Top 10 Signs & Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Top 10 Signs & Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium deficiency is a widespread problem and some estimates suggest that over 90% of us are deficient. I’ve been writing about magnesium for years, but am even more concerned about this problem lately.

Why Is Magnesium Such a Big Deal?

Magnesium is responsible for over 300 biochemical reactions in the body and impacts blood pressure, metabolism, immune function, and many other aspects of health.

Some experts claim that magnesium deficiency is the single largest health problem in our world today.

Why Is Magnesium Deficiency So Widespread?

There are many reasons that deficiency is so widespread in modern times (even though it wasn’t in the past).

Depleted soil conditions mean that plants (and meat from animals that feed on these plants) are lower in magnesium. Use of chemicals like fluoride and chlorine in the water supply make magnesium less available in water since these chemicals can bind to magnesium.

Common substances that many of us consume daily, like caffeine and sugar, also deplete the body’s magnesium levels…

So does stress.

In other words, the lucky (but small) percentage of the population that lives near the ocean (a good source of magnesium) and eats foods grown in magnesium-rich soil, drinks magnesium-rich water, and doesn’t suffer from stress or consume sugar or caffeine might be ok… but the rest of us might need some additional magnesium.

You Might Be Magnesium Deficient If…

Risk factors for low magnesium vary, but here are some clues that you might need more magnesium:

  1. You’re a sugar addict. (Quick, read this!…)
  2. You take calcium supplements.
  3. You drink soda and other sugary drinks.
  4. You suspect or have been diagnosed with celiac disease or other digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease.
  5. You consume a lot of processed foods and conventional dairy.
  6. You have a water softener or city water.
  7. You have Type 2 diabetes.
  8. You avoid green vegetables, leafy greens, and other magnesium-containing foods.
  9. You are an older adult, and/or take certain prescription medications.
  10. You eat food grown in depleted soils. (Uh, pretty much everyone!)

If you fall in any of these categories, read on!

Calcium = Fuel on the Fire

From my research, I’m convinced that excess calcium is a large part of this magnesium deficiency epidemic and that it contributes to so many health issues.

Here’s why…

While we don’t get enough magnesium, many of us get too much calcium. Calcium is added to many processed foods, dairy or dairy alternatives, and even orange juice.

When calcium levels in the body become too high, calcification can occur. Common sense, but there’s one big reason why this happens…

  • Each cell in the body has a sodium/potassium pump that regulates the balance of minerals inside and outside the cells.
  • Magnesium deficiency keeps this pump from working correctly. With too much calcium, the ratios are skewed, and the pump allows too much calcium into the cells. When there is too little magnesium, even more calcium is allowed into the cells.

Many nutrients come into play in the calcification equation, like vitamins K and D,  but the biggest factor for over-calcification is lack of magnesium.

Magnesium Deficiency Symptoms

Due to the importance of the proper calcium/magnesium ratio in the body and the function of the sodium/potassium pump, magnesium deficiency can lead to:

1. Calcification of the Arteries

Though this is not (hopefully) the first symptom of magnesium deficiency, it can be one of the most dangerous.

Calcification of arteries from low magnesium levels can lead to coronary problems like heart attack, heart failure, and heart disease. Magnesium’s ability to prevent over-calcification is one reason why the Framingham Health Study found that consuming enough magnesium correlated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease.

In fact, half of all heart attack patients receive injections of magnesium chloride to help stop the blood clotting and calcification.

2. Muscle Spasms and Cramps

This was my most noticeable symptoms of magnesium deficiency. Just as calcification causes stiffening of the arteries, it can cause stiffening of muscle tissue as well, leading to cramps and spasms.

I had horrible leg cramps during one of my pregnancies. Potassium didn’t help at all, but magnesium fixed the problem almost instantly (which makes sense in light of the sodium/potassium pump).

Interestingly, muscle weakness caused by low potassium levels is linked to low magnesium (as explained in this American Family Physicians report) and adequate levels of one helps the other.

3. Anxiety & Depression

There is a lot of research showing that magnesium deficiency can have a tremendous impact on mental health. Psychology Today explains one possible reason:

Magnesium hangs out in the synapse between two neurons along with calcium and glutamate. If you recall, calcium and glutamate are excitatory, and in excess, toxic (link is external). They activate the NMDA receptor. Magnesium can sit on the NMDA receptor without activating it, like a guard at the gate. Therefore, if we are deficient in magnesium, there’s no guard. Calcium and glutamate can activate the receptor like there is no tomorrow. In the long term, this damages the neurons, eventually leading to cell death. In the brain, that is not an easy situation to reverse or remedy.

For me, more magnesium means fewer “mommy is stressed” moments with my kids…

4. High Blood Pressure/Hypertension

This is perhaps one of the most well-studied areas of magnesium deficiency. A Harvard study of over 70,000 people found that those with the highest magnesium intake had the healthiest blood pressure numbers.

A follow-up meta-analysis of available studies showed a dose-dependent reduction of blood pressure with magnesium supplementation.

A University of Minnesota study showed that the risk for hypertension was 70% lower in women with adequate/high magnesium levels.

5. Hormone Problems

I personally saw the effects of low magnesium in my hormone levels. The higher the estrogen or progesterone levels in a woman’s body, the lower the magnesium (pregnancy anyone?)

This is also part of the reason why pregnant women experience more leg cramps and women notice more of these muscular type complaints and PMS in the second half of their cycles when progesterone/estrogen are tanking and magnesium is depleted.

Muscle cramps related to the menstrual cycle can also be related to magnesium levels. Dr. Carolyn Dean, author of the book The Magnesium Miracle, often recommends that women with bad PMS and cramps take magnesium early in their cycles before the symptoms begin.

6. Pregnancy Complaints

Related to the hormone problems above, magnesium levels can drastically affect pregnancy health and mood. I noticed this I had tremendously less morning sickness during pregnancy when I supplemented with transdermal magnesium.

Magnesium is also often used to help with pregnancy-related hypertension and muscle cramps, to help ward off preterm labor and to alleviate headaches.

I personally always stuck to transdermal magnesium during pregnancy since it didn’t cause digestive disturbances, at least until I found the brand of oral supplement I now take (see below for both).

7. Sleep Problems

With all of the above symptoms of deficiency, it makes sense that magnesium would have a drastic impact on sleep, but the impact is often immediately noticeable when a person starts taking magnesium.

Dr. Mark Hyman calls it the ultimate relaxation mineral. Magnesium helps relax the body and the mind, which both contribute to restful sleep.

Additionally, magnesium is needed for proper function of the GABA receptors in the brain, and GABA is the neurotransmitter that allows the brain to transition to a restful state.

8. Low Energy

Magnesium is required in the reactions that create ATP energy in the cells.

Let’s flashback to freshman biology for a minute. ATP or adenosine triphosphate is the main source of energy in the cells and it must bind to a magnesium ion in order to be active.

In other words, without magnesium, you literally won’t have energy on a cellular level. This shows up as fatigue, low energy, lack of drive, and other problems.

9. Bone Health

Calcium is always considered the most important mineral for bone health, but it turns out that magnesium is just as important (or even more so!)

In cases of magnesium deficiency, the bones suffer in multiple ways:

  • Vitamin D Absorption: Magnesium is needed for vitamin D to turn on calcium absorption. This is why it is also important to get enough magnesium when taking vitamin D (or magnesium levels can become even more depleted.)
  • Proper Calcium Use: Magnesium is needed to stimulate the hormone calcitonin which draws calcium out of the muscles and soft tissues and into the bones. This helps explain why magnesium helps lower the risk of heart attack, osteoporosis, arthritis, and kidney stones.

10. Other Mineral Deficiencies

Many vitamins and minerals work synergistically and magnesium is a workhorse on this list. It is needed for proper utilization of calcium, potassium, vitamin K, vitamin D, and many other nutrients.

By using magnesium externally, or transdermally (meaning “across the skin”) the body can absorb what is needed without absorbing to much. It is similar to soaking in an Epsom salt bath or in the ocean.

Magnesium Deficiency: The Solution

Though the symptoms seem ominous, magnesium deficiency is actually a relatively simple deficiency for the body to resolve with the right form of magnesium.

Many of the magnesium supplements on the market are pills or solutions taken internally. These can be effective, but can also cause digestive disturbances or stress the kidneys.

Also, experts estimate that magnesium absorption in the digestive system ranges from 20-55%, depending on the source, meaning that half or more of the magnesium leaves the body as waste.

Current research shows that a combination of oral magnesium (if the right form) and topical magnesium is best for boosting low levels.

Oral Magnesium Supplement

This magnesium supplement is one of my favorites and as it is clinically proven to have a high rate of absorption (85%) and a slow-release delivery. It’s formulated to minimize digestive upset and also contains B vitamins.

Dietary Sources of Magnesium

Other real-food dietary sources of magnesium include:

  • dark chocolate (this is one reason we women often crave it)
  • nuts and seeds, especially pumpkin seeds and almonds (soak first if possible)
  • avocados
  • bananas (hmm, I’ll pass)
  • leafy greens such as spinach and chard
  • see below for more ideas!

Topical Magnesium Oil

My other secret weapon is topical magnesium. (I share what it did for me in this podcast episode.)

A solution of magnesium can be sprayed on the skin and the body can absorb what is needed at a much faster rate. The magnesium moves directly into the blood and tissues, replenishing the body’s needed magnesium stores more quickly and bypassing the kidneys.

I’ve shared my recipe for homemade magnesium oil (topical magnesium) and you can also try this Magnesium Lotion.

What I Do

I now use this transdermal magnesium each day and use it on my children. Dr. Mark Hyman of the Cleveland Clinic recommends up to 1,000 mg/day for adults and 4-500 mg/day for kids. We get this amount using the magnesium spray all over our bodies each night before bed.

In addition, I take some type of oral magnesium (Jigsaw Health is also a great option here) and try to consume magnesium-rich foods from organic sources with good soil quality.

For additional information, I shared this short podcast episode on magnesium with additional information.

Do you have any of these signs of low magnesium? Do you think these tips will help?

Top Ten Magnesium Rich Foods

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Terry Wahls, a clinical professor of medicine and clinical research and has published over 60 peer-reviewed scientific abstracts, posters, and papers. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Do you ever struggle with any of these symptoms? Ever tried magnesium to help it out?

10 Signs Of Magnesium deficiency
  1. Aarhus University. (2013, October 4). Research reveals the mechanism of the sodium-potassium pump. ScienceDaily.
  2. Shea MK, Holden RM. Vitamin K status and vascular calcification: evidence from observational and clinical studies. Adv Nutr. 2012;3(2):158-65.
  3. Hruby A et al., Magnesium intake is inversely associated with coronary artery calcification: the Framingham Heart Study. JACC Cardiovasc Imaging. 2014;7(1):59-69.
  4. Sun Ha Jee, et al., The effect of magnesium supplementation on blood pressure: a meta-analysis of randomized clinical trials. American Journal of Hypertension 2012;15(8):691–696.
  5. Zofková I, Kancheva RL. The relationship between magnesium and calciotropic hormones. Magnes Res. 1995;8(1):77-84.
  6. Rude RK, Olerich M. Magnesium deficiency: possible role in osteoporosis associated with gluten-sensitive enteropathy. Osteoporos Int. 1996;6(6):453-61.

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Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


145 responses to “Top 10 Signs & Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency”

  1. Marlene Avatar

    I was wondering if you knew what the difference was between Magnesium Glycinate and Magnesium Citrate? There are so many Magnesium “xyz” options out there. 🙂

  2. Julie Johnson Avatar
    Julie Johnson

    I agree with the great need for magnesium. Another great topical way to get it in your system is with Magnesium massage oil. (Real oil, not a spray!) I use ayurveda as part of my health remedies, and it provides some great options.

    When I use it, I can literally feel my body working better!

  3. Teresa Rey Avatar
    Teresa Rey

    the weston price .org website has in pretty good detail diets of native people of the u.s. and canada . they ate mostly meats and fats and liked a warm drink over plain water. i made a drink like they made from twigs and leaves in boiled water was very good.

  4. Rozanna Avatar

    I too suffered from anxiety. I’m so thankful with the Lord that he has showed me the way to heal. I dont eat grains any more and only do raw milk, I ferment and don’t eat process foods. I learned to breath witch is great for anxiety (there is a CD called progressive relaxation and if you do the exercise everyday you will find it very helpful) When I went to therapy, my therapist worked with a book called ” Dancing with fear” It was very helpful and it help me understand what anxiety is and how to over come it. And the most important thing was and is prayer, God does not want us to be unhappy or sick, and we need to pray for wisdom to know how to take care of our bodies, minds and spirits.

  5. Margaret Avatar

    Hi Katie, I just wanted to thank you for this post, you may have saved my life. I had been feeling unwell, couldn’t sleep, very anxious, clawing at my skin, no motivation, no energy, aches and pains, osteoarthritis crippling me. Most frighteningly, was the rapid pulse that woke me in the night.
    When I saw this post I ordered the EASE straight away, I was desperate. I have been using it now for two months and feel so much better!
    Since then I have found out by accident that one of my medications, Omeprazole, can cause low magnesium levels if taken for more than a couple of months. I have been taking it for 5 years and have never had a doctor check my magnesium levels. No wonder I felt so bad!
    So many things have improved since using EASE I can see how it affects so many organs.
    It just goes to show that we need to take charge of our own health and thoroughly investigate any medication we are to take. I now take organic apple cider vinegar and jarrah active 30 honey for my gastritis.
    Yes EASE is expensive, so is the postage, but can we really put a price on good health? I for one certainly do not think so.

  6. Gina Avatar

    Hi Kristen- sure- at that time my son was around 2 1/2 and he had a speech delay- He would talk but only part of a word- I knew what he was saying but no one else would. Plus he mostly would play by himself. He wouldn’t come to me to ask me to play with him- even if I tried to play with him he wouldn’t engage much. He wasn’t super affectionate either- he would give hugs but not often. He also would have screaming fits like I have never seen before. I used to work in daycare so I was used to being around other children and I went to school for Early Childhood Development too so I knew he was a bit extreme. He had done it since a baby- scream so loud my ears would be ringing. If we went to the park and it was time to go, he would flip out, run away and just through a huge tantrum. He is big for his age and strong- it was hard for me to hold him and help him from hurting himself.

    We started with the clay baths- 1 cup in the bath tub and it felt like a miracle! While he was in the bathtub he was saying words he never said before. He slept so good that night as they say it can make them tired because they are detoxing. I did them 2 times a week. The next day- no tantrum screaming fits. We went to the park and when it was time to go he willingly came to the car no problem! I couldn’t believe it. He said a 4 word sentence that morning and was so affectionate! I felt like I was seeing my son for the first time- who he really was! After a couple weeks we did an internal detox with him. I think it was 1 tsp mixed with 2 oz of apple juice and you do it for 2 weeks- I know we missed a couple doses because he did not like the texture. But now he is talking so well- his checkup he doesn’t have a delay anymore with his speech. He is more focused and when I am asking him to do something he is looking at me and not looking all over the place not paying attention like he used to. The tantrums were like 2-3 times a day – now occasional. I did the baths 2 times a week for 5 weeks and now we do it once a month for general detox. But if I notice his behavior getting out of hand again, I will do a clay bath.

    I started using the EASE magnesium spray that Katie recommended. I put it on my kids feet before bed and I use it. It has helped all of us I think.
    I can understand where you are coming from. That is how I felt with my son. I knew he was in there somewhere- he is very smart even though others would judge him and my parenting because of his behavior. It is frustrating and at times hard to keep calm. You want to help them but don’t know how. I really recommend clay. It has been my miracle for my son.

    If you do go ahead with getting it I would love to hear if it worked- my nephew has ADHD and my sister in law was considering getting it too after I told her our story. Hang in there! I know how you feel! 🙂

    1. Kristen N Avatar
      Kristen N

      Wow. I am amazed with your story. I am beyond happy for both you and your son. I cannot wait to get this clay and try it. I am not sure if some clays are better than others? We will see what happens. My daughter is 15 now and is starting to shy away from taking harder classes, not because she’s not smart enough but because she gets so overwhelmed and disorganized that she stresses until she breaks down and cries. I am open to all things natural. I am currently finding it hard to find a peds dr practicing natural approaches. I feel like if more ppl/ parents understood what real medicine truly is, they would drop their current doctors and run for the hills. It’s sad to see how even though modern medicine has made great strides, that it takes us going backwards to actual achieve proper health. The scary part for all of us searching for natural solutions, is that big pharma and modern medicine profiters do not like it. I pray that me, my children, my grandchildren and great-grandchildren, are able to forever keep our freedom of choice. Thank you for sharing your story.

      1. Gina Avatar

        Completely agree with you about the modern medicine- To answer your question- yes not all clays are the same- do your research especially if you plan to give it to your kids internally! It is hard to find pediatricians- Stand your ground- If they see you aren’t 100% sure -you are just considering some natural methods- they will be more pushy. Yes, I am afraid all our rights are being taken!

  7. Kristen N Avatar
    Kristen N

    I just received my Ease in the mail. I know this might be an irritating question but it was left in my mailbox on a hot day. Do you think that affected the efficacy of the product? Thanks 😉

      1. Kristen N Avatar
        Kristen N

        Thanks Katie 🙂 I’ve started using it on myself the past few nights prior to bed and it does make an amazing difference~ so apparently it’s fine. My oldest has ADD and I am reading about all the nutrient deficiencies that these types have, so I have started her with a few sprays each night as well. Crossing my fingers because she is pretty bad. Thanks for your response, I can’t imagine how busy you are. Mostly, thank you for this information 😉

        1. Gina Avatar

          I don’t know if you tried Living Clay (Bentonite Clay) baths with your daughter-I started doing clay baths with my son who had some red flags leading towards autism and it helped tremendously with his behavior. Helped me a lot too!

          1. Kristen N Avatar
            Kristen N

            Thanks Gina.
            Could I politely ask what types of things you were seeing? And is it any type of Bentonite clay? Because I just purchased some Magnetic Clay through a web link Katie put up awhile ago regarding where to get Mag flakes for the bath. They offer different kinds of “detox” type bathes. Ugh! I am at my wits end with her and my son. It literally makes me feel so overwhelmingly sad that they are struggling like this. They’re both extremely smart…but they are all over the place. It even makes them miserable. Crossing my fingers. Thanks for your help 🙂

  8. Gina Avatar

    Hi Katie- I also have Hashimoto’s and everything started after having my children. I just read this post about magnesium and watched the videos on E.A.S.E website and am convinced this is what started all my health problems. I was just curious how much this helped your health if you noticed a difference in regards to your Hashimoto’s symptoms once you started using E.A.S.E. Also I thought I read a blog about how your son had eczema- did this help with his eczema at all? My son is covered in it and I am wondering if this would help his eczema. Thanks!

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      It did help eczema, but I had to dilute and use in the bath because it burned when I used directly on him. From the Ease, I slept better, constipation went away and skin issues cleared up.

  9. Adam Trainor Avatar
    Adam Trainor

    What a great and interesting post. Each point made is great and full of facts. I’ve learnt a lot from this post which I think a lot of people can benefit from. It’s interesting to know that magnesium can help with anxiety and depression. I have read somewhere before that Omega-3 can also help with depression. Point 7 is definitely an important point and a point that most people would read. It’s common for many people to have sleep problems and I don’t think they realise it’s a lack of deficiency that’s stopping them from sleeping.

  10. mary Avatar

    Very disappointed in the EASE recommended. I placed my initial order with no confirmation email. I thought it didn’t go through until I opened the mail with my order. I just rec’d another bottle today also with no order placed or confirmation. They claim I auto-ordered but even if I did, I still should receive a confirmation email. They said they sent it and it probably went to junk mail. Interestingly enough, they sent the emails to me now and I got them!

    I won’t be ordering with them again. Also, I do not find that the spray really does anything.

  11. Terry Avatar

    I recently began supplementing with magnesium drops. However, I began to experience heart palpitations and anxiety to an extreme degree. When I backed off of the drops, the heart issue subsided. Upon first experiencing this symptom, I thought it was because I needed the magnesium, because these are symptoms of deficiency. Any thoughts? Much appreciated!

  12. April Avatar

    I’ve been using Natural Calm for years to help with sleep and foot cramps. I get awful foot cramps in the night. I started using this about 10 days ago. How fast should I get relief with this? The last two nights I’ve had just awful cramps. I’d spray my whole foot, and it would stop for a minute, then a different group of muscles in my foot would go crazy, and then it would switch feet. It was horrible. I finally drank some Natural Calm. I’m not sure which one helped. The second night I also got in an epsom salt bath, used the spray and drank the Natural Calm to finally make it stop. Both episodes went on for at least 30 minutes. The spray also makes my skin burn, especially when I’ve shaved. I want to love this. I love the idea behind it. I’ve been doing the 30-40 sprays recommended on the bottle for the last 10 days instead of the Natural Calm. I do most of them on my stomach and back, which doesn’t burn like my legs, but it does make little red rash looking bumps. I haven’t had muscle cramps that bad in quite a while.

  13. Blanca Avatar

    Hi Katie, I have learned a lot from your blog, thank you for all the information you share. I have a question about ease magnesium. I am already using it and I feel good, but I was wondering if I could use it on my two years old child?. Thank you for your time!!!

  14. Madison Avatar

    You site the ever important sodium potassium pump as a reason to balance magnesium levels. However the sodium potassium pump has no effect on magnesium calcium levels at all. A sodium potassium pump only deals with two things: sodium and potassium. A sodium potassium pump allows for proper nerve function, aka the firing of nerves so muscles move. This is why muscle cramps can happen, a sodium or potassium imbalance can cause the nerves to not be able to fire properly. I’m sorry to say but the sodium potassium pump is not affected much, if at all, by a magnesium imbalance. While taking magnesium is important for cell function if you have an imbalance, the sodium potassium pump is simply not involved. Magnesium is a proven muscle relaxer and this is why it may have helped with your cramps.

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      Not sure where you got the info (please cite sources) but magnesium does affect the sodium potassium pump… here are a few studies that have been done on it, with quotes:
      “Thus, magnesium deficiency appears to have no effect on the number of sodium-potassium pump sites, but does decrease the activity of the pump. It is suggested that this leads to an increase in intracellular Na+, resulting in a change in the membrane potential, and may contribute to the arrhythmias associated with magnesium deficiency.” (
      “Magnesium plays an important role in a large number of cellular processes by acting as a cofactor in enzymatic reactions and transmembrane ion movements. Magnesium is a modulator of Na,K ion transport systems in numerous tissues. In this study, the interactions between magnesium and Na,K pathways are described. In the paracellular pathway, Na,K transports are generally increased by Mgo. In the cellular pathway, there are various processes: (1) Potassium channels – Mgi blocks the outward currents, first by interfering with the passage of K+ ions and inducing rectification of the channel current-voltage relationship, and secondly by completely blocking the channel pore and reducing the channel open probability; Mgo increases the K+ channel permeability in a leaky membrane. (2) Sodium channels Mgi blocks outward currents in a voltage- and dose-dependent manner, acts as a fast blocker by screening of surface charges, and produces an open channel block in several Na+ channels; Mgo increases Na+ transport in toad bladder and human amnion at high concentration by acting on the driving force of the sodium pump. (3) Na/K pump – Mgi and Mgo stimulate the Na/K exchange at low concentration and inhibit it at high concentration, by a stabilization of E2 forms of the enzyme which would reduce the rate of turnover of the pump. (4) Na-K-Cl cotransport increasing Mgo concentration stimulates this system in red cells and human amnion, and the bumetadine-sensitive K+ transport is sensitive to Mgi (5) KCl cotransport – The increase in Mgi inhibits this cotransport. (6) Na-H antiport – Na/H exchange responds to manipulations of cell magnesium but the effect is probably not a direct one; magnesium is required not for the transport process per se, but for the transduction of the volume stimulus (7) H-K pump – Mg activates this system. (8) Na-Ca antiport – The activity of this antiporter is inhibited by Mgo; the inhibition by magnesium is competitive with calcium. (9) Na-Mg exchange – in this system, the Na+ gradient provides the energy for net Mg2+-extrusion. In conclusion, intracellular and extracellular magnesium may be an important physiological regulator of the sodium and potassium pathways in the cell.” ( Regulation of sodium and potassium pathways by magnesium in cell membranes: Michel Bara1, Andrée Guiet-Bara1 and Jean Durlach. Biology of Reproduction, Université P.M. Curie, quai Saint-Bernard, Paris, France; 2SDRM, Hôpital Saint-Vincent de Paul, rue Denfert Rochereau, Paris, France)
      Full PDF of Effects of Dietary Magnesium on Sodium Potassium Pump: (PDF)

  15. Valerie Avatar

    This may be a good product, but is another subscription scam. Once you pay shipping for your ‘free’ bottle it’s not readily easy to get your subscription cancelled. I was able to chat with their customer service and cancel my subscription, but there should be easier access to your account preferences. Sorry Katie – I have learned a lot from your blog, but I can’t support this one.

    1. Michele Avatar

      Someone recommended this brand (Ease) to me. But after seeing their website and seeing what people are saying – I wouldn’t even order it from Amazon. Companies with great products don’t have websites set up to pull one over on you. You should really reconsider the companies you ally with. You lose credibility with every shoddy recommendation. This is disappointing.

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        I agree that their website is terrible… I’ve actually emailed them to see if I can link to just a basic page without all the video and subscription stuff… It is frustrating because Ease is the only spray I’ve found that doesn’t sting or dry out the skin…

  16. Monica Avatar

    Just received my EASE! No problems ordering and shipping was totally free. Don’t know why people had so many issues ordering…

    Anyway! I’m really excited about starting this on my family. My biggest concern is my toddler, a few months shy of three years old. I know you said you use this (not sure if it’s this particular magnesium) on your little ones. How many sprays do you apply? I wrote the company when I ordered, but have yet to hear from them.

    It says 10 sprays on the abdomen and then two sprays per specific areas of the body. Do I really need to do that much for a toddler?


  17. Joy Avatar

    I really wanted to try the Ease magnesium that you linked to in your blog… I was very disappointed though that I am unable purchase the trial… I was told that since it is a Canadian company, my bank declined the charges! (Called the bank and they won’t take off the block!!) I emailed and used the live chat several times to try and get the free sample but they wouldn’t let me pay any other way (ie. paypal, check etc.)… Do you have any suggestions on another company in the US that sells a comparable product? or am I just going to have to try and make my own? Thanks!

  18. Ang Avatar

    this is not free- you pay postage on the first “free bottle” and then are automatically subscribed to recieving bottles each month.
    Try it if you want but be aware what you are signing up for 🙂

  19. Michelle Avatar

    I am pretty irritated with the company that you linked to in your email/here. I tried ordering the trial/monthly subscription. First the website wouldn’t allow me to enter my credit card info on my phone so I found a computer and after entering my credit card info it took me to a page of special offers that wasn’t fully formed and the only thing you could click was add to cart. I added the cheapest thing thinking I could remove from cart but it took me to another page like this. I chose the cheapest thing again and it took me to a order confirmation page where it has now charged me $200. I quickly typed up an email to the company and then received a subscription notification email where it looks like I have subscribed to this for every month?? So I clicked the cancel my subscription link and instead of taking me to a page about my subscription it just said “subscription cancelled” with a confirmation number. So now I have spent $200, don’t have the subscription I want, I tried the 800 number at this point and was on hold music for a few minutes. I am at work and don’t have time for this mess. I am NOT impressed with my first impression of this company AT ALL.

  20. Kim S Avatar

    Is there a test we can do to see what our magnesium levels are? Besides just noting the symptoms?

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