How To Make Sole

Katie Wells Avatar

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Sole salt infusion for health and wellness
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » How To Make Sole

I’ve written before about how salt is not the villain it is often made out to be. There is some age-old evidence that not only is salt not harmful, but that consuming it daily (in a certain form) can be very beneficial for health.

What is Sole?

Sole (pronounced Solay) is essentially water that has been fully saturated with a natural salt. This isn’t just a small amount of salt dissolved in water, but rather water that has absorbed as much natural salt as it is able and will not absorb any more (26% actually…. thanks high school chemistry). The term Sole comes from the Latin “Sol” meaning Sun.

We’ve been told for years that salt can be harmful, so the idea of drinking salt water may sound counter-intuitive, but it turns out that this concentrated salt solution can have a variety of health-supporting uses. This remedy has been used for centuries in some countries and claims both anecdotal and scientifically supported evidence for the following uses:

  • Helps Hydration– The body naturally repairs and detoxifies during sleep, but in doing so, it uses up a good amount of water. This is why we are often more thirsty in the morning. Consuming a salt solution like Sole helps the body re-hydrate.
  • Helps the Body Detoxify– The minerals in Sole make it useful in the natural detoxification that the body already does. Sole is naturally anti-bacterial and can help remove bad bacteria in the body.
  • Boosts Energy– The minerals and stored energy in Sole help boost energy throughout the day.
  • Improving Digestion– Sole stimulates the digestive system promoting food absorption and regularity naturally.
  • Improving blood sugar– Some people note improvements in blood sugar levels after using Sole.
  • A Natural Anti-histamine– Sole can work as a powerful natural anti-histamine. This action is likely due to its balancing effects on the body, and I have noticed this personally.
  • Helps with Muscle Cramps– When I played sports, we attributed leg cramps or other cramps to lack of potassium and ate more bananas (which are now the only food I won’t eat). Don’t know about the potassium theory, but I know that since using magnesium and Sole regularly, I don’t get leg cramps anymore (even during/after extreme exercise or in late pregnancy).
  • Bone Health– There is a theory that a potential cause of Osteoporosis and other bone disorders is the body utilizing calcium and other minerals from the bones for survival and to neutralize acidity in the blood. Sole is naturally full of minerals and alkalizing, so there is speculation that it is helpful with bone health as well.
  • Healthy Veins– By supporting the correct mineral balance in the body and blood, Sole can help reduce or avoid vein problems like varicose veins.
  • Blood Pressure– Contrary to what we often hear, many people notice a reduction in blood pressure from using Sole.
  • Weight Loss– By improving digestion and nourishing the body on a cellular level, Sole can help promote weight loss.
  • Healthy Skin, Hair and Nails– Sole’s high mineral content makes it great for healthy skin (and acne problems), and for hair and nail growth.

It is interesting to note that the conventional treatment for many of the above problems includes removing excess salt/sodium from the diet. While table salt could certainly have a negative effect and is best avoided, natural salt contains over 84 minerals and is incredibly nourishing for the body.

According to the book Water & Salt: The Essence of Life and this post:

“In a nine-week study undertaken in 2003 at the Inter-University of Graz, Austria examined the effects of Himalayan Crystal Salt on physical and psychological functions of the body. It is the only salt ever to have been the subject of comprehensive double-blind scientific research. The results of the study, presented in the book, Water & Salt – The Essence of Life by Dr. Barbara Hendel, M.D. and biophysicist Peter Ferreira, confirmed significant positive changes in respiratory, circulatory, organ, connective tissue and nervous system functions. Patients also reported increases in quality of sleep, energy and concentration levels, brain activity, weight loss, enhanced consciousness, and noticeable hair and nail growth.”

Even better, Sole is a very inexpensive addition to a healthy diet and lifestyle and it is incredibly easy to make.

Where To Get (Healthy) Salt

As Sole is simply salt and water, the quality of the salt is extremely important. I prefer to use mostly Himalayan salt, with a small amount of Redmond Salt or Celtic Salt added. The following are brands I have used personally and can vouch for, though many local health food stores will carry Himalayan Salt (make sure it is pure… it should be pink).

Sole salt infusion for health and wellness
4.42 from 31 votes

Sole Recipe

Sole is water that has been saturated with the minerals in natural salt, making it good for digestive health, mental health, skin, hair, nails and more.
Prep Time5 minutes
Resting Time12 hours
Author: Katie Wells




  • Fill the glass jar about ¼ of the way with Himalayan salt, Celtic salt, or Real Salt, or a mixture of the three.
  • Add filtered water to fill the jar, leaving about an inch at the top.
  • Put on the plastic lid and shake the jar gently.
  • Leave on the counter overnight to let the salt dissolve.
  • The next day, if there is still some salt on the bottom of the jar, the water has absorbed its maximum amount of salt and the sole is ready to use.
  • If all of the salt is absorbed, add more salt and continue doing so each day until some remains on the bottom. This means that the water is fully saturated with salt.


To use: Mix 1 teaspoon of the sole into a glass of water and consume every morning on an empty stomach. Do not use any metal utensils to measure or stir.
I am not a doctor and don’t play one on the internet. As with any health advice, consult a qualified practitioner before adding any new supplements, especially if pregnant, nursing, or if you have a medical condition.

How to Use Sole

Make the mixture as above and store at room temp. It will last indefinitely as salt is naturally anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. More water and salt can be added as needed to keep up the amount in the jar.

To drink, add 1 tsp to a glass of water each morning before eating or drinking anything else. Do not add more, especially starting off! If this causes a detox reaction or headache, work up slowly.

Have you ever made Sole? How did you like it? Share below!

Sole is water that has been saturated with the minerals in natural salt, making it good for digestive health, mental health, skin, hair, nails and more.

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


673 responses to “How To Make Sole”

  1. Patti Avatar

    So I tried this about a month ago for 2 weeks and felt nauseous from the get go. I take 45mcg of Armour and thought maybe it was because of this and began taking my meds after drinking and nothing changed. So, I stopped and now I’m still dealing w/this nausea. My husband on the other hand loves how he feels. Any ideas? Oh, and the recipe we have is 1 tsp per 1 quart of water in the morning.

    1. Judy A Kelly Avatar
      Judy A Kelly

      Maybe its a detox symptom and will disappear as your use of Sole continues….

  2. Cathy Avatar

    Can you take the Sole with Collidial Silver or mix it or use a Silver spoon to measure it?

    1. Renni Avatar


      I read that the ratio is 1/4 salt to 3/4 cup water, therefore I use a glass measuring cup to make a batch. It takes out guessing if I used the correct ratios.

  3. Genna Avatar

    I really want to try this out, however the taste makes me gag. Even one tsp. in a huge glass of water is too much for me. I can’t imagine I did it wrong. Is there anything I can do to make it easter to drink without taking away from the benefits?

    1. Michelle Avatar

      i find it harder to drink in a full glass of water. my kids just take the teaspoon of sole then dring a glass of water after. i put the sole in 1/4 to1/2 cup of water, drink it quickly then have a glass of water after. however you do it, it is salty. just find what works best for you.

    2. Shellie Avatar

      I put mine in a shot glass with enough water to fill the shot glass half way, then swig it and chase it down with a glass of fresh water.

    3. Marilyn Avatar

      Hi Genna, You know, when I started drinking the sole I felt the same way as you. I wanted to gag. Then I started reading all the wonderful health benefits it offers our bodies. I think all my reading outweighed the gag reflex because one day, (out of the blue), the taste no longer bothered me and I think it was because my mind went directly to all the health benefits which somehow made it taste better. I realized that the more I learned about the health benefits of “anything” (but in this case sole), reconditioned my taste buds and they learned to enjoy it. I find it quite amazing how that works. It’s almost like your mind decides that it’s far too beneficial to keep it out of our bodies, so it changes your mind from gagging to tasting good and I look forward to it every morning. I find that adding warm or hot water and lemon to my sole makes a huge difference and I now think it tastes wonderful. It’s like having a nice cup of your favorite tea, at least for me anyway.

  4. Michelle Avatar

    i love taking the sole but i found i have to stop occasionally because i start feeling totally exhausted, like i could sleep all day. does anyone else get this way? is it just a symptom of the detox? my husband and daughter experience the same thing. i don’t understand because it says you should get more energy. thoughts?

    1. Ruth Collis Avatar
      Ruth Collis

      Can water be encapsulated somehow? That’s what I do to all bitter herbs.

      1. Ruth Collis Avatar
        Ruth Collis

        Sorry, this reply was meant for the comment below. Don’t know how my post went to the wrong place.

  5. Tammy Avatar

    What is the advantage to this over just dissolving 1/4 tsp salt in a glass of water every morning? Based on your quantities and then taking 1 tsp of the Salt water and mixing with Water that is what I figured it would come out to.

  6. Stephanie Avatar

    I read a description of what makes a supersaturate of salt different from just salt, but haven’t been able to locate it again, yet. It said that the saturation causes an ionization process that turns the minerals into electrolytes, but that contact with metal will de-ionize the sole. This would mean that if you used a metal spoon, the salt would be deionized, once again just salt, without the properties of sole. My picture here is less than complete, if anyone can fill in.

  7. Mishelle Avatar

    It is important to note that any salt can be called “sea salt” but that term alone doesn’t mean it is a natural, unprocessed, whole mineral salt. I exclusively use Celtic Sea Salt because the mineral content is much higher than Himalayan Salt, 17-23% versus 4%. I also read that the mineral balance of the Celtic salt is much more alkaline than the Himalayan.

  8. John Avatar

    Will be making this tonight for trial tomorrow. Does anyone know if this extra mineral content will cause kidney stones?

    1. Erin Shea Avatar

      I have read that it doesn’t cause them but can shrink them and maybe even release them to be passed, and this includes gall stones.

  9. Diane Avatar

    Do you know if the Himalayan Pink Salt sold at Costco is good to use for making this sole solution?

  10. Mike Avatar

    Although I do tend to overthink a lot, I believe that there is information missing in the answer to why this mixture is prepared the way it is. I am having trouble finding the exact solubility of every mineral in natural unprocessed salt, but I can assure you all that it is not equal. When mineral salt is added to water, almost all of it will dissolve, however, as it reaches the maximum saturation, science happens. some monerals will precipitate out of the solution while others will take their place. I have seen mention that the Sole recipe will result in a lower sodium content- but I have not yet seen it explained anywhere in detail. But I do know a few things from studying the ways Gold is suspended in acid and then precipitated out by the addition of other metals. Logically, I believe that the Sole would precipitate out heavy metal contaminants such as lead, arsenic, etc. for certain, and in addition I “think” that the mixture will suspend a more favorable mineral mixture. Overthinking? I don’t think there IS such a thing…however, if I am correct in these theories, it would affect the way we use Sole, if it is all considered. If it is true that unwanted contaminants and unfavorable minerals settle to the bottom of the mixture without dissolving, then it would mean that we do not want to continue adding watter back to the mixture. I think that, for the price of the salt, I will discard the crystals rather than add more water.

  11. Tammy Avatar

    Can i use boiled water? I dont know where to get filtered water. Thanks!

      1. Tammy Avatar

        I made a mistake and put toooo much salt into my 1lt bottle, now the salt takes up about 1/3 of the whole bottle and doesnt seem to get dissolved any time soon :(. Is there any problems with that?

        I have also noticed bubbles at the top of the bottle. Is this still ok?


        1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

          That is totally normal. Just pour the sole off the top for use each day and add more water as you need to. That just means the water is saturated with salt and can’t take on any more.

  12. Lorraine Avatar


    I have started using this just quarter of a teaspoon to start with but I cannot take it easily the taste and water first thing in the morning is proving difficult for me.

    I usually have a hot drink in the morning, dandelion coffee or green tea so having water is challenging but also the taste is not for my liking.

    Any suggestions. Can I add some honey or lemon? Secondly could warm water be used? I am not sure whether sweetness or lemon would affect the properties and good effects or whether warm water would be an issue.

  13. Laurel Avatar

    What ratio do you use of himalayan to Real Salt to Celtic. I have all 3, just wondering what you meant when you said “mostly” himalayan with a little bit of Real Salt and Celtic.

  14. Jen Avatar

    I often wonder how you juggle your duties of taking care of your wonderful family and still have time to operate your AWESOME blog. I have a wonderful husband and 3 extraordinary boys 8, 4, and 1, and I just don’t know where you find the time. I very much appreciate all the time you take to post all this helpful information. It is amazing you me that you have the time to do it. Your blog is one of my “go to” blogs that I really trust and LOVE using for my family. We have been changing our lifestyle the past several years and your blog has definitely helped me with many different recipes etc. Just wanted to say thank you.

  15. pete Avatar

    wow a simple question such as whether the sole should be swirled or not can’t be answered or no bother to attempt… thanks

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      You just scoop off what is at the top or just pour it off, which won’t disturb the mixture at the bottom.

      Your question wasn’t answered immediately because for some reason, my spam filter flagged you, and I can’t spend all day answering comments and checking the spam. Blogging is not my full time job, being a wife and mother is. In fact, when you left your first two comments (7 pm ish my time), I was in the middle of bath and bedtime routine with the kids. When you left this comment, I was sleeping. My blog gets hundreds of comments a day. I do my best to read and respond when I can and yours slipped through the cracks.

      1. pete Avatar

        ok, good to know as i have been swirling the mixture before use.
        i have seen videos on the use of sole and some people swirl it.
        where did you get your information on sole? because there’s mixed information out there and i would like to be certain about the use of it.

    2. Lori Avatar

      Are you paying her? No! This is a great resource & she is doing it voluntarily. Most people have lives & don’t just sit answering questions 24/7. If you can’t be patient, pay $400/hour for someone to answer your urgent questions.

    3. Mary Avatar

      It’s a shame you didn’t bother to take the time to read the previous comments as you would have seen that Katie answered the same EXACT question many, many times.

    4. Marilyn Avatar

      Please explain WHY swirling the sole is not good before drinking? I, too, have seen many instructions to swirl each time before drinking. Thank you.

  16. Leslie Avatar

    Hi, I LOVE your coffee recipe, your chia seed energy bars, and your deodorant & sunscreen recipes, but the Sole is very hard to get down! I just tried it for the first time and couldn’t finish drinking it. Is there any way to make it more palatable? Or can it be taken in small doses throughout the day and still have the same health benefits? I do have to say after drinking only half a cup that I do feel a bit more energized! Thank you for all the great recipes!

    1. Renni Avatar


      You can drink the 1 teaspoon of sole in a glass of water. I drop the 1 teaspoon of sole in 8+ ounces of water. I bought my Himalayan salt from a bulk container in a grocery store, and it is very bitter. There are companies that are coloring salt pink to fool us that it is real Himalayan salt. I read in another post that Real Salt is sweeter than Himalayan Salt. I’m going to try that as well and I’m going to buy it packaged. I think Katie recommended one.

  17. Jeanne Avatar

    I’m curious as to what you would suggest…

    I’ve heard of taking Apple Cider Vinegar on an empty stomach in the morning.
    I’ve heard of taking lemon water in the morning
    I’m taking Bentonite clay water first thing in the morning. (keeps me regular, helps detox, lots of minerals)

    How does this SOLE work among all of these “first thing in the morning” drinks?
    The SOLE sounds appealing b/c I have low blood pressure and I drink lots in the morning during and after my workout.

    Do you think I can mix the Bentonite clay water with a tsp of SOLE? would that work?

  18. Anna Avatar

    Hello Katie,

    Thank you a lot for all your recommendations!

    My question is, if I am also taking a glass of water with apple cider vinegar and a spoon of honey in the morning, should I take sole before or after… and can I take those two things one after another, or should I wait in between?
    Your help will be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!

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