What Is Collagen Powder (& How to Use It)

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What is collagen protein and how to use it
Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » What Is Collagen Powder (& How to Use It)

I’ve been a big fan of gelatin since our family went on the GAPS diet and it helped my son be able to tolerate dairy again. I’ve also seen huge benefits with my skin, hair, and nails since I started incorporating more gelatin and collagen into my diet.

What Is Collagen?

In short, collagen is an insoluble protein that accounts for 1/3 of the protein in our bodies and 70% of the protein in our skin. Many people are familiar with its role in the skin, which is why it is in so many beauty products. What many people don’t realize is collagen is so much more than just a beauty remedy. (More on that later.)

The collagen molecule is a complex protein made up of over 1,000 amino acids, the main ones being proline, glycine, and hydroxyproline (in a unique triple helix configuration of three polypeptide subunits. (Sorry, science nerd moment!)

But what does this mean on a practical level?

Why We Need Collagen

It means collagen is incredibly strong. In fact, type I collagen (a type found in the human body) is stronger than steel gram for gram. It is fundamental to healthy cell reproduction, joints, connective tissue, and more.

The particular amino acids in collagen and gelatin are said to be especially beneficial in the body for:

The important thing to know is that these amino acids come from bones and cartilege (usually from cows) and are not present in muscle meats. As we trade traditional cooking methods like making homemade bone broth for modern convenience, we are getting less and less collagen and gelatin in our diets.

More in a bit on how to make up the gap, but first:

How to Boost Collagen Protein (From the Inside Out)

Here’s the thing. All of those beauty products that contain collagen won’t do much for your skin. This is because collagen molecules are too big to be absorbed through the skin. That doesn’t mean collagen isn’t really beneficial though… just that we have to get it from the inside out.

So how to get it? There are a few ways:

Natural Sources of Gelatin

Collagen (and gelatin, its cooked counterpart) is naturally found in high quality broth and in cuts of meat that contain skin or bone. If you’ve ever made bone broth and had it “gel” when it cooled, this is due to the collagen naturally present in the bones and connective tissue, which becomes gelatin when cooked.

There are also gelatin powders like this that contain 6 grams of protein per tablespoon and are relatively odorless and tasteless. This makes them easy to mix into warm drinks or recipes for an extra boost of quality protein,

Natural Sources of Collagen

Collagen has many of the same properties as gelatin and is the form actually found in the body. When we lack collagen due to diet or aging, we need a way to get it from the inside out.

Collagen and gelatin aren’t interchangeable, but they both do have their advantages. Some people, especially those with severe digestive issues, won’t handle pure gelatin protein well until they address their digestive problems. Bone broth is a great option in this case, but another good option is collagen peptides (another name for hydrolyzed collagen/collagen hydrolysate), which is essentially a cold-water soluble and more easily digestible form of gelatin.

Because of the unique way hydrolyzed collagen is prepared, it has higher amounts of the amino acids that support healthy cell growth and reproduction especially in connective tissues, hair, skin tissue, cartilage, ligaments and so on. It also absorbs more quickly due to a lower molecular rate.

How to Use Collagen Hydrolysate and Gelatin Powders

What is collagen hydrolysate and how to use it

My absolute favorite source of gelatin and collagen is homemade bone broth (or a high quality grass-fed bone broth like this one), but it isn’t always possible to have access to homemade broth.

As much as I love broth, there are also times (like a scorching August) when a cup of hot broth is not very appealing, so I prefer a different option instead.

Gelatin powder and collagen powder are great options that we use often instead of broth.

Gelatin Powder Uses

Gelatin is great not only due to its benefits but because of its ability to “gel” in recipes. It works really well in jellos, marshmallows, and other recipes for this reason.We use gelatin for making a lot of different gut-healthy recipes like:

This is the grass-fed gelatin that we use.

The one downside to gelatin powder… it only mixes into warm/hot liquids and clumps up in cold drinks because of its ability to gel. Enter collagen!

Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder Uses

Collagen powder won’t gel like regular gelatin, but it dissolves easily both in cold drinks (like smoothies) and hot drinks. I use it almost daily for protein and healthy fats added to:

Bonus: It’s not only good for you but adds a delicious creaminess and froth! We use collagen from both Bulletproof as well as Jigsaw Health. While the majority of collagen comes from bovine, there is marine collagen for anyone that needs the sourcing to come from fish or other marine life.

What We Do

We still drink bone broth regularly (either homemade or this brand). I also still use regular grass-fed gelatin in anything we need to “gel.” I’ve found that everyone in our family seems to digest the collagen hydrolysate/peptides form more easily, so now we use that most of the time for a quick boost of protein.

I’m curious- have you ever tried gelatin or collagen hydrolysate? How did it work for you? Share below!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Collagen Hydrolysate is an easier to digest form of gelatin that does not gel but that contains essential amino acids like proline and glycine.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


492 responses to “What Is Collagen Powder (& How to Use It)”

  1. Suzie Avatar

    I saw that you took collagen while pregnant. So, it is safe, then?! Did you take Vital Proteins, Collagen Power – blue lid? Also, how much per day?

  2. Carmen Avatar

    I’ve used it and mixed it almond butter and it my smoothies as well and recipes that I post .

  3. Paulette Avatar

    I wanted to know if using collgen powder each day could cause a hormone imbalance in women. I was using it for a couple months and all of a sudden felt agitated and stopped and the feeling was no longer there.

  4. Barb Avatar

    Do you know if the Collagen Peptide powder would cause constipation? If so, can you recommend a way to take it that won’t do that. Just wondering.

  5. Bethany Avatar

    I tried collagen powder and I do feel like it messed with my digestive health. I was stopped up for like a week. I want to keep taking it but I am scared to be in that position again!

  6. Autumn Avatar

    I know that drinking bone broth can help ease morning sickness. Could collagen powder work in the same way?

  7. Paulette Carver Avatar
    Paulette Carver

    I’m trying to find out if the collagen powder could change your hormone balance. So I’m reading different articles if anyone has experienced a difference in their hormones while taking this please reply I’m curious.

  8. Michael Reed Avatar
    Michael Reed

    Most nutrients in their original design by God or nature if you have a tough time accepting God, were meant to be IN food. So since the cursed earth moved the minerals around ( no more balance, I believe this is due to the curse of the Flood), our foods are deficient. We can help it out by adding minerals like dolomite, gypsum and limestone, and glacial dust to our soils and manure, but if we don’t grow our own, we must still buy probably deficient foods. The best way to take nutrients is with food.

  9. Samaya Avatar

    I have been taking 1 scoop 5 to 6 days a week for about 10 months now. I am noticing that I don’t go to the bathroom as much. Could I be constipated? If so, what should I do different to be more regular? Thanks!

  10. Rayna Avatar

    I used hydrolyzed collagen for the first time today. I mixed it with water but the smell was overwhelming and made me nauseous. I chugged the whole but thought I would be sick afterwards. Now I am so scared to mix it into anything. Any tips or ideas?!

  11. Rachel Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    My son is 8 months old and has a cow’s milk allergy. He is currently on Neocate milk which I’d like to wean him off soon but he still seems to have digestive problems when trying solid foods. I had been following the dietitians advice at the hospital but have since read about Gaps and am interested in trying this diet for him. I read your post and decided to try a small amount of collagen hydrosylate in his milk but the following day he passed a lot of mucus. Do you think this is a sign that his gut is irritated by the collagen? Many thanks for your time.

  12. Kate Robbins Avatar
    Kate Robbins

    After some research, I found that amino acids can denature in temperatures above 105, which is the average temperature of a fresh cup of coffee. I have been putting collagen into my coffee for a while now, but I’m concerned that there are no benefits to this because of the high temp. I was wondering if you had looked into this? 🙂

  13. Sacha Avatar

    Hi! Any other brands besides vital proteins? Is kosher gelatin from the grocery store the same? I try to stick with bovine gelatin and usually make home made bone broth but would be nice to have other less time and money consuming options.

  14. Anna Avatar

    Hi Katie,
    I recently read/heard somewhere (cant remember exactly where) that collagen should not be taken at the same time as another protein as it wont digest as easy?? Do you know this to be true or not?

    I always drink my daily broth adding a spoon of collagen and coconut oil–do you think this isnt the best way then as broth would be protein?

  15. Sarah Avatar

    Does anyone have experience giving collagen peptides to younger children? My son is 2 and eats NO vegetables. I put this in our family smoothies and he drinks them and it make me feel better about it! What do we think about that?
    I buy the blue vital proteins kind.
    Thanks for your help!

  16. Marie Avatar

    Hi. I looked at the collagen hydrolysate that you state you use and cannot see any reference in the ingredients that state that it is hydolysate. What am I missing? Thanks

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