Maca Root Benefits for Hormones, Fertility & More

Katie Wells Avatar

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Maca Root Uses and Benefits
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Maca Root Benefits for Hormones, Fertility & More

I love using herbs and spices to support the body in healing itself. Maca root is a favorite because it’s so supportive of the body’s production of hormones. Since hormones rule a lot of the body’s processes, maca is a great natural supplement for female hormone support.

Maca: A Root for Almost Anything

Maca root (Lepidium meyenii) is a tuber or root about the size or shape of a radish that grows exclusively in the Andes mountains of Peru. These roots are commonly white and yellow, though they can come in pink and purple colors as well as gray and black.

While maca is about the size and shape of a radish, it has a nutty, almost sweet taste. Some explain it as being a bit like butterscotch! Some people add it to sweet treats because of this (though some people still don’t like the slightly earthy taste).

Maca Nutrition

Maca root contains many nutrients and other beneficial compounds that have made it famous as a superfood, such as:

  • Vitamin C
  • Copper
  • Iron
  • Potassium
  • B6
  • Glucosinolates
  • Polyphenols
  • Antioxidants
  • Amino acids

But maca is more than its nutrient profile. Maca is also an adaptogen, meaning it’s an herb that helps support the body in adapting to stressors. This along with the compounds above make it an effective natural remedy that supports hormone production.

As we know, hormones cascade into other areas like thyroid health, fertility, libido, and more. Maca can help with all of these areas, and studies back it up!

Let’s dive deeper…

Health Benefits of Maca Root

Maca has gained a reputation for helping balance hormones and even reversing hypothyroidism. It is an endocrine adaptogen, meaning that it does not contain any hormones, but rather it contains the nutrients necessary to support normal hormone production.

Maca for Adrenal Support

Maca is often recommended to those with adrenal fatigue as it nourishes them and supports calm reduces stress hormones. Because maca is an adaptogen it can help support the adrenals when they become taxed (as happens during stress).

Research published in 2006 shows that maca contains alkaloids that act on the ovaries and the hypothalamic-pituitary adrenal axis (HPA axis). By affecting the HPA access maca can support adrenal health as well as many other hormone-dependent functions of the body.

It’s thought that maca does this by nourishing and activating the hypothalamus and pituitary glands. As the “master glands” of the body, when these function better they can bring the adrenal, thyroid, pancreas, ovarian, and testicular glands into balance.

Maca for Libido

One of the ancient uses of maca root was as an aphrodisiac for libido and sexual health. Science backs up this ancient use as well. A small 2006 study found that men experiencing mild erectile dysfunction saw improvement with using maca. For this reason, it’s earned the nickname “nature’s Viagra.”

According to a 2010 Korean review, taking maca for at least six weeks increased sexual desire in participants in two of the 4 studies included. More research is needed to definitively tell whether maca works for this use based on the results of this review. While not definitive, this evidence suggests there may be a connection between maca and sexual desire.

Australian researchers found that maca given to postmenopausal women with sexual dysfunction helped with menopausal symptoms (like hot flashes) and increase sexual function but did not have any effect on sex hormone production. This study suggests that the support maca offers is not necessarily in affecting hormone production but in some other function of supporting hormone health.

Maca for Fertility

I have personally seen many cases of couples adding maca to their daily regimen and conceiving easily, even after struggling with infertility. (Note: It should not be consumed during pregnancy!)

But science also supports this function. A 2016 review found that maca increased the quality of sperm (and sperm count) in infertile as well as healthy men, indicating that maca may have a significant effect on fertility.

Women are also thought to benefit from maca. According to a Polish study, maca toned the hormonal processes along the Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Ovarian axis, “balanced hormone levels” and “relieved symptoms of menopausal discomfort.”

Maca is also high in minerals (calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc) and essential fatty acids which can help support hormone production.

Here is more information about the ways to use maca to promote fertility. This post talks about its role in balancing hormones, as the two go hand in hand.

Maca for Mood

As anyone who has experienced puberty, pregnancy, or menopause knows, hormones can have a huge effect on mood. Since maca is thought to help with hormone health, it makes sense that it could help with mood as well.

A 2015 pilot study discovered that maca can support healthy blood pressure as well as a healthy mood. In this study, postmenopausal women were given maca for six weeks. Maca “appeared to reduce symptoms of depression and improve diastolic blood pressure” in these women. However, there was no measurable effect on hormones, suggesting that (like an earlier study) maca may affect hormone health in an unexpected way.

Also check out this podcast with Dr. Kelly Brogan about natural ways to support mental health and mood when it’s a struggle.

Safety and Side Effects of Maca

Maca root is considered safe for most people. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding it is not recommended. Because of this, it’s best to take maca between menses and ovulation to avoid possibly taking it while pregnant.

If you have hormone specific health concerns, like breast cancer, endometriosis, uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, or uterine fibroids, check with your doctor to discuss whether this supplement is safe for you. As always, check with your doctor that using maca is a good idea for your situation.

How to Take Maca (and Where to Get It)

As maca is a root vegetable in the radish family, it can safely be taken in small amounts daily. It is available in powder form (this is the least expensive option) or in capsules (slightly more expensive).

If you opt for maca powder, add it into smoothies or coffee for easy ingestion.

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Have you ever taken maca? Did you notice a difference? Share below!

Maca Root is a tuber native to Peru that is known to balance hormones, increase fertility, boost adrenal healthy and improve thyroid function.
Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


409 responses to “Maca Root Benefits for Hormones, Fertility & More”

  1. Ruby Avatar

    Hi Katie!

    Congratulations on baby #6! I understand you take mighty maca and I was wondering if you have taken it while nursing with previous pregnancies?

  2. Steph Avatar

    Thank you for your this article on Maca Root. Since my first cycle after having my daughter and extended breastfeeding, I’ve been having terrible mittelshmertz (ovulation pain). My OB confirmed it was this, no cysts, at least at the time of my appointments. The pain is very bad with bloating, constipation, weight gain, just a mess, I do believe a cyst may form but then dissipate. I eat right, exercise and take vitamins and supplements. So I dove into research and this is what I believe happened. Due to breastfeeding, my estrogen and progesterone were suppressed, when breastfeeding slowed down, just enough to start my cycle, I still was not producing enough estrogen or progesterone. With ovarian cysts, everything I founds says estrogen dominance, not enough progesterone. But you can be estrogen dominance and still have very low estrogen. I started applying progesterone cream, but still had horrible ovulation pain. So then I found your article on hormones and the suggestion on taking Maca Root. I quickly found other articles, one stating if you take hormones, your body won’t produce it on its own. So I stopped progesterone cream, it was time since I started my period. I have been taking Maca Root supplement for one month, this week I ovulated with slight pain on Sunday night, didn’t even need to take anything for the pain. No bloating, no constipation, I feel good! I’m going to keep it up.
    Thank you very much for your time and research on things like Maca Root!

  3. Nat Avatar

    Will maca help with irregular periods? I’ve always suffered from them unless I’ve been on birth control. My fiance and I are trying to start a family and having periods that last for a month with only a week in between makes it impossible for us to conceive. Thanks!

  4. kim Avatar

    infertility for 3 years. pcos. starting ivf treatments. been on maca for 2 months, havent noticed a thing. fingers crossed though. i made the big guy start maca too. neither of us dig it. can barely get past the smell, but….. if it helps us have a baby, we are all for it.

  5. Patti Avatar

    Been trying to get pregnant for 2+ years, started taking Maca Root maybe 8 or 9 weeks ago… found out yesterday that I’m pregnant!

  6. Stephanie Avatar

    Hi Katie,

    Have you heard how maca does for Wilson’s disease?

    Thanks! 🙂

  7. Jordan Avatar

    I recently purchased maca root powder to add to my smoothies, I’m still waiting for it to arrive but I am so excited to add it to my diet. I was recently diagnosed with manic depression and I was faced with a serious lifestyle decision. I chose to look for alternate paths because I’ve seen many of my friends take antidepressants and when they eventually tried to go off of them, their depression was even worse than when they first began the prescription. For myself, I decided that this is a life long issue that I need to learn to live with–not just put a bandaid on. I began by changing my daily habits, eating healthier, pushing myself to try new things like learning an instrument and getting exercise every day no matter how much I want to stay in bed and sleep all day. I’m so thrilled to start experimenting with my nutrition to see how that helps my mood swings. I know the maca root won’t totally reverse or solve my depression, but I hope that it helps! From what I’ve read from other people who added it to their diet, I have good things to look forward to! Thanks for the article!

    1. Caroline Avatar

      Maca has saved my life basically. I have bipolar disorder 2. I refuse chemicals, I’m a sensitive to chemicals & dread the side effects. I had been depressed for 3 months ( longest so far) , & that was about a year and a half ago now, & I started taking Maca and wrote down how I felt every day on it, and it took 5 days to get rid of my depression, every day being a brighter day! I was amazed! I have been on it since, keeps me calm, with peaceful energy, balanced my hormones, helps brighten my complexion, has a lot of nutrients
      I’m not saying it should replace any medications but it sure has helped me in MANY ways!You have to keep exercising on it tho, because I have gained a lil weight lol- but mostly curves, & muscle from even just walking! It is great for workouts recovery for sure! It has stabilized my moods, I would never be without it in my life.

  8. Shelley Avatar

    I started using Maca Red Powder. Can you tell me if it is safe to take with Thyroid medication “Levrothyroxine”? Would it be something that could wean off my meds with? Does it make you gain weight?

  9. elizme Avatar

    Hey people iam from South Africa Cape Town I ve read all the comments about Maca Iam struggling to get pregnant plus I do not ovalute.Where in can I find Maca and in my condition in which form can I Take it .

  10. jane grant Avatar
    jane grant

    Hello Wellness Mama

    Thanks for sharing first of all. I was goggling around for ideas on how I can look pretty for summer while wearing sneakers ONLY and I ended up finding this article.

    I have very little cartilage left in the knees (from a sports injury) and my PTs and other doctors have stressed wearing supportive shoes only. And even within that category most of the shoes mentioned above have not helped. I therefore for many years now only wear sneakers and on very rare occasions Abeo sandals (a specific one that seem to have good “support”). And yes I have orthotics but over the counter ones in my sneakers too.
    Last year, I started having trouble walking and standing for longer than 5 minutes. My calves were so painful. They had been overused (from all the years of bearing a lot of weight in my daily life).
    Now, After months of super hard work with PTs, I feel better and can do more again like walk for 30 min up to an hr…Stand for longer than 10 minutes and get up from sitting position with little or no pain.

    So my question is all you’ve said is NOT for me, right? Do you agree with the medical experts I have spoken with? I have mentioned the barefoot walking/ standing theories and some even go by it in their own lives BUT no one has recommended it for people like me.

    Just wanted to hear your other thoughts.
    Is this article not referring to people who have very little cartilage left in their knees and who have recurring periods when standing/ walking/using stairs, etc. become difficult?

  11. Kelly Avatar

    Do you know if it is safe to take Maca Root if you are taking Norethindrone .35 mg? Which maybe it isn’t necessary to take both? I am taking the progesterone mini-pill for contraception though I am 48 (neither my husband or I ever had surgeries to alter us and I love my children but do not need any more at this age – LOL).

    I was taking Amberen for menopause symptom relief that I was happy with their company say that I cannot take both. I have had peri-menopause symptoms, the worst being mood swings. My symptoms for peri-menopause seem to be not as bad on the mini-pill but it has only been 3 weeks. I so don’t want the mood swings back or the heart palpitations either.

    It is possible that the mini-pill will be all that I need and I am worrying about taking anything more for no reason but my doctor seems to be mute as far as supplements are concerned. Thanks for taking the time to read my question.

  12. Laura Avatar

    Can you give me an idea about how much maca root I should be taking per day? I am an about 110lb female…

  13. Jemah Avatar

    I have been taking about 1 tsp/day of maca for almost 2 weeks now in hopes of balancing hormones, fatigue issues & fertility. I have noticed some increase in energy and libido. Be very careful to get your maca from a reputable source. Since maca has become high in demand there has been issues with quality of product and source. The owner of my local health food store was telling me how one of the companies they get maca from received product that looked and smelled like maca, but when the company did quality control tests it turned out not to be maca. One question I have which I can’t seem to get a clear answer is whether maca has estrogenic effect like some foods such as yams. I think it was the WebMD site that was warning people with excess estrogen issues to not take maca. I thought maca was supposed to be an adaptogen and to balance hormones overall? So should women with history of endometriosis or certain cancers etc.. stay away from maca?

  14. Wendy Avatar

    Hello, I am an ovarian cancer survivor and I read an article today in a magazine about Maca Root Powder. I went straight out and purchased a powder from a local Health Food Store. The cashier proceeded to tell me she was an ovarian cancer survivor and she took it every day. She loved the results and said it tasted like a nutty marshmellow. I told her my story…can’t believe I had her cash me out. I am tired, depressed, I have significant weight gain, very poor sleep, very dry skin and always tired or just down. I was a competition Fitness Body Builder and personal trainer until I was diagnosed and I had my total hysterectomy…UGH, life has been aweful ever since. I started Maca the minute I got home today. I am not expecting a miracle, just some relief and a spark of life back.

    1. Caroline Avatar

      I just read ur story. I dont know if u can read what I just posted to someone else, but I will say this to u, altho I am not sure either if it balances ur hormones or not, I do beleive it does, as it is suppose to be an adaptogen, meaning it will give ur body its own power to balance itself out, I use VEGA or Brad KIng trusted brands. Must be geletanized, as it is easier to digest.
      I have been taking it for a year and a half now, it saved my life. I’m a sensitive so it also seems to regulate the intensity of my emotions as well, I cope & deal better with stress, which for me was also a trigger for depression moods.
      I got miracles out of it for myself, mood balance, healthier skin, better sleep at night, peaceful energy, and I have tested for myself, my own dosage. I started with one each morning on empty stoamch since it has lots of amino acids. I started tested at one a day for 3 weeks, to give my body time to adapt to hormonal changes. I hear its best.
      Then i added another at noon before lunch, then 3-4 a day after a few months…but 4 was too much! It created a bit of coffee like anxiety from too much of it lol- I went back down to 3 then 2. Two was my magic number, and every 4 hours I feel i need my maca fix to keep my energy going steady 🙂 It probably balances sugar levels too, cos within that year of testing it and blood tests (wanted to make sure) well my sugar levels were back to normal, my cholesterol stabilized & anything else was normal. Seems u also avoid crashes from a big tirering day when u are on Maca. 🙂 I do not drink coffee and do try to avoid caffeine! This is all I need.
      I also had an hysterectomy, have or had, endometriosis, ( no one knows for sure if i still have patches of it now from remaining ovary) and besides the fact maca seems to make me bloat a bit (brocoli does too) it has built me healthy curves where they are suppose to go & muscle just from walking even! Were talking about 10 pounds in almost 2 years of muscle weight & curviers women curves lol ~ I didnt gain 50 pounds lol-
      It says ( & I tested) to not take it after like 2-3-pm? unless u plan on going to bed late, altho the energy u feel is peaceful, I doubt you would feel like sleeping lol-
      I always struggled with acne since a very young age till my 30’s, maca makes my skin smooth and my complexion bright & healthy. I do beleive you will be impressed by how maca IS a miracle adaptogenic food. Saved me from depression within a week when i starrtted it 7 i am more than greatful for its existence 7 my choice to start taking it. It is FOOD> 🙂 They even feed their kids maca over there where it grows! lol-
      This is my own experience being a year and a half + on it, I hope this comment helps you. 🙂

  15. Jessica Avatar

    I took maca for several months as I was interested in its use as an adaptogen. For a while, I found I had a just-enough coffe-like buzz that made me more effective at work, in a better mood and less sleepy mid-day. The last few months I have been experienced a notable heightened anxiety feeling panicky and having uneven breath. I can usually associate this with stressful life events but it was feeling random…. Then I noticed it was on the days I consumed maca. As soon as I stopped, I have felt more calm, less irritated and less anxious than I have the last three months. I’ve read that it can have negative effects on some with longer-term use and this seems to be the case with myself. It’s unfortunate because I love the taste and it was a cozy daily habit of mine to drink it with some cacao and coconut milk.

  16. Tess Avatar

    It was suggested last year that I take (2) tablets daily for depression.
    I’ve used it and full of energy since!
    A couple weeks ago I stopped using and find I’m more exhausted and getting depressed. Grantee I had to put my dog down two weeks ago 🙁
    But I seriously feel had I been on my Maca I wouldn’t be falling into the depression I’m feeling. I went out yesterday and purchased another big bottle!! Also taking Silver daily for energy which I feel works tremendously as well!

  17. Colleen Avatar

    Could you tell me how much maca in 750mg capsule form I should take to improve fertility please?
    Should I also be taking Vitex, Evening Primrose oil and Guaifenesin?
    Thank You so very much for your help.

  18. Ginger Avatar

    I have taken raw Maca but began experiencing intestinal problems and since then have read that raw Maca is not good to take but to find capsules or tablets of Maca that are cooked. I WILL NOT be taking the raw anymore because it was not a fun weekend.

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