DIY Hair Growth Serum Recipe

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DIY Hair Growth Serum Recipe
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » DIY Hair Growth Serum Recipe

Hormones affect every aspect of health, and lately I’ve seen the affect of hormones on hair and scalp health.

After eight years of pregnancy and nursing, my body was tired and after that many years of my hormones being elevated from pregnancy/nursing, the postpartum hair loss finally occurred… and did it ever.

This happens because most hair follicles grow hair for a few months and then rest for a few months with an average of 10% of the head’s follicles resting at once. This resting period lessens considerably during pregnancy and women typically lose less hair during pregnancy, but the postpartum hormones can cause the body to catch up on the rest period for hair follicles, leading to more than normal hair loss. It is a normal process, but after 5 pregnancies and not experiencing the postpartum hair loss, it finally caught up with me.

On top of that, I had a really stressful few months and stress can make hair loss worse. I addressed the stress and the hormones and it stopped the hair loss, but I wanted to do something to help my new hair grow more quickly and to protect my hair/scalp in the summer months.

This hair growth serum is the result.

Some women go to a dermatologist or a beautician for hair-related problems. I go to my pantry.

As with my homemade hair spray, sea salt spray, and dry shampoo, this homemade hair growth serum is less expensive than commercial options without the harmful chemicals.

Hair Growth Serum Recipe

This serum combines herbs and essential oils that are good for scalp health and hair growth:

  • Nettle– Rich in iron and vitamins A, C, and K plus potassium and magnesium. It is often used in natural hair products and helps stimulate hair growth
  • Horsetail– High in silica and excellent for hair supporting hair growth.
  • Aloe Vera Gel– Naturally thickens and soothes the scalp and serves as a silkening base for this serum.
  • Essential Oils- Essential oils of Clary Sage, Rosemary, and Lavender are great for hair and scalp health.
DIY Hair Growth Serum Recipe
4.43 from 95 votes

Hair Growth Serum Recipe

Help stimulate hair growth with this aloe very, herb, and essential oil recipe.
Prep Time25 minutes
Author: Katie Wells



  • In a small pan, bring the distilled water to a boil.
  • Remove from the heat and add the dried nettle leaf and horsetail leaf.
  • Let the herbs sit in the water for at least 10 minutes or until the water cools.
  • Strain the herbs out and pour the herb infused liquid in to a spray bottle.
  • Add the aloe vera gel and essential oils and shake well.
  • Store in the refrigerator for up to 3 months and shake well before use.


Spray liberally on hair roots once or more per day. I found that it was easiest and worked the best to spray on before bed each night.

How to Apply Hair Growth Serum

Spray liberally on hair roots once or more per day. I found that it was easiest and worked the best to spray on before bed each night.

Where I Get Ingredients and Supplies

I got the nettle leaf, and horsetail leaf from Mountain Rose Herbs and the natural aloe vera here.

I re-used an old spray bottle, but it is very similar to this bottle. I also like this stainless steel bottle and this glass option.

For the essential oils, any high quality option will work. I typically order oils from Plant Therapy.

Have you ever had postpartum hair loss? What did you do to help it? Share below!
This natural hair growth serum combines herbs like nettle and horsetail with aloe vera gel and essential oils of lavender, rosemary and clary sage.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


367 responses to “DIY Hair Growth Serum Recipe”

  1. Grace Avatar

    Would this be safe to use on kids? I have a 6 year old with thin, fragile hair that’s never grown more than an inch or two passed her shoulders

    1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

      The essential oils may be too harsh for little kids. You could do a rosemary and lavender herb infused oil (argan or jojoba would be great) and then mix that with some castor oil and apply to the scalp. You could also do a test patch of this on the skin to check for any irritation first. Fragile hair stems from other health issues though that should be addressed, preferably by a qualified natural healthcare practitioner who could give you personalized advice for your daughter.

  2. Andia Blake Avatar
    Andia Blake

    Do you put on dry or wet hair? How long do you have to keep it in before washing? If you put it on wet, can you dry your hair right after?

    1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

      You can use it on either dry or wet hair and it doesn’t need to be washed out. It would probably be best to let it air dry since hair dryers damage hair.

  3. Lindsay Avatar

    Will aloe juice work in place of aloe gel? Is this best sprayed on dry hair, or can it be used on damp hair as well?

  4. Ingrid Avatar

    Hi there, thanks for this recipe! So when you say store it for 3 months, does that mean you can’t use it till after the 3 months are over?

  5. Lori Sweeney Avatar
    Lori Sweeney

    5 stars
    I haven’t made this … yet. I have all the ingredients on hand and am making this NOW! This absolutely sounds PERFECT! thanks so much for all the super good stuff you share!

  6. Susan Avatar

    Has anyone used this for hair loss after the C-Nineteen? I had it in May and now I’m losing hair like crazy. I applied the serum to my curly hair tonight before bed and the amount of hair that fell out just about brought me to tears.

    I don’t know what to do!

    1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

      *hugs!* Since you’re dealing with a lot of hair loss right now you probably want to be very gentle in applying this. Focusing on good nutrition to heal from the inside out may help too.

  7. SHEILA Avatar

    5 stars
    Can I safely use this hair growth recipe if I suffer from psoriasis of the scalp?

  8. Verna Lewis Avatar
    Verna Lewis

    Hi Wellness Mama,

    I bought some dried nettle leaves from Mountain Rose Herbs and I’ve had it for about 2 years. Do you think it is still good?

  9. Verna Avatar

    Thanks for this recipe. I definitely want to try it but would heat destroy the nutrients in the herbs?

  10. Mitra Avatar

    5 stars
    Hi Katie, thank you for this wonderful recipe! I’ve been using this spray for years and definitely noticed a difference. I stopped using it during my pregnancy cause I want sure if it would be safe. Now that I’ve had my baby I’m losing SO much hair I wanted to start again, but not sure if it would be safe since I’m breastfeeding. Were you using it while you were breastfeeding your children?

  11. Rebecca Avatar

    Hello! Do you know if it is safe to use this serum during pregnancy? What about the safety of your castor oil serum too? Thanks so much!

  12. Mia Avatar

    5 stars
    Hi Katie,
    Can I use this on brows and eyelashes to help growth?

  13. Arthi Avatar

    hi I have female paternities thinning hair due to menopause. I m ordering the nestle and horsetail and aloe gel soon . but I only have lavender EO. Which of the oils listed are the most critical in effectiveness of helping with hair loss so I cn order this or do I need them all?

  14. noemi Avatar

    Crazy question: I have a stinging Nettle tincture that was given to me. and i don’t really want to consume it. Would i be able to use the tincture to make a product such as this one, or would the alcohol in it be bad for hair?

  15. Claudia Avatar

    Hi Katie! Just saw your post and this DIY serum. How long does it last? Also, since you are probably purchasing the dried herbs in bulk on Mountain Rose and using so little in your recipe, how do you keep the remaining herbs fresh? Don’t they lose their potency or efficacy after 6 months?

    1. Ann Avatar

      Hi Claudia,
      I come from a country where herbs were used most of the time instead of pharmaceuticals.My grandma used to pick fresh wild herbs and used them on her kids,and later grandkids (me included ).The way she kept her plants were just simply hanging on the side of our wooden summer barn,tied together with a rope out in the fresh air,away from the sun.That was it.They always worked for whatever reason she was using them,so nothing fancy,nor particular about the way the plants were kept,as long as they are completely dry.I see that in US everyone is obsessed with expiration date,germs,bacteria so on.
      I keep mine in 1 gallon square glass containers (from Anchor Hocking).They work really well and I have about 24 of them, plus more of the half gallon ball jars.My friend keeps hers in large plastic containers from dollar tree (I believe they are 1 gallon in size),and away from heat and sun.

  16. Mabast Avatar

    When you say store it for three months you mean you use the serum after storing for three months.

    1. Neha Shukla Avatar
      Neha Shukla

      Hi katie, came across ur page through Google. I’m reaching out from india. Wanted to know can I make the blend using extracts as most of the herbs especially horsetail and Nettle is not available here. I’m getting online water soluble and oil soluble extracts here in India online. So how to prepare and use? Plz help

      1. Jamie Larrison Avatar

        It’s hard to say without seeing the products that you ordered. The water soluble extracts won’t really mix with the oil soluble ones, but you may be able to use them one at a time on your hair.

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