Oil Pulling Benefits For a Healthier Mouth

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Wellness Mama » Blog » Health » Oil Pulling Benefits For a Healthier Mouth

Oil pulling is an age-old regimen rooted in ancient Ayurvedic medicine. It’s now a home remedy that uses natural substances to clean and detoxify the mouth and teeth. But is there any evidence behind this practice and how do you do it? 

Oil pulling, along with other elements of dental hygiene and regular dental visits, may help you avoid tooth decay and gum disease. It can also help whiten teeth naturally.

What is Oil Pulling?

The short answer is that it’s a process of swishing oil (usually sesame, sunflower oil, olive oil, or coconut oil) in the mouth for up to 20 minutes. The oil is then spat into the trash. The purpose is to improve oral health, and the best time to do it is on an empty stomach first thing in the morning.

The basic idea is that swishing oil in the mouth for a short time each day helps pull out the bad stuff and improve oral health. It’s similar to oil cleansing for the skin in that the principle of “like dissolves like” applies. The oil cuts through plaque buildup and removes toxins without damaging the teeth or gums.

The ancient practice of oil pulling (originally called gandusha) started in India thousands of years ago. But it wasn’t really used in the United States until recently. 

It was first given the name “oil pulling” in the United States in the early 1990s. A medical doctor, Dr. F. Karach, used it successfully in his medical practice. He claimed it could potentially cure several diseases, including oral ones. The word spread quickly!

Benefits of Oil Pulling

Oil pulling is an oral care practice with lots of anecdotal support but a lack of extensive scientific studies. Although there are some… (See the references below). Most sources agree that oil pulling is safe but debate its effectiveness.

Here are some of the reported benefits:

  • Whiter teeth 
  • Improvement of dry mouth (“xerostomia”)
  • Fewer cavities and cases of gingivitis
  • Reduced plaque
  • Stronger teeth and gums
  • Improved periodontal disease
  • Better breath (less “morning breath”)
  • Improvement in jaw pain (less TMJ pain)
  • Relief from sinus issues
  • Fewer headaches 
  • Better skin (less acne, eczema, and psoriasis)
  • Improved hormone balance
  • Less arthritis pain
  • And more…

A 2022 meta-analysis found oil pulling could help lower overall bacteria count in the mouth, improving oral health. 

That confirms what was highlighted the year before in 2021: When oil pulling, surface cells on the inside of the mouth are covered with oil droplets. There’s also more saliva production. The result is that the oil-saliva mix captures the bacteria during oil pulling, making it easy to remove by spitting it out.

A 2021 study showed coconut and sesame oil both reduced plaque and discoloration.

My Experience With Oil Pulling

Though I’ve done this for a few years, my only personal experience is with increased oral health (no plaque) and less sensitive (and whiter!) teeth. Although I haven’t had personal experience with this, I’ve heard experts explain how bacteria and infections can enter the blood through the mouth. It does make sense that addressing these infections could impact other parts of the body. 

At the very least, oil pulling can be beneficial. It should have no downside if it’s done correctly with a high-quality oil. The oil should be good enough quality to eat. Oil pulling is a very inexpensive therapy that could potentially benefit oral health. For those reasons, I see no downside to trying it and I’ve used it myself for several years.

Although more scientific research is needed, I’ve noticed the benefits personally. Dozens of Wellness Mama readers also swear by its effectiveness. 

How to Oil Pull

The concept is simple: a person swishes a couple of teaspoons of fruit or seed-based oil (coconut, sesame, or olive) in the mouth for 20 minutes. They then spit it out and rinse well. It’s best to oil pull in the morning, before eating or drinking anything. However, it can be done before each meal, if needed, for more severe infections or dental problems.

Virgin coconut oil is an excellent option because its lauric acid makes it naturally antibacterial. It has a milder taste than other oils. Anyone with an allergy to coconut oil or coconut products should avoid using coconut oil in this way. Ayurvedic Medicine traditionally used sesame oil, just make sure it’s organic.

You can also add some mouth healthy essential oils to the coconut or sesame oil for extra benefits. The company I co-founded, Wellnesse, has a Balanced Mouth Blend that’s great for this. It features anti-microbial essential oils that help improve the oral microbiome.

Oil Pulling Instructions

  • Put 1-2 teaspoons of oil into your mouth. The oil traditionally used in Ayurveda is organic sesame oil. Sesame is also the oil that’s been the most studied for use in oil pulling. Another option is organic coconut oil pulling. Whichever oil you choose, place 1-2 teaspoons in the mouth. I also pour a few drops of Brushing Blend (naturally antibacterial) into the mix. You can also plan ahead and make these easy coconut oil chews
  • Swish for 20 minutes. Timing is key. Dr. Bruce Fife is the author of a book on oil pulling called Oil Pulling Therapy. He says 20 minutes is long enough to break through plaque and bacteria but not so long that the body starts re-absorbing the toxins and bacteria. The oil will get thicker and milky as it mixes with saliva during this time. It should be creamy-white by the time it’s spat out. It will also double in volume during this time due to saliva. At first, it can be challenging to complete the full 20 minutes. I didn’t stress over it if I could only swish for 5-10 minutes when I first started.
  • Spit oil into the trash can. Especially if you have a septic system as I do. Don’t spit into the sink, as the oil may eventually clog the pipes. Don’t swallow the oil, either! Hopefully, it’s now full of bacteria, toxins, and pus that are being removed from the mouth!
  • Rinse well with warm water. Warm water seems to clean the mouth better (in my opinion). I swish a few times with warm water to get any remaining oil out of my mouth. Some sources recommend gargling with warm salt water.
  • Brush well. I prefer to brush with Wellnesse whitening toothpaste to ensure no bacteria remain.

Is Oil Pulling Safe?

Thankfully, this is one point all sources seem to agree on! Some sources claim that oil pulling doesn’t have the benefits often attributed to it or doesn’t actually detoxify the mouth. Still, all of them agree it shouldn’t cause side effects.

The oils typically used for oil pulling are edible oils that are considered healthy when eaten. So, they aren’t problematic when swished in the mouth. The only potential danger is swallowing the oil after it’s absorbed bacteria or toxins from the mouth. Ick. You don’t want to do that! 

I asked my dentist for his thoughts on oil pulling. He shared that while we need more research to know for certain, it could be an effective and safe alternative to mouthwash. 

Prescription mouthwashes contain a chemical called chlorhexidine, which may be harmful. Studies show that some of these oils used in oil pulling were just as effective as chlorhexidine mouthwash. Another option is to make this herbal homemade mouthwash.

Which Oil is Best For Oil Pulling?

The oil you use for oil pulling depends on your goals. If the goal is teeth whitening, I’ve found coconut oil to be the most effective (especially when combined with this unusual remedy). According to the British Dental Journal (BDJ), coconut oil is also slightly more effective at removing certain bacteria from the mouth. These include Streptococcus mutans bacteria known for causing dental caries.

Sesame oil is the oil recommended by most sources (mostly because it was one of the more widely available oils when the practice began). It’s also the most well-studied and considered safe for those not allergic to sesame seeds. Sometimes olive oil is used, but it’s not as well studied.

The main thing is to avoid using high Omega-6 or chemically created oils like vegetable oil, canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, etc.

Who Can Do Oil Pulling?

Not every natural remedy is safe for everyone. Here’s the evidence on who can (and can’t) safely use oil pulling.

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

I’ve done oil pulling during pregnancy, but I was also already doing it regularly before I got pregnant. I asked a midwife, and she said it’s generally considered safe for pregnant women, especially after the first trimester. 

Oral hygiene is especially critical during pregnancy due to the risks of infection. So, I’ve always been glad to have an extra way to keep my teeth and gums healthy while pregnant. I consider it the same as tooth brushing, flossing, or using mouthwash. (This is purely anecdotal, but I haven’t had a cavity, even while pregnant since I started oil pulling and following my oral health routine). 

A 2016 randomized controlled trial looked at oil pulling in pregnant women. The researchers found it was just as effective as chlorhexidine at fighting bad breath. This study didn’t raise any concerns about oil pulling during pregnancy.  

Oil pulling is generally considered safe while nursing, but check with a dentist or doctor to be safe. As with anything, check with a doctor or midwife before starting oil pulling, especially if pregnant.


Several practitioners I’ve asked about this assured me that oil pulling is safe for kids once they’re old enough not to swallow the oil.

Those With Dental Issues

I got the okay to do this from my dentist and doctor with several (non-amalgam) fillings in my mouth. But I’d recommend checking with a doctor or dentist to be sure, especially if you have any metal fillings, crowns, or dental problems. 

Note: Some people may notice a detox reaction for the first few days of using oil pulling. This can include issues like mild congestion, headache, mucous drainage, or other effects. I personally didn’t notice these effects, but I’ve read cases of others who did.

FAQs About Oil Pulling

There are several questions that repeatedly come up about oil pulling, so I’ve compiled them here along with the most common answers. I also included any research I could find:

Does Oil Pulling Help Remineralize Teeth?

It may, but more research is needed. I talked about my personal experience remineralizing my teeth here. I used oil pulling as part of this protocol, but I suspect the benefit may have come from certain oils combatting the bacteria that cause tooth decay rather than actual mineral support for the tooth.

Coconut and sesame oils aren’t excellent sources of the minerals that teeth need. So using them in the mouth may not be a very effective way to provide minerals for restoring teeth. Since we’re constantly replenishing the minerals in our teeth and enamel through saliva, it seems more important to ensure we’re getting enough minerals internally. Then they’re available in saliva.

 Can People With Fillings Try Oil Pulling?

Dentist Lisa Matriste warns against oil pulling with amalgam (mercury) fillings. Mercury is lipophilic, meaning it’s attracted to fats. 

“Oil pulling will pull mercury out of the fillings which will then be absorbed into your tissues, inadvertently poisoning your body with mercury at a faster rate.”

She goes on to recommend having any mercury fillings removed before oil pulling. 

That said, I couldn’t find any scientific research on the safety of oil pulling with fillings. There’s some anecdotal evidence it could loosen them.  Check with your dentist to see if oil pulling would be appropriate for your particular dental situation. 

Does Oil Pulling Help Bad Breath? 

There’s one benefit of oil pulling all sources seem to agree on: better breath. Likely because of its ability to help wipe out harmful bacteria in the mouth. Evidence shows oil pulling can help improve breathing and reduce plaque, which combats bad breath. 

Can I Swallow the Oil? Or Where Should I Spit?

Again, please don’t swallow the oil after oil pulling. It may contain bacteria, dead skin, or other residues from the mouth and the whole purpose is to remove these toxins from the body. It’s also important not to spit this in the sink, shower, or toilet, as it may solidify and clog the drain. This especially pertains to coconut oil, which hardens as it cools.

I keep an old supplement container at my sink and spit the oil in it each morning. Then I throw it away when filled.

Do I Have to Swish for 20 Minutes?

I found it difficult to swish for 20 minutes when I first started. Though 20 minutes is the recommended timeframe, it isn’t a hard and fast rule. Neither is the recommendation to use a full tablespoon of oil. If you can only use a teaspoon and swish for 5 minutes, start with that and don’t stress about it. 

Adding a drop of essential oil may also help with the taste and make oil pulling easier. Just make sure any oil you use is safe to use internally. 

I also find the best time to oil pull is in the shower since this is the only time I’m not talking to my kids or doing something else. I don’t usually shower for 20 minutes, but this at least gets me part of the way through the time.

Does Oil Pulling Work?

My only personal experience is the oral health benefits, and I continue doing it for this reason. But there’s evidence that it might help with other conditions as well. The most comprehensive resource I’ve seen on the topic is the book “Oil Pulling Therapy” by Dr. Bruce Fife.

The American Dental Association (ADA) doesn’t, at this point, recommend oil pulling. Their recommended therapy against cavities is still fluoride. Learn how terrible fluoride is for your body by reading this article.

Although the research is limited, there are some scientific studies supporting the benefits of oil pulling. This includes its benefits for specific types of oral bacteria, dental caries, plaque/gingivitis, and oral micro-organisms. Because dental hygiene has a far-reaching impact throughout the body, oil pulling may improve overall health.

Have you ever tried oil pulling? What was your experience? Share below!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Steven Lin, who is a Board accredited dentist trained at the University of Sydney. With a background in biomedical science, he is a passionate whole-health advocate, focusing on the link between nutrition and dental health. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor or dentist.

  1. Peedikayil, F. C., Sreenivasan, P., & Narayanan, A. (2015). Effect of coconut oil in plaque related gingivitis — A preliminary report. Nigerian medical journal: journal of the Nigeria Medical Association, 56(2), 143–147. 
  2. Kapoor, U., Sharma, G., Juneja, M., & Nagpal, A. (2016). Halitosis: Current concepts on etiology, diagnosis and management. European journal of dentistry, 10(2), 292–300. https://doi.org/10.4103/1305-7456.178294
  3. Asokan, S., Rathan, J., Muthu, M. S., et al. (2008). Effect of oil pulling on Streptococcus mutans count in plaque and saliva using Dentocult SM Strip mutans test: a randomized, controlled, triple-blind study. Journal of the Indian Society of Pedodontics and Preventive Dentistry, 26(1), 12–17. 
  4. Durai Anand, T. Pothiraj, C., Gopinath, R. M., et al. (2008). Effect of oil-pulling on dental caries causing bacteria (PDF). African Journal of Microbiology Research, 2(3), 63-66.
  5. HV Amith, Anil V Ankola, L Nagesh. Effect of Oil Pulling on Plaque and Gingivitis. Journal of Oral Health & Community Dentistry: 2007; 1(1):Pages 12-18.
  6. Asokan, S., Emmadi, P., & Chamundeswari, R. (2009). Effect of oil pulling on plaque induced gingivitis: A randomized, controlled, triple-blind study. Indian Journal of Dental Research, 20, 47-51.
  7. Thaweboon, S., Nakaparksin, J., & Thaweboon, B. (2011). Effect of oil-pulling on oral microorganisms in biofilm models. Asia Journal of Public Health, 2(2), 62-66.
  8. Peedikayil, F. C., Sreenivasan, P., & Narayanan, A. (2015). Effect of coconut oil in plaque related gingivitis – A preliminary report. Nigerian medical journal: journal of the Nigeria Medical Association, 56(2), 143–147. 
  9. Ludwar, L., Mannel, H., Hamacher, S., Noack, M. J., & Barbe, A. G. (2022). Oil pulling to relieve medication-induced xerostomia: A randomized, single-blind, crossover trial. Oral diseases, 28(2), 373–383. 
  10. Peng, T. R., Cheng, H. Y., Wu, T. W., & Ng, B. K. (2022). Effectiveness of Oil Pulling for Improving Oral Health: A Meta-Analysis – PMC. Healthcare (Basel, Switzerland), 10(10), 1991.
  11. Sezgin, Y., Memis Ozgul, B., Mara?, M. E., & Alptekin, N. O. (2021). Comparison of the plaque regrowth inhibition effects of oil pulling therapy with sesame oil or coconut oil using 4-day plaque regrowth study model: A randomized crossover clinical trial. International journal of dental hygiene, 10.1111/idh.12532. Advance online publication. 
  12. Griessl, T., Zechel-Gran, S., Olejniczak, S., Weigel, M., Hain, T., & Domann, E. (2021). High-resolution taxonomic examination of the oral microbiome after oil pulling with standardized sunflower seed oil and healthy participants: a pilot study. Clinical oral investigations, 25(5), 2689–2703.
  13. Sheikh, F. S., & Iyer, R. R. (2016). The effect of oil pulling with rice bran oil, sesame oil, and chlorhexidine mouth rinsing on halitosis among pregnant women: A comparative interventional study. Indian journal of dental research : official publication of Indian Society for Dental Research, 27(5), 508–512. https://doi.org/10.4103/0970-9290.195638
  14. Sezgin, Y., Memis Ozgul, B., Mara?, M. E., & Alptekin, N. O. (2021). Comparison of the plaque regrowth inhibition effects of oil pulling therapy with sesame oil or coconut oil using 4-day plaque regrowth study model: A randomized crossover clinical trial. International journal of dental hygiene, 10.1111/idh.12532. Advance online publication. 
  15. Matriste, L. (2017, October 29). The truth about oil pulling: A dental perspective. Laser + Holistic Dental. 
Oil pulling is an ancient practice that can whiten teeth, improve gums, bad breath and oral health by reducing bacteria, plaque, and infection in the mouth.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


735 responses to “Oil Pulling Benefits For a Healthier Mouth”

  1. Sarah Avatar

    I would just like to say that I am LOVING oil pulling and STRONGLY
    recommend it to anyone worried about their oral health. I started about a
    month and a half ago and did it very consistently (once a day, in the
    morning) for a few weeks. I had very bad tartar build-up on the back of
    my lower front teeth and most of it is GONE!! It just fell off! This is
    stuff dentists tell you can “only be removed by a dentist!!” I fell off
    of the oil pulling band wagon for a few weeks after finding out I was
    pregnant (it was making me nauseous to think about the oil in my mouth)
    but I picked it up again this week full force! I am now doing it twice a
    day (morning and night). I noticed last night that in two of my upper
    back molars I have decay (or cavities) near the gum line on the back of
    the tooth, obviously hard to spot unless you are searching. I made some
    of your tooth remineralizing toothpaste and those areas already feel
    smoother! Just from brushing with it about three times! I am anxious to
    see if I am able to heal this decay on my own. I would rather avoid a
    Side note about oil pulling: It made my teeth hurt for a
    couple days when I first started. Not pain, just a dull ache. I read
    another ladies testimony on a different site and she said her dentist
    (who had initially told her about oil pulling) told her that the pain
    meant it was working. It is a detox sensation, I assume. No pain, no
    gain I suppose!
    Quick question: is it okay to take Cod Liver Oil
    capsules while pregnant? I will definitely ask my doctor, but I just
    wanted another opinion.

  2. Brianna Krampe Avatar
    Brianna Krampe

    I read online about curing cavities holistically, oddly enough i found i have a tiny cavity just starting to set in. it hasn’t passed the dentine layer yet so i think i can cure it. Ive been brushing with neem and pomegranate organic toothpaste and using cod liver oil and probiotics everyday. Im going to start this too! thanks for the post!

  3. Janice Burns Anderson Avatar
    Janice Burns Anderson

    I am trying this for the first time right now. I only did about half the amount and honestly there is so much liquid in my mouth from the build up it’s quite gross. But it does not feel like I just put oil in my mouth. Nothing like I thought it would be. I can taste the ickiness (sp?) of whatever it’s drawing out. Very strange. I will continue to do this for the next few days and see what the outcome is 🙂

    1. Janice Burns Anderson Avatar
      Janice Burns Anderson

      Just finished. I went the whole 20 minutes. I too at first thought “20 minutes???” but it was not that long.

  4. Cherilynn Avatar

    I started Oil Pulling a week ago and i noticed that my teeth are whiter and it does help with bad breath. The start of Oil Pulling for 20 mins makes me gag on it but eventually it seems like no biggie. The moment i open my eyes in the morning, i will take 1 tablespoon (*2 teaspoon is too little for me to swish) of Coconut Oil and start swishing while i bath, get dressed and prepare my morning breakfast and then i will wash it out and brush my teeth before i eat. I feel like my whole mouth is cleaned before i even brush my teeth. While i am doing all those things, it didnt click my mind that 20 mins has passed. Will continue to oil pull and start introducing this old-school method to my parents who have cavities.

  5. Berg Avatar

    This process DOES work. A troubling gum pocket (inside-upper-rear) VANISHED by my next appointment 6 months later. My hygienist and dentist continue to remark how healthy my gums and teeth are. I’ll stay the course!

  6. Maurice Thompson Avatar
    Maurice Thompson

    I’m on day 3 and I swish while in the shower…after the first couple seconds of acknowledging you have oil in your mouth, it’s no worry!

  7. Rebecca Avatar

    Dear Wellness Mama! I’ve been doing oil pulling for a few months now, both to improve my oral health and my overall detox. BUT: I’ve recently noticed a lot of dark stains at the edges of my teeth. It seems as if my enamel has gotten much softer and sensitive (or gone completely), and I am afraid if this has actually been caused by the oil pulling?! Do you have any experience with that? Thanks for a fantastic blog!!

  8. Telma Boinville Avatar
    Telma Boinville

    Love your site. Thank you for sharing wonders. I tell all my friends about your site. Aloha.

  9. Jeni Avatar

    Anyone have any reason to suspect this would be dangerous for an older child (thinking down the road after my daughter’s permanent teeth come in). She has 22q Deletion (Digeorge Syndrome) and serious heart defects that require her to be on antibiotics (dun dun duuuun) when she gets a cleaning. Due to her syndrome she has HORRIBLE teeth. Talking 7 caps and several extractions by age 4. A few past oral surgeries. Future oral surgeries etc.

    Bottom line, can you help me figure out if this is safe if you are at an increased risk of infective endocarditis? Do you think other alternative methods (activated charcoal maybe?) would be safer and beneficial for depleting the bacteria in her mouth?

    Thank you. I’m at my wits end worrying over her oral and heart health!!!

  10. Gera Avatar

    In this fast paced lifestyle we live nowadays we get inpatient with things that take a but miner and can make a huge difference in or life. You will be surprised quickly the 20 of swishing passes by when you are busy doing sonething else in the morning; getting dressed,throwing out the trash, dining tire hair, making the bed, fixing breakfast etc. Try it. It is 20 minutes that will make a difference in your health.

  11. Steve C Avatar

    Seed oils in general aren’t very good for you (inflammatory response in the gut, etc) so I can only imagine coconut oil would be a better choice than the other two. Just my 2 cents. I’m starting this tomorrow with coconut oil.

  12. Lefty Avatar

    I have done oil pulling with sunflower, sesame and coconut oil at different times. Currently using cold pressed organic coconut oil, because that is what’s available. I have no trouble doing 20 mins with a tablespoon of any of those oils. Just do it while surfing the net or watching TV. They say that when you spit the oil, it should have turned white. This happened the first 2-3 times. Now, when I spit the oil out it is still perfectly clear. What does this mean, if anything?

  13. Melinda Todd Avatar
    Melinda Todd

    I’m going to try this. Hopefully I can do 20 minutes, since I have to breathe through my mouth most of the time, it may be really hard to pull it off. Thanks for sharing this. I hadn’t heard about oil pulling for teeth yet. I do it for my skin and it’s amazing how much my skin has changed over the past year!

  14. Amy Avatar

    I just read about oil pulling this morning while I was looking for at-home, natural, teeth whitening procedures. I only had extra virgin olive oil available, so I used that for 20 minutes exactly (slightly excruciating the first time) 🙂 I’m going to keep doing this, to see if it will help whiten my teeth (no change after this first time), but my one question/concern is: when I spit the oil out, it was the same yellow (not white, as described it would be)…is this normal with the olive oil, or should it still turn white?? A minor detail, I know, but just wanted to check with others…Thanks!

    1. haley Avatar

      I used olive oil and it turned white after a very short time, but she said thats toxins and other junk, if you detox regularly or just keep a healthy diet and take good care of your teeth yoj may just not need it for the health reasons, but could simply use it for teeth whitening.

  15. Lefty Avatar

    The original oil pulling site http://www.oilpulling.com says only use sesame seed or sunflower seed oil. Some other sites say coconut oil is acceptable. I have never seen olive oil listed an option anywhere else. I have done it with any of the first 3, and it is really easy for me to swish the oil for 20 minutes while watching TV, surfing the net, etc.

  16. Ashley Jones Avatar
    Ashley Jones

    I am breastfeeding and want to try this as I have always had some issues with my teeth. Any suggestions?

    1. Kavan Sidhu Avatar
      Kavan Sidhu

      I also could not imagine 20 minutes at a time. My jaw muscles are too weak for that. I use chlorhexidine based mouthwash recommended by my dentist. It does stain teeth. But no sting like normal mouth wash. And takes out all the red or at least half immediately.

  17. Jennifer Hughes Avatar
    Jennifer Hughes

    Am I doing this wrong? My jaw muscles are sore afterward. I’m not swishing particularly vigorously, but I find that swishing for 20 minutes makes my jaw tired.

    1. Becky R Avatar

      I have terrible tmj pain and muscle pain in my cheeks and tongue. I still can’t swish the whole 20 minutes, but I figure that just having it in my mouth for that long should be doing something too. I kind of swish and rest, or gently work it with my tongue.

      1. Alison Avatar

        I have TMJ and I do the same thing! Swish and hold, swish and hold….makes it so much easier and my cheeks aren’t sore after.

        1. Alison Avatar

          And “swish” isn’t really the word I would use either. It’s more like I move it around my mouth and over and in-between my teeth, if that makes any sense. I know i’m not explaining it right…

    2. Erica Avatar

      I might say to work up to it, actually. I’ve heard that from people before and I, myself, try to do about 10 minutes in the shower in the morning and I’m still seeing great results on my gums.

    3. Beth Avatar

      I’ve seen a lot of comments on here about not being able to “swish” for 20 minutes and asking about muscle pain. It’s called oil “pulling” – not swishing. You don’t swish it around as vigorously as you would a mouthwash. It’s more of moving it around it your mouth/trying to push and pull it from behind your teeth to in front of your teeth if that makes sense. 🙂

  18. Rebecca Iluvmesumu Lloyd Avatar
    Rebecca Iluvmesumu Lloyd

    I’ve been using it faithfully for about 3 weeks. I like it. getting used to 20 minutes is a challenge, but, you learn to work around it. I do it while I am in the tub. I also rinse with warm water afterwards and then brush. My teeth feel much cleaner than if I brushed alone. I also have noticed softer lips!

  19. Rebecca Avatar

    Can you brush your teeth before oil pulling? And also, how come you eat after oil pulling, wont that just be putting more bacteria in your mouth?

    1. Aurora VeGodsky Avatar
      Aurora VeGodsky

      An earlier post by Wellness Mama says the research she has done indicates that it is but she does suggest doing your own research & testing too.

    2. Tammy Avatar

      You do it in the morning mostly b/c your body has accumulated toxins in your mouth and blood while sleeping that are prime targets to be released. Evidence of this is how your mouth tastes and feels (and smells) in the morning compared to other times of the day when your salivary glands are more active. Some health experts suggest drinking a giant glass of water first thing in the morning to flush out toxins through your kidneys. Other methods of handling morning toxins say brush your teeth vigorously before swallowing, THEN drink a giant glass of water. Oil pulling first thing allows all those toxins to come directly out, as well as supposedly it draws some toxins out of your bloodstream through your skin in your mouth. I like to think that all of these toxins are trying to get out while you sleep, so they crawl up your bloodstream close to your mouth, trying to escape, and then I help them flush out with oil pulling. I have no idea if the science backs that up, but that’s my picture I use. 🙂
      With that logic, it’s best to flush out the old toxins before eating and re-introducing them into your digestive system. Whether or not the new food comes with new toxins, it’s overall better to get rid of the old toxins first.
      I think overall oral health -especially teeth whitening effects- is improved when done any time of day. So if that’s your only goal, it’s still better to do it at some point even if you miss the morning ideal time. Although it’s hard to measure toxin removal benefits, it WORKS for teeth whitening!! Evidence you can SEE!!! Hope that helps!

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