Is Soy Healthy?

Katie Wells Avatar

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Is Soy Healthy
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Is Soy Healthy?

Soy is a controversial food. I’ve had many people ask me lately about various forms of soy and whether it is really healthy or not.

On one side, some experts say it has numerous health benefits for hormones and cholesterol, as well as being a vegan source of protein and fiber.

On the other side, experts say it is an allergenic food that is often genetically modified. It can also cause thyroid problems.

So who’s right?

This post will explore what soy is, the different types of food that soy is in, and how it might affect health.

What Is Soy?

Soy is a legume, in the bean family, and is often used as a plant-based source of protein and fiber. From the raw soybean, numerous products are made. Common soy foods include:

  • Soy oil
  • Soy meal (for animal feed)
  • Soy milk
  • Soy flour
  • Soy protein
  • Tofu
  • Soy sauce or tamari
  • Tempeh
  • Miso
  • Edamame (whole soybeans)

Soy is traditionally consumed in some Asian cultures but is also a staple of the U.S. agricultural industry. According to the USDA, 94 percent of soybeans grown in the United States are biotech (genetically modified). Most soy produced in the U.S. is for animal feed, but a high volume—43 million metric tons—is exported to other countries, with China being the biggest consumer.

Soy is also found in many processed foods. Soy is one of the “top eight” food allergens and must be declared on labels if products contain any soy.

Even if you don’t overtly eat soy products, it may be found in foods with the following ingredients listed on labels:

  • Soy lecithin
  • Soy protein concentrate
  • Texturized vegetable protein
  • Soy protein isolate
  • Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
  • Vegetable oil
  • Any other phrase containing the word soy

Are There Soy Health Benefits?

Soy contains isoflavones, compounds that give soy its assumed benefits. Soy isoflavones are phytochemicals that are associated with positive effects on risk factors of breast cancer, heart disease, prostate cancer, and blood pressure. However, not all research agrees.

One of the reasons that some experts use as proof of soy benefits is how often soy is consumed in traditional Asian cultures. The assumption is that because many Asian cultures have longevity and don’t have the obesity epidemic, as we do in America, that this must be because of soy.

However, soy alone is not responsible for these health differences. Consider, for example, how often traditional Asian cultures also eat higher amounts of seaweed and seafood compared to traditional American diets. These foods also contain significant health benefits and are often eaten in higher quantities than soy foods.

If you read studies and research done on soy, you’ll sometimes find that those showing overtly positive effects have a conflict of interest. This 2016 review in Nutrients, for example, was funded by the European Soy and Plant-Based Foods Manufacturers Association. Of course those who have a financial interest in selling soy are going to say it’s healthy!

Another factor is that a lot of the research done on soy benefits are animal studies, so the benefits are not necessarily transferable to humans. Human benefits from soy consumption are still widely unknown due to animal research and research funding bias. More human studies need to be done, without conflict of interest, to really understand the potential ups and downs of soy intake.

That being said, soy is not all bad. A 2020 review in Antioxidants presents research that notes the potential for good health effects like lowering LDL cholesterol and reducing mortality from cancer, without being funded by the soy food industry.

Still, the question is: do the benefits of soy outweigh the potential risks from eating it?

Dangers of Soy Consumption

While soy may have some health benefits, there are some serious risks to consider.


Antinutrients are compounds found in legumes and grains that change the way that the gut is able to absorb certain nutrients, like minerals. They can also affect the gut lining and inflammation. Antinutrients are found in soy, beans, and other legumes, as well as grains and some nuts.

Eating a high volume of non-fermented soy foods could result in gut problems, irritation, and problems absorbing certain minerals and vitamins.

Soy isn’t the staple food in Asian cultures that some Americans assume. While it is traditionally consumed, it is often used as a condiment in small quantities. When soy is eaten, it is often fermented, which minimizes the anti-nutrients that soy contains.

Soy is often promoted as an alternative food for those who have celiac disease or are intolerant of gluten, but the antinutrients that soy contains—lectins and phytates—can interfere with gut health and still cause issues. Lectins are proteins found in beans and other similar foods, and unlike some antinutrients, cooking or fermenting does not deactivate them. Anyone dealing with inflammation, leaky gut, or intestinal issues may be susceptible to negative effects from lectins.


Another problematic compound, goitrogens are substances that can interfere with thyroid function. They can block the way that the thyroid takes in iodine, resulting in decreased thyroid hormone production and conversion.

Hypothyroidism is one of the most common health conditions, where the thyroid hormone levels are too low. While Hashimoto’s, an autoimmune disease, is the biggest cause of hypothyroidism in America, inflammation and gut health problems are closely related. The antinutrients found in soy foods can negatively impact the thyroid gland in many ways.

A common alternative formula for babies with allergies is made from soy, but this is problematic for many reasons. A 1990 comparative study from the Journal of the American College of Nutrition found that infants who were fed soy formula had a higher incidence of developing autoimmune thyroid disease. While this research is considered old by today’s standards, newer research from 2004—a Cochrane database systematic review—found that soy formula should not be fed to infants at high risk of food allergy or intolerance.

Turns out, soy proteins affect the gut so much that they can take infants who don’t currently have food allergies and cause inflammatory changes that cause them. While other foods contain goitrogens, like broccoli and cabbage, cooking deactivates them. No amount of cooking or fermentation deactivates goitrogens in soy.


Soy contains phytoestrogens. These compounds mimic the human body’s natural estrogen hormones. Some experts say that these health effects of soy are a good thing, helping women in perimenopause and menopause experience fewer hot flashes as they interact with estrogen receptors.

If you think of the way that soy can have an estrogen-like effect on women, the concern is that it could do the same thing to men or to children. While many studies show that soy is safe and only rarely leads to “feminizing” effects in humans, it is shown more widely to do so in animals. An article from German Medical Science in 2014 noted that animals who are fed soy can experience reduced fertility, stunted sexual development, and behavior changes.

Even if soy is largely safe in humans—and again, many of the studies done have been biased—the fact that the risk exists for testosterone imbalance, infertility, feminization, and sperm changes in men is concerning. Even though some research, as mentioned above, says it can help women with hormone changes, it can also potentially cause problems with ovarian function and even cancer.

Are these risks really worth small potential benefits, when there are so many other whole foods that can lower the risk of health problems?

My take: You don’t need soy to have a nutritious diet.

Environmental Concerns

Soy isn’t great for humans and it’s not good for animals, either. The production of soy is harmful to the environment, too. Most soybeans today—at least 94 percent of them—are genetically modified (GMO) to be resistant to pesticides.

There is not much evidence on glyphosate (the pesticide applied in most conventional farming today) and how it affects human health. This is partly because a lot of money from agricultural food lobbies goes into preventing any type of restrictions on how glyphosate can or can’t be used. That being said, some scientists are concerned about it, although more evidence is needed to present a fully unbiased and evidence-based picture.

Even if you ignore potential specific concerns about glyphosate, the fact that soy products are heavily treated with pesticides is worrying enough for me. That alone means there are concerns for the gut health of both humans and feedlot animals who eat soy-based feed.

Soybean crops are also damaging to soil, as they strip it of nutrients. Foods obtain nutrients from nitrogen-rich soil. When the soil has already been depleted, crops that are grown—even organic ones—are going to be less nutritionally rich.

Should You Avoid Soy Products?

I’m not here to tell you what to do. Everyone needs to make the right decision for their health and their family, but I do not eat soy. I do not feed my children soy. We aren’t allergic, there just doesn’t seem to be any benefits for us. And there is definitely a risk.

If you are going to eat soy products because you’re not allergic or intolerant, or because you follow a vegan diet, make sure you’re only eating fermented soy. Traditionally fermented soy foods, like miso and tempeh, create fewer health challenges. The fermentation process helps to deactivate antinutrients that can cause gut problems—although it does not remove all of them. Soy products should still be eaten in moderation even if they’re organic and fermented.

Soy does not provide a complete form of protein either—containing all essential amino acids. If you are using it as a protein source, consider that you’ll also have to carefully pair it with other vegan sources to ensure you are not missing crucial amino acids.

Ultimately, soy products seem to offer more cause for concern than benefits.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

What are your thoughts? Do you consume soy? Have you in the past? Tell me below!

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


374 responses to “Is Soy Healthy?”

  1. Kel Avatar

    Thanks Katie… your article was most helpful. Our child is allergic to soy and it took us ages to find out how many bought foods had soy in them. As a 2 year old he had eczema so extreme that his entire chest was one large scabby mess. With the removal of soy from his diet we now have a strong, healthy looking child with flawless skin and very happy personality. If he is ever out with friends and eats something with soy in it, we see the sad (or angry) personality come back. Thankfully once it’s flushed through his system, the happy child is back again.
    I’m now a fan of your website 🙂

  2. Fran Avatar

    Just remember: every time you eat an egg, every time you eat chicken, every time you eat beef — you are eating soy because chicken and beef are fed soymeal.

    1. Jake Awake Avatar
      Jake Awake

      Not true all of the time. One can find out what the animal was fed.

      1. Fran Avatar

        Unless your beef is 100% grassfed, it is fed soymeal, not solely but as a percentage. Chickens — they are all fed soymeal. Mary’s Chickens, which are organic or non-GMO, are all fed 35% soymeal –it is stated on Mary’s Chickens’ web site. So if Mary’s Chickens are fed soymeal — how much soymeal do you think cheap chickens ingest?

  3. Jake Awake Avatar
    Jake Awake

    Look, if something has so much negative stuff around it….JUST AVOID IT.
    it does not matter who is right or wrong. It is common sense!
    No person is selling anything. Clearly, people are trying to help YOU.
    Stop trying to be ‘right’ and open your eyes.

  4. Justin Avatar

    A link to your article regarding the dangers of soy was recently sent to me. Even though you wrote it some time ago, I believe it demands comment and I would like to share with you my experiences.
    I am male and 66 years old. Up until ten years ago I followed a meat based diet. I was overweight, suffered from high cholesterol, high blood pressure and experienced cardiovascular problems.
    Acting on the advice of a good friend, I changed to a vegetarian diet that comprised primarily soy protein in the form of meat alternative. Offering a similar taste and texture to meat, this was a really easy way to pursue a much healthier non-meat diet. After only a few weeks my weight reduced substantially and I began to feel considerably healthier. Ten years on my cholesterol levels and blood pressure are normal and I no longer suffer from cardiovascular difficulties.
    Opinion is divided on the effect to health of soy phytoestrogens. Some people believe, like you, that they can be dangerous. Another school of thought is that as they are much weaker than estrogens produced by the body, they provide considerable benefits, especially to post-menopausal women. The belief that phytoestrogens can reduce fertility in men is unsound. One of my good friends has been consuming soy since childhood and is the proud father of a boy aged nine and a girl aged five. Both these children have also been raised on soy protein and they too are in excellent health, showing no signs whatsoever of any physical or mental deficiencies.
    From a personal perspective I find that your criticisms that phytic acids interfere with vitamin and mineral absorption and protease inhibitors block enzymes in aiding the digestion of certain proteins to be totally unfounded. During my ten years of being vegetarian, I have experienced no signs whatsoever of deficiencies in minerals, vitamins or any protein digestion issues.
    You are quite correct in warning of the dangers of GM soy for human consumption; all genetically modified products are dangerous, should be avoided and never consumed. Please consider that if you eat meat, in addition to its high content of saturated fats and cholesterol, you will also consume traces of what the animal has eaten. As well as the genetically modified feed, this will include the massive amounts of growth hormones and antibiotics administered to the animal during rearing.
    I am no scientist and am not qualified to make claims. Personally I regard any health claims with scepticism, as they can be manipulated. They are similar to statistics in as much as they can be cherry picked to prove an individuals’ personal preference one way or the other. Yet I am particularly concerned of anyone making sweeping statements that condemns out of hand the dangers of a food and then fail to give credible evidence to support such a claim; it is so unprofessional. All people are different and have varying tolerances unique to themselves. There are many varieties of food that are potentially hazardous to some of us; a few may have an allergic reaction to soy and they should of course avoid it. Yet the vast majority have no such problem and it therefore is irresponsible to condemn soy out of hand.
    My friend has my enduring gratitude for persuading me to change to a vegetarian soy based diet all those years ago. Even though I am older, I feel so much fitter and healthier in spirit and body. Additionally, none of my vegetarian friends, who have followed a soy based non-meat diet for considerably longer than I, have ever experienced any of the alleged health problems associated with soy.

  5. orn haamer Avatar
    orn haamer

    washington carver use soy to make plastic. do we want to put plastic in our system. the stuff is not natural, so we not suppose to eat it.

    1. Mary Harper Avatar
      Mary Harper

      They may use soy to make all kinds of materials, including plastic. Soy itself is not plastic. Your comment is highly uninformed.

  6. Fern Donaldson Avatar
    Fern Donaldson

    i am a 56 year old woman thathas eaten soya all my life and have no health problems at all
    neather dose my husbad or my three chilldren aged 33, 26 and 29 lots of my freinds are also vegan and eat soya and have all their lives and none of them are reasnebly healthy.

    I can simply say that soya dose not give you any health problems at al as it is just an opinion.

  7. Ella Avatar

    This article is really upsetting….Might want to look into the chemistry of your claims against soy. The fact is the countries that consume the most soy products have less Alzheimer’s disease, less cancer, less heart disease etc. Why? Because the plant estrogens in soy protect the brain and are a buffer for women especially through aging as their estrogen levels drop. Soy has no ill effect on men either. Its a plant estrogen not an animal estrogen and unless your lacking estrogen it will not be received by the estrogen receptors in the body. People need to look at the science end of these things and stop jumping on the “anti soy” “anti gluten” bandwagon. Its like all the other trends that the food and drug industry makes a killing on. Do your research before you believe anything and if you don’t want to get cancer eat like the people who don’t get cancer…no dairy, lots of soy, high fiber whole food plant based diet, a small amount if any lean meat and no processed garbage. Simple.

    1. Vilian Avatar

      Well said! Your response has been one of the most accurate I’ve read on this site.

  8. Nicole Avatar

    I’m not sure if anyone has asked this or not, but Is this article in reference to GMO soy or non-GMO soy? Is non-Gmo soy just as harmful?? And may I find out where you get your information? I will need references if the non-gmo are bad for a study I’m doing and I can not find any info on it,
    Thank you!!!

  9. Paula Adams Avatar
    Paula Adams

    Those who think you are in cahoots with the USDA crack me up! If they had their way, we’d all be eating soy and grains. Eat more fat, meat and eggs! NO soy or soybean oil. Your body will thank you.

  10. Leah Avatar

    I think that nowadays it is so easy to find information on foods and certain diets etc. The internet has brought a wealth of information to our finger tips, making it less time consuming than ever before to check up on our chosen eating habits. However, it has made it no less confusing! There are many conflicting studies which can make it difficult for people to decide what they think is best for them.

    Personally I think that (especially if you have a family), you owe it to yourself to do the research. However, we don’t all understand the scientific language that is used, which is why many people will rely on blogs to translate the findings in something readable and accessible. It can be very frustrating to want to take responsibility for your health but be so confused, overwhelmed and conflicted about which is the ‘best’ way.

    Personally I don’t condemn anyone for their diet choices. I think that every body is different. One diet which one body will thrive on, can make another very sick. As well as reading up and trying to make the best choices from there, what FEELS right for you is really important. Pay attention to your body tells you. Meditation can help you achieve this.

    I realise this isn’t so easy when you have kids – you only SEE the effects of a diet after they are quite established. Parents worry about all the ‘hidden’ dangers and the unseen damage their choices may cause. As new research comes out, I can imagine many parents beating themselves up ‘forever’ for the decisions they made. Do try not to! We can only try our best guys!

    Educate, read both sides, listen to your body, do what you can within your budget and remember that your mind can often counter many effects of illness. It is a very powerful tool. Teaching this to your children is probably one of the most beneficial things you can do.

    I would like to see people relax a little about their diets and not argue so much about what is ‘best’ thinking that this applies to every one. Everything in moderation. Accept that others thrive in environments and on diets you couldn’t. Remember that the mind is a very powerful tool too – not just your diet. If you are getting uptight about getting every aspect of your diet perfect then this is not good for you either.

    Good luck everyone in finding what works for YOU best. Please don’t judge others for their ways. Live and let live!

  11. Mary Harper Avatar
    Mary Harper

    I really appreciate your blog and have made some of the skin care recipes that you share here. The information shared here is right up my alley. BUT, Is there some kind of blogging backdoor where you don’t feel inclined to show references to your opinions? I understand the excellent vehicle to sharing of information and the conversations that are born from your posts, but I don’t have time to read all 200 comments. It would be really appreciated, from one writer to another if you could reference you work, so that readers could easily find cross-reference material. Cheers, and thanks again.

  12. Robert Avatar

    I’ve been a vegetarian for over 30 years. I eat tofu daily. I also make my own organic soy milk and make Ocara burgers from the soy rufage. My blood tests show no mineral or protein deficiency. From what I’ve read phytoestrogens fool the body into thinking it has enough real estrogen so it it stops producing its own estrogen thus preventing estrogen dominance. If you have allergy to soy, gluten or whatever. do NAET.

  13. Bonnie Humphrey Avatar
    Bonnie Humphrey

    Hi there, great article! I had been wondering a lot of this stuff for a long time, although, as a genetics major I have to step in at ” There is some evidence that this gene can mutate and create a pesticide-like toxin in the body.” – that is impossible. Genes do not survive digestion, there is no way! They are broken down to their smaller constituents just like protein and any other food we put into our body, the mutating genes thing can scare everyone and it’s best to know that a gene which is functional in a plant cell can in no way mutate and operate an animal cell, especially after being broken down into mere nucleobases 🙂

  14. Chelsea Avatar

    Hey wellness mama,
    I also do not eat soy, but I do use non GMO soya butter in my body butters and skin products, from what I have read it has been known to have amazing benefits for skin, it has a very creamy and soft consistency and make a great skin moisturizer. I know you
    Also make body products. Would you say that soya butter is beneficial for skin?

  15. Gobo Avatar

    Soy is healthy. Have you ever wondered what industries stand to loose the most if soy is an accepted source of protein, and if these industries are somehow responsible for promoting misinformation about soy? I’m not talking about Katie, but sometimes well intentioned people pick up these myths and spread them.

    Is it safe to eat soy:

    Phytates are not an issue:

    Phytates have health benefits:

    Soy myths and information.

    Some soy studies:

  16. Antonina Avatar

    What is your view on organic soya milk ( I am in the UK)
    I have been told to eat tofu and drink soya milk to regulate the hormones as I am going through menopause. What do you say about that?
    Many thanks!

  17. Ashley Avatar

    Soy isn’t as bad as it is currently being made out to be. Actually, it is a complete protein as it contains all 9 essential amino acids, including Methionine. Cysteine on the other hand is a non-essential amino acid meaning our bodies make them, and therefore does not contribute to being considered a complete protein.

    As for the phytoestrogens, isoflavones, yes it does contain them & can mimic them but the amounts are nowhere near the amount of the hormone that is produced in women’s bodies (so need to be worried men out there that have consumed soy in the past). Studies have actually shown that it may help to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men. In women, some studies have been found to reduce the risk of breast cancer & in others it has been found to increase the risk. There are so many factors that research at the moment is inconclusive.

    Overall, if your going to change your diet, including new foods or excluding new foods, consult with a registered dietician especially if you have specific needs.

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