Shea Butter Lotion Bar Stick

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Shea Butter Lotion Bar Sticks
Wellness Mama » Blog » Beauty » Shea Butter Lotion Bar Stick

I’m a natural skin care product addict.

In college, my bathroom was filled with dozens of hair products, skin products and make-up that were likely filled with hundreds of chemicals.

Natural Alternatives…

Since switching to natural options, I still have dozens of personal care products in my bathroom (much to my husband’s frustration) but now they are packaged in glass jars and contain ingredients like shea butter, cocoa butter, coconut oil, honey and other edible and natural ingredients.

Lotion bars are typically some of my favorites and they are much easier to use than regular lotion, but I started making them in plastic deodorant containers, which makes them even easier to apply.

In the fall, I love using shea butter lotion, because it naturally protects skin from dry, cool weather and is said to help the skin naturally produce collagen. In many places, it is a revered remedy for keeping skin looking young and it really does make skin “softer than a baby’s bottom”

I love adding in my favorite essential oils to make this an all-over skin nourishing remedy. I don’t personally use it on my face, since my face tends to have plenty of natural oils, but I know many women who love to use shea butter on the face, and this would be an easy way to apply it.

Where to Get Ingredients…

Shea Butter Lotion Bar Stick Ingredients:

What to Do:

  1. Slowly melt all ingredients, except essential oils, down in a double boiler or sturdy glass bowl over a small pan of boiling water. (TIP: I found an old double boiler at a thrift store that I use for skin products only).
  2. Remove from heat and add essential oils.
  3. Pour in to lotion bar tube.
  4. Let cool for several hours or overnight. I put mine in the fridge to speed the cooling process.

Note: This recipe makes enough for one 4-ounce lotion bar tube. For a firmer lotion bar stick, use more beeswax. For a smoother lotion bar stick, use less beeswax and more coconut oil or olive oil.

Other DIY Natural Skin Care Products:

Here are a few of my other favorite skin care recipes made from natural ingredients…

Ever made your own skin care products? What did you make?


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    Katie Wells Avatar

    About Katie Wells

    Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


    53 responses to “Shea Butter Lotion Bar Stick”

    1. Alice Avatar

      Thanks for sharing this guide to make lotion bars, and it’s very easy to make and alter for your own preferences. I opted to use a blend of herbs and spices including Cinnamon, Chamomile flowers, sweet orange and licorice root — it was a fun project!

      As a suggestion, I would recommend substituting the beeswax for Vegan alternatives for comestic use, such as Candelilla wax which is derived from Candelilla leaves; Myrica Fruit wax which is obtained from Bay berries; Almond wax from Almond oil. Also, many of these products are cheaper than Beeswax and all organic as well.

    2. Anjali Avatar

      Can this recipe also be made in cupcake molds as a regular bar, or would it be too soft

    3. Bojana Avatar

      I started to be interested in homemade natural recipes and the information I currently get is quite overwhelming and I am still trying to find out how to use certain things, what works for me etc.
      Would you mind telling me what you use this lotion for? It is not for the face I suppose.

      Many thanks

    4. Sheri Avatar

      Can you use emulsifying wax in place of beeswax in the shea butter lotion bar recipe?

    5. Sheri Avatar

      I love the lotion bars so much! I’m ready to make another batch! How do you clean out the deodorant bar tubes for reuse?

    6. Adrienne Avatar

      Hi Wellness Mama – thanks so much for all the beauty recipes, I love and use so many of them! …which is part of my challenge. I’ve ruined several pairs of jeans, as they seem to absorb the oils when applied to my legs. I try to give it time to sink in before dressing, though I have little choice in the morning, rushing to work!…I’ve tried adding corn starch/arrowroot powder, but it still doesn’t seem to help Do you have any recommendations as to how to keep skin moisturized, while not ruining clothes? Thanks!

      1. Nisa Avatar

        I know how you feel. That’s why I usually use it on the evening after work and more, right before I sleep, wear comfy legging and socks. It keeps my skin moisturized enough for whole day.

    7. Kathleen Avatar

      Hi – I’m really loving the lotion bar thing, and made a batch for Christmas gifts. One challenge: I live in Arizona and it’s still 89 at the end of November. I’m concerned about these melting if I give them to locals…any ideas on the recipe that could keep it firm during hot months? It can get to 120 outside and stay in the 80’s inside even with AC. My thought was less Coconut oil b/c that has a lower melting point, right? I don’t want to add a ton of Beeswax, maybe a higher percentage of Shea butter?

      Thanks for your help. BTW, the twist tubes are really well-priced on Wholesale Supplies =-)

    8. Carmen Avatar

      Will the coconut oil in this clog pores, or is the amount too small to do that? I get acne pretty much on my whole body, so a non-comedegenic moisturizer is a must for me…
      I realize I can use extra shea butter, but I’m just wondering about the coconut oil 🙂
      Thank you!

      1. Wellness Mama Avatar

        Coconut oil does not clog the pores like other synthetic oils might. It’s actually beneficial to acne-prone skin 🙂 Of course, you can always omit if you’d like and adjust the ingredients to your preference.

    9. Alena Avatar

      Thanks so much for the info on your site. Verh helpful. I’ve started making my own products and cannot imagine going back to store bought. The difference is amazing. I am a peppermint freak, so I added peppermint and a little eucalyptus. These tubes are not going to last long!

    10. Leone Avatar

      Hello. I’m planning on making the basic lotion in little silicon patty cake containers. But, my questioning is, can I use your Shea Butter lotion stick recipe in the patty cake containers?? I’m worried it might not set?
      Thank you so much for all our recipes, they look great and I’m excited to give them a try.
      Thanks in advance

    11. Melissa Avatar

      I just made this today. I love that it’s a small amount to whip up quickly. I have guests coming over for dinner tonight so this is a gift for my guest!

    12. Destiny Avatar

      I find myself coming back to your blog, rather than looking up any other recipe on the interweb. I really enjoy this, I like all the info & it helps me offer new products to my customers. Thank you so much!!!

    13. Kit Avatar

      Firstly, thank you so much for such an informative place to find information to live better and healthier for all ages in just about every way imaginable!

      I am converting step by step from a fully processed, over the counter, run to the doctor person, to an organic eating, almost there vegetarian, alternative medicine (where I can at 62 with a chronic issue) do-it myselfer!

      I have gone from chemically laced shower gel to your recipe, and have been making your lotion sticks and loving them! With one hitch! Every time I add my precious (and pricy) essential oils after I have everything melted together and removed from the heat, it seems as though before I am even finished pouring the mixture into the containers, the lovely scent has evaporated! I have even tried to hurry and stir a few extra drops in at the last second as they are setting up, but once hardened, there is no hint of any scent at all. So disappointing! I am wondering if I am purchasing the wrong thing because in looking around I have noticed a few are labeled ‘absolute’ and thought maybe those are what I need? Anyone who can help would so appreciated.

    14. Laura Higgins Avatar
      Laura Higgins

      I love these recipes!!! I have always used Aubrey Organics (somewhat pricey but not over the top) and LUSH (very pricey) I can now make my own lotions and bars for a fraction of the price! I love that I know exactly what is going into my creation. Thank you so much for the great recipes! Do you have any shampoo and conditioner recipes for fine hair?

    15. Mar Avatar

      Hi! Mine got a crack at the very top of the lotion and some melted through the container. Any tips to prevent these two things from happening?

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