How to Detox Your Armpits

Katie Wells Avatar

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How to detox your armpits, and why you should
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So, in case the title didn’t give it away, today’s post is on an interesting topic, but hear me out before judging!

I get a lot of questions from people who try my homemade deodorant and have issues with rashes or odor or excessive sweat. I’ve found that magnesium spray deodorant can be a good alternative, but wanted to find a way to help those who were still having trouble.

After much experimentation, research, and help from a few brave friends, I found an unusual solution that works really well!

Detoxifying Armpits: Yes, It’s a Thing

It occurred to me as I sat researching the sebaceous glands one night with a bentonite clay face mask on that perhaps my face mask was the answer to the armpit question as well.

After all, I’d used bentonite clay to detox my hair before (and use it in my shampoo now) and in natural detox baths and it worked incredibly well… perhaps it would speed up the adjustment period to natural deodorant as well.

Why detox your armpits at all? Why not just keep using regular deodorant and avoid the whole problem? Glad you asked…

Conventional deodorants and antiperspirants contain a variety of chemicals and additives. It takes something unnatural to block the body’s natural ability to sweat, and the chemical list in some deodorants is impressive:

  • Aluminum– Some evidence links aluminum to cancer and Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Phthalates– Endocrine disruptors often also found in plastic that can cause hormone imbalance and even infertility (especially in men)
  • Propylene glycol– Common name: antifreeze. It is a hotly debated additive in personal care products but the Environmental Working Group reports that it carries a moderate risk of immunotoxicity and allergies
  • Formaldehyde-  A known carcinogen… guess it kills the germs though
  • Parabens- Another hormone disruptor and parabens have been found in biopsied tissue with breast cancer
  • Antibacterial Substances- I talked about these before but they are endocrine disruptors and can negatively affect the immune system

Why is this a big deal? Ever gotten sick and had a lump in your neck or armpit? That is a lymph node and they are a major part of your immune system. Putting endocrine disruption chemicals directly on top of them is a great way to screw up your hormones and suppress immune function.

The skin is the body’s largest organ and what touches our skin can easily enter our bloodstream. With skyrocketing rates of breast cancer, it would seem prudent to avoid these chemicals until further research is done.

A great advantage to doing an armpit detox, besides that it helps speed up the natural deodorant adjustment period, is that it might help pull some of these chemicals out of the skin and tissue of the armpits. This can be especially helpful after years of conventional deodorant use.How to detox your armpits- and why you should

Does Armpit Detoxification Work?

I tried it personally and had several friends who hadn’t yet made the switch to natural deodorant try it as well and then switch. Here are the results:

  • We all noticed less odor, even without wearing any deodorant afterward
  • Nobody who tried the detox noticed a rash when using the natural deodorant
  • All but one person said they noticed less sweat
  • Everyone said they would recommend it to a friend

Completely un-scientific trial but practically applicable and the results seem promising!

How to Detox Your Arm Pits

Don’t you love when something is so easy that it almost doesn’t need instructions?

You might already have the ingredients on hand. You’ll just need bentonite clay, apple cider vinegar, and water.

How to detox your armpits, and why you should

Detoxifying Armpit Clay Mask Recipe

Reset your armpits to their natural working order with this simple clay mask.
Author Katie Wells






  • Mix all of the ingredients in a glass bowl (do not use metal!) with a wooden or non-metal spoon until about the consistency of sour cream.
  • Spread in an even layer over the armpits and allow to sit for 5-20 minutes. I suggest starting slowly and working up to a longer period of time once you see how your body adjust. If it hurts at all, remove immediately.
  • This may cause some redness as it will increase blood flow to the area, but it will go away quickly.
  • Wash off in the shower or with a warm, wet washcloth.
  • Repeat daily or as needed until underarm odor goes away and natural deodorant is non-irritating.


I’ve found that I don’t even need the baking soda in my natural deodorant after doing this.

Additional Armpit Tricks to Try

If you are still struggling with odor or have itching or lumps in your armpits, consider dry brushing, which is said to help improve lymph circulation.

Also, make sure to drink a lot of water any time you stimulate lymph flow (dry brushing, massage, detox, etc) to help flush the body and avoid getting dehydrated.

Transitioning to Natural Deodorant

After detoxifying, keep armpits functioning properly by letting them sweat! I know this isn’t the most socially acceptable (or the most pleasant at times), but I find that I experience less sweat the longer I use a natural approach.

DIY Armpit Care

If you have some coconut oil, shea butter, and a few essential oils on hand, you can probably make your own natural deodorant! It costs a lot less than natural deodorant in the store and works just as well. I’ve been experimenting with recipes for years and perfected a few different kinds:

I make up several jars (or bars) at a time since they keep for up to a year or more. That way I always have some on hand. These are great too for teens who are just starting out on the journey!

Where to Buy Deodorant

I’ve also found my favorite brands to buy over the years (because life gets busy!). Here are our favorites:

  • Wellnesse Mineral Deodorant – Part of my personal care line, we created our natural deodorant off of my tried and true DIY recipe. We formulated it with those in mind who are sensitive to baking soda and it has rave reviews from both men and women.
  • Crunchy Betty’s Kokomo Cream – This deodorant has been a great standby for years. It smells lightly tropical and reminds me of vacation and the beach!
  • Schmidt’s (any scent, but this one is great) – goes on smooth, and slightly more affordable than other natural options

That’s it! Enjoy your new stink-free armpits!

This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Ann Shippy, who is Board Certified in Internal Medicine and a certified Functional Medicine physician with a thriving practice in Austin, Texas. As always, this is not personal medical advice and we recommend that you talk with your doctor.

Your turn. Ready to try an armpit detox? Think it’s too weird? Share below!

Find out how to detox your armpits and why you'd want to. Deodorant often contains chemicals like parabens, propylene glycol and other harmful chemicals.

Katie Wells Avatar

About Katie Wells

Katie Wells, CTNC, MCHC, Founder of Wellness Mama and Co-founder of Wellnesse, has a background in research, journalism, and nutrition. As a mom of six, she turned to research and took health into her own hands to find answers to her health problems. is the culmination of her thousands of hours of research and all posts are medically reviewed and verified by the Wellness Mama research team. Katie is also the author of the bestselling books The Wellness Mama Cookbook and The Wellness Mama 5-Step Lifestyle Detox.


691 responses to “How to Detox Your Armpits”

  1. Monica Avatar

    I have a terrible ammonia odor after/during showering. Also notice it after exercising when I breathe deeply – it’s in my nostrils. I’ve always thought I need to detox. Gonna try the armpit detox. Any other recommendations?

  2. Rita Avatar

    Has anyone considered that there might be a link between hair removal methods and irritation level from natural deodorant? I have used Honey Dew Naturals’ Be Free aluminum free deodorant (containing arrow root powder and baking soda) for the past 2 years now. I have mostly waxed, but this summer I had to shave because I needed to be hair-free more frequently than I could wax. I also tried using Lavilin once, for a day, as an attempt to find something that wouldn’t leave marks on dark clothes when necessary. Not only did that not work, but during this time I also broke out in ugly red pimples under my arms during this time. This makes me think that hair removal method has something to do with it. Yes I know that it seems counterintuitive in that I don’t have as much irritation with waxing (I use a baby powder before waxing to protect my skin) as I do with shaving.

  3. Marie Avatar

    Yikes. I tried the armpit detox and now NO deodorant works very well. I’m afraid that I’m now the stinky girl at work. Sad face.

    This is my first Wellness Mama fail.

  4. Rona Avatar

    I’ve tried this a few months ago and it has totally helped me! Most of the time I won’t have any odor even without using deodorant.
    But, instead of the natural deodorant recipe that you’ve suggeted (which is without doubt really good and I’ve tried it) it’s been a few months I use something I’ve “accidently discovered” and it works miracles for me!
    I’ve bought an Red Rasberry aroma (all natural, used for food) to use it for other stuff and I used it once as a deodorant just to try how it works. Since then, I can’t change it with anything! It has a great scent, it’s not oily, really easy to apply and doesn’t have any harmful chemicals!
    Just thoght to share it with you as it might help anyone who wants to try it, as it has helped me!
    And I’ve shared your detox recipe with my friends! THANK YOU for this truly life changing detox Katie 😀

  5. Jennifer Avatar

    How long before the itching stops altogether? I have been doing this about 2 weeks now. I will say that I am having better results compared to just switching to natural deodorant, as I have tried to switch several times over the years but returned in disgust to corporate deodorant. I am experiencing some itching still, not as bad but still annoying. I also chuckled at myself, when I realized that the garlic smell I faintly smelt was actually the ACV. I do notice that most days now I don’t have odor, like before.

    So thank you for putting this out there.

    1. Wellness Mama Avatar

      Yes! You really should…. Otherwise you are just reapplying the same toxins to your skin that you are trying to get out! It’s counterproductive.

  6. Elizabeth Avatar

    I was just wondering if this is safe to do while breastfeeding? I’ve read detoxing isn’t recommended while bf’ing because of toxins going through the breastmilk and was wondering if the same rules apply here. Thanks so much!

  7. Sarah Avatar

    Hi Katie! I’m 32 weeks pregnant and actually wanted to do this back in January, ordered the clay you mentioned, and then found out I was pregnant before getting do it! I held off because on the label it says something about the state of California and birth defects, etc. I’m wondering now, since I’m third trimester, if it can be used. Anyone used this while pregnant? I hate using normal deodorant with all the chemicals but the natural stuff just isn’t cutting it, I smell funky;) or any other, safer ideas for detoxing? I’m going to breastfeed so I’d like to do it before baby comes:)

      1. Sarah Avatar

        okay so no other ideas? it’s really frustrating. i don’t want to use the other stuff but it’s the only thing that doesn’t give me a rash or make my stinky!!

        1. Wellness Mama Avatar

          I know… it’s a pain. Trust me, I was either pregnant or nursing for close to 6 years in a row. That’s why I have like 4 deo recipes on this site 😉
          If it’s not cost-prohibitive, you might want to keep searching for alternatives. Sometimes you need to detox, and sometimes you just haven’t found the magic bullet yet.

  8. Erica Avatar

    I tried a natural deodorant from Green Tidings…absolutely loved it (could skip a day) except it made my left armpit swell (felt bruised and had a lump)…don’t know if it was a LN or a sweat gland. So I stopped it for a few days using CO and the essential oils of cypress, orange, and grapefruit since they are known to help with lymphatic drainage until the swelling subsided and then I started using it again (to test to see if there was a direct relationship and not just a coincidence)…swelling returned. So, I threw it away and used one of your recipes (wellness mama) to make my own natural deodorant stick that had the same ingredients as the Green Tidings…coconut oil, shea butter, baking soda, arrowroot powder, and essential oils (instead of lavender that the green tidings had used, I used cypress, grapefruit, and orange thinking maybe that Green Tidings didn’t use quality EOs and maybe i was reacting to that…swelling returned! So I threw that away and I switched to “The Healthy Deodorant” thinking maybe I was reacting to the baking soda and this brand doesn’t use baking soda. It’s been 3 months using it and no swelling until a day ago (after a heavy workout where I sweated A LOT and then shaved afterward). So now I’m wondering if i need to detox my pits and just so happened to find this article while searching about green tea of all things. I will try it. Exactly how does one dry brush for? What brush, how long, best after a bath, everyday??? Thanks!

    1. Daniela Avatar

      I think maybe you are having a reaction to the essential oils. Even 1 drop of EO is a lot for a single stick of deo, and since you used 3 it maybe too much. How long have you been using natural deo? If its been less than 2 months perhaps you are detoxing.

      I am now about 5 months in and go with NO deodorant! ZERO. None! I’m thrilled because before I would have never dreamed of going without…. So what I did was when I first switched over I used plain coconut oil for about a week until I decided to make my own. The amount of ingredients others used was entirely too much so you must modify to your needs. I ended up using a small container ( about the size of most jar deos) and filled it up with coconut oil. Added VERY LITTLE baking soda (compared to what others say to use. maybe added 2 pinches of baking soda with fingers.1 drop of lemongrass EO and 1 of Clove Bud.

      This worked well for me during the detox period, no swelling or lumps. I took ‘detox baths’ adding 10 or so drops of EO in a bath and soaking my pits. I bought bentonite clay mix with ACV and applied to pits to draw toxins out faster. I still smelled sometimes in 1 pit or woke up smelly but looking back now it was all apart of the detox period.

      After few weeks I bought some Primal Pit Paste and never looked back!! I tried Orange in kids version to start with … my pit became sore and red for maybe 20 mins but quickly went away. Sometimes the EO or Baking Soda you just have to get used to … Like how I worked my way on up to the heavy stuff. I’m positive had I tried Primal from day 1 I would have stopped natural deos all together. Lol

      After a few months on the Orange Creamsicle I switched to a stronger version Royal and Rogue scent of PPP for summer, it contains 7 or so different EO and I can tolerate it now. It took atleast 4-5 months to completely detox and I can go wiith zero deodorant. Give yourself time and clean up your diet, the o0nly time I smell is if I slip up and eat KFC it happened once lol I reeked.

      Also drink a capful of ACV in your water every day and take probiotics if you don’t already this detoxes the body. Capryllic Acid, Chlorophyl does too.

      1. drew Avatar

        about a year ago i had only one deodorant that would not burn. eventually, that one failed as well. began to look into all the harmful chemicals in these products and decided to go without. or almost without. began to use coconut oil religiously in my pits and as an overall moisturizer. i will admit that i too stunk for about 2-3 months. im pretty sure i had candida and began to treat that with a combination of diet, bone broth, turmeric, garlic, pau d arco, and ACV. it took awhile and there were definitely days i felt bad for others in my presence, but i work in contruction so i was not the only one that stunk 😉 also used a clay + ACV mask one a week on my head and neck as well as coffee enema weekly. coffee is a bit awkward to begin with, but once you get into a rhythm, feels great. and really helped me to understand my body and how it works. im happy to announce that one year later, i too can go without ANY deodorant. and yes, when you eat something you know youre not supposed to, you can feel it and smell it. it takes a lot of trial and error and a lot of sticktuitivness(?) but with the right mindset, it can be done! and youll feel better for it. 🙂

  9. Kathi Avatar

    5 stars
    I definitely will try this as soon as the Bentonite clay I ordered yesterday gets here! I love my homemade deodorant but I have been having problems with itching (something that has occurred in the past with regular and crystal deodorant). I can’t believe how effective the homemade deodorant is! I will never go back.

    Katie, keep up the great work, I love using your recipes to make my own beauty products!

  10. Joan Avatar

    Will either the detox or the natural deodorant work when I’ve had all lymph glands removed? I, too, have the right arm problem.

  11. Luna Avatar

    Proyplene glycol is not anti-freeze. That’s Ethylene glycol. Propylene glycol is found in foods, medical nebulizer solutions and IV solutions. If it’s safe to inhale or inject into your veins, chances are it’s safe on your skin.

  12. quianna Avatar

    I have been using primal put paste because i dont have time to make my own. Its been a couple months and before that i was using a different “natural” one. Well my armpits have been really dark almost black since using these. Any idea why? I wouldnt say i have bo but sometimes my pits do stink and i still sweat prettt regularly. Guessing a detox might be in order?

  13. Krystle Avatar

    If I make a batch of this how long would it last? Should I throw it in the fridge?

  14. Kim Boden Avatar
    Kim Boden

    5 stars
    Thank you so much for the advice in this blog. I (and those around me) have been dealing with my natural odors. Antiperspirant and deodorant cause me to break out. I have used “natural” options as well, however they also caused me to breakout even worse. My skin would get irritated, and then peel off. Nasty! I would wash with soap and water, and then use isopropyl alcohol to cleanse. It would work for and hour until I smelled like the end of the day.
    After reading your advice about bentonite clay mask I ordered it from Amazon, and this weekend did an armpit cleanse. Now my armpits smell like skin and not a homeless person! Thank you so very much for the advice, I am very greatful, and so is everyone around me!

  15. Tiffany Avatar

    5 stars
    I just tried this a couple of days ago and have done it twice in the evening time. I loved it and noticed that it definitely helped my natural deodarant. I don’t have as strong an odor after hours of wearing the natural deodarant. My question that I have can I close my armpits once the clay is applied or do I have to keep my arms up in the air. I know it may sound funny, but I wasn’t sure so I’ve applied the clay and then left my arms up in the air, I had to lay down. I know its a crazy question, but I just started trying a more holistic approach to body care, so I have some questions… Thank you!

  16. Lindsay Avatar

    5 stars
    This is a terrific natural deodorant that really works! Available with or without baking soda!

  17. Denice Avatar

    Hi. I just tried the detox recipe but after applying it I realized I used a metal spoon! I don’t know why i just absent mindly did it. Did I mess things up? Did I poison myself?
    Thanks for the response.

  18. Ericka Espino Avatar
    Ericka Espino

    5 stars
    Hi: Great article. Thanks for sharing. I made a homemade deo and have been using it for a while know, it’s has done the job and I love it. It includes bentonite clay as well but I’m a bit concerned since I read some bentonite clay may include aluminium. The one I ordered doesn’t give information about this. What would you recommend? Is there a way to prove if it has aluminium?

  19. Cathy Melchiori Avatar
    Cathy Melchiori

    I noticed the bentonite clay i recently ordered is sodium not calcium bentonite. Is that as good as the calcium?

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