Natural Shimmer Lipstick Recipe

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How to Make Your Own Natural Lipstick with custom color and scent
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Tis the season for making homemade gifts, at least at our house!

A few days ago, I had a mom’s night out at my house and we made all kinds of homemade gifts like lotion bars, vapor rub lotion bars (recipe soon!) and homemade lipstick.

Natural Lipstick Recipe with essential oils and natural colorsThe lipstick was the biggest hit and it was so much fun to create our own customized flavors, scents and colors with natural ingredients like (click on the link to see the exact brand I used):

We made dozens of tubes of lipstick for pennies each and they will be great gifts and stocking stuffers this year. I’m also packaging up some ingredients to give as DIY lip balm and lipstick kits to friends and family.

Homemade Lipstick Recipe

Some natural products can take time to get used to, like natural shampoo and it can be tough to find the right mixture for your hair, but homemade lipstick is completely customizable and works better than the store bought right away.

You can make them in plastic lipstick tubes or little glass lip balm containers. If you want to keep it simple, little glass jars also work. Here’s how to make it:

How to Make Your Own Natural Lipstick with custom color and scent
3.42 from 29 votes

Natural Shimmer Lipstick Recipe

This homemade natural shimmer lipstick recipe combines beeswax, essential oils, coconut oil, and shea butter or cocoa butter with mica powder.
Prep Time20 minutes
Cooling Time1 hour
Author: Katie Wells



  • In a double boiler, melt the coconut oil, shea or cocoa butter, and beeswax.
  • Remove from heat.
  • Stir in the mica powder and essential oils of choice.
  • Dip a small amount onto the end of a spoon and let it harden for a few seconds.
  • Test the mixture on the spoon for the desired color and scent with your finger or on the skin of your wrist to make sure you like it.
  • Add more mica powder or essential oil if needed.
  • Use a pipette or glass dropper to quickly transfer the mixture to the lip gloss containers or whatever container you are using.
  • Let cool for 1 hour. Cap and use as needed.


If your mixture starts to solidify while you are working, you can reheat it slightly to liquify it again.

What homemade beauty products have you made?


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


101 responses to “Natural Shimmer Lipstick Recipe”

  1. Kippi Schank Avatar
    Kippi Schank

    I love making my own creams, lotions and shampoo products. I bought liquid coloring for soaps, etc. Could I use that instead of the mica powders?

  2. Kaity Avatar

    For everyone complaining about the lipstick looking good in the tube but not giving any color to your lips, there is a solution. Adding bentonite clay, titanium oxide, or zinc oxide (which also gives it an spf) makes your color more opaque. The more you add, the more opaque it becomes. Just remember, bentonite clay has a green tint and the others are white which does change the color a bit. You might have to add a little more color, but not nearly as much as you would need of straight mica to have any color. Just make sure you get non-nano particles of zinc/titanium oxide. Also, red and brown iron oxides make a great matte color and can be mixed with mica for those looking for less shimmer.

  3. Tammy K Avatar

    Can I remelt my lipsticks and add more mica to it? The colors are not dark enough on my lips! Thanks!

  4. Patience Avatar

    Noticing the damage from commercial products and looking to purge all of the toxic chemicals from everything I put in or on my body and in the process have become more sensitive to said toxins and can’t even use nail polish remover anymore 🙁 I Love your recipes and am hoping you might have recipes for nail polish remover and nail polish it’s self that are natural, pH balanced and non-toxic.

  5. Grace Gadde Avatar
    Grace Gadde

    Awesome recipe. Came out great, and the color transferred to my lips beautifully! Had to add extra mica though

  6. Marilee Wintz Avatar
    Marilee Wintz

    The lipstick turned out awesome BUT as I was putting away the mica powder I read the label. MADE IN CHINA.
    I wanted to point out that Slice of the Moon Mica Powder is owned by a company in Toronto, Canada but is made in China. I have emailed the company to find out how this made, and how they think it is safe. Hopefully holistically and sustainably made with high quality but I am skeptical at this point.

    Do you have any input on this?

    1. Whitney Avatar

      I also am using slice of the moon mica. I feel like it makes my lips a little dry.

      1. zahra Avatar

        Hi katie,
        Same problem. Dryness on lips.
        Will adding few drops of olive oil to the recipe works ??

    2. Whitney Avatar

      I love making homemade lip balm! I noticed the mica powder wasn’t sticking to the balm very well so I heat the beewax and the rest of the oils separately first. I mix the mica powder in with the dissolved beeswax and then I add the oils after. Seems to work better, still doesn’t give a super dark color but it’s nice. Also I put essential oils like coffee, mint, cherry, rosemary or thieves oil. Thrives oil smells like cinnamon. If you take the essential oils out you can use it as a blush or eye primer too. That’s what I have been doing and it looks great!

  7. Charlotte Avatar

    I didn’t mean to put question marks they’re meant to be smilies!

  8. Charlotte Avatar

    What should I use to get a dark red or dark purple colour apart from mica powder?
    SO EXCITED TO TRY IT!????????

  9. Charlotte Avatar

    What’s best to use to make it a dark red or purple apart from the mica powder?
    SOO EXCITED TO TRY!????????

  10. Joan Avatar

    I just made these….wayyy too much beeswax. I am going to remake tomorrow using a recipe I have for lip balm that turned out perfect. 1/2 oz beeswax, 1/2 oz. coconut oil, 1/2 oz mango butter, 1 Vit E capsule, 1 t almond oil and 10 drops peppermint oil. Then I will add a LOT of the mica, as I couldn’t get any color from this recipe either.

    1. Jaime Haney Avatar
      Jaime Haney

      Joan, is the peppermint oil for flavor? I’m not wanting peppermint flavored lipstick particularly, other suggestions? Also, did you buy your coconut oil, beeswax, mango butter and almond oil from anywhere in particular? Thanks! ~Jaime

      1. Joan Avatar

        The Peppermint oil is an essential oil and I didn’t want it to really heavily flavor it either. But it just gives it a nice smell and taste (just a little bit, not enough to burn your lips) I guess you could leave it unflavored. I got all of my ingredients locally at a homesteading store called Buckleys Homestead Supply store in Colorado Springs. They are really nice there, although I know you can buy the ingredients online. I just like supporting local businesses.

        1. Jaime Haney Avatar
          Jaime Haney

          Thank you Joan! That’s what I needed to know. I like to support my local small biz’s, too. Especially since I’m one! Thanks again. -Jaime

  11. Mary Lou Myers Avatar
    Mary Lou Myers

    I just tried this….no color whatsoever on my lips even though the tubes look pretty. Added more mica, got slight color, but is so clumpy now. I was hopeful, have spent $$$ trying to find a safe lip color I like, that won’t dry out my lips.

    1. Bernice Avatar

      Hi Mary Lou, when adding color to your wax try using a small blender will smooth out the mica.
      The more mica added the better the coverage

  12. Courtney Avatar

    What a great idea and wonderful recipe! Thank you for sharing! I did want to give you all a little heads up that mica is one of the most slave-tainted items in beauty care…about 60% of it is mined by slave children in India. I’m sure you weren’t aware, but I thought I’d pass along the info. You can read more at:

    Maybe there’s a way to purchase Fair Trade mica???

  13. Sami J. Avatar

    Hi! Do you happen to know if this is fair trade mica? I have been wanting to make my own shimmery bronzer and this lipstick but a lot of mica is mined using slave labor. I am having trouble finding a source that is ethically mined. Thank you for all that you do! I have used several of your DIY recipes and they have all been awesome! 🙂

  14. Susan R Avatar

    Question – Do you have a sense from your experience or what you have read from others as to what the “shelf life” of this lip balm recipe is before it starts to do ugly things ?
    I made 24 of them for Christmas gifts (both with and without mica) and they were a huge success in that some stated that they would like more down the road. It would be cool to have some made in advance for those occasions but I don’t want to end up needing to toss them out. Since I will be making lotion bars next Christmas, the same question goes for them as well.
    Thanks again for the great inspiration!

    1. Katie - Wellness Mama Avatar

      They last for years. I have lotion bars I made two years ago and I’ve been actually waiting for them to get an off smell or “go bad” and they haven’t yet. Since these are all oil-based, they last a long time.

  15. Lois Avatar

    I recently tried some of your recipes for the body butter and lip sticks. Products were great and the mica worked beautifully. I wasn’t thrilled with the scent of the beeswax. Is there a wax that has a milder smell or is unscented?

3.42 from 29 votes (29 ratings without comment)

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