Why I Eat My Sunscreen to Protect Skin From the Inside Out

Katie Wells Avatar

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Eat your Sunscreen?
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Why I Eat My Sunscreen to Protect Skin From the Inside Out

As warmer weather approaches (yay!), it’s time to start thinking about digging out the kids’ clothes, bathing suits, and flip flops. This is also my cue to start getting my skin ready for the sun.

Why not wait until the first beach day? Because I now eat my sunscreen rather than just wear it.

I’ve long been fed up with the ingredients in sunscreen (more on that in this post) and believe it often does more harm than good. The more I researched the more I found that exposure to the sun isn’t a problem (it’s actually a benefit) if you feed your skin the right nutrients to get it ready for sun exposure.

The sun isn’t the problem, which is why I take a different approach. I get safe sun exposure and protect my skin from the inside out. (And of course, cover up or get out of the sun when my skin has had enough!)

Why the Sun Isn’t the Enemy

There seems to be an underlying idea that sun exposure = skin cancer and that sunscreen = protection from skin cancer. But the research doesn’t back this up. In fact, it may susggest the opposite. Think about this: Skin cancer rates are rising despite more sunscreen use and reduced sun exposure in recent decades.

Science backs up this approach. A 2016 review in the journal Dermato-Endocrinology concluded that while prevention of skin cancer is important, being afraid of the sun isn’t a good answer. From their findings:

This review considers the studies that have shown a wide range health benefits from sun/UV exposure. These benefits include among others various types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer disease/dementia, myopia and macular degeneration, diabetes and multiple sclerosis. The message of sun avoidance must be changed to acceptance of non-burning sun exposure sufficient to achieve serum 25(OH)D concentration of 30 ng/mL or higher in the sunny season and the general benefits of UV exposure beyond those of vitamin D. (emphasis added)

This is the reason I don’t avoid the sun, but rather make a point to get sun exposure every day. I also avoid sunscreen for the most part, and just get out of the sun or cover up when I have had enough sun exposure for the day.

How I Stopped Burning

Here was my dilemma…

I’m partially Irish-Scottish (which is Latin for very fair skinned!) and had always burned. In fact, even moderate sun exposure would leave me with a pinkish glow rather than a tan … until several years ago.

The research showed the importance of sun exposure for adequate levels of vitamin D and many other aspects of health. Wearing sunscreen greatly reduces vitamin D production, so that wasn’t the answer. I decided to follow the research and start protecting my skin from the inside out. And it worked.

I started working in the garden for hours at a time during the heat of the day without burning. We also went to Florida for vacation and I was at the beach for 4 hours between 11-3 with no sunscreen and I didn’t burn… at all!

To those of you blessed with olive skin (like my husband), this may not seem like a big deal, but to me, this is huge! Finally I no longer look like the pale-stepchild among my Italian in-laws for the first time.

How I Eat My Sunscreen with Diet + Supplements

Just as a poor diet has a negative effect on skin and overall health, a real food diet may offer protection from various health problems, including sun-related ones. Fortunately, the diet and lifestyle factors that are good for the skin have great benefits for general health as well.

Note: This is what worked for me and is in no way medical or dermatological advice. Please do you own research, know your own skin, and find what works best for you.

Here’s how I start preparing my skin for safe sun exposure this summer:

1. Eat a Real Food Diet With Enough Good Fats

A large part of my natural sun protection is eating an anti-inflammatory diet. To make sure the body has the proper building blocks for healthy skin and to reduce inflammation, I consume enough healthy saturated, monounsaturated, and omega-3 fats while avoiding polyunsaturated fatty acids and high omega-6 vegetable oils.

I focus on making sure that my diet is high in micronutrients from vegetables, omega-3s, and fat-soluble vitamins from fish, and monounsaturated and saturated fats from plant and animal sources.

This type of diet will also be beneficial for many other health conditions, and if you’ve been a Wellness Mama reader for any length of time, you know the drill:


  • processed foods
  • vegetable oils (this is the most important for sun exposure)
  • grains
  • sugars


  • healthy sources of saturated fats and monounsaturated fats
  • foods rich in omega-3s (fish, etc.)
  • lots of leafy greens
  • 2+ tablespoons of tomato paste daily (I sometimes add this in for the lycopene and skin protection)

2. Eat Antioxidants

Just by avoiding grains and omega-6 oils as well as focusing on proteins, fats, and vegetables instead, your diet will be higher in antioxidants than the standard American diet. Even real food “treats” like berries and dark chocolate are packed with antioxidants.

Antioxidants help reduce inflammation and free radicals. Research has shown a strong protective effect of antioxidants against inflammation and skin damage.
eat your sunscreen natural sun protection alternatives

3. Up the Vitamin D

I’ve noticed the biggest difference in how I feel from optimizing two things: omega-3 consumption and vitamin D levels. I talked about the importance of omega-3s above. Through blood testing, I found that my 25(OH)D level (one measure of vitamin D) was below 25 ng/mL. That was well below the recommendation for pregnant and nursing women and well below the 65 ng/mL recommended by some doctors for optimal health.

Through years of experimenting and continual testing, I found that in order to get my levels above 30 ng/mL I had to get sun exposure and take supplemental vitamin D. Now, with my levels in the 50-60 ng/mL range, my thyroid is doing great and I feel the best I’ve ever felt. I also don’t get sunburned any more!

Why it works: This is a logical if you think about it. Melanin, the dark pigment that we get when we tan, is produced to shield the skin from further UV exposure by providing a type of barrier. This is why those with darker skin need more sun that those with fairer skin to get the same amount of vitamin D.

When the body has enough vitamin D, it will start producing melanin to keep from getting too much. There is evidence that optimizing vitamin D levels through sun exposure and even through supplementation will help the body produce melanin faster and retain it longer. Of course, this is a genetic and very personalized issue that is best handled with testing and the help of a qualified practitioner.

4. Gradual Sun Exposure

Seems simple and logical, but moderate and safe sun exposure has the most benefits for vitamin D levels. Sunburn is never good! I always get less sun exposure than I think I need at first and work up really slowly to avoid burning.

5. Natural Sun Protection

With the recent research on the benefits of sun exposure and the potential harmful substances in many sunscreens, I choose natural ways to protect from the sun once I’ve gotten enough exposure at any time. My first (and best) option is just to cover up or get in the shade if possible. A hat and shirt are reusable, don’t contain harmful chemicals, and do a great job of protecting from excess sun exposure.

If I have to be outside in the bright sun for extended periods of time and can’t seek shade or cover up I’ll sometimes use a natural homemade sunscreen or an EWG-recommended sunscreen.

6. Supplement Support

This time of year, I also start taking a specific regimen of supplements to help reduce inflammation and improve sun tolerance. I’m not a doctor and don’t play one on the Internet, and I’m only sharing the supplements I personally take and why. Check with your doctor before making any health or supplement changes, especially if you have any medical conditions.

The supplements I take are:

  • Vitamin D3 Drops – I take about 2,000 IU/day with sun exposure to keep my levels up. Those drops are 2,000 IU per drop so a bottle lasts us a really long time. I also test my levels a few times a year and stop taking D3 if my levels are high enough.
  • Vitamin C –  I take about 2,000 mg/day. Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant and also has many other benefits to the body.
  • Omega-3s and Krill oil – I’ve experimented with several different brands over the years. I’m currently trying these capsules at the recommendation of Dr. Rhonda Patrick in a recent podcast episode, and I like them so far.
  • Astaxanthin – A highly potent antioxidant that research shows acts as an internal sunscreen. It’s also supposedly an anti-aging supplement. I don’t give this one to the kids though.
  • Polypodium Leucotomos
  • Sundaily “The Base Layer” – These tasty gummies help boost skin’s ability to resist solar damage. They contain polypodium leucotomos extract, a fancy name for a fern long used in parts of the world for sun protection.

Get Some Rays the Right Way

Avoid sunburn from the inside out and the outside in with nutritional support and a hat + rash guard. Take these measures a month or two before beach season starts and condition your skin to love the sun. It’s good for your health anyway and saves money on sunscreen!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Robert Galamaga, whois a board-certified internal medicine physician. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or work with a doctor at SteadyMD.

Do you eat your sunscreen? Still use the toxic stuff? Avoid the sun completely? Tell me below!

Diet and supplements can make a big difference in the bodys ability to tan instead of burn, without using sunscreen. Here is how...

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


317 responses to “Why I Eat My Sunscreen to Protect Skin From the Inside Out”

  1. robyn Avatar

    So how do you go to the pool and be outside for hours and not have sunscreen on? especially kids?

  2. Becky Avatar

    I wonder if It would be irresponsible to try this out in New Zealand… Burning is very easy here!

  3. karen kremkau Avatar
    karen kremkau

    With all the oils and supplements you listed, it’s hard to tell which one really did for you. If i were to guess, i would say without a doubt that it’s the Astaxanthin. I don’t think you talked about the benefits of Astaxanthin enough. A question i had was if it’s okay to combine 5000iu mega D3 with 12mg of Astaxanthin, since they are both sun and bone related. But you answered my question when you said that you are on a 5000iu vitamin D regimen, which is what i’m on and i’m starting a 12mg Astaxanthin regimen real soon. Do you think an all natural multivitamin from GHR will go well with Astaxanthin? Thanks for reading.

  4. Stacy Avatar

    So, tried out these supplements this summer for myself and my husband. He works outside 8-12hrs per day, and sweats so much that he hates using lotion sunscreen. I am a pale skinned person that burns even if it’s cloudy, so figured it was a good test. And… both of us tanned all summer! I may not have a dark tan, but it’s a golden glow instead of my normal lobster red 🙂 My husband has a nice tan on his face and arms, and has also been using the suncreen bars I made – and says he will never use regular sunscreen again. Thank you, Katie – going to keep using these supplements every summer!

  5. Nikki Paxton Avatar
    Nikki Paxton

    Wellness Mama! this is the first time I have disagreed with you 🙁 The vitamin C you are taking clearly labels “Ascorbic Acid” right on the label, have you researched this ingredient? Many supplements are merely bio engineered chemicals claiming to be their all natural real counterparts. Most of them are straight from GMO’s. Thoughts?

    1. Nikki Avatar

      Also, tomato paste from the can? Canned tomato products are generally known to contain BPA’s. I love your blog and you have taught me so much, I use many of your recipes so I am in no way trying to give you a hard time, I am just simply interested in your thoughts.

  6. Jamie Avatar

    I’m new to all this, but can someone tell me if you are taking all of the supplements at the same time? Do you take some in the morning and others at night? It seems like a lot at once.

  7. Ivy Avatar

    When I was younger I could stay out in the sun for half an hour with sunscreen on before I got burnt. I don’t like wearing sunscreen as it ends up in my eyes every singe time (ouch, stingy!) and it smells and tastes disgusting, so some years ago I just started skipping it whenever possible and started covering my head and shoulders with a light scarf when walking outside at noon on summer days. Now I’m in my mid-twenties and I can stay in the sun for over an hour without sunscreen! Well, not at noon, but then again, most of the times I get a headache before I get burnt. I started using coconut oil and sometimes even a bit of sheabutter as skin care for my face one or two years ago, and rarely used sunscreen since then – only on trips to sunnier places. Maybe switching from eating mainly pasta for lunch to replacing at least half of the pasta with veggies had some influence as well? I even started to get a slight tan between my freckles, which still is something new to me. And living in rainy places helps to avoid sunburns as well, obviously – though it is really bad for one’s vitamin D production.
    One of my friends told me to eat a lot of carrots, do you know anything about their sun screening powers?

  8. Odysseia Avatar

    Great information! Especially about the tomato paste!!!
    I would like to add, if I may, 3 more great supplements for increasing melanin which are the amino acid L-Tyrosine (swear by it-also supports the thyroid and prevents white sun spots from forming which don’t tan), PABA (in small doses it helps treat vitiligo-loss of color or pigmentation in some areas of skin) and of course, low-dose Beta-Carotene. Drinking fresh Carrot juice is also very nutricious and replenishes lost electrolytes from sunbathing.
    Now, if we could only find natural ingredients which prevent sun spots (liver spots) and add them to our sunscreen………I think that may be a tough one…

  9. Tina Avatar

    I feel like your article is misleading, have you given anything consideration to the declining ozone and dramatically higher UVB rays landing on our skin for increasing rate of skin cancer. If the chemicals in sunscreen areto be toxic then wouldn’t that reflect on a different kind of cancer statistically?

    1. Kim Avatar

      Tina, I see your point about the chemicals in sunscreen causing other types of cancer and feel it’s valid. My thought is that the increase in skin cancer is probably due to better DETECTION and not necessarily to a higher RATE of cancer per se.

      I do agree with Katie though that if there is a more natural approach to getting our sunscreen we should use it.

  10. Maria Avatar

    If you take the fermented cod liver oil, sometimes even double it, you also said you take Vitamin D — but wouldn’t that be way too much D? And is that an adult a child or teenager dose. My kids are 15 and up. I’m asking because I have a son who is working at a camp for kids and will be in the sun all day — all summer and also life guarding. I’m kind of worried about that. That’s why I was asking about how much D and would I double up in his FCLO+high vitamin butter oil supplement. Since I started giving him the FCLO I stopped the D supplement on him and my other kids and myself.

    I also have another question but it is about another subject – remineralizing teeth for a baby — my grand daughter. How can I ask you about that, not sure if here is ok. Thank you in advance!!

  11. Krista Avatar

    Great article! I notice that just taking D3 has helped me to not burn as much. When we so use sunscreen we use the brand burnout kids… It is non toxic and the only organic sunscreen we have tried that doesn’t feel waxy and thick. Skin deep database is a great place to check out which sunscreens are safe! 🙂

  12. Chris Avatar

    I’m a redhead and burn after 10 minutes! I use alma naturals sun butter and booboo juice.

  13. Cassie Avatar

    What dose of these would you recommend for a 10 month old? She is still breastfed but eating a lot more now. Would I just keep taking it myself or give her some as well?

  14. Katie Schlein Avatar
    Katie Schlein

    Hi There-

    Is it essential that that Cod Liver Oil is Fermented? What is the difference within the body?


  15. Brian Sabb Avatar
    Brian Sabb


    Thanks for the informative article.

    Please tell me at what age you suggest giving Astaxanthin to children. What dose would be appropriate?



  16. Sarah H. Avatar
    Sarah H.

    I just needed to thank you so much for this article. To say that it has changed my life would be a understatement.

    I have been allergic to sunshine since around 1995. If I’m outside for more than 15 minutes, I’d develop a welted type of rash that would itch, burn and looked horrible. It would last around 3 weeks and then leave scars.

    No doctor could ever give me a diagnosis. There was never a way to prevent it, except to stay out of the sun. There was no medication to make it go away. I could never go outside and enjoy the summer or any sunny day. The doctors told me it was Polymorphic Light Eruptions.

    I found your blog, I read about the Astaxanthin and thought I’d give it a try.

    I’ve been taking it for 2 weeks and I’m happy to say it works. I’ve been out in the SC summer sun in tank tops and shorts, and NO RASHES!! I cannot thank you enough. To be able to go outside and enjoy sunshine on my skin, warm breezes and not suffer afterwards is amazing.

    Thank you for doing what you do. You gave me something I can’t ever thank you enough for. You’ve changed my life……

  17. Bo Avatar

    Good article. Just a tip (I’m still reading about this tho ;), when you take high dosage vitamine D3 it’s very important to take vitamine K2 (MK 7) with it, to keep the calcium in it’s right place. And I’m just wondering; if you take Astaxanthin, why do you still take vitamin C? Because it is so much stronger than Vitamine C..?

  18. KT Avatar

    I love this article! We live in Western Australia and have some of the hottest driest summers in Australia, often 45 degrees (over 104 F). I have two kids and I myself am from the UK and we don’t use sunscreen. We just don’t expose ourselves to the summer sun after 11am and before 3pm. It’s usually too hot anyway. My kids get hours of sun light on their skin before 11am and after 4pm, as we get up early and get outside and then go back out before sunset. My kids have never been sunburnt, not even almost sunburnt. We use coconut oil on our skin and for us, it works well. Now its autumn we go outside at any time of the day and if its warm we just keep a hat on. I love this article, I hope others try a sunscreen free summer!

    1. stephanie Avatar

      This is a great comment. It’s instinctual to seek shade in the hot midday sun.

  19. Larry Avatar

    I get above average sun exposure by spending a lot of time doing yard work and swimming. Last three or four years I became more sensitive to the sun. I get red bumps on my forehead and cheeks. I plan to take your advice to take Vit C and D, coconut oil and tomato paste. Do you think this will help?

  20. Crystal Avatar

    Hi, I just found this article. I am curious to know. How does consuming tomato paste help? I am Puerto Rican, but with such a range of skin colors in my heritage, I was one of the unfortunates who got the extremely fair skin, at times I am almost milky white, but occaisionally tan to a odd brown… I look creepy when I tan. I digress.

    I was diagnosed with GERD (though I had no symptoms at the time) it doesn’t always bother me but I have to be careful how much and when I eat any tomato products…. That being said. Do you have any remedies for treating GERD?? I previously (for 4 years) took a heavy duty perscription that I recently realized may have been the cause of all of the recent health issues I supposedly have.

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