Lemon Water in the Morning: Benefits & Myths

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Benefits of lemon water
Wellness Mama » Blog » Natural Remedies » Lemon Water in the Morning: Benefits & Myths

I’ve occasionally had a glass of warm lemon water in the morning for years, but usually just because it sounded good and I wanted something warm besides coffee or herbal tea.

When I saw several pictures and posts floating around the Internet touting the benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning, I decided to investigate this habit I’d already intuitively had for years.

Benefits of Lemon Water

Turns out there are real benefits to drinking lemon water, but some over-hyped ones as well.

1. Aids Digestion

The biggest lemon water benefit may be from the temperature of the water and not even the added lemon. Drinking any water, especially warm water, first thing in the morning can help flush the digestive system and rehydrate the body.

Think about this… during sleep, you typically haven’t been drinking for at least 8 hours. Giving the body adequate water when you first wake up is a great way to get your body and your mind going.

A college friend of mine who had studied in Japan brought back that habit with her. She said that where she stayed in Japan, it was customary to drink 2-3 glasses of water first thing in the morning and that when she tried it she had noticeably higher energy levels and seemed to have improved digestion throughout the day.

2. A Natural Flush

The liver is extremely active during sleep since this is the body’s time to restore and regenerate. Drinking enough water, especially in the morning, helps make sure that the body can perform these jobs most effectively. There is even some evidence that lemon juice can help stimulate proper stomach acid production and bile production.
Benefits of drinking lemon water in the morning

For a happy liver and lymph system, make a habit of drinking 1-2 glasses of lemon water before having coffee or tea.

3. Immune System Boost From Vitamin C

Lemons contain vitamin C (read up on the benefits here)… not a spectacularly high amount, but 30-50 milligrams per lemon. They also contain potassium.

Drinking lemon water first thing in the morning gives the body a chance to absorb these vitamins effectively and can provide a little immune boost.

Vitamin C is also good for the adrenals and can potentially help reduce the effects of stress.

4. Happier Skin

By helping flush the body and improve digestion, lemon water can lead to cleaner skin. It also contains vitamin C which is needed for collagen production for smooth, healthy skin.

5. Healthy Weight

There is evidence that drinking water, especially lemon water, first thing in the morning can help maintain a healthy weight. Researchers in Germany found that drinking enough water increased metabolism. According to this article:

After drinking approximately 17 ounces of water, the subjects’ metabolic rates — or the rate at which calories are burned — increased by 30% for both men and women. The increases occurred within 10 minutes of water consumption and reached a maximum after about 30 to 40 minutes.

Of course, drinking water (or lemon water) by itself isn’t going to be a miracle weight loss solution, but with other healthy habits, it can help maintain a healthy weight.

Things Lemon Water Won’t Do

Drinking enough water and adding a little vitamin C boost are good ideas, but they aren’t magic and there is no scientific backing to some of the claims made online about the benefits of lemon water:

  • Balances pH Levels: There is a theory that certain foods can leave an acid or alkaline ash in the body. This is true, but this only affects the pH of the urine and not the pH of the blood. Chris Kresser explains the acid/alkaline myth in-depth here.
  • Flushes Toxins: Drinking water is important to help the body naturally eliminate cellular waste (a process that it does naturally), but claims that lemon water has a special ability to flush “toxins” without defining what they are or how this process works are overblown.
  • Prevents Cancer: Many of the same articles that claim that lemon water alkalizes the body claim that it promotes an alkaline environment where cancer cells cannot thrive. See the article from Chris Kresser above about why this theory doesn’t make sense.
  • Increases IQ: While drinking water or lemon water in the morning can help with alertness and focus, there is no evidence that water with lemon actually increases the IQ over the long term.

Lemon Water: The Bottom Line

It is always important to support our bodies by drinking enough water, especially in the morning. Lemon water won’t be a miracle cure but it might be a better alternative to caffeinated drinks, especially for those with adrenal problems.

One caution: I’ve found that starting to drink water first thing in the morning when you aren’t used to it can cause a few minutes of nausea, so it might be a good idea to start slowly and not used to drinking this much.

How I Drink Lemon Water

I always make sure to drink a few glasses of water in the morning, but a few days a week, I have hot lemon water for the taste and extra vitamin C. Here’s what I do:

Benefits of lemon water

Hot Lemon Water Recipe

Lemon water can help boost digestion and energy when consumed first thing in the morning.
Prep Time 5 minutes
Total Time 5 minutes
Calories 34kcal
Author Katie Wells




  • 24 oz water (warm, not boiling)
  • 1 lemon (organic)
  • ½ inch ginger (fresh, optional)


  • Cut the lemon in half and squeeze one half or the whole lemon into the water.
  • If using, peel and slice the ginger and add to the water.
  • Enjoy!


Nutrition Facts
Hot Lemon Water Recipe
Amount Per Serving (24 oz)
Calories 34
% Daily Value*
Sodium 36mg2%
Potassium 149mg4%
Carbohydrates 10g3%
Fiber 3g13%
Sugar 2g2%
Protein 1g2%
Vitamin C 57.3mg69%
Calcium 48mg5%
Iron 0.6mg3%
* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet.


After drinking, swish with some plain filtered water for 30 seconds to make sure the citric acid from the lemon juice doesn’t remain on teeth.
TIP: Zest the organic lemon first and store the grated zest in the freezer or dehydrate for easy use in recipes.

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This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Betsy Greenleaf, the first board certified female urogynecologist in the United States. She is double board certified in Obstetrics and Gynecology, as well as Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Do you drink lemon water in the morning? Have you noticed any benefits? Share below!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Scott Soerries, MD, Family Physician and Medical Director of SteadyMD. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

There are many articles about the benefits of lemon water in the morning. It can help digestion and energy but some benefits are exaggerated.


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About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. WellnessMama.com is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


218 responses to “Lemon Water in the Morning: Benefits & Myths”

  1. evan Avatar

    5 stars
    I drink hot lemon water every day – first thing in the AM – with a teaspoon of raw honey. Delicious and healthy. I also grate some of the peel to shave some of the lemon skin into the drink for extra vitamin C.
    I think I may start adding Ginger.
    30 minutes later I eat a normal breakfast, coffee etc but something about starting the day with that lemon elixir makes me feel better and healthier all day. Maybe mental I don’t know but it’s working highly recommended!

  2. Sharon V Avatar

    Several times a week I drink a glass of warm water with lemon juice, cinnamon, and honey. I absolutely love it!

  3. Lydia Avatar

    This is a bit embarrassing, but it’s something I credit drinking lemon water each morning to… I had an allergy to my husband’s “baby juice” and it left me with a burning sensation even moments after doing the deed… (we saved ourselves til marriage so there was no way of knowing this before hand in case anyone tries to debate that…)

    We were trying for a baby, but had to stop because it was causing me too much pain. I did some research online and read that the reaction could be caused by having a high acidic level in my lady parts. I began drinking lemon water each morning and within six months I was able to enjoy the deed with no pain or discomfort. Sadly, it didn’t bring on pregnancy… there are other issues there, but at least I can now enjoy the man I married.

    Like I said, I’m only going off experience here, but for me, this worked in that way and maybe it can help someone else.

  4. Carol Houchin Avatar
    Carol Houchin

    4 stars
    How about LEMON JUICE? And how much Lemon should be used in a single cup of water? Also, is there any Science behind the preference for WARM water, as opposed to COLD?

  5. Jen Lambert Avatar
    Jen Lambert

    5 stars
    Hi Katie, I’ve noticed a few people have asked if essential oils are just as beneficial (the purest/organic oils of course!) I’m really curious if this is true also. I hope so – it’s a much quicker/easier alternative! Also a lot have asked about cold vs warm water. My Acupuncturist says that in Chinese medicine it is recommended that you drink warm water because cold water is harder on your digestive system.

  6. Ruth Avatar

    Make sure the water isn’t above 120 degrees F! This kills the live enzymes

  7. Diana Avatar

    Would the lemon water make GERD worse with the acidity? I have a bit of acid every now and then but will try the water soon anyway. Thanks for the article! 🙂

  8. Corine Avatar

    5 stars
    Hot Lemon Water is wonderful; however, be sure to maintain oral hygiene. The acid from the lemon can damage the enamel on you teeth; therefore, I suggest using an enamel restore mouthwash and enamel health toothpaste.

    When I drink Lemon Water, I am revived and totally focused.

  9. Lynn Avatar

    Many years ago, during training as a nursing assistant, our RN instructor advised us to drink hot lemon water every morning, as part of our personal hygiene program. The benefit, she explained was bowel regularity and an increased ability to perform our duties without unnecessary interruptions. At the time, I thought her advise was inappropriate, but now realize that she was ahead of her time. I love my diet sodas, (gasp!), but I am really enjoying iced lemon water more and more. I don’t think that the temperature of the water matters much, as our bodies quickly either warm or cool it. Sometimes, when out of fresh lemons, I have to use the reconstituted juice, which is acceptable.
    We all need water in order for our bodies to function, and by itself will not make you gain or lose weight. The ratio of calories taken in and calories burned is still what determines weight. Water can make a person feel more sated and they may loose weight from eating less. Water consumption will not cause you to loose weight if you continue normal food consumption.
    Lemon water is pretty dilute, and acid re-flux exacerbation is unlikely as most are likely to be in an upright position during the day. You might wish to check with your gasteroenterologist before beginning to drink lemon water, especially if you have been told to limit acid intake.

  10. Uche Ejimeke Avatar
    Uche Ejimeke

    Thank you so far, you’ve done a great job. I have been taking the normal only water therapy for some time now, and it’s has been of great help to you health generally, but learning about this lemon water therapy sounds great. Pls is it advisable to use the two water therapies together same time or one at a time? Another one, am a slim person an i don’t really want to reduce weight than i appear, will lemon water make me loose weight? Am so proud of your post, thanks. Pls reply

  11. Lori Avatar

    My question is I suffer from acid reflux…I always limit my acid intake. Does anyone know if this makes that sort of thing worse? I am going to start anyway but just curious….thank you.

  12. Shaik jalal Avatar
    Shaik jalal

    Naturally I drink water early morning
    Buti didn’t used lemon yet . I have a question, I want to loose my weight /fat more and more , does this lemon juice work for . If yes , Tell me how many times I have to drink lemon water in 24hrs and its tips to prepare.

  13. Alexis Swearingen Avatar
    Alexis Swearingen

    Usually I squeeze a lemon fresh into my water. I noticed your instructions called for dehydrating the lemon or putting it in the freezer before squeezing it into the water. I want to make sure I am getting all the nutritional benefits. Is there a difference in methods? Do you add pieces of lemon to the water? Thank You!

  14. Criselda Avatar

    Katie, would doing this with cold water work just as well? I personally enjoy iced water with lemon. Is there a specific reason for using warm water?

  15. Michelle Goldsmith Avatar
    Michelle Goldsmith

    5 stars
    As regards the *Increase IQ* claim, of course, drinking water (lemon or otherwise) can’t increase your IQ, however, it can prevent temporary *loss* of mental ability. Studies regarding pseudo-senility and Alzheimer’s has revealed that many elderly people reduce water consumption after midday in order to prevent having to get up in the night to urinate, or even more dreaded, wetting the bed at night. These patients then exhibited loss of faculty in the late afternoons and evenings, with symptoms which appear similar to senility. These same patients, once they had re-hydrated the next morning, appeared perfectly normal.

    This syndrome was even highlighted in an episode of Doc Martin, where he deems his elderly patient is fully cognizant and in control, but the same afternoon, this character decides to wander out into the ocean fully-dressed to complete her daily shopping (obviously, not normal behavior) and cannot remember people she knows well.

    The science, as I understand it, is that your brain synapses require moisture to function properly and withholding large amounts of liquid can create senility-like episodes. There is also evidence that low-fat diets can create a similar deficiency of material the brain requires to function properly.

    A word of caution: One has to be careful about the source of water, fats, and other nutrients. Contaminants in water can be just as damaging and certain types of fats (hydrogenated, for example) are obviously not good for you. But keeping hydrated and eating the right types of fat can assist you in keeping your wits about you!

    DISCLAIMER: I AM NOT A DOCTOR and I don’t play one on TV either! Everything I write is my opinion alone. Don’t just take my word for anything — do you own research and make informed decisions about what you believe so you do the right things for you and your family members!


  16. Courtney Avatar

    5 stars
    Hello. Do you use the ginger to help the taste or for other health benefits? I haven’t seen so much on lemon water as honey lemon water. What are your thoughts on honey vs. ginger?

  17. dees Avatar

    Can i just squeez the lemon and drink it on its own without ant water???

  18. vian ramos Avatar
    vian ramos

    I prefer cold lemon.water.is it okay?pls confirm.just squeze the lemon with one glass of wateron one piece of lemon can be the same result?

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