The Benefits of Berberine and How I Use It

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In the world of natural remedies, a rising star is gaining attention for its incredible health benefits: berberine. While most people might assume berberine is an herb, it’s actually a compound present in several herbs. In this article, we’ll delve into the wonders of berberine. We’ll explore what it is, how it works, its potential benefits, and precautions to keep in mind. 

What is Berberine? 

Berberine is an isoquinoline alkaloid extracted from the bark and other parts of certain plants. Examples include barberry, Oregon grape, goldenseal, tree turmeric, and Japanese goldthread. A few of these plants are shrubs in the Berberis family. Alkaloids are in plants to protect themselves against predators. Because of their potent effects on survivability, some also have medical value for humans.

Ayurvedic and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) used berberine-containing herbs for infections and diarrhea. But modern science is finding its uses go far beyond a natural antimicrobial compound. Research shows it improves blood lipids, fights insulin resistance, promotes weight loss, and much more.

How Does Berberine Work?

Berberine works through many mechanisms in the body. It influences multiple cellular pathways, including one involving AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). This enzyme plays a vital role in energy metabolism. By activating AMPK, berberine improves glucose uptake by the cells. It also promotes insulin sensitivity, helps regulate blood sugar levels, and promotes the breakdown of fats. These qualities improve energy and metabolism, which have far-reaching effects.

Health Benefits of Berberine 

This alkaloid may be helpful for several chronic health conditions when taken consistently. Some potential benefits of taking berberine include the following: 

Blood Sugar Regulation 

Berberine may be helpful for diabetic patients because it supports balanced blood sugar levels. It does this by improving insulin sensitivity and reducing blood glucose production in the liver. In clinical trials, it was excellent for lowering blood sugar in type 2 diabetics.

Not only did it lower blood sugar levels, but it also lowered a marker called hemoglobin A1C. Hemoglobin A1C shows us how blood sugar control has been over several months. Berberine supplementation also reduced total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein/LDL cholesterol.

In another randomized controlled trial, the effects of berberine on lowering fasting blood glucose and hemoglobin A1C were similar to the diabetes drug metformin. 

In a review study of 1,078 women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), berberine improved fertility and live birth rates. It also improved insulin sensitivity in a way similar to the drug metformin.

Lowering Risk Factors For Heart Disease 

Berberine may also help to lower the risk of heart disease. It promotes heart health by addressing components of metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome is characterized by five risk factors:

  1. High blood pressure (hypertension)
  2. Abnormal cholesterol levels (Low HDL)
  3. High blood sugar levels 
  4. High triglycerides
  5. Increased waist-to-hip ratio 

As mentioned above, studies show berberine has an LDL cholesterol-lowering effect. So, it may help bring abnormal cholesterol levels back into balance. For those who don’t want to take statins, berberine may be a safe and effective alternative. Statins suppress the inflammatory response (but have adverse side effects). Berberine happens to also lower the inflammatory response but without the harmful side effects. 

It may also improve the quality of life in those with congestive heart failure (CHF). One study divided CHF patients into two groups. The first group received just conventional therapies, while the other group also had berberine. 

Those who took berberine with conventional treatment had greater exercise capacity and better energy levels. There were also fewer deaths in the berberine group at follow-up.

Promoting Digestive Wellness

And it may promote a healthy digestive system in several ways. First, it can help by fighting certain infections, like intestinal parasites, harmful bacteria, fungal and yeast overgrowths. Research also shows it protects the intestinal lining, which may reduce the chance of developing a leaky gut. 

Berberine also improves the number of butyrate-producing bacteria in the gut. Butyrate is a short-chain fatty acid (SFCA) that’s anti-inflammatory and nourishing to the brain. It may also lower the risk of colorectal cancer.

Scientists are also looking into berberine as a treatment for ulcerative colitis. Supplementing with berberine seems to lower inflammation of the mucus lining of the gut. It may lessen the severity of the condition and restore normal function. 

Improving Sleep

Recent research has discovered a new potential use for berberine: as a sleep aid. An animal study of insomnia found berberine was comparable to diazepam (Valium) in alleviating insomnia. Berberine not only worked quicker than Valium but restored memory faster in the sleep-deprived rats.

Supporting a Healthy Weight

Berberine may also help those wanting to achieve a healthy weight. Research shows berberine can reduce obesity in some people by supporting balanced blood sugar and lowering inflammation. It may also promote weight loss by limiting fat cell growth. 

A meta-analysis of 12 studies found that taking berberine greatly reduced body weight, waist circumference, and body mass index (BMI). Thanks to its antioxidant effects, it also lowered C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation.

Reducing Cancer Risk

Berberine also has anti-cancer properties and may promote cancer cell death. It’s currently being researched for breast, colon, lung, thyroid, and other cancers. But so far, the research is limited to animal and cell studies, not humans. 

Contraindications and Potential Side Effects of Berberine

It’s not recommended to take berberine while pregnant or breastfeeding. The constituents can transfer to the baby through the mother’s fluids and may harm the pre-born infant or newborn. Berberine could cause brain damage (called kernicterus) in the developing baby.

Some people taking berberine may experience digestive upset (diarrhea, constipation, or bloating). For others, it may cause nausea, vomiting, headaches, or skin irritation. This primarily occurs when taking berberine in higher doses than recommended. 

Check with your healthcare provider if you’re taking a diabetes drug like metformin. Diabetes medications already lower blood sugar, so adding berberine may lower it too much. 

How to Find a Good Berberine Supplement

Another important thing to know about berberine is that it’s difficult to absorb. Our body absorbs less than 1% of the standard form on the market. So, if you think you’re taking 1,000 mg doses, you’re actually only getting 6.8 mg per dose. You’d have to take a lot of berberine to get any benefits. 

That’s why the formulation is so important. When looking for a good berberine supplement, you want to ensure it’s bioavailable so you’re getting what it says on the bottle! That’s why I’m a huge fan of BerbElite. This supplement pairs berberine with sulforaphane from broccoli seed complex. Sulforaphane helps the body absorb berberine, increasing its effects on the body. 

It also turns on a pathway in the body called Nrf-2. Ultimately, sulforaphane protects the brain against oxidative stress and lowers neuroinflammation.

How I Use Berberine

I’ve been experimenting with berberine lately and I’ve been really liking the results. Because my overall sleep is pretty dialed in I didn’t notice more sleep. However, I have seen an increase in my deep sleep numbers. My glucose response to foods is definitely better too. And I noticed the difference relatively quickly after taking BerbElite.

A bioavailable form of berberine like BerbElite can support health in many ways. It can help keep blood sugar stable, support a restful night’s sleep, and even potentially lower the risk of several chronic health conditions if accompanied by a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Have you tried berberine for any of these health issues? Was it helpful? Share with us below!


  1. Neag, M.  et al. (2018). Berberine: Botanical Occurrence, Traditional Uses, Extraction Methods, and Relevance in Cardiovascular, Metabolic, Hepatic, and Renal Disorders. Frontiers in pharmacology, 9, 557.
  2. Neag, M. et al.  (2018). Berberine: Botanical Occurrence, Traditional Uses, Extraction Methods, and Relevance in Cardiovascular, Metabolic, Hepatic, and Renal Disorders. Frontiers in pharmacology, 9, 557.
  3. Zeng, X. et al. (2003). Efficacy and safety of berberine for congestive heart failure secondary to ischemic or idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy. The American journal of cardiology, 92(2), 173–176.
  4. Sack, R. B., & Froehlich, J. L. (1982). Berberine inhibits intestinal secretory response of Vibrio cholerae and Escherichia coli enterotoxins. Infection and immunity, 35(2), 471–475.
  5. Cao, M., et al. (2013). Amelioration of IFN-? and TNF-?-induced intestinal epithelial barrier dysfunction by berberine via suppression of MLCK-MLC phosphorylation signaling pathway. PloS one, 8(5), e61944.
  6. Cheng, Z., et al. (2006). Berberine-stimulated glucose uptake in L6 myotubes involves both AMPK and p38 MAPK. Biochimica et biophysica acta, 1760(11), 1682–1689.
  7. Yin, J., Xing, H., & Ye, J. (2008). Efficacy of berberine in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Metabolism: clinical and experimental, 57(5), 712–717.
  8. Zhang, H., et al. (2010). Berberine lowers blood glucose in type 2 diabetes mellitus patients through increasing insulin receptor expression. Metabolism: clinical and experimental, 59(2), 285–292.
  9. Asbaghi, O., et al. (2020). The effect of berberine supplementation on obesity parameters, inflammation and liver function enzymes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Clinical nutrition ESPEN, 38, 43–49.
  10. Rondanelli, M.,  et al. (2020). Polycystic ovary syndrome management: a review of the possible amazing role of berberine. Archives of gynecology and obstetrics, 301(1), 53–60.
  11. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. (2023). What Is Metabolic Syndrome? NHLBI website.
  12. Li, H., et al. (2020). Protective role of berberine on ulcerative colitis through modulating enteric glial cells-intestinal epithelial cells-immune cells interactions. Acta pharmaceutica Sinica. B, 10(3), 447–461.
  13. Tillhon, M., et al. (2012). Berberine: New perspectives for old remedies. Biochemical pharmacology, 84(10), 1260–1267.
  14. Sun, Y., et al. (2009). A systematic review of the anticancer properties of berberine, a natural product from Chinese herbs. Anti-cancer drugs, 20(9), 757–769.
  15. Tong, N., et al. (2012). Berberine sensitizes multiple human cancer cells to the anticancer effects of doxorubicin in vitro. Oncology letters, 3(6), 1263–1267.
  16. Rauf, A., et al. (2021). Berberine as a Potential Anticancer Agent: A Comprehensive Review. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 26(23), 7368.
  17. Firouzi, S., et al. (2018). Barberry in the treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome: possible mechanisms of action. Diabetes, metabolic syndrome and obesity : targets and therapy, 11, 699–705.
  18. LiverTox: Clinical and Research Information on Drug-Induced Liver Injury [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; 2012-. Berberine. [Updated 2020 Oct 6].
  19. DePietro, R. et al. (2017). Association Between Inpatient Sleep Loss and Hyperglycemia of Hospitalization. Diabetes care, 40(2), 188–193.
  20. Wang, H., et al. (2018). The Effects of Berberine on the Gut Microbiota in Apc min/+ Mice Fed with a High Fat Diet. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland), 23(9), 2298.

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


6 responses to “The Benefits of Berberine and How I Use It”

  1. Lori Rola Avatar
    Lori Rola

    I’ve read that you should not take Berberine everyday, but need to take a three month break. Do you believe this?

  2. Coli Avatar

    I just started two days ago. Overall, felt more energetic and noticed less for overtime thoughts. But just like first night after talking 1 3x/day, couldn’t sleep for hours. Couldn’t keep my eyes open yet didn’t sleep for a few hours (sleep app) and definitely don’t feel rested especially after the second night. Right now feel like I just want to go back to bed but to much on my plate today! Taking Natural Factors Berberine HCL 500mg breakfast, lunch and dinner. I am going to drop the dinner dose.
    Started researching due to elevated blood pressure, elevated cholesterol and post menopausal weight gain (walk at least 45m/day, lift heavy 30-45m 4x/WK and do 3 15-20m rebounding sessions/WK.
    PS love your book. Can’t recall the title but have my one digital copy and have gifted a few copies 🙂

  3. Susanne Swift Avatar
    Susanne Swift

    Currently I a am taking a blood pressure medication Tenormin (12 mg.) for blood pressure and Ezetimibe(10 mg) for cholesterol. Would it be safe to take Berberine?

    Thank you for your quick response.

    1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

      This would be something you’d have to consult with a natural healthcare practitioner on as we can’t give personalized medical advice.

  4. Shonna Dahl Avatar
    Shonna Dahl

    Regarding the section on how you use Berberine – what have the results of your experiment been? Do you find it is more effective in the morning or night?

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