Swimmers Ear: Home Remedies for How to Avoid It

Katie Wells Avatar

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Swimmers ear home remedies and how to avoid it
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Summer means swimming, water fun and time outside. Unfortunately, it also sometimes means the inconveniences attached to these activities. The mosquito bites, bee stings, skinned knees and swimmers ear.

This year, my husband got a painful case of swimmers ear (outer ear infection) that my regular ear infection remedies weren’t able to help, since the ear was so swollen. Some quick research provided some ideas to help remedy this condition and we tested these remedies on my husband. Here’s what worked and what didn’t:

What is Swimmers Ear?

Swimmers ear remediesSwimmers ear (or otitis externa) is an infection of the outer ear that is most often caused due to moisture being trapped in the ear or some kind of damage to the skin of the outer ear, resulting in inflammation and infection. This commonly occurs in swimmers (thus the name) because they spend more time in the water and have more moisture in the ear than most people, but this type of painful infection can occur in anyone.

Apparently, since swimmers ear can be a result of damage to the skin of the outer ear (which allows bacteria or other pathogens to invade the ear), simple things like using cotton swabs or ear phones in the ear can make it susceptible to infection.

Swimmers ear can also be very painful and in my husband’s case, it was severe enough to keep him from sleeping for several nights. Since we were planning to travel a few days after he got the infection, we also consulted with a local urgent care center to see what conventional treatments are for swimmers ear and used a combination of recommendations to finally remedy his infection.

Outer Ear Infection vs Middle Ear Infection

Swimmers ear, also called Otitis Externa, is an infection of the outer ear and is not the same as a middle ear infection, which is more common among children or during a cold or other illness. This type of middle ear infection is also called otitis media and can be very painful.

Outer ear infections can also be painful but in a different way. With swimmers ear, the ear canal itself will often be swollen and extremely painful, so even touching the ear or sticking a finger in the ear can be excruciating. This is often an easy way to determine the type of infection- if sticking a finger in the ear hurts, it is likely an outer ear infection. If the pain is more internal and hurts more when a person swallows, it is more likely a middle ear infection.

A medical professional can help determine for sure what type of infection it is, but these types of ear infections are handled differently.

How to Avoid Swimmers Ear

Benjamin Franklin was famous for (among many things) saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” and this rings especially true when it comes to swimmers ear.

The nurse practitioner we saw explained that avoiding an outer ear infection is much easier than getting rid of it once it occurs, and that there are simple measures to help reduce the chances of getting this infection. We are now careful to take some of these measures after our children swim this summer to help them avoid infection:

1. Keeping the Ear Dry

Seems like common sense, but since an outer ear infection is often caused my bacteria growing in moisture in the ear, keeping the ear dry is an easy way to help avoid the infection. Simple measures like drying the ear well after swimming and showering can help the ear from becoming infected.

Our nurse practitioner also recommended not trying to remove ear wax, especially with cotton swabs and especially during swimming months, as ear wax can help keep bacteria in the ear at bay.

2. White Vinegar and Alcohol

For the children, our doctor recommends using a mixture of white vinegar and rubbing alcohol after swimming, especially after swimming in lake water, the ocean, or other places that would have an abundance of bacteria that could lead to infection. Her recipe:

  • 1/4 cup white vinegar
  • 1/4 cup rubbing alcohol

She recommended storing in a dark glass airtight container with a dropper (we used this one) and using this in the ear after swimming each day. My mom did something similar for me as a child, and I’d forgotten about it until she mentioned it. I remember not loving the ear drops as a kid, but I also didn’t get swimmers ear.

Some sources also claim that this can be a helpful way to get rid of swimmers ear once it occurs, but my husband’s ear was so swollen that it didn’t seem to be very effective.

3. Ear Plugs

Another way to help keep the ear dry is by using ear plugs, and this is especially helpful in lake or pond water. After some trial and error, we found that moldable silicon ear plugs (like these) seem to work the best since they can mold to the shape of the ear and are adjustable for adults or children.

Relief for Swimmers Ear

Once my husband had already gotten a bad case of swimmers ear, the measures we could use to avoid the infection weren’t as effective and some stronger remedies were needed. I found that these seemed to help the most:

1. Garlic In Ear

I’ve often used garlic for infections with great results (including for other types of ear infections), and thought it might be helpful for swimmers ear as well. I didn’t want to use my go-to garlic oil, as I was afraid the oil would seal in moisture and make matters worse.

Instead, I used a variation of a poultice on the outer ear overnight and it seemed to offer relief and reduce the infection quite a bit.

What I did:

  1. Crushed a clove of raw, fresh, organic garlic.
  2. Placed inside a small piece of sterile gauze.
  3. Place this on the ear (it wouldn’t really go into the ear at all because it was swollen) and tape with some medical tape to secure.

2. Essential Oils

The nurse practitioner explained that often an outer ear infection will heal on its own, but even with conventional medical treatment, they often recommend measures for pain relief. Since the pain was enough to keep my hubby up at night, I used some essential oils (diluted) around the ear to help with the pain. (Note: I would never use EOs inside the ear as they are very concentrated and could make matters worse!)

What I did:
Mixed 5 drops of lavender essential oil, 2 drops of basil essential oil and 1 drop of peppermint essential oil in 1 tablespoon of olive oil and rubbed on the skin around the ear, behind the ear and on the neck.

3. Hot Packs for Relief

We found that heat was an effective pain relief method and my husband found relief by sleeping with a hot water bottle on his ear.

Why We Saw A Doctor

We were not familiar with outer ear infections and my husband was in a lot of pain and not sleeping, so we did seek medical advice for this. Natural remedies are great and we use them whenever possible, but since my husband was in a good amount of pain and we wanted to make sure there wouldn’t be any long term problems from the infection, we decided it best to seek professional medical advice.

After talking to the nurse practitioner, we learned that mild cases of swimmers ear will often go away on their own, while drops are often given for more severe infections (and for pain relief). She recommended over the counter pain medication to help reduce the pain and swelling and prescribed ear drops as needed.

In the future, we will make sure to follow her advice and use the vinegar/alcohol solution after swimming to avoid any other infections.

Ever had swimmers ear? What did you do to help alleviate it?

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


33 responses to “Swimmers Ear: Home Remedies for How to Avoid It”

  1. Glory Avatar

    I Always keep
    alcohol in a spray bottle in the pool bag. Every one gets their ears sprayed after the pool

    1. Nicole Avatar

      How exactly do you do this? What is the ratio of your spray bottle? 100% rubbing alcohol? Do you do a straight stream into the ear or a mist? I’d love more information!

  2. Jess Avatar

    Thank you for this helpful article. We are about to start swimming lessons with our son and will be using these tips to prevent swimmers ear.

  3. Mary Hall Avatar
    Mary Hall

    Oh gosh, I wouldn’t use Isopropyl alcohol anywhere near my skin. It is toxic and can cause liver damage. What I do use is hydrogen peroxide 3% solution. Lie down and put a couple of drops in your ear, wait until the fizzing sound stops and then roll over and let the excess drain out of that ear. It is also recommended for getting rid of heavy colds and flu.

  4. Morgan clay Avatar
    Morgan clay

    My mom swore by just putting a small dollop of anti-fungal cream on the edge of the ear canal before swimming for the day! Prior to that I got swimmers ear every summer.

  5. Andrea Avatar

    How many drops do you apply per ear?

    Great post! Thank you so much for the information.

  6. ali Avatar

    Good article, thank you! A secondary issue to be aware of with swimmers ear is pink eye (especially in kids): the bacteria can be transferred when one rubs the painful ear and then touches one’s eyes. We found that out the hard way last summer! Cleaning nails with a nail brush when washing hands during a bout of swimmers ear is a good way to prevent that.

  7. Dana Avatar

    I’m prone to swimmers ear and don’t swim. I think it’s because I have long hair and often go to bed with wet hair. I always knew when I was about to get an infection because my ear would start itching. I would use colloidal silver a few times (500 ppm), and if I caught it soon enough, it wouldn’t progress into an infection.
    I have since learned how to keep from even getting to the “itching” stage. I used to use a vinegar/alcohol mix, but then started making it differently. I mix alcohol with a few drops of Glycerin in a dropper bottle like mentioned in the article. After every shower, I shake the solution, and put a dropper full in each ear. (I do use a q-tip to absorb the excess and clean all of the external nooks and crannies of my ears.)
    The alcohol helps the water evaporate quickly, and the Glycerin in a skin protectant. I no longer have ear infections.
    If you already have an infection to the point of extreme pain, I have a remedy that sounds gross, but if you’re desperate for relief it has worked for me. Wrap an onion in foil and bake it until soft, cut off a thick slice and when cool enough to touch, place it on the affected ear. (Lay down with the painful ear facing up.) Place a flannel or other cloth on top of the onion to retain the warmth. You will get onion juice on you, but I was in such pain that I didn’t care… and it worked. The relief was such that I fell asleep with the onion slice on my ear! You can wrap the remaining onion back in the foil and keep it in the oven (warmed but turned off) in case you need another slice. I was using colloidal silver to battle the infection and only had to use one slice of onion.

  8. Ima Avatar

    I swim every summer in a public pool. I used to get ear infections so severe they caused me to go to go to the doctor for antibiotics and ear drops. Now I use ear plugs…these don’t block out all the sound, so you can have conversations too https://www.amazon.com/TYR-Silicone-Molded-Plugs-Blue/dp/B0018ZWKMW/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&linkCode=ll1&tag=wellnessmama-20&linkId=0fd7d6d5782ee177bd5bb5053fd0c7cf&language=en_US, plus the 50/50 vinegar/alcohol solution. I haven’t had an ear infection in years!

  9. Audry Avatar

    I would get swimmers ear regularly. I have since I was a child. I’m almost 49. I used to use rubbing alcohol every time my ear had water in it and that included showers and baths. So daily. It prevented the swimmers ear. I found that the vinegar and alcohol mix was more trouble than it was worth. After I learned that rubbing alcohol could be bad then I slacked off in using it and finally started using vodka instead and only when my ear felt “not right”. I use the vodka as a cure for swimmers ear as well. Back in the day I used the rubbing alcohol as the cure.

  10. Hélène Avatar

    the white vinegar drops, how many in each ear after swimming did she say to use for your husband? 1drop, 3, or what ?
    thank you.

  11. Hélène Avatar

    if they want you to use ciprodex drops, google about getting floxed first. its a nitemare.
    fyi, you’ll be told theres no other drug they can prescribe.

    1. Crystal Avatar

      I just got prescribed Ciprodex drops and am trying to avoid using them. My husband got “floxed” and I don’t care to have that happen, especially since I am nursing. Trying to find something natural that works.

  12. Nikki perry Avatar
    Nikki perry

    My partner has been differing with Ortis externa for three months, gonna try the garlic on him as rubbing alcohol is proving impossible to find here :/ thank you for this ?? Nikki xxx

  13. Ana Avatar

    Great articule! My husband has had a lot of trouble with his ear as he was into water sports and his ears and ear canal are very small. He uses the vinegar solution mentioned almost daily and hasn’t had any problems for decades.
    Our children inherited his cute ears, and when I forget to irrigate with vinegar after swimming we often have problems.
    In that case I use bentonite clay with great results.
    Lastly, wanted to share a trick I learned. I used to have some extremely intense ear ache out of the blue without any infection. The pain would vanish in a few hours. I saw different doctors and even my dentist to check if my bite was causing pressure in the canal but found nothing. Finally I was told to simply pull downwards on the skin right below the ear as son as I feel the pain coming. That relieves the pressure and keeps the pain from getting strong. I hope this helps someone out there!

  14. Rebecca Dawkins Avatar
    Rebecca Dawkins

    Swimmers ear is an fungal infection caused due to moisture. You can prevent it by using antifugal soap and antifungal cream. BTW nice article!

  15. amy Avatar

    i had an outer ear infection last year and it was so painful, walk around with an ice pack on my ear all day, just because it numbed some pain. but i went to a health food store and got some colloidal silver, put a couple drops in and i was good the next day.

  16. Adriana Avatar

    I notice that your always using organic products, foods, oils, etc. So I was wondering what is the difference between organic and well, not organic? It’s more expensive so I just wanted to understand how its more beneficial or safer before making the commitment.

  17. Kate Avatar

    I used to get swimmer’s ear habitually. Strep throat, also. We were at the ENT more than our GP. He recommended using a blow dryer to blow warm air into the ear canal right after swimming. I rarely remembered to do so, but when I did, I didn’t get swimmer’s ear.

  18. Georgia Avatar

    How did he test for fungal infection? My Dr looks at me weird if I even mention the word fungus?

    1. Cindy Avatar

      Georgia, in response to testing for fungal infection and your dr’s. weird look, you or your doctor can research “blood tests for fungal infections” on the Internet, midline, pubmed, etc.

    2. Janet Avatar

      I have always used cotton swabs and have been encouraged by nurses to do so. I cam fetch swimmer’s ear from taking a shower. Weird, I know, but true. I also use olive oil or sweet oil as my grandmother called it. Very successful there too.

  19. Cindy Avatar

    Swimmers ear no. Fungal infection in ear after rubber tubing in river during rainy season in Mexico – yes. I was living in a village acceccible only by boat, burro, foot. After the rains begin, the river floods (sounds like thunder – even trees get washed away). Then, for a while, after it calms down a bit, inner tubing down the river is an inexpensive thrill – if someone has some. I got a severe fungal ear infection. (Yes, it was painful.). After corresponding with family in the USA, received from my mom instructions from, and ingredients recommended by, our family doctor. Mix 1/2 boric acid solution (way back then, you could buy it in solution with a dropper in the bottle) and 1/2 antiseptic hydrogen peroxide. Lay infected ear side down on towel and slowly irrigate ear canal, morning and evening. I did and it worked. When I returned to the states our dr. prescribed an antifungal medicine, saying that fungus infection can be internal as well as external.

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