Does Flossing Really Reduce Gum Disease and Cavities?

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Does Flossing Really Reduce Gum Disease and Cavities?

For most of us, our parents ingrained the importance of brushing our teeth and flossing from a young age. Many of us feel guilty as adults for failing to do both every single day.

Flossing is one of the most common and accepted general health recommendations. It’s right up there with the importance of eating vegetables, drinking water, and getting regular exercise.

Yet, how many of us have actually researched the benefits of daily flossing?

Adults told us to do it from such a young age that we assume it’s beneficial to do it daily. But is it important?

I was a daily flosser for years upon the recommendation of my dentist, but since converting to more natural oral health options, I’ve wondered how important it is.

Flossing for Health Is Under Investigation

The internet is still abuzz with debate on the importance of this recommended daily practice after the 2016 publication of an AP News article called “Medical Benefits of Floss Unproven.”

Did you miss that one? Are you surprised?

After all, TV and the internet are still full of ads and articles promoting flossing for good oral health. You’ll still likely get a free sample of it the next time you go to a dentist.

Dental recommendations haven’t changed since this article came out.

Despite the sensationalist headline, that article didn’t conclude that flossing is necessarily bad, just that there may not be any scientifically-proven reason to do it.

Let’s look at the logic of this practice and then the actual research to see what science says about it.

The Logic of Flossing

At first glance, it seems to make perfect sense. Food gets stuck between teeth. Floss removes this food. Thus, this is a good daily habit.

While that may technically be true, taking care of your oral health isn’t quite so simple. After all, there’s also the issue of bacteria in the mouth, between the teeth, and in the gums.

Now, not all bacteria are bad. Some of it is actually protective—just like in your gut. But certain bacteria (referred to as pathogenic bacteria) contribute to cavities and gum disease. It is well documented that Streptococcus mutans is the main cause of dental decay. Various lactobacilli are associated with the progression of the lesion.

In other words, the Streptococcus mutans species of bacteria is associated with dental decay. Certain lactobacilli species contribute to making the cavity worse. Bad breath can be an indicator that your oral bacteria are out of balance.

Bacteria Lead to Cavities and Gum Disease

Dentists explain that cavities and gum disease occur in this way:

  • Plaque forms in the mouth when we eat sugars and fermentable carbohydrates.
  • The plaque creates acid, which leads to mineral loss on the surface of the tooth.
  • In a healthy mouth, the saliva will replenish the minerals on the teeth, and teeth will remain strong. This is also why diet is essential, as the body must have enough minerals to supply saliva.
  • If a person consumes sugars and simple carbohydrates regularly, the minerals on the tooth can’t be replenished each time. The plaque builds up and creates acid that maintains a low pH (acidic) environment in the mouth.
  • This creates an optimal environment for bacteria like S. mutans and allows them to take hold, eventually leading to cavities and gum disease.

Does It Help Reduce Bacteria in the Mouth?

This is an important question when it comes to flossing. If the acid > sugar > bacteria equation is the reason for cavities and gum disease, stopping these bacteria is very important for avoiding problems in the mouth.

But does it actually help?

According to dentist Reid Winick, DDS, it isn’t effective at removing this bacteria, and doing it daily may actually make things worse! He explains that it doesn’t affect these pathogenic bacteria in the mouth and that when they multiply, they can affect the body in many ways:

“If these pathogenic bacteria grow out of control and enter our bloodstream, they can be transported through the body and cause inflammation. Chronic inflammation of any source leads to chronic disease. Failing to take care of your teeth may set you up for a range of serious medical issues such as heart disease, diabetes, preterm birth delivery, Alzheimer’s, and even inflammatory cancers like breast and pancreatic cancer.”

But flossing won’t fix the problem. In fact, he argues that the idea is laughable:

“Don’t be fooled, flossing is not the answer! To me, it’s common sense. How can you kill an infection with a piece of string, especially if it can’t reach the bottom of the pocket where the infection lives?”

The Stats:

  • Approximately 98.4% of adults report to their dentist that they floss regularly when asked.
  • Approximately 60.5% of those people are lying.
  • Also, 68% of statistics on the internet are made up, at least according to Abraham Lincoln.

All joking aside, when you start looking at the research, the “well-documented” benefits don’t stand up to scrutiny. This doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s bad or not helpful, just that it deserves a closer look.

A Closer Look

The recent article that examines the evidence for flossing does so because the two most recent versions of Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015-2020 and 2020-2025) make no mention of it. In the past, flossing has been part of their recommendations but was noticeably missing in the most recent updates.

So what happened?

The law requires experts to base these guidelines on well-documented scientific evidence. A few years ago, the Associated Press requested documentation from the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of Agriculture about the benefits of flossing.

Instead of responding, the experts simply removed the recommendation from the guidelines for 2015-2020 and left it out again in the most recent one put out in 2020.

In other words, the government’s official health and nutrition publication, Dietary Guidelines for Americans, no longer recommends flossing.

The Research

The Associated Press examined the actual research. They looked at 25 studies that compared brushing alone or brushing and flossing and found that there was very little evidence for doing both—with a large potential for bias.

“The majority of available studies fail to demonstrate that flossing is generally effective in plaque removal,” said one review conducted last year. Another 2015 review cites “inconsistent/weak evidence” for flossing and a “lack of efficacy.”

So, it doesn’t even necessarily remove plaque.

In fact, in recent years, several reviews have looked at the available research about flossing and attempted to determine if there was a benefit or not.

Recent Studies & Reviews

  • The first review looked primarily at children up to age 13. This review determined that children who had their teeth flossed by a trained dental hygienist at least five times a week noticed a 40% reduction in cavities and gum disease. Unfortunately, this reduction was not present in kids who did it on their own. Since most of us don’t have trained dental professionals to floss our teeth for us daily, the study concluded that its benefits were undocumented or limited at best.
  • The second review out of Amsterdam looked at available studies and determined: “In light of the results of this comprehensive literature search and critical analysis, it is concluded that a routine instruction to use floss is not supported by scientific evidence.”
  • The third and final review in recent years was the biggest to date: “Twelve studies, encompassing nearly 1,100 subjects were deemed suitable. Flossing was found to yield statistically significant reductions in levels of gingivitis and plaque buildup. However, the reductions were minuscule, almost to the point of being unnoticeable. And in regard to reducing plaque, the authors deemed the evidence to be “weak” and “very unreliable.”

So, what can we do to avoid these problems if flossing isn’t all that beneficial for reducing bacteria, cavities, or gum disease?

Other Ways to Reduce Bacteria

Thankfully, while flossing may not be as helpful as we once thought, it’s still useful in food removal. If you’re environmentally conscious, opt for the original natural silk version rather than the modern nylon version.

Beyond brushing and flossing, there are other ways to keep the mouth healthy. Aside from brushing with a good natural toothpaste and flossing with silk, you can try these alternatives:

Oil Pulling

This is one method I’ve been personally doing for years. Since adopting this practice, I have seen a definite reduction in plaque and tooth/gum sensitivity.

The name is a bit misleading, but it is essentially the process of using oil as a mouthwash. This post explains how to do oil pulling, but it involves swishing an oil such as sesame or coconut oil in the mouth for up to 20 minutes (sometimes with added essential oils).

This is beneficial because it reaches between teeth. The oil may help penetrate and break down the plaque. Additionally, oils like coconut oil can kill the S. mutans bacteria that lead to tooth decay. This makes oil pulling a great addition to your oral care routine.


I’ve seen several dentists write articles suggesting mouthwash as an alternative since the AP article. They point out that mouthwash (like oil in oil pulling) can reach between teeth and the edges of the gums.

For this reason, mouthwash can reach bacteria that floss can’t. Companies design it to kill bacteria in the mouth. (Here’s my own herbal mouthwash recipe if you’re interested in making it yourself to maintain some of your mouth’s biome.)

To be clear, most dentists still recommend flossing but suggest adding mouthwash or another method, like interdental cleaners, to the mix as well.

Oral Irrigation

Oral Irrigation is another method that can help address bacteria in the gums and between teeth. My own dentists recommended it when I was younger and I used a Water Pik for years.

Like mouthwash, the idea is that the water can reach between teeth and into gums to address bacteria in the mouth.

Bottom Line: Does Flossing Matter?

While it may not be quite as important as we once thought, it’s still beneficial for food stuck between teeth. In light of the recent research, we can probably stop feeling guilty if we don’t floss every single day. Still, it’s a good idea to avoid food particle buildup leading to the growth of pathogenic (“bad”) bacteria and infections.

In that case, it’s good to be aware of proper techniques. If you’re not quite sure how to do it, here’s what the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends (it requires just a bit of dexterity):

  1. Break off about 18 inches of floss. Take it and wind it around one of your middle fingers. Do the same on your other hand.
  2. Hold the floss up tightly between your thumbs and index fingers.
  3. Gently glide the string between your teeth, but don’t snap it into your gums.
  4. When you get to the gum line, curve it into a C shape against one tooth. Slide it gently into the space between the gum and the tooth.
  5. Hold the floss tightly against the tooth and rub against the side of the tooth, moving it away from the gum. Use up and down motions. Repeat with the rest of your teeth, making sure to slide against all tooth surfaces.

It may also be a great idea to add oil pulling or mouthwash to address specifically pathogenic bacteria like S. mutans in the mouth.

How to Get The Right Type of Floss

The type you use matters. You don’t want to be putting petrochemicals and other toxins like Teflon, common in larger, well-known brands, into your delicate gum tissue. Remember, what goes on your skin and the inside of your mouth gets into your bloodstream.

For that reason, you’re not going to want to pick up regular floss from your local grocery store or drugstore. It’s important to know the ingredients that make up your dental products. After all, you’re putting them in your mouth!

If you’d like to add a completely natural, biodegradable dental floss to your daily oral hygiene routine, we’ve got you covered. Wellnesse now carries a silk floss that’s coated with natural candelilla wax (derived from a plant) and flavored with real antibacterial peppermint oil.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Steven Lin, who is a Board accredited dentist trained at the University of Sydney. With a background in biomedical science, he is a passionate whole-health advocate, focusing on the link between nutrition and dental health. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or dentist.

Share with us! Are you a daily flosser? What do you think of this new information on dental health? 

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


72 responses to “Does Flossing Really Reduce Gum Disease and Cavities?”

  1. Kristen Anzaldo Avatar
    Kristen Anzaldo

    Please, do not use acv on your teeth. You need something to balance the ph of your mouth. Not make it a more acidic environment! Flossing only cleans surface area if one has the forever technique down, as well as easily aligned teeth. Most simply cannot work their hands in their mouth around all those small tooth areas, especially in the back. Oral irrigation is hands down the best thing you could do for your mouth. Oil pulling is also great, but irrigation is quick, gets BELOW the gumline, which is what we need. Debris and bacteria build up beneath the gums. Aside from toothbrushing, which can only reach so far, this is the best thing to invest in. Flood is great to use to remove food that is stuck.
    With irrigation you have a lot of options, from using water, to using iodine, baking soda, etc in with the water. Stuff to treat infections and kill bacteria.

    1. Sarah Klaudt Avatar
      Sarah Klaudt

      If you add ACV to a mouth already full of baking soda, the two will cancel each other out (one being alkaline, the other acid). In this case, the ACV cannot damage your teeth. The laws of chemistry prevent it.

  2. Erin Avatar

    Just like with diet, there is no one size fits all answer. I have never been a flosser and have never had any decay or a single cavity in my entire life (I’m now 43). Perhaps my genes provided me with strong enamel, perhaps my diet has supported oral health, who really knows. As a child, my mother refused flouride treatments and went out of her way to provide drinking water free of flouride. Your typical dentist would say I was a prime candidate for tooth decay and gum disease based on these factors alone.

    We all need to try out different approaches and see what works best for us, with a strong dose of evidence based inquiry. It’s likely flossing will not be the end all be all of a healthy mouth. But it is worth questioning the conventional wisdom, especially if the science is not there to support it AND we don’t see any results in our own mouths.

  3. Lesya S Kulick, DDS Avatar
    Lesya S Kulick, DDS

    The article on flossing is misleading. It is important to understand bacteria and their process in the tooth decay and gum disease process. I always recommend the water pik as an adjunct tool, that is quite effective, however disregarding flossing as an effective mechanism for prevention of disease is a mistake. With flossing you are looking to disrupt the biofilm that bacteria form as a defensive mechanism against chemical attack. You cannot do that with rinsing techniques. Of course, you can reduce the amount of biofilm that accumulates based on your sugar content of your diet. However, lesions that are seen predominantly in the general population are in between the teeth. That is why this article is so dangerous. As related to gum disease, flossing, again, disrupts the accumulation of the biofilm that leads to a succession in the bacterial population. It is important to understand succession and the change in the oral environment the bacterial pioneers can produce in order to select for the more aggressive, toxic bacteria that can cause pocketing and gum disease. It is dangerous to release an article against flossing without doing a bit of research on the complexities of the bacterial balance or imbalance that can result from an improper diet correlated with a lack of proper oral hygiene. Being years in the clinical field, I can say that the vast population does not floss and complains about having cavities in between the teeth. Yet the 90 year old woman who flosses every day has not lost one single tooth in all her years.

    Thank you for reconsidering your post on flossing.

  4. Cece Avatar

    Wellness Mamma turned me on to oil pulling a long time ago. Two or three years now.
    I have had gum disease for most of my life. The damage that dentists have done to my teeh is sad. Never giving me true advice as to how to stop the disease.
    Ever since I went with natural home made products my gum desise is gone.
    What is crazy is that at times I will have to use regular tooth paste, as soon as I do my gums flair and start giving me problems.
    I am 60 years old. Over the years denists have done undo damage to my teeth a nd gums all for sake of money. I have not seen a denist in over 5 years..
    I use my own tooth paste, I do oil pulling and only FLOSS as needed. I have a number of other homemade ways of handling other tooth problems also.
    Even though a denist can tell that I have had gum disease they can’t figure how I revered it. I tell them but they don”t like what I tell them as it willl not help their pocket book.
    My gums , teeth, mouth and breath have never been healthier. I really feel I am on the right track.
    Follow Wellness mama’s ways of taking care of your teeth. You will be very happy you did. Do the research. You will find what you have been told over the years could actually be a form of brain washing. So sad.

  5. Sree Avatar

    Thank you Wellness Mama, for this great article. I am not a regular flosser and neither lie to my doctor. During my last cleaning visit I enquirer about oil pulling and talked about its benefits, but my doctor was totally against it. She said it would create a barrier and they will not be able identify the issues sooner or than later. (Oil pulling hides any periodontal disease at early stage) I am totally confused as to what to follow now. I would really appreciate your thoughts/comments on this.

  6. Mary Avatar

    A couple months ago I started using baking soda and a bit of pink Himalayan salt (supposedly helps remineralize the teeth) mixed with a tiny bit of water and a drop or two of peppermint essential oil to brush. I had tried oil pulling a couple of mornings, but I just couldn’t commit my morning time to that, honestly. Lol. So the other day I had an epiphany. Instead of using baking soda and water to make a “paste”, why not mix the baking soda and coconut oil (plus the salt and peppermint)?!? So far so good. Doesn’t taste wonderful, I’m not going to lie, but it seems to be working. Also, an added bonus is that baking soda whitens teeth and I find coconut oil does, to some extent, as well! Yeah…my teeth have not looked whiter/brighter in FOREVER.

  7. Terri Edwards RDH Avatar
    Terri Edwards RDH

    As a Dental Hygienist who has been practicing for 27 years I have to disagree with this new information on flossing. I see hundreds of patients and believe me, there is a great difference in those that floss and those that don’t! Bleeding gums, higher instance of caries, bad breath and periodontal disease are some of the things I see consistently in non-flossers. Those who floss at least 3 times per week have far fewer issues. I also recommend a Waterpik as those patients do better as well. The inflammation that occurs in the mouth due to the bacteria is well documented and research has shown that this affects the entire body. In my opinion patients who do not clean the area between their teeth are just asking for problems down the road. Floss your teeth 😉

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      I understand what you are saying and admire your commitment to your patients, but that is all anecdotal evidence, and the study specifically found no actual evidence that flossing is beneficial. There could also be a completely different correlation that is the actual reason. Years ago, a study found that children in households with many books available tested better and were considered more intelligent. After further research, they found that it actually had nothing to do with the books at all, but rather that parents with higher IQs tended to have more books and they also tended to have genetically smarter children. In the same way, they’ve found that flossing doesn’t stop cavities, but of course, it may have its place. Waterpiks are an entirely different thing and more similar to oil pulling, which can affect the S mutans bacteria depending on the oil used. For what it is worth, my own dentist is young and has researched all of this in depth. When I asked him about it, his response: “I don’t floss.”

  8. Rebecca Avatar

    Hi there 🙂 There’s a great oral probiotic called BLIS M18 when helps greatly with oral/dental health 🙂

  9. KennyDee Avatar

    I used to hate to floss. Never got the technique down. But when I found Plackers, those little flossy loop things with picks on the other end, my life was changed. My teeth are terrible, so no amount of flossing will save mine, bus as I get older I have the need to simply remove uncomfortable debris from between my teeth after certain meals.

    I read this article about the the flossing misinformation from another web site link a couple weeks ago and was very surprised. Goes to show you the government cant be trusted and they only changed this guideline when the AP actually did some digging rather than what they usually do (AP=Assisting Progressives).

    The same government told you eggs were killing you and so was saturated animal fat…and got a generation of people eating trans fats…then admitted butter is actually good for you in the right balance of life, and eggs are a super food! The same government has people losing their minds about salt and eating terrible…bland food. What a waste of a lifetime living without salt in food, and even not good for you when people take restricting salt to unhealthy levels. Might as well go vegan…sorry…I know that will inflame a lot of die hard vegans here…but did you hear the Italian government wants to make it punishable for parents to restrict children to vegan diets in some circumstances? Yep, it can be considered malnutrition. I believe it, many vegans I have known do not look that good and their breath is terrible. Aren’t those Mediterraneans supposed to know how to live long? Yep, and they eat cured meats too. Its all about moderation, not elimination.

    I saw a homeopathic health woman on TV one time with some really cool alternatives to stuff. She changed my brushing for life. Now I use baking soda (those old timers weren’t so ignorant after all) and after spitting, before rinsing add a shot of cider vinegar and swish real good. The baking soda foams with the vinegar and really gets in to those spots. Spit, but dont rinse right away, let that vinegar work on that bad bacteria with the baking soda. My breath has never been better. Even with bad teeth.

    1. Melody Avatar

      KennyDee your post was the most “make sense” that I’ve heard in a all the research I’ve done about going natural. I love ACV but don’t use it enough. Going to start to use it more now. Thank you for sharing. This is a great website with so much good info. I try to pass it along as much as possible.

    2. Susan Avatar

      My only concern is the acidity of the vinegar eroding your teeth. What about just using baking soda just by itself??

  10. Skye Avatar

    Katie, do you recommend a brand of mouthwash for us who can’t do a DIY right now?

  11. Karen Avatar

    I’m surprised at this article and research. Flossing doesn’t kill bacteria, but- that’s not the reason to use it. It helps remove food particles and also plaque that starts to build up right around the 24 hour mark after the last flossing and brushing, so flossing once a day is ok- (you don’t have to be strict about flossing twice a day- although a lot of dentists will disagree.) The amount of “white sticky stuff- the pre-plaque” will build up faster in people with certain kinds of saliva, like me. I have to get my teeth professionally cleaned every six months. My husband, on the other hand, can go a couple years, literally, he has very little plaque.. (So don’t blame yourself if your fight against plaque seems like a losing battle.) But the main reason to floss is because it relieves bad breath. If a person brushes without flossing, you can look in the mirror and see food particles still in-between teeth, or the white sticky plaque which will start to smell in a day or so if not removed. The same smell as food that would eventually rot if not kept in the fridge. You may notice when getting a tooth drilled for a filling that there is a rotten smell sometimes. That is old food in between the teeth that has rotted. When my dentist told me that, I felt embarrassed, and now I make it a point to floss.

    1. Sue Avatar

      I think you might be confusing plaque with tartar (calculus). Plaque is the soft “white sticky stuff” made up primarily of a biofilm of polysaccharides and bacteria that can be removed by brushing, flossing, interdental brushes or picks, water irrigators, etc. When plaque becomes mineralized, it turns to the hard tartar that can only be scraped off with an instrument. Some people do build up more tartar despite their best efforts due to many factors such as diet, genetics, or the mineral content and buffering capacity of their saliva. It truly isn’t fair!

  12. Jim Avatar

    And how many on this site actually believe anything in the American Dietary Guidelines? What they have none for the American people other than create generations of disease?

    1. Sydni Avatar

      My thoughts exactly! They are not near being a reliable source of information that will promote/better our well-being. Seems like they, as well as most, if not all, other government-based research/guidelines/associations, has an agenda that is nothing like our own.

  13. Mariana Avatar

    For a long time I have honestly tried to floss everyday, but just can’t get it to a habit. This kind of questioning of whether it is really effective has been recurrent in my mind from time to time. I concluded that floss is a positive thing when you think about removing stuck stuff from between your teeth. I know my teeth. I know which of them have a gap in between, which needs extra care to make sure is really clean. Some others never get anything stuck. As for cleaning up bacteria, I agree with Dr. Winick that you can’t expect killing bacterial infection with a string.
    Actually, when tried to floss everyday, every single tooth, I noticed my gums are much proner to bleeding.
    So now I am a happy once-in-a-while-or-according-to-the-need flosser, rather than an everyday flosser. 🙂

  14. Laura Avatar

    I’ve never glossed and definitely don’t lie to my dentist about it. What I do do is use a Sonicare toothbrush. Been doing it for about 20 years and never had a cavity or any other tooth issues except for a spot that food gets stuck behind a wisdom tooth that never fully emerged. My teeth are so good that my dentist only wants to see me every few years now. I’ll never give up this brush.

  15. cass Avatar

    I have oil pulled for 5 minutes at a time successfully. As for the flossing, since my hands are twisted from arthritis, I floss using a long handled Reach brand floss. It doesn’t happen daily but several times a week is better than none at all.

  16. Bethany Avatar

    This is very interesting. I am (honestly!) a daily flosser, and have been for years. I can’t go to bed without brushing and flossing. However, I’d love to have one less thing to do! I’ve really got to try oil pulling…I’m just so darn lazy 🙂

  17. Debbie Avatar

    The last time I went to the dentist my hygienist asked me what she could do for me. I replied, “Don’t yell at me for not flossing.” She laughed so hard she had to wipe tears away. I’m not an avid flosser and never have been.

  18. Christa Avatar

    Very interesting info–as a retired dental hygienist I could always tell who flossed and who didn’t. The condition of the gums was very different. People who didn’t floss bled a lot when receiving their cleaning.People who flossed bled very little. And with the over the counter mouthwashes, they are designed to kill bacteria. They don’t differentiate between the good and bad bacteria. There is bacteria on our skin and in our oral cavity that is there for a positive reason.

    I’m not saying their research is inaccurate but I only know what I observed when I was in practice full time.

    1. Kelly Avatar

      I would have to agree with you. Flossing does help the conditioning of the gums. I have Lyme’s and during flares, I sometimes feel so bad that brushing is about all I can manage. When I get to feeling better, my gums bleed for a few days during flossing but then they get much better. There has to be some benefit to flossing.

    2. Judy Avatar

      I actually floss everyday and my gums still bleed like crazy when I go to the dentist. My dentist was impressed I flossed so well but as soon as I started bleeding he handed the job to someone else.

    3. Stephanie Avatar

      This good vs. bad bacteria in the mouth is something I read about recently. It is very intriguing based on my knowledge of the gut and the good bacteria needed. I too worry about mouth washes because of this argument. I have a son who is only 6 and we are struggling with decay and though our diet isn’t perfect, I feel it could be much worse. My other son doesn’t have this problem. I was thinking of starting mouthwash, but am so confused.

      1. Susan Avatar

        To Stephanie: Some people are more prone to decay than others. I am one of those people and am a dental hygienist. Check with your dentist for ways to help him. Also he has to be very good about diet and brushing. I am a daily flosser and it has helped me tremendously. Children can be much different. There is a lot of alcohol in some mouthwashes so be careful. I know that fluoride is controversial but, has been a lifesaver for people that are prone to decay. Just my thoughts.

    4. KennyDee Avatar

      Dental Hygienists are masochists!

      Just Joking!

      But you cant feel my pain…I can tell when you are cleaning my teeth!

    5. Leisel Shupe Avatar
      Leisel Shupe

      What is the significance of bleeding a lot or a little while getting your teeth professionally flossed? Does losing a tad more blood every 6 months impact our overall health significantly?

      1. Susan Avatar

        It isn’t normal to bleed!!! If your eyes bled, your nose, any part of your body, that would be cause for alarm, wouldn’t it??? No different for ones gums!!! Would you want swollen, bloody, stinky limbs or healthy ones?? Have you ever smelt someone’s breath with gingivitis or gum disease??? I have. ???????

        1. Ashley Avatar

          Maybe the gums bleed because we are unnaturally irritating them with some random object (string, toothbrush, etc.)… Just saying, we don’t go poking our eyes or noses with random things…

  19. Teresa Avatar

    I imagine another value of flossing is stimulating the circulation in the gums. Couldn’t hurt! I’ve become a regular flosser and have not had success with oil pulling as the thought of holding warm anything in my mouth for 20 minutes, swishing it around grosses me out!

  20. Steve Avatar

    One of the problems with using mouthwash is so many of them have glycerin, just as most toothpastes do (even the ones that are fluoride-free and SLS-free).

    Want to allow those teeth to remineralize? Stop covering them in glycerin. Throw your Tom’s of Maine, your Dessert Essence, etc., into the garbage and use something like Uncle Harry’s toothpaste/powder (and mouthwash) products. There are a few others on the market now too. Or, make your own toothpaste/powder.

    1. Susan Avatar

      As a dental hygienist, I am outraged that flossing is being dismissed as not needed. I see first hand, all day, every day the health and benefits flossing brings to patients. It prevents gum disease, bleeding, cavities, tarter buildup. Whoever wrote this is clueless. If you already floss daily I challenge you to stop and see the difference in your cleanings next visit. You will go back to it, I promise you!!!!

      1. Susan Avatar

        To Stephanie: Some people are more prone to decay than others. I am one of those people and am a dental hygienist. Check with your dentist for ways to help him. Also he has to be very good about diet and brushing. I am a daily flosser and it has helped me tremendously. Children can be much different. There is a lot of alcohol in some mouthwashes so be careful. I know that fluoride is controversial but, has been a lifesaver for people that are prone to decay. Just my thoughts.

        I agree with Susan the other dental hygienist. I worked for 8 years in a specialty periodontal office. The difference is very apparent to hygienists and doctors of who flosses and who doesn’t. No matter what patients tell us, the mouth tells us what they really do for home care. Some people have underlying health issues that contribute to disease in the mouth, ex. diabetes. dry mouth, heavy saliva, etc. I would be very afraid if people stopped flossing. It is well documented that dental disease can affect heart disease. The purpose of flossing is not only to dislodge food but, to disrupt the colony of bacteria growing in the mouth. It is so far the only thing that has been found to do this effectively. Other dental apparatus may help but, doesn’t do the same. The water pik makes your mouth feel wonderful and can help but, doesn’t do what flossing does.

        1. William Avatar

          I used to floss (recently replaced with interdental brush that seems to remove more particles from between teeth). I bought a water pik some months ago and was shocked at how much more it removed, even after thorough brushing and flossing. I think you’re undervaluing the benefits of “water flossing” (water pik) as far as reaching into areas that brushing and flossing don’t, especially along the gum line inside. My gums (and teeth) are much healthier since using the pik. It should also be mentioned that many of us are deficient in minerals (except calcium), not all of which can be maintained by diet alone and may require some supplementation (e.g., getting enough all-important magnesium, as well as some trace minerals, is difficult through diet alone).

      2. Abigail Avatar

        Figures, you so called professionals would say something completely ignorant ; hence the ignorance in the word ignorant. I remineralized my teeth by eating grass fed butter oil and cod liver oil . My cavities healed and my teeth are plaque free. By the way I don’t floss. Ha! I don’t ever have to waste money on you quacks!!

        1. Susan Avatar

          You don’t have to be so rude….sheesh!!! I don’t think calling us professionals quacks and ignorant was called for. I’ll take the higher road and not tell you what I think of you and your butter.

        2. Jennifer Avatar

          Same here, I changed my diet and stopped flossing too. And I’ve recently been to the dentist who didn’t ask me or tell me I needed to floss. Usually they’d ask me when the last time I flossed was. I think a lot of it does have to do with diet! If you’re eating grass-fed versus gmo beef, you’re already making a difference.

      3. Frine Hernandez Avatar
        Frine Hernandez

        I Agree with You!!
        I floss every day… Sometimes as much as 6 times a day…
        I have seen inprovements from not flossing to flossing with both my Child and myself….
        Flossing removes stucked food, plus sometimes it also helps kill bacteria (cause some floss brands have Peppermint -a natural anitibacterial- Added to the floss)…
        Flossing is a must in my opinion…

      4. Lindy Avatar

        my dental visits have been much better since I quit flossing and switched to a water pik. I have crooked teeth and many caps and crowns, and roughness that shreds floss. My dentist is much happier with the results of the water pik. If someone wants to floss six times a day then go for it but I love my water pik. 🙂

    2. ashley Avatar

      I have been brushing/pulling with coconut oil/tea tree oil blend and my teeth are stronger, cleaner, and whiter than ever! I still use regular toothpaste every morning, but the oils during afternoon and evening. Rarely floss, only a few times per week.

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