Master the Oil Cleansing Method for Beautiful Skin

Katie Wells Avatar

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Master the Oil Cleansing Method for Beautiful Skin

I’ve written about many natural beauty ideas before, but oil cleansing may be one of the simplest. It’s one of the most effective natural beauty tips I’ve found for healthy, clearer skin. Here’s how to add it to your skincare routine and why it can work so well!

I admit, I was skeptical before I first tried this oil-cleansing method. My skin is naturally oily and I wasn’t sure it would work for me. I also had very acne-prone skin when I was younger, and was afraid that a method like this would bring back the acne… I was wrong!

What Is Oil Cleansing?

It may sound crazy, but the idea of using natural oils to gently cleanse the skin makes a lot of sense. The basic idea is to use natural oils in a specific combination to cleanse and naturally balance the skin’s natural oils. This produces more nourished and moisturized skin than detergent-based face wash.

The basic concept of oil cleansers is using oil to massage and cleanse the skin. Like dissolves like and the carrier oils help dissolve the impurities stuck in pores. Warm water then opens the pores allowing the grime and sebum to be easily removed.

Fans of the OCM claim it can help with oily skin, dry skin, sensitive skin, blackheads, and whiteheads. The types of oil you choose depend on your skin type.

Natural Makeup Remover

Many makeup products have oil in them and oil cleansing can help remove these too. Use it to remove foundation powder, mascara, and even eye makeup! Here are more DIY makeup remover ideas.

Does the Oil Cleansing Method Work?

This is the part I’m most excited to share! Even in the third trimester of pregnancy, when my skin usually goes a little hormone-crazy, I had ZERO breakouts! I used oil cleansing for several months to help avoid blemishes and remove makeup.

When I first started using oil cleansing, I had an adjustment period where my skin got worse for about a week. Most resources I’ve seen suggest this is a detox reaction as impurities are pulled from the skin. This is definitely what it seemed to be for me. After that, my skin gradually improved and by 3-4 weeks of using only oil cleansing, I had no excess oil, no dryness, and no blackheads.

I asked several friends and family members who now use the oil cleansing method how it’s worked for them, and they seemed to have the same results. Some even noted that the combination of oil cleansing and taking gelatin daily has been the best anti-aging treatment!

Oil Cleansing Ingredients

Want to try oil cleansing and see the results for yourself? All you need are some natural oils and a clean, damp washcloth!

The most common oils used are castor oil and olive oil, though you can use any natural oil. Castor oil is naturally astringent, so it helps pull impurities from the skin. This makes it ideal for oily or combination skin (and even dry skin in lesser amounts). While I use castor oil packs to help detox, it can be too harsh if it’s used undiluted as an oil cleanser.

You’ll mix the castor oil with another carrier oil (or several) that match your skin type. My other favorite oil to use is olive oil, though sunflower, safflower, or even coconut oil can work.

Which Oils Work Best for Oil Cleansing?

Some oils, like rosehip oil and castor oil, are more astringent (drying) than others. Others like olive oil can be too heavy for naturally oily skin. Here are some oil cleansing options and how they work:

Base Oils

These are oils to use in larger amounts along with the castor oil.

  • Avocado oil – Good for combination, dry, or mature skin.
  • Grapeseed oil – Lightweight oil that’s good for oily or acne-prone skin.
  • Sunflower oil – A lighter oil that’s good for combination or oily skin.
  • Sweet almond oil – Good for oily, sensitive, or combination skin types.
  • Coconut oil – This works really well for some and not so well for others. It can be too drying and pore-clogging, especially for acne. Some people love it in skincare products though.
  • Olive oil – My favorite oil to use. Great for mature or dry skin, but I found it worked well for my slightly oilier skin too. Be sure to get real olive oil though since most of what’s in the store is mixed with other, cheaper oils.

Specialty Carrier Oils

These work great to add a little more customization to your OCM blend. They’re a more concentrated source of skin-loving nutrients. You can add just a little bit of these to your oil blend for big benefits.

  • Rosehip oil This astringent oil is great for more oily skin types but in smaller amounts it’s also a good anti-aging oil. Full of vitamins A and C to help with scar tissue, blemishes, and wrinkles.
  • Argan oil – Packed with vitamins A and E, antioxidants, and linoleic acid. It’s emollient, helps protect against free radical damage, is anti-aging and moisturizing.
  • Jojoba oil – Similar to skin’s sebum, jojoba has vitamins E and B as well as minerals. It won’t clog pores and it’s great for all skin types.
  • Essential oils – While these aren’t a carrier oil, they deserve a mention. They offer additional skin benefits to help with anti-aging, inflammation, and blemishes. Some of my favorites are lavender, tea tree, frankincense, sweet orange, and cedarwood. Just add a drop or two to your OCM blend (but be sure to avoid the eyes!).

Want to Buy It?: Don’t want to buy the oils yourself and DIY it? This handmade oil cleansing blend smells divine and works well for oil cleansing.

Oil Cleansing Blends

If you’re new to oil cleansing, it may take a few tries to figure out what oil blend works best for you. I used a mix of 3/4 olive oil and 1/4 castor or hazelnut oil and it’s perfect for my skin. You can also try the following:

  • Oily Skin: 1/3 castor oil or hazelnut oil and 2/3 sunflower, grapeseed, or sweet almond oil.
  • Combination Skin: 1/4 castor oil or hazelnut oil and 3/4 olive, sweet almond, sunflower, or other oil
  • Dry Skin: All nourishing oils like avocado or olive oil, or a very small amount of castor/hazelnut oil added to the nourishing oils.

Start with the suggested amounts above for your skin type and adjust if needed. When I started, I mixed up very small batches until I figured out the right blend for me.

I’ve also found that even pure coconut oil can work well once the skin has adjusted, though it can be drying on some skin types. One friend uses a half and half mix of coconut oil and olive oil that she blends in a blender to create a cream, and this works perfectly for her.

Oil Cleansing Tutorial

Now that you know which oils to use, here’s how to do the OCM!

  1. Pour a quarter-sized amount of the oil blend into your hand and massage onto your dry skin. Use smooth circular strokes to massage it in for 1-2 minutes. If you’re wearing makeup no need to wash it off first!
  2. Optional: Leave the oil on for up to 10 minutes to deeply clean skin cells and pores.
  3. Soak a clean washcloth in very hot water and place the damp cloth over your face for a minute or so. This creates steam to remove any oils and skin impurities. Repeat if needed.
  4. Use the washcloth to gently remove any remaining oil. There will still be a thin layer of oil on the skin and this is beneficial.
  5. Most people don’t need a moisturizer after the adjustment period. However, if you still have dry skin, try reducing the castor oil in your blend and use a little lotion to moisturize.

Oil Cleansing Method FAQs

Oil Cleansing With Acne

It’s normal for it to take a week or so for the skin to adjust. You may even see more oily skin or breakouts during this time as impurities leave the skin. If you can, resist the urge to use harsh soaps or facial cleansers as it will make the adjustment period take longer.

You can also speed up the detox process by using a clay face mask once or twice a week.

The Oils Aren’t Working For me

Even if you don’t have acne-prone skin you may still have an adjustment period. And you’ll likely have to experiment with different oils to find your perfect oil ratio. If your skin is too dry afterward then reduce the castor oil (or rosehip oil if using). If it’s way too greasy, try a lighter-weight oil or increase the castor oil used.

If you find your skin really doesn’t like this after a month (and you’ve already tried different oils) then the OCM may not be a good option for your skin.

Cleaning Up Afterward

If you do this in the shower, make sure to clean your shower floor regularly so it doesn’t get slippery! Some readers have also asked how to clean the washcloth afterward. I do a separate load of laundry for them and wash on hot. You can also follow the wash up with a vinegar rinse before drying.

Have you ever tried oil cleansing? Did it work for you? Share below!

The Oil Cleansing Method uses natural oils like castor oil, coconut oil and olive oil and is incredible for naturally cleansing and moisturizing the skin.
  1. Michelle, D. (October 29). Oils Specifically For Acne Prone Skin. Minimalist Beauty.
  2. Crunchy Betty. (February 23, 2019). Trying and Troubleshooting the Oil Cleansing Method: Tips For Flawless, Oil-Cleansed Skin.
  3. Parker, S. (2014). Power of the Seed: Your Guide to Oils for Health & Beauty. Process Media.

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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


999 responses to “Master the Oil Cleansing Method for Beautiful Skin”

  1. Michelle Avatar


    I thought that steam was terrible for your face? Will this work without using the steam?


  2. Annie Avatar

    Hi Katie! I am really making an effort to gradually switch our family over to natural homemade products. I am using oil as a face wash and plain coconut oil as a moisturizer, and I feel happy with the results, but am wondering, is there anything more my face needs? Was there anything I was getting in my previous moisturizer that I should be replacing? I want to keep it simple but also want to make sure my skin is getting what it needs. Thanks!

  3. Katia Avatar

    i can’t find hazelnut oil anywhere!
    what oil should i use instead?
    i have a combination skin type.

  4. Naser Avatar

    Hi there,
    If you don’t wash the oil off for a while, like an hour?

  5. Michelle Avatar


    I’m just starting the OCM process this week. I’m not sure if I will have time to do this twice a day so I also bought a bottle of Burt’s Bee’s Radiance cleanser. I figured that I could use that in the morning and OCM at night since Burt’s Bee’s is supposed to be natural. I am just switching off of Proactiv so I assume that there will be a big adjustment!

    Any thoughts on using Burt’s Bees in the morning and OCM at night? Or will that delete any good results of the oils?


  6. Kara Avatar

    I have been using the oil method for a while now but am always confused in when I should do my clay face masks. Is it best before or after doing the oil method?

  7. Laurie Avatar

    Hi, I have been using OCM for about 4 mos now. My mix is 1/8 tsp castor and 1 tbsp jojoba. I recently added 2 drops of geranium to my mix as well. I have never had problems with breakouts until now. Needless to say I’m not happy. I’m getting small, flesh coloured bumps along my hairline. I think it could be caused by 1 of 2 things. The geranium oil. Considering I added it around the same time as the bumps appeared. My no poo method. I use equal parts skikakai..amla..ritha powders mixed into a yogurt consistency. I sometimes get it on my skin near my hairline, but I didn’t think you could break out from this stuff. I don’t know what to do about it. It sucks cause I had planned on beginning an oil moisturizer regime for the morning, but now I’ll have to wait till I figure this out 🙁
    Any thoughts??

    1. Emma Avatar

      Maybe try a different oil? Some people have better results with jojoba or almond oil instead of olive oil

  8. Shannon Avatar

    Hi! Thank you so much for your post on the oil cleansing method! I have just started this routine and it seems to be working great so far! I just have a question about how often to use the method…I’ve been cleansing only at night and just washing my face with water in the morning and that seems to work, but I workout in the afternoons and am not sure what the best cleansing option would be for my face post-workout? Should I use the oil method or do you have a recommendation for a face cleansing wipe? thank you!

  9. Amber Avatar

    Please help!
    First let me say that I love your blog and have enjoyed several of your recipes/remedies. That being said, I have been trying the oil cleansing method for about a month and a half and and still having both break outs AND dry skin together on the same face! How frustrating. I typically have combination to oily skin. But now my face is so dry. YET I’m still having breakouts. I’m using 1/3 castor 2/3 avocado oil because I thought the castor was drying me out. Could it be possible that the breakouts are from the over production of oil because the skin is too dry? Or do you think I’m using too much oil. I really really want this to work so any advice would be helpful. Also, I saw your post about the sea salt toner. Do you think this could help here?

  10. Lauren Avatar

    I just started using this method a couple days ago and even after two days, I’m impressed. Definitely want to continue. I have a question about sunscreen though. (Tried to look through the comments to see if anyone else already asked but there were too many responses to read all!)

    Anyway, I have pretty bad melasma from pregnancy and in order to keep it from getting darker, I try to use sunscreen on my face when I’m outside. I’ve used the SkinDeep website to choose a safer sunscreen but I’m wondering if there is a natural, non-pore clogging alternative that anyone has tried.

    Any thoughts?

  11. Suzanne Avatar

    I haven’t tried the Olive oil, castor oil blend on my face yet. I put some on my poor dry legs. Wow!! I haven’t found any thing in the stores that made them feel this smooth. Should I use hot water to rinse my legs the same as your face? How long, and should I use the messaging procedure as on the face?

  12. Annie Avatar

    I would love to try this method because I have really oily skin and nasty breakouts! Currently I use a regular face cleanser every day and then use an Aveeno face lotion with SPF 15; I was wondering if this method will still protect my skin from the sun or if i should continue to use my face lotion?

  13. kamille Avatar

    Hi! I’ve been doing this for a couple of days now and for those people who are quiet hesitant to try it because of the humid weather well, the method works perfectly to me. What I usually do is dry brushing my body first. For my skin type, I like combining oil (olive), milk, honey, and water in a basin (since my body is still getting used to OCM). I like it warm and I spread it in my entire body and face with a wash cloth massaging. Let it stand for a couple of minutes. Redo the steps of necessary. Finally rinsing with warm water. With a damp body and face I put a few drops of sunflower oil, massage, pat the skin dry or let it air dry.

  14. Elsy Avatar


    I’ve been using 1/3 castor oil and 2/3 EVOO for almost 2 weeks and my skin felt great the first few days but since then my skin has broken out worse than it has ever had before. I’m almost embarrassed to show my face in public. I’ve always had really bad skin since middle school and I’ve been using proactiv solution for over a decade of my life because that was the only thing that somewhat worked. I felt really confident in OCM when I read about it but now I’m not so sure. Does anyone have any thoughts or words of encouragement?

  15. Jennifer Avatar

    I’ve been doing this oil + steam method for a few years. I have extremely dry & sensitive skin with flakes & dry patches. If I miss a few days my skin lets me know. With regular use, my skin has a healthy natural glow & no flakes or dry patches. I almost exclusivley use pure unrefined expellar pressed organic coconut oil. I smear it on then steam my face three times with a muslin cloth (cheese cloth) then gently wipe away the residue, then soak the cloth in cold water & apply it to my face the same way to close the pores. You can google “lymphatic drainage facial massage” for a good step by step cleansing + massage method. Coconut oil itself is truly natures miracle, the benefits of it are endless, both externally and internally, I even feed it to my dogs & yes it’s safe for dogs & cats. There are several “commercial brands” that sell a cleasning oil + steam treatment, Eve Lom (uber expensive) Josie Maran, Aveda, Orgins (also expensive) & they all boast coming with a special cleansing cloth. However, the very best commerical product for your money, for those that do not want to mix a home version, Boots Botanics hot cloth cleansing balm, 97% organic, $8.49 at Target. It is olive oil based & it is amazing! Olive oil is extremely hydrating, I reserve it for deep hydration treatments. I use also use it as a hydrating mani/pedi treatment, it’s hands down 100% better than hot wax, you’ll feel the hydration on your skin, nails & cuticles for days!

  16. Sarah Avatar

    Hey! So I’ve been trying this for over a month and a half now, and while it’s great that I can use cheaper products and things that I already have in the house, I can’t say I’ve noticed much of a difference 🙁 I have SUCH weird skin though–like, it’s actually oily AND peely/dry at the same time in the exact same spots (not just like an oily t-zone and dry cheeks or something). I originally tried your recommended combo for combination skin (using olive oil and hazelnut oil) but after a couple weeks I added more hazelnut oil to try to curb some of the breakouts I was having. And it’s never been so successful to the point where I haven’t needed moisturizer (i’m going to buy some shea butter today, but before that I was trying jojoba oil, but alas, it didnt help much). So far its just the same troubling skin I’ve always had. I dont know what the deal is and maybe you can recommend something…? I’m a flight attendant and I think the super dry plane environments definitely arent helping (12% humidity! Drier than most deserts!)

    PLEASE, if you have ANY recommendations, please send them my way. I’m getting desperate here.

    1. Jennifer Avatar

      Oily skin will generally compensate for the lack of moisture by becoming overly oily; your skin is steadily trying to absorb moisture that it’s not getting so it’s trying to produce it. If you are not using a daily moisturizer on your face then the dry side of your skin is reacting to the lack of proper moisture as well. Fortunately the solution is simple, hydrate from the inside out drinking lots of water, use a moisturizer twice a day & regular exfoliation. If you are changing products frequently I might suggest you stop and maintain one product/regimen. Your skin accolades to any new regimen you introduce it to, that can take anywhere from one to six weeks. Part of that process is your skin pulling out toxins and impurities which can result in breakouts. You should treat the breakouts as you normally would. If you feel like you need a toner after cleansing, try witch hazel, natural “store brand” witch hazel, its dirt cheap & it truly is all you will need for toning purposes. Also be sure that the ingredients of your homemade OCM product are pure & natural. Double check the label, look for (a combination of) the labeling verbiage of pure, natural, unrefined, cold / expeller pressed, & organic. You want to be sure that the product is as close to its natural form as possible. Exfoliation is also needed in order to turn over new healthy cells in your skin. I prefer gentle exfoliation. Even something simple such as a facial puff or a manual facial brush can work to introduce your skin to regular exfoliation. A sugar scrub is an excellent way as well. Just be sure you are using gentle light scrubbing in small circular motions over one area at a time. And after exfoliation, always moisturize, always. Zinc & Honey are excellent natural treatments for breakouts, as is a sugar scrub (sugar contains natural salicylic acid). Aspirin also contains salicylic acid; crush it up, make a paste and spot treat or use as a mask. You can even prick open an Advil Liquid Gel and put it on a breakout do stop the swelling/inflammation. Be patient, consistent and persistent and you will have the best skin you’ve ever had in your life, trust me! Remember, allow up to six weeks of properly caring for your facial skin everyday twice a day without fail.

      1. Kari Avatar

        Glycolic acid (AHA) is made from sugarcane, and salicylic acid (BHA) is made from willow bark. There is no salicylic acid in sugar, that I have ever heard of. And the glycolic acid content in conventional sugar close to nil, though it does make an excellent scrub when used gently. I would refrain from popping any liquid pill to put on your face since the filler ingredients may not be good for your acne and can make it worse. If your face is inflamed and swollen from acne, then taking aspirin or ibuprofen orally could potentially help. I’ve never heard of ibuprofen helping acne when applied topically. Is this new? Hope this helps!

    2. Margoz Avatar

      You will almost always break out when you first start the OCM. I’ve been using this method for about 3-4 months now, and I broke out then (and I never use to have acne, just blackheads) and whenever I change an oil, I’ll have a breakout, nothing real bad, but a breakout nontheless. So I would just say, stick with one combination when first starting out, keeping in mind that you will more than likely break out whenever changing oil cleansing combinations (adding more Castor, or using more Coconut Oil etc.) and just try to hang in there. Be patient! Your skin is use the the other stuff and is detoxing, so give it a chance. I’ve found that any time I add an over-the-counter ingredient, be it moisturizer or whatever, other than my makeup, my face freaks out! I will get super oily, from my face over compensating. Then it’s like starting all over again. Hang in there!

  17. juliew Avatar

    First of all, I want to say how much I enjoy your website! It is so interesting and informative. I started using the OCM about 2 weeks ago & absolutely love it! I’m using a combination of castor oil, jojoba oil, vitamin E, and a drop or two of essential oils. It has made my skin feel fantastic.

    I do have an issue that I’m curios about. I’ve got some Skinceuticals moisturizer that I wanted to use up (too expensive to throw out!), and I used some a couple of times after cleansing with oil. My face burned a little after applying it – it never used to. Is that normal? Has my skin become sensitive to the chemicals?

    Any insight on this would be appreciated.


  18. Lina Avatar

    I’m really interested in trying this method. I have a dehydrated skin and due to this is get blemishes and a very oily t-zone. Would you recommend me trying oils for dry or oily skin? Also in the very beginning do you need to do it every daily so that the skin gets used to it? Last question is I normally clean my skin morning and evening. I would make this my new night routine but what do I do ind the morning? Just clean with my normal cleanser? (I use a non sulfat and paraben free one)

    Have a great weekend 🙂

  19. Lindsay Avatar


    I haven’t tried the oil cleansing method yet, but lately I’ve been using grape seed oil as a moisturizer. I just apply a bit to my face after a shower and then leave it on. Do I need to be removing it, or is it okay to use it that way?

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