going outdoors to work for a length of time. Is there a reason why sole is better?

  4. Penny Avatar

    Hi, Katie! Thanks for a great article. I am anxious to start using sole and reaping all the benefits. How long after you started using it did you notice health improvements? What specific improvements have you had? Thanks!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      More energy and better digestion within the first week and skin improvements at a couple weeks. also slept better pretty soon after starting

      1. Penny Avatar

        Thanks for the reply, Katie. That’s very encouraging and an incentive to get started. Hope I have similar results!

  5. Diana Hillen Avatar
    Diana Hillen

    I just ordered my salt, and can’t wait for it to get here. I have three grandchildren living with me, and wondered if it would be okay for them to drink this too. They are 6,8,& 13. Would their dose be the same? Thanks.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      Salt makes water more conductive which is another reason it is good at detoxifying the body. Metal changes this in my understanding.

      1. Satoko Avatar

        Even stainless teaspoon? I just now used it by accident, did I ruin? Do I need to make new batch?

        1. John Avatar

          Salt is a corrosive element. It can leach particles from the metal utensils into the water and can possibly cause an issue. If you’ve only used it once, I wouldn’t worry about it. It takes time (repeated use or just sitting in it) for the salt to leach particles from a hard substance, such as metal. I would recommend not using it again, though. That’s why a glass or plastic container with a plastic lid is recommended.

        2. Rebecca Avatar

          My understanding is that the Himalayan salt ionizes the water, and a metal spoon will de-ionize the solution. It’s the ionization of the minerals that maximize absorption of the minerals.

    2. Diane Avatar

      I think maybe because the metal will change the vibration of the water… just a guess! Your husband will probably not buy that one either! lol

    3. Jill Avatar

      It’s because when introducing any metal into the sole, it de-ionizes the mixture, hence you are undoing the benefits.

  6. Pirjo Kespre-Betzer Avatar
    Pirjo Kespre-Betzer

    Do you know if this is ok to take with thyroid hormone replacement treatment?

    1. Veronica Avatar

      I am also wondering if this is okay to take with thyroid medication. Mine is to be taken in the morning also on an empty stomach. I take armour thyroid.

      1. Emma Avatar

        Hey Veronica! You mention taking Armour Thyroid… I’ve been searching for that everywhere! Where do you purchase it?

      2. Anne Avatar

        thyroid medication is reduced in effectiveness by minerals, so probably not a great idea. There are studies out there that show that taking thyroid at night is as good or even better than in the morning, however.

      1. Brooke Avatar

        Even if you use one whole lemon’s juice in water first thing in the morning, is it okay to just add your sole to that? Does it reduce either one’s effectiveness?

        1. Gina Avatar

          According to my herbalist, the two taken together is brilliant in the morning, the healing effect of both gets stronger this way.

          1. Ashley Avatar

            The combination of sole and lemon juice (or any kind of whole food vitamin c) is fantastic for the adrenals.

          2. Lindsey Avatar

            How much lemon juice with the Sole? I will start doing this for sure.

  7. lyss Avatar

    So what’s the benefit of letting it sit overnight? I often shake a bit of salt into my drinking water. How is using a small amount of this concentrate better than doing that? I’m curious since I’ve never heard of sole…well, except the fish…lol
    I have been getting pink himalayan salt from the bulk section of my health food store. There’s no description other than that, but it’s pink, so I assume it’s got the good minerals. And it just tastes so much better than table salt!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      The water actually takes on as much of the salt as it can overnight and it can be more easily absorbed in this form.

      1. BEDA Avatar

        I’m confused. If the solution is more easily absorbed after you concentrate it, then why do you dilute it with water right before you consume it?

        I don’t understand how there could be a difference between a glass of water with a little bit of sole concentrate stirred in and a glass of water with a little of bit salt stirred in (and dissolved).

        1. Yanai Avatar

          I’ve been confused about this too which is how I found this page. Can anyone shine a light on this?

          1. Chris Avatar

            I would think that if you just shake it into a glass you will not get the appropriate amount. And by diluting it, you are able to drink it, since straight would be too strong. I dilute it in a juice glass and take my vitamins each am.

        2. Crystal Avatar

          I researched this and found that the sodium concentration is significantly higher when you just mix salt into water. When you create the sole, the water absorbs more minerals along with the sodium so it is balanced. Sole contains approximately 400mg of sodium per teaspoon, while a teaspoon of the salt contains approximately 3000mg of sodium.

        3. Gisele Avatar

          In my view the Sole becomes a ‘concentrated’ liquid, much stronger than one would consume by adding a tsp to water! Some people drink it like a shot and then drink a glass of water, especially if they don’t enjoy the taste of a while glass! Also adding lemon to your water can also make the taste more pleasant!

    2. Sue Hoppe Avatar
      Sue Hoppe

      Not all pink salt is Himalayan so be sure it specifies Himalayan on the label. There are many unscrupulous food sellers around, and salt dyed pink is just one of many scams. Also, if you are Banting, many many (even major, well-known) shops now have Banting labels on foods that are totally unsuitable, you need to be very aware of what is in everything and not believe the labels.

    3. Raphie Avatar

      I simply measure 1/8 tsp pure Himalaya salt and stir it in a cup juice or soy milk daily.

    4. Mike Avatar

      The sole has a therapeutic electromagnetic effect. Just adding salt to water or food does not created the therapeutic electromagnetic effect.

  8. zach reinhold Avatar
    zach reinhold

    Is Sole similar to Bioplasma? Have you ever taken Bioplasma? An Indian Holistic doctor I work with just told me about it and I’m curious for your take. Thanks!

    1. Subha Avatar

      As someone that takes both bioplasma and the sole I can say they work together even better than individually. Bioplasma will help absorb all the micronutrients in sole efficiently.

        1. Samantha Avatar

          I think I may have accidentally figured that out. I was looking online for a reason why my salt sole that I’ve been using for months suddenly started smelling like chlorine/bleach when I added new water and gave it several stirs with a metal spoon. Going to have to chuck it now and start over! Some sort of chemical reaction definitely took place. Going to stir it with a chopstick next time!!?

          1. Janice Avatar

            Thank you for this information!
            Why should we take this on an empty stomach? Are there foods that this shouldn’t mix with?

      1. Katherine Avatar

        Once sole is made and I’m drinking it when topping it up with salt how do you know how much to add

        Or should I just finish it and start from step #1 ?

        Thank you for this information much appreciated Katherine Powers

  9. jaime Avatar

    This sounds very gentle but should it be avoided if I am pregnant? I have been having a lot of leg cramps!

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar
      Wellness Mama

      I took while pregnant and my midwife was fine with it but I’d check with a doc if you have concerns…

  10. Jessica Avatar

    Love the picture! Nice to put a face with all these great things I’ve learned from you!

    1. nicole taylor Avatar
      nicole taylor

      I’ve got a UTI & am on antibiotics (second course). Can this help me? If so, what dosage should I be doing for acute symptoms? Thanks ??

      1. Emily Avatar

        Cranberry is great for UTI. I cook a package of fresh or froaen cranberries (no sugar added) just until mashable, mash them up, spread on dehydrator trays and dehydrate then pulverize into powder in blender. A tsp every day until cleared up then a tsp 2 or 3 times a week for maintenance. In smoothies, on cereal etc.

        1. Julie Avatar

          Agree with the cranberry. But D-Mannose powder may be even more effective. It is the naturally occurring sugar in cranberries that is believed to be responsible for their good effect on the bladder and urinary tract. My husband had a chronic infection that was cleared up in 2 weeks using D-Mannose. (We heard about it from Dr. Mercola.)

      2. Miranda Avatar

        D-mannose is great for UTI, especially if you start taking it at the first signs of symptoms. It’s the sugar in cranberries that make them good for UTIs, except much more concentrated. D-mannose does not effect blood sugar.

        1. Karen Scribner Avatar
          Karen Scribner

          Cranberries have a property that makes the bacteria not stick to the bladder walls. D-mannose powder is to be taken daily for bladder and intestinal support.

      3. Karen Scribner Avatar
        Karen Scribner

        Be sure you have UTI, not food allergy which has the same symptoms.

  11. Catherine Avatar

    Did you use the unground Himalayan crystals or finely ground Himalayan salt for this? Do you think that crystals would work just as well as finely ground? I have a bag of each type, but I don’t really use the harder crystals for the reason that they are hard to grind.. Himalayan salt comes at a premium here in the Kalahari, so I would prefer not to use the finely ground salt. Thank you for articles, I have learned so much, and have changed much of my lifestyle since finding your website!

      1. pete Avatar

        when you go to use the sole do you shake the mixture first or just scoop whats settled at the top?

          1. Michelle Avatar

            do not shake the sole. the water is saturated with the salt. that is why you should always have some salt on the bottom of your jar.

          2. pete Avatar

            she says not to but i find its less salty if you swirl it i have seen elsewhere in videos other people swirl it first.
            i think you get more minerals when you mix it up a bit the pink color in the salt is mineral content so i would assume your getting more mineral and not just salt/saline solution

          3. Brad Avatar

            I have heard that you do NOT want to shake it after it is ready to drink…. The water well be more acidic on the bottom and more alkaline on the top. Naturally is it supposed to settle that way.

      2. Gary Avatar

        I tried Sole for the first time a few days ago. I used a mixture of fine pink mediterranean salt mixed with some Real Salt. The following morning the salt was nearly gone. I used it for a couple of days then added a bit more water. The salt that remained never did dissolve and the sole was very weak. I dumped it and started a new batch using only Real Salt. About half dissolved and several hours later no change. This batch was also very weak compared to my original batch. I tried a third batch using only mediterranean salt. Very little dissolved and the mixture was very weak. This is after about 8 hours. I’m using my Berkey filtered water. I was thinking the fine salt might be too fine and am thinking about trying course. I’m stumped and have no idea why the first batched turned out so well? My first batched tasted very salty when I added 2 tablespoons to about 2/3 of a pint of water. Any ideas?

        1. Mike Avatar

          It needs to sit at least 24 hours to make the ionic salt sole, you should always see some undisolved salt on the bottom, if not you need to add more.

        2. Korinne Avatar

          I have to take thyroid medicine on an empty stomach in the morning. Can I take sole at the same time?

          1. Carmen Avatar

            Im also wondering about when to take this since I’m on thyroid medication.

          2. Tia Avatar

            I take thyroid meds and read from a practitioner to take Sole on an empty stomach 30-60 mins away from the meds. So I’m going to drink Sole first thing, wait then take meds, wait another 30 mins or so, then have breakfast. Kind of a pain but will see if I can do it. I wonder about drinking Sole at night instead?

        3. Cecile soucie Avatar
          Cecile soucie

          I think the fine salt is to fine I’m suspicious they add some thin in there
          I prefer the course one or the chunks.

        4. Karen Scribner Avatar
          Karen Scribner

          Sounds like you just made some salt water (not sole) for gargling to relieve a sore throat.

        5. Laura Avatar

          Unless your Berkey filter is brand new it is probably not filtering like it should and is letting a lot through. When I test my Berkey water after a couple weeks of filter use it is actually higher PPM than my tap water… suspicious. If it is saturated with other minerals it won’t absorb the salt fully. Try using distilled?

      3. Joyce Avatar

        Can you add epsom salt to supply magnesium? Or
        Do you just take a magnesium supplement?
        What about potassium?

      4. Elad Avatar

        5 stars
        What about sick person? Will he benefit from 2-3 teaspoons a day? Is there a teaspoons limit a person should take a day?

    1. Claudia B Avatar
      Claudia B

      When I started using Sole, about 4 years ago, I was instructed to use the large Pink Salt rocks. That’s how I continue to keep my Sole going. I use a tsp every morning. Without it, my arthritis kicks up.

  12. Leah Trahan Avatar
    Leah Trahan

    I’m wondering how much benefit this would have for those who already have a high (real) salt intake? My husband & I love salt & tend to already salt things liberally. I can’t imagine I really need more in my diet (not that I’m salt phobic, just can’t imagine needing more)…
    Slightly off topic, but perhaps relevant, though, I can’t take magnesium orally because I have horribly fitfull sleeps when I do…strange dreams, waking up constantly, etc. I’m concerned I may have the same reaction when supplementing with extra salt (& therefore minerals).

    1. Jenni Avatar

      Is it sea salt that you and your husband are liberally using or is it table salt? If you are using sea salts like the ones mentioned then you should be fine using (almost) as much as you’d like..

      1. Leah Trahan Avatar
        Leah Trahan

        It’s Himalayan pink salt 🙂
        I’m not worried that we’re using too much, just thinking we probably don’t need to supplement with extra, though I’d be open to doing so if there were benefits to sole that I’m not already getting just by salting food.

        1. Jenni Avatar

          The sea salt in the morning will help kick start your adrenals and help ward off any afternoon fatigue.

          1. Heather Avatar

            A friend suggested this since I’ve recently started keto lifestyle and I’m craving salt in a bad way. Do you only use a tsp a day? I made my first jar and one tsp doesn’t seem sufficient, I’m still craving salt most of the day….but we salt our food very little at the table, and nearly none at the stove, so I’m curious if I can up my intake or would it help to drink it a couple times throughout the day?

      2. Sheena Avatar

        I just made Sole for the second time. This time the Himalayan salt is super fine. When I checked it this morning, after making it last night, it had plenty of salt in the bottom. I tried it, and it was not salty tasting, when I put the recommended amount in a glass of water. Does the really fine salt require more time to absorb the salt? Thanks.

    2. Mila Avatar

      I’ve heard from a respectable Phd in Chemistry that if you crave salt you probably need minerals and or you have weak adrenals. In the past, when I was sick, I used to put salt on everything, as I was healing I didn’t need as much. Nowadays my health is in top shape and I don’t crave salt anymore although I drink sole water everyday.
      DON’T be afraid of salt. If you crave it, you meed it. Use good salts like the ones mentioned in this article.

    3. Mike Avatar

      You can take as much celtic sea salt as you want as long as you take 1 liter of water per 40 ml. of sole.. The sole has a very potent electrochemistry that is the therapeutic effect. Stop adding salt to food and just take the sole.

    4. Ciel Avatar

      What form of magnesium do you take? I take malate in the morning and glycinate I before bed. Many people complain of fitful sleep if they take malate at night.

      1. David Rowley Avatar
        David Rowley

        Magnesium L-treonate. This magnesium is more expensive, but it’s side benefit is that it will put you to sleep every night if you take a capsule before bed. It is the only magnesium that can pass the blood – Brain barrier. I love it!

        1. Stacey Avatar

          Just wanted to mention. Not everyone processes magnesium the same. If I take L-treonate before bed OR if I use topical magnesium at night, I become more alert and awake. I take mine in the morning for a boost of natural energy.

    5. Deena Avatar

      So… Do you continually add water to the Sole in the jar? In other words, once I make the first batch, do I use that water until it is entirely gone and then start a new batch? Or, do I add water to the jar continually as I use…until salt at bottom is gone?

      1. Jenny Avatar

        Don’t add water; that will dilute it. Use up each batch without adding anything to it.

  13. Mary Beth Einhorn Avatar
    Mary Beth Einhorn

    I get my Himalayan salt in bulk from Whole Foods. Thoughts? Is this not as good as what you get?

      1. Jeff Surratt Avatar
        Jeff Surratt

        I just started using Sole. I have noticed that I do not get the leg cramps in the middle of the night anymore.

  14. Jessica Wood Avatar
    Jessica Wood

    I was just about to ask that too Jennifer Wright.. I’m curious as well.. my 2 year old is a banana-holic. Often 3 bananas a day. I stopped using them in my smoothies to reduce my carb intake but if I wasn’t worried about carbs I would eat a banana a day.

    1. Elizabeth Heyenga Avatar
      Elizabeth Heyenga

      I hope you’ll eat organic bananas…. the gas they use to ripen them is not healthy 🙁

        1. Jazmin Avatar

          GMO bananas are a weird yellow when you open them and have a different texture. Bananas are a great detox. If you ate eating right you should be able to handle as many bananas as you want. Don’t be scared of carbs! Fruit carbs are good energy.

        2. Jan Nejman Avatar
          Jan Nejman

          Hello Miss Wellness ?
          Great article. I am about to start this after reading how fantastic Sole is, but wondering!

          I am out of Himalaya Salt, that I allways use and I use much salt every day ( know how important and good it is) but right now I only have pink sea salt.

          Surely I can make Sole out of pure sea salt is my question?

          Best regards!
          Jan from Sweden!

        3. Karen Scribner Avatar
          Karen Scribner

          Conventional bananas are a clone of the Cavendish variety that has been in production for decades. I have not heard of GMO bananas. Three are two hundred varieties of bananas; try your Vietnamese or Korean groceries for other types. The plantains (the type that must be cooked) are available everywhere and are delicious fried in butter or coconut oil with real cream or coconut milk added and a tiny bit of sugar after cooking.

    2. Berry Avatar

      Lol you should look up freelee the banana girl on youtube….. Sorry it’s just she has eaten 50 bananas in one day before and it just sounded funny and reminded me of her when you said one banana a day… Anyways it’s unimportant….

      1. Jennifer Wright Avatar
        Jennifer Wright

        LOL! I was thinking there was a health reason that I hadn’t heard of. By the way, I love everything I have learned from you. We have made so many changes. Much more to do, but we are off to a great start! Thank you!

      2. Elisabeth Avatar

        As silly as it sounds, I’ve found that bananas taste better to me now when I salt them. Perhaps I need both potassium and sodium.

        1. Annie Cowing Avatar
          Annie Cowing

          Haha, I just heard that potassium needs to be balanced with sodium. I am learning so much.

          1. Andrea Avatar

            If you have the correct salt( unrefined and mined as it grows ) you should not need to add any minerals , as the salt should provide all those ! easy does it!

          2. A.k. bAUMGARD Avatar
            A.k. bAUMGARD


        2. Lynn Avatar

          Yes! I salt mine also. Especially when dipping them in my all natural peanut butter. Lol

        3. Jenny Avatar

          soooo.. maybe ….that’s why I have Always.. loved Banana sandwiches.. I am knew to all this so bear with my idiosyncrasies.. But I have alwayssss…. Loved! Banana sandwiches and in fact.. Pineapple sandwiches..also… And I bet it is the salt in the Mayonnaise that is the reason.. You know you crave things that is healthy.. for you.. primarily..Some thing instinctive craving of nutrients ..your.. body needs.. Of course you can carry the cravings too far.. but If it is healthy.. I wonder.. You can get too much of it that you are turned off of getting what you need from that particular source.. Idid for a while.. and since I am taking nutrient products.. the craving for them is not as strong.. but when I need fruit.. those two.. I crave them…I am not talking about harmfull addictions.. hope you .. know that.. and this .. all.. in essence…I’ve offered my beautiful Banana or Pineapple sandwiches to people and they are repulsed.. and used to bother me.. till I realized.. I am only offering God’s Fruit ..! its ok.. He’s got lots and lots of ways to eat them.. But you .. cannot .. dirty up .. a banana or pineapple.. with Mayonaise!! on bread !!! … real mayo.. that is…Mayybe it the sweet and sour thing .. with the mayo being tangy… that is part of the craving.. That other ..type of mayo…. for the life of me! Cannot figure how .. any one! can stand that.. But! it helps me get over the rejection of .. my sandwiches.. knowing there are things.. I abhor too.. And it is only food.. some good..some maybe bad.. choices are the person’s who is eating it.. and with respect to what and way …. they.. choose..Don’t know how,when, or where .. those sandwiches came from.. or just born out making something.. that .. might be appealing to ..,me.. out of the fridge..But .. a little mayo never hurt anyone..and actually my favorite is on white regular bread..and most.. of the time i use a healthier bread.. but always ..go back to the White bread.. cause the combination to me is like ‘eating’ a whole mouth full of fresh..’water’ of sorts.. go figure.. Hey! it not Mud! lol.. and for me.. the gift is.. It is… HIS .. FOOD..I looked up the ingredients in store bought Mayo.. and Mayonnaise is made with real*, simple ingredients: eggs, oil and vinegar. Hellmann’s® Real products are made with cage-free eggs.
          ..and so..

          1. Danielle Avatar

            I crave Doritos sometimes and there is not one thing healthy about those! Lol

          2. Julie Avatar

            Many natural doctors say that we often crave or are addicted to things we are allergic to 🙁

        4. Nandarani Avatar

          Earlier today found in a comment on another site’s article about sole that organic banana skins are a good source of minerals… two a day was recommended; probably depends on the size. The commenter suggested to search online for more information.

      3. Susan Jones Avatar
        Susan Jones

        Ha! I could only eat bananas and Melba toast for 2 years when I was a toddler bc I was diagnosed with celiac. I was tested 2 years ago and I do/did not have it.
        SO, I started solé 1 week ago. 1 tsp. At night bc I take synthroid in the morning and recently my thyroid has gotten worse. EVERY SINGLE DAY starting the day I started I have had diarrhea. I thought it might be something else bc I had started back on 3tbls of coconut oil and added cod liver oil. 2 days ago I switched my thyroid to night and solé to morning. Both mornings, w/in 15 minutes of taking solé I had horrible cramps and bad diarrhea.
        I do take prescriptions for depression that I can’t give up bc last time I went off and tried supplements I ended up so depressed I was in bed for 2 years.
        Are the prescriptions causing daily detox due to solé? I don’t want to give it up but this diahhrea results is not limited to when I can make it to the toilet. Sorry to be graphic… Leakage is an issue… What do I do??

        1. Harriet Avatar

          Susan, I had been on synthetic thyroid (Levothyroxin and Liothyronine) for more than a decade. I decided to have my endo change me to Naturethroid (Nature-throid?) and after being on it for 5 months now I am really pleased. I am sleeping better, the ‘fat ring around my neck is gone. (I also take bupropion for depression.) I can’t speak to the diarrhea, but as for the thyroid, maybe you can try natural (I avoided Armour as my research indicated its dosages were at times irregular as in not all the same strength) If it is your family doctor prescribing, I suggest being referred to an endocrinologist. Finding one that will prescribe natural thyroid replacements is not easy, though. I found my endo years ago on this website and I love him!

        2. annie Avatar

          Major problem for me as well! At first I thought I was taking too much so am drinking a little tiny amount. I think the diarrhea may be the body’s way of balancing out water and getting rid of water retention. Today, I have a headache as well so I’m thinking it is a detox reaction.

        3. Crystal Avatar

          The diarreah can be die off because the salt water will kill bad bacteria and cause loose stools.
          The medicine u are taking adds to the bad bacteria in your gut. So it perpetuates the problem.
          Suggestion. See a functional medicine doctor because they specialize in autoimmune issues which is what celiac a and thyroid are.
          Second take a good probiotic to heal gut. Such as Klaire labs probtx from Amazon.
          Third read the book by dr Jordan Rubin called makers diet or the gaps book by Natasha cambell or the scd diet book by Elaine gotschall.
          You should consider a digestive enzyme as well because celiac is damaged gut and can’t process food the same as if not damaged.
          You have lots of work to do with celiac. Mainly altering your diet and cutting out gluten for sure. No ifs ands or butts.

      4. Julie Avatar

        Funny, I am the same! Ate too many bananas as a kid and cannot stomach them now at all. I don’t like the taste, smell or texture. Yuck!

      1. Joanna Avatar

        No, carbs are not all the same. Bananas are a very healthy carb. If you’re not in a Keto diet, bananas are a very healthy food you should include. If you are eliminating carbs, it should be sugar and processed foods, not healthy fruits.

  15. Ina Avatar

    Thanks so much for this article! I’ve been hearing a lot about sole recently and was wondering what the actual benefits are. Seems to be something I should really give a try.
    Just one thing: I’m pretty sure the word sole doesn’t come from the Latin “sol” (sun) but rather from the German, well, “sole” (pronounced like “sol-uh”) which in turn is derived from Middle High German “sul” or “sol”, meaning brine (at least that’s what Wikipedia says: ).
    But I’m also sure that, no matter what the actual origin of sole is, it’s healthy either way 🙂

    1. Diane Avatar

      But maybe the German word originally came from the Latin word “sol.” I don’t know for sure… just an idea!

      1. Kim Avatar

        Helllo! Thanks for this info!

        After making supersaturated solution of Himalayan Salt and water (your Sole), do you just leave any remaining salt sitting at the bottom of the container or do you strain that out?

          1. Monica Avatar

            I realize that this off topic and I just found this blog site so I haven’t read through everything yet, but I’m curious. Is this sole safe for a 2 year old? We are trying to get my twins off of steroids for breathing treatments and are hopeful that this will help.

          2. Christie Avatar

            There is a layer of fine red powder on top of my salt. Is that normal, or is there some kind of contaminant in my sole?

          3. Robert Avatar

            I have been using Sole’ for several years now and find it very refreshing

          4. Deborah Avatar

            It seems this would be great for many of the symptoms/side effects of kidney disease yet any nephrologist, renal dietician, or urologist would say no to a “salt cure”. Is there any literature for taking this & having kidney disease?

      2. Vito Avatar

        Hi WM I just bought some pink Himalayan salt from the local health food store they had the large crystals and pre-ground from large jars they use to display their bulk herbs and tea how can I tell that it’s pure pink Himalayan? I’m thinking of asking who the vendor is to call any suggestions thanks and keep up the wonderful work you do much appreciated. ……Vito

      3. Rush Avatar

        The Latin version is sal, as in salt or saline! Sole is pronounced more like solve or solution, sahl•uh.

      4. Amanda Avatar

        I have always eaten the white flesh of the banana skins (also orange and lemon peels). As a kid I couldn’t imagine throwing away so much food, after eating the fruit!

    2. Wanda Cox Avatar

      Thanks for the sole recipe,,,once the sole is ready should you mix before consuming? AND does this stay on the counter or go in the frig? THANKS

    3. Candice Porter Avatar
      Candice Porter

      Can Sole be given to children? 🙂 I already made some for myself, but I’m curious about my 10 and 12 yr old? Thank you for your blog! I love it!

    4. Stephanie Avatar

      The German word origin makes sense, particularly given that drinking sole seems to be along the lines of the practice of drinking pickle brine, but without the benefit of the probiotics.

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